Makasih 19 Ar: Answer Yakin/Ragu

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Question Answer Yakin/Ragu

The complete linkage method of false

hierarchical clustering is based on
the minimum distance or the
nearest neighbor approach

Cluster Analysis can be used in

marketing for determining how
strongly sales are related to ources/blog/cluster-analysis/
advertising expenditures Bukannya false? Jd true apa false true
Apanih ges
False sih sepertinya bismilah
aja bener

A construct is an unobservable or False p

latent variable that can be defined Ini false?? Serious
in conceptual terms that can be
measured directly

___Is a clustering procedure agglomerative Yakin (buku)

where each object starts out in a
separate cluster

multiple discriminant analysis is false

useful when the dependent

SEM can be thought of a false R

combination of MANOVA and Ini bnr ga
anova Ini apaaaaaa

The most commonly used euclidian Yakin apa ragu neeeh

measure of similarity y
The _ method is based on Single linkage (google) y
minimum distance or the nearest

Common example of dendrogram Graph Y di buku


Which of the following statements CFA is best used in situation

is NOT true regarding wgere you have
confirmatory factor analysis

Which of the following is not one

of the primary goals of factor

For the factor analysis to be true

appropriate, the variables must
be correlated

___ are simple correlations Factor loadings Gugel Y

between the variables and the
factors. Select one:

A category of class is also known Cluster, clustering

as a _____, and the process of
placing items into them is known
as _____

__ is a class of procedures Factor analysis Lebih ke yakin daripada ragu

primarily used for data reduction Bener kok
and summarization

To predict a person’s occupation The probability of 0,4

by their income, lawyers are randomly drawing an
coded as 0 and accountants as 1. accounta
If there are 100 cases and 50
accountants, what is the mean of
the variable?
The Confirmatory factor analysis truE yakin
is used to verify the factor
structure of a set of observed
values (bukan variables?)

When should you use Logistics Predict a categorical from r

regression? con or cat variable

Average linkage can be used True tapi ragu Bener true ada di google
between clusters in cluster

A common example of a Playoff tournament y

dendrogram is a APANIH GRAPH APA

In cluster analysis, objects with true

larger distances between them
are more similar to each other
than are those at smaller I gotchu

Which of the following is a All of the answer are correct

characteristic of dendogram

Sometimes, because of prior Prior determination a priori

knowledge, the researcher knows gasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
how many factors to expect and
thus can specify the number of
factors to be extracted
beforehand. This is referred to

Which of the following is a SRMR Y di buku

badness of fit index

Which of the following statements Cluster analysis does not r

regarding cluster analysis is not predict relationship
Ini cluster analysis
requires the data to be
interval-scaled ga sih?
Itu bukannya malah
All the following are dependence Factor analysis
methods of analysis, EXCEPT…

An ads consultant want to Logistic regression is not Ragu

evaluate whether an suitable as only one Logistic regression is perfectly
advertisement should be recalled predictor acceptable fot this model
or not from a tv, predicted by the (maybe)
number of hours Jadi yg mana hayo
Kayanya perfectly
acceptable soalnya gpp
kalau 2 factor aja

To predict a person’s occupation The probability of a randomly

by their income, lawyers are
coded as 0 and accountants as 1.
If there are 100 cases and 40 are
accountants. In this example, the
mean of the variable is equal to?

the most commonly used euclidean

measure of similarity is the

Which method allows the Jadi yg mana eh| iya cok Icicle plot dan cluster
researcher to obtain information cluster gaada apa icicle
on cluster membership of cases if plot doang 08/business-marketing-pre-qu
the number of clusters is iz-8
specified? Kyknya icicle
Cluster gaaDA?

The most important of ___ is semare Formulating the clustering

selecting variables on which problem
clustering is based

In a cluster analysis, objects with false

a larger distance between them
are more similar to each other….

___ are the actual items that are Measured variables or

measured using a survey indicators
questionnaire R apa Y?
How can structural equation As a combination Y
modeling (SEM) be described Iya bener

SEM models are estimated so as Minimize the difference Tankssmportant components

to between the observed

cluster analysis requires prior false chegg

knowledge of the cluster group
membership for each object or
case included to develop the
classification rule

Which of the following is NOT a Differences between groups

research question that should be
investigated with logistic

In SEM, it is recommended that True Y

each construct be measured by
using at least three observe

The Fective of cluster analysis is TRUE CUK OK MKSH CUK

to classify objects into relatively
heterogenous group

How can structural equation priori

modeling SEM be described

Measuring similarity in terms of true Y, via chegg

distance between pairs of objects
is the most common approach
used in cluster analysis for
grouping similar objects together.
Dependent variable and Ini discriminant gk sih? Multiple discriminant
independent variables are analysisdendrolinka
important components in multiple
regression analysis

sometimes because of prior Priori determination Bener ga ini

knowledge the researcher knows bener
how many factors to expect and
thus can specify

Cluster analysis is a type of True Y

interdependence method.

In logistic regression, the Natural log Ada di google

dependent variable is called a
logit which is

Cluster analysis is the obverse of True ga sih Ngurangin variable bisa juga
factor analysis in that it reduces factor analysis soalnya, masih
the number of objects instead of ragu nih
number of variables Bener

Which of the following is a All of the answers are

characteristic of a dendrogram correct

In logistic regression, the Natural log, lagi ln

dependent variable is called a
logit, which is?

All of the following are Factor analysis Y

dependence methods of analysis,

____ is a clustering procedure Agglomerative? iya

where each object starts out in a https://themarketingresea
seperate cluster

Cluster analysis requires prior true

The ___ method is based on Single linkage y
minimum distance or the nearest
neighbor rul

Dependent variable and

independent variables are
important components in multiple
regression analysis and_____

Which of the following statements CFA requires you to ragu

is NOT true regarding CFA? predetermine a specific

The main objective of cluster False rprimary

analysis is to classify objects into
relatively heterogeneous groups True?? Dari chegg

When should you use logistic Predict any categorical ragu// bener
regression variables from other
categorical variables

Which of the following is NOT one Determine how many factors

of the primary goals of factor underline a set observable
analysis variables

Which of the following statements EFA involves a specific

regarding exploratory factor hypothesis based on previous
analysis (EFA) is NOT correct? re

Cluster analysis is the observe of true

factor analysis inthat it reduces
the number object instead of
number of variables

The most important of ___ is formulating y

selecting variables on which
clustering is based

Which of the following is not one Define the meaning or ragu

of the primary goals of factor content of the observable
analysis variables

Cluster analysis is the obverse of true gugel

factor analysis
Cluster analysis requires prior
knowledge of the cluster group
membership for each object

The most commonly used

measure of similarity is the ___ or
its square

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