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Guided Learning Activity Kit
How We Come to Realize That the Earth
is not the Center of the Universe
Quarter 2- Week 1
Physical Science – Grade 12
Guided Learning Activity Kit
How We Come to Realize That the Earth is not the Center of the Universe
Quarter 2- Week 1

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Guided Learning Activity Kit Development Team

Writer: Euman F. Parong EdD

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Many of us have been amazed by the orderly motion and position of the
planets and stars. In your earlier science courses, you have studied our star system
and have noted the relative motion of the different planets through advanced
technologies. You have also known about the actual shape of the Earth. However,
you would probably be amazed how ancient people over earlier years came up with
the idea of the spherical Earth, and some of the astronomical phenomena despite
the fact that the telescopes were not yet invented during their times.

In this lesson, you will deal with not only the astronomical phenomena
observed by the ancient people, but also some of the best minds in history, both
philosophers and scientists, who contributed to the understanding of such
astronomical phenomena during the earlier times.

Learning Competencies

1. Explain how the Greeks knew that the Earth is spherical (S11/12PS-IVa-38).

2. Cite examples of astronomical phenomena known to astronomers before the

advent of telescopes (S11/12PS-IVa-41).

3. Explain how Brahe’s innovations and extensive collection of data in observational

astronomy paved the way for Kepler’s discovery of his laws of planetary motion.

1|P age

At the end of this Guided Learning Activity Kit, you are expected to:
1. describe how the Greeks knew that the Earth is spherical;
2. give astronomical phenomena known to astronomers before the telescopes
had been invented; and
3. relate Brahe’s innovations and Kepler’s discovery of the three laws of
planetary motion.


Directions: Check your knowledge on the different concepts you learned from your
previous lessons regarding astronomical facts and phenomena by answering the
questions as follows:

1. Which star in the constellation Ursa Minor is said to be the brightest and very
close to the north celestial pole, making it the current pole star?
2. What do you call to the optical instrument used to see distant object and observe
heavenly bodies?
3. Which heavenly body is at the center of the Solar System?
4. An eclipse that occurs when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth and
the moon partially or completely blocks out the sun.
5. A phenomenon that occurs when the Earth casts its shadow on the moon when
the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon.
6. A model that states the earth as the center of the cosmos or universe.
7. What is third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to
harbor life?
8. A model that describes the Sun as the center of the Universe and which the Earth
and planets revolve around it.
9. What is the shape of the Earth?
10. _________________ is a regular, repeating path that one object in space takes
around another one.
Polaris Earth Solar Eclipse Telescope
Lunar Eclipse Orbit Oblate Spheroid Sun
Heliocentric Model Geocentric Model

2|P age

How did the Greeks Know that the Earth is Spherical?

What do you think is the shape of the Earth? Nowadays, because of the advent
of the advanced technologies, we have proven that the Earth is actually oblate
spheroid. It is bulging in the equator and has squeezed poles.

Long time ago, the ancient people believed that the Earth’s shape is flat.
However, some Greek philosophers came into an idea that the Earth is not flat. It is
a common story that has been told about the sailors’ experiences as an evidence of
the roundness of the earth. As the ship appears on the horizon, the upper portion of
the ship becomes visible first. A number of astronomy texts over time have used this
to explain the shape of the Earth. If the Earth was flat, it would be more likely to see
the whole ship when it became visible.

Another version of the story is the Greeks’ concept of a disappearing ship. If

the Earth was flat, then a ship that traveled away from the observer would become
smaller and smaller until it totally vanished. The Greeks observed that the ship
became smaller at first, and then its body had vanished before its sail seemed to be
swathed by the water until it was completely gone.

The idea that the Earth is a sphere was traced back about 500 B.C (5th
century B.C). At that time, the ancient Greeks widely accepted that the Earth was
round, not flat. It was Pythagoras, along with his pupils, who were the first to propose
a spherical Earth.

In 500 to 430 B.C., Anaxagoras supported the Pythagoras’ proposal about the
spherical nature of the Earth through his observations on the shadow of the Earth
reflected on the moon’s surface during a lunar eclipse. Such reflection was circular.
This suggested that the Earth is a sphere.

Do you also notice the shadow of the Earth it casts on the moon during lunar
eclipse? What is the shape of the shadow? If you have not yet noticed what happens
during that phenomenon, get a flashlight and two ping pong balls. In a dark room,
align the flashlight and the balls horizontally. Illuminate one ball using the flashlight
and see the shadow it casts on the ball behind it. Do you confirm the circular shape
of the shadow cast on the ball behind the illuminated ball?

Around 340 B.C., Aristotle provided certain arguments to validate Pythagoras’

idea of spherical Earth. He also observed that some stars visible in Egypt and in
Cyprus were not seen in the northern regions. Since this could only occur on a
curved surface, he likewise thought that Earth was a sphere of small in size.

3|P age
Having been given the opportunities to travel some places around the world
and observed the sky, did you see any difference on the star patterns from the place
where you are living to the places where you visited? How do you describe the
location of the Polaris? Polaris or commonly the North Star is thought to be at a fixed
position in the sky. Yet, the Greeks observed that this star is much closer to the
horizon when they traveled to places near the equator.

The following are the other physical and observational arguments of Aristotle
to support the idea of a spherical Earth:

• The sphere is a perfect solid and the heavens are regions of perfection;
• The component pieces of the Earth that fell naturally towards its center
would press into a round form;
• During eclipse, the shadow of the Earth is always circular: a flat disc would
cast an oval shadow;
• Even in short travels northwards, the Pole Star is higher in the sky; and
• The Sun and the Moon were both spherical, so with the Earth.

If the Earth is really a sphere, what will be then its circumference? Around
240 B.C., a Greek mathematician Eratosthenes, arrived at nearly the exact same
figure as what we know this present time regarding the Earth’s circumference using
a different approach.

Astronomical Phenomena Known to Astronomers Before the Advent of Telescopes

As you look up and observe the stars that move across the sky, do you wonder
where in the universe these stars have been placed? Throughout history, human
civilizations have developed various unique systems in understanding heavenly
bodies. Astronomers in Babylonia and Egypt developed systems that became the
source for Greek astronomy. Moreover, the Babylonians developed precise
mathematical formulae for predicting astronomical events. Their mathematical
theory was sophisticated, concise, and capable of foreseeing lunar and planetary
phases and positions with amazing accuracy. For many researchers, Babylonians’
techniques represented the first true scientific revolution.

Additionally, Mayans in Mexico and Central America developed a

sophisticated calendar based on the planet Venus, and they devised astronomical
observations only for such purpose. The Polynesians navigated with the help of the
stars over hundreds of kilometers of Open Ocean (a skill that served as a means to
colonize new islands). In Britain, before the prevalent use of writing, ancient people
used stones to trace the movement of the Sun and Moon.

4|P age
The sky and the various phenomena associated to the heavenly bodies played
significant roles to our ancestors. The sky served as a practical tool of survival in our
ancestors’ day to day life. The sky became their primary means of telling the time,
of navigation, and of determining when to plant crops through observing
astronomical events.

Even prior to the advent of telescopes, ancient people had observed various
astronomical phenomena. The common objects observed in the sky are the moon
and sun. Civilizations in Babylonia and Egypt used a primitive type of a sundial,
known as the gnomon, in observing the movement of the sun. With the shadows cast
by this primitive device, they could observe that the sun rises in the east, reaches
its highest point during midday, and sets in West. Moreover, these ancient
civilizations recorded the variations of sunrise and sunset on the horizon over a year
which periodically occur. They noted that these variations are associated to weather
and concluded that seasonal changes in climate take place every year.

On the other hand, ancient

people observed the changing path of
moon and its appearance within a
period of 29.5 days. They observed
that the moon appeared to be full
circular disk from thin semi-circular
disk. These phases of the moon
became the basis of the ancient

Aside from the observation in the different phases of the moon, ancient people also
noticed that there are times when the moon or part of it appeared to be covered by a
shadow for a short time. Such phenomenon is known today as a lunar eclipse in
which the moon changes its color into a dark or somewhat blood red. In addition, a
solar eclipse was also observed by the ancient people. In this phenomenon, the Moon
is in the middle of the Sun and the Earth, and in which the moon partly or fully
covers the sun.

Prior to the invention of telescope, there were also numerous theories and
falsely acclaimed planets that were actually stars, or other particles in the sky. In
reality, only six planets are visible to the human eye, while Uranus and Neptune can
only be seen with the help of a telescopic device.

Without the use of telescope, how did the ancient people see other planets?
Unfortunately, the only way was with the naked eye. With the naked eye however,
an individual at the correct time of the day could see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, and most obviously the Earth. The best time to see these planets is before
the sunrise or right after the sunset.

5|P age
Now, without the aid of a telescope, try to locate Venus, Mercury, Mars,
Saturn and Jupiter in the night sky. Do this every month to see the changes of
positions of these planets.

Brahe’s Innovations and Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) was a Danish nobleman who did not completely
believe in Copernicus’ heliocentric theory- the Earth and planets revolve around the
Sun at the center of the Universe. However, this theory did not concern him so much.
Instead, he devoted his life in observing planetary motions. At that time, telescope
had not yet been invented, so he devised his own instruments. He constructed the
first great observatory and called it Uraniborg, the Castle of the Heavens. In this
observatory, he worked on measuring and recording planetary orbits with
astounding accuracy for twenty years, and he calculated the measurement error in
his instruments. Moreover, Brahe also found out that the previously recorded
measurements of the planets in the texts of the time were wrong. With his new
measuring devices, he was able to record the position of the planets with the best
possible accuracy for naked eye observations.

Even with the aid of his keen observations, Brahe could not detect any
changes in the positions of the stars throughout the years, which must take place if
the Earth revolves around the Sun. If he had, this would have established direct
proof of the earth’s motion. This parallax effect was not detected by astronomers
until the 29th century. You can see this effect by holding a finger about six inches
from your face and alternately closing one eye and then the other. You should see
your finger “jump” relative to background objects.

Furthermore, Brahe proposed a model of the solar system to explain Galileo’s

observation that Venus has phases without making it necessary for Earth to be
moving. His model had all the planets (except Earth) orbiting around the Sun, but
then the Sun orbited around the Earth. This model satisfies all the observations
because it corresponds to reality except that is viewed from the point of view of
someone on earth.

Before he died, Brahe entrusted to one of his students, Johannes Kepler, the
work of editing, correcting and publishing his planetary tables.

Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was a brilliant mathematician. In spite of the
lack of his teacher’s skill for observation and experimentation, he was rewarded for
it with a sharp and calculating mind.

6|P age
Kepler’s ultimate friendship with Brahe and Galileo began when he had sent
them copies of his book that contains a defense of the Copernican system.

Kepler strongly believed the simplicity of natural laws. He was able to

formulate three general laws on planetary motion with the use of the records and
data which Brahe entrusted to him.

Initially, Kepler worked on the theory of circular orbits for the planet’s motion
around the sun. But during his work, he discovered that the position of Mars as
calculated on this theory deviated by eight minutes (1/60 of a degree) from the
position recorded by Brahe. Kepler trusted his teacher’s observations. He knew that
Brahe could not have committed an experimental error of this magnitude. Because
he had been loyal with his teacher and his records, Kepler gave up his theory of
circular orbits. According to him, upon those eight minutes and by his faith in
Brahe’s degree of accuracy, he would yet construct a theory of the universe.

Diverting his attention to the earth, he noticed that it did not move with
uniform speed along its orbit. He noted that it moved faster in winter than in
summer. He argued that this variation in speeds might be due to the effect of the
sun on the planet- the effect that he could not clearly define. Nevertheless, with this
observation on uneven speeds, he was able to discover a simple law: The line from
the sun to the earth sweeps out to equal areas in equal times. This is known as
Kepler’s Second Law of Planetary Motion (Refer to Figure 2).

Sometime later, while plotting the orbit of Mars, he discovered that a circular
orbit did not match with his mathematical computations. But an elliptical orbit did.
In fact, he had the same observations with the orbits of all the other planets. And
so, he came up with a basic law: Each planet moves in an ellipse with the sun in one
focus. This is now known as Kepler’s First Law of Planetary Motion (Refer to Figure 3).

Figure 2 Illustration of Kepler’s Second Law Figure 3 Illustration of Kepler’s First Law

7|P age
You probably expected that Kepler could have stopped with the second law.
But he did not. His mathematical inclination and unbounded faith in the simplicity
of nature’s laws motivated him further in seeking a mathematical constant- a value
that embraces the key to those simple, repeating patterns hidden in a seemingly
complicated universe. He asked: What simple, numerical relationship exists between
the orbit radius of the planets and their period or revolution around the sun?

Table 1 gives values similar to what confronted Kepler with that great
challenge of unraveling a constant.

Table 1

Revolution of Some Celestial Objects Around the Sun

Object Orbit’s Radius Period

(x 1011 m) (107 s)
Mercury 0.58 0.76
Venus 1.08 1.94
Earth 1.49 3.16
Mars 2.28 5.94
Jupiter 7.78 37.4
Saturn 14.3 93.0
Moon 0.0038 0.236

Based on the above table, you might want to make your own intelligent
guesses as to how to get a constant out of the two values, R and T. In short, what
remains constant in each of the planets? Is it the ratio R/T, R/T2, R2/T2?

Once you try it, you may realize that it takes a lot of effort to keep on going.
You can just imagine the overwhelming experience by Kepler when he finally found
out that the ratio of the cube of the average radius of the orbit to the square of the time
of revolution was constant for all the planets. This is Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary
Motion. In symbols, the law can be expressed as

R3/T2 = k

R = Orbit Radius

T = Period of Revolution

K = constant

8|P age

Guided Practice 1

Directions: Write T if the statement is TRUE or F if it is FALSE.

1. It was Anaxagoras who floated the idea that the Earth is spherical.

2. According to Aristotle, the sphere is a perfect solid and the heavens are regions of

3. In the Greeks’ concept of a disappearing ship, if the Earth were flat, then a ship
traveling away from the observer would become smaller at first, then its body
vanishes before its sail seems to be swathed by the water until it is completely

4. Anaxagoras supported the Pythagoras’ proposal about the spherical nature of the
Earth through his observations on the shadow of the Earth reflected on the moon’s
surface during a lunar eclipse.

5. The North Star is believed to be at a fixed position in the sky.

6. Babylonians developed precise mathematical formulae for predicting astronomical


7. Before the prevalent use of writing, ancient people in America and China used
stones to trace the movement of the Sun and Moon.

8. All planets can be visible to the human eye.

9. Before the invention of telescope, there were several theories and falsely acclaimed
planets that were actually stars, or other particles in the sky.

10. Only lunar eclipse was the astronomical phenomenon observed by the ancient

9|P age
Guided Practice 2

Directions: Identify the persons responsible for the following ideas or contributions:

1. The Sun and the Moon were both spherical, so with the Earth.

2. Each planet moves in an ellipse with the sun in one focus.

3. The shadow of the Earth reflected on the moon’s surface during a lunar eclipse is
circular. Thus, the Earth is a sphere.

4. The component pieces of the Earth that fell naturally towards its center would
press into a round form.

5. The Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Universe.

6. The ratio of the cube of the average radius of the orbit to the square of the time of
revolution was constant for all the planets.

7. Model of the solar system explaining Galileo’s observation that Venus has phases
without making it necessary for Earth to be moving.

8. Three Laws of Planetary Motion

9. Measurement of the Earth’s circumference almost the same figure as what we

know this present time.

10. First to propose the spherical Earth

Independent Practice
Directions: Read and analyze Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion. With your
own understanding of the said Laws of Planetary Motion, illustrate or sketch the first
two. Refer to the discussion part of this Guided Learning Activity Kit for your

10 | P a g e

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is the shape of the Earth according to ancient Greeks?
a. Cylinder b. Flat Disc c. Octagon d. Sphere

2. What is the shape of the Earth as described by modern astronomy?

a. Ellipsoid c. Oblate Spheroid
b. Hyperboloid d. Oblate Paraboloid

3. Which of the following ancient Greek philosophers computed for the circumference
of the Earth?
a. Anaxagoras b. Pythagoras c. Eratosthenes d. Aristotle

4. Which of the following describes the position of the North Star if you go farther
away from the equator?
a. Closer to the horizon
b. Farther away from the horizon
c. It disappears completely.
d. The North Star is fixed wherever you are on the Earth.

5. Which of the following can be observed on a cruising ship if the Earth is a flat
a. It would not change its size.
b. It would become bigger and bigger.
c. It would become smaller and smaller until it disappears.
d. It would have shrunk then only the sail will be visible until it completely

6. Who was given credit as the first person proposing the Earth to have the spherical
a. Aristotle b. Pythagoras c. Anaxagoras d. Eratosthenes

7. This refers to the astronomical phenomenon observed by the ancient people when
the moon or part of it appeared to be covered by a shadow for a short time.
a. Lunar Eclipse b. Solar Eclipse c. Parallax Effect d. Tide

11 | P a g e
8. How did the ancient people observe other planets if in their times, the telescope
had not been invented?
a. They used the microscope instead.
b. They used any other devices to see heavenly bodies.
c. They just observed planets with the use of their naked eyes.
d. Observation did not happen as there were no available instruments to

9. What do you call the primitive version of a sundial used by Babylonian and
Egyptian civilizations in observing the movement of the sun?
a. Gnomon c. Stick and Stones
b. Compendium d. Babylonian Tablet

10. How were the astronomical phenomena significant to ancient people?

a. Served as a practical tool of survival.
b. Primary means of telling the time.
c. Used for navigation and colonizing islands.
d. All of the Above.

11. He is known for his three general laws of planetary motion.

a. Tycho Brahe c. Galileo
b. Aristotle d. Johannes Kepler

12. How is the Kepler’s First Law of Planetary Motion stated?

a. Each planet moves in an ellipse with the sun in one focus.
b. The line from the sun to the earth sweeps out to equal areas in equal
c. A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion continuously in
motion unless acted upon by the outside force.
d. The ratio of the cube of the average radius of the orbit to the square of the
time of revolution was constant for all the planets.

13. He proposed a model of the solar system explaining the observation of Galileo
that Venus has phases without making it necessary for Earth to be moving.
a. Johannes Kepler c. Galileo
b. Aristotle d. Tycho Brahe

14. What is first great observatory constructed by Tycho Brahe?

a. Uraniborg, the Castle of the Heavens
b. Astronomical Observatory Institute
c. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
d. None of the Above

12 | P a g e
15. This Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion tells us that the motion of the planets is
not uniform circular motion.
a. Kepler’s First Law of Planetary Motion
b. Kepler’s Second Law of Planetary Motion
c. Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary Motion
d. None of the Above


Concept Learned:

1. The idea that the Earth is a sphere was traced back about 500 B.C. Pythagoras
was the first to propose that the Earth is spherical.

2. Anaxagoras supported the Pythagoras’ claim of the spherical nature of the Earth
with his observations on the shadow of the Earth reflected on the surface of the moon
during a lunar eclipse.

3. Aristotle supported the Pythagoras’ idea of a spherical Earth with his physical and
observational arguments as follows:

• The sphere is a perfect solid and the heavens are regions of perfection;
• The component pieces of the Earth that fell naturally towards its center
would press into a round form;
• During eclipse, the shadow of the Earth is always circular: a flat disc
would cast an oval shadow;
• Even in short travels northwards, the Pole Star is higher in the sky;
• The Sun and the Moon were both spherical, so with the Earth.

4. Human civilizations have developed various unique systems in understanding

heavenly bodies. Babylonian and Egyptian astronomers developed systems that
became the source for Greek astronomy.

5. Both Lunar and Solar Eclipses were among the astronomical phenomena observed
by the ancient people before the invention of the telescopes.

6. Ancient people observed planets with their naked eye.

7. Tycho Brahe devoted his life in observing planetary motions. He built the first
great observatory known as the Uraniborg.

13 | P a g e
8. Johannes Kepler proposed the Three Laws of Planetary Motion.

9. Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion are as follows:

a. First Law: Each planet moves in an ellipse with the sun in one focus.

b. Second Law: The line from the sun to the earth sweeps out to equal areas

in equal times.

c. Third Law: The ratio of the cube of the average radius of the orbit to the

square of the time of revolution was constant for all the planets.

14 | P a g e

"Ancient Greek Astronomy And Cosmology | Modeling The Cosmos | Articles And
Essays | Finding Our Place In The Cosmos: From Galileo To Sagan And
Beyond | Digital Collections | Library Of Congress". The Library of
Congress, 2020.

"Redirecting...". Facebook.Com, 2020.


"Redirecting...". Facebook.Com, 2020.


Giancoli, Douglas. Physics: Principles with Applications. 5th ed. Reprint, Singapore:
Pearson Education, Asia Pte Ltd, 1999.

Moncada, Maria Noemi, Roly Bayo-Ang, Maria Lourdes Coronacion, Annamae Jorda,
and Anna Jamille Restubog. Physical Science for Senior High School. Reprint,
Quezon City: Educational Resources Corporation, 2016.

Portugal, Hideliza, Alicia Padua, Emma Fondevilla, Ricardo Crisostomo, and Henry
Ramos. Science and Technology for Fourth Year. Reprint, Metro Manila: Vibal
Publishing House, Inc., 1997.

15 | P a g e
16 | P a g e
Independent Practice
1. Polaris Answers may vary. Refer to the figures on the
2. Telescope discussion part or to the figures below.
3. Sun
4. Solar Eclipse
5. Lunar Eclipse
6. Geocentric Model
7. Earth
8. Heliocentric Model
9. Oblate Spheroid
10. Orbit
Guide Practice 1
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. T
10. F
Figure a. Kepler’s First Law
Guide Practice 2 Figure b. Kepler’s Second Law
1. Aristotle
2. Johannes Kepler Assessment
3. Anaxagoras 1. d
4. Aristotle 2. c
5. Copernicus 3. c
6. Johannes Kepler 4. b
7. Tycho Brahe 5. c
8. Johannes Kepler 6. b
9. Erathosthenes 7. a
10. Pythagoras 8. c
9. a
10. d
11. d
12. a
13. d
14. a
15. a
Key to Corrections

The Schools Division of Zambales would like to express its heartfelt gratitude
to the following, who in one way or the other, have contributed to the successful
preparation, development, quality assurance, printing, and distribution of the
Quarter 2 Guided Learning Activity Kits (GLAKs) in all learning areas across grade
levels as a response to providing the learners with developmentally-appropriate,
contextualized and simplified learning resources with most essential learning
competencies (MELCs)-based activities anchored on the principles of guided learning
and explicit instruction:

First, the Learning Resources (LR) Development Team composed of the writers
and graphic artists for devoting much of their time and exhausting their best efforts
to produce these indispensable learning kits used for the implementation of learning
delivery modalities.

Second, the content editors, language reviewers, and layout evaluators

making up the Division Quality Assurance Team (DQAT) for having carefully
evaluated all GLAKs to ensure quality and compliance to DepEd standards.

Third, the Provincial Government of Zambales, for unceasingly extending its

financial assistance to augment the funds for the printing of these learning resources
for use by learners and parents at home.

Fourth, the teacher-advisers and subject teachers, in close coordination with

the school heads, for their weekly distribution and retrieval of the GLAKs and for
their frequent monitoring of the learners’ progress through various means; and

Finally, the parents and other home learning facilitators for giving the learners
the needed guidance and support for them to possibly accomplish the tasks and for
gradually helping them become independent learners.

To deliver learning continuity in this challenging circumstance would not be

possible without your collective effort and strong commitment to serving our
Zambaleño learners.

Again, our sincerest thanks!

The Management Team






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