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Hanoi University of Business and Technology Lexicology

---------------------- Test code: 1

HUBT Testing Center Time allowance:60 minutes

Question 1: What are synonyms? What is the distinction between strict synonymy and
loose synonymy? (2 points)
- A synonym is a word or phrase that means the same (or very nearly the
same) as another word or phrase. Words that are synonyms are described as
synonymous. Ex: He is happy /glad. (Happy and glad are synonymous.)
- In the strict sense, two words that are synonyms would have to be
interchangeable in all their possible contexts of use.
- Loose synonyms are two words that we find not only a significant overlap in
meaning between them, but also in some contexts they cannot be used
Question 2: Write the synonym of the following words. (2 point)
1. terrible  abominable
2. rubbish  trash
3. organization  association
4. bill  receipt
5. usually commonly
Question 3: Use the appropriate corresponding form of the surveyed word in the
following sentences. (2 points)
1. survey
a. Unfortunately, the customer satisfaction …survey……………… backed up
what the newspaper had reported.
b. They hire college students to conduct these …surveys……………… quickly.
2. reside
a. They have three homes, but they …reside……………… chiefly in Arizona.
b. The king has been ………residing………… at his mountain home for the past
three months.
3. focus
a. All of your pictures seem to be out of …focus……………… .
b. Her new book …focuses……………… on Iran’s nuclear program.
4. element
a. Cooperation will be a key …element……………… in our team’s success.
b. The people were unhappy with two key …elements…………… in the
president’s plan for economic reform.
5. construct
a. Twelve new homes will be …constructed……………… next year.
b. The …construction……………… should take about ten months.

Question 4: Write one word from the list which goes with the highlighted collocations.
Be sure to change the form of word if necessary. (4 points)

distinction shift seek acquire normal range

research environment available analysis benefit interact

1. There is an obvious …distinction……………… between the two brothers.

Ha had trouble making a …distinction……………… between fact and fiction.

2. Yesterday’s test results ……ranged…………… from 84% to 99%.

We try to make long …range……………… plans, but we don’t always succeed.

3. During the 16th Century, Spain …accquired………… power in the New World.

You might not like this spice. It’s a (an) …accquired……………… taste.

4. I’ll be happy when things get back to …normal……………… around here.

The prince finally restored some semblance of ……normality…………… to the


5. Father promise to …seek……………… revenge for the destruction of his home.

Pam is eagerly ……seeking…………… to establish a new business in our town.

6. This professor is carefully _researching__ the effects of certain drugs on animal


Professors need to publish _reseaches________ from time to time.

7. What can you do to protect the _environment________.

Some ___environmental______ organizations are challenging the new laws.

8. They used an _analytical________ approach to solve the mystery.

In the final ___analysis______ Democrats proved stronger than Republicans.

9. Addictive substances are readily__available_______ to teenagers.

Thanks for making yourself _available________ to help us.

10. In Florida you can enjoy the __benefit_______ of lots of sunshine.

Plants derive many __benefits_______ from the excellent climate.

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