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Environmental-Social-Health Risk and Impact Management Process

Project phase Identify & appraise B2

e-shrimp activity Risks, opportunities & assessment

At this stage a key component is the feasibility report. This would typically be an internal document produced to feed into the business
case decision-making process. The report would include the major environmental, social and health issues that may affect a project’s

To ensure that stakeholders views are taken into account in the decision-making process at an early stage and to identify all ESH Risks and

Deliverable Key Task

1 Decision support package (DSP) (or Update ESH information into DSP for inclusion in design, engineering and
equivalent) planning process.
2 Updated Stakeholder Participation Update the Stakeholder Participation Report.
3 Update ESH Feasibility Report Based on existing ESIAs, preliminary site evaluation and desk top studies (if
needed) produce a feasibility report.
4 Staff Competence Checklist Update Checklist.

© 2007 OGP 
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers

1 Update decision support package
a Attend internal meetings and provide ESH input into the design and planning stage. [   ]
b Provide written update of ESH information based on review of updated project design, engineering and
planning. [   ]
c Review best practice guidance documentation. [   ]
2 Create a communication strategy.
This might include:
a Describe regulatory requirements for consultation and disclosure. [    ]
b Provide a strategy and timetable for sharing information and consulting with each of these groups. [   ]
c Detailed reporting and/or documentation of consultation and disclosure activities. [   ]
d Written and oral communications in local languages and readily understandable formats. [   ]
e Easy accessibility by relevant stakeholders to both written information and to the participation process. [   ]
f Use of oral or visual methods to explain information to non-literate people. [   ]
g Respect for local traditions in discussion, reflection, and decision-making. [   ]
h Care in assuring that groups being consulted are representative, with adequate representation of women,
vulnerable groups, and ethnic or religious minorities, and separate meetings for various groups, where
necessary. [   ]
i Clear mechanisms to respond to people’s concerns, suggestions and grievance. [   ]

3 Update ESH feasibility report

Refer to the following from the identify & appraise stage:

a ESH profile report. [   ]
b Risks and Opportunities Register. [   ]
c Communications Plan. [   ]
d Stakeholder Identification Plan. [   ]
e DSPs. [   ]
Typically an ESH feasibility report should include:
a Executive summary. [   ]
b Public safety and security, transportation safety (to be included in the operations section of the feasibility
study). [   ]
c Policy, legal and administrative framework. [   ]
d Baseline information. [   ]
e Environmental, social and health impacts/gaps in the environmental, social and health baseline information. [   ]
f Environmental, social and health information required for proposed impact mitigation measures. [   ]
g Analysis of alternatives for the project (site location). [   ]
h Conclusions. [   ]
i List any emerging environmental, social and health issues. [   ]
j List any potentially significant issues in relation to the project proposal. [   ]
k Assess the viability of the project based on the available environmental, social and health baseline and identify
potential ‘show-stoppers’. [   ]

 © 2007 OGP
Environmental-Social-Health Risk and Impact Management Process

4 Staff competence checklist

HSE Practitioners – Central Company Resources:
a Experience in country/continent. [   ]
b Familiarity and sensitivity to cultural issues. [   ]
c Familiarity with major E&P project delivery. [   ]
d Knowledge of company and international expectations. [   ]
e Broad knowledge of stakeholder engagement process and consultation. [   ]
f Experience in impact assessment, HSE issues identification and risk assessment. [   ]
g Experience in managing environmental and social impact assessments in diverse regulatory environments. [   ]
h Access to company expertise in key issues – sensitive areas, energy efficiency, external interactions/public
affairs, drilling, seismic surveys. [   ]
Project Management:
a Have HSE Managers briefed the Project Manager on the potential benefits/contribution of the E-SHRIMP tool
to managing the project? [   ]
a Experience of the regulatory requirements for impact assessment in country/continent. [   ]
b Network of contacts/associates in that country. [   ]
c Direct experience of delivering impact assessments for major E&P projects. [   ]
d Technical portfolio covering the key environmental and social issues. [   ]
e Internal review and assessment processes for data and report preparation. [   ]
f An HSE management system and philosophy which aligns with that of the Client. [   ]
g Capacity vs. projected industry demand. [   ]
a Is the regulatory agency familiar with oil and gas activities? [   ]
b Has the agency been involved in permitting for some time? [   ]
c What is the education/training level of regulators? [   ]

© 2007 OGP 

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