UNIT 1 - Module 1 Inroduction To Technical Writing

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Module 1

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define technical writing.
2. Discuss the characteristics and uses of technical writing.
3. Identify the purpose and importance of technical writing.
4. Distinguish technical writing from other forms/kinds of writing.
5. Compare and contrast technical writing from other literary writing.
6. Explain the importance of technical writing in the field of business, science, medical,
engineering and legal.

The present world has astonished us with its new developments. From the
nuclear weapons to space age, man has made enormous strides in technology. With the
ever increasing complex demands of modern society, expanded economic and technical
advancements and processes have created the indispensable need for technical writers.
Thus, in the interest of preparing students for the careers that they will be facing
in future, it is of prime importance that they should learn the fundamental skills involved
in technical writing. As part of their education, they will be required to write research
papers, record results in laboratory experiments, summarize articles or excerpts from
technical journals and other related activities which will require the ability to write
accurately, concisely and clearly.
Skill in writing technical reports is an invaluable asset not only in college but also
in the professions. As the country’s industrialization program grows space, skill in this
type of writing will be a highly vital personal asset, not only in business and industry, but
also in science and technology as well as in the government services.
The Meaning of Technical Writing
1. Technical writing is a generic term for all written communication done on the job –
whether in industry, business, or other profession. It is associated with jobs in
engineering, architecture, computer science, medical and allied fields,
accountancy, chemistry and related fields, hotels administration, and other areas
with specialized vocabularies. (Gordon H. Mills & John A. Walter)
2. Technical writing is writing about scientific subjects and about various technical
subjects associated with science and technology.
3. Technical writing is characterized by certain formal elements, such as its scientific
and technical vocabulary, its use of graphic aids, and its use of conventional
report forms.
4. Technical writing is ideally characterized by the maintenance of impartiality and
objectivity, by extreme care to convey information accurately and concisely, and
by the absence of any attempt to arouse emotion.
5. Technical writing is writing in which there is relatively high concentration of certain
complex and important technique, in particular definition, classification,
description of mechanisms, and description of processes.
6. Technical writing involves the creation of useful documents that can be clearly
understood by readers. Good technical writing clarifies jargon, presenting useful
information that is clear and easy to understand for the unattended audience;
poor technical writing may increase confusion by creating unnecessary jargon or
failing to explain it. An important too in technical writing is style, which is created
by the decision made on grammar, spelling (for example America or British
English), choice of words, and punctuation.
7. Technical writing is performed by technical writers, who may be professionals or
amateurs. These writers usually begin such work by learning the purpose of the
document that they will create, gathering information from existing documentation
and from subject-matter experts; technical writers need to be subject-matter
experts themselves. A good technical writer needs strong language and teaching
skills and must understand how to communicate with technology.
8. Technical writing is often associated with online help and user manuals. It also
includes product release notes, product troubleshooting guides, tutorials,
installation guides, marketing documentation, e-learning modules, web content,
legal disclaimers, business proposals, and white papers.
9. Technical writing, which must be understood easily and quickly, includes: - memos
and email, letters, reports, instructions, brochures, newsletters, the job search,
web pages, fliers, PowerPoint presentations and graphics.
10.10.Technical writing is a communication written for and about business and
industry, focusing on products and services: how to manufacture them, market
them, manage them, deliver them, and use them.
11.Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular
subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation.
12.Technical writing is direct, informative, clear and concise language written
specifically for an identified audience. The content must be accurate and
complete with no exaggerations.

Difference of Technical Writing from Other Types of Writing

Technical Writing It deals with science, engineering and technology. Typical documents
include specifications, manuals, data sheets, research papers, field
reports and release notes (Bendell, 2013). It gives an account or
description of an aspect of a particular business, science, technology,
trade, industry, government and other professions learned by
experience, observation, study or investigation (Vicente, et.al., 2014).
Business Writing It is just about any other kind of writing people do at work, except
journalism and creative writing. It includes reports, emails, proposals,
minutes, letters, copywriting, bids and tenders. (Bendell, 2013)

Business Letter It is a letter from one company to another, or between such

organizations and their customers, clients, or other external parties. The
overall style of letter depends on the relationship between the parties
concerned (English Club, n.d.).

Business Communication through exchange of letters is known as

Correspondence correspondence. Business correspondence or business letter is a written
communication between two parties (Kumar, 2020).

Outputs of Technical Writing and Business Letters

Technical Writing Business Letters

Abstract Annual Report Letters of Reference

Article Bulletins Letter of Refusal

Brochure Business Reports Letter of Reply

Business Letter Claim Letter Letter of Request

Contract E-mails and Faxes Letter of Resignation

Feasibility Report Feasibility Study Letter of Subscription

Graphics Aids Field Report Letter Report

Incident Report Informal Reports Meeting Documents

Instructional Manual Job Interview Memorandums

Journal Article Laboratory Report Minutes of Meetings

Laboratory Report Letter of Acceptance Non-Prose Forms

Memorandum Letter of Acknowledgement Periodic Report

Policy Letter of Adjustment Progress Report

Printed Action Memo Letter of Application Project Proposal

Progress Report Letter of Collection Project Study

Resume Letter of Inquiry Resume and Cover Letter

Specification Letter of Invitation Sales Letter

Survey Report Letter of Making a Reservation Social-Personal Business Letters

Technical Proposal Letter of Ordering Goods Technical Reports and Proposals

Treaty Letter of Recommendation Time-saving Messages
Distinctions of Technical Writing from other Kinds of Writing
There are many types of writing, including literary writing, expressive writing,
expository writing, persuasive, and technical writing (Gerson & Gerson, 1999 p. 1& 2
cited by Abelos et al., 2005, p. 1-3).
1. Literary writing includes poetry, fiction (short stories and novel), plays, and
essay. The authors might draw on experience to create their text, but the
writing is purely imaginative. Creative writing often employs figures of speech,
imagery, dialect, symbolism, and fictitious characters to present a message.
2. Expressive writing records a subjective, emotional response to a personal
experience (a tragic incident, a joyful meeting with a person not seen for 20
years, a wonderful experience in a basketball championship, a rewarding on
the job training, etc.). Journal and diary entries are expressive. The goal of
expressive writing is to express one's feelings through description and
narration. Students in composition classes often write expressive essays,
relying heavily on narration and description to develop ideas.
3. Expository writing analyzes a topic objectively. Most essays in composition
classes are expository. The goal of expository writing is to explain, hence
reveals you the knowledge of a particular subject. In expository writing, you
don't usually expect a response from your reader even if you explained the
4. Persuasive writing, in some ways, combines the emotionalism of expressive
writing with the analytical traits of expository writing. Editorials are a good
example of persuasive writing. The goal of persuasive writing is to convince
your audience's emotional attitude toward a topic
Comparison Between Technical Writing and Literary Writing
We all know that literary writers cater man’s affective sense; technical writers
cater to man’s cognitive sense. For contrastive analysis, technical writing differs from
literary writing in some aspects:
Purpose of Technical Writing
The purpose of technical writing is often determined by the audience, which then
affects the tone of the correspondence (Gerson & Gerson, 1999, p.3). In fact,
understanding the interrelationship among purpose, audience, and tone is essential to
answer the question, “Why do we write technical correspondence?
Let us say that you are an engineer writing a monthly status report. You write this
report every month. Your report always goes to the same person, your immediate
supervisor. The supervisor reads it and then puts the report in a file for future reference.
With this ongoing activity in mind, you know that the purpose of your report is to
document. Your goal is to “dump data” and nothing else. You also know that your
audience is highly technical, fluent in technical terms and abbreviations. Given your
purpose and your audience’s level of understanding, you write a report which has a dry,
objective and impersonal tone. Thus, the purpose of your report and your sense of
audience create tone.
STATUS REPORT PURPOSE (document) + AUDIENCE (technical supervisor) =
TONE (objective/impersonal) (IN A BOX)
This is a common technical writing situation, but it is not the only environment in
which technical writing is generated. In summary, your purpose in technical writing is
determined by your audience’s needs. This sense of audience then affects tone. Within
these parameters, the purpose of technical writing is wide-ranging.
1. Technical writing is used to request action. If you are writing to a supervisor or
manager (audience) about scheduling and manpower distribution, then you
are requesting a direct action.
2. Technical writing is used to propose action. When you write to your city
Engineer about the transfer of the garbage dump, then you are proposing an
3. Technical writing is used to recommend action. When you write to your
Production Manager to increase the volume of t-shirt production bound to
Hongkong and Macau, due to increase of orders from your market threat, then
you are recommending an action.
4. Technical writing is used to inform. It is written to make another person
understand or do something. It is designed to fulfil a need to tell and need to
5. Technical writing is used to analyse events and their complications. It will
explain how certain systems failed. This may include education,
socioeconomic, political and the need to change.
6. Technical writing is used to persuade and influence decisions. It will show how
a business, or an industry, succeeds.

Importance of Technical Writing

Technical writing is a significant factor for your work experience for several
reasons. (Gerson & Gerson, 1999, p. 3 cited by Abelos, 2005, p. 4)
1. Technical writing conducts business. It is not an ornamental edging or an
occasional endeavor. It is a major component of the workplace. Through
technical correspondence, employees:
a. maintain a good customer client relation (follow-up letters)
b. ensure that work is accomplished on time (directive memos)
c. provide documentation that work has been completed (status report)
● generate income (sales letters)
Technical writing also:
● keeps machinery working (maintenance instructions)
b. ensures that the correct equipment is purchased
c. gives managers/supervisors the information they need for persuasive
briefings (summaries)
d. gets you a job (application letters) e. informs the world about your
company’s product (sites on the internet)
2. Technical writing takes time. In addition to serving a valuable purpose in a
company, technical writing is important because it is time-consuming. On
average, employees spend approximately 20 percent of their work time writing
memos, letters, or reports. Twenty percent of a work week equals one full
hour day.
You might as well say that every Monday, for example, you will just read the
accomplishment reports – nothing else. Of course, that is not how it works. In
one week, you spend five minutes browsing and commenting here, 30
minutes there, an hour here, but it all adds up to a significant amount of time. 3.
Technical writing costs money. Any errors will cost you additional bond paper,
effort, and energy to rewrite again the wrong correspondence. What follows is
additional waste of ink and time. Imagine how your employer would evaluate your
work if you always submit a wrong report, faulty audit report, and so on. If you
write poorly, yet you spend 20 percent of your workweek doing substandard
work, wasting 8 hours per week writing flawed correspondence, then your
manager has a right to be concerned. Your time spent writing is part of your
salary and part of your manager’s (or employer’s) work expenditures. 4. Technical
writing is an expression of your interpersonal communication skills. When
you write an application letter, memorandum, financial report and the like, you
are not just conveying technical information. You are revealing something about
yourself for your readers. If you write well, you are telling your audience that you
can think logically and communicate your thoughts clearly. If, on the other hand,
you write poorly, you give your readers a completely different picture of yourself
as a worker. You reveal that you can neither think clearly nor communicate your
thoughts effectively. Technical writing is an extension of your interpersonal
communication skills at work, and co-workers will judge your competence based
on the effectiveness of your correspondence.
Good technical writing can accomplish more than just getting the job done. A
well-constructed application letter, or financial report reveals to your readers
not only that you know your technical field of expertise but also that you know
how to communicate your knowledge thoroughly, accurately, clearly, and
concisely. Through good technical writing, you reveal to your audience that
you can tell people what to do and can motivate them to do it.
Basic Principles of Effective Technical Writing
1. Understanding the Reader
A basic consideration in technical writing is to know the target audience.
The technical writer should know how to adapt his writings and terminologies of
the type of the intended audience or readers. Difficult technical terms used must
be carefully defined so that the reader will easily understand the information being
presented. If the reader fails to understand what he reads, the writer fails in his
mission. The technical writers should know how important his readers are. The
target readers help the writer to know what to write about and how to write it.
2. Knowing the Purpose of Each Technical Report
The technical paper must be organized around a central theme. The
reader should understand the main purpose after reading the paper. The purpose
may be to describe a thing to report on a specific problem or project, or to
analyze and solve a problem.
3. Knowing the Subject Matter
A technical writer must have a thorough knowledge of the subject he is to
write about. If the report is on the result of a technical experiment, the writer who
writes the report should explain what the problem is all about, what causes the
problem and how the problem is solved.
4. Writing Objectively
A good technical writer must emphasize the facts and the data. The
impersonal style is basic to an effective technical writer. He represents facts,
figures and statistics skillfully woven around the subject matter or central theme
and written in an impersonal manner.
5. Using Correct Format
The format and style of a report attract the attention of the readers first.
Companies require neatly-typed communications, reports and project proposals
and feasibility studies. The current trends require that such communication be
computerized or typed.
6. Adopting Ethical Standards
A technical writer should undertake comprehensive research work;
accumulate the required data through interviews, surveys, referrals and related
publications. He must have to present facts and figures as gathered and required,
using only those that are pertinent to the report. A good technical writer also
acknowledges the help he receives from others and cites sources of reference

Characteristics of Technical Writing

Technical writing, just as any other form of writing, has certain characteristics
which distinguish it from other types of writing. It is very different from writing opinion
pieces, essays, prose, non-fiction or fiction.
1. It is clear and straightforward. If you are interested in technical writing for
professional purposes, it is very important to know that this type of writing
requires that the writer stick to the subject matter and relay information in a
clear and concise manner.
2. The language is very direct and straight to the point. The writing will avoid
words that people do not understand and will avoid an eloquent writing style. 3. It
is very detailed and informative. The perfect example of technical writing is a
textbook. The written content of most textbooks is geared to providing
information by describing the subject matter as fully as possible.
4. It is very structured. This type of writing has a very obvious composition that
makes it easy for the reader to follow along. Solid structure is needed with
technical writing as it allows the audience to easily access the information as
Uses of Technical Writing
With understanding the characteristics of technical writing, you can better
comprehend how this type of writing is used. Technical writing is found everywhere.
There are a variety of different types of writing which use a technical style.
For example, instructions of all sorts are a perfect example of technical writing.
When you open up an instruction manual, as the reader, the goal is to be
informed about the product so that you can use it as efficiently as possible.
Lab reports are another example of technical writing. The main purpose of a lab
report is to explain the occurrences in a lab so that others will be able to gain
Driving directions can be considered a type of technical writing as the goal is to
clearly and efficiently provide instructions on how to go from point A to point B.
Overall, technical writing is a very useful form of writing that is encountered by
everyone almost every day.

Classification of Technical Writing

Technical writing is useful for any theory, software or hardware that needs an
explanation. Industries that require technical writing include science, medicine,
engineering, mechanics and law.
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Bendell, J. (2013). Business Writing vs. Technical Writing. Retrieved July 23, 2020 from
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Gerson, Steven M. (n.d.). Writing That Works. Retrieved July 20, 2020 from
Manalo, Paterna & Fermin, Virginia E. (2009) Technical and Report Writing.
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Mosura, Carmel T. & Tinorio, Escolastica S. (1999) Contemporary Technical Writing
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Quia. (n.d.). Most Common Technical Writing Outputs/End Products. Retrieved July 23,
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