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Editing Checklist:

❏ Appropriate headline, written as a sentence
❏ Clear, relevant photo
❏ Caption
❏ Credits
❏ Resized to 900x600 pixels
❏ Writer position
❏ Tags
❏ Categorization

❏ Proper use of names
❏ Use last name after first mention
❏ Grade is lowercase unless it the beginning of a sentence
❏ Ex: Regarding the struggles in the second half as compared to the breezy
first, senior Brooke Ditcham believes the team should relax and play the
❏ Proper quote citation
❏ Ex: "I think we're going well finishing and sending through balls to forwards," Davey
❏ Ex: “I want to be someone that students feel comfortable talking to, that they’re
never afraid to ask questions,” Smith said. “I like to create a really open,
conversational classroom atmosphere where students can ask questions, where they
can pose problems, where they feel like they can come see me before and after
school about things related to the class or unrelated.”
❏ Spelling
❏ Grammar

❏ Is it well reported?
❏ Are there multiple, reliable sources?
❏ Is the meaning of the article clear?
❏ Does it fulfill the requirements for the type of article? (review, news, feature, etc)
First Edits:

News Edits (First edits - go over all the formatting necessities)

- Bias → remove any form of opinion or feature writing

- 5 Ws and H in the first graf (who, what, where, when, why, how)
- At least 2-3 balanced sources
- Inverted pyramid (the most important to least important information)
- Short graf size
- Quotes should be their own graf
- When asking for edits on slack, tag Shreya

Sports Edits (First edits - go over all the formatting necessities)

Sports Article Checklist - for writers

- No cheerleader writing
- 5 Ws & H; winner and loser & score +any special angle
- Chronological order after first graf
- Includes important plays/players
- Relevant quotes
- Players (both teams)
- Coaches
- Spectators
- End with date for next game
- When asking for edits on slack, tag James M, James F, or Rohun

Features Edits (First edits - go over all the formatting necessities)

- No opinion
- Feature lead
- Nut graf (5 w’s)
- Creative flow
❏ Voice of individual(s) involved
- Multiple sources (at least 2-3)
- Solid quotes→ things to add weight to ideas presented in article
- Early on
- When asking for edits on slack, tag Amelia
Opinions Edits (First edits - go over all the formatting necessities)

- Firm stance early on in the article

- Well-researched; uses data
- Takes other side into account and consolidate your position
- Limited use of first person (preaching), rhetorical questions, emotion
- Offer solutions → future outlook
- Respectful, appropriate tone
- When asking for edits on slack, tag Pravar

Reviews Edits (First edits - go over all the formatting necessities)

- Explain basics of concept

- Mentions pros and cons
- Similar recommendations
- Rating
- Shouldn’t be too long (max approx. 800 words)
- When asking for edits on slack, tag Pravar

Photo Gallery Edits (First edits - go over all the formatting necessities)

- 900x600 pixels
- Avoid backs of people
- Good-looking picture (technicality)
- Clear
- Logical order
- Complete captions
- Credits
- When asking for edits on slack, go to social media 1st edits channel

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