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Movie Review: Casablanca Clip

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Casablanca is a romantic movie that was filmed during the world war II, the movie was

directed by, Michael Curtiz, It emphasizes on an American emigrant called Borgat, who had

a choice to choose between his lust for Bergman or assist her husband Henreid to fight the

Germans. The producers of the movie knew that it was going to be huge in the market, but

did not expect that Hollywood would produce hundreds of its pictures annually earning them

thousands of monies. Casablanca was successful from the word go. Its first premiered in New

York city November 1942 and in January 1943 it was finally released nationally.

Casablanca won Academy Award For Best Picture with its directors and some of the cast

members receiving each an award, the movie grew into fame that some of its lead casts

members became Icons in Hollywood, being ranked as the top bestselling Hollywood movie

in the film History. United states Library of congress in 1989 chose the movie Casablanca as

a preservation in the National film Industry.


The film starts with Rick Blaine an American emigrant who owns a gambling Den and a

night club in Casablanca. Rick, Vichy French brought guns to Ethiopia in the second Italo-

Ethiopian war to fight the Republicans in the Spanish civil war. A letter of transit was

acquired by Petty Crook who murdered two German couriers, this allowed them to Travel

freely both in Germany and Portugal. Rick was to be handed the letters to sell at the club by

Ugarte, he was arrested by captain Louis Renault before he delivered the letters to Rick, later

on Ugarte died in prison without disclosing the whereabouts of the letters. Rick’s former

lover Lisa Lund and husband victor Laszlo went to the premises and asked Rick’s friend a

pianist to play the song “As time goes by” A move that made Rick furious. But in real sense

what they needed is a letter to allow them to travel to America to finish Laszalo mission


Lisa argues and threatens Rick with a gun in an isolated place within the club, this was

because Rick refused to give her the letters, she did not deny that she still had love for him.

Rick and Lisa met and fell in love in Paris 1940, by then she thought that her husband had

been killed in the battle of France, later on came to learn that Laszlo was alive and in hiding

that’s when she abandoned Rick to go nurse her Husband, Rick finally agreed to give her the


Laszlo was arrested and charged on Trumped-up Rick persuaded for his release and told

Laszlo that he and Lisa would be leaving for America. Renault tried to arrest Laszlo and was

commanded at gun point to help them flee to America. Lisa was forced by Rick to board the

plane to Lisbon together with Laszlo.


Bearing in mind that each cast offers opposing positions that they transform as their

characters can be understood worldwide.

 RICK BLAINE (HUMPHREY BOGART) comes out as a nurturing,caring person

ready to take great risk for others, though strict and highly tempered. He gave Strasser

and his men the best table and made sure that they were well accommodated.


 she is Romantic, loving and caring dedicated her family her loyalty is for her

husband. After she fell in love with rick and realized her husband was not dead, she

left rick to go nurse her husband, then came back to Rick to get letters to allow them

flee to America, with her kind words she managed to sweet talk Rick to help them


 VICTOR LASZLO (PAUL HENREID is definitely a hero among the casts, he is well

recognized in many areas, from the time of his arrival in Casablanca from the battle of


France representing a powerful influence, is also identified as a form of authority.

Laszlo maintained the Vichy regime by shooting Ugarte and even closed Ricks bar to

search, he is the one who told Strasser about Rick collaborating with Laszlo.

 TRASSER very much in charge though his power was not enough to control

Casablanca, when he arrived in Casablanca a change was evidently there, was just as

important as Laszlo, He fought hard to maintain his importance and power.

In my own opinion I see most of the casts were refugee who originated from Nazi Germany,

Lisa forfeited a lot by being the wife of a resistance leader, her love and sacrifice during the

war was extra ordinary.


Sophisticated Hokum was the initial name of the film Casablanca, even though preliminary

dates of the movies were chosen, there were some adjournments that led to the delays. All the

pictures were made in the studio with an exception of Strasser’s arrival that were shot at Van

Nuy airport. Fog was used to disguise some of the casts looks.

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