Open Letter To President Muhammadu Buhari Tiki Talk

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Tiki Talk

Date: Mon, 14 January 2022 12:53:44 +0500


Open letter to His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari

The Executive President Fed Rep of Nigeria
State House 
Asokoro Villa

From:  A. Abiodun Akerele                                                                    14 FEB 22

Director, Int. Coordinator:
All Agreed Campaign Organization (Aaco)
Nigeria Advance Variation Party (NAVP)
Nigeria Good Governance Crops (NGGC) 
Chair and Author: 
AACOM Publishing

Opinion issued in Nig. UK. US. EU- 234 44 01 32

Promoting Nigeria Good Governance 

           AACO's certified compliance with ‘Nigeria Good Government Crops’

Dear Sir,
                        The Great Move in Nigeria- Fair or foul play?
                         Nigeria Advance Variation Party Engagement

  I am writing to commend you for reading this letter Sir.  I submit these remarks in a
personal capacity on behalf of Nigeria Good Governance Crops.

I think you are yet to be familiar with our hybrid wise formation. We are a novel
advice services divergence who has a long-standing interest in appropriate dispute
resolution of promoting good governance in Nigeria. We exist across continents to
contribute to dealing with major challenges facing the world of our fathers. For
example, issues of economic inequality, poverty, crime etc. We anticipate that in any
political system the contribution of widespread civil society and non-government
organization is significant to promoting developmental changes.

Sir, given the precedent set by you I understand that your journey and tenure so far as
the 15th president of Nigeria is not necessarily conventional or without its obstacles.
"Population Growth”, “Lack of Enlightenment” and the “System of Government” you
inherited and maintain are the three major factors that underscores your performances.
While you cannot be seen as personally responsible for this, the Nigerians arguably
have a responsibility to acknowledge your role and the reason to abstain you from
blame remains arguably obscure.

Keeping our longtime system of government under review, we are convinced that the
three factors afore mentioned weighed together had operated at different trajectories
that no president will ever be able to make any meaningful changes in Nigeria. The
quell for changes was long, hard fought, and occasionally acrimonious, albeit. You
have all failed to make any progress on onerous priorities to save our country. To be
candid, our legislators alike need element of rigorous induction in legal theory, history
and democratic process with some acquaintance with the legal systems of other
countries if we are to exist as a country.

In a nutshell, the perception is that our population is a drag on wealth extortion rather
than a resource. This is the reason while the extension of the present seat of power
(Aso Rock) was accomplished almost as an afterthought of our struggle to secure a
compassionate ruler. Yet, the currently operating definition of your position as
president contains no obligation to do anything other than the input of reading,
viewing or attendance confined to isolation in Aso rock cubicle. This is not good; as
earlier stated the present sit of power was built not for “standards of service” in
civilian government.
Insofar you have form a productive and collaborative relationship with the other
superintendents, in the sense that all military turned civilian presidents’ residing in
presidential villa involves intrinsic interest or personal satisfaction or development in
finding politics the most lucrative business in our country. You were not called to
serve where common people don’t have access to and the concerns of our leaders is
for their own status and ego.

It is somewhat trite to say that modernization in this area of our system has long been
overdue. In view of the political accountability to the electorate, a voter should retain
the privilege of right to prevent the bill from being tabled, right to recall, right to have
a bill tabled. We are not clear whether these structures exist, and so we are a failed
nation in the highest rate of cracks!

This point brings me to this lengthy letter and the reason I’m writing you today, to be
fully supported of your transition into the next republic on presidency. I am informing
you of our debut into politics under ‘Nigeria Advance Variation Party’. The banner
under it emerged to serve our nation has been on AACO, an NGO organization on
love promotions in ennobling humanity, or more accurately, we are the natural
amplifiers of human rights.

It is the widely held view in democratic doctrine, which we endorse, that the state
must justify its use of collective power in terms that all citizens could rationally accept
to partake. We are here being part of the mobilization for a moratorium on Nigeria
politics of exclusion. We can foresee practical difficulties arising from wrong choices
unless the existing political structure is calibrated appropriately to take account of our
new party. 

Our involvement under Nigeria Good Governance Crops as advocates in the U.K.
EU, US and Nigeria. We are now calling for your support for the development of
Nigeria into a democratic nation of inclusiveness with our novel party come 2023.
Otherwise, our party will be fictitious in an explicitly expression of opinion in the
next election.  Here, our party ‘NAVP’ sees the "need for public involvement and
incentives in politics to promote and develop our country in investment, infrastructure
and technology innovation. These are the three parameters of the Macro economic
environment that impact a country's development. Sir, you are urge to take a measured
approach with respect to potential developments and affirm our party on core
principles, which have balanced the rights and responsibility of the common people.

The four Nigeria calamitous (General O. Obasanjo, General I. Babangida,

General Abdusalam A and General M. Buhari) 

It might be useful to briefly demystify the concept of your involvement if you need to
know about the etiology account of you four ‘musketeers’ of our country. Sir, you and
other identified key figures potentially posed a very big threat in your discrimination
and inherent control of Nigeria democracy. In our position looking backwards to an
historical construct, we recall your excellency moved to the seat of power to become
our 5th military head of state in association with the fierce, courageous and intelligent
soldier late Major General Tunde Idiagbon until 1985.

You were both able to quickly promote the manager of the disciplinary and regulatory
nation on ‘War Against Indiscipline’. Meanwhile, the repatriation of proven stolen
assets of 53 briefcases of our money to the country of Saudi Arabia remains
inconclusive as traces to you both. Sad enough, happening to all the greats before they
start out. General Tunde Idiagbon was buried too soon. 

In essence, you first served our nation as Head of State at age 40 and have held
several key positions ever since. You finally top it up as our president at the time you
were supposed to be enjoying your retirement, sit with your great grandchildren and
tell them the stories of how you fought the Biafra war. 

Before becoming our present civilian president, you became a Fellow of the Shattered
Citizens Governance of General Sanni Abacha regime, you were his de facto deputy
that usurped General Oladipopo Diya. Although appointed by Abacha, you were
given absolute freedom to set your own agenda, devise your own programme of work,
and come to some of us conclusions and recommendations as a selfless leader. 
With diversity within the organization of the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) being under
your spotlight for many years, you got more involved in budgets, policies and
procedures that began to dominate the administration of the military point shooter,
heartless leader, the late General Sanni Abacha in 1994. This was where your appetite
for governing our country started to form.

We feel that the risks of giving power to those who want to match your pedigree and
betraying our Country, the poor and our security objectives by calling for support for
promotion on good governance in our country. But, we still need to do more to
challenge such an exponential increase number of transistors of you greedy, inhuman,
selfish, consequential stereotypes military and para military turned politicians.

Our latest statistics suggest that we never had the needed democratic transformation
from below. Despite the need for an increase in diversity in our country, challenges
remain in ensuring equal opportunities and progression while a culture of inclusivity
in politics is lacking, and our country is void of corruption. For example, only Mr.
Goodluck Jonathan attended independent pure civilian public office after Alhaji
Shehu Shagari. The late Chief Earnest Shonekan was only lodged at Akinola Aguda
annex quarters in Asokoro Villa for a few days.

Nearly through becoming self-proclaimed civilian president, in June 1998, Abacha

died. The next interim military government under General Abdulsalami Abubakar
recovered the billions the Abacha family were alleged to have looted during nearly
five years of corrupt rule. In May 1999 General Olusegun Obasanjo was elected
President. Requests for Mutual Legal Assistance were made from various countries,
including the UK. In March 2001 the Financial Services Authority agreed to release
US$1.3 billion of Abacha cash laundered through banks in the City of London. All the
money collected so far is between four of you. 

The ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo on his second coming as civilian president was
an accolade installment on us. This happened when he was much better suited to the
small farmers in his adverse agro ecological acquiring free land zones for agriculture
as part of the National Food Rights Campaign popularly known as “Operation Feed
The Nation” in 1976, in which more than 2,500 acres of land participated after lying
to us in 1976-79, OBJ as fondly called went after much of those that deciphered his
ambition. The likes of a special breed, the world known legend TWAIL scholar, late
‘Fela Kuti’ suffered before OBJ commissioned ‘Operation Feed Himself’. 

I recall that the Kano born General Murtala Muhammed whom Gen. Obasanjo
succeeded in 1976 could have done this for us by finding a suitable president from the
bottom, but he was cut short at 37-year-old, another opportunity was looming with
Alhaji President Shehu Shagari, the military junta you led abruptly obstruct our
democracy put his tenure to an end on the 31 December 1983.

In fact, our nation once hopes on the young vibrant intelligent and Military President
General Ibrahim Babangida, the creative thought leader who actively invented letter
bomb and poisonous substance in our country. Perhaps he could have done it for us,
but he was overdrunk by power and reduced himself to passive robot at the gain of
General Sanni Abacha morass. Sir, you existing four ‘calamitous leaders’ came about
a comprehensive cultural change in our pre-democratic practices and pre-democratic
cultural foundation. To sum up, you chase down the origins of a mysterious economic
crisis that caused a national scandal we are still nursing. 

I have an integrating intellectual memory of June 12 1992 with the late Chief M.K.O
Abiola, whose early winning was not just to be declared president elect. His attempt
suggested compromising among different interest groups, but to be as evidence-based
as possible his victories have ushered direction and vision for us. Perhaps, if we have
a clean cut presidential choice with no crucial root of greed things would have
improved in our country, for there is often limited or inconclusive evidence that there
are rulers of vision in our country with our corrupt system negating the likes of Late
Chief Obafemi Awolowo.

"Poor people have limited choices." –Rogge.

General Olusegun Obasanjo on his second term consolidated and gave power to the
selfless nature looks, fragile Shehu Musa Ya’Adua, death took him from us. The focus
on promoting minority leaders paid off. The recommendations relating to the
presentation of a sustainable programme that ushered in Mr. Goodluck Jonathan was
accidentally unintended righteous system. The world dignitary, first ever African
Military leader to relinquish power did it again, the most confused leader ever will
always regret his action after leaving power and betrayed our cause of peace. Sir, we
want you to learn from history!

Sir, on one hand, you are here again carrying a major risk of creating a nutritional
apartheid with interconnectedness of our networked politics of fixation – on the other
hand to deprive Nigerians of accountability leaders that will query the choices of
communist insurgences and processes that form the organization of poor systems in
our country. The result of which the northern are vying for foods and the poor in the
South being condemned to a future based on child labour and ritual killings.  

I also affirm that everyone else is to be blame for your choices and performance. To
be fair, we should have recognized the trends in your behavior long before and
distancing ourselves from you. To make up the short-fall, I wanted to believe that we
are capable of growth and that perhaps allowing you to lead have helped us to
recognize the difficulties we would face if we don’t choose rightly on this occasion.

The Fairness of Assimilation

On behalf of ‘Nigeria Good Governance Crops’ I humbly request for support for
dissolving the two frontier parties ‘Poverty Development People (PDP)’ and
‘Apartheid People Caucus (APC)’ while all aspiring parties tender a prospectus of
their party blueprint with manuals of how they are going to fund their party
manifestos on getting to power, the screening and sustainable assessment be followed
by Nigerians before registration proper.

In our further observation and studies in Nigeria and worldwide, we are countering the
myth that current presidential aspirants have a productivity plan and high returns in
getting us out of the debt trap created by your sycophants. We have listened to your
Service Chiefs, General Counsels, Strategic Advisers, and we have further developed
our understanding as a valued, and use our corporate governance understanding
strategy. So undertaking the qualification for debt was a way of doing that in the
capacity of your government. This includes the incurring everlasting interests and
tight fiscal policy as conditioned attached to the 50 trillion your government

This level of borrowing and corruption has created significant economic losses for
Nigeria. Estimates suggest it could cost as much as 37% of the country’s GDP by
2030. Unless our Party has come to fight the super cyclone mess as a key part of our
mandate.  Because we know we have a free agro-producing hereditary culture which
is good for us and good for the development of our country. For example, the UK,
America, Canada, Switzerland among others have become developed nations
primarily by investing in their arable land.

As a leading NGO funder and development agency, we hope others will join our call
for freedom from choosing suitable presidential candidates in the South, in the East
and in the North of our country.  NGG Corps joined the worldwide campaign for
promoting alternatives to both Military and Genetic politics in our country.  

At this juncture in history, we need a joining of and development concerns, we need a

combining of and common people interests, we need North-South-West solidarity of
Western elites.  With such a joining of forces, people's power will be successful in
controlling the Africa giant in the traditional perception of seeing governing
inevitably as exercise of authority, instead of promoting economical sojourn options
for Small Africa countries and the sub.

However, we believe there are considerable achievements in your tenure and that
there is so much that is still needed in our country. The best you have done to those
who want to know is that you strengthened our Country's Banking system as a
precondition to Capital Account convertibility. This approach and our basic message
implies that development objectives need to be integrated into the making of any
further policy to avoid our or you, your government or our nation being charged of
We regard this period as important as parts of our determination to find solace in the
work you have done continue in their own right. To ensure that you will not hear
questions and concerns from many perspectives in our country, thus, we have brought
together a range of individuals under our party with a view to facilitating dialogue and
exploring the scope for moving some of the issues in our country forward.

All or some of you have visited Botswana, Kenya, and South Africa, and you have
consular relations with public sector officials, the diplomatic ambassadors in China,
Japan, Korea and India. A list of the places you have visited cannot contain this paper.
You have helped in commissioning several working projects in Saudi Arabia, United
Emirate, Qatar and Kuwait and you have held different workshops in London,
Brussels, Geneva, and Washington. They all chose to concentrate on the concerns of
the poorest, in their low, middle and higher income nation. 

On behalf of all of us and those aspiring to join our party and our crops we want to
thank those people that work with you, for all you have done over the years, too
numerous to mention. What you have done could best be designed to benefit
developing country. In this context, out mission including seeking your advice in your
retirement-for instance in the area of your long time traditional political knowledge
and understanding on how the internal and international framework of rules and
agreements might be improved and developed.

The broader policy framework needed to complement your tenure include the release
of political prisoners within your captive. We hear this instance for lack of
enlightenment that controlling anti-corruption and many other malpractices through
competitive criticisms are still being met by a wall of resistance by our leaders. This is
not good at policy and at law. 

On final note, to those thinking of armed struggle, illegal-political extension through

the violent arm of a revolutionary socio-political change movement in our country.
We make this argument, and we present the reasons given, especially by the
Archbishop Desmond Tutu (of blessed memory) as written and delivered in public at
the reception of his Nobel Prize for PEACE, that “principle commitments to
nonviolence is the most effective”, he has used civil motivation to restore peace and
democracy in South Africa. War has never succeeded to restore peace in the history of
the world!

“God does not give up on any situation” … Desmond Tutu, (1999).

We look forward (not without trepidation) to participating in further stages of

consultation on this matter.

Thank you Sir for acknowledging the accuracy of our listing.

Best regards.
Signed                                                                                      Dated:14/02/2022
A.  Akerele 

The contents of this letter are for the addressee or an unauthorized person.  If you
have received this letter, please be honoured to share it: All important
communications have the tendency to reshape our nation if we don’t delete and
For and on behalf of:

All Agreed Campaign Organisation Int. (Aaco)

(Love is the only good)

Nigeria Good Governance Crops 

(Eyes for the people)

Nigeria Advance Variation Party

(Powered you to interact)

(Reality with beauty society)

Engage with us, join us: 


Abayomi A. Akerele, FP, LLB, LLM, MLP, CPD (UK), Int. Coordinator
Sir Raf Aremu, FP, LLB, CILEX (UK), Global Chairman
Com. Olawoyin Daps, EU Associate
Ms Hannah P. Omot, (NIG), Secretary General
Mr. Anani O. Idris, Publicity Secretary

Telephone +44 7404 205450 Textphone +234 806 143 4849, +33 7 53 86 32 05

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