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Elizabeth: The Golden Age

Elizabeth: The Golden Age, presents different historical aspects, some more
attached to war themes, some to political themes and others to very important
historical characters in the culture.

As the title of the movie says, we are presented with a part of the life of Queen
Elizabeth (Isabel I of England), who was the queen of England and Ireland in the
years from 1558 until the day of her death in 1603, in England there was the Tudor
dynasty and Elizabeth was the last monarch of this dynasty, Elizabeth was
ascended to the throne after the execution of her mother and the death of her two

The queen was well known for never marrying, although the parliament pressured
her to do so, she never wanted to, the reasons why she refused the request were
never known, although the film shows that she marries the king of Austria.

One of the most interesting facts that I did not know, was when Sir Walter Raleigh
notified her that he established a colony in the United States, and the name of this
colony is Virginia, the name was chosen because the queen had the reputation of
being a virgin, so Raleigh did it in honor of his queen.

In this movie I learned more about Queen Mary Stewart, who was the Queen of
Scotland and the Spanish Armada, I could see that there was a conflict between
her and Queen Elizabeth, because Elizabeth having no husband or children had no
one to leave as successor to the throne, so if she died, she had only two heirs who
were Mary Stewart and Margaret Tudor.

Queen Mary, knowing that she would be the successor of Elizabeth devised plans
to assassinate her, in an attempt to kill her everything went wrong, because a close
worker of Elizabeth intercepted Mary's letters and little by little they knew the plan,
when he was executed it was more than evident that Mary was in charge of
everything, that caused that Queen Mary Stewart was executed for treason to
whom she called sister, this fact seemed very interesting because I did not know
that something like that had happened, and the development that is given in the
film makes it perfectly understood.

One of the historical facts that I found very interesting was the so-called Holy War,
it was carried out between England and Spain, honestly I was surprised to learn
that at that time Spain had the most powerful and numerous army in the world, and
the facts that happen before and after the war are striking, one of them is that
England had fewer resources in terms of war to have fewer people to fight for them
and despite these disadvantages were able to take the victory.

Another interesting fact I learned was that King Philip II of Spain was obsessed
with obtaining the English crown, to the point of pressuring his daughter, who was
also named Elizabeth, to be the next queen of England at the age of 10, the
consequences of the king's obsession were to bankrupt Spain and lose resources
to win the holy war.

Finally, I learned some interesting facts and it was that in the expedition in which
they put the colony of Virginia, Sir Walter Raleigh took several gifts to the queen,
one of them were Native Americans, although it is not mentioned what they did
with them, he taught her what potatoes were, I did not imagine that they were not
known at that time, and also Raleigh took her tobacco, presenting it as a stimulant,
investigating more I learned that he was the person who popularized tobacco.

Alumno: Gabriel De Jesús Cárdenas Paredes

Grupo: Cultura Americana 20

NRC: 45720

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