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 wednesday may 23,

Vientiane Times
2012 ISSUE 117
The First National English Language Newspaper 4500 kip

Lao tourism
operators urged
Vientiane to double number of drug-free schools
to focus on
Souksakhone Vaenkeo

Korean market
Vientiane education authorities have
announced their intention to double
the number of drug-free schools
Times Reporters in the capital by the next academic
The number of Korean visitors to The move comes after officials
Laos has surged in the first quarter learnt that drug use has been in decline
of this year, indicating that travel in schools following earlier initiatives.
agents and hotel managers should The drug-free school programme
adapt their services to the needs of began in 2005 and to date the
this market segment. Vientiane Education Department
According to a report from the has issued certificates declaring
Ministry of Information, Culture 25 schools to be drug-free. The
and Tourism, 13,922 Korean tourists certificates are issued once a school
visited Laos in the first three months has satisfied the department that
of this year, up 46.66 percent on the certain requirements have been met.
same period last year. “Qualified schools must be able
The increase is partly due to the to achieve at least 85 percent success
start of direct flights between Laos in 12 criteria,” said department
and the Republic of Korea earlier official Mr Hongkeo Thammavong,
this year. In March, Korean Air’s who is in charge of the project.
low cost airline Jin Air changed its “Our inspection teams visit
Seoul Incheon-Vientiane sector from schools unannounced and conduct
a charter flight to a regular passenger random urine and other tests,” he
route. told Vientiane Times yesterday, Schools that meet drug-free and smoke-free criteria will be certified with signs like these.
According to tourism officials, adding that to qualify a school must
Koreans like to escape from the past such tests on three consecutive school qualifies. “We interview local consecutive years will be awarded a significant.
cold weather at home and vacation occasions. people and if we receive adverse trophy by the Ministry of Education As a result, many schools have
in tropical countries where they can Through their inspections, the comments regarding truancy or other and Sports. Failure to maintain the expressed interest in participating in
enjoy the warm weather and play department has found that many inappropriate behaviour the school status will result in certification the scheme.
golf. schools fail to meet the necessary will not pass,” Mr Hongkeo said. being withdrawn. With increasing competition,
Increasing Korean investment in criteria for certification so they see a The programme also requires Mr Hongkeo stressed that even especially among private schools,
Laos is also boosting visitor numbers. substantial need for improvement. ongoing inspection of certified though data to assess the decline being certified generates considerable
The Korean Exchange teamed up Comments from people in the schools to ensure they are maintaining in drug use in schools has not been benefit to the successful school, by
with the Lao government to set up neighbourhood are also taken into their drug-free status. Those who fully recorded, the beneficial effect attracting more students. “Parents will
the Lao Securities Exchange, and account when determining whether a are able to achieve this for three of the department’s measures is Continued page 2
Hyundai and Kia Motors and other
Korean manufacturers have set up
operations in Laos after learning that
the emerging economy is growing
Borikhamxay resettles thousands of slash and burn farmers
rapidly. Times Reporters roads, schools and dispensaries. have been built to accommodate of almost 260,000 inhabitants that
The influx of Korean tourists is Head of the provincial Integrated the children of newcomers, and have been classified as poor.
a signal that travel agents and hotel Thousands of people from different Rural Development Office, Mr dispensaries have been built in each The master plan will be submitted
operators need to change their focus, backgrounds in Borikhamxay Phichith Sayaphone, told the Vientiane of the four village clusters. to the government for consideration
such as employing staff who can province have moved to live in new Times yesterday that all the people to Some 15 gravity-fed water and budget allocation. The five
speak Korean. permanent housing arranged by the be resettled have now moved into the systems are now operational to planned development zones are
At present, most Lao travel agents provincial authorities there. newly-developed areas. provide for the people’s daily needs. expected to be completed by 2015.
and hotel staff speak English, but this According to provincial Officials said some of the people Officials said land has been made Including the five more that are
does not help in communications authorities, four locations have been had relocated some time ago, and available for growing rice and other planned, the nine developed zones
with Koreans, most of whom cannot developed to accommodate 7,415 have been joined by those who crops so that farmers can make a are focused on the 14 percent of the
speak English. The number of people previously engaged in shifting moved more recently. living. Electricity has been installed population categorised as poor in order
tourists coming from Europe and the slash and burn cultivation and those The resettlement is in line with and roads built to improve transport to help alleviate poverty, Mr Phichith
US is currently on the decline due to whose old villages have been affected the Party’s policy to merge small access and raise living standards. said. The project is scheduled for
the economic downturn. by development projects. scattered villages into larger units The office is now mapping out a completion in 2015 in line with the
Economists at the Asian The new development village to make it easier for the government master plan to develop another five government’s ambition to reduce the
Development Bank say Laos should clusters will cover more than 265,000 to develop communities and provide similar zones, hoping to accelerate number of poor families from current
also focus more on exports to Asian hectares in total, with permanent services to the poor. improvements in the living conditions about 18 percent to not more than 10
Continued page 3 farmland and infrastructure such as Primary and secondary schools of 14 percent of the total population percent of the total by 2015.

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page 3 page 6 page 21,,,
2 Home news Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times
Home news
Electronic devices deafen
driver alertness
Souknilundon electronic equipment whilst and dragged her along the
Southivongnorath driving is still not overly railway track.
common in our country but Another website from
Driving while listening to it definitely does have the India also reported last year
headphones or Bluetooth potential to cause accidents.” that a 21-year-old woman
devices can be highly “The problem with people died after being hit by a bike
distracting and is becoming listening to devices is that and then a bus while she was
a more common cause of they can’t hear what’s going crossing a busy road, and
accidents, a senior traffic on around them, so we get police said she was crossing
official said yesterday. people holding up traffic the road with her earphones
Deputy Chief of the or driving erratically due plugged in.
Vientiane Traffic Police to inattentiveness,” Major A UK website also
Department, Major Bounmark Bounmark said. reported this year that
Soundalay, said many people He advised that if people the number of accidents Ms Choi Eun Young (fifth right) presents a computer monitor to Mr Khamphiang Keolangsy.
thought the devices to be want to talk on the phone, they involving pedestrians wearing
relatively harmless, but
actually they are a cognitive
distraction and people wearing
should park their vehicles in
an appropriate place before
doing so. “Actually, it is
headphones is on the rise, a
report suggests, prompting Korea gives boost to
vocational training centre
fresh warnings from road
them are often involved in illegal to talk on the phone safety groups in Britain.
accidents. while driving.” Major Bounmark said
“Motorists lose con- Major Bounmark said they were aware of the issue
centration and don’t observe listening to music while and wanted to head it off as
the traffic rules if they use riding motorbikes or bicycles Phaisythong Chandara the centre has received Mr Khamphiang thanked
electronic devices continue to both financial and technical KIOCA for its continued
these tools while they are is becoming more common, proliferate in Laos.
driving. Some will get good particularly among young The Korea International support from KOICA in support and expressed hope
“We know wearing recent years. for further cooperation.
news and some will get bad people, and could also cause Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
headphones and earpieces This academic year, He said the centre hopes
news while talking to friends, problems. “It is still not a yesterday donated educational
is on the increase, and will KIOCA provided five to be upgraded to an institute,
while others will listen to serious problem in Vientiane supplies to the Lao-Korea
start causing more road scholarships for the centre’s and plans to offer intermediate
music which is often very or Laos more generally but it Vocational Training Centre in
accidents. That’s why it staff to train in the Republic level courses in cookery and
loud,” he said. will be soon.” Vientiane.
is part of our road safety of Korea and provided four mechanics.
The department reported According to news reports A handover ceremony
campaign in Vientiane, to Korean volunteers to work at The centre also plans
that the three predominant from Thailand, a girl was at the training centre was
make people more aware of the centre, teaching computer to improve its IT usage to
causes of road accidents in killed while walking close to attended by its Director Mr
the situation.” science, mechanics, electrical provide modernised teaching
Vientiane are people driving a railroad. Khamphiang Keolangsy,
However, traffic officials studies, and cooking. and learning methods, and is
whilst drunk, speeding and The local official believed Manager of the KIOCA Office
also depend on the cooperation Mr Khamphiang said asking KIOCA to provide a
breaking traffic rules. Many she couldn’t hear the train’s to Laos Ms Choi Eun Young,
of motorists, he said, and their the volunteers teamed up to volunteer to teach a beauty
accidents end up being fatal, horn and when it drew and representatives from
warnings were for the good of train staff at the centre and to salon course.
especially in Vientiane. alongside her, the train caught the Ministry of Labour and
drivers, not the police. improve the curriculum. They The centre will also
“Using this kind of the handbag she was carrying Social Welfare’s Department
of Labour Skill Development also provided educational cooperate with Korea
Lao students depart for youth programme in Tokyo and Employment.
The total value of the
materials and assistance in the
use of new technology.
Polytechnic University to
train up its staff.
donated items was US$23,816, KIOCA’s support is The Lao-Korea Vocational
Ounkham Pimmata Gakuen and attend various efforts to improve education including computer monitors, improving the standard of Training Centre opened in
activities with their Japanese standards in Laos. She hoped tables and chairs, a projector, teaching at the centre and 2005. So far, over 4,000
In cooperation with the host students. A two-night the students would benefit a digital camera, textbooks is in line with the ministry’s students, including many from
Ministry of Education and homestay programme will as much as possible from and other essential. The five year plan (2011-2015) disadvantaged families, have
Sports, the Embassy of Japan be arranged with their host the visit, and learn how the equipment will mainly be to turn out larger numbers graduated from the centre and
to Laos held a send off party families and they will also Japanese developed their used by students training to be of better skilled workers to now work for companies and
for 18 secondary school visit a Lao festival to be held country and why they love to electricians. meet Laos’ development factories both in Laos and
students who will attend an in Yoyogi Park. keep things clean and tidy. Mr Khamphiang said needs. other countries.
Asia-Pacific youth exchange Director of the ministry’s “These are important
programme in Tokyo.
The programme is known
External Relations
Department, Ms Chanthavong
lessons that the students can
bring back to their schools and Suspect killed while resisting arrest
as the Japan East Asia Network Phandamnong, said the everyday lives,” she said.
of Exchange Students and programme would help Ms Chanthavong was Times Reporters The official told the Sisattanak district, and other
Youths (JENESYS). More students broaden their confident the students will Vientiane Times that Touby places in Vientiane.
than 500 young people knowledge and experience, have a productive time in A police officer from the was a menace to Lao society The official said it had
have visited Japan since its which would be useful for Japan, and that the programme Vientiane Police Headquarters having caused trouble in been difficult to apprehend
inception in 2007. developing their country in will continue to promote the reported yesterday that a well- Vientiane and elsewhere since this man because he was
During the exchange future years. friendship between Laos and known criminal known as 2009. highly mobile and rarely
programme, the students She said the programme Japan. Touby, from Meuangva village He was said to have stayed in one place for any
will visit Tokyo Kokusai would assist the ministry in its The JENESYS programme in Sikhottabong district, was stolen a motorcycle in length of time. His crimes
was launched at the 2nd East killed while resisting arrest. Thongkhankham village after included robbery and murder
Asia Summit (EAS) held in A search of his body killing the owner. so he was classed as a very
the Philippines, aiming to revealed that he was carrying Police reported that since dangerous person and extra
invite about 6,000 youths a fully loaded firearm. then the man had continued caution had to be exercised
from EAS member countries According to unconfirmed his crime spree, stealing when confronting him.
to Japan every year for five reports, the incident occurred in motorcycles and shooting More details will be
years. Nonghay village, Hadxaifong their owners in Illay village, reported when the police
The project aims to deepen district, where police officers Sikhottabong district, and reveal the results of their
their understanding of different encountered the suspect. in Donenokkhoum village, investigations.
facets of Japanese society
including politics, diplomacy, Lao Press in Foreign Languages
economy and culture.
The programme is Vientiane Times If you have a
designed to lay the foundations Established 1994, Volume 18
for solidarity among Asian Tel: (856-21)216364, fax: (856-21)216365
problem accessing
Counsellor of the Embassy of Japan to Laos Mr Shigeki Kobayashi countries by promoting mutual
understanding among future
(centre) and Ms Chanthavong Phandamnong pose with students
who will attend the youth exchange programme in Tokyo. generations in the region.
Savankhone Razmountry
Phon Thikeo
Mobile:55624351 the website, please
Thongsavath Chansombath Business Editor:
call directly to
Vientiane to double number... From page 1
Deputy Editor-in-Chief and
Managing Editor:
Ekaphone Phouthonesy
Tel: 217593, 020 55689209

be much happier if they know wants to take the initiative line with the government’s
Thonglor Duangsavanh
Tel: 021 216364
Copy Sub-Editor:
Elizabeth Winch Tel: +856-21
their children are being educated should contact the department policy on developing the Lao Tel: 217593
in a drug-free environment,” Mr and an inspection team will education system. News Editor:
Phonekeo Vorakhoun
Graphic Designer/IT:
Malaythong Phayanouvong
251617; 252629;
Hongkeo said. In collaboration visit, unannounced, to check. In addition to their anti-
Mobile: 55599207 Tel: 217593, 020 55729209
with school executives, the The department works drug work, the Vientiane Finance Manager:
department has set a target to closely with health officials, the Education Department in News Deputy Editor: Oudom Souvannasinh
certify 30 schools next academic national and Vientiane offices collaboration with health sector Sisay Vilaysack Tel: 252630
year. in charge of drug control, and also certifies smoke-free schools Mobile:55615716 Marketing Manager: Email:
The programme does not the United Nations Office on to those meeting the required Phoutthasack Inthakoummane
specify which schools may Drugs and Crime. The drug- criteria but so far only one has Features Editor: Mobile: 020 55599209
participate so any school that free programme is also in been awarded.
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 Home news 3
President receives credentials from new ambassadors
Times Reporters

President Choummaly
Sayasone yesterday received
the credentials of five new
ambassadors to Laos at the
Presidential Palace.
The newly-accredited
ambassadors are Dr Haji
President Choummaly
Emran Baha from Brunei Sayasone (left) receives
Darussalam, Ms Ana Maria the credentials of Dr Haji
Ramirez from Argentina, Mr Emran Baha.
Denes Tomaj from Hungary,
Ms Kristin A. Arnadottir from
Iceland, and Mr Damien Cole
from Ireland.
Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad (foreground) monitors
developments in Vangvieng district, Vientiane province.

DPM oversees development

in Vangvieng district
Times Reporters tourism,” Mr Somsavat said.
He urged the authorities
Deputy Prime Minister to provide more training for
Somsavat Lengsavad made tourism industry workers in
a two-day working visit to order to ensure satisfactory
Vangvieng district in Vientiane services for both local and
province along with other foreign visitors.
government officials on May Mr Somsavat also visited
19-20, to monitor the progress the cement factory, which
of development. has played a key role in the
During his visit, Mr economic development of the Ms Ana Maria Ramirez presents her credentials to President
Choummaly Sayasone.
President Choummaly Sayasone (left) receives the credentials of
Mr Denes Tomaj.
Somsavat praised the area since it was established.
local authorities for their He thanked the board
achievements in terms of of directors and staff of the
socio economic development, factory for their achievements
poverty reduction and other over the past years. He
initiatives. stressed that cement factories
At the same time, he also should ensure their raw
shared ideas with authorities material inputs were of the
regarding the education and required quality, as this would
health sectors, personnel help to lower imports of raw
development and social issues materials.
caused by the tourist influx. “With our bid to become
He said the district has a member of the World Trade
significant tourism potential Organisation (WTO) and to
and a high profile reputation integrate with the international
both in Laos and overseas, economy, Laos must produce
and development plans need high quality domestic goods
to be clearly outlined to ensure that meet international
responsible development, standards,” he said. President Choummaly Sayasone (left) receives the credentials of Mr Damien Cole (right) presents his credentials to President
societal order and the safety He also encouraged the Ms Kristin A. Arnadottir. Choummaly Sayasone.
and security of visitors. board of directors to develop
“The Tourism Department the factory as a socially
should cooperate with tourism responsible enterprise that
Ministry: Begin vocational training at an earlier age Lao tourism
operators to organise arts and contributes to the community, Phaisythong Chandara
cultural performances in order especially people living
development partners.
“We will have plenty of
to promote the right kinds of around the factory. Deputy Minister of Education capable workers if we can From page 1
Associate Professor Dr achieve this,” he said.
3 Day Weather Forecast Kongsy Sengmany has called
for vocational training to be
The ministry’s Technical
and Vocational Education
markets, including
Korea, as these economies
Xieng Khuang
Temperature (C)
provided for young people Department Director General, are growing while those of
Min Max
at an earlier age, especially Mr Nouphanh Outsa, said the western nations are slowing.
23/05/2012 20 26 Light rain rural girls and disadvantaged development of technical and According to the ministry’s
24/05/2012 19 26 Mostly cloudy
people. vocational training between report, there has also been
Dr Kongsy made the now and 2020 will face many a significant increase in the
25/05/2012 19 27 Scattered showers
statement while attending the challenges but if the ministry number of Chinese tourists.
Luang Namtha
Temperature (C)
13th National Administrators can successfully build up their From January to March,
Min Max
Meeting for Technical and Dr Kongsy Sengmany staffing levels and capacity, 60,146 Chinese tourists came
23/05/2012 21 32 Light rain Vocational Education held in addresses the workshop. they will see much in the way to Laos, a 33 percent increase
24/05/2012 20 32 Mostly cloudy
Vientiane yesterday. of progress. compared to the same period
“Technical and vocational Dr Kongsy called on Mr Nouphanh said the last year.
25/05/2012 21 33 Scattered showers

Luang Prabang
education officials should gear technical colleges and department was facing many The surge in Chinese
Temperature (C) up for the challenge of producing vocational training centres challenges in terms of preparing tourists is attributed to
Min Max
skilled personnel with the around the country to provide for the industrialisation and mushrooming Chinese
23/05/2012 24 33 Light rain ability to meet the development the courses needed for people modernisation of Laos, and investment in Laos. Another
24/05/2012 24 34 Mostly cloudy demands of the new era by to develop their communities, graduation from the list of least growing source of visitors is
25/05/2012 25 35 Scattered showers
integrating vocational training especially in the fields of developed countries by 2020. Australia. In the first quarter
into the national education mechanics and agriculture. He said the main of this year 11,517 tourists
Temperature (C) system,” he said. Vocational education and impediments include an arrived from that country, up
Min Max
“Technical and vocational training is facing the challenge insufficient budget and 18 percent compared to the
23/05/2012 25 32 Mostly cloudy education and training is an of revising and developing suitably qualified teaching same period last year.
24/05/2012 26 33 Light rain integral and crucial part of training programmes to staff, modern training centres The ministry report also
25/05/2012 26 33 Scattered showers
the national education system suit current and future and educational supplies. noted that tourist arrivals from
and is key to national socio- labour market requirements, By 2012, some 200 students Europe dropped marginally by
Temperature (C) economic growth.” according to the department. from provinces facing skills 1.76 percent, supplying 58,438
Date Weather
Min Max At present, several The sector is also facing a shortages will enter and graduate tourists. Several country
23/05/2012 27 35 Partly cloudy vocational schools and rise in the number of secondary from vocational schools in fields markets reported declines
24/05/2012 27 36 Light rain training centres are attempting school leavers wanting to take such as hairdressing, textiles, including the important
25/05/2012 27 36 Scattered showers
to provide skills that match vocational courses, resulting carpentry, cookery, agriculture, German market (-10.28
labour market needs and give in a shortage of places. construction, electronics, auto percent at 7,037 visitors).
Temperature (C) young people the skills needed Dr Kongsy encouraged mechanics, hospitality and Only two of the European
Date Weather
Min Max to develop their communities. meeting participants to accounting. countries identified in the
23/05/2012 28 35 Partly cloudy However, in some rural share their views on the At present, there are 22 report achieved double digit
24/05/2012 27 34 Light rain areas there are still major skill improvement of vocational technical and vocational growth: Russia with 11.19
25/05/2012 28 35 Isolated showers
shortages which hinder the training courses with a focus training institutes operating percent (2,326) and Denmark
development process. on cooperation with various under the ministry. with 14.34 percent (2,033).
4 Home news Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

News in Brief
New secondary school for Huaphan students
Students in Viengxay district, Huaphan province, now have a brand new secondary
Ms Bouatha school after the handover of the school on May 20, witnessed by provincial Education
Khattiya (left) and Sports Department Director Mr Khammon Chanthasouk, local authorities and other
receives the guests.
books from Mr
Masato Togawa
The school cost more than 4.5 billion kip to construct, with the support of the
at a ceremony government.
in Vientiane on The school was built by locally-based Thipphomvong Construction Company and took
Monday. 18 month to complete, with construction supervised by the Ministry of Education and
The two-storey school building is 69 metres long and 13 metres wide, and has 16
furnished classrooms.

JICA funds law translation Officials attending the handover planted trees in the grounds to mark Arbor Day on June 1.

to aid investment promotion Savannakhet bestows community award

Vongvixay village in Xepon district, Savannakhet province, was recently declared a
Times Reporters regarding the development economic growth and creating model community of culture and health.
and management of special jobs. A ceremony to confer the title took place in the village, witnessed by district Governor
Japan International Co- and specific economic zones. Special and specific Mr Thonkeo Phoutthakaiyalath and local authorities.
operation Agency (JICA) has She believed the translation economic zones identify Mr Sengkeo, a local official, said the village embodied what was good for women
financed the translation and would result in more interest specific locations for and children in the community, and the designation is part of efforts to preserve local
publication of Lao legislation on from Japanese investors about development, attracting both
special and specific economic doing business in Laos, which domestic and foreign investors traditions and address social behaviour problems.
zones (SEZ) into Japanese, with in turn would generate more by offering tax and duty He said the villagers have strengthened cultural activities by working with officials to
the effort costing more than 24 job opportunities for Lao incentives in order to promote improve education, primary healthcare and infrastructure.
million kip. people and help them out of infrastructure development, This village is home to around 1,150 people in 165 families, most of whom are farmers.
Chief Representative of poverty. services, production, skill The village has boosted living standards, and now only five families are considered to be
the JICA Laos Office, Mr Ms Bouatha also development and the transfer
living in poverty.
Masato Togawa, handed over highlighted the close relations of modern technology.
2,000 books to the Head of between Laos and Japan before JICA is an independent
General Secretariat to the congratulating the Japanese government agency that Saravan farmers prepare to plant wet season rice
Lao National Committee for government and JICA on their coordinates official development
Special Economic Zones, generous assistance to Laos. assistance (ODA) for the Farmers in Saravan province are now preparing to plant their wet season rice, with high
Ms Bouatha Khattiya, at a The Lao government government of Japan. hopes for a good harvest after low yields in the dry season.
ceremony held in Vientiane is improving the investment In recent years, JICA has The provincial Agriculture and Forestry Department said earlier this week that farmers
on Monday. climate, and the Japanese provided assistance for the are expected to plant over 10,000 hectares of rice and hope to harvest more than 40,000
Ms Bouatha said she translation of the relevant laws development of infrastructure tonnes.
appreciated the assistance is an important initiative to in Laos including the
Some districts, notably Saravan, Lakhonpheng and Vapy, experienced low yields earlier
from JICA, saying the new attract more investors, boosting improvement of National Road
Japanese version would help labour market growth and the No. 9, the Southern Region in the year because of unseasonal weather patterns at the start of the dry season.
ensure that Japanese businesses development of the industrial Power System Development The department plans to encourage farmers to grow more than 1,000 hectares of
have a better understanding sector. The government is Project, and the expansion of vegetables as well, in order to guarantee enough produce to meet the needs of local
about Laos as well as about optimistic that SEZ development Wattay International Airport in consumers.
the government’s policy will contribute to boosting Vientiane.

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) Request for quotation (Re-advertise)

Date: 21th May 2012
Invitation No: Shopping-Sup002/12 Sewing Equipments and Sewing Supplies
1. KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) Office in Lao PDR is pleased hereby
to request you to submit sealed price quotation for the supply of children hospital
equipment for following 3(three) categories:
(i). Ward, ICU, ER, OPD category for 49 items Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) is a
(ii). OR category for 42 items Korean government agency with objective to implement
(iii). Lab category for 14 items
Korean Government’s Grant Aid Program in Lao PDR and
2. You must quote for any or more categories under this request. Each category shall be
evaluated and contract awarded separately to the firm(s) offering the lowest evaluated is working in various fields of works with Lao Government
price for each category. on socio-economic development.
3. The bidder who intends to participate in bidding must be company operates medical and
hospital equipment and medical supplies. KOICA office in Laos is pleased to invite interested vendors
4. Your quotation in duplicate and in English language, must be accompanied by adequate
technical documentation and catalogue(s) and other printed material for each item quoted.
to submit sealed quotation for supply of:
5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the quotation - Sewing machines 14 each
documents with free of charge at following address mentioned below (working hours:
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM). - Over lock sewing machine 1 each
6. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of five percent (5%) of total Bid Price. - Button cover hand press machine 1 each
7. The deadline for submission of sealed price quotations is June 19th, 2012 at 3:00 PM
to the following address. - Sewing supplies 24 items
8. Public opening of the Quotations will be conducted on June 19th, 2012 at 3:15 PM at
following address. This invitation is open to all interested bidders and not limited
9. KOICA office in Laos requires that bidders and contractors observe the highest standard to specific experience in the supply of goods and services.
of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this
policy, KOICA; Interested vendors can obtain the quotation documents in
(a) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for
award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract
full details from the following address with free of charge:
in question; KOICA office
(b) will recognize a contractor as ineligible, for a period determined by KOICA.
10. KOICA will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection Vientiane Plaza Hotel, 3F
with the preparation or delivery of quotations. Sailom Rd, Hadsadyneua Village
11. Address:
Vientiane Plaza Hotel Tel: 021 263 331
3rd Floor
Sailom Road, Hatsadyneua Village
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital, Laos The deadline of submission of the sealed quotation is
Tel No : 021 263 331
Fax No: 021 263 332 11th June 2012 at 3:00 PM.
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 Photo news 5
CAMCE officially kicks off mega investment project
CAMCE Investment (Laos) Co., Ltd. on Monday night officially launched the Vientiane New World project, at the Lao Plaza Hotel. The mega real estate project, which is located on the Don Chan
riverfront, will cost more than US$600 million and is expected to take six to eight years to complete. Attending the launch ceremony were Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dr Thongloun Sisoulith, CAMCE Chairperson Ms Luo Yan, foreign ambassadors and diplomats to Laos, senior government officials, business leaders, and CAMCE management and staff.
Media representatives, Lao singers and Chinese performers were also present at the event. The launch featured speeches by Ms Yan and a presentation on the Vientiane New World project. Many
expect that the mega real estate project will change the face of the capital over the upcoming decade.

CAMCE Chairperson Ms Luo Yan delivers a speech at the launch of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Thongloun Sisoulith (centre), government leaders and VIP guests at the launch
the Vientiane New World project. ceremony.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs (sixth left) Dr Thongloun Sisoulith and CAMCE A Chinese artist uses sand to depict the That Luang Stupa, drawing applause from the audience.
Chairperson Ms Luo Yan (seventh left) stand with government leaders and VIP guests at the launch

Foreign ambassadors and diplomats to Laos attend the launch of the Vientiane New World project. Managing Director of CAMCE Investment (Laos) Co., Ltd. Mr Yao Jian (first right) exchanges name cards
with guests at the launch ceremony.

Popular Lao singer Alexandra

performs at the launch of the A guest signs a board to congratulate CAMCE on the launch of the
Vientiane New World project. Another well known Lao singer, Alouna, stages a modern dance performance at the launch ceremony. Vientiane New World project.
6 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

Ring of fire sweeps across sky In brief from Asia
News Network
JAPAN (The Yomiuri moved east. People in Tokyo
Shimbun) An annular solar were able to view the full Multiple entry
eclipse was observed Monday annular eclipse for about five visas to Japan
in a region stretching along minutes from 7:31am.
the Pacific side of the country About 200 people, The Japanese government
from southern Kyushu to including company workers will launch a multiple-entry
southern Tohoku. heading for work, were seen visa for temporary visitors
The annular eclipse, a stopping to gaze up at the who are Thai nationals
phenomenon in which the sky in front of JR Shimbashi living in Thailand. This will
moon blocks out most of the Station in Tokyo. start on June 1. The move
sun, leaving a ring of light Company employee Takao stems from a meeting in
around its circumference, was Sato, 59, of Moriya, Ibaraki Japan on March 7 between
last observed in the nation in Prefecture, said he was unable Japanese Prime Minister
1987, but only in Okinawa to buy a pair of special glasses Yoshihiko Noda and Thai
Prefecture. to observe the annular solar Prime Minister Yingluck
This is the first time in 932 eclipse, although he checked Shinawatra, according
years--since the Heian period at six convenience stores and to an announcement by
(794-1192)--that an annular other shops. the Japanese Embassy in
eclipse has been observed in Sato was finally able to Thailand. “We hope that
wide areas of the country. view the eclipse by borrowing implementation of the new
Although it was mostly three different types of glasses Oil is exploited at Bach Ho oilfield. Restructuring the economy must be enhanced to tackle its implicit multiple-entry visa will
cloudy Monday due to the from people around him. “I risks and instability for growth, efficiency and competitiveness. –Photo Viet Nam News increase the number of Thai
influence of a weather front was able to enjoy various visitors to Japan, enhance
to the south of the Japanese
archipelago, a huge number of
images of the eclipse. I feel
like I’ll be able to do a good Vietnam NA to discuss draft laws business convenience and
strengthen cooperation
between both countries,” it
people, including groups and job today,” he said.
tours organized to observe Those outside the main HANOI (Viet Nam News) -- Prime Minister Nguyen However, as the Deputy said.
the eclipse, were enthralled viewing areas were able to National Assembly Chairman Xuan Phuc presented the PM said, apart from the positive
whenever they were able enjoy a partial eclipse Monday, Nguyen Sinh Hung called government’s supplementary results, some socio-economic Marine
to glimpse the ring of light with up to 84 percent of the upon deputies to embrace report on socio-economic development tasks in 2011 were sustainability is top
through breaks in the clouds. sun eclipsed by the moon in democracy, concentrate on development in the last year limited. priority
The eclipse began in Sapporo and up to 93 percent their responsibilities and use and the first quarter of this Particularly, the macro BRUNEI (Brunei Times)
southern China, and gradually in Sendai. their intellectual capacities to year, as well as its plan to economy maintained -- Sustainably managing
make the third session of the operate the economy for the implicit risks and instability. Southeast Asia’s coastal
13th NA successful. rest of this year. Meanwhile the economy’s and marine resources has
He made the call on The report remarked competitiveness and growth become a top priority for
Monday at the start of the that in 2011, the economic rate were not improved and ASEAN. Delegates from
The annular solar
session in Hanoi. During growth rate was maintained, social labour productivity all ASEAN member states
eclipse shows the month-long process, inflation controlled, the remained low. attended the 13th meeting
a ring of light participants will focus on the macro economy positively Weak social services were of the ASEAN Working
around the moon review and passage of 13 draft progressed, social welfare improved slowly, especially in Group on Coastal and
in Tokyo. laws and two resolutions on was assured, national health care and education. In Marine Environment,
--The Yomiuri law-building programmes by security and social security addition, the environment in
Shimbun hosted by Brunei’s Ministry
2013. The NA deputies will were strengthened, and areas around rivers, industrial of Development (MoD) and
discuss six other draft laws. international relations and zones and some big cities held on Monday.
In the morning, Deputy integration were promoted. seriously deteriorated.
Vacancy Notice


The World Health Organization is seeking for a qualified Lao National for position of: Programme Analyst (Population and Development) - NOB – Post No. 34400
Technical Officer for Emerging Diseases, Surveillance and Response The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the world’s largest international source of population assistance. UNFPA provides support to improve
(NPO at NO-A Level) health through reproductive health and maternal health services, to achieve gender equality and to formulate/implement population policies and strategies
in support of sustainable development.

UNFPA in the Lao PDR is seeking a qualified Lao national candidate to fill a staff position of Programme Analyst (Population and Development).
To provide programme management, procurement and logistical support to Emerging Diseases, Surveillance and Response (ESR),
WHO Representative Office in Lao People's Democratic Republic, in providing technical support to the Ministry of Health, Department Under the direct supervision of Assistant Representative, the successful candidate will be responsible for the following duties and responsibilities:
of Hygiene and Prevention, and Department of Curative Medicine, National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) in the 1. Provide technical and management support to the relevant IPs and related partners in planning, development, implementation, monitoring and
implementation of surveillance and response and laboratory programmes in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. evaluation of population related policies and programme interventions
2. Coordinate technical assistance for and provide technical inputs to the conduct of key surveys. Articulate the inter-linkages between population
Duties: dynamics, reproductive health and rights, GBV/VAW and the needs of adolescents and young people; and assess technical assistance for the
integration of population variables into development planning
(1) Assists in the planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the activities in the national work plan for emerging 3. Provide substantive inputs to UNFPA’s response and advocacy strategies relating to population and development, taking into account political
and social sensitivities.
infectious diseases (EIDs) with focus on public health laboratory issues related to surveillance in line with Asia Pacific 4. Identify policy issues from data analysis to facilitate policy dialogues and the incorporation of these evidences into national plans and strategies.
Strategy for Emerging Diseases (APSED) and International Health Regulation (IHR) requirements; Ensure population issues emerged from data analysis, ICPD goals and MDGs are translated into local interventions, and responsive to
(2) Liaises closely with the relevant section of National Centre for laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) and Ministry of Health Government plans and priorities.
for timely provision of procured items and supplies required for the implementation of laboratory and surveillance activities 5. Co-ordinate and support UNDAF Outcome 1 working group as co-convener and facilitate inputs to all joint initiatives with other UN Agencies
and make necessary follow-up action for timely implementation of the work plan activities; and Implementing Partners including joint planning, joint missions and joint reporting/reviews.
(3) Updates and maintains the records of all inventory items in selected provincial surveillance units and laboratories according 6. Document good practices and lessons learned from other countries on population related policies and programme interventions
to the WHO inventory management systems and various donors’ requirements. Contribution to the development of periodic 7. Work with the Assistant Representative on upstream policy advice and support the work of other team members. Collaborate with programme
donor reporting; staff of other teams to promote programme coherence and linkages with the programmes on Women’s reproductive health and rights as well as
the needs of young people and adolescents
(4) Assists in strengthening networking on EIDs for cross-border cooperation, surveillance and response. 8. Demonstrate and promote gender sensitive behavior and gender equality within UNFPA and with partners.
(5) Assists in the establishment of an Emerging Operation Centre (EOC) in ministry of health including development of terms of 9. Actively contribute to advancing the ICPD agenda and mainstream gender, human rights, and culture into policy advocacy, programming, and
references of the centre, standard operation procedures and communication system during public health emergency; monitoring and evaluation as appropriate; also contribute to the review on the implementation of ICPD PoA and developing strategies for way
(6) Provides program management support to the ESR unit, including a regular progress review of workplan implementation, forward to fully achieve ICPD goals
organization of training, meetings and workshop with NCLE, MoH and other partners, preparation for donor reporting , and 10. Use multi-media approaches for the implementation of population and SRH advocacy strategies.
coordination for periodic program review/assessments; 11. Strengthen capacity of IPs in programme management of UNFPA supported activities for timely and high quality substantive and financial reporting
(7) Maintains, update, and monitors information on project activities on the computerized database systems and generate report 12. Contribute to the development resource mobilisation strategy by analyzing information on potential donors, preparing substantive briefs and
as required; project proposals in line with donor priorities, creating feedback mechanisms and providing information on progress of donor funded projects
13. Provide timely feedback to the Assistant Representative and the Management Team of UNFPA on programme implementation, monitoring and
(8) Performs any other tasks as requested by WHO ESR officer. evaluation
14. Implement any other assignments requested by the Supervisor and UNFPA Management Team.
Essential: University degree in health sciences or relevant areas. The following qualifications and experience are required:
Desirable: Postgraduate degree or training in public health desirable. • Master’s degree in population, demography, and/or population and social development related field.
• At least 5 years of increasingly responsible professional experience in programme/project management in the public or private sector which
Knowledge and Skills: demonstrates expertise in the substantive area of work and programme experience.
Knowledge and experience in surveillance and public health laboratory function, procurement and logistic coordination, • Experience in policy analysis, policy research with track record of data analytical skills and proven ability to produce demonstrable results.
• Demonstrated ability to network among partners active in supporting development issues.
communicable disease control and public health emergency. Skills in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation • Good understanding of the Lao PDR Government’s population related policies, laws, policy making processes
of workplan activities, translation between English and Lao, and in the development of locally-adapted tools and instruments. • Field experience would be desirable.
Good communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to interact with health professionals at various levels and to work with • Core Competencies:
national counterparts, nongovernmental organizations and international agencies. Ability to work harmoniously as a member of o Values/guiding principles
a team, adapt to diverse educational and cultural backgrounds and maintain a high standard of personal conduct. o Developing people
Experience: o Personal leadership and effectiveness
Essential: At least one year experience in public health, preferably in a large or international organization, embassy, or o Building and managing relationships
multinational corporation. • Functional Competencies:
o Advocacy/advancing a policy-oriented agenda
Desirable: Experience in working with the MOH in Lao PDR, planning implementation and monitoring of activities at a national o Result-based programme development and management
level work plan such as an annual national work plan. o Leveraging the resources of national governments & partners/building strategic alliances and partnerships
o Innovation and marketing of new approaches
Language: o Resource mobilization (programme)
Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and the local language. o Job knowledge/technical expertise
Other skills: • Fluency in both oral and written English and Lao
Proficiency in standard MS Office applications. • Proficiency in current office software applications. Good writing and presentation skill.

Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit applications in the English language, with curriculum vitae by 18 June 2012 to: The salary for the above position plus other benefits will be in accordance with UN rules and regulations for fixed term staff. All interested applicants must
submit an application letter with a UN standard personal history form, P11, in English to: UNFPA Office, Phonesavanh Tai, P.O. Box 345, Vientiane
The World Health Organization (Tel: 315547, 353048-50) or e-mail to: indicating “Application for Programme Analyst (Population and Development)”. Please
125 Saphanthong Road, contact UNFPA office to obtain P11 form or download from The deadline for application is 24 May 2012.
Unit 5 Ban Saphanthong Tai,
Sisathanak District. Applicants who previously applied do not have to submit an application again.
P.O. Box 343
Vientiane, Lao P.D.R. We will only consider applications with complete P11 attached. UNFPA will only be able to respond to those applicants in whom UNFPA has a further
Fax: (856) 21 353905 interest. UNFPA reserves the right to appoint prior to the closing date. UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does
Tel: (856) 21 353902-904 not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.
Email: Notice: There is no application, processing or other fee at any stage of the application process.
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 7
Putin approves new Russian government lineup
MOSCOW (Xinhua) -- ministers. The health and social
Russian President Vladimir Igor Shuvalov remains as development has been divided
Putin on Monday signed first deputy prime minister, into two ministries, with
a decree to approve the while Sergei Lavrov holds his Maxim Topilin headed the
formation and lineup of the position as foreign minister. labor and social development
new government, local media Moscow police chief Vladimir ministry and Veronika
reported. Kolokoltsev was appointed Skvortsova led the pulbic
“All decrees have been as the new interior minister health ministry.
signed. As was agreed, work and Andrei Belousov was Nikolai Nikiforov was
has been done with every named as the new economic named as the communication
candidate,” the Interfax development minister. minister, Alexander Novak the
news agency quoted Putin as Putin appointed Deputy new energy minister. Anton
saying. Prime Minister Vladislav Siluanov became the finance
During a meeting with Surkov as the government minister, Sergei Donskoi as
Putin on the new government’s chief of staff. natural resources minister,
structure, Prime Minister Acting industry and trade Vladimir Medinsky as the
Dmitry Medvedev told him minister Denis Manturov new culture minister, Vladimir
that about three-quarters of retains his position in the new Puchkov as new chief of the
the government’s lineup was government. Sports Minister emergency situation ministry. Chief of staff of the central security forces, Yehya Mohamed Saleh speaks to media in a hospital in
new names. Vitaly Mutko, Justice Minister Nikolai Fyodorov Sanaa, Yemen. –Photo Xinhua
The president-turned Alexander Konovalov, Defence was appointed as the new
prime minister submitted the Minister Anatoly Serdyukov agriculture minister, while
lineup before he attended a
Group of Eight (G8) summit
at David Camp in the United
remained unchanged.
The president named
Dmitry Livanov, head of the
Maxim Sokolov became
transportation minister.
Oleg Govorun, Putin’s
UN chief strongly condemns
The new cabinet includes
one prime minister, seven
Moscow Institute of Steel
and Alloys, to replace Andrei
Fursenko as new education
former envoy to the Central
Federal District, was appointed
as regional development
bombing attack in Yemeni
deputy prime ministers and 21 and science minister. minister. UNITED NATIONS (Xinhua) soldiers were practicing for forms and manifestations,
-- UN Secretary-General the parade meant to mark the and expects them play a
New Zealand troops to leave Afghanistan early Ban Ki- moon expressed his 22nd anniversary of Yemen’s full and constructive role
condemnation of a terrorist reunification. in implementing Yemen’s
WELLINGTON (Xinhua) -- Provincial Reconstruction Force (ISAF) leadership, senior attack in Yemen in a statement Ban called the attack political TransitionAgreement,
New Zealand troops will be Team (PRT) in Bamyan would Afghan ministers and other released by his spokesperson “criminal,” adding that it in accordance with Security
withdrawn from Afghanistan be withdrawn later in 2013. partners and they had all have on Monday. cannot be justified by any Council resolution 2014
next year - a year earlier McCully said in a statement agreed to the PRT winding up “The secretary-general cause. (2011),” said the statement.
than previous scheduled, the from his office that the earlier its role in late 2013. “The New strongly condemns the “Its perpetrators must be The Yemen-based al-
New Zealand government conclusion of transition and Zealand-led PRT has done terrorist attack that took held accountable,” he said. Qaida claimed responsibility
announced on Tuesday. withdrawal “reflects the an excellent job in Bamyan, place in Sanaa during a Ban also expressed his deep for the suicide bombing
Foreign Affairs Minister outstanding work that New reflected in the province being rehearsal for a military sympathy and condolences attack. Source close to
Murray McCully announced Zealand PRT personnel have selected amongst the first tranche parade, reportedly killing to the victims of the Yemen the group said that “the
the government expected the done to prepare the province for for transition. It is now likely that at least 96 soldiers and attacks as well as to Yemen’s attack came in response
transition to Afghan forces transition to local control.” the Afghan government and wounding more than 300,” government. to the US-backed all-out
in Bamyan province to be McCully said he had ISAF will formally declare that said the statement. “The secretary-general offensive against al- Qaida
formally concluded later this discussed the new timetable with transition to be completed later Several suicide bombers calls on all in Yemen to reject in the southern province of
year and the New Zealand International Security Assistance in 2012,” he said. blew themselves up while the use of violence in all its Abyan.”
(Announcement No. 12/34)
(Announcement No. 12/33)
OPEN TO: All interested candidates
POSITION: Financial Analyst, FSN-7 OPEN TO: All interested candidates
OPENING DATE: May 14, 2012 POSITION: Surveillance Detection Coordinator, FSN-6
CLOSING DATE: May 29, 2012 OPENING DATE: May 14, 2012
WORK HOURS: Full-time; 40 hours/week CLOSING DATE: May 29, 2012
SALARY: Actual grade and salary will be based on the qualifications of the applicant. WORK HOURS: Full-time; 40 hours/week
SALARY: Actual grade and salary will be based on the qualifications of the applicant.
The U.S. Embassy in Vientiane is seeking an individual for the position of Financial Analyst in the Financial Management Office,
Management Section.
The U.S. Embassy in Vientiane is seeking an individual for the position of Surveillance Detection Coordinator in
BASIC FUNCTION OF POSITION the Regional Security Office (RSO).

The incumbent serves as the Financial Analyst for Embassy Vientiane. He/she estimates and maintains obligations/allotment BASIC FUNCTION OF POSITION
accounting for all serviced agencies, including DAO and CDC, using financial operations systems: Momentum, COAST, WebPASS
and E2. He/she reconciles expenditures for non-serviced agencies, such as APHIS and USPACOM. The incumbent determines The incumbent manages the Surveillance Detection (SD) Team. He/she is responsible, in coordination with the
availability of funds, makes obligations, and assures that all budget and program requirements are met. He/she examines accounts RSO, for all administrative and operational aspects of the SD Team. Plans and executes SD operations, Trains SD
receivable invoices for utilities and air tickets to ensure correctness for payment. He/she assists travelers in preparation of travel team with help from outside experts. He/she supervises day-to-day SD operations.
vouchers using E2. Examines petty cash vouchers from non-State agencies for correctness and serves as primary backup to the
Voucher Examiner and as secondary backup to the Class B Cashier. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED
NOTE: All applicants must address each selection criterion detailed below with specific and comprehensive
QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED information supporting each item.
NOTE: All applicants must address each selection criterion detailed below with specific and comprehensive information
supporting each item. 1. Education: Completion of Secondary school required.
2. Prior Work Experience: One year experience in records management, budget monitoring, and data entry.
1. Education: At least two years of university level courses in finance/accounting related courses required. 3. Language Proficiency: Fluently spoken and written English and Lao (level IV).
2. Prior Work Experience: At least two years of experience required in finance/accounting field. 4. Knowledge: The coordinator must have a working knowledge of local police organizations and their
3. Language Proficiency: Good working knowledge of English in both spoken and written (level III) to understand financial
regulations and provides explanations to American staff. Fluently spoken and written Lao (level IV) to deal with local
operations. The coordinator must have a basic understanding of Embassy personnel policy.
5. Skills and abilities: Must be computer literate.
4. Knowledge: Must have a thorough knowledge of statutory and regulatory requirements and restrictions concerning the
management of U.S. government funds. Must be familiar with State Department’s automated Financial Management Systems.
5. Skills and Abilities: Good typing skills. Must be able to use computer software including accounting packages and Microsoft HOW TO APPLY
Office Suite. Must be able to prepare Excel spreadsheets to track accounting data.
Interested applicants for this position must submit the following for the application to be considered:
HOW TO APPLY 1. Universal Application for Employment (Form DS-174). Download the form at:
Interested applicants for this position must submit the following for the application to be considered: 2. Candidates who claim U.S. Veterans preference must provide a copy of their Form DD-214 with their
1. Universal Application for Employment (Form DS-174). Download the form at: application.
2. Candidates who claim U.S. Veterans preference must provide a copy of their Form DD-214 with their application. 3. Any other documentation (e.g., essays, certificates, awards, copies of degrees earned) that
3. Any other documentation (e.g., essays, certificates, awards, copies of degrees earned) that addresses the qualification requirements of the position as listed above.
addresses the qualification requirements of the position as listed above.
SUBMIT APPLICATION TO Human Resources Office
Human Resources Office American Embassy
American Embassy Rue Bartholonie, That Dam
Rue Bartholonie, That Dam PO Box 114, Vientiane, Laos
PO Box 114, Vientiane, Laos
(Hardcopy or e-mail attachments are accepted)
(Hardcopy or e-mail attachments are accepted)


Telephone: 856-21-267176 Telephone: 856-21-267176
Fax: 856-21-267140 Fax: 856-21-267140
E-mail: E-mail:

Interested persons should contact Embassy Human Resources Office for more information. Blank application forms may be picked Interested persons should contact Embassy Human Resources Office for more information. Blank application
up from the cabinet inside the Embassy entrance. forms may be picked up from the cabinet inside the Embassy entrance.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
An Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer
8 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 9
10 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

Come and view many kinds of furniture, wonderful home décor items, plants,
flowers and tree saplings. Everything’s waiting for you to choose and buy!

1. 30/5/2012 Interested parties are invited to attend a seminar titled “Promoting export of wood”
2. 31/5/2012 Contest for best interior décor


European Union Institute for Trade and Investment of Korea is looking for a
Financial Management Specialistwith the following details:
Vacancy for Lao National: Projects Manager (based in Oudomxay)
POWER International has been working in Lao PDR since 1995 to support people with 1. Job Description:
disabilities and promote their rights, in close partnership with national and provincial
Disabled People’s Associations .
- Working with a Project Management Team of Lao government in
Power International is recruiting a Lao National to manage projects aimed at improving its ADB loan project;
1) access to education for children with disabilities, and - Planning and O&M;
2) employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, in Oudomxay province.
The position is based at the POWER office in Oudomxay with frequent field work to the - Accounting Oversight, Internal control, funds flow management
districts. and financial reporting;
Responsibilities: - Audit planning and management;
• Manage all aspects of project cycle, - Capacity building for financial and accounting staff
• Plan, monitor and report on project activities,
• Implement all activities in target areas (7 districts of Oudomxay province), 2. Requirements:
• Manage staff and budgets, - Only Lao Nationals are eligible to apply
• Work with government partners and negotiate at provincial, district and village levels,
• Work closely with the Oudomxay Disabled Peoples Association,
- Majoringfinance and accounting;
• Report regularly to Vientiane Office Programme Manager. - 5 years experiences or morein implementing projects funded by
international financial institutions preferable;
Qualifications / Experience:
• Higher education in relevant field. - Good in English-speaking & writing skills;
• At least 3 years experience in development work, preferably in the education and/or - Good at Computer skills (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc..);
disability sectors,
• Good experience in preparing project plans and budgets and managing implementation, 3. Deadline for Application: May 25, 2012
• Significant experience in staff management and supervision, community development 4. Application dossiers (written in English): Application
and participatory approaches with children and communities,
• Understanding of human and disability rights issues, Letter(including picture, desired salary, CV
• Good knowledge of English (speaking, writing), 5. Where to apply: Application should be submitted
• Computer knowledgeable in Windows MS Office including Word, Excel and email.
by Email to
Please send detailed CV along with a letter of interest (don’t send copies of diplomas) - C.P : Alivanh
by Friday 25 May to: Recruitment, Power International Laos,
- Tel : 021-455-080
Ban Thongkhang, Lao-thai Road, Soi 5, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Email: The recruited person is expected to start work from November 2012.
Only shortlists candidates will be contacted for interview between
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview
People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. May 28-30.
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 11

SNV in Lao PDR is looking for a: SNV in Lao PDR is looking for a:

Lao Consultancy Company Lao Furniture Company

Public Private Partnership and Inclusive Business/Entrepreneurship Development Training of Trainers of Bamboo Furniture Designs in Vientiane
Service in Bamboo program and Houaphanh Province
SNV – the Netherlands Development Organisation – is an advisory organisation that promotes SNV – the Netherlands Development Organisation – is an advisory organisation that promotes
market based solutions for the poor in 33 countries around the world. Our advisors, and the local market based solutions for the poor in 33 countries around the world. Our advisors, and the local
capacity builders we work with, deliver support to over 2,000 clients. capacity builders we work with, deliver support to over 2,000 clients.
SNV works in the agricultural, forestry, renewable energy and water and sanitation sectors. SNV works in the agricultural, forestry, renewable energy and water and sanitation sectors.
SNV is involved in the development of the bamboo sector in 2 key geographic areas in Houaphanh and Vientiane SNV is involved in the development of the bamboo sector in key geographic areas in Houaphanh and Vientiane. Value
provinces where value chain analysis has shown good potential for income improvement. SNV engages in the bamboo
chain analysis in these areas has shown good potential income improvement through bamboo. One of the prohibitive
sector through the private sector (traders, factories) to ensure market linkages are developed for bamboo producer
groups/enterprises. factors for remote districts with abundant bamboo resources is limited market opportunities for its handicraft/furniture
products due largely to limited interaction potential with traders.
The main objective of the consultancy is to develop the capacities of Vientiane and Houaphanh based private sector
bamboo factorie, to engage more effectively with the public sector and farmers supplying bamboo. The aim is to ensure The program is looking for an experienced furniture company to assist in the training of local furniture producers in
Lao factories are better able to operate their business, thereby benefiting themselves as well as the local communities Vientiane and Houaphanh provinces with regards to bamboo furniture production.
supplying bamboo.
The program is looking for an experienced consultancy company to assist in developing Private Public Partnership & The Consultant shall perform the following services:
Inclusive Business Services in Vientiane and Houaphanh provinces. • Increase skills to improve quality of products including use of simple but improved tools
• Develop craftsmanship and demonstrate new product designs for high-end markets
Responsibilities • Increase the capacity to develop innovative products and to upgrade designs based on market demand
The Consultant shall perform the following services: • Facilitate a process of developing a network of village service providers
1. Provide an Inclusive Business approach in Bamboo Value Chain Development (chopstick, skewer, incense sticks) • Increase basic business skills in order to be able to understand return on investment, make product-market choices
2. Business Management Skills development of Lao factory managers and perform price setting accordingly.
3. Facilitate Lao factory managers to organise themselves in developing/improving their engagement skills with • Train 12 villages with specific attention to 4 local promoters/trainers/community facilitators per village who provide
the public sector services to producer groups in an additional 11 villages and develop 20 furniture products with market demand.
4. Facilitate the emergence of a “Productivity Improvement Team” to support Lao factories in efficient productivity
5. Facilitate private sector-public sector workshops aiming to develop an Enabling Business Environment Candidate profile
Candidate profile
• Proven experience in designing and developing marketable furniture products.
• Demonstrated capacity and experience in similar assignments, in particular in the context of the NTFP sector
and rural business operations. • Demonstrated training capacity and experience in similar assignments, showing excellent oral communication and
• University Graduate with at least five years’ experience in the field of Business and Management Consulting. presentation skills.
• Excellent oral communication, presentation skills and analytical skills. • Results oriented and a pro-active attitude in facilitating learning for rural communities.
• Results oriented and a pro-active attitude and approaches. • Ability to work both in a team of project advisors and independently.
• Proven ability to facilitate PPP processes. • Language: Fluency in Lao
• Ability to work both in an advisory team and independently.
• Computer Skills required: Word Processing, Excel and Power Point. Location : Duty station will be in Houaphanh and Vientiane provinces
• Language: Fluency in Lao and English
Contract duration: The assignment is to be completed within 6 months covering 120 person days between June
Location : Regular travel to Houaphanh and Vientiane provinces and November 2012
Contract duration: The assignment is to be completed within 130 person days between
June and October 2012 How to apply?
How to apply? Interested candidates should submit a proposal and work-plan with indications of consultancy fees, budget and CVs
Interested candidates should submit a proposal and work-plan with indications of consultancy fees, budget and including of trainers and send by email to with reference to the name of “Training of Trainers of
CVs of team members and send to with the reference to “Public Private Partnership and Bamboo Furniture Designs in Vientiane and Houaphanh Province” before 23 May 2012. A full Terms of Reference is
Inclusive Business/Entrepreneurship Development Service in Bamboo program” before 23 May 2012. A full Terms of available on request.
Reference is available on request.
More information about SNV
More information about SNV
SNV is a non-profit international development organisation established in the Netherlands in 1965. For over 40 years, SNV is a non-profit international development organisation established in the Netherlands in 1965. For over 40 years,
SNV has been at the forefront of development, helping to build local capacity and empower local families and communities SNV has been at the forefront of development, helping to build local capacity and empower local families and communities
to break the cycle of poverty. We are present on the ground in 36 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America to break the cycle of poverty. We are present on the ground in 36 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America
and the Balkans and operate in Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. Our 900 advisors in and the Balkans and operate in Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. Our 900 advisors in
the field come from a variety of cultural and technical backgrounds, and over 60 per cent are nationals of the countries the field come from a variety of cultural and technical backgrounds, and over 60 per cent are nationals of the countries
where we work. where we work.
For more information, please refer to our website: For more information, please refer to our website:

We do not appreciate third-party mediation based on this advertisement. We do not appreciate third-party mediation based on this advertisement.

Education Sector Working Group (ESWG)

Secretariat - Policy and Operations
The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) manages
the Australian Government’s development assistance program in the Lao
PDR. AusAID Vientiane is looking for a Policy and Operations Coordinator
to provide technical and logistical support to the ESWG chair (the Ministry of
Education and Sports - MoES) and Co-chairs (AusAID and UNICEF). The
ESWG is the coordination mechanism that oversees implementation and
monitoring of progress of the Education Sector Development Plan. The
position will be based at the Department of Planning Cooperation within the
Ministry of Education and Sports and reports directly to the MoES.

Are you interested?

Do you have:
• A Post-graduate degree in education, social science or other relevant
• Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in the education sector in Laos?
• Knowledge of Lao Government systems?
• Knowledge of Aid Effectiveness approaches?
• Well developed analytical, conceptual and critical thinking skills?
• Excellent coordination, negotiation and presentation skills?
• Communication skills in both Lao and English languages?

These are some of the criteria that the selection panel will be using to select
the appropriate candidate. If you have this sort of background, you could
apply. Application instructions are available on the Australian Embassy’s

Deliver your application to the AusAID Office in the Australian Embassy at

Km 4 Thadeua Road or email it to

Closing date for applications: 2nd June 2012

Information on AusAID programs is available at:
12 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

 


              
            1) GENERAL BACKGROUND
             
 UNDP is supporting the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) with a five-year programme (2011-2015), “Realizing the MDGs in Lao PDR
 - Consolidated Programme of Support to MPI for the Achievement of the Valuable Goals of the 7th National Socio-Economic Development
 Plan (NSEDP) 2011-15.” The objective of the programme is to support the government for the successful implementation of the 7th NSEDP
 which aims to achieve sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction with the main goal to achieve the Millennium Development Goals
               by 2015 and graduate from the Least Developed Country status by 2020. Four components efficiently support capacity strengthening of
the Lao Government, namely; 1) consultative planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting; 2) effective monitoring and evaluation
 via LaoInfo; 3) strengthening the Round Table Process; and 4) advancing Human Development through policy-informing research. The
 programme will also support targeted actions to address key environmental issues and tackle off-track MDGs by working closely with the
UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) programme in Lao PDR.

 The Department of Planning of MPI is piloting local level green growth planning in pilot districts in the provinces of Saravan and Huaphan

with frequent travel to the provinces as required. UNDP wishes to recruit a national short-term consultant to support the Department with the
 district-level planning process to foster green growth that creates economic benefits without compromising the environment or vulnerable
 groups in society.

                2) SCOPE OF WORK
 • Support the review of central government’s instructions for annual planning and the corresponding provincial-and district-level
socio-economic development plans for 2012-2013 for the pilot districts Houaphan and Saravan, and the review of previous year’s
               (2011-2012) plans and progress of implementation. Carry out translation of plans into English as required.
 • Support the organization of consultations with local governments and with communities including poor women, men and vulnerable
 groups to assess key concerns, and environmental and social issues related to the district’s development plans.

• Identify practical environmental and social baseline indicators for monitoring local level green growth planning based on literature
 review of best practices such as those used by the World Bank Indonesia. These indicators will be reviewed and defined in close

collaboration with district, provincial and central government, under the guidance of the International Consultant on local level
•  annual planning and the PEI Senior Technical Advisor.
•  • Support awareness raising and capacity building for district- and provincial-level officers on understanding the environmental and
 social sustainability of development projects, natural resource management and conservation.
• Based on local consultations and in coordination with the International Consultant on local level annual planning, identify
•  opportunities for local-level projects that support green growth or sustainable development and collect necessary data required for
•  development of proposals for implementation of the projects.
• Based on the model proposal template developed by the International Consultant on local level annual planning, develop draft

 proposals for at least 2 pilot projects (1 in each province) that includes project description, identification of stakeholders and
 beneficiaries, expected outcomes and impacts, tentative budget requirements and criteria for monitoring & evaluation, with
 technical assistance from the PEI Senior Technical Advisor and UNDP Poverty Reduction Unit.
              • Present recommended elements, activities, indicators and targets for inclusion into provincial-level annual plans of 2013-2014 to
 DOP and UNDP.
• Perform other relevant activities as assigned.
              Expected outcomes / results
                • Provide translations of district and provincial plans and other project output documents as required.
 • Organize and conduct at least 2consultations/ awareness raising workshops with local government in each pilot district.

• Produce a set of draft environmental and social indicators for monitoring provincial level green growth planning.
                • Produce draft project proposals for at least 2pilot green growth projects for each pilot district in English and Lao language.
            • Progress report after 3 months and final report on review of provincial-level annual socio-economic development plan and progress
 of implementation at the end of the assignment.
• 
 • Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies, Environmental Sciences, Natural Resource Management or similar. Post graduate
•  degree preferred.
• A minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience in development projects with focus on sustainable development and natural
 resource management.
•  • Experience in working with district level authorities and experience with participatory planning with local communities
•  • Experience in conducting training of Government officials and demonstrate understanding of government system and procedures
• Strong communication and strong interpersonal skills in a multidisciplinary working environment with ability to establish and
maintain effective work relationships with people of different national and cultural backgrounds
 • Excellent coordination skills, with ability to work under pressure and handle multiple activities;
• Fluency in spoken and written English and Lao is essential;
 • Full computer literacy.

How to Apply:
 Your application should include: Letter of interest, detailed CV, and contact details of 3 references
Send your applications by 1 June 2012 to:
Vientiane Office:  Ms. Vena Ngonvorarath
Savannakhet Office: NSEDP Project Office
  Department of Planning
Ministry of Planning and Investment
  Tel: 021 222925 / Fax: 021 212605
   Applications can be sent by hardcopy or by email. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

United Nations Development Programme


UNDP is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries
to knowledge, experience and resources to help build a better life.

International Consultant for reviewing central government’s instructions for annual planning and the corresponding
provincial-and district-level socio-economic development plans

Location: UNDP, Vientiane, LAO PDR

Application deadline: 27th May 2012
Type of Contract: IC (International)
Languages Required : English
starting date : 10 June 2012 (Tentative)
duration : 60 working days over 6 months


UNDP currently works with the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) Department of Planning (DoP) to mainstream poverty-
environment issues in the implementation, monitoring and assessment of the 7th NSEDPand the provincial- and local-level plans under
the five-year programme (2011-2015), “Realizing the MDGs in Lao PDR - Consolidated Programme of Support to MPI for the
Achievement of the Valuable Goals of the 7th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) 2011-15.” The UNDP-UNEP
Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) programme in Lao PDR, with its goal to to ensure the country’s rapid economic growth that
generates inclusive and sustainable development, have recently agreed to pilot local (district) level annual planning for green growth
and sustainable development in Saravan and Houaphanhprovinces.

In this regard, UNDP is seeking to hire a short-term international consultant to conduct an assessment of the current local level annual
plans, and assist the Government of Lao PDR to initiate the formulation, implementation and institutionalization of district-level green
growth and sustainable development as well as by engaging investors, development partners and local communities in the two pilot
provinces of Saravan and Houaphanh.

Duties, responsibilities, competency, evaluation and award criteria, general terms and condition for individual contractors:
Detailed Terms of Reference (TOR), qualification requirements, evaluation and award criteria, General Terms and Conditions for this
consultancy can be downloaded from UNDP CO web-site at:

Academic qualifications: Post Graduate Degree in Economics, Development Studies, Environment, Natural Resource Management or
related fields.

Years of experience: A minimum of 7 years of relevant work experience on issues related to inclusive and equitable growth,
particularly on national and local level economic and socioeconomic development, annual plan formulation, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation in developing countries.

Requirements for submission of proposals:

All interested and qualified candidates should apply on-line through the UNDP website at or Interested individual consultants must submit the following
documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

1) Cover letter explaining why they would be the most suitable candidate for the work, and including a brief methodology on
how they will approach and conduct the evaluation;

2) CV including past experience in similar projects or assignments;

3) Detailed financial proposal: Lump sum offer with clear cost breakdown (international travel, consultancy fee and per diem).

Note: Any request for clarification must be sent in writing to the following e-mail: UNDP Lao PDR will
respond in writing by standard electronic mail. The copies of the response will be also placed on our web-site at: and linked to the current Procurement Notice. All interested candidates are encouraged to
visit the above web-site for updates.
Please visit our web-site at to see other Procurement Notices/Vacancies and detailed information about
UndP Lao PdR
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups,
indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 13
14 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

Poverty Reduction Fund (PRF)

Request for Expression of Interest
Country: Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Project: The Poverty Reduction Fund
Description: Accountant Assistant
Grant No.: H685-LA
Project No.: P 123480
Opening / Closing date for application: 22 - 31 May 2012; Office based: Vientiane Capital

The Government of Laos, with support from the World Bank and the Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation, has set up the Poverty Reduction Fund (PRF) to deliver small scale development project including
support to livelihood activities at the Kum ban and Village levels. The project is now seeking for an Accountant

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

• Assist with inspection and oversight of financial requests and reports to ensure that payments and expenditures
are complied with budgets, regulations and directives of the PRF;
• Check and reconcile accounts and records, and entry data into Excel and/or ACCPAC, as required;
• Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports;
• Prepare statement of expenditure (SOE) reports and fund replenishment request in timely manner;
• Entry accurately all financial data into both Excel and ACCPAC programs, so that all relevant financial reports
can be well prepared and distributed;
• Follow up budget and expenditures of the operating cost for the provincial and district offices.
• Assist in preparation of all reports for the concerned sectors (GOL) as required.
• Assist in all financial and administrative audits, as required;
• Visit province, district and kum ban levels to conduct financial procedure/document checking in regular basis.
• Follow up Administration Procedures and provide recommendation while visiting the provincial and district

Required qualifications and experience:

• Higher diploma or degree in finance/accounting or other related fields;
• At least 3 years experience in project accounting and financial reporting;
• Familiarity with government and foreign aid project operations;
• Experience with World Bank or other loan/donor-financed projects is highly desirable;
• Comprehensive computer skills using Excel and other software;
• Experience with a computerized accounting package and software, especially ACCPAC is highly desirable;
• Good English skills;
• Ability to work independently and in a team;
• Willingness to work occasionally in rural areas;
• Women are encouraged to apply.

The detailed job descriptions for both positions can be obtained at PRF website
or at PRF office.

All interested applicants should submit (1) a cover letter outlining clearly how the candidate meets the
requirements of the position, (2) a detailed CV with one (3x4) photo and (3) supporting documents (certificate
of the most recent employment, certificates of qualification/graduation, transcript of graduation, a list of at least
two referees, etc) to the HR Officer, Poverty Reduction Fund, Prime Minister’s Office 501 building, Sisavathtai
Village, Chanthabouly District, P.O Box 4625 Vientiane, Tel: 021 261479 - 80, Email:
Please note that all submitted documents will not be returned.

Deadline for applications: 31rd May 2012

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview

Job Vacancy Announcement

Silver Heritage Limited (SHL) is rapidly becoming recognized as a market leader in the provision and management of
entertainment assets across Asia. With experience and expertise of SHL’s seasoned casino and technical professionals,
our operation in over 30 licensed in 5 countries; Macau, Vietnam, The Philippines, Cambodia and Laos as well as on
board multiple cruise ships in the region. Prior to our recent expansion in Laos, we are looking for the following full time
and permanent employees in the positions of:

1. Administrative Officer ( 1 Position) based in Vientiane

• Arranging travel and accommodation bookings.
• Facilitating visa and work permit requirements for Expatriate staff.
• Procurement and distribution to each venues.
• General office assistants.

• University degree Business Administration
• Good at writing, reading , speaking in English
• Computer skills including MS Word, Excel and able to use email and internet applications.
• Minimum 2 years experience in administration
• Good at communication skills

2. Human resource Officer ( 1 Position) based in Vientiane

• Recruitment if new personnel
• HR reporting
• Maintaining a formal register and record of HR
• Arrangement travel and accommodation bookings
• Facilities visa and work permit requirements for expatriate staffs.
• Responsible for Social Security system
• University Degree, preferably in Business Administrative/ Management.
• Minimum of two years management experience.
• Ambitious and patient.
• Experience in staffing, leading, planning and organizing.
• Computer skills including MS Word, Excel and able to use email and internet applications.
• Fluency in written and spoken English.
• Excellent interpersonal, communication and organisational skills.

3. Receptionist ( 1 Position) based in Thanaleng
• Providing information of Club 19 & TMC to customers
• Receive phone call from the customers
• Arrange shuttle bus for customers
• Car booking record

• Higher diploma in related fields.
• Minimum of one year experience, preferably in call centre or operator
• Good command in written and spoken English
• Computer skills including MS Word, Excel and able to use email and internet applications.

How to apply:

Interested candidates are invited to submit by e-mail with CVs along with a cover letter, a photo and supporting documents
to the following address:; or submit in our office in Alounmai Tower, the 4 floor-Room 405, 23 Singha Road,
Vientiane, Lao PDR. Closing date will be 31 May 2012.
Notice: Fresh graduate are encouraged to apply.
For more information please contact phone via + 856 21 455060; 454461
All Applications will be handled in confidence and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 15


Expressions of Interest for Data Collection and Processing Outcomes

Date : May 23rd2012

Grant No. : 0166-LAO
No. SHEP/TS/01 Data Collection and Processing for
Contract No. and Title:
Tracer Study and Employer Survey
Deadline for EOI Submission : 31 May 2012

1. The Lao PDR has received a Grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost
of the Strengthening Higher Education Project (SHEP), and it intends to apply part of the
proceeds of this Grant to payments under the contract for Data Collection and Processing for
Tracer Study and Employer Survey.

2. The Strengthening Higher Education Project of the Ministry of Education and Sports now
invites Expressions of Interest from eligible Bidders for supply of:
• LOT 1: Data collection and handling for a tracer study primarily to assess the graduates’
employability 1- 5 years after they graduated (Higher Diploma, Bachelor and Master
Degree) from Champasak University, National University or Souphanouvong University.
Tasks to be performed Location Target group Scope of work
Collect and process the data collected from on-line Vientiane Higher Diploma, Process a
questionnaires(already prepared) and which will be filled on line by Capital, Bachelors, Master minimum of 3000
the graduates Luang degree Graduates from questionnaires
Train enumerators in processing the data Prabang and NUOL, CU and SU who filled on-line or
Champasak graduated from 2005 to through interview
Prepare the data tabulation in accordance with the CS team provinces 2010
requestsin order to facilitate analysis of the results by the CS team

• LOT 2: An employers’ survey in the 3 provinces of Vientiane Capital, Luang Prabang

and Champasak to assess the employers’ needs and expectations about graduates from
the Universities
Tasks to be performed Location Target group Scope of work
Contact companies /administrations whichemploygraduates to Vientiane Employers:Companies 100 private
collect information about graduates through a questionnaire (already Capital, and public bodies companies and 50
prepared). Luang (ministries, public
Collect, process the data and prepare the data tabulation in Prabang and administrations) where administrations
accordance withthe CS team requests in order to facilitate analysis Champasak graduates are employed
of the results by the CS team provinces

Qualified parties (firms, individuals or organizations) are invited to express their interest
in assisting the CSteam in the gathering and the processing of the data by writing to
Team Leader, Strengthening Higher Education Project, Dept. of Higher Education,
Ministry of Education & Sports, P.O. Box 2008, Vientiane Capital.

Interested parties may obtain detailed specific Terms of Reference for the proposed
subcontract by emailing contact details to (copy to
16 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

Vacancy Notice

The World Health Organization is seeking for a qualified Lao National for the position of:

Technical Project Assistant for Emerging, Surveillance and Response

(Special Service Agreement)
To provide technical assistance to the team of Emerging Disease Surveillance and Response (ESR) of WR's Office, Laos.

1) Assists in developing budget plan for with Ministry of Health (MoH) activities funded by WHO by computing per diem
payment, transportations, and other financial transaction.
2) Maintain, monitor and record payment for Direct Finance Cooperation (DFC) requests and statement of expenditures,
prepares regular budgetary statements and implementation reports of project activities.
3) Provide administrative support to prepare background materials, working papers and tables for meetings and training.
4) Provides translation services at meetings, workshops, seminars and field visits. Translates documents, reports and IEC
materials between English and Lao.
5) Maintain, update, and monitor information on project activities on the computerised database system and generate draft
report ad required in English.
6) Assists the Emerging Diseases, Surveillance and Response (ESR) technical staff in activities related to the national work
plan for emerging infectious diseases and public health emergency, such as participation to and preparation of meeting,
workshop, filed visit and training with guidance of technical staff.
7) Any other task as requested by WHO ESR team leader.

Project duration: 1 year contract

Essential: Secondary school
Desirable: University degree in health science or related sciences or equivalent professional training.

Knowledge & skills:

• Skills in planning and budgeting activities, and writing meeting minutes and translation
• Skills in meeting and training preparation, and in the development of locally adapted tools and instruments.
• Knowledge and experience in epidemiology, outbreak investigation and response, and communicable disease control.
• Good communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to interact with health professionals at various levels and to do work
with national counterparts.
• Ability to work harmoniously as a member of a team, adapt to diverse educational and cultural backgrounds and maintain
a high standard of personal conduct.
Essential: One year of working experience at the national level in the development and implementation of public health interventions.
Experience in planning, translation, data entry and analysis.
Desirable: Experience in organizing training, working with reports and proposals.

Language: Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and the local language.

Other Skills (e.g. IT): Proficiency in standard MS Office applications and other data base.

Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit applications in the English language, with curriculum vitae and photograph,
by 31 May to:

The World Health Organization, 125 Saphanthong Road,

Unit 5 Ban Saphanthong Tai, Sisathanak District.
P.O. Box 343
Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.
Fax: (856) 21 353905
Tel: (856) 21 353902-904
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 17

Job Description: Finance and Logistic Assistant   Job Description: Logistics Officer    
The French Red Cross delegation in Lao PDR is seeking 1 competent Lao national to fulfil the position of “Finance  The French Red Cross delegation in Lao PDR is seeking 1 competent Lao national to fulfil the position of “Logistics 
and Logistic Assistant” based in Xienghone district, Sayabouri Province.  Officer” based in Hongsa district, Sayabouri Province. 
Position:     Finance and Logistic Assistant   Position:     Logistics Officer  
Place of assignment:  Xienghone  Place of assignment:  Hongsa 
Language required:   Lao with good knowledge in English or French  Language required:   Lao with good knowledge in English or French 
Qualification:                  University degree related fields  Qualification:                  University degree related fields 
Starting date:     As soon as possible  Starting date:     As soon as possible 
Duration:      One year with possible extension  Duration:      One year with possible extension 
How to apply:     Send a CV plus motivation letter mentioning to French Red Cross   How to apply:     Send a CV plus motivation letter mentioning to French Red Cross  
Application deadline:   As soon as appropriate candidate identified  Application deadline:   As soon as appropriate candidate identified 
The  French  Red  Cross  (FRC),  in  partnership  with  the  Lao  Red  Cross  (LRC),  will  be  implementing  two  Food  Security  The  French  Red  Cross  (FRC),  in  partnership  with  the  Lao  Red  Cross  (LRC),  will  be  implementing  two  Food  Security 
projects in Hongsa and Xienghone districts of Sayabouri Province. Duration of the project:  Until mid 2014   projects in Hongsa and Xienghone districts of Sayabouri Province. 
Duration of the project:  Until mid 2014  
Under the supervision of the Food Security Project Manager, and in coordination with the Finance and Logistics team 
in Hongsa and in Vientiane, the Logistics officer will have the following responsibilities: 
Under the supervision of the Food Security Project Manager, and in coordination with the Head of Logistics based in 
Vientiane, the Logistic officer will have the following responsibilities: 
• Identify suppliers for all equipment and supplies to be purchased locally 
• Identify suppliers for all equipment and supplies to be purchased locally 
• Coordinate deliveries and control delivered supplies and material 
• Organize procurement following FRC and donor guidelines in liaison with French Red Cross (FRC) Vientiane 
• Assist the Project Manager during distributions 
logistic office 
• Supervise storekeeper to ensure proper warehousing conditions and accurate records 
• Coordinate deliveries and control delivered supplies and material 
• Maintain inventory of all FRC equipment 
• Supervise the maintenance of office premises and equipments 
• Arrange goods transport together with suppliers and the Lao Red Cross Sayabouri branch and assist the Project 
FINANCE:  Manager during distributions 
• Cash management: make treasury forecasts and ensure payment of all invoices and advances;  • Follow up vehicle rentals and transport contracts 
• Ensure bookkeeping of all transactions as well as budget lines allocations of the expenses;  • Supervise storekeeper to ensure proper warehousing conditions and accurate records 
• Ensure administrative follow‐up of the base personnel FRC ;  • Maintain inventory of all FRC equipment 
• Liaise with the district administration;  • Supervise the maintenance of office premises and equipments 
• Translate documents when required.  • Coordinate with all relevant partners at the local level, including Sayabouri Lao Red Cross officers and the DAFO 
• At least 3 years experience in project logistics, preferably with international organizations, 
• At least 3 years experience in project logistics and/or finance, preferably with international organizations, 
• University degree in relevant fields, 
• University degree in relevant fields, 
• Fluency in written and spoken Lao and French or English,  • Fluency in written and spoken Lao and French or English, 
• Good organizational skills,  • Good organizational skills, 
• Proven knowledge of computer office applications,  • Proven knowledge of computer office applications, 
• Ability to work as a team and produce good work in a short time or under stress,  • Ability to work as a team and produce good work in a short time or under stress, 
• Capacity to live in a remote area,  • Capacity to live in a remote area, 
• Car and motorcycle driving licence.    • Car and motorcycle driving licence.   
• Experience in working with Government agencies.  • Experience in working with Government agencies. 
Salary: between 5 200 000 and 5 400 000 KIP following experience and competencies  Salary: between 5 200 000 and 5 400 000 KIP following experience and competencies 
Specific Bonus: insurance, allowance for accommodation, 13th month bonus.  Specific Bonus: insurance, allowance for accommodation, 13th month bonus 
Interested applicants should send their CV and cover letter until the 12th of June 2012 to acc1‐lao.frc@croix‐   
under the reference “Xienghone admin‐log”.  Interested applicants should send their CV and cover letter until the 12th of June 2012 to acc1‐lao.frc@croix‐ 
Only short listed candidates will be contacted within 10 days after the closing date.  under the reference “Hongsa Logistics Officer”. 
FRC is an equal opportunity employer. Women and ethnic minority candidates are thus strongly encouraged to  Only short listed candidates will be contacted within 10 days after the closing date. 
apply.  FRC is an equal opportunity employer. Women and ethnic minority candidates are thus strongly encouraged to apply 

18 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

Associate Safeguards Officer

NORWEGIAN PEOPLE'S AID The ADB-Lao Resident Mission (LRM) was established  Prepared to travel extensively and frequently within
to assist its Headquarters in the implementation of Lao, including in remote locations
Notice of Recruitment – Lao National Staff projects and programs, in project processing, country  Able to take initiative, make decisions and work
programming, and economic and sector work. It independently.
The Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) is a Norwegian humanitarian organization supporting also coordinates ADB’s activities with other resident  Familiar with relevant institutions in Lao.
capacity building and development in many countries and has been engaged in the UXO diplomatic and donor missions, NGOs, academic  Strong client focus and high level of commitment to
clearance in Laos since 1997. The strategic goal for the programme is to reduce the institutions, local think tanks, private sector and other results.
members of the civil society.  Effective report writing and English communication
humanitarian and socio-economic threat posed by unexploded ordnance (UXO). NPA Lao skills.
PDR is regulated by the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) for the UXO Sector. The Description of Responsibilities  Strong planning and organizing skills to handle
programme currently has 200 staff and receives funding from the Norwegian Ministry of To provide technical support to LRM and ADB many tasks with deadlines.
Foreign Affairs (NMFA), Norwegian Telethon (NRK-1) and the United States Department of headquarters in ensuring the implementation and  Proficient with computers, especially word
State. NPA Laos wishes to recruit of a qualified and well-motivated person for the following monitoring of ADB’s Involuntary Resettlement (IR) processing, spreadsheets and email.
positions: Policy in Lao including in project processing and  Able to update and advice ADB management and
monitoring, policy and institutional development, and international staff on policy and technical issues
knowledge management and administration.  Able to interact in a professional manner with ADB
1. IT Officer (1 Position): staff and government officials
For more details about the position, visit  Able to work collaboratively with teams as a
Duties and Responsibilities constructive team member.
 Strong oral and written communications skills
• Ensure compliance with NPA global policies and guidelines on information technology Reporting Arrangement
in cooperation with Regional Information Management Advisor (RIMA) • Supervisor: Designated International Staff and The Asian Development Bank’s vision
• Make sure that the structure and consistency of the common KnowledgeBase within senior National Staff is a region free of poverty. Established in 1966
and headquartered in Manila, Philippines, ADB’s
NPA offices is maintained up to set standards and accessible to all Selection Criteria multicultural staff come from over 50 member countries.
• Provide maintenance and repair of informatics hardware, software and networking Specific criteria include The advertised position is a local staff position with a
services  Suitability to undertake the responsibilities local remuneration package. It is open only to persons
• Provide upgrading system when required, data backups, antivirus installation and mentioned above at the required level who are nationals and residents of Lao. The position
update, and internet security to all users  Bachelor’s degree in sociology, or similar; is for a 3-year fixed term appointment. ADB offers a
• Provide remote and on-site IT troubleshooting support to all users at country office preferably with advanced training. competitive salary and benefits package applicable to
and at the provincial offices when required  At least 6 years relevant professional experience. local staff. While the position advertised is for the Lao
 Demonstrated experience in liaison with Resident Mission, ADB staff may be required to serve
• Develop IT training materials, system documentation, templates and other relevant government officials, non-government agencies, in any location outside the Resident Mission at the
documents related to IT in dialog with RIMA technical specialists, and staff from international discretion of Management.
• Conduct basic and first hand IT users trainings at NPA offices when required e.g. development institutions. To apply, visit
sharing and access resources, basic Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, MS NSAS/default.asp
Visio, etc. Deadline for applications is on 6 June 2012.
• Make sure that all computers in NPA offices are connected in the network and that all Vacancy Reference Number: ADB-HR-12-0397
staff have access to shared resources such as printers, scanners, internet, etc.
• Assess needs and requirement of IT equipment (hardware and software) at all NPA
offices and make recommendation for upgrade to RIMA
• Maintain and update NPA Laos PDR workspace on SharePoint with current information
Asian Developement Bank
and upload continuously all the key and finalized documents in SharePoint site fighting poverty in asia the pacific

• Manage the overall delivery of the IT services in an effective and efficient manner and
working closely with the RIMA in SEA
• Any other relevant tasks assigned to by RIMA VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT
Founded in 1974, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is an executing agency for technical and
Qualifications Required financial assistance by the Japanese government.

• Bachelor degree in IT, computer science or studies in information management JICA is looking for one qualified Lao national who will be responsible for the administration and management of
ODA (Official Development Assistance) programs and projects.
• Sound IT knowledge and skills
• Experienced in computer handling and data acquisition MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILTIES
• Experience on computer maintenance and computer security software 1. Liaising and/or negotiating with government and local authorities, Development partners such as international
• A realistic and objective approach to new technologies and methodologies organizations, NGOs, as well as the private sector in the Lao PDR, Japan and ASEAN countries.
2. Implementing and monitoring project activities in the sector concerned.
• Cooperating ability with all colleagues 3. Interpreting and translating when necessary.
• At least 3 years of progressive working experience in any reputable organization or 4. Budgeting for the implementation of relevant projects.
enterprise in the field of IT and telecommunication. 5. Organising appointments and other requested arrangements.
• Experience in using MS Office applications 6. Drafting official letters and writing reports.
7. Preparing project documents.
• Understanding of relational database management system (RDBMS) 8. Attending meetings, workshops, seminars and compiling reports.
• Understanding and knowledge of GIS (Geographical Information Systems) 9. Supporting other related duties as required in the office.
• Knowledge in technical IT would be an asset
• Capable of working independently and in groups REQUIREMENTS (QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCES)
1. University degree is required. (We basically accept any majors/technical fields obtained. Public Administration,
• Willing to undertake domestic and international travels when required Agriculture and Forestry, Education, Health and Economics are preferable.)
• Previous working experience in mine action would be an asset 2. Excellent speaking, reading & writing ability in English and Lao.
3. Minimum two years of prior experience in a profession of above mentioned fields.
2. Interpreter (1 Position):
1. Ability to work independently with a minimum supervision as well as ability to work as a team.
Duties and Responsibilities 2. Sufficient ability to read and summarize the relevant documents such as reports issues by government agencies
or other relevant organizations.
3. Proficiency in computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet Explorer and Outlook etc).
• Verbal translation Lao-English during field training and operations
4. Strong commitment to learn and improve in any situation.
• Written translation Lao-English at field camps and at base location 5. Knowledge on above mentioned relevant fields would be great advantage. (But not essential.)
• Assist at Vientiane Head Office as requested
1. Initial period of three months with a possible extension on yearly bases, given satisfactory performances and
Qualifications Required workload demands.
2. A probationary period lasting two months from the day of recruitment.
• Be between 25 and 40 year of age
• High level of written and spoken English SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS
Application forms are now available at:
• Ability to render interpretation promptly without hesitation JICA Laos Office,
• Ability to render precise, accurate interpretation without omissions or additions 3rd Floor, Sihom Commerce Center, Building No.006,
• Good knowledge of PC operations and software (office) Souphanouvong Road, Ban Sihom, Vientiane, Lao PDR
• Previous working experience in mine action would be an asset Tel: 241100 Fax: 241101
Attention: Mr. Keo or Mr. Asa, Administrative Officer
Email: or
Interested candidates are requested to submit a CV and a cover letter to NPA office: 368 Ban Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an exam and an interview
Saphanthong, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital, and Tel: +856 20 264 812; or via e-mail Due to the volume of applications, JICA will not be able to respond to inquiries about application status and will only
contact short-listed candidates for examination and interview.
The deadline for applications is May 31, 2012 (at 17:00). Women and disabled people are 4 June 2012
encouraged to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 19
Can ‘Blue Forests’ mitigate climate change?
Manipadma Jena as long as oxidation occurs,” estimate loss of mangroves,
Grimsditch told IPS. seagrass beds and salt marshes
YEOSU, South Korea (IPS) “When a wetland is drained, at between 0.7 to two percent
-- Fifty-five percent of global carbon is released, first slowly, a year, a decline driven largely
atmospheric carbon captured then (at an) accelerated pace,” by human activities such as
by living organisms happens in said San Francisco-based conversion,coastaldevelopment
the ocean. Stephen Crooks, co-chair of and over harvesting.
Between 50-71 percent of the International Blue Carbon “Ecological restoration is
this is captured by the ocean’s Science Working Group. a critical tool for biodiversity
vegetated “blue carbon” habitats, “There is now a growing conservation and sustainable
which cover less than 0.5 realisation that we will not be development,” Chmura stressed.
percent of the seabed, according able to conserve the earth’s During the last three decades
to a 2009 United Nations biological diversity through China has established 34 natural
Environment Programme the protection of critical areas mangrove conservation areas,
(UNEP) report entitled ‘Blue alone,” said Gail Chmura, which account for 80 percent
Carbon – The role of healthy associate professor at the of the total existing mangrove
oceans in binding carbon,’ Canadian McGill University’s areas on the mainland,
one of the first documents to Department of Geography. according to Lin. “One of the
demystify the term. The East Asian Seas region replicable regeneration policies
These recent discoveries The theme pavilion at the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea is built over the sea to represent this year’s theme: of the world has lost 70 percent is a mandatory funding from the
- of the efficiency of ocean ‘Living Oceans and Coasts’ --Credit:Manipadma Jena/IPS of its mangrove cover in the last real estate sector for mangrove
vegetation in mitigating 70 years. A recent publication, regeneration,” Lin said.
greenhouse gases and ocean “Blue carbon is important communities who take care of terrestrial forests that reach the ‘From Ridge to Reef’, by the “The cost of seagrass
ecosystems’ ability to store because it allows investment and derive their livelihood from carbon saturation point earlier. Global Environment Facility restoration may be fully
atmospheric carbon dioxide for in protection of coastal this ecosystem.” But there are risks. The flip (GEF) warned that if this pattern recovered by the total carbon
millennia – has sent scientists ecosystems. These ecosystems In a paper presented at the side to blue carbon is that if continues the region will lose dioxide captured in 50 years in
running to probe the potential are important for more than just symposium, ‘Vegetated Coastal these ecosystems are degraded all its mangroves by 2030. societies with a carbon tax in
role of ‘blue forest’s in global carbon sequestration and storage Habitats as Intense Carbon or destroyed, the huge amount This would be a disastrous place,” Bordalba suggested.
efforts to lessen climate change. - they provide food through fish Sinks: Understanding and of stored carbon – sometimes scenario, since the region’s “Seaweed production as a
An international symposium and protect coastal populations Using Blue Carbon Strategies’, accumulated over millions coast is comprised of six large climate change mitigation and
on the effects of climate change from storms and tsunamis,” he Nuria Marba Bordalba, a of years – is released into the marine ecosystems and supports adaption measure (also) holds
on the world’s oceans, at the added. scientific researcher at Spain’s atmosphere as carbon dioxide the livelihoods of 1.5 billion great promise because it will
Yeosu Expo 2012 being held Wendy Watson-Wright, Mediterranean Institute of due to oxidation of biomass people. (contribute to) global food,
here from May 12-Aug. 12 executive secretary of Advanced Studies, claimed that and of the organic soil in which “On the global scale, fodder fuel and pharmaceutical
under the theme ‘Living Oceans the Intergovernmental there is more carbon stored in carbon may have been stored. mangrove areas are becoming requirements,” said Ik Kyo
and Coasts’, brought together Oceanographic Commission the soils of vegetated marine In fact, some key questions smaller or fragmented and their Chung from the oceanography
scientists and researchers to (IOC) and assistant director- habitats than the scientific on the table at the symposium long-term survival is at great risk. department of the Pusan
discuss the carbon management general of UNESCO, told community had hitherto were: how vulnerable are In 1950, mainland China had National University of South
of blue forests. IPS, “In order to make good accounted for. coastal carbon sinks to climate 50,000 hectares of mangroves. Korea. While acknowledging
“Carbon stored and taken policy we need good science. An important aspect of change habitat degradation? By 2001, it was down to 22,700 the considerable uncertainty
out of the atmosphere by coastal Not much about blue carbon blue carbon is that most of it And, if the habitat is destroyed, hectares – a 50 percent loss,” surrounding estimates and a
ecosystems such as mangroves, is known outside the scientific is found in the soil beneath the how do carbon stocks react? Guanghui Lin, professor of lack of concrete data, the UNEP
seagrass and salt marsh is community but it is of crucial ecosystems, not in the biomass “The rate of carbon ecology at the Centre for Earth report suggests that blue forests
called blue carbon,” explained importance that its huge above ground. Carbon can be emission is particularly high System Science in Beijing’s sequester between 114 and 328
Nairobi-based Gabriel benefits be known to policy stored for millennia due to sea in the decade immediately Tsinghua University, told IPS. teragrammes of carbon per
Grimsditch of the UNEP. makers and particularly local level fluctuation, as opposed to after disturbance but continues Researchers currently year.

wwF-Greater mekong


WWF is one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations, with
almost 5 million supporters and a global network active in over 100 countries. WWF's mission is to
stop the degradation of the earth's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in
harmony with nature, by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable
natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
The Greater Mekong region is one of the biologically richest places on the planet; its varied natural
resources support the livelihoods and well-being of millions of people in mainland Southeast Asia.
WWF-Greater Mekong – on the ground in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam – is working to
conserve the region’s biodiversity and build a secure and sustainable future for people and wildlife.
WWF-Greater Mekong is seeking to recruit a well-qualified and experienced candidate for the position
of Project Manager, Rattan Project, based in Vientiane, Lao PDR. The Project Manager will lead in
managing, undertaking appropriate planning for, and coordinating the activities of the regional Rattan
Project with appropriate country, regional, and international partners (both within and outside of
Key requirements are:
● Master’s degree in forestry, natural resource management, biology, development and/or
utilization of NTFPs
● 5 years of practical experience in managing project(s) in either NGOs or the United Nations or
bilateral development agencies, 2 years of which should be in the Greater Mekong Region. A
substantial part of this experience should have been in livelihood improvements, planning, and
● Knowledge of conservation, natural resource management, and NTFP issues and
policy/institutional context related to conservation in Greater Mekong Region
● Good understanding of rural development issues
● Excellent understanding of development partnerships, fund-raising, donor strategies, functions
and international relations
● Demonstrated understanding of the mission and operational context of partners
● Knowledge of biological test design, their evaluation methodologies and process, M&E
methodology, quality assurance
● Experience in conducting field/market studies and other research activities
● Experience in managing projects or programmes with diverse funding inputs including
governments and aid agencies and private sector donors, and leading multi-cultural teams
based in different countries
● Excellent skills of project planning, advocacy / influencing, report writing, monitoring and
evaluation, and virtual support
● Fluency in written and spoken English
● Proficiency in MS Office
Detailed Job Description of the position is posted on and under Jobs.
Interested candidates should email a cover letter, curriculum vitae and available degrees and
qualifications in English to by 12 June 2012.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
20 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

Snapshot of Australia
wishes the 9th Vientiane ASEM Summit great success!

The Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia.

The Friendship Bridge linking Vientiane in Laos

and Nong Khai in Thailand was funded by the
Australian government.

Nearly 20 percent of Australia’s spoken in Australia but over four

land is classified as desert. The million Australians speak a language
country’s climatic zones range from other than English with over 260
tropical rainforests, deserts and cool languages spoken across Australia.
temperature forests to snow covered The wide variety of backgrounds,
mountains. These features of the together with the culture of Indigenous
News Desk a range of international and regional assistance to Laos is estimated Australian climate have produced a Australians, has created an identity

issues. at US$42.1 million. In 2012-13 beautiful and unique flora and fauna. and spirit unique to Australia.
n the lead up to the 9th Asia- This year Australia and the the Australian government plans Population: Australia’s popu- The Australian Economy
Europe Meeting Summit (ASEM Lao People’s Democratic Republic to provide an estimated US$54.9 lation is about 22 million people. The Australia is one of the fastest
9) which will take place in celebrate 60 years of friendship and million in official development country’s vast openness means it has growing advanced economies in the
Vientiane on November 5-6, the cooperation with the 60th anniversary assistance to Laos. Each year the the lowest population density in the world. Currently Australia is the 13th
Vientiane Times is running a weekly of diplomatic relations. Australian government offers 40 to world – only two people per square largest economy in the world (according
column providing information on Since 1952, relations between 50 scholarships to Lao students to kilometre. to nominal GDP current prices).
ASEM and its partner countries. Last Australia and Laos have focused undertake tertiary study in Australia. Culture: Australia is one of the In the past two decades, Australia
week we presented an overview of on strong community links, Australia was proud to build and most ethnically diverse societies in the has enjoyed a period of uninterrupted
Brunei Darussalam. This time we growing trade and investment fund the first ‘Friendship Bridge’ world today. Since 1945, seven million economic growth – an average of 3.3
will learn about Australia. We would ties, and a common interest in the linking Laos and Thailand, which people have migrated to Australia. percent in real GDP growth annually.
like to thank the Australian Embassy security and prosperity of the Asia opened in 1994. Almost one in four of Australia’s 22 Australia possesses a well-diversified
in Vientiane for providing us with this region. Australia and Laos share a Australia and Laos have had a million people were born outside economy underpinned by its strong
information diverse relationship, encompassing number of high level visits in both Australia. Many more are first or services and resources industries.
Australia development assistance, deepening directions over recent years. Most second generation Australians. Vientiane Times encourages
Australia formally joined ASEM, economic ties – including through recently, Lao Deputy Prime Minister Australia’s first inhabitants, the the embassies of ASEM partner
together with New Zealand and significant Australian investment and Foreign Minister, Dr Thongloun Aboriginal people, are believed to countries in Vientiane to participate
Russia, at the last ASEM 8 Summit in natural resource development – Sisoulith, visited Australia in have migrated from Asia to Australia in this column by sending articles
held in Brussels in 2010, which was education and people-to-people links. February-March 2012. between 50,000 and 60,000 years and pictures representative of their
attended by Prime Minister Julia Development cooperation has Location: Australia is an island ago. There are over 500 different countries to
Gillard. Australia is excited to be been a feature of the Australia-Laos continent, and the world’s sixth clan groups around the continent, Sources: Department of Foreign
attending the ASEM 9 Summit in bilateral relationship for almost five largest country comprising a land many with distinct cultures, beliefs Affairs and Trade of Australia website:
Vientiane in November, and looks decades. In 2011-12 Australian area of about 7.692 million square and languages. Australian Government
forward to a dynamic discussion on government overseas development kilometres. English is the main language website:
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 Feature 21

Sleepy village offers balm for city dwellers

Phonesavanh smell of ripening corn cannot weekend, you can catch a bus
Sangsomboun fail to raise one’s spirits. from the southern bus terminal

Ideally located along the in central Vientiane and
ooking for a quiet blue Ngum River, Ban Keun escape to Ban Keun. Through
getaway for the is a perfect spot for the whole your travel agent arrange to
weekend? One within family. Everyone, from business stay in a traditional house
easy reach of Vientiane, operators to backpackers, who where you can experience the
offering scenic views, an wants to get away from the rural lifestyle, see farming
introduction to rural life in hustle and bustle will find a in progress, visit the many
Laos and yet with facilities to truly relaxing and peaceful different animals in the
keep youngsters interested? atmosphere in this delightful National Zoo and experience
A short journey by road and place. the better quality of life
river will take you to Ban Most tourists coming to enjoyed by the locals with
Keun, an idyllic village in Laos head for the main tourist their fresh air and food.
Thoulakhom district set in the attractions like Luang Prabang Ban Keun is a largely
Vientiane countryside. Scenic and Vat Phou Champassak, undiscovered tourist attraction
views abound and the clean but if you have a little time in waiting. Nestling beside
fresh air carrying the sweet to spare, perhaps a whole the river, one of Laos’ major

Invitation for Bids Lao and colonial style houses grace the village streets.

waterways, the landscape enjoying such fare. So, before less popular than Vangvieng,
Date: 23 May 2012
Grant No. and Title: ADB Grant 0143-LAO: Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation combines tropical splendour reaching the village centre, we offering fewer activities and
Sector Project with tranquility and visitors stopped at the market to buy facilities, but the village has
Bid No. and Title: Bid No. WS-CW19: Water Supply Rehabilitation Works for the District Town can enjoy the quiet serenity of forest products such as ant eggs, more charm, is natural and
of Saravan, Saravan Province, Lao PDR the hills and the many pastoral frogs, fish and bamboo that local not over developed. Beautiful
scenes. people collect every day. temples and many of the fine
Deadline for Submission of Bids: 16 July 2012, 10:00 hours
I have often visited the We also paused to gaze old houses that grace the
1. The Lao Peoples’ Democratic Republic has received a grant (“Grant”) from the Asian village and each time I come over to the other side of the riverbank still dominate the
Development Bank (“ADB”) towards the cost of the Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation away deeply impressed by river at the sweetcorn fields. area, allowing visitors to gain
Sector Project. Part of this Grant will be used for payments under the Contract named above. the extraordinary scenery and Ban Keun is well-known a good insight into local life
quiet simplicity of life here. for salt production but its and imagine what it was like
2. The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT), the Employer, now invites
sealed bids from eligible bidders for the rehabilitation works under this contract. This contract For a resident of Vientiane it is agriculture is now enjoying a in years gone by.
is concurrently being issued with two other contract packages(ICB): WS-CW17: Water Supply especially enjoyable to watch growing reputation for high Some visitors say that
Civil, Drainage and Public Sanitation Works for district town of Thateng, Sekong Province; a school of fish darting about quality. if tourists want to see what
and WS-CW18: Water Supply Civil, Drainage and Public Sanitation Works for district town of in the clear water, which on a Tourists can take boat Vangvieng was like 10 years
Xaysettha, Attapeu Province. If a bidder submits the lowest evaluated substantially responsive sunny day is very blue, while rides to see temples along ago they should visit Ban
bid for more than one contract, an assessment of its capacity to meet the aggregated
requirements, as set out in each bid document, will be carried out. Further, the bidder is not crossing the river by ferry. the river and to eat at floating Keun, where the blue river,
allowed to offer discounts for the award of two or more contracts. Whenever I cross I am restaurants where they can minimal traffic and sparse
reminded of the folksong “Kiew enjoy the freshest fish dishes population offer a delightful
3. National competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single- Sao Kharm Ngum” which straight from the river. change from the more urban
stage: One-envelope bidding procedure and is open to all eligible bidders. describes a couple’s romance Different people have way of life.
4. Only eligible bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding: while being beside the river. different preferences. Some In daylight hours on any
• (a) Experience under construction contracts in the role of contractor, subcontractor During my last trip to the tourists, younger ones weekday the streets in the
or management contractor for at least the last five years prior to the bid submission village I felt a small twinge especially, enjoy the excitement central area and along the
deadline; (b) participation as contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor, of jealousy for the local and adventure of Vangvieng river are empty, but later in
in at least one contract within the last five years, with a contract value equivalent to at people who had this beautiful nearby, while others prefer the the evening visitors appear
least US$0.5million, and are substantially complete and are similar to the proposed
works; and (c) construction experience in the following key activities (i) construction environment in which to live more relaxed, simpler but better in the riverside amenities to
of reinforced concrete structures built to a water retaining standard such as water and the freshest food possible, quality of life provided, at a enjoy the quiet nightlife in this
treatment plants, dams, weirs and irrigation works, with a demonstrated capacity to all organically grown. The lower cost, by Ban Keun. sleepy village. Thoulakhom
pour concrete up to 20m3/day; (ii) supply and laying of pipelines not less than 150mm start of the rainy season is a In total numbers of district also boasts a zoo,
diameter; and (iii) installation of electrical motors up to 10KW, and hydraulic pumps. particularly good time to be visitors, the village is far casino, college and hospital.
• Have a positive net worth which is calculated as the difference between total assets
and total liabilities for the last three years. The figures used should be derived from
audited balance sheets years and income statements or other financial statements
for the last 3 (three).
• The minimum average annual construction turnover within the last three years should
be not less than US$0.4million.
• All pending litigation shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder and so shall in
total not represent more than 50 percent of the Bidder’s worth.
• The Bidder must demonstrate access to, or availability of, financial resources such as
liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, other
than any contractual advance payments, to meet the financial requirements of the contract
in the amount of the Bid. As a minimum, the Bidder must show that his resources, in terms
of at least his latest year’s working capital and lines of credit, will be adequate to cover his
total Bid Price (one or more contracts) and current work commitments.
• Interested bidders must be able to provide at least one Engineer with at least seven
years of work experience and at least three years of experience in works of similar nature;
one Foreman/Construction Supervisor with at least seven years of work experience and
at least five years of experience in similar nature; an Electrical/Mechanical Supervisor with
at least five years work experience and at least three years of experience in similar nature;
and a Commissioning Supervisor with at least five years work experience and at least
three years experience in works of a similar nature.

5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect Bidding
Documents, at the address given below:

Mr. Phomma Veoravanh

Director, Project Coordination Unit
Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project
3rd Floor, Public Works and Transport Institute
Dongpalane Road, Vientiane Capital City, Lao PDR
Tel. +856-21-416519, +856-21-453128
Fax. +856-21-415658, +856-21-263362

6. The Bidding Documents, in the English language, may be purchased by interested

eligible bidders on submission of a written application to address above, and upon payment
of a nonrefundable fee of US$150 for each set. The method of payment will be in cash or by
Western Union bank draft or check to Account No. 0108110118984 (in US$) at BCEL. The
Bidding Documents will be sent by courier service, or equivalent, if necessary. No liability will
be accepted for loss or late delivery. Additional charge for courier service will be US$120.

7. Bids must be delivered to the address above on or before 16 July 2012. All bids must
be accompanied by a Bid Security equivalent to at least 2 percent of the contractor’s price.
Bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the Bidders' representatives who
choose to attend at the address above.
22 Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times
Art & Entertainment
Denis Sungho on new musical journey Vientiane
What’s On
(Korea Herald) -- Denis
Sungho Janssens, a Belgian - Action with Lao Children Library: Open Mon to Fri
guitarist of Korean origin who 9am to 6pm and Sat 9am to 3pm. Come in and read
has recently been expanding and borrow Lao, Japanese, Thai and English books.
his music career in Seoul, is Located in Ban Saphangmor, Xaysettha district.
returning to Europe full of hope
and ready for a challenge. - Permanent UXO exhibition and the provision of
The 38-year-old artist has artificial limbs for victims. COPE Visitor Centre,
been invited to perform at the Khouvieng Road, opposite Green Park Hotel. Every
Martha Argerich Project next day: 9am-6pm.
month, part of the Lugano Music - Chess Club meets at 1pm every Sunday at City Inn on
Festival in Switzerland, with Pangkham Road, Vientiane.
other internationally acclaimed Contact:
artists including cellist Mischa - Women’s International Group. For activities and
Maisky, pianist Sergio Tiempo times email
and violinist Dora Schwarzberg. - Toastmasters Club meets every Sun. from 4-6pm at
Denis Sungho is the first guitarist
ever to participate in the annual Khopchaideu restaurant (3F). Everyone is welcome.
event. - Meditation at Vat Sokpaluang every Saturday,
The project, founded and 4-5.30pm.
hosted by Argerich, who is Pianist Martha Argerich (right) performs with cellist Mischa Maisky at the 2009 Martha Argerich - English Language Church Service every Sunday
considered one of the best Project. --Photo A. Heitmann Lugano Festival 10am at the ARDA Language Centre (near the Mercure,
living pianists of our time, takes formerly Novotel). Call (021) 261441, or visit http://www.
place in Lugano, Switzerland, agent Yoo Jung-min said. technical skills. didn’t have the money to buy the
from June 6-28. “However, his participation “It is like a drama, but instrument. She is a fascinating
Renowned artists and in the event proves that he is never aggressive,” Denis musician, free and an inspiring Luang Prabang
talented young players will taking another step forward Sungho said. legend,” he said. training, please contact the
take to the stage in duets or as an international classical The Martha Argerich Denis Sungho, a Korean- LE President at president_
chamber groups to play rarely artist.” Project also means a lot to Belgian raised by Belgian Big Brother Mouse helps
performed compositions Denis Sungho will play a him personally because it parents, is the only guitarist in young people practise their for details and other meeting
alongside masterpieces of the solo piece, Mauro Giuliani’s is hosted by the Argentina- the world to have performed English at free drop-in sessions, areas.
great composers, organizers Rossiniana No. 15, on June 11 born pianist who has been at both the European Concert 9-11am and 5-7pm, open every Buffalos Rugby - men’s
said. after a performance by Argerich supporting him for nearly two Hall Organization and Carnegie day. Just come to our office at rugby training Tuesday
“I am excited but I also and Nicholas Angelich. decades. Argerich, known as Hall in New York. At the age 9am or 5pm in Ban Vat Nong, evenings 6 - 7:30pm. All
feel challenged because it is a The composition by the “goddess of piano music” of 14, he won the first prize at around the corner from 3 Nagas welcome. Sunday morning
chance to introduce the guitar Giuliani, one of the leading financially supported the the Belgian Music Contest for Hotel. www.bigbrothermouse. social touch rugby - male,
as a classical instrument,” guitar virtuosi of the 19th then-struggling guitarist 14 Young Artists. com. female all ages welcome.
Denis Sungho told The Korea century, is a classic guitar piece years ago by purchasing the Denis Sungho studied Traditional Arts and Free. For either, contact
Herald by telephone. the composer wrote from the Thomas Humphrey guitar he with Odair Assad, a renowned Ethnology Centre. Open 9am- John (020 77140176), Bob
“He probably feels operas of Gioachino Rossini. currently plays. She has high classical guitarist from Brazil
6pm, Tues-Sun. (020 55510443) and Tom (020
pressured because he is the The 20-minute-long solo praise for Denis Sungho, who who is better known as one of
first one and the only one to piece evokes Italy, nostalgia she says creates a very special the “Assad Brothers,” along with 2281111) for more information.
introduce the music of classical and romance. However, it sound. his brother Sergio Assad. He is Ock Pop Tok Wild Hogs Rugby training
guitar at the festival in front of is very challenging for the “She bought me a guitar currently on a nationwide tour Living Crafts Centre open daily at the Polytechnic pitch
world-class musicians,” his guitarist, employing highly when I was 24 and when I with Korean singer Insooni. for free guided tour. Natural in Phonpapao village,
dyes, weaving and batik
Whitney Houston’s last record released
Sisattanak, at 8pm on Tues.
drawing classes daily. 9am- and Thurs. Optional Saturday
5pm. Free transfer from Ock touch session at That Luang
Pop Tok shops in town to the at 5:30pm, Sunday fitness at
(CHINA DAILY) -- Whitney of “I Will Always Love You,” who have to deal with the Sparks’ first leading movie weaving centre on the Mekong. That Luang at 5:30pm. Call
Houston’s last recording - a before presenting a posthumous pressures of fame. Houston role. Call 071 212597 020 77615677
new duet with “American award to Houston’s teenage plays Sparks’ mother. Houston was found dead Royal Palace National or Chris 020 77834385.
Idol” winner Jordin Sparks - daughter Bobbi Kristina The role was Houston’s in a Beverly Hills hotel Museum. Open 8.30-11.30am Lao Mahout Netball team
was released on Monday ahead Brown. comeback to the big screen bathtub on February 11 from and 1.30-4.30pm from trains every Tues. at 6pm
of the singer’s upcoming film, “Sparkle,” a remake of the after a 15-year hiatus from what authorities said was
“Sparkle.” Wednesday to Monday. at Vientiane International
1976 film of the same name, acting in movies like “The accidental drowning brought
“Celebrate,” produced UXO Visitor Centre. Open School. For more information
tells the story of three sisters Bodyguard” and “The on by cocaine use and heart
by R. Kelly for “Sparkle” who become Motown stars Preacher’s Wife”. It will be disease. Mon-Fri 8.30am-12 and contact Saeng on 020
2-5pm. Right turn just before 77442689.
President’s Monument on the Lions Women’s Rugby from
Northern Rd. 7.30pm on Tues and Thurs at
the Polytechnic pitch. Contact
Museums Noui on 020 4905090 or
Lao National Museum Maggie on 020 54656153.
on Samsenthai Road opposite Youth Community Rugby
National Culture Hall. Open Sessions
Mon-Fri during office hours Training for U15 Boys and
and on weekends from 9am to U17 Girls at the Polytechnic
4pm. pitch in Phonpapao village,
Horphakeo Museum Sisattanak, at 7:30pm on
on Setthathirat Road Wed. Training for children of
opposite Vat Sisaket. Open all ages at 9am on Sunday.
Mon-Sun during office hours. Aqua-fitness Fri 10-11am;
Sat 11-12. Please contact
Sports Sarah at 020 54147069 or
Whitney Houston performs ANZ Vientiane Lions Body Language at Vientiane
during the World Music Women’s Rugby Club – Accueil, Khouvieng Rd.
Awards at the Thomas & Mack Wednesday night fitness Class includes stretching and
Center in Las Vegas, Nevada sessions from 7:30 at VIS. Pitch respiratory exercises with
September 15, 2004 file photo.
--Photo Agencies
trainings Thursday nights from an oriental touch. Tues. and
19:30 and Sunday from 16:00 Thurs. from 5.30-6.30pm.
which will hit movie theaters at Polytechnic Pitch in Ban Contact 020 5612107.
on August 17, was recorded Phonphapao. Contact Vieng Aerobics at Sokpalouang
by Houston shortly before on 020 54234111 or Maggie swimming pool, Sisattanak
her sudden death aged 48 in on 020 78110019 for more district. Open every day from
February. information. 6am-8pm.
The uptempo track Champa Ban Youth Rugby – Vientiane Hash House Harriers
features disco beats and a Rugby activities with a focus Meet at Nam Phu Fountain
positive message, as Sparks on fun, games and healthy every Saturday for travel to
and Houston sing lyrics such living message. Free and open out-of-town runs. Mixed Hash,
as “I’m going to celebrate, to all. Visit register at 3.45pm and depart
celebrate you.” Sparks throws
or contact Noui 020 54905090 4pm. Monday,VH3, family
in “We love you Whitney” at
the end of the song. or Maggie on 020 78110019 for Hash. 3 runs - short, medium
Sparks on Sunday delivered more information. and long. Meet at 5pm at
a heart-felt tribute to Houston Lao Elephants Australian advertised venue. Phones:
Rules Football Club -Meet 223867, 217493,
at the Billboard Music Awards.
at 6.30 pm on Thursdays for mobile 020 5511293, 5514669.
She sang a rousing rendition
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 23

Montpellier celebrates PGA rookie English qualifies for British Open

title, PSG looks to future PLANO, Texas (AP) -- PGA
Tour rookie Harris English shot
a course best and International
“It was a very relaxing
round. I just lost track on what
I was doing,” said English,
Also qualifying for the
Open was England’s Greg
Owen, who shot 66-61-127
PARIS (AP) -- After upsetting Finals America qualifying whose best PGA Tour finish and Canadian Stephen Ames
the odds to the win the French record 60 to easily qualify for was a tie for 16th in Mayakoba, who shot a morning 69, but
league title for the first time, the British Open on Monday. Mexico, earlier in the year. “It’s rebounded with an afternoon
Montpellier’s next task is English shot a 63 in the pretty amazing.” 61 for a 130 total.
keeping its tight-knit squad afternoon in the par 70 Queens He had eight birdies and For Owen, it will be an
of players together as rival Course at Gleneagles Country one eagle on the par 5 10th emotional homecoming as he
Paris Saint-Germain prepares Club, just outside of Dallas, hole in his record morning grew up in Nottingham, 90
for another massive spending for a 123 total, to claim one round, plus seven birdies in the minutes south of Lytham.
spree. of the eight available spots for afternoon. “I haven’t been home in a
For PSG, the humiliation the Open from July 19-22 at Fred Couples’ 62 in 2005 long while and it will be nice
of failing to win its first league Royal Lytham & St. Annes in was the previous course to see my family and for them
title since 1994 — despite England. record. to see their grandchildren,” he
spending more than €100 The 60 was the lowest 18- English, 22, said he was said.
million (US$132 million) on hole qualifying score since the unaware of his record score Owen played in the 2001
players — will be somewhat R&A began holding qualifying until his caddy told him after Open at Royal Lytham where
softened by Champions League in the United States in 2004. making another birdie, his he tied for 23rd.
football and the arrival of more Records were incomplete if it seventh, on his closing hole American Justin Hicks
big names. was the lowest 18-hole score with a 20-foot birdie putt. (67-63-130) and Argentina’s
Montpellier’s title-winning ever shot in British Open “It certainly was a nice Andres Romero (67-63-130)
squad featured nine homegrown qualifying. surprise,” English said. also qualified.
players, in contrast to PSG’s
relentless pursuit of stars at Invitation for Bids
the expense of its own youth
academy. Date: 23 May 2012
The likes of midfielders Grant No. and Title: ADB Grant 0143-LAO: Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector
Younes Behanda and Karim Project
Bid No. and Title: Bid No. WS-CW17: Water Supply, Drainage and Public Sanitation Works for
Ait-Fana, defender Mapou the District Town of Thateng, Sekong Province, Lao PDR
Yanga-Mbiwa and winger
Remy Cabella have caught Bid No. and Title: Bid No. WS-CW18: Water Supply Civil, Drainage and Public Sanitation Works
the eye of Europe’s big clubs, for the District town of Xaysettha, Attapeu Province, Lao PDR
while Olivier Giroud is also in
demand after scoring 21 league Deadline for Submission of Bids: 16 July 2012, 10:00 hours
goals. Olivier Giroud (right) challenges Aurelien Chedjou during a League 1. The Lao Peoples’ Democratic Republic has received a grant (“Grant”) from the Asian
“If we can keep this squad One soccer match in Montpellier, France, on Sunday. --Photo AP Development Bank (“ADB”) towards the cost of the Small Towns Water Supply and
together, with two or three new Sanitation Sector Project. Part of this Grant will be used for payments under the contracts
arrivals, that will be great,” the players and the fans. Tours two years ago. named above.
Montpellier coach Rene Girard “It’s a beautiful love story Hasty decisions weighed 2. The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT), the Employer, now invites sealed
said. President Louis Nicollin, between a president and his club, heavily on PSG’s title challenge, bids from eligible bidders for the civil works under these contracts. These contracts which
who has owned and funded the and between a club and a city,” too. include civil works for water supply, drainage and public sanitation are concurrently being
club since 1974, is confident said French league president PSG’s title bid started to go issued with other contract package: WS-CW19: Water Supply Rehabilitation Works for the
Montpellier will be PSG’s main Frederic Thiriez, while Girard off the rails after coach Antoine district town of Saravan, Saravan Province (NCB) If a bidder submits the lowest evaluated
rival in seasons to come. aluded to PSG’s failure to win Kombouare was replaced by substantially responsive bid for more than one contract, an assessment of its capacity to
“Don’t worry, we’ll still a trophy this season by saying former Chelsea boss Carlo meet the aggregated requirements, as set out in each bid document, will be carried out.
be around for the next five “money doesn’t make for Ancelotti during the winter Further, the bidder is not allowed to offer discounts for the award of two or more contracts.
years because things will happiness.” break. 3. International competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB's Single-Stage:
One-Envelope bidding procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries
gel together,” he said after PSG’s huge outlay included Despite guiding PSG to of ADB.
Montpellier sealed the title with spending a French record €42 first place, and being three 4. Only eligible bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding:
a 2-1 win at Auxerre on Sunday million (US$55.4 million) on points clear of Montpellier, • (a) Experience under construction contracts in the role of contractor, subcontractor
to finish three points clear of Argentine playmaker Javier Kombouare was fired in late or management contractor for at least the last five years prior to the bid submission
PSG, which won at Lorient by Pastore. December to make way for deadline; (b) participation as contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor,
the same score. Other highly rated players Ancelotti — primarily because in at least one contract within the last five years, with a contract value equivalent to at
“It’s the best day of my were prized from some of the club’s cash-rich Qatari least US$1.5million, and are substantially complete and are similar to the proposed
sporting life, that’s for sure,” Europe’s big clubs: winger owners, QSI, wanted a bigger works; and (c) construction experience in the following key activities (i) construction
Nicollin added. “I will get my Jeremy Menez joined from name to boost the club’s of reinforced concrete structures built to a water retaining standard such as water
hair cut as promised.” Roma, midfielder Mohamed standing worldwide. treatment plants, dams, weirs and irrigation works, with a demonstrated capacity
The 68-year-old Nicollin Sissoko from Juventus, It was very harsh on to pour concrete up to 50m3/day; (ii) supply and laying of pipelines not less than
had told fans that if Montpellier defender Maxwell arrived Kombouare, who was popular 150mm diameter (more than 5km in one year); and (iii) installation of electrical
won the title he would get his from Barcelona and midfielder with PSG fans from his playing motors up to 20KW, and hydraulic pumps.
hair cropped and dyed in a Thiago Motta from Inter Milan. days at the club as a central • Have a positive net worth which is calculated as the difference between total assets
Mohawk style — the latest The contrast with defender in the 1990s. and total liabilities for the last three years. The figures used should be derived from
fashion trend in footballer Montpellier could not be greater. “I didn’t agree and I never audited balance sheets years and income statements or other financial statements
haircuts inspired by Brazilian The league winner’s local will,” Kombouare told France for the last 3 (three) years.
star Neymar. players blossomed into a tight- Football magazine recently. • The minimum average annual construction turnover within the last three years
Nicollin has been at knit unit with an unshakable “I wanted to continue, I never should be not less than US$1.8million.
• All pending litigation shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder and so shall in
Montpellier almost as long as team spirit. Montpellier spent gave up. I wanted to show them total not represent more than 50 percent of the Bidder’s worth.
PSG has existed —PSG was only a fraction of PSG’s colossal that I was a competent coach • The Bidder must demonstrate access to, or availability of, financial resources such as
founded in 1970 — and there outlay, and Giroud cost only who could get good results.” liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means,
is a special bond between him €2.5 (US$3.3 million) when he Ancelotti reshaped the team other than any contractual advance payments, to meet the financial requirements of the
and his players, and between signed from second-division as new signings arrived. contract in the amount of the Bid. As a minimum, the Bidder must show that his resources,
in terms of at least his latest year’s working capital and lines of credit, will be adequate to

Nadal beats Djokovic 7-5, 6-3 to win Italian Open cover his total Bid Price (one or more contracts) and current work commitments.
• Interested bidders must be able to provide at least one engineer with at least seven
years of work experience and at least three years of experience in works of similar nature;
ROME (AP) -- Rafael Nadal Carlo after the death of his replayed point and then held one Foreman/Construction Supervisor with at least seven years of work experience and
showed Novak Djokovic he’s grandfather, made 41 unforced his serve to make it 5-5. at least five years of experience in similar nature; an Electrical/Mechanical Supervisor
still the man to beat on clay, errors in this match, including The win moved Nadal with at least five years work experience and at least three years of experience in similar
defeating the top-ranked Serb a double-fault on the last point back to No. 2 in the rankings, nature; and a Commissioning Supervisor with at least five years work experience and at
7-5, 6-3 Monday in a rain- to give Nadal his 49th career ahead of Roger Federer, and least three years experience in works of a similar nature.
5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect Bidding Documents,
delayed final to win his record title and his 35th on clay. could go some way toward at the address given below:
sixth Italian Open title. Nadal did not drop a set boosting his confidence ahead
After losing to Djokovic all tournament to clinch his of Roland Garros. Mr. Phomma Veoravanh
in seven straight finals — third Italian Open victory in He acknowledged last year Director, Project Coordination Unit
including in Rome last year four years, with his winning that Djokovic had a mental Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project
— Nadal has now won two streak interrupted last year by advantage over him after all 3rd Floor, Public Works and Transport Institute
in a row against the Serb after Djokovic. those losses. Dongpalane Road, Vientiane Capital City, Lao PDR
also taking the Monte Carlo “He is always the favourite “You need to accept your Tel. +856-21-416519, +856-21-453128
Masters title on clay. With the even if I win against him seven losses because this is a game Fax. +856-21-415658, +856-21-263362
French Open starting Sunday, times,” Djokovic said. “He is and in this sport you will Email.
though, both players said they the best player in the world on always lose, but it is normal
have room for improvement. this surface and the two wins I that you lose and you need 6. The Bidding Documents, in the English language, may be purchased by interested eligible bidders
“I don’t think I played that had gave me confidence and I to be patient to wait for your on submission of a written application to address above, and upon payment of a nonrefundable
well, I can do better,” Nadal think that the match today was moment,” Nadal said. “I fee of US$150 for each set. The method of payment will be in cash or by Western Union bank
said. “When you are not quite close, even if he won in accept my losses and try to draft or check to Account No. 0108110118984 (in US$) at BCEL. The Bidding Documents will
serving 100 percent perfect straight sets. keep being competitive. You be sent by courier service, or equivalent, if necessary. No liability will be accepted for loss or late
then you are in trouble because Djokovic played well at win a few points and you delivery. Additional charge for courier service will be US$120.
he returns hard. I am trying to the start but the turning point lose a few and you can lose a 7. Bids must be delivered to the address above on or before 16 July 2012 at 10:00 hours.
play more aggressive and I am came midway through the match. Today I won and that’s All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security equivalent to at least 2 percent of the
contractor’s price. Bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the Bidders'
hitting the ball better than last 10th game when a line judge the difference. You don’t need representatives who choose to attend at the address above.
year.” called the Serbian’s shot out. to find great things — it is the 8. When comparing bids, ADB’s Domestic Preference Scheme will be applied in accordance
Djokovic, who said he was The umpire overruled the small things that make the with the provisions stipulated in the Bidding Document.
emotionally drained in Monte decision, but Nadal won the difference.”
Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times
Biedermann, Hosszu claim
gold to open swim Euros
Lao boxing lacks muscle
Mr Vanto said it is difficult
DEBRECEN, Hungary (AP) Biedermann was nearly to persuade young boxers
-- World record holder Paul eight seconds off his world or any young people to train
Biedermann of Germany and record of 3:40.07 set with because they don’t get paid for
Katinka Hosszu of host Hungary the now banned rubberized it like the professionals do.
claimed the first individual bodysuits at the 2009 worlds That is why young people
golds Monday on the opening in Rome. He didn’t celebrate at
night of a European swimming the finish. are not interested in training. It
championship lacking in star “I got into the race much is also why the federation does
quality. too slowly,” Biedermann said. not plan to hold many national
Biedermann charged “I still have to work on that competitions.
from behind in the final lap to (before) the Olympics. I’m The federation does plan
win the 400-metre freestyle, really happy with this European to hold a national boxing
while Hosszu took the title in title, but unfortunately I once competition in Vientiane next
the grueling 400 individual again missed the national year. It will be an opportunity to
medley. Olympic qualifying time. Now
Also, France dominated the I’ll probably have to accept a select boxers for the 2013 27th
men’s 4x100 freestyle relay and free ticket, as I’m qualified after SEA Games in Myanmar. The
two-time Olympic champion my world bronze (world) medal sport will not feature at the Asean
Britta Steffen set up Germany last year.” University Games to be hosted
for gold in the women’s race. Kis said his main races are by the National University of
Before the session, a tribute the 800 and 1,500, so this medal Laos in December.
was held to remember Alex was a bonus. However, boxing will
Dale Oen, the 100 breaststroke Hosszu won in 4:33.76.
world champion from Norway, Fellow Hungarian Zsussana be part of the games held
who died suddenly from Jakabos took silver in 4:35.68 to mark Lao Sports Day, to
cardiac arrest three weeks and Barbora Zavadova of the be hosted by Khammuan
ago. The video tribute brought Czech Republic took bronze in Lao boxers in training. province in July. Other sports
tears to the eyes of many of 4:38.07. Defending champion will include football, sepak
the 16 Norwegian athletes Hannah Miley of Britain was Sangkhomsay a budget to stage a national boxers on its national team, takraw, beach volleyball, table
competing, who are wearing also absent. Bubphanouvong boxing competition this year including Hatsanay at 51kg, tennis, badminton, petanque,

black swim caps featuring Dale Completing her senior year but would be able to hold more Keochoy at 57kg, and Aetdy taekwondo, muay lao, boxing,
Oen’s initials on one side — at Southern California, Hosszu
“A.D.O.” has had a busy season of races ao boxing trainer Mr national events if sponsors at 60kg, all of whom are taking and track and field events.
In the 400 free, Biedermann in the United States. Vanto Vilayphone has could be found. a break from training at the Many provinces will
clocked 3 minutes, 47.84 “I had only two or three said the federation is At the 2011 26th SEA moment. prepare their boxers to attend
seconds, with Gergo Kis of days of rest before the not planning to hold Games in Indonesia, the The boxers are preparing the games in Khammuan
Hungary second in 3:48.09 and championships,” Hosszu said. a national boxing event in Lao boxing federation sent for exams at the Physical province, where Mr Vanto will
Samuel Pizzetti of Italy third in “The 400 IM is an event that Vientiane this year. five male boxers and four Education Teacher Training be the referee.
3:48.66. hurts. I didn’t expect to swim “The federation did hold female boxers of different College. Boxing teams from six
Defending champion below 4:35.” a competition in Vientiane weight divisions. They were The Lao Boxing Federation provinces attended the National
Yannick Agnel of France was Jakabos said she would
one of several title holders aim “for revenge” to catch her last year, but that was the successful in achieving three is currently lacking younger Games last December, from
skipping the event to avoid teammate in London, while only national boxing event bronze medals. boxers. It would like to train Vientiane, Borikhamxay,
interrupting their Olympic Zavadova celebrated her first organised,” he said. Currently, the Lao Boxing new young and talented boxers Savannakhet, Champassak,
preparation. international medal. He said the federation lacks Federation has only three male for the national team this year. Attapeu and Xayaboury.
Vientiane Times
Vientiane Times 25

Read more news at Wednesday May 23, 2012


Standardisation Phu Bia to Export

law takes Laos increase copper potential soars
closer to WTO production for Lao rattan
membership page B3 products
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Business sector voices support

for ‘Vientiane New World’
Advertorial Desk with the government’s open policy China, Vietnam and Thailand. These not clear about what kind of facilities be a lot more attractive.”

to attract foreign investors to run countries have populations numbering will be available exactly but I hope that Senior Vice President and
uests attending a launch businesses here. tens of millions and their citizens can multi and complex facilities including Vientiane Branch Manager
ceremony on Monday for “I’ve seen the project overview come to Laos both for business and a training system and hospital will of Bangkok Bank, Mr Phisit
the urban development presented by the company pleasure. be involved. If you have a security Charoenphan:
project on the Don Chan representative and understand they “Singapore for example is a small system, it must be better to engage
riverfront known as Vientiane New plan to develop a new urban area on country like Laos, but has developed more global companies here in Laos.
World expressed their support for the the Mekong riverside, near Thailand. very rapidly.” “I’m new in Laos; I’ve just been
concept plan. The company will invest around Strategy and Planning Division here for three months. I’m satisfied
The US$600 million development US$600 million on the development Manager of Kolao Group, Mr Kim with the location of the development
will be undertaken by CAMCE which is considered to be a mega Jung Soo: on the Mekong River and believe it is
Investment (Lao) Co Ltd, a joint project in this country. good to provide facilities in this area.”
venture between the Chinese state- “If this project is realised, Laos Director of the Military Bank,
owned enterprise China CAMC will be honoured and congratulated. Mr Nguyen Luong Bang:
Engineering and the Lao Krittaphong If it comes to fruition, our bank
Group, and is expected take 6-8 years (ACLEDA) will plan to relocate our
to complete. office to that area.
The launch ceremony in Vientiane “I think the company has prepared
was attended by about 200 guests, the project very well but after they “The most important thing
including senior government officials, launch it they need to advertise and is that the project will create
ambassadors and representatives explain it more to people throughout confidence among foreign investors
of NGOs and various international the country to ensure that the Lao towards the Lao economy”
organisations. people understand what it entails and “The most important thing is that
Deputy Prime Minister and that is being undertaken for the Lao the project will create confidence
Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr people. Wider promotion will help to among foreign investors towards the
Thongloun Sisoulith and CAMCE attract businesses to set up operations “I’m satisfied with the location Lao economy, convincing them that
Chairperson Ms Luo Yan were present in the new development. of the development on the Mekong there is an investor daring to operate
at the ceremony. “I think the Vientiane New World River and believe it is good to a mega project like this in Laos. More
Below are the comments of some project will have a major positive provide facilities in this area” businesses will feel confident and want
of the guests concerning the Vientiane impact on the Lao economy. The “I’m very excited to have this kind “The project is located in the to invest in Laos in other projects.
New World project. more mega projects like this we have of luxury and very organised facility best place” “The Vientiane New World project
in Laos, the more positive the impact in Laos. I have already had a session “I think the project is located in will attract other entrepreneurs who
will be because they will bring in with the marketing representative of the best place and, when finished, can want to come here in the future. As we
foreign investment. the company and I have been shown a help to change the face of Vientiane all know, Vientiane lacks good quality
“Additionally, VIPguests can come lot of perspectives on the project. First and make the city more beautiful and office space and apartments for use by
to relax in Laos, and big international of all, I think the hotel should be based attract a lot of people, both to live and CEOs from international companies
meetings can be organised here more on a study of true demand and that is to work. The project can also attract a doing business here. I understand
easily because Laos has the capacity my basic comment on this project. lot of investors to Laos. that the project will comprise office
to welcome them very well through Hopefully, they will closely study “As a banker, I’m paying a lot of buildings and apartments which will
this project. I think this project is very actual market demand, especially for attention to this project. My suggestion ensure that foreign companies wishing
good for Laos. the ASEM villas. for the developer is to plant a lot of to come to Laos can find offices for
“Laos is a small country in terms “If I have the opportunity to do trees because Vientiane and Laos are their CEOs. This is a mega project so
of population, but the countries business in the Vientiane New World very hot so if trees are planted, the a large sum of money will be pumped
surrounding Laos are so big, especially development, then why not? I’m still development site and Vientiane will into the Lao economy.”

Managing Director and CEO of

ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd, Mr Narin
“Our bank (ACLEDA) will plan
to relocate our office to that area”
“This project is good for Laos as
it shows that development is in line

Exchange rates as of
May 22, 2012
Banque pour le Commerce
Exterieur Lao
Foreign Buying Selling

US Dollar 7,993 8,032


Thai Baht 255.67 256.95

Euro 10,216 10,266

B Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

Standardisation law takes Laos

closer to WTO membership
Times Reporters

BCEL floods market As Laos nears the completion

of the required procedures
Local investors were out of sync with the rest of Asia yesterday when the index fell despite for membership in the
increased volumes. The opening LSX session saw the index fall to 996.96 and after hitting World Trade Organisation
1013.92 it closed down 18.30 points (1.80pct) at 995.62. Today if anything should see both (WTO), implementation of
EDL-Gen and BCEL recover. the Standardisation Law is
Yesterday BCEL volume packages stimulated trading. Yesterday was their highest turnover expected soon.
since 21 Dec 2011 when turnover last year reached 1.98 B kip on 264 K of stocks at 7,600 The law was approved by
kip per share. the government in December
Yesterday’s turnover saw BCEL at a discounted 6,800 kip on a handy 215.8K stocks. 2007 and now the Prime
EDL-Gen turnover was again very subdued for the 7th day in a row as it took time out and Minister is almost ready to
prepared for another rally. approve a decree that will see
it enforced.
Acting Director General Mr Sisomphet Nhoybuakong (left) presides over the meeting.
of the Ministry of Science and
Technology’s Department of competitiveness by advancing regulations and conformity
Standardisation and Metrology, measurementscience,standards assessment.
Mr Sisomphet Nhoybuakong, and technology in ways that Laos applied for WTO
advised that implementation is will enhance economic security membership in 1997 and has
expected to be very soon. and improve the quality of life since been improving laws and
He made the comment of Lao people. regulations to meet international
Investors go risk on and buy into value stocks during last week’s meeting on
‘Steps to implement legislation
The department also
announced a strategic plan for
requirements. This has had
the effect of encouraging the
Global Snapshot: related to WTO and ASEAN the implementation of National country to improve socio-
Anyone who uses a small percentage “stop loss” trading strategy will have been very busy. requirements for standards, Quality Infrastructure saying economic development as well
Markets went volatile from the worst 2 weeks since September 2011 to the best YTD result technical regulations and it was committed to tackling as regional and international
on Monday. conformity assessment.’ the technical challenges of integration. So far 37 laws
That reverberated throughout the Asian start up on Tuesday with most near +1pct gain in The department hosted the developing infrastructure based have been passed or improved
the first hours trading Tuesday and is very likely to last until Wednesday with some risk meeting, which was attended on international standards, and about 50 decrees and
after mid week because market reports are due out Wednesday from the US and EU. US by officials from many related and to following certification agreements issued.
shares Monday racked up strong gains with the NASDAQ adding nearly 2.5 percent helped ministries, to discuss the procedures. To be a member of WTO,
by an Apple surge and Google gains also drove the composite index higher. The Dow Jones implementation of the law. The department plans Laos needs to sign bilateral
Industrial Average finished up 135.10 points, or 1.09 percent, to 12,504.48. The meeting was supported by to promote the adoption trade agreements with nine
The S&P 500-stock index climbed 20.77 (1.60 percent) to 1,315.99. Tokyo gained 0.26 USAID/LUNA-Lao project. and implementation of countries. Agreements have
percent at 8,633.89 and Seoul added 16.67 points to 1,799.13. Shanghai added 3.78 points, to Enforcement of the international standards in been signed with eight
2,348.30 but Hong Kong slipped 29.53 points, to 18,922.32. Standardisation Law is one more order to take advantage of countries and Laos is currently
Metals gained for the first time in a fortnight yesterday with copper up +US$81 to US$7731/tn. step on the path to integration for export opportunities within in discussions with Ukraine.
Oil emerged from the well as it gained US$1.50; Brent over US$108 and Nymex over US$108. Laos, regionally and globally. Asean countries in the short WTO membership is
The oil prices surged and rebounded from last week's multi-month lows because speculative Mr Sisomphet said the and medium term, and WTO considered to be very important
buying remerged as concerns resurfaced over supplies from the crude-rich Middle East, department’s mission is to member countries in the for Laos as its economy
particularly from Iran. But gold gradually fell all day as did the dollar but it was only slight. provide a host of credible longer term, while supporting needs to be in line with the
US indexes eased the stress when they closed in the black Monday a day ahead of forecasts, technical services ranging domestic industry. international community. The
when buyers decided it was “risk on”, as they bought into cheaper value stocks. from the development of This plan includes steps to Lao government has paid close
Facebook faded, feeling the pain of differing opinions and lost -11 pct. national standards and their implement legislation related to attention to this issue as it will
Stock under Review: - Facebook: The social media IPO for Facebook may have raised implementation to promoting WTO and Asean requirements be a main contributing factor
US$16 billion but what a trading fiasco occurred on Friday. First trades for the stock on Lao innovation and industrial for standards, technical to reducing poverty by 2020.
Friday were at US$55 and closed at near US$38. In the past two trading sessions it has
channeled downwards and lost 9 pct or more on 600m shares Friday and 140m shares traded
NASDAQ’s IT system failed Friday to confirm Facebook orders for up to 2 hours (some
unconfirmed reports say some orders have taken 2 days to complete). As a result there was
no true transparency of trading – so many orders were cancelled. The stock has flip flopped
and faded ever since.
Analysts can’t agree but the groundswell consensus is social media stocks are overhyped and
overvalued and the Facebook stock is grossly overvalued. Cynics value the stock at US$25
or less.
That’s enough for the novice investor to take note of and stay away.
The NASDAQ ground higher and gained on Monday even though Facebook traded sharply
below its IPO.
• The US dollar started to noticeably fall ½ pct as US stock markets closed on Monday
with a rebound of small gains. The DOW DJIA had its best day since April 17. The
EFT markets unusual for this May opened in the black two days in a row on Monday
and Tuesday. That gives a strong indicator a good trading market will rebound today
Wednesday, but be wary after lunchtime on Friday.
• The €uro is ready for a brawl and defiantly fought back from the low US$1.27’s to reach
an intraday US$1.2791. There’s no doubt FX traders are taking bets on direction but
forecasts to US$1.25 even US$1.20 haven’t looked like occurring – just yet anyway,
maybe June 17 will change that (Greece’s 2nd elections). European stock markets mostly
rebounded as G8 support for Greece to remain in the euro zone boosted sentiment after
last week's sharp sell-off. The DAX 30 added 0.95 percent to 6,331.04 points and in Paris
the CAC 40 gained 0.64 percent to 3,027.15 points. London's benchmark FTSE 100 index
closed up 0.70 percent to 5,304.48 points on Monday.
• Gold had a wild ride on Monday and was well up just off US$1,600 but late Monday
afternoon it fell to US$1591 in NY. Some big funds are buying back into bonds, but for
the average investor neither presents a safe haven. It’s hard to argue gold won’t appreciate
– the question is by how much over what period? To track the price of gold and some
other metals go to

Selected stocks:
Again volumes said PNA yesterday’s call was in the money up 10-12 cents intraday on
an expansion announcement. MGX Mount Gibson announced a Port Extension and NWT
was also inn the money up 5 pct as it recovered up 3½ cents, intraday Newsat to 68.5
cents, watch for a late rally as the daily volumes were edging up from the 944K mark - a
good sign for the price. Today should be similair with gains for PNA; look at the LME
closings as a guide before working on a strategy. Also take time out to read PanAust’s
latest report on their website – its all good news. Investors yesterday continued to dump
Sundance down to 40c on 17 million stocks.
Lao LSX stock charts:
The above charts show a decline but it’s in a very fine over exaggerated narrow trading band.
If experience is any indicator a reversal in direction is not far away.
Just take note of the BCEL 5 day turnover - it’s impressive for the stock and just what the
market needed.
EDL-Gen is conspicuously absent but at that price why not?
Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 B273
In brief
Oil hangs below
Phu Bia to
US$93 as stock
rebound buoys crude increase copper
prices hung below US$93
a barrel on Tuesday in
Asia, holding gains from
the previous day as crude Times Reporters metal production more than
followed global stock offsets the relatively modest
markets higher. Copper production at the increase in unit costs.
Benchmark oil for June Phu Kham mine in Vientiane The Increased Recovery
delivery was up 10 cents province is expected to Project initiative stems from
to US$92.67 a barrel in increase over the next three a two-year evaluation of
electronic trading on the
New York Mercantile years as the Australian miner various technologies that
Exchange. The contract PanAust is upgrading the could potentially improve
rose US$1.09 to settle at capacity of the operation. metallurgical recoveries at Villagers make rattan waste paper baskets.
PanAust, which operates Phu Kham.

Export potential soars

US$92.57 in New York on
Monday. the Phu Kham operation The plant scale test work has
through its Lao subsidiary Phu confirmed that by incorporating
Bia, announced last week that a strategy of less selective
Asia stocks up amid
for Lao rattan products
it will complete the Phu Kham rougher flotation in combination
hopes China to increased recovery project at with additional regrind and
boost growth its processing facility in the cleaner capacity, recovery rates
second half of next year. for both copper and gold could
BANGKOK (AP) -- Hopes The upgrade project will be materially increased.
China will announce new Khonesavanh Latsaphao stock and, unfortunately, the countries, mainly Vietnam,
boost production output of The company said that and is aiming to be seen as a
measures to boost economic government’s quota for cutting
growth helped push Asian copper from 65,000 tonnes following detailed design work, global leader in sustainable
Two more countries, Germany rattan was made available too
stock markets higher on and 70,000 tonnes in 2013 the estimated capital cost of the and certified rattan exports.
and New Zealand, are late.
Tuesday. Japan’s Nikkei and between 70,000 tonnes project has been reduced by More than 90 percent of
interested in buying hand- The quota should have
225 index rose 1 percent to and 75,000 tonnes from 2014. US$20 million (which includes rattan processed in the Greater
made rattan waste paper been provided to the company
8,722.46 and Hong Kong’s The production guidance of a 20 percent contingency) Mekong region originates from
baskets for domestic use from in February, but this year the
Hang Seng added 1 percent copper for 2012 production compared with the preliminary natural forests that are being
the Lao company Leudnilan, figure was released only this
to 19,117.54. South Korea’s is for between 63,000 tonnes estimate of US$45 million, exploited at an unsustainable
based in Vientiane. month. Now it is very difficult
Kospi climbed 1.2 percent to and 65,000 tonnes. announced in February. rate.
Both potential buyers to cut rattan because the
1,821.62. The move will also lift the In parallel with undertaking There are around 600
have received design options rainy season has started and
currently estimated life-of- capital projects underpinning rattan species in the world,
from Leudnilan and are in the everywhere is wet.
Eaton buying mine copper recovery rates the expected year-on-year rise including 54 species in the
process of selection prior to Even if harvesting the
from 77 percent to at least in copper and gold production
Cooper Industries 83 percent and gold recovery at Phu Kham over the next three placing their orders. rattan were possible it would Greater Mekong region.
“We are expecting these be very difficult to dry it. Rattan, a climber from the
in US$11.46B deal rates from 47 percent to at years, PanAust will complete its
two countries to order The company is keen to palm family and a valuable
CLEVELAND (AP) -- least 53 percent. It is expected first mineral resource estimate non-timber forest product, is
thousands of baskets from us support Lao exports, however,
Eaton Corp. has agreed that the increase in recovery for the adjacent Nam San available in forests throughout
this year once they’ve made so they will harvest as soon
to purchase Cooper rates will be higher for the copper-gold deposit this year. the region and its stems are
their design selections,” the as possible even if it means
Industries PLC in a cash- more complex transitional This relatively high-grade used for a variety of purposes,
company’s assistant, Mr waiting until the rain stops
and-stock deal valued at ores than for primary ores, deposit may provide a future including food, shelter and
Morheu Aheu, told Vientiane before they can start making
about US$11.46 billion which inherently return higher source for feed to the Phu Kham making furniture.
Times on Tuesday. the baskets. They have hired
that is designed to expand average recovery rates. processing plant that is expected Village communities in
Switzerland became a 120 villagers to make the
its reach in the global The company also said to augment lower grade ore Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam
major customer last year with baskets under the supervision
electrical power and that unit processing costs were from the current open-pit. rely heavily on the rattan trade,
purchases worth US$43,500. of the Lao National Chamber
distribution industry. The expected to rise by US$0.50 It is expected that studies with sales accounting for up to
Their order this year is still of Commerce and Industry.
deal announced on Monday per tonne, largely due to the and development work to
would create a company that not being processed, however, Laos currently exports 50 percent of cash income in
increased power consumption access the Nam San deposit some areas.
manufactures products for as Leudnilan has no rattan in raw rattan to neighbouring
associated with the increased will also be completed over
a wide range of electrical
uses, from power grids
and lighting to electrical,
recovery project. However, C1
cash operating costs per pound
of copper are expected to
the next three years, thereby
providing a potential further
source for growth in copper
Economic crisis hits Q2 export orders
hydraulic and transmission reduce by more than 5 percent production from the Phu HANOI, Vietnam (VNS)
systems for vehicles. as the quantum of increased Kham operation. -- Domestic exporters are
experiencing reduced orders
for this year’s second quarter
because of the economic crisis
in the export markets, experts
have said.
Pho Nam Phuong, director
of the HCM City Investment
and Trade Promotion Centre,
said that domestic exporters
normally signed export
contracts at the end of the
previous year for full orders by
the end of this third quarter.
Since the end of 2011,
however, almost all local
exporters had struggled to Ha Phong Garment Company workers produce clothing for export.
secure export orders, Phuong
said. signed export contracts for the for 50 percent of all leather
Pham Xuan Hong, deputy second quarter. and footwear exports from
chairman of the Vietnam Textile The number of export Vietnam, but orders had
and Apparel Association (Vitas), orders for the second quarter dropped due to the economic
said export orders for the textile had also reduced by 20-30 crisis.
and apparel industry in the percent in comparison with Therefore, the industry
second quarter fell by 10-15 the same period of last year, planned to look for new export
percent against the same period Lefaso said. markets, including Australia,
last year. The reduction in export Russia, and certain South
In the first quarter, exports orders was due to the difficult American and North African
of textile and apparel fell by economic climate in the export countries, Kiet said.
30 percent to the EU and 16 markets and also the increasing Meanwhile, the Investment
percent to Japan, Hong said, demand for higher quality and and Trade Promotion Centre
adding that some enterprises eco-friendly products in the would open an export forum
had returned to the domestic EU, the US and Japan, said the on May 18 in HCM City
market but they were not very Trade Promotion Department for foreign trade officers,
successful there. under the Ministry of Industry economic experts and industry
According to the Vietnam and Trade. representatives to discuss
Leather and Footwear Diep Thanh Kiet, Lefaso ways to help the exporters
Association (Lefaso), few deputy chairman, said demand overcome the existing
enterprises from the sector had in the Europe used to account difficulties, Phuong said.
28 4
B Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times
Vientiane Times

Vientiane Times Classified Wednesday May 23, 2012


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C Classifieds Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

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Vientiane Times Wednesday May 23, 2012 Classifieds C313

Multinational mineral drilling company is seeking applications from Lao Nationals with relevant qualifications and
experience for immediate starts at our office in following location:

Positions Available
(1) HR Consultant
- Ensure HR service to operations is effective in timely manner after recruitment until termination.
- Provide HR service guide / advisory to site / local HR staff
- Advise instruction of all HR management to ensure clear HR practice for site operations
- Develop HR competency for site HR staff and office HR assistant
- Visit and discuss with site management and HR as well as other staff for better HR improvement.
- Ensure legal requirement and awareness as well as Work Regulations.
- Indirect manage site HR to comply with HR requirements, site requirements and support.
- Support to help on trouble shooting and preventing.
- Oversee HR administration works e.g. Social Security, insurance, health assessment
- Ensure employee relation, safe workplace legal and corporate requirement conformance.
o BA and any related fields, 5+ years work experiences
o HR Experiences, mining is advantage
o Strong personality and proactive approach
o Good at English

(2) Recruitment Specialist

- Managing staff planning and requirement with operations team
- Execute recruitment planning and time line
- Processing recruitment and selection involving local HR, local management and individually
- Driving external variety sources to get alternative people resources
- Liaison with educational institute to execute trainee / apprenticeship program.
- Work with management to identify potential internal candidate and involve training & development team to develop.
- Perform frequent discussion or meeting or visiting with remote site management to get update information regarding
staff requirement.
- Report progress in company recruitment tools.
o BA and any related fields, 3 years + work experiences
o Recruitment Experiences, mining is advantage
o Strong personality and proactive approach
o Good at English
o Know HR networks, institute and employee resources

(3) HRIS Officer

- Administrate HR information to HRIS tools, Oracle
- Support HR team on processing relevant document for HRIS tools completion.
- Run and distribute HR reports
- Work with site to better understanding of HRIS and delegation.
- Reconcile all figures for employee base and payroll execution.
o BA or any related files, 2 years + work experiences
o Strong computer background and understanding new technology
o Experience with Oracle HR or similar is advantage.
o Smart and willing to learns new things.

(4) Data Entry Officer (based in PhuBia, Laos)

This position will report to Workshop Supervisor
• Perform a variety of clerical office duties such as: maintaining files, keeping records, preparing schedule, compiling
data for reports.
• Searching and investigating information contained in files, processing department documents, posting records and
typing correspondence and reports from rough drafts.
• Communication skills levels of English and be able to translate and interpreting English languages.
• Computer competency skills on MS Word, Excel, Outlook, IE and etc…
• At least 2 years working experience in Administrative or data files.
• Be able to live in the project site at PhuBia, Phukham site
• Experiences in maintenance or data fields are desirable.

Attractive salary and AGL insurance will be provided based upon experience.
To apply, email to: Or
or deliver your CV and a statement explaining how your qualifications and experience match the position requirements,
and expectation, to the address below:

No 135, Unit 15, Ban Phonthan Neua, Saysetha District,

Vientiane Capital, Lao P.D.R, P.O.Box 6681
Before 31st MAY 2012

Lao Red Cross Youth Competition!

Win a term of free English lessons by playing the Lao Red Cross Youth
Competition. From all correct entries, one winner will be drawn month. This month’s winner will
receive a notebook and a T-shirt promoting HIV/AIDS awareness. From all monthly winners, one
lucky winner will receive one full term of English lessons donated for free by Vientiane College.

This month we have another word game for you. Just unscramble the following 5 words
and place them in the boxes provide. For the right answers we will give you in the next month .






Cut out this entry form and send it to HIV/AIDS Project, Lao Red Cross, PO Box 2948 or take it
to the Lao Red Cross office behind Vat Xiengnhune. Closing date for the competition on
Thursday, 31 May 2012 at 9.00am.

Name: _________________ ID Card No: ________________ Address & Phone Number:


Last month’s winner: Mr. Vanxay Phongphanith, ID Card No: 08-0014121.

Last month’s answer: Essential, Geophysics, Windstorm, Warranty and Youthfulness.

Please contact to Ms. Phoutthalom for further more information at Tel: 241632.
C Classifieds Wednesday May 23, 2012 Vientiane Times

VaCanCy annOUnCemenT
(Announcement No. 12/38)

OPen TO: All interested candidates

POsITIOn: Guards (neC), Fsn-3
OPenInG daTe: May 16, 2012
CLOsInG daTe: May 31, 2012
COnTRaCT: Less than three years
wORK HOURs: Full-time; 48 hours/week
saLaRy: Actual grade and salary will be based on the qualifications of the applicant.


The U.S. Embassy in Vientiane is seeking 12 individuals for the position of Guard for the New Embassy Compound (NEC)


Incumbent serves as a guard for the New Embassy Compound (NEC) and reports to the NEC Sergeant, Shift Supervisor and NEC
Guard Commander, Site Security Manager and the Regional Security Officer (RSO). He/she is responsible for controlling access of
all personnel and vehicles into the NE, patrolling NEC grounds and responding to security incidents, operating security equipment
and raising the alarm in an emergency.

NOTE: All applicants must address each selection criterion detailed below with specific and comprehensive information
supporting each item.

1. Education: Completion of Secondary School is required

2. Prior Work Experience: One year of Embassy guard duties or directly applicable military or police experience.
3. Language Proficiency: Level II English, minimal working knowledge required. Level III, good working knowledge
of Lao required.
4. Job Knowledge: Must be thoroughly familiar with all Embassy Guard orders, procedures, standards and emergency
5. skills and abilities: Must be able to operate security equipment, interpret guard orders and instructions. Must be
physically fit.


Interested applicants for this position must submit the following for the application to be considered:
1. Universal Application for Employment (Form DS-174). Download the form at:
2. Candidates who claim U.S. Veterans preference must provide a copy of their Form DD-214 with their application.
3. Any other documentation (e.g., essays, certificates, awards, copies of degrees earned) that
addresses the qualification requirements of the position as listed above.

Human Resources Office
American Embassy
Rue Bartholonie, That Dam
PO Box 114, Vientiane, Laos
(Hardcopy or e-mail attachments are accepted)

Telephone: 856-21-267176
Fax: 856-21-267140

Interested persons should contact Embassy Human Resources Office for more information. Blank application forms may be
picked up from the cabinet inside the Embassy entrance.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

CLOsInG daTe FOR THIs POsITIOn: may 31, 2012

An Equal Opportunity Employer

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