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The Adjustment Techniques of Lomi Houses in Nonong Casto Lemery Batangas

during the Covid-19 Pandemic

S.Y 2021-2022

A Research Paper presented to the

Faculty of Lemery Senior High School

Lemery, Batangas

In partial fulfillment

of the requirements for Practical Research 2

Grade 12 Senior High School


ABM 12-2 FAYOL Group VI

Alteza, Lady Ann L.

Barredo, Kimberly

Mercado, Izy

Ocampo, Aliyah

Palino, Mikaela Angela

Pantoja, Charmi
Chapter l

1.1 Introduction

Lomi is a soupy noodle dish made with thick noodles and the variety of toppings
added to it that makes it special. Batangas is one of the popular places in the
Philippines that offers Lomi for its authentic taste, it was known to originate in Lipa
Batangas. Many towns offer different version of their own special Lomi and one of them
is in Nonong Casto, Lemery Batangas. In today’s event we are experiencing Covid-19
outbreak, were one of the businesses that severely impacted is the food industry which
includes the Lomi House in Nonong Casto Lemery Batangas.

Dining in Lomi Houses stopped and states COVID 19 guidelines such as social
distancing and other safety measures. As the pandemic continues, Lomi house owners
must think of techniques on how they can still serve their Lomi in safe and sustainable
ways. The Lomi Houses aim to continue with the business despite of the outbreak that
we are experiencing. This study will help the Lomi Houses in Nonong Casto Batangas
to know the operations they would maintain and improve so they can continue the
business and give their customer the assurance of their safety when dining in the Lomi

As a student of Lemery Senior High School, in the strand of Accounting

Business, and Management, present researchers, will have the possibility of dining in
the Lomi House. The researchers can use this research to practice safety procedures
while there is no guarantee that everyone will be protected from the Covid-19 pandemic.
1.2 Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to determine the adjustment techniques of exactly six (6)
lomi houses in Nonong Casto Lemery, Batangas during the health crisis. The
conclusions of this study will not only inform other restaurant owners about the
necessity of following health regulations, but will also to demonstrate how Covid-19
impacted food establishments. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the various adjustment techniques implied by the owners of Lomi houses in
Lemery Batangas?

2. How much did their profit increase/decrease during the pandemic compared to
normal days?

3. How many hours do they operate their lomi houses within a day?

4. How many times have lomi houses been forced to stop operating due to the frequent
changes of quarantine measures in Batangas?

1.3 Scope, limitation and delimitation of the study

This study primarily focuses on the assessment of nutritional value of lomi

houses and its owners’ and staffs' performance in terms of safety and quality of their
services. The researchers aim to know if company owners are following the norms and
process set forth by the Philippine National Standard for Food Products in terms of
safety and cleanliness when serving their own made dishes. This study intends to
incorporate people in the criterion for providing lomi, a popular Filipino food, as well as
the adjustments made in lomi houses in Nonong Casto, Lemery Batangas. This
research will primarily focus on the owners and staff of lomi houses. Six (6) lomi house
owners who are now experiencing a business issue as a result of the pandemic will be
chosen as respondents. The researchers will also look into how the respondents sort
out the problem in this study.
1.4 Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to learn more about the adjustment procedures used
by lomi house owners in Nonong Casto, Lemery Batangas, and to assess their success
based on customers’ behavior. The stated barrio has a total of six (6) lomi houses, all of
which have gotten the hearts of Lemery residents through their stomachs. As a result, it
will aid and contribute to the community's tourism, as well as the area's product,
economic, and social status.

Benefiting on the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Business Owners

The direct recipients of the output of this research are the owners of lomi houses.
Any improvement of the food establishments’ adjustment techniques can pave the way
of having better health precautions and safety measures in line with the food industry.
The non-recipients will be aware on how they will make vital changes amidst the

The Customers

The ones who give profit to the aspiring entrepreneurs prioritize their health in
this time of pandemic. They tend to ensure their safety whilst enjoying the foods that’s
being served by particular food hubs. This research will give them the admonishment to
refrain from entering food establishments which do not execute any adjustments to
assure the safety of its customers.

The Employees

This study will enlighten the staffs on how their work helps every citizen in their
community as well as the economy in ensuring that the foods served are clean and
safe. This study will help food services adapt traditional habits to this new normal. Most
food service workers are long-suffering in today’s era and rely on their daily wages to
sustain their livelihood.
1.5 Theoretical Framework

Anthropological Research Implementation

 2002 UNESCO
 Herskovit’s Convention for the
Acculturation Safeguarding of
Theory Intangible Cultural
 Modernization Heritage
Theory  Australia ICOMOS Burra
Charter for Places of
Cultural Significance
 GCI’S Planning Process

Figure 1 ; The theoretical framework

The figure shows the theoretical framework employed in the study, which are
divided into two perspectives: the anthropological perspective and the research
implementation perspective. In the anthropological perspective, the researcher
identified two theoretical approaches that characterize the culinary tradition and
techniques of lomi and lomi houses in Lemery: lomi as a culinary tradition introduced by
the Chinese and now embraced by the community as their own culture (Acculturation
Theory); and today's lomi and lomi house has changed as a result of current trends and
challenges such as the influence of food preservatives and additives; modern
technology, people's evolving requirements and wishes and of course pandemic or the
Covid-19 Pandemic (Modernization Theory). In the research implementation
perspective, The frameworks will serve as a foundation for collecting and analyzing
research findings and data, as well as making suggestions for techniques on lomi
houses. The UNESCO Convention of 2003 provides the foundation for implementing
intangible heritage documentation, determining the influence of various stakeholders for
conservation and development, and providing provisions for suggesting adjustment
techniques and developing a safeguarding plan for the lomi tradition's long-term
sustainability. The researchers employed the specific surrounding heritage importance
identification by determining the physical, oral, and documentary evidences, and giving
a thorough declaration of significance for the 1999 Australia ICOMOS Charter (SOS).
Finally, the researchers analyze the impact and importance of the techniques and
economic component on heritage resources when developing the GCI Planning
Process Methodology.
1.6 Conceptual Framework


Profile of food

a. Age

b. Sex Analysis of data

c. Monthly
income a. Questionnaires Better Quality of
Safety Service
Adjustment b. Virtual Interviews
c. Observation
during Covid-19

a. Causes

b. Management

c. Prevention
Figure 2: The Conceptual Framework

This figure shows the conceptual framework of this study using the Input-
Process-Output (IPO) Model. The input variables indicate the profile of food
entrepreneurs and their adjustment techniques during Covid-19. The profile of business
owners is made up of age, sex, and monthly income.

These three indices marked the owners’ input personal qualifications for this
study. These factors were correlated with the owners’ adjustment techniques and its
effectiveness in three categories, namely, causes, management, and prevention.
Causes are any event or situation that precipitates the implementation of the various
techniques. Management refers to the planning progress of the organization to come up
with preventions which equate to the adjustment techniques made in Lomi Houses.

Using research methods and statistical treatment of data constitute the research
process. The researchers will collect data through making questionnaires, conducting
virtual interviews and observing in the selected lomi houses in a specific barrio. The
research findings, conclusions, and recommendations will form the bases of the food
establishments’ better quality of safety service.

1.7 Definition of Terms

For the purpose of Clarification, the important key terms used in this study have
been defined. The following terms are as follows;

Anthropological Perspective. Concerned with the study of human diversity in its

entirety, as well as the use of that knowledge to assist people from various

Research Implementation. Methods for incorporating research findings and other

evidence-based information into policy and practice are being studied in depth.
Business Owners. Individuals who form and operate a company that engages in
commercial, industrial, or professional activities with the goal of profiting from its
successful operations are referred to as entrepreneurs.

Culinary. Of or relating to the kitchen or cooking culinary skills.

Customers. A person or a firm that buys goods or services from another enterprise.
Customers are crucial since they are the source of money; without them, businesses
would cease to exist.

Employees. A person employed for wages or salary, especially at nonexecutive level.

Food Establishments. An operation that stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends, or

otherwise prepares food for human consumption.

Lomi. Filipino dish made with a variety of thick fresh egg noodles of about a quarter of
an inch in diameter, soaked in lye water to give it more texture

Philippine National Standard for Food Products. Was first produced and adopted in
2003 with the goal of encouraging organic agriculture and increasing market
competitiveness by offering a consistent approach to conversion, crop production,
livestock, processing, and special goods requirements.

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