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(Human Biology, Lecture - 2nd Semester, Jan.- May, 2022)

Please print all entries

Last Name
Given Name
Middle Name
Program / Year

Mode of Learning Online Blended (online and campus)

(Underline chosen modality)

I,_______________________________(Name), understand and agree that as a student of

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LECTURE, the following requirements are needed to attend the
blended program and pass the course.

1. I must attend an online orientation to the assigned faculty facilitator prior to online (Canvas)
and onsite (campus) activities.

2. I must take the diagnostic exam prepared by the Biology Department before starting
online modules in CANVAS.

3. I am aware that to pass the course I need to get 50% of all the course assessments deployed
both in Canvas and campus activities in which FEU Grading system policy applies. I will follow
schedules and activities based on my chosen mode of learning- online or blended.

4. I am aware of the blended implementation of the program. Any problems or concerns that I
may encounter should be discussed first with the assigned faculty in-charge of the course.

5. I am aware and I will abide with the 18-week schedule to finish the course or program.

It is understood that after compliance with all of the above requirements will make me eligible
to pass the course.
Note: Affix your e-signature and submit in CANVAS deployed in assignment section.

Student Parent/Guardian

Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name

Date Date


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