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Nama : Marrena Dyas Sangrilla

NPM : 21540081

Dad Marjoko Mom Tias Oktaviani

Me Rena Brother Amel

Brother Fani Brother ananta

my name is marrena dyas sangrilla. You can call me rena. I am seventeen years old. I have six people in
my family. I live in Sukoharjo. I will introduce my family.

in my family I have a father, my father's name is marjoko, he is forty-two, my father's job is a driver, and
I have a mother named tias oktaviani, she is thirty-eight years old, my mother's job is laborer, and I also
have three siblings, the first is Amelia Dwi Rindiyanti, she is twelve years old, she is in the first grade of
junior high school, the second is Refani Naila Salsa, when she is four years old, she is in kindergarten, the
third, Muhammad Gibran Ananta, two years old.

And I also have a cat, my cat's name is ciko

will tell my activities from waking up to sleeping again, I wake up at half past five, after waking up I pray,
then help my mother clean the house and cook rice and then have breakfast, after that I take a shower,
after taking a shower I take my sister to school and take care of my sister I am still small, at twelve I eat
again and pray, if there is time for college I do lessons through the team until five o'clock, after that I
take a bath and pray, at maghrib prayer at six, then help my sister do the assigned tasks. given by the
teacher, at the seventh ishak prayer, then repeat the material given from the lecturer during the lesson,
when it is finished washing feet, face, and sleeping

I will also tell my family's activities from waking up to sleeping again

my father wakes up at four in the morning then takes a shower, prays, and controls the truck until
seven in the morning, after that he has breakfast and plays on his cellphone, if there is a call from the
factory, he goes directly to the factory to pick up the load and then leaves for Jakarta, if not only at
home to play cell phone, at twelve o'clock pray and eat again then sleep, wake up at three in the
afternoon pray again take a shower, eat and watch tv, until six o'clock at night after that pray, pray at
seven o'clock at night again, after finishing the tahajjud prayer in the mosque until ten o'clock at night ,
then go home wash your feet, face, then sleep my mother's activities, she wakes up at four in the
morning, takes a bath, prays, then goes to the market to buy vegetables, and cooks until seven in the
morning, after that breakfast after breakfast my mother sews until noon at twelve noon, prays, eats,
then sews again until the afternoon at four o'clock in the afternoon, then mother took a shower, prayed
and ate, after that bathed my sister, cleaned the house, swept the front of the house, next to the house,
until six o'clock at night, then prayed again after that watching tv until eight o'clock at night, then pray,
then sleep the activities of my younger siblings all wake up at five in the morning, then pray together,
take a shower, the oldest brother washes the dishes before leaving for school, after that breakfast
number two and number 3 at seven in the morning have gone to school, number 4 is at home with
mother , at ten o'clock in the morning go home and eat, after that sleep until one o'clock in the
afternoon, wake up, pray and eat again, the second and third sisters do their homework from school,
the little ones play ball, until four o'clock in the afternoon, after four o'clock in the afternoon, everyone
was told to take a bath with mother, after bathing, pray, eat, then watch Upin Ipin until six o'clock in the
evening, pray again, and play together, it was already seven o'clock at night, told to pray, after prayer
study again, after studying, wash hands, wash feet , then sleep

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