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Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000
Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000
Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 450–457
Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

The 12th
12th International
International Conference
Conference Interdisciplinarity
Interdisciplinarity in
in Engineering

Case Study
Study of of NZEB
NZEB Implementation
Implementation into into an
an Early
Early Stage
Stage ofof the
ManufacturingDesign Phase
Design Phase
Engineering for
Society a New
International Residential
for a New Residential Building
Conference Building
2017, MESIC 2017, 28-30 June
2017, Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain
a, *
Ancuța Maria Măgurean
Costing models for capacity optimization in* Industry
Ancuța Maria Măgurean 4.0: Trade-off


Department of Civil Engineering and Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
between used capacity and operational
400027, Romania efficiency
Department of Civil Engineering and Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Gh. Barițiu street, 25, Cluj-Napoca,
Gh. Barițiu street, 25, Cluj-Napoca, 400027, Romania

A. Santanaa, P. Afonsoa,*, A. Zaninb, R. Wernkeb

Abstract a
University of Minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Unochapecó, 89809-000 Chapecó, SC, Brazil
This paper aims to identify the technical solutions from available construction materials existent on the market, in order to
This paper aims to identify the technical solutions from available construction materials existent on the market, in order to
implement the concept of Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) into an early stage of design for a new residential building
implement the concept of Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) into an early stage of design for a new residential building
located in Romania, which will be a mandatory design concept that has to be applied for all new buildings starting with 2020
located in Romania, which will be a mandatory design concept that has to be applied for all new buildings starting with 2020
according to Romanian legislation, based on Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU requirements. The paper
according to Romanian legislation, based on Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU requirements. The paper
demonstrates that with available constructions materials the concept may be achieved, although that the calculation of the
demonstrates that with available constructions materials the concept may be achieved, although that the calculation of the
building's energy performance needs to be detailed in order to achieve results that respect both the specificity of the building and
Under theenergy
building's concept of "Industry
performance needs to4.0", production
be detailed in orderprocesses
to achieve will bethat
results pushed
respectto betheincreasingly
both specificity ofinterconnected,
the building and
the physical properties of the used materials. Also, this paper demonstrates that the use of numerical methods in the evaluation of
information based onofa the
the physical properties realused
time basis and,
materials. Also,necessarily, much morethat
this paper demonstrates efficient.
the use In this context,
of numerical capacity
methods in theoptimization
evaluation of
energy performance constructive details as current engineering method is mandatory for this concept of design, in order to
goes performance constructive details as current engineeringcontributing
method is mandatory for this concept of design, and
in order to
optimise the architectural details by an engineering approach, to control the energy demand of the building and to ensurevalue.
beyond the traditional aim of capacity maximization, also for organization’s profitability a low
optimise the
Indeed, architectural
lean management details by an
and engineeringimprovement
continuous approach, to control the energy
approaches demand
suggest of the building
capacity and to ensure
optimization insteada low
energy requirement from an early stage of design.
energy requirement
maximization. Thefrom an early
study stage of optimization
of capacity design. and costing models is an important research topic that deserves
© 2018
2019 The from both the practical and theoretical perspectives. This paper presents and discusses a mathematical
© 2018 The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published byby Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.
model for
This is an capacity
open accessmanagement based
article under the on differentlicense
CC BY-NC-ND costing models (ABC and TDABC). A generic model has been
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
developed and
Selection and it was used
peer-review to analyze
under idle capacity
responsibility andInternational
of the 12th to design strategies
Conference towards the maximization
Interdisciplinarity of organization’s
in Engineering.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 12th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.
value. The trade-off capacity maximization vs operational efficiency is highlighted and it is shown that capacity
Keywords: nearly
optimization zero energy
might buildings; numerical
hide operational analysis; steady-state heat transfer; energy performance; residential buildings.
Keywords: nearly zero energy buildings; numerical analysis; steady-state heat transfer; energy performance; residential buildings.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference

Keywords: Cost Models; ABC; TDABC; Capacity Management; Idle Capacity; Operational Efficiency

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +4-0749-935-159
* The
cost author.
of idle Tel.: +4-0749-935-159
capacity is a fundamental information for companies and their management of extreme importance
E-mail address:
E-mail address:
in modern production systems. In general, it is defined as unused capacity or production potential and can be measured
in several©ways:
2351-9789 tons
2018 The of production,
Authors. available
Published by Elsevier Ltd.hours of manufacturing, etc. The management of the idle capacity
2351-9789 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an Afonso.
* Paulo open access
Tel.:article under
+351 253 510the761;
+351 253license (
This is an open access article under the CC fax:
BY-NC-ND 604 741
license (
E-mail and peer-review
address: under responsibility of the 12th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 12th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.

2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

2351-9789 © under
The Authors. of the scientificbycommittee
Published Elsevier of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 12th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.
Ancuța Maria Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 450–457 451
2 A. M. Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000

1. Introduction

According to Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU, amended by (EU) 2018/844, Nearly Zero
Energy Building (NZEB) is the building that has a very high energy performance, of which very low amount of
energy required should be covered by energy from renewable sources, including produced on-site or nearby
renewable sources, in a very significant percent. Introduced in the Romanian legislation, in 2016 the percent of
renewable sources was imposed to a minimum 10% of the total energy consumption of the building.
Also, the European Directive 2010/31/EU and, subsequently, the actualized Romanian Law 372/2005, impose
that NZEB will be a mandatory design concept that has to be applied for all new buildings starting with 31st of
December 2020.
Although efforts to prepare the actors involved in the processes related to NZEB are being done in the last years
through several international projects implemented in Romania, yet the subject does not spread with the necessary
speed given the time limit.
Funded through European’s Commission programs (HORIZON 2020, IEE), several projects in the late years in
which Romania was and still is represented, aim to develop frameworks for competences and qualifications
development for construction workers and specialists to design and execute NZEBs (MEnS [1], Train-to-nZEB [2],
Fit-to-NZEB [3]), or to prepare the market and develop strategies for the implementation of NZEB concept in public
buildings (RepublicZeb [4]).
neZEH ( is an international project co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme,
in which the author of this paper was involved, representing Romania, which aimed to transform through pilot
projects 16 existent hotels from Europe into nearly Zero Energy Hotels (neZEH) [5], 3 of them being located in
This paper resumes to address a question that arises: is the actual engineering design team ready for this
fundamental change of the design approach? In order to preview an answer to this question, a short analysis of the
design process and specialists involved is made. The NZEB design is a part that, for the moment, in Romania is not
assigned to any of the traditional members of the technical design team: architect, structural engineer, HVAC
engineers. Though, an engineering specialty has the necessary skills to do this part, even for an early stage of the
project, and this is the specialty of the building energy auditor.
What could lead to a change of paradigm, would be that the energy auditor be involved in the design process of
new buildings as an active member of the design team, in order to propose and supervise that the used technical
measures are those that may transform a regular new building into a nearly zero energy building.
Regarding the implementation of the concept into buildings, several case studies: for a new non-residential
building [6], for an existent residential building [7] and for an existent non-residential building [8] were made under
different approaches. Detailed thermal bridges analysis for constructive details integrated into the building analysis
is made in [9], however without a focus on NZEB topic.
The purpose of the this paper is to provide a good practice example by introducing in an early stage of technical
design of a new residential building different technical solutions, including new construction materials, on which
detailed thermotechnical analysis is made, in order to obtain a reduced heating energy requirement, by doing
calculation specific to the energy auditor engineering specialty, although that it will be done more under a
scientifical approach than using the simplified engineering methods that are used currently, and in the same time to
draw attention that this type of design approach will be necessary starting with 31st of December 2020.


T temperature (K) e emissivity (-)

λ thermal conductivity (W/m∙K) Ti interior air temperature (K)
q heat flux density (W/m2) Te exterior air temperature (K)
ψ linear thermal transmittance (W/m∙K) na number of air changes per h (h-1)
L2D bidimensional thermal coupling coefficient (W/K) Rw thermal resistance of window (m2∙K/W)
R unidirectional thermal resistance (m2∙K/W) A area (interior overall dimensions) (m2)
l length (m) R’ corrected thermal resistance (m2∙K/W)
hi superficial heat transfer coefficient r the ratio of corrected thermal resistance to
(inside surface) (W/m2∙K) unidirectional thermal resistance [-]
452 Ancuța Maria Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 450–457
A. M. Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000 3

he superficial heat transfer coefficient

(exterior surface) (W/m2∙K)

2. Steady-state numerical analysis for the constructive details

2.1. Steady-state heat transfer

For this case study bidimensional steady-state numerical analysis was made for over 40 constructive details,
followed by analytical analysis in order to determine the ψ-values, using THERM software.
The characteristic equations for the heat transfer process solved using finite element method are the Laplace type
partial differential equation (1) and Fourier’s law (2):

𝜕𝜕2 𝑇𝑇 𝜕𝜕2 𝑇𝑇
𝜆𝜆 ∙ 𝛻𝛻 2 𝑇𝑇 = λ ∙ ( + )=0 (1)
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 2 𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 2

q =−λ∙∇T (2)

After the numerical determination of bidimensional thermal coupling was made, ψ-values were determined for
each, either geometrical or material, thermal bridge of the building, separated for horizontal and vertical building
elements, using analytical relation (3).

ψ = L2D - (3)

2.2. Numerical analysis conditions

The numerical analysis conditions consist in three types: geometrical conditions, material properties and
boundary conditions, which has been used as follows.
For the geometry of the details, EN ISO 10211:2017 [10] prescriptions were considered, using the interior overall
dimensional system, which was used both for detail analysis and building analysis. The bidimensional geometries
were sectioned with adiabatic limits at the distance l = 1 m from central element for all opaque elements.
Regarding the physical properties of the materials that were used, design values for thermal conductivities were
used according with Romanian technical regulation C107/3-2005. A particularity of the analyzed project is that the
masonry of ceramic bodies with air cavities and with insulation mortar (λ = 0.18 W/mK) used as structural
constructive solution is a newer material and design values of the thermal conductivity are not available in the
national regulations. In this situation a different approach was used, according to EN ISO 10456 prescriptions [11],
and a direct measure of the equivalent thermal conductivity value which was provided by the manufacturer, under
steady-state limit conditions of humidity and temperature related to the III Romanian climate zone, in which the city
of Cluj-Napoca is located, was considered as design value. The measured value of equivalent thermal conductivity
of the masonry of ceramic bodies is λ = 0.148 W/(mK) [12]. The value of emissivity was considered e = 0.9 for all
construction materials.

Table 1. Surface boundary conditions of steady-state numerical analyzed models

Superficial heat
Heat flux direction
transfer coefficient
Vertical Vertical
[(m2K)/W] Horizontally
upward downward
hi 10 8 6
he 24 24 24

For the boundary conditions, Robin simplified conditions were applied for convection transfer, under the form of
convective heat transfer superficial coefficients. Radiation heat transfer at the boundaries was modeled using
Ancuța Maria Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 450–457 453
4 A. M. Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000

radiation heat transfer superficial coefficients. The values of used heat transfer coefficients are centralized in Table
1. The limit air temperatures used for the steady-state analysis of heat transfer process are: Ti = 20oC, Te = - 18oC.

3. Case study of NZEB implementation for a residential building

3.1. The presentation of the analyzed project

The analyzed project is a two families dwelling, the object of the case study being one of them (the yellow marked
in Fig. 1 – named House 1), because of the different solutions that were proposed for each of it, which will be
located nearby Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Fig. 1. The architecture of studied residential building

House 1 has an initial constructive solution of 44 cm thickness ceramic bodies masonry walls, exterior insulated
with 5 cm of rockwool, confined with reinforced concrete tie-columns and tie-beams. Reinforced concrete slabs are
designed above each level and also for the slab on ground. Lintels with ceramic coating were used as initial solution
in order to improve the thermal performance of the ceramic bodies masonry walls.

3.2. Thermal performance of the envelope constructive details – initially and improved

Due to reasons as: new material used for the walls, atypical constructive details and being such a large variety of
constructive details that cannot be found in thermal bridges available catalogs, in order to evaluate detailed heat
transfer losses through the building envelope, steady-state heat transfer numerical simulations were made for 42
different constructive details, for the initially details that were received from the architects. In order to reduce the
thermal bridges effect and to improve the thermal performance of the detail and implicitly of the building envelope
elements 21 details were optimized and the final solution was shared with the architects. Some of the numerical
modeled constructive details are presented in Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, as initial solution and improved solution. The
improved solution consists in: changing of insulation materials when thickness limits were imposed, with ones with
lower thermal conductivity (Fig. 2), rearrangements of insulation layers, in order to reduce the effect of the thermal
bridges that occurs (Fig. 3, Fig. 4).

Fig. 2. Vertical detail of access doors intersection with floor over the ground – initially (left) and thermal improved (right) details
454 Ancuța Maria Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 450–457
A. M. Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000 5

Fig. 3. Vertical detail of P3 wall (lintel area) intersection with 1st floor – initially (left) and thermal improved (right) details

Fig. 4. Vertical detail of P3 wall intersection with 2nd floor – initially (left) and thermal improved (right) details

The ψ – values determined using FEM based analysis were used to calculate R’ – values, which are presented in
Table 2 (page 7).

3.3. Solar space integrated in the building as a passive solution to reduce the heating demand of the building

As an architectural solution a solar space was designed at the 2nd level of the house, which is withdrawn.
Although it has a reinforced concrete slab above, so is relatively shaded, it is an unheated solar space separated by a
building element from the heated space, as can be seen in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Solar space integrated in the building at the 2nd level as passive solution

The solar heat gains of the solar space were calculated using method indicated in EN ISO 13790, Appendix F.
The solar heat gains of this special construction element were calculated separately, as direct solar heat gains
through the glazed wall which is separating the solar space from the staircase of the house and as indirect solar gains
provided by the solar space. As a particularity of this solution is that the outside glazed elements of this space are
mobile, which eliminates the possibility of overheating during the summer.
Ancuța Maria Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 450–457 455
6 A. M. Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000

The results of this analysis indicates that for the initial conformation of the building, at the 4 W/m2 value of
internal gains used in the heat balance, and at the other solar heat gains determined for the other glazed elements of
the house after a shading analysis was also made, a value of 0.6 W/m2 heat gain during heating season is added,
which will take to a reduction of heating demand from this passive solution of 5% for the initial solution of the
designed house. The indirect solar gains represent 85% of the solar gains of the solar space. This calculations were
made during year 2016, however meanwhile the above mentioned standard was canceled and replaced by EN ISO
52016:1-2017 [13], in which a conservative approximation alouds that indirect solar gains from the solar space to be

3.4. Packages of technical solutions to improve the energy performance of the building

As regarding the implementation of NZEB design concept, a strategy is needed, and may be implemented by
following the next steps:

• Reducing the heating demand of the building, through envelope optimization and air leakage reduction measures;
• Using high performant equipments for lighting, heating, hot water, air conditioning, mechanical ventilation at the
source level and distribution level, in order to reduce the primary energy consumption of the building;
• The already significantly reduced amount of required energy in the building has to be covered in a high level (but
minimum 10%), with renewable sources as: solar collectors for hot water demand or PV panels for electricity
production, etc.

In this paper the first step of the strategy is implemented in a new designed house. The heating demand of the
building, as well as the impact of each proposed measure type were determined through several heat balances
(monthly method) according to national regulation MC 001/2006 [14]. Following the cause - effect principle, an
initial evaluation of heat losses distribution was made, in order to identify which are the major causes of heat losses
in the initial architectural design. One analysis is made in Fig. 6.a, regarding the distribution of heat losses through
ventilation and conduction. Further, the heat losses through conduction were analyzed regarding the impact of each
type of the building’s surfaces exposed to the exterior, to unheated spaces or to the ground, as can be seen in Fig.
After identifying the impact of each process of the heat transfer and which parts of the building are the causes of
highest heat losses, the measure types taken into consideration in order to increase the energy performance of the
building envelope are proposed as follows.
A) Air leakage reduction by applying sealing strips to the joints between the wall and the windows in order to
further seal the joining of the glazed elements with the walls (na = 0.6 h-1 → na = 0.3 h-1);
B) Triple glazed windows, 2 low-e coatings, warm edges, air cavities filled with 90% inert gas, with a thermal
resistance of the window (including frames and glass) – Rw = 1 (m2K)/W;
C) Optimisation of constructive details in order to reduce the thermal bridges influence, along with the increase on
the thermal insulation thicknesses only for exterior floors.
The initial and the improved thermal performance of the exterior opaque building envelope elements which were
identified according to Fig. 6 as having a high impact into the heat losses of the building, centralised by type of the
construction element and by the cardinal orientation is presented in Table 2.

100.00 4%
a b 11%
Anual heat losses

distribution [%]

16% Windows
50.00 38%
Exterior slabs
25.00 61.65
38.35 31%
Unheated spaces
Slab on ground
Ventilation Conduction

Fig. 6. Building envelope heat losses distribution: (a) through ventilation and conduction; (b) through conduction
456 Ancuța Maria Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 450–457
A. M. Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000 7

Table 2. Thermal performances of the exterior building envelope elements – initially and improved
Building envelope element Initial solution results Improved solution results (measure C)
A R R' r R R' r Increase
of r
[m2] [m2K/W] [m2K/W] [-] [m2K/W] [m2K/W] [-] [%]
Wall type P1, Orientation South 9.76 4.495 2.739 0.609 4.495 2.872 0.639 4.87
Wall type P1, Orientation East 7.62 4.495 2.847 0.634 4.495 3.039 0.676 6.73
Wall type P1, Orientation N - 1 level 6.69 4.495 3.649 0.812 4.495 3.851 0.857 5.54

Wall type P1, Orientation West 25.43 4.495 3.544 0.789 4.495 3.690 0.821 4.11
Wall type P2, Orientation East 36.18 4.54 2.594 0.571 4.540 3.112 0.686 19.97
Wall type P2, Orientation North 38.69 4.54 2.775 0.611 4.540 3.540 0.780 27.53
Wall type P3, Orientation South 22.8 4.518 2.346 0.519 4.518 2.881 0.638 22.80
Wall type P3, Orientation West 5.76 4.518 2.944 0.652 4.518 3.147 0.697 6.88
Wall type P3, Orientation East (Access) 19.6 4.518 4.063 0.899 4.518 4.168 0.922 2.58

Wall type P3, Orientation North 7.32 4.518 4.292 0.950 4.518 4.367 0.967 1.75
Wall type P3, Orientation East 6.63 4.495 3.945 0.878 4.495 4.103 0.913 4.02
Wall type P1, Orientation West 6.63 4.54 3.1 0.683 4.540 3.524 0.776 13.68
Wall type P3, Orientation North 9.79 4.495 3.774 0.840 4.495 3.961 0.881 4.97
Terrace floor above ground 15.33 5.041 3.626 0.719 6.291 4.205 0.668 -7.08
Terrace floor above 1st level 80.85 5.653 4.981 0.881 5.653 5.007 0.886 0.53
Terrace floor above 2 level 10 5.653 2.233 0.395 8.153 3.649 0.448 13.33
Lower floor above ground level (Access) 10.78 4.094 2.457 0.600 6.594 4.098 0.622 3.54

4. Results and discussion

As it can be seen in Fig. 7 each measure has a variable impact into the reduction of energy demand. The impact
of the passive solution of energy efficiency is already taken into consideration regarding these results. Though, some
observations has to be done for each of the proposed measures.
Regarding measure A, it is important to specify that in the moment of sealing the building, the mechanical
ventilation of the building with heat recovery is mandatory. A second observation is made regarding the execution
of the building. The quality check of the sealing has to be made with a „Blower Door” test.
Regarding measure B, in the moment of changing of double glazed windows technical solution with triple glazed
windows, usually the value of g – total solar energy transmittance, is reduced, with the effect of reducing the solar
energy gains in the energy balance. When using energy efficient glazed packages, the g-value should be controlled
in terms of solar energy gains for a specific solar orientation. Going in this type of analysis with imposed values
taken conveniently from technical regulations takes to the failure of use the properties of materials obtained through
extensive research in the materials engineering (glass and applied films properties).
Regarding measure type C, it is important to notice that for the walls, the values of unidirectional thermal
resistance were not increased, which means not significantly increased costs in order to improve the thermal
The results obtained were then compared with those proposed in the NZEB national framework [15], elaborated
in accordance with the EPBD requirements, where the benchmark value for heating demand for this type of building
is 76.15 kWh/m2year, which means that this house has a reduced specific heating demand, that will allow to become
a nearly zero energy building after HVAC equipments and RES will be implemented into the designed project
following the next steps of the proposed strategy.
Ancuța Maria Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 450–457 457
8 A. M. Măgurean / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000

Initial solution 110.10

A) na = 0.3 h^-1 27.11
B) Rw = 1 (m2K)/W 9.23
C) Envelope optimization 6.16
Improved solution (A+B+C) 42.24
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Reduction percentage [%] Specific heating demand [kWh/(m2 year)]

Fig. 7. Analyzed impact of each solution type to the reduction of heating demand

5. Conclusions

The approach of introduce NZEB concept into an early design stage of new a residential building is a preview for
how new buildings design process will look like starting with the 31st of December 2020. The calculation of the
building's energy performance needs to be detailed in order to achieve results that respect both, the specificity of the
building and the physical properties of the materials used. For this to happen, the introduction of a new member into
the early stage of the design is prefigured as being the building energy auditor.
This paper demonstrates that the use of numerical methods in the evaluation of energy performance constructive
details as current engineering method is mandatory for this concept of design, in order to optimize the architectural
details by an engineering approach, to control the energy demand of the building and to ensure a low energy
requirement.The paper also demonstrates that with available constructions materials the concept may be achieved,
although the execution process will have also importance in order to get the evaluated heating demand in the
The building’s energy consumptions assessment should be continued with the proposal and evaluation of HVAC
solutions and RES so the NZEB target may be completed, but this paper was focused on the design of a low energy
heating demand, which usually is the highest energy demand in the residential sector of Romania.


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[10] EN ISO 10211:2017 Thermal bridges in building construction -- Heat flows and surface temperatures -- Detailed calculations.
[11] EN ISO 10456:2008 Building materials and products - Hygrothermal properties - Tabulated design values and procedures for determining
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[13] EN ISO 52016-1:2017 Energy performance of buildings -- Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and
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[14] MC 001-2006 Metodologie de calcul al performanței energetice a clădirilor, Ministerul Transporturilor, Construcțiilor și Turismului, (2006).
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