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Iron jawed angels

This film shows a very important historical aspect, and it is the process that women
went through to get their right to vote, the film shows in a visual way how they did
it, but I wanted to investigate more about some concepts that I did not know and
that were not explained in the film.

One of the most important things I learned from watching the film was the role of
the suffragette movement, this was a movement that appeared in the early
twentieth century, thanks to watching the film I can precisely know that in 1910 it
had a great impact. This movement consisted of women being granted the right to
vote, their way of protesting consisted of parades and even breaking the law to get
what they wanted. Those who agreed did not consider it wrong, as it was the only
way to get the government to pay attention to them.

There is an aspect that I already knew but when I saw the film I could realize that it
was not as I thought and that it was even worse than I imagined, machismo,
machismo apparently was present everywhere and not only people thought that
women were physically weaker, they also thought that because they were women
they were inferior intellectually and also believed that they should not have the
same rights as men, It was interesting to learn all this, as it made me reflect on the
difficult situation that a woman had to go through because of the treatment

Women at that time were very united to achieve their goal, this film reminded me of
something I had forgotten and that is that people of color got their rights many
years before women got the right to vote. Even though they were very united I
realized that there was a certain percentage of them that were not, because when
it was time to parade, they did not want black skinned women to mix among them,
their request was for them to march in the back, and I find it curious that they
wanted equality for all when some of them did not apply that thought in its entirety.

Watching this movie made me change a thought I had, because before I thought
that the right to vote for women was something that all women wanted, but it was
not so, some thought it was not necessary, that they did not need it or that they
were already fine with the role they played, so a certain part of the female
population did not support them, so I think that at that time it must have been very
difficult for them to get support when they had both men and women against them.

This film, besides representing that they wanted the right to vote, it also
represented the transition of political rights (voting and winning seats in the House
of Representatives), civil and social rights (asking for a lawyer, custody of
children), it represents a great battle fought by women, particularly middle-class
women. a major battle waged by women, particularly middle-class women.

This film shows the hard work that led the university student Alice Paul in the early
years of the twentieth century along with her friend Lucy Burns, these characters
did exist in real life and the film is inspired by what they did during those years.
Researching a little more I realized that the protest methods they applied had
already been implemented, such as the marches in England and the hunger strikes
in Ireland.

So, I found it very interesting, and I learned a lot about the history of how women
got the right to vote in the United States.

Cárdenas Paredes Gabriel De Jesús

Grupo: Cultura británica 862

NRC: 43862

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