Micro Eco Theory

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In a capitalist country production

activities are mainly carried out

by capitalist enterprises.

A typical capitalist enterprise has

one or several entrepreneurs
(people who exercise control
over major decisions and bear a
large part of the risk associated
with the firm/enterprise).
They may themselves supply the (a) there is private ownership of
capital needed to run the means of production
enterprise, or they may borrow
(b) production takes place for
the capital.
selling the output in the market
To carry out production they also
(c) there is sale and purchase of
need natural resources – a part
consumed in the process of labour services at a price which is
called the wage rate (the labour
production (e.g. raw materials)
and a part fixed (e.g. plots of which is sold and purchased
against wages is referred to as
wage labour).
And they need the most
Presence of production units
important element of human
labour to carry out production. which are organised according to
capitalist principles. The
This we shall refer to as labour.
production units will be called
After producing output with the firms in this book.
help of these three factors of
production, namely capital, land In a firm the entrepreneur (or
entrepreneurs) is at the helm of
and labour, the entrepreneur
sells the product in the market. affairs.

The money that is earned is

called revenue.

Part of the revenue is paid out as

rent for the service rendered by
land, part of it is paid to capital
as interest and part of it goes to
labour as wages.

The rest of the revenue is the

earning of the entrepreneurs and
it is called profit.

Profits are often used by the

producers in the next period to
buy new machinery or to build
new factories, so that production
can be expanded.

These expenses which raise

productive capacity are examples
of investment expenditure.

In short, a capitalist economy

can be defined as an economy in
which most of the economic
activities have the following
Economics: Positive Science and Normative Economics
Normative Science a. Inflation is better than
Positive science deals with what b. More production of luxury
it is, means, it analyses a problem goods is not good for a less-
on the basis of facts and developed country.
examines its causes. For c. Inequalities in the distribution
example, at the time of a price of wealth and incomes should be
increase, its causes are analysed. reduced.
On the other hand, MICRO-ECONOMICS
normative science responds to a words ‘micro’ meaning small and
question like what ought to be. ‘macro’ meaning large
Here, the conclusions and results
are not based on facts, but on Micro Economics is the study of
different considerations the economic actions of
belonging to social, cultural, individual units say households,
political, religious realms. They firms or industries.
are basically subjective in nature. It studies how business firms
operate under different market
In short, conditions and how the
positive science is concerned combined actions of buyers and
with ‘how? and why?’ and sellers determine prices.
normative science with ‘what
ought to be’.
Micro economics covers
The distinction between the two (i) Value theory (Product pricing
can be explained. and factor pricing)
An increase in the rate of (ii) Theory of economic welfare
interest, under positive science,
would be looked into as to why in microeconomics, you came
and how can it be reduced, across individual ‘economic
whereas under normative agents’ and the nature of the
science, it would be seen as to motivations that drive them
whether it is good or bad.
Economic Agents
Three statements about each
type are given below: By economic units or economic
agents, we mean those
Positive Economics individuals or institutions which
a. An increase in money supply take economic decisions.
implies a price-rise in an
economy. They can be consumers who
decide what and how much to
b. As the irrigation facilities and
application of chemical fertilizers consume.
They may be producers of goods
expand, the production of food-
grains increases. and services who decide what
and how much to produce.
c. An increase in the birth rate
and a decrease in the death rate They may be entities like the
government, corporation, banks
reflect the rate of growth of
population. which also take different
economic decisions like how MACRO-ECONOMICS therefore, Macroeconomics has,
much to spend, what interest deep roots in microeconomics
rate to charge on the credits, Macro economics is the obverse because it has to study the
of micro economics.
how much to tax, etc. aggregate effects of the forces
It is concerned with the economy (*)of demand and supply in the
microeconomics was a study of as a whole. markets.
individual markets of demand It is the study of aggregates such
and supply and the as national output, inflation, macroeconomic agents ?
‘players’,were also individuals unemployment and taxes.
(buyers or sellers, even for wealth and welfare of the
These were not variables that country macroeconomics deal
who were seen as trying to individual buyers or sellers could with policies aimed at modifying
change . these forces
maximise their profits
(as producers or sellers) and their In macroeconomics we usually In a developing country like India
personal satisfaction or welfare simplify the analysis of how the policies made to remove or
levels (as consumers). country’s total production and reduce unemployment, to
even a large company was the level of employment are improve access to education and
‘micro’ in the sense that it had to related to attributes (called primary health care for all, to
act in the interest of its own ‘variables’) like prices, rate of provide for good administration,
shareholders which was not interest, wage rates, profits and to provide sufficiently for the
necessarily the interest of the so on defence of the country and so
country as a whole. on.
The subject matters covered in
The nearest that microeconomics Macro Economics are the areas macroeconomic decision makers
got to macroeconomics was such as (or ‘players’)? Macroeconomic
when it looked at General employment, national income, policies are pursued by the State
Equilibrium, meaning the inflation, business cycle, poverty, itself or statutory bodies like the
equilibrium of supply and inequality, disparity, investment Reserve Bank of India (RBI),
demand in each market in the and saving, capital formation, Securities and Exchange Board of
economy. infrastructure development, India (SEBI) and similar
Forces means no. of individuals international trade, balance of institutions.
trade and balance of payments,
*(people as a whole society or Their goals are not those of
the State decided to pursue exchange rate and economic
growth. individual economic agents
certain important social goals maximising their private profit or
unselfishly (in areas like Macroeconomics tries to address welfare. They work for whole
employment, administration, situations facing the economy as country’s welfare
defence, education and health)) a whole. And wealth and welfare
for which some of the aggregate of the country an economy as a combination of
effects of the microeconomic four sectors, namely households,
decisions made by the individual For the purposes of wealth and firms, government and external
economic agents this scenario welfare of the country study the sector. major players
affect the country’s economy as effects in the markets of taxation
whole & these under the study of and other budgetary policies, and
policies for bringing about
changes in money supply, the
rate of interest, wages,
employment, and output

There is a need to understand The study of macro economics The growth and development of
the functioning of the economy has wide scope and it covers the an economy and the factors
at the aggregate level to evolve major areas as follows determining them could be
suitable strategies and to solve understood only through macro
the basic problems prevailing in  NATIONAL INCOME: analysis.
an economy. Measurement of national income
 Understanding the future and its composition by sectors
problems, needs and challenges are the basic aspects of Macro Economics is significant
of an economy as a whole is macroeconomic analysis. The for evolving suitable economic
important to evolve trends in National Income and its policies. Economic policies are
precautionary measures. composition provide a long term necessary to solve the basic
understanding of the growth problems, to overcome the
 Macro economics provides process of an economy. obstacles and to achieve growth.
ample opportunities to use
scientific investigation to  INFLATION:
understand the reality. Inflation refers to steady increase ECONOMICS: ITS SUB
in general price level.Estimating DIVISIONS
 Macro economics helps to the general price level by
make meaningful comparison constructing various price index CONSUMPTION
and analysis of economic numbers such as Wholesale Price
indicators. Human wants coming under
Index, Consumer Price Index, etc,
consumption is the starting point
are needed.
 Macro economics helps for of economic activity. In this
better prediction about future  BUSINESS CYCLE: section the characteristics of
and to formulate suitable policies human wants based on the
to avoid economic crises. Almost all economies face the behaviour of the consumer, the
problem of business fluctuations diminishing marginal utility and
and business cycle. The cyclical consumer’s surplus are dealt
movements (boom, recession, with.
depression and recovery) in the
economy need to be carefully PRODUCTION
studied based on aggregate
Production is the process of
economic variables.
transformation of inputs into
 POVERTY AND output. This division covers the
UNEMPLOYMENT: characteristics and role of the
factors of production namely
The major problems of most Land, Labour, Capital and
resource - rich nations are Organization and also the
poverty and unemployment. This relationship between inputs and
is one of the economic output.
paradoxes. A clear understanding
about the magnitude of poverty
and unemployment facilitates
allocation of resources and
initiating corrective measures. Exchange is concerned with price
determination in different
market forms.
This division covers trade and The countries have been In other words full employment
commerce. Consumption is classified into developed, means that persons who are
possible only if the produced developing and under developed willing to work and able to work
commodity is placed in the hands on the criteria of Per Capita must have employment or a job;
of the consumer. Income, Human Development
Unemployment and its types
Index and Happiness Index.
DISTRIBUTION The Development Economics Unemployment is problem faced
Production is the result of the deals with features of developed when
coordination of factors of nations, obstacles for
production. Since a commodity is development, Economic and there are people, who are willing
Non-economic factors to work and able to work but
produced with the efforts of
land, labour, capital and influencing development, various cannot find suitable jobs.
organization, the produced growth models and strategies.
wealth has to be distributed HEALTH ECONOMICS
among the cooperating factors. While formulating policies to
Health Economics is an area of solve the problem of
The reward for factors of unemployment in India for
applied economics.
production is studied in this It covers health indicators, instance, we need to distinguish
division under rent, wages, between the nature of
preventive and curative
interest and profit. Distribution measures, medical research and unemployment in rural areas and
studies about the pricing of in urban areas in India.
education, Rural Health Mission,
factors of production. Drug Price control, Neo natal
India’s rural economy has both
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS care, Maternity and Child health,
unemployment and
Budgetary allocation for health
underemployment. The major
In the modern world, no country etc.
can grow in isolation. Every feature of rural unemployment is
ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS the existence of unemployment
country is having links with the
other countries through foreign in the form of disguised
Depletion of natural resources unemployment and seasonal
capital, investment (foreign stock and pollution result from
direct investment) and unemployment.
rapid economic development.
international trade. Hence the need for the study of In India, frictional, structural and
PUBLIC ECONOMICS (PUBLIC Environmental Economics which open unemployment exist in
analyse the inter relationship urban areas. Due to urbanization,
between economy and a large number of people move
Public finance is concerned with environment. from rural areas to urban areas.
the income or revenue raising Environmental Economics is a
and expenditure incurring This migration from rural to
study of inter disciplinary tools
urban areas increases the size of
activities of the public authorities for the problems of ecology,
and with the adjustment of the labour force in urban areas and
economy and environment
adds to the already unemployed
one with the other.
UNEMPLOYMENT labour force.
The scope of Public Finance
covers Public expenditure, Public Meaning of Full Employment
revenue, Public debt, Financial 1. Cyclical Unemployment
Full employment refers to a
administration and federal situation in which every able
Finance. exists during the downturn phase
bodied person who is willing to
of trade cycle in the economy. In
DEVELOPMENTAL ECONOMICS work at the prevailing wage rate,
a business cycle during the
is employed.
period of recession and
depression, income and output system, lack of employable skills,
fall leading to widespread mass student turnout and
unemployment. preference for white collar jobs
are highly responsible for
It is caused by deficiency of educated unemployment in
effective demand. India.
Cyclical unemployment can be 5. Technical Unemployment
cured by public investment or
expansionary monetary policy. Modern technology being capital
intensive requires less labourers
2. Seasonal Unemployment and contributes to technological
This type of unemployment unemployment. Now a days,
occurs during certain seasons of invention and innovations lead to
the year. the adoption of new techniques
there by the existing workers are
In agriculture and agro based retrenched. Labour saving
industries like sugar,production devices are responsible for
activities are carried out only in technological unemployment.
some seasons.
6. Structural Unemployment
These industries offer
employment only during that Structural unemployment is due
season in a year. Therefore to drastic change in the structure
people may remain unemployed of the society.
during the off season. Lack of demand for the product
Seasonal unemployment or shift in demand to other
happens from demand side also; products cause this type of
for example ice cream industry, unemployment.
holiday resorts etc. For example rise in demand for
3. Frictional Unemployment mobile phones has adversely
affected the demand for
(Temporary Unemployment) cameras, tape recorders etc.

Arises due to imbalance 7. Disguised Unemployment

between supply of labour and
demand for labour. This is Disguised unemployment occurs
because of immobility of labour, when more people are there
lack of necessary skills, break than what is actually required.
down of machinery, shortage of Even if some workers are
raw materials etc. The persons withdrawn, production does not
who lose jobs and in search of suffer.
jobs are also included under
frictional unemployment. This type of unemployment is
found in agriculture.
4. Educated Unemployment
in this situation, marginal
Sometimes educated people are productivity of labour is zero or
underemployed or unemployed less or negative.
when qualification does not
match the job. Faulty education

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