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1. Give at least 3 definitions of Communication

Verbal Communication- Listen to the person and understand their meaning.
Written Communication- Message whose meaning is readable.
Nonverbal Communication- By observing people and inferring their meaning

2. Specify the types of communication

Verbal communication occurs when we engage in speaking with others.
What we do while we speak often says more than the actual words
Whether it is an email, a memo, a report, a Facebook post, a Tweet, a
contract, etc.
The act of listening does not often make its way onto the list of types of
We are a visual society. Think about it, televisions are running 24/7,
Facebook is visual with memes, videos, images, etc.

3. Enumerate the elements of Communication and explain each of them.

1. Sender- A person who attempts to deliver a message with the intention of communicating
information or ideas to others is called a sender or communicator.
2. Ideas- This is the subject of the message. This can be an opinion, attitude, feeling, opinion,
command or suggestion.
3. Encoding- Since the subject of communication is theoretical and intangible, it further
requires the use of specific symbols such as words, actions, and images. Turning the subject
into these symbols is a coding process.
4. Communication- Anyone interested in communication should choose a channel for sending
the necessary information, ideas, etc. This information is sent to recipients through specific
channels, which can be both formal and informal.
5. Receiver- Recipients are the recipients of the message or for whom the message is
intended. It is the recipient who tries to understand the message in the best possible way to
achieve the desired goal.
6. Decoding- A person who receives a message or symbol from a communicator tries to
transform it in a way that can extract its meaning until he fully understands it.
7. Feedback- Feedback is the process of getting the recipient to receive the message and
understanding the message in the same way the sender intended it to be.

1. Please do listen to interviews on the radio or television and jot down your observation and
its conduct.
This is an interview about a senator about our country and his life, he said in the interview
that he went to their neighbor’s house and when he asked for a tasty with mold he could ONLY
And it is also said that about working because there are higher wages in manila than in the
province, farmers should also prioritize than the government should buy the rice. The OFWs
are very indebted to them for how much they pay us very year. And he’s not in politics yet,
he’s helping.

2. List at least 10 of your personal recommendations on how to be a good listener.

1. They’re fully present
2. They never interrupt
3. Show that you’re listening
4. Respond Appropriately
5.Provide Feedback
6. Look at how they feel
7. They’re patient
8. They’re listen to learn
9. They summarize what they learned
10. Avoid going your way.

1. Explain in your own words the meaning of globalization and its effect on communication.
-Globalization is the process by which people, ideas, and goods spread around the world,
facilitating greater interaction and integration between world cultures, governments and

2. Why and How does communication gap exist?

-A communication gap exists if the meaning intended by the speaker or sender does not
match what the recipient understands. Suspicion-When there is suspicion between two
employees or a group, there is a communication gap because one does not want to convey the
message or does not want to convey the message at all.

3. Explain why Communication is the life blood of any organization and globalization poses
new challenges to communication in any organization?
Communication can be defined as the exchange of an information, thought and emotion
between individuals of groups in other words, communication plays a fundamental role in
balancing individual and organizational objectives and its life blood of the organization in
communication. The differences in perception and the failure to clarify communication can
lead to miscommunication at interpersonal as well as organizational levels. Organizationally,
communication failure occurs due to information overload, communication anxiety, unethical
communication, bad timing, too little information, message distortion, lack of respect.

1. Give at least 3 examples each of the written and verbal Communication

Written communication entails the encoding and transmission of texts or words via
memos, letters, reports, online chat, and short message service, or words via face-to-face,
audio and video calls or conferencing, lectures, and meetings.

2. As student, when, why, where and how do you use Written and Verbal Communication?
As a student, communication is a part of my everyday life and I could say that it is the
same for everyone since we tend to communicate on most of the things we do and in any
situation we are in. We communicate because we want to be understood and we want to
understand others it may be through written or verbal communication. In layman’s term it is a
process of creating and sharing ideas, information, views and even feelings to reach a common
We use written when we communicate through writing like when the professor gave
assignment to make a reflection paper on the text that you have read. Commonly the reason
of requiring written communication for student is to improve students writing skills. On the
other hand, verbal communication is when there is an exchange of information between
people via the use of words and vocal noises or both. While we use verbal communication
during an interpersonal communication or in a group conversation like when we are in an
online meeting during class. The use of verbal communication helps every student or anyone
to understand clearly and concisely what the other trying to communicate.

1. Give at least 3 examples of cross-cultural communication and explain each of them.

Nationality- Citizenship is the legal identification of an individual in international law, thereby
establishing an individual as a citizen of a sovereign state. It gives state jurisdiction over a
person and grants that person national protection from other states.
Gender- Is used to describe the socially constructed traits of females and males, while gender
refers to biologically determined traits. People are born as women or men, but learn to be girls
and boys who grow up to be women and men.
Ethnicity- Refers to identifying groups based on the perceived cultural characteristics that
make them "people." This peculiarity is supposed to be reflected in language, music, values,
art, style, literature, family life, religion, rituals, food.

2. Differentiate Communication into Local and Global aspects

Local and Global communications in multiculturalism Local worldwide modern technology
people having different religious diversity they different.
On the one hand, a region is determined by social cohesion, interpersonal interactions or
interactions between people who exist physically. Global, on the other hand, is the function of
system integration or interaction between people who are distant from each other in time or
space or both.

3. Explain why Ethnocentrism, Discrimination and Stereotyping are Blocks to Cross-Cultural

Ethnocentrism is the perception that one's cultural beliefs and practices are superior to others.
Ethnocentrism makes people in other cultures feel undervalued
Our stereotypes constrain strangers` styles of verbal exchange and engender stereotype-
confirming verbal exchange. Stereotypes create self-fulfilling prophecies

1. Define and explain “Multiculturalism”

The concept of multiculturalism refers to a society’s approach to the issue of cultural
diversity on the national and local levels. Community diversity arises when people of diverse
ethnicity get together to share their beliefs and values in a way that is mutually beneficial.
Multiculturalism allows people to express their unique selves in a way that does not rely on
the approval of others. Thus, diversity is a source of cultural riches for a community.
Furthermore, living in close quarters with people from diverse cultural backgrounds
necessitates the development of techniques for cross-cultural communication.

2. What is Global Community?

In this context, the term “Global Community” refers to the people or countries of the
world who are thought to be tightly connected by contemporary telecommunications and to
be economically, socially, and politically interdependent.

3. What is Cultural Sensitivity?

Cultural sensitivity means an awareness of the fact that no two people are identical and
that your culture is no superior than anyone else’s. This implies that both parties are conscious
of and respectful of one another’s distinctions. This is always a challenge, but it is compounded
in huge organizations because people are expected to adhere to the dominant culture.

4. Say something on Gender-Sensitivity.

Gender sensitivity is the process of making people aware of how their treatment of others
affects how gender a role in their lives. It aims to understand the differences in terms of
gender perspectives in a global society. When it comes to communication having the ability to
establish shared meanings with the local people to avoid stereotyping will emphasis a great
understanding of differences that every individual possessed. By avoiding stereotyping or
generalizing certain group could be a help to others. To be a effective communicator one
should have an open mind and must be flexible to differences and similarities.

1. What are the Varieties of Language and explain each of them?

-Is a new language which develops in situations where speakers of different language need
to communicate but do not share a common language. The vocabulary of a pidgin comes
mainly form one particular language.
-A lexifier is a particular language where the vocabulary of a pidgin comes from.
It has a colloquial meaning that differs from its Spanish origin, and isn’t vulgar at all. As
said in the definition above, it refers to the way of speaking or one who speaks taglish and/or
with an English accent, usually associated with upper-class citizens because such is the
stereotype in Filipino pop culture.
-Nigerian pidgin

When people and children start learning a pidgin as their first language and it becomes
the mother tongue of a community, it becomes a creole. It is a distinct language which has
taken most of its vocabulary from another language, but it has its own unique grammatical
-Chavacano or Chabacano refers to a number of Spanish-based crede language varieties
spoken in the Philippines. Chavacano or Philippine Creole Spanish is a Spanish-based creole
spoken in parts of the Philippines, especially in and around the city Zamboanga by over
600,000 people.

-It is not a distinct language but a variety of a language spoken in a particular area of a
country. Some regional dialects have been given traditional names which mark them out as
being significantly different from standard varieties spoken in the same place.
-Hilbilly English (from the Appalachians in the USA)
-Georde (from the Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK)

-Is a variety used as a marker of identity, usually alongside a standard variety, by the
members of a particular minority ethnic group.
-African American Vernacular English in the USA,
-London Jamaican in Britain, and
-Aboriginal English in Australia

-Indigenized varieties are spoken mainly as second languages in ex-colonies with
multilingual populations. The differences from the standard variety may be linked to English
proficiency, or may be part of a range of varieties used to express identity.
- ‘Singlish’ (spoken in Singapore)

2. Define the 5 distinct registers of a language and discuss their functions.

1. Frozen: This form is sometimes called the static register because it refers to historic
language or communication that is intended to remain unchanged, like a constitution or

-The holy bible
-Noli Me Tangere

2. Formal: Language used to show respect in places such as work place, school, public offices.
Less rigid but still constrained, the formal register is used in professional, academic, or legal
settings where communication is expected to be respectful, uninterrupted, and restrained.
Slang is never used, and contractions are rare.
-a TED talk, a business presentation
-The Encyclopedia Brittanica
- “Gray’s Anatomy’, by Henry Gray.

3. Consultative: People use this register often in conversation when they’re speaking with
someone who has specialized knowledge or who is offering advice. Often used between a
superior and subordinate. Tine is often respectful (use of courtesy tiles) but may be more
casual if the relationship is longstanding or friendly (a family doctor.) May be use standard or
non-standard variety of English yet a level of detachment is maintained.
-The local TV news broadcast
-an annual physical
-a service provider like a plumber

4. Casual: This is the register people use when they’re with friend, close acquaintances and co-
workers, and family. It’s probably the one you think of when you consider how you talk with
other people, often in a group setting. Vernacular grammar, slangs, Colloquialism and off
colored languages are often quite often used.

-a birthday party,
-Classmate’s chitchat
-a backyard barbecue

5. Intimate: Linguists say this register is reserved for special occasions, usually between only
two people and often in private. Takes into account certain “private language” such as terms
of endearment, codewords, slangs or expressions whose meaning are shared with a special
-Intimate language may be something as simple as an inside joke between two college friends
-a word whispered in a lover’s ear.

1. Provide meaning for the following:

1.1 Text
-Is an important component used in many multimedia applicants. They are the characters
that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs.
1.2 Graphics
-A digital representation of non-text information, such as a drawing, chart, or
photograph. These are visual elements often used to point readers and viewers to particular
1.3 Audio
-A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound effects.
1.4 Photographs
-It is the art of producing pictures by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive
film on a basis of paper.
1.5 Animation
-It is a series of graphics that create an illusion of motion. A process of designing,
drawing, making layouts and preparation of photographs sequences which are integrated in
the multimedia and gaming products.
1.6 Video
-Is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting
and reconstruct a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion.

2. Jot down the steps in making effective Multimedia Presentations.

Step 1. Know the purpose of the Presentation.
Step 2. Know the Audience.
Step 3. Gather information
Step 4. Use the variety of resources such as:
a. Textbooks
b. Digital sources (Photographs, Scanned Images, Student work)
c. Internet
Step 5. Do not forget to cite sources.
a. Write the author’s name, title of the work and date of publication.
b. Include the website or web page address of the source
c. In general, non-profit educational use of online materials for a lecture qualifies as
“fair use” but its better to ask the author’s permission to use such materials.
Step 6. Organize the information.
a. List the main points.
b. Have only one main idea per slide.
c. Present ideas on a logical order.
d. Place important information near the top.
Step 7. Check Technical Issues.
a. Contrast
b. Use only one design and color scheme throughout the slide presentation.
c. Avoid clutter
d. Avoid patterned or textured background.
e. Use large font size.
f. Use fonts that are easy to read. Don’t use fancy fonts.
g. Don’t use more than two types of fonts.
h. Avoid to much text.
I. Use no more than 3 or 4 bullets per slide.
Step 8. Be Creative.
-Use transitions and animations to add interest but don’t overdo it.

3. How “blogging” can be used effectively for academic purposes?

Blogging is yet another way for students to do what they do
best: collect, organize, and present information creativity, Blogs
improves student’s overall communication skills and especially writing
skills. It also leads to improved communication/interaction between
students and teachers. Blogging can be beneficial for both teachers
and students because expressing one’s thoughts, especially in a
personal area of interest, can be difficult for some. Teachers and
student can use blogging to share their ideas, ask questions, innovate,
set personal goal and use their space as a guide for continuous
personal development. It becomes a tremendous tool for students to
learn to reflect and see their growth along the way, with the help of
teachers. Blogging provides a safe environment for students to write,
reflect, and learn in more personalized and meaningful ways. Blogs can
improve the presentation of project and reports. Blogs can help
students project a technologically savvy image that will boost their
professional value.

1. Define and explain the purposes of Communication

Communication is used to meet the purpose of a person. The different purpose of
communication is to inform, to entertain and to persuade. To inform in a way that it seeks to
provide the audience with a clear understanding of the concept or idea. To entertain, it seeks
to provide the audience with entertainment or give joy to others by making them occupied.
The other one is to persuade it seeks to provide the audience with favorable or acceptable
ideas that can influence their own ideas and decision.
2. What are the ways on how to deliver a speech?
The ways on how to deliver a speech are through manuscript, memorized, impromptu
and extemporaneous. When we say through manuscript it is delivered by speakers who intend
to read aloud their speech word for word to their audience. The example of this is writing or
reading a proclamation paper and public announcement. A memorized speech is delivered by
speakers who intend to memorize their speech word for word. This happens when someone
delivers a declamation oratorical piece for a contest or during gatherings. The other one is
through impromptu it is delivered by speakers who are suddenly asked or requested by
someone or a group of people to say a few words about something. An example of this is when
you suddenly asked to give some birthday wishes for the celebrant on his/her birthday. Lastly,
the extemporaneous speech it is delivered by speakers who intend to present a well-crafted
speech. It is where a speech is fully prepared and rehearsed. An example of this is when you
are asked to give an inspirational talk to the graduates of the school you graduated.
3. Enumerate the elements of good speech delivery.
There are five elements of a good delivery first is the directness in where the clarity of the
topic is evident in your speech. The spontaneity or the continuous flow of ideas that still in
coordination on what is the speech all about. It is about engaging and being in the moment.
The animation, the one that delivers that speech and the audience must be able to imagine
what are you trying to say in order to comprehend the speech. It also includes vocal and facial
expressiveness in where it is a tool to communicate your emotions to listeners. It must be in
the volume and tone of your voice and facial expressions through eyes, eye brows, lips, ears,
tongue and nose. Lastly, lively sense of communication in where the speaker must strive to
establish a connection with the listeners in a way that they will enjoy your speech.

1. What is Persuasive Speaking and its Qualities?

A good persuasive speech has several things in common. These qualities include statements of
interest in the introduction, evidence of your credibility, and conclusions that motivate
listeners to support your position or take action.

2. What do you think are the topic/subjects that can persuade your audience and why do you
choose them?
Technology the technology covered a long way to make human life easier but the negative
aspect of it can’t be ignored. Over the years technological advancement has caused a severe
rise in pollution. Also, pollution has become a major cause of many health issues. Besides, it
has cut off people from society rather than connecting them. Above all, it has taken away
many jobs from the workers class.

Propose 3 board topics that really interest you then narrow the down into specific titles.

1. Broad Topic: Environment

Specific Title: Factors contributing to increase of Environmental Awareness
2. Broad Topic: Communication
Specific Title: Engineering Student’s Level of Confidence in their Communication Skills.
3. Broad Topic: COVID-19 Pandemic
Specific Title: Health and Safety Practices of Engineers While On Site During the COVID-19
All Souls Day
1. How do you observed all soul/saints day.
In my experience, All souls/saints day is a rememberable memories that make you realized
how much the value of your beloved ones specialized in your family. All Souls Day is a holy day
set aside for honoring the dead. The day is primarily celebrated in the Catholic Church, but it is
also celebrated in the Eastern Orthodox Church and a few other denominations of Christianity.
The Anglican church is the largest protestant church to celebrate the holy day. Most protestant
denominations do not recognize the holiday and disagree with the theology behind it.
This All Souls’ Day, make time to celebrate your family and its history. Today, All Souls’ Day is
observed around the world by people of various faiths and cultural backgrounds. Some of the
traditions are common to all people, no matter the language or country. 

2. What were your recollections with your departed ones?

Our dreams hold the power to connect us to new and strange places. Pay close attention to
them, because your deceased loved one might just be trying to communicate with you while
you sleep. When you sleep, your barriers are down, and so it’s easy for someone in the
spiritual world to reach out to you. You can reach out to them, as well, by lucid dreaming.

To lucid dream is to simply take control of your dreams through the awareness that you are
dreaming. One way to do this is by allowing yourself to drift back into a dream from which
you’ve just awakened. Close your eyes and focus on the dream imagine that you are already in
it, and try to hold that thought as you drift off.  Love and care are our most powerful weapons
as we pursue our version of happiness. When someone passes away, their soul and spirit
become even more powerful than they were when they were encased in a human body. 

3. How do you purposely communicated with the departed ones?

I believe that most deceased people are trying to visit the loved ones they left behind.
Sometimes they are literally standing right next to you and you can’t detect them. It’s
frustrating for the dead to be so close and yet so far. When trying to communicate with
deceased loved ones it is most important to have patience. Often they are just as anxious as
we are to communicate with us, but the timing has to be right for all concerned. 

So I would say your mother is already visiting you, you’re just not detecting her. To improve
your ability to detect a deceased presence, you can try one or all of these ideas.

On the first two days of November, Christians, especially Catholics, are remembering their
departed loved ones by going to cemeteries and offering prayers, flowers, and candles. These
are called All Saints Day and All Souls Day, but some are not clear about its difference and also
in this matter can appreciate by your beloved ones in heaven.
Covid Christmas Still Matters
Value of Christmas is still what we need to enjoy ourself, It performs a deeply important social
function for us. It makes us feel like we are part of a collective, whether that be with kin or
chosen family. And, as social beings, this is one of our fundamental human needs. Doing this is
what makes it such a special time of year. Out of gratitude for what God did for us, we
remember His birth by giving each other gifts, worshiping Him, and being especially conscious
of the poor and less fortunate.

While having pandemic era we also need Christmas Break to heal ourselves. Christmas is a one
year event that we need to celebrate also the true meaning of Christmas is love. John 3:16-
17 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes
in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through him." The true meaning of Christmas is the
celebration of this incredible act of love.

Appreciate the little things that we give you coz this effort has meaningless when it comes to
voluntary give you. Christmas in difficult time is a helpful to recover yourself from hard time on
your work.
I am the New Eaily Olanda
Last year was Good for because I got Technological University of the Philippines I stopped for
1 year and I was able to continue my studies. And I get to spend time with my mama here at
home so I can cook for them what they want, I can help them here at home, we can bond
often. Bad because my two aunts died because of covid they lost us at the same time actually
one of my aunts was just a few days ago and one of my aunts also followed they are siblings I
love them very much I love them both especially aunt Venus she is like my mother she also
treats me like her own child.

I would choose to become a better this year, because I already left all the heartache, sorrow
and dilemma that i encounter on the past 2021, And this year 2022 I would like to start a new
beginning with full of positivity in life I would choose to achieve the better version of myself
and not the bitter version because I want to improve myself in all different aspect. I want to
grow as an individual with a happy life while protecting my inner peace. I will be better this
year because I am matured and I know that the things I will do no longer rush into things that
need to be thought first. And we need to be practical in everything.

As a daughter I will be a good child for my mother not like before compensate I want to get
her back at her I will help with household chores because I am the only one she have because I
am the only child I will do everything for my mother so that I can give her need. As a citizen of
the country, I must follow simple rules in order to be a great model, and those in power must
be guided by their conscience in carrying out their duties. We may be able to contribute to this
cause if we look within ourselves. We might even inspire others to follow suit. I'm hoping this
is our realization. I adore my country and advocate for the restoration of time-honored Filipino
values for my sake and the sake of future generations. As a student, I must take responsibility
for my education. When it comes to creating a study schedule, students should practice self-
discipline. Teachers are only facilitators of learning. However, it is the student's responsibility
to study in a systematic manner in order to gain knowledge. At the moment, new normal
education provides students with the freedom of self-directed learning. As Christians, we are
obligated to praise God in all possible ways, because God created us and fills that life with love
and grace. However, you should never focus too much on any one aspect of life; instead,
maintain balance and keep your main focus on God and how he wants you to live your life.

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