Data Mining and Neural Networks

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Data mining and

neural networks
Data evaluation and elementary preprocessing.
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Data completeness is traditionally assessed in the data warehouse through ETL testing, which employs
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aggregate functions such as (sum, max, min, count) to assess the average completeness of a column
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or record. Additionally, manual instructions are used to validate data profiles, such as comparing
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distinct values and counting the number of rows for each distinct value. However, before running
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commands, the user must first decide the type of incompleteness they are dealing with and the type
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of data quality issue that is affecting the data.

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If all phone numbers are lacking city codes, for example, there could be a data quality issue at the
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6entry level. It could be an MNAR (missing not at random) problem if more than half of the audience
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6does not respond to a particular problem.

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All is fantastic. However, there is one crucial move that all users overlook:
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You can't clean, erase, or restore missing values until you know what's missing and how much of it you
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can live with.

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And it's all done by data profiling!

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The time series1 :

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Time series 2:
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Time series 3:
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Time series 4:
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There are no missing values in these time series.
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The plotting of the results:

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A time-series can frequently be interpreted as a sequence of discrete segments of finite length. For
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instance, the stock market's trajectory could be divided into regions that fall between major world
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events, the input to a handwriting recognition application could be segmented into the different
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words or letters that it was thought to contain, and the audio recording of a conference could be
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divided according to who spoke when. In the latter two cases, one may take advantage of the fact that
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individual segment label assignments can repeat themselves by clustering segments based on their
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distinguishing properties.
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This dilemma can be approached in two ways. The first involves searching for shift points in the time-
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series: for example, if there is a significant jump in the average value of the signal, a segment
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boundary can be assigned. The second method assumes that each time-series segment is created by a
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system with distinct parameters, and then infers the most likely segment locations as well as the
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system parameters that define them. When determining which mark to apply to a given point, the
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first approach appears to only look for improvements in a small window of time, while the second
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approach usually considers the entire time-series.

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Mean square error:
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In time series analysis, the upper representation of each segment demonstrates that all attributes are
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6distinct from one another.

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The scatter diagram of g(t), g(t+1)

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We choose the data of 2020 as sample to calculate the predictors for g(t+1) they
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day next values. And other three are as supportive time series. Now let’s
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calculate the mean square errors.

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We try to fit linear models in so many difficult problem situations that there's no reason to believe the
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true data-generating model is linear, particularly when the errors are Gaussian or homoscedastic. As a
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6 consequence, a modern perspective is that, since the linear model is just a rough approximation, it is
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6 important to evaluate prediction accuracy before deciding on its usefulness.

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Prediction is a much more widely used term than linear models. We'll return to this topic later this
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week, but for now, here's a short rundown: Models are only approximations; some methods don't
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even need them; let's evaluate prediction accuracy and use that to determine model/method
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usefulness. The definition of test error was explained in the sense of a linear model, but the concept is
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the same in all situations. We often need a precise estimate of the test error of our system (e.g., linear
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regression). What is the rationale behind this? There are two main objectives: Predictive analysis:
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understand the magnitude of errors we might expect when making future predictions. Model/method
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selection: to minimise test error, choose from a range of models/methods. Assume we estimate our
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system's test error using the observed training error 1ni=1n(YiYi)2. What exactly is the problem here?
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As a test error calculation, it's generally overly optimistic—after all, the parameters 0–1,...,p were
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chosen in the first place to bring Yi close to Yi, i=1,...,n! Furthermore, the more complex/adaptive the
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system is, the more positive the training error estimate is as a test error estimate.
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Adaptive predictors. 6

In linear regression, when measuring unknown true errors, ordinary least squares residuals are often
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6used. These estimates may give a false impression of the true error distribution due to shrinkage and
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6superimposed normality effects. RMOLS is a novel method for improving moment estimation by
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6rescaling the moment estimators derived from least squares residuals appropriately. These RMOLS
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6moments give more precise skewness and kurtosis coefficient estimates, as well as more power for
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6one type of normality measure. These properties are demonstrated using a Monte Carlo analysis with
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6a variety of random error distributions. Before the supervised learning process may begin, the train,
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6test, and sometimes tune set must all be identified. Train: g1, gf; tune: gf+1, g+r; test: gf+r+1,
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6gf+r+pmax, f, r, pmax N) are the three sets specified in the standard time series prediction task. It's
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6also regarded as a simple walk-forward routine implementation.

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Based on the assumption that data collection can be transferred to new locations as quickly as
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A prediction horizon of pm yields the following sets: Some examples include train(g1, g1+pm) (xn3pm,
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xn2pm ); tuning (xn3pm+1, xn2pm+1),..., (xn2pm, xnpm ); measure (xn3pm+1, xn2pm+1),..., (gn2pm,
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gnpm ); test (xn3pm+1, xn2pm+1),..., (xn2pm, xnpm );

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Calculate the mean square error:6 6 6 6 6

The mean square error of a regression line shows how near it is to a set of points. By squaring the
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distances between the points and the regression axis, it achieves this (these distances are the
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"errors"). To get rid of any negative signals, you'll need to square them up. Larger variants are often
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given more weight. It's called the mean squared error since you're estimating the sum of a number of
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Follow these steps to calculate the mean squared error from a collection of X and Y values:
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It is necessary to locate the regression line.

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Plug the X values into the linear regression equation to find the new Y values (Y').
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Comparison results/comments: 6

The smaller the means squared error, the closer you are to determining the best fit rows. It may be
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difficult to obtain a very small mean squared error value depending on your results. For example, the
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data above is strewn all over the regression line, so 6.08 is the best we can do (and is in fact, the line
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of best fit). Note that I obtained the regression line using an online calculator; the mean squared error
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would be useful if you were trying to find an equation for the regression line by hand: you could try
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several equations and choose the one with the smallest mean squared error as the line of best fit. A
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mathematical model or estimator can need to be "tweaked" at times in order to achieve the best
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results. The MSE criterion is a tradeoff between (squared) bias and variance, and it is defined as
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follows: “T is a minimum [MSE] estimator of if MSE(T,) MSE(T' ), where T' is any alternative estimator.
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