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Review Text; Definition, Purposes, Generic

Structures, Language Features

Definition of Review Text

Review text is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a
piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music
concert, a play, musical theatre show or dance show.

Generic Structure of Review Text

 Orientation: Background information of the text.

 Evaluations : Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or recommendation. It can consist ot more

than one.

 Interpretative Recount : Summary of an art works including character and plot.

 Evaluative Summation : The last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch line of the art works
being criticized.

Purpose of Review Text

Review text is used to critic the events or art works for the reader or listener, such as movies, shows, book,
and others.

The Characteristics / Language Feature of Review Text

 Focus on specific participants

 Using adjectives

 Using long and complex clauses

 Using metaphor style Review Texy Simple

Example of Review Text about Novel

Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix

I absolutely love the Harry Potter series, and all of the books will always hold a special place in my heart.

I have to say that of all the books, however, this one was not my favorite.

When the series began it was as much of a “feel good” experience as a huge mug of hot cocoa. The stories
were bright, fast-paced, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying.

Order of the Phoenix is a different kind of book. In some instances this works you feel a whole new level of
intensity and excitement by the time you get to the end. I was truly moved by the last page. Other times the
book just has a slightly dreary, depressing feel. The galloping pace of the other books has slowed to a trot
here, and parts of it do seem long, as if we’re reading all about Harry “just hanging out” instead of having his
usual adventures. Reading in detail about Harry cleaning up an old house, for example – housekeeping is
still housekeeping, magical or no, and I’m not very interested in doing it or reading about other people doing

A few other changes in this book – the “real” world comes much more in to play rather than the fantasy
universe of the previous books, and Harry has apparently been taken off his meds. I know that he had a lot
to be grumpy in this book, especially with being a teenager and all, but the sudden change in his character
seemed too drastic. He goes from being a warm-hearted, considerate person to someone who will bite his
best friend’s heads off over nothing. It just seemed like it didn’t fit with his character, like he turned into a
walking cliché of the “angry teen” overnight. The “real” story seemed to happen in the last 1/3 of the book,
and this part I loved. I actually liked the ending (and yes, I cried!) as sad as it was. It packed a punch and it
made me care about the story even more. Still a really good book, with some editing it would have been
Example of Review Text about Song
“Baby” Justin Bieber

“BABY” represents more of the same from Justin Bieber. It’s a squeaky-clean song that finds the singer
once again pouring his heart out to a girl he likes. Though his crush breaks his heart in the end. “If it ain’t
broke, don’t fix it” seems to be Justin Bieber’s motto, since most of his songs — including “Baby” — sound
very similar. Here, Bieber falls back on the heavy synth-presence and formulaic pop beats that characterize
his entire last album. Though his vocals and I-want-to-be-sweet-to-you approach are still somewhat
endearing, the pattern is starting to wear thin. The most interesting part of the song is the Ludacris verse.

Did you know Justin says “Baby” exactly 55 times in the song. The lyrics aren’t the most clever we’ve ever
heard, weI’ve heard worse, but it just repeats “Bay-be, bay-be, bay-be ohh” Not the best hit in my standers,
but some like it, and thats perfectly fine.

Example of Review Text about Film

Film Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider-Man: Homecoming is a fun movie about one of Marvel’s most enduringly popular characters. Starring
an actual teen (Tom Holland) as web-slinging high schooler Peter Parker, its spirit is very much in line with
the original comics. As always with Spider-Man, there are messages about power and responsibility, finding
strength within yourself, being brave, and persevering.

Clever, funny, and true to the Spider-Man spirit, this take on everyone’s favorite web-slinger is thoroughly
entertaining. The world was understandably skeptical of yet another Spidey reboot, but in this case, it was
the right call. Even more than the Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield takes on the wall crawler — as good
as those were — Spider-Man: Homecoming really captures the tone of the original comics. A large part of
that is thanks to the fact that, for the first time on the big screen, Peter is being played by an actual teenager.

It’s not a perfect film; the plot doesn’t always have a totally clear trajectory. And while Tony and Peter’s lack
of communication/mutual frustration brings to mind Harry’s relationship with Professor Dumbledore during
some of the Harry Potter saga, their dynamic brings something new and powerful to the Marvel-verse as
well: true mentorship.

‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ – the 16th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – might just be one of
the best ones yet! The latest Spider-Man movie introduces us to a new, hilarious, middle-school aged Peter
Parker (Tom Holland), who is facing multiple difficulties in his teenage life. While he’s trying to prove to his
new mentor, Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), that he has what it takes to become an Avenger.

Latihan Soal Review Text

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

Reading the three plots of Marry Higgins Clark in All Through the Night concern a stolen gold
ornamental cup, a missing baby, and a will that seems to be deceitful. To solve the mystery, she revives
her beloved characters; Alvirah, the former cleaning woman; and Willy Meehan, the plumber who won
the lottery.

They left their life in Jackson Heights, Queens, for an apartment in Central Park. The two have fun along
the way solving the puzzle. The pace is swift and the story is pure escape – totally fun Mary Higgins
Clark. I admit, however, that l am still trying to know what the melody of the song “All Through the
Night” sounds like.

This holiday season, put aside your chores and curl up on the couch with All Through the Night. When
you close it you will be relaxed and more ready to enjoy the festivities. And then you might just want to
tuck a copy into someone’s stocking or gift bag, as well.

1. What is the writer’s suggestion for the holiday season?

A. Left your life for an apartment in Central Park.
B. Put aside your chores and read the novel.
C. Tuck a stocking into someone’s gift bag.
D. Stole a gold ornament and he deceitful.
E. Have fun and solve some puzzles.
2. What intrigues the writer about All Through the Night?
A. lt made her curl up on the couch all day.
B. It made her ready for any festivities during the holiday.
C. She didn”t know the melody of the song in the book.
D. She wanted to escape every time she read the book.
E. She closed it and relaxed.

3. In the first paragraph, the reviewer…

A. introduces the Mary Higgins Clark
B. analyzes the three plots in the story
C. mainly discusses about Alvirah
D. is solving all of the mystery
E. summarizes the characters

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 8.


Captain Phillips is an upcoming 2013 American biographical action thriller film directed by Paul
Greengrass based upon the book, A Captain’s Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and Dangerous Days
at Sea, by Richard Phillips with Stephan Tatty, and starring Tom Hanks. It is produced by Scott Rudin,
Dana Brunetti, and Michael De Luca.

The film tells a biopic of merchant mariner Captain Richard Phillips, who was taken hostage for several
days by Somali Pirates when the container ship Maersk Alabama which sailed from southern Oman sank
along the coast of Somalia and then to Kenya was hijacked in 2009. Captain Richard Phillips (Tom
Hanks), a veteran merchant mariner, still lives in his native New England, and he’s a plain-spoken
family man full of anxiety about the economically bleak new world his kids are facing.

When his wife (Catherine Keener) drops him off at the airport, we can see her reverse. The film then
cuts to Somalia, a land of dust and poverty, where the pirates are recruited for their mission as if they
were migrant farmworkers lining up to be chosen for that day’s labor.

Greengrass doesn’t have to fill in much about the violent, chaotic breakdown of Somalia to let us know
that these men have little choice. The film does not generate quite the same level of excruciating
suspense as some of Greengrass’ previous triumphs, but it nonetheless holds us, hostage, as it proceeds.
As for the four Somali immigrants, they are remarkably effective in their first professional acting gigs.

4. What is the communicative purpose of the text above?

A. To criticize about film Captain Phillips
B. To entertain about film Captain Phillips
C. To give information about the film Captain Phillips
D. To describe film Captain Phillips
E. To explain about film Captain Phillips Answer

5. The text is a review of a ….

A. Song
B. Book
C. Novel
D. Painting
E. Movie Answer

6. According to the text, Captain Phillips ….

A. Traveled from Somalia to Kenya to find a ship
B. Hijacked a container ship
C. Hijacked many ships in Somalia
D. Was a hostage by Somalia’s pirates
E. Was a sailor in Southern Oman Answer

7. From paragraph two, we can see that Captain Phillips was …. about his kids.
A. Pleased
B. Happy
C. Doubt
D. Worried
E. Afraid Answer

8. “level of excruciating suspense as some…” (paragraph 3) synonym of the underlined word is…
A. Certainty
B. Tension
C. Rejoice
D. Peace
E. Attractive Answer

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