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Engineering Facility Management Assignment

Renovation and Replacement Analytical Presentation


MARKS: / 64 Marks | As per Rubric provided
DUE: Week 4, February 4th by 11:59PM
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Submissions to be made through TurnItIn on Blackboard, by one group
member only. Late submissions will be assigned a grade of zero
GROUP PROJECT: Groups of 4 maximum

To research a current opportunity for the engineering department in a resort hotel brand to either reduce
energy and or costs, increase efficiency of the operation or benefit the overall guest experience. Create a
presentation slide outlining the product, problem resolution and explain the Return on Investment to increase
efficiency and effectiveness in the engineering department. Use analytical / critical thinking skills to identify a
problem and prepare a presentation for solution, organize information for decision making, communicate
those conclusions and recommendations in a professional presentation format used widely in hotel operations.
These are skills vital for successful problem solving.

Your Task:
You comprise the Regional team of Engineers within your hotel chain. Your task is to Research and prepare a
professional style presentation for recommendations to the CEO, senior management team that addresses the
replacement, addition, or implementation of a technology or product intended to improve the efficiency
of the facility operations within the hotel. Although you are preparing a presentation slide you are not
presenting in front of the class. Submit the presentation to the CEO (Erin) via Turn it In. This is a group
assignment (4 max) (maximum 20 slides)

• Upscale full-service hotels
• Destination hotels or resort properties
• Target market is independent leisure travelers; secondary market is business travelers
• Rated 4 stars by CAA
• Different sized properties and number of guest rooms.
• Fitness facilities include a swimming pool, hot tub, saunas, change rooms and gym
• banquet space
• The properties do not employ current technologies generally implemented beyond the year 2000.
• The properties do use standard technologies in most hotel chains today. Ie. Electronic key cards, standard
LED bulbs, and a PMS. Please ask if you are not sure if your chosen technology is suitable for this
• NOTE: details not provided may be assumed by the students through the presentation assignment


Your Presentation assignment must contain:
• Student names and student I.D.’s
• Technology that you are recommending
• Visual appeal and professional appearance should be evident

TOUR2031 | Rooms Division & Facility Management 1

• The purpose of the Introduction is to provide the owners/managers with all the background information
needed to hear and view the presentation. It should include:
• Purpose – what the presentation is trying to achieve
• Background – describes why the advancement in technology is necessary
• Scope – outlines the areas that will be covered in the presentation
• Methodology – what research methods were used

Outline the hotel issue that you are addressing. Provide enough background information to prove why the
issue is a concern. ie. Current and long-term costs, other related impacts. Use researched data to support your

Outline the technology that you have analyzed. Provide details and specifications based on research

Your analysis should include
Costs: Upfront costs (installation, equipment, labour), On-going usage costs (energy, labour, etc.), On-going
cost savings (energy, labour, etc.), R.O.I.
Other Advantages/Disadvantages: Image, comfort, perceptions
Limitations and ramifications

There should be no surprises for the CEO/managers in this section of your presentation assignment.
Conclusions should meet the following criteria:
• They should be logical statements based on findings stated in previous sections of the presentation
• No new findings should be introduced here

This section presents the preferred plan of action. Recommendations should meet the following criteria:
• They must be specific, definite and clearly stated;
• They should follow logically from the conclusions;

Illustrations are used as required throughout. A minimum of three (3) illustrations should be used in this
The following guidelines apply:
• Illustrations include drawings, figures, tables, sketches, schematics, flow charts, diagrams, graphs and
• Any illustration that is not a table is considered a figure.
• An illustration should be used if it will help the presented group Owners/managers understand the
• The illustration should be simple, neat, clear and easily understood.

Include all References from your presentation at the end. Please see the College’s policy on plagiarism.

TOUR2031 | Rooms Division & Facility Management 2


This rubric is designed to make clear the grading process by informing you, the


writer, what key elements are expected in a “good” piece of presentation work.

Your work will be evaluated based on the criteria below. Your will not be graded
point by point by these items; it will be graded for its overall quality.

4 3 2 1 0
1. The purpose and focus are clear and consistent
2. The main idea is clear, significant, and challenging
3. Organization is effective and appropriate
4. Professional and mechanics are appropriate
5. Adheres to format specifications provided
6. Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate, and integrated effectively
7. Claims and ideas are supported and elaborated
8. Connections between and among ideas are made
9. Analysis is effective and consistent
10. Evaluation is effective and consistent
11. Independent thinking is evident
12. Creativity/originality is evident
Assignment Specific Criteria
13. Responds to all aspects of the assignment
14. Documents sources appropriately
15. Considers the implied reader

Overall Evaluation:

⃝ Excellent ⃝ Competent ⃝ Not Acceptable

Grade: _____ /64 Marks

TOUR2031 | Rooms Division & Facility Management 3

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