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PG Placement Monthly Diary Log Template

Module: MOD006969 Postgraduate Work Placement (IB), P module

Work Placement Monthly Diary

To be completed by the student


Month: List of monthly tasks: Other notes/comments:

January to During the first day of the Among the general

March attachment I was given general activities undertaken
orientation: introduction to during the attachment
members of staff in the department were:  Filling of
and a brief of the activities that are documents  Drafting
undertaken in the department. letters and memos 
There after I was assigned to one Preparing staff returns 
member of staff who was tasked Supervising the casuals
with training me. on their daily activities. 
Preparing payment
vouchers for deferent
contractors for payments
 Taking various
documents for approval
to the respective offices.
 His responsibility is to
manage meetings and
presentations for the
future projects and
development of the
company.  He is
responsible for checking
of the salary reviews 
Issuing and receiving of
goods at the central
stores.  Creating
contact list for the
various prequalified
suppliers.  Answering
telephone calls from
different user
departments and
directing them to the

The HR supervisory group In theRegistry

April to May recommends to the supervisory department I was tasked
group how to decisively oversee with activities:  Filing
individuals as business assets. documents into their
This incorporates overseeing respective files in the
enrolling and recruiting workers, office.  Taking letters to
organizing representative the Posta and collecting
advantages and recommending the same  Drafting
worker preparing and improvement letters for different staffs
systems. Thusly, HR experts are and memos  Recording
advisors, not laborers in a and relaying the person
detached business work; they and message received
exhort directors on many issues from different department
identified with representatives and in his/ her behalf 
how they assist the association Preparing and updating
with accomplishing its objectives. staff returns  Taking
minutes for different
meetings  Identifying
information and
removing the inactive
from files.
This section handles all the
documents that pass
through the department
(any document that comes
in to the procurement
department for processing
must pass through this
section for registration
before it is disbursed). It is
also entrusted with
keeping records of all
documents that are already
closed and may be
required for future
reference for instance
tender documents, file
copies of local purchase
orders, requisitions, Tender
Committee minutes, GRNs
(Goods Received Notes),
Invoices and Goods
Delivery notes among
others. During my time in
the section, I was tasked
with the following:
 Filling of documents 
Preparing documents for
Procurement Committee
and Tender Committee
meetings.  Taking various
documents for approval to
the respective offices. 
Opening tenders.  Issuing
and receiving of goods at
the central stores. 
Creating contact list for the
various prequalified
suppliers.  Processing
payments for various
suppliers.  Balancing bin
cards and filling them 
Assisted in preparing
documents(agenda) for the
Tender committee meeting
 Opening of tenders after
closure of submission date
& time as per their
conditions  Preparing
contact lists of pre-
qualified suppliers 
Preparing Request for
quotation forms for goods
and services
HR divisions are relied
upon to enhance the
association they support.
The specific idea of the
work changes as indicated
by the association,
however is probably going
to include:
• Advancing equity and
variety as a component of
the way of life of the
association • Liaising with a
scope of individuals
associated with strategy
regions like staff execution
and wellbeing and security;
• Enrolling staff, which
includes creating sets of
responsibilities and
individual details, getting
ready work adverts,
checking application
structures, shortlisting,
meeting and choosing
competitors; • Creating
and carrying out
arrangements on issues like
working conditions,
execution the board,
equivalent freedoms,
disciplinary methodology
and nonappearance the
executives; • Getting ready
staff handbooks; •
Prompting on pay and
other compensation issues,
including advancement and
advantages; • Undertaking
standard compensation
surveys; • Controlling
finance and keeping up
with representative
records; • Deciphering and
exhorting on business law;
• Managing complaints and
carrying out disciplinary
systems; • Creating HR
arranging techniques,
which think about quick
and long haul staff
prerequisites; • Arranging
and now and then
conveying preparing -
including enlistments for
new staff; • Examining
preparing needs related to
May to June Accounts  Preparing payment During the attachment
vouchers for different payments  period I acquired a lot of
Preparing master roll for casuals and knowledge in Project
how deductions are done  Management.I also
Committing payments into vote book sharpened my
 Registering the accountable books to interpersonal skills by
countable receipt book  Issuing workingin a team based
imprest warrant  Controlling environment. I also gained
expenditure through cash book proper record keeping and
communication skills. I was
able to apply the
knowledge learnt in class in
real work situation like
project planning, and I
gained firsthand
experience on both field
and management duties.
Social skills: Guarantee
great connection no sweat
of local area in the space of
tasks. Meeting going to all
gathering gatherings
including evaluations,
gathering cash, credit
Recognizable proof of
customers' necessities by
Liaising with different
officials for augmentation
of administrations to the
business visionaries.
Guarantee that
ranchers/little, medium
and miniature business
visionaries keep up with
every one of the necessary
reports Readiness of work
plans: Set up an
unequivocal work-plan in a
joint effort with the branch
administrators. Set up a
timetable of gathering
gatherings and show for
simplicity of reference.
Keep a work-plan book
specifying branch
gatherings, mindfulness
manifestations, credit
distributions; Arrangement
of month to month
checking reports for
example Guaranteeing all
significant records are
created and given to the
important level on
schedule; Guarantee all
authoritative issues at the
middle are tackled Leading
business sector overview,
and presenting the report
to the immediate
supervisor for further
action and planning
While undertaking my
attachment at the
institution, I was able to
work with different people
from different levels and as
such create a wide scope of
network for future
purposes. These will come
in handywhen I complete
my studies and need
internship or work and will
be my reference persons
who can ascertain my skills
and competencies to my
prospective employers.
The attachment allowed
me to work in a real work
environment enabling me
to interacting with other
staff in the institution .I
was also able to
compliment the knowledge
learnt in class thereby
enhancing my skills further.
The staff gave me full
support and taught me
whole heartedly. I believe
that all these will go a long
way in helping me
discharge my duties in my
The experiences I had
during the attachment was
of value to my area of
specialization and as such
will help me in my career
as Human Resource
Manager. I did not
encounter any major
problems since my
supervisor and other staff
members were always
available to give assistance
where needed to avoid any
big mishaps. Therefore, I
learnt a lot that will not
only help me in my studies
at the next level but also
exposed me to real life
working climate. As a
component of a scholastic
educational program
connection assists the
understudy with creating
and improve scholarly and
proficient capabilities. I
would like to conclude by
saying that the practical
experiences I got from my
attachment are very vital in
my learning process.
Albeit the representative
relations expert is liable for
exploring and settling
working environment
issues, the human asset
supervisor has extreme
obligation regarding
safeguarding the business
worker relationship
through;  Planning a
powerful worker relations
technique which contains
explicit strides for
guaranteeing the general
prosperity of
representatives. • To
guarantees that
representatives have a
protected workplace,
liberated from segregation
and badgering. Human
asset chiefs for private
companies lead work
environment examinations
and resolve worker
grumblings. • Human asset
directors may likewise be
the essential contact for
legitimate advice in hazard
relief exercises and
prosecution relating to
representative relations
matters. An illustration of
hazard relief dealt with by
a human asset supervisor
incorporates inspecting
current working
environment strategies and
giving preparing to
representatives and chiefs
on those approaches to
limit the recurrence of
worker grievances because
of confusion or
misconception of
organization arrangements.
• Human asset directors
foster key answers for
satisfy labor force needs
and workforce patterns. A
business administrator
really directs the
enlistment and choice
cycles. • HR administrator
is basically liable for
choices identified with
corporate marking as it
identifies with selecting
and holding capable
representatives. For
instance, a human asset
administrator in a medical
care firm may utilize her
insight about nursing
deficiencies to foster a
system for representative
maintenance, or for
keeping up with the
current staffing levels. The
technique may incorporate
fostering a motivator
program for medical
caretakers or giving
attendants broadly
educating so they can
become guaranteed in
various fortes to turn out
to be more important to
the association. Corporate
marking as it identifies with
enlistment and
maintenance implies
advancing the organization
as a business of decision
Human asset chiefs
answerable for this
normally take a gander at
the enrollment and
determination process, just
as pay and advantages to
track down ways of
engaging profoundly
qualified candidates.
1. Identifying
employees by name
when greeting them. This
makes them feel
recognized and
appreciated. A large staff
requires a long time and
exercise of names.
2. An employer can
also offer a casual dress
day. Instituting special
dress down days helps in
humanizing the
workplace. This gives
employees a chance to
express their
personalities through
their dress styles.
3. A workforce can
be humanized by
allowing employees to
decorate their
workspaces. By allowing
employees to put up
photos of their loved
ones and letting them
decorate their desks or
cubicles with personal
items humanizes the
4. Showing the
employees, you care
about them and are
available to them when
they need you by
instituting an open-door
to engaging them. A
boss who does not
appear to care about the
workplace issues is
demoralizing and
5. It is important for
managers to empathize
when correcting
mistakes. Constructive
criticism and reinforcing
good work done is
preferred to making them
feel inferior.

Role of Human Resource

June to - Human resource
September management function
plays a key role in
recruitment of workers.
The HR department
advertise job postings
that are available,
sources for candidates,
screens applicants,
conducts preliminary
interviews and
coordinates the hiring
efforts with the
organizations managers
charged with the
responsibility of making
the final candidate
Among the general
activities undertaken
during the attachment
were:  Filling of
documents  Drafting
letters and memos 
Preparing staff returns 
Supervising the casuals
on their daily activities. 
Preparing payment
vouchers for deferent
contractors for payments
 Taking various
documents for approval
to the respective offices.
 His responsibility is to
manage meetings and
presentations for the
future projects and
development of the
company.  He is
responsible for checking
of the salary reviews 
Issuing and receiving of
goods at the central
stores.  Creating
contact list for the
various prequalified
suppliers.  Answering
telephone calls from
different user
departments and
directing them to the

In theRegistry
department I was tasked
with activities:  Filing
documents into their
respective files in the
office.  Taking letters to
the Posta and collecting
the same  Drafting
letters for different staffs
and memos  Recording
and relaying the person
and message received
from different department
in his/ her behalf 
Preparing and updating
staff returns  Taking
minutes for different
meetings  Identifying
information and
removing the inactive
from files.
This section handles all the
documents that pass
through the department
(any document that comes
in to the procurement
department for processing
must pass through this
section for registration
before it is disbursed). It is
also entrusted with
keeping records of all
documents that are already
closed and may be
required for future
reference for instance
tender documents, file
copies of local purchase
orders, requisitions, Tender
Committee minutes, GRNs
(Goods Received Notes),
Invoices and Goods
Delivery notes among
others. During my time in
the section, I was tasked
with the following:
 Filling of documents 
Preparing documents for
Procurement Committee
and Tender Committee
meetings.  Taking various
documents for approval to
the respective offices. 
Opening tenders.  Issuing
and receiving of goods at
the central stores. 
Creating contact list for the
various prequalified
suppliers.  Processing
payments for various
suppliers.  Balancing bin
cards and filling them 
Assisted in preparing
documents(agenda) for the
Tender committee meeting
 Opening of tenders after
closure of submission date
& time as per their
September to conditions  Preparing
October contact lists of pre-
qualified suppliers 
Preparing Request for
quotation forms for goods
and services
HR divisions are relied
upon to enhance the
association they support.
The specific idea of the
work changes as indicated
by the association,
however is probably going
to include:
• Advancing equity and
variety as a component of
the way of life of the
association • Liaising with a
scope of individuals
associated with strategy
regions like staff execution
and wellbeing and security;
• Enrolling staff, which
includes creating sets of
responsibilities and
individual details, getting
ready work adverts,
checking application
structures, shortlisting,
meeting and choosing
competitors; • Creating
and carrying out
arrangements on issues like
working conditions,
execution the board,
equivalent freedoms,
disciplinary methodology
and nonappearance the
executives; • Getting ready
staff handbooks; •
Prompting on pay and
other compensation issues,
including advancement and
advantages; • Undertaking
standard compensation
surveys; • Controlling
finance and keeping up
with representative
records; • Deciphering and
exhorting on business law;
• Managing complaints and
carrying out disciplinary
systems; • Creating HR
arranging techniques,
which think about quick
and long haul staff
prerequisites; • Arranging
and now and then
conveying preparing -
including enlistments for
new staff; • Examining
preparing needs related to
- Human resource
management function is
also charged with the
responsibility of providing
employee safety at the
workplace. Employers
are faced with the
obligation to provide a
safe working
environment for their
employees as stated
under the Occupational
Safety and Health Act of
1970. HR mains function
is provision of support
workplace safety training
and maintain federally
mandated logs
necessary for workplace
injury and fatality
reporting. The HR safety
and risk specialists
October to usually work closely with
December HR benefits specialists in
order to manage the
compensation issues.
- The human
resource function also
maintains employee
relations. A unionized
work environment,
whereby the employee
and labour relations
functions of HR may be
joint and controlled by a
single specialist or are
entire separate function
managed separately with
HR specialists each with
expertise in in the area.
In HR discipline,
employee relations deal
with strengthening the
relationship between
employer and employee
through measuring the
levels of job satisfaction,
employee engagement
and conflict resolution at
the workplace.
- Also the human
resource management
function is responsible
for compensation and
benefits. In
compensation, the
human resource function
sets compensation
structures and carrying
out an evaluation of the
company’s pay practice.
The compensation and
benefits specialist may
also carry out
negotiations for group
health coverage rates
with insurers and also
coordinate activities with
the retirement savings
fund administrator.
- Compliance with
labour and employment
laws is a major HR
function. Lack of
compliance leads to
complaints based on
unfair employment
practices, working
conditions that are not
conducive and general
dissatisfaction with
working conditions which
in the long run affects
productivity and
profitability. The HR staff
are required to comply
with Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act, the Fair
Labour Standards Act,
the National Labour
Relations Act and other
rules and regulations.
- The HR
management function is
also responsible for the
provision of tools that are
required for the success
of employees. This
involves giving the
employees extensive
training and orientation in
order to help them with
the transition into a new
organisational culture.


Human capital is the set
of knowledge, skills and
experience that an
individual possess, as
viewed in terms of their
value or cost to an
organisation. According
to (Becker ,1964),
human capital is
possessed by each
person uniquely and can
be improved through
continued education and
job related training.
Importance of Human
human capital is an
important factor of
production in any
industry and is monitored
and controlled by the
human resource
department. It is an
important factor since it
is people who carry out
projects. It takes human
capital to build some
other types of capital
such as machines.
Human capital has
become more and more
important in knowledge
based economy that is
dependent on
information, knowledge
and high level skills.
Humanizing the
1. Identifying
employees by name
when greeting them. This
makes them feel
recognized and
appreciated. A large staff
requires a long time and
exercise of names.
2. An employer can
also offer a casual dress
day. Instituting special
dress down days helps in
humanizing the
workplace. This gives
employees a chance to
express their
personalities through
their dress styles.
3. A workforce can
be humanized by
allowing employees to
decorate their
workspaces. By allowing
employees to put up
photos of their loved
ones and letting them
decorate their desks or
cubicles with personal
items humanizes the
4. Showing the
employees, you care
about them and are
available to them when
they need you by
instituting an open-door
to engaging them. A
boss who does not
appear to care about the
workplace issues is
demoralizing and
5. It is important for
managers to empathize
when correcting
mistakes. Constructive
criticism and reinforcing
good work done is
preferred to making them
feel inferior.

Among the general

activities undertaken
during the attachment
were:  Filling of
documents  Drafting
letters and memos 
Preparing staff returns 
Supervising the casuals
on their daily activities. 
Preparing payment
vouchers for deferent
contractors for payments
 Taking various
documents for approval
to the respective offices.
 His responsibility is to
manage meetings and
presentations for the
future projects and
development of the
company.  He is
responsible for checking
of the salary reviews 
Issuing and receiving of
goods at the central
stores.  Creating
contact list for the
various prequalified
suppliers.  Answering
telephone calls from
different user
departments and
directing them to the

In theRegistry
department I was tasked
with activities:  Filing
documents into their
respective files in the
office.  Taking letters to
the Posta and collecting
the same  Drafting
letters for different staffs
and memos  Recording
and relaying the person
and message received
from different department
in his/ her behalf 
Preparing and updating
staff returns  Taking
minutes for different
meetings  Identifying
information and
removing the inactive
from files.
This section handles all the
documents that pass
through the department
(any document that comes
in to the procurement
department for processing
must pass through this
section for registration
before it is disbursed). It is
also entrusted with
keeping records of all
documents that are already
closed and may be
required for future
reference for instance
tender documents, file
copies of local purchase
orders, requisitions, Tender
Committee minutes, GRNs
(Goods Received Notes),
Invoices and Goods
Delivery notes among
others. During my time in
the section, I was tasked
with the following:
 Filling of documents 
Preparing documents for
Procurement Committee
and Tender Committee
meetings.  Taking various
documents for approval to
the respective offices. 
Opening tenders.  Issuing
and receiving of goods at
the central stores. 
Creating contact list for the
various prequalified
suppliers.  Processing
payments for various
suppliers.  Balancing bin
cards and filling them 
Assisted in preparing
documents(agenda) for the
Tender committee meeting
 Opening of tenders after
closure of submission date
& time as per their
conditions  Preparing
contact lists of pre-
qualified suppliers 
Preparing Request for
quotation forms for goods
and services
HR divisions are relied
upon to enhance the
association they support.
The specific idea of the
work changes as indicated
by the association,
however is probably going
to include:
• Advancing equity and
variety as a component of
the way of life of the
association • Liaising with a
scope of individuals
associated with strategy
regions like staff execution
and wellbeing and security;
• Enrolling staff, which
includes creating sets of
responsibilities and
individual details, getting
ready work adverts,
checking application
structures, shortlisting,
meeting and choosing
competitors; • Creating
and carrying out
arrangements on issues like
working conditions,
execution the board,
equivalent freedoms,
disciplinary methodology
and nonappearance the
executives; • Getting ready
staff handbooks; •
Prompting on pay and
other compensation issues,
including advancement and
advantages; • Undertaking
standard compensation
surveys; • Controlling
finance and keeping up
with representative
records; • Deciphering and
exhorting on business law;
• Managing complaints and
carrying out disciplinary
systems; • Creating HR
arranging techniques,
which think about quick
and long haul staff
prerequisites; • Arranging
and now and then
conveying preparing -
including enlistments for
new staff; • Examining
preparing needs related to

To be signed by Supervisor/Manager (at the end of the final month)

Supervisor/Manager Name:

Supervisor/Manager signature:

Note: if applicable, please re-use this template if you have worked as different roles
in the same organisation; or if you have worked in different organisations.

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