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Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

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Revisiting the dispersion safety factor (DSF) for vapor clouds of liquefied T
flammable gases (LNG and propane)

Alba Àgueda, Joan Subirana, Elsa Pastor, Adriana Miralles Schleder1, Eulàlia Planas
Center for Technological Risk Studies (CERTEC), Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech, Av. Eduard Maristany, 16,
08019 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Keywords: The concept of the Dispersion Safety Factor (DSF) was introduced by Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014) and has been
FLACS revisited in this work. The DSF is defined as the ratio between the flammable region of the vapor cloud (set at a
CFD simulation concentration equal to the low flammability level (LFL)) and the corresponding visible boundary of the cloud.
Wind velocity We have used a computational fluid dynamics model (FLACS v.10.4) to simulate the dispersion of two liquefied
Relative humidity
flammable fuels (LNG and propane). DSF results have been analyzed using main effects and interaction plots,
Visible cloud
and a complementary metric (DSF50) has been introduced in order to establish more conservative threat areas in
flammable vapor cloud scenarios. We have observed an interaction between relative humidity and wind velocity
for DSF in the low-to-medium range of RH and wind velocity values. Four regression models have been proposed
for the computation of DSF and DSF50 for LNG and propane dependent on ambient wind velocity and relative
humidity. Contour plots have been prepared to be used as a practical tool, because through the reading of these
plots the DSF (and DSF50) can be obtained immediately given wind velocity and relative humidity data.

1. Introduction under pressure (~8 atm) at ambient temperature, or refrigerated at

approximately the boiling point (231 K for propane (Vílchez et al.,
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) has become over the last years an im- 2014)) under atmospheric pressure.
portant energy source in domestic households, industry and power LNG density at its atmospheric boiling point is 1.5 times the density
plants, and its use has also raised in transport sector (heavy duty and of air, but at 273 K and 1 atm it has a lower density (0.7 g/L). Propane
waste collection trucks, and buses). LNG is considered a more sustain- density, by contrast, is greater than air's density at 273 K and 1 atm
able fuel than coal or diesel, and offers the opportunity to diversify the (2.4 g/L) (Vílchez et al., 2014). Methane is flammable in air in the
energy sector (Kumar et al., 2011). The use of liquefied petroleum gas range from 5 vol% (low flammability limit - LFL) to 15 vol% (upper
(LPG) as an energy source is also increasing. LPG is mainly used for flammability limit - UFL) at 20 °C and 1 atm (Vílchez et al., 2013).
residential and commercial purposes (cooking, heating, and powering Propane is flammable between 2.1 vol% and 10.1 vol% (20 °C; 1 atm)
certain household appliances and vehicles) (, 2018), although (Vílchez et al., 2014).
LPG demand in the chemical sector has been growing in the last years When there is an LNG or refrigerated propane spill a quick vapor-
(Brook and Chodorowska, 2005). LNG is mainly methane with a small ization occurs. A boiling pool is formed on the ground and if the pool is
percentage of higher, less volatile hydrocarbons. In this paper we have bunded a slower vaporization rate follows as the ground cools (Ivings
adopted the following composition for LNG: 95% methane and 5% et al., 2007). The result is a cold cloud which condenses the water vapor
ethane. LPG is basically composed of propane and butane. Since the in the atmosphere making it visible; given the density of LNG at its
main component is propane, we have based our study on propane ex- boiling point, it is low lying on the ground most of the time. If there is
clusively. no ignition point the cloud will dilute, otherwise a flash fire can be
LNG and LPG are usually transported and stored as liquefied gases produced (National Association of State Fire Marshals, 2005). Other
since their volume is reduced by a factor of greater than 600 (Kumar combustion events, such as a pool fire or an explosion, are also possible.
et al., 2011). LNG is usually liquefied at ambient pressure by cooling to In the case of a release of pressurized LPG, the depressurization origi-
the boiling point (111.7 K for methane). LPG can be liquefied either nates a flash vaporization, which may entrain some liquid droplets. A

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Planas).
Present address: Department of Industrial Engineering, Sao Paulo State University – UNESP. Geraldo Alckmin, 519, 18409-010 Itapeva, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Received 7 November 2019; Received in revised form 13 February 2020; Accepted 1 April 2020
0925-7535/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

portion of the liquid may evaporate and the other one may form a pool flammable vapor clouds, the “alert area” is established at a threat level
which might continue vaporization by absorption of heat from the of 10% of the LFL (the same concentration level for the detector systems
ground. Hazardous events associated with pressurized propane releases to trigger an alarm according to the Catalan regulation). Generalitat de
include flash, pool and jet fires; BLEVE and fireballs may also even Catalunya (2015) sets 50% of the LFL as the threshold level associated
occur (Vílchez et al., 2014). Other hazards related with the use of li- with the “intervention area”.
quefied gases are cryogenic effects and rapid phase transitions (RPT), The ALOHA hazard modeling program (Jones et al., 2013) is used
i.e. a rapid vaporization causing a shock wave that can produce struc- widely to plan for and respond to chemical emergencies. By default this
tural damages (Ivings et al., 2007; Luketa-Hanlin, 2006). software uses 60% of the LFL as a “red” threat zone and 10% of the LFL
as the “yellow” threat zone, the red zone representing the worst hazard.
In this study we have adopted the LFL itself and 1/2 fraction of the
1.1. Levels of concern (LOC)
LFL (50%) to establish two LOC zones based on two facts: (1) FLACS
should be used with a safety factor of 2 (i.e. 50% LFL) to compensate for
In the chemical industry, different levels of concern (LOC) are de-
a number of uncertainties, as stated in US DOT (2011); (2) Values re-
fined when a flammable vapor cloud occurs. A flammable level of
viewed here as normally used to establish threat areas in flammable
concern is a threshold concentration of fuel in the air above which a
vapor cloud dispersion scenarios cover a wide range (e.g. 60%, 50%,
flammability hazard may exist (Jones et al., 2013). The Low Flamm-
25% or 10% of the LFL).
ability Limit (LFL) can be used as a simple LOC to determine the area
where a fire might occur. However, other LOCs can be defined if we
take into consideration that: 1.2. Dispersion Safety factor (DSF)

(1) Concentration levels estimated using mathematical models or Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014) examined release scenarios of liquefied
measured with experimental equipment are time-averaged, thus LNG and propane in the form of a pool. They studied the relationship
instantaneous concentrations can be greater than values modeled/ between the flammable region of the subsequent vapor cloud and the
measured (which are implicitly smoothed); corresponding visible boundary of the cloud. They proposed a Disper-
(2) During an experimental test only spatially discrete measurements sion Safety Factor (DSF) given by the following expression (Eq. (1)):
can be made. Therefore, the spatial variation of the dispersion is not XLFL
completely described and higher or lower concentrations may be DSF =
XVIS (1)
present in locations that were not monitored.
This implies that LOCs based on a fraction of the LFL have to be set XLFL is the downwind length of the flammable cloud, established by
if a conservative approach has to be followed for fire protection. In this the lower flammability limit (LFL) contour [m].
context, it is worth noting that US regulations for LNG facilities (49 CFR XVIS is the downwind length of the visible cloud [m].
193) (PHMSA, 2011) have the objective to assure that the fire and The DSF factor is an interesting indicator in the event of an emer-
explosion hazards keep inside the facility boundaries in the event of a gency in the chemical industry or during the transportation of flam-
loss of containment. The area within these boundaries is defined as the mable materials. According to Eq. 1, if the DSF is less than unity, this
“exclusion zone” and is quantitatively established by considering a indicates that the flammable region is located within the visible
concentration in air 50% of the LFL (i.e. 2.5% v. for methane) (NFPA, boundary of the vapor cloud. On the contrary, when it is greater than
2015). For LPG utilities, according to NFPA 59 Utility LP-Gas Plant Code unity, the flammable region expands beyond the contour of the visible
(NFPA, 2017), no specific LOC area is defined but it is established that cloud. Therefore, if we can visually estimate the downwind length of
flammable gas detection systems shall alarm at 25% of the LFL. the visible cloud ( XVIS ) and we can also estimate the value of the DSF
The method used in the Catalan regulation (Generalitat de factor (DSF ), then the downwind length of the flammable cloud ( XLFL )
Catalunya, 2015) for flammable clouds defines two different LOC areas: can be calculated according to Eq. 1 and a safety area can be estab-
the “intervention area” and the “alert area”. The “intervention area” is lished.
defined as the area where the consequences of the accident produce a The studies performed by Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014) for LNG and
level of damage that requires the use of protection measures, but it does propane clouds dispersion proposed several expressions for the DSF as a
not define a mortality area (i.e. threat level of 100% LFL) (Generalitat function of the relative humidity (RH) of the ambient air only (see
de Catalunya, 2015). The “alert area” represents the zone where the Table 1). In both studies the calculations of LFL and visible lengths
consequences of the accident produce effects that, despite being evident ( XLFL and XVIS , respectively) were done by using output data obtained
among the population, do not justify the application of protection from the DEGADIS model, a 1D integral model quick to run and freely
measures, except for critical population groups. In the case of available (Vílchez et al., 2013). According to some validations of the

Table 1
Dispersion safety factor (DSF) expressions obtained by Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014).
Authors (year) Flammable fuel Variables and values considered in the experimental design Expression Range of applicability

Vílchez et al. (2013) LNG Spill rate: 10, 40, 60, 100 kg·s DSF = 2 − 0.0196·RH uw ≤ 2 m s−1
Wind speed: 2, 10 m·s−1 RH > 10%
Ambient temperature: 15˚C, 35˚C DSF = 5.71 − 0.0019·RH − 1.16lnRH RH > 10%
Relative humidity (RH): 5, 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90% Most conservative*
Surface roughness: 0.1, 0.001, 0.0001
Atmospheric stability: A, B, C, E, F
Vílchez et al. (2014) Propane Spill rate: 10, 100 kg·s−1 DSF = 3.1 − 0.024·RH uw ≤ 2 m s−1
Wind speed: 2, 10 m·s−1 RH > 10%
Ambient temperature: 15˚C, 35˚C DSF = 10.2 − 2.06·lnRH RH > 10%
Relative humidity (RH): 5, 10, 25, 50, 70, 80, 85, 90% Most conservative*
Surface roughness: 0.1, 0.001, 0.0001
Atmospheric stability: A, B, C, E, F

* Most conservative models: The highest DSF values were selected in the low RH range.

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

DEGADIS model made by Hanna et al. (1993), it has a good perfor- a methodology to perform 3D CFD FLACS computations of pressurized
mance simulating plume centerline concentrations with relative mean liquefied gas releases, and they used it to simulate the Desert Tortoise
biases of about ± 30–50% but it cannot predict correctly time varia- test series conducted by the Lawrence National Laboratory in 1983 with
tions and it has a low sensitivity with field roughness. liquefied ammonia (Goldwire et al., 1985).
Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014) defined a set of target pool scenarios Hansen et al. (2010) got good predictions for unobstructed tests and
based on several input variables that affect dispersion (i.e. spill rate, for wind-tunnel obstructed tests, but they did not get a good adjustment
wind speed, ambient temperature, relative humidity, surface roughness for large-scale obstructed tests probably because the release of LNG
and atmospheric stability) (Table 1), then modeled the scenarios with could not be well characterized with the model. Hanna et al. (2004),
DEGADIS considering a steady-state release. They estimated the con- Middha et al. (2009, 2010) and Ichard et al. (2018) considered they had
tour of the visible cloud by considering the condensation of atmo- achieved acceptable results. Most of the validations reported followed
spheric humidity. When the surrounding air temperature reached the the guides of Ivings et al. (2007, 2016) for the quantitative evaluation
dew point temperature (Tdewpoint ) (dependent on the ambient tempera- of the performance of the model.
ture (T ) and relative humidity (RH )), it was assumed that condensation In 2010 the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
took place and a boundary for the visible cloud could be set. Tdewpoint can from the US (PHMSA, 2010) required the calculation of additional
be calculated as shown in Eq. 2 (Bosen, 1958). statistical performance measures (SPMs) in addition to those specified
in the LNG Model Evaluation Protocol (MEP) (Ivings et al., 2007). One
RH 0.125
Tdewpoint = ⎡ ⎤ ·[112 + 0.9·T ] + 0.1·T − 112 of these additional SPMs is the Distance Safety Factor to the Lower
⎣ 100 ⎦ (2)
Flammability Limit, computed as shown in Eq. (3) and abbreviated here
where: as DSFLFL _MEP to avoid confusion with the Dispersion Safety Factor
Tdewpoint : Dew point temperature [°C] defined in Eq. 1. This metric compares the predicted distance to the LFL
T : Ambient temperature [°C] ( x p, LFL ) with the measured distance to the LFL ( x m, LFL ).
RH : Relative humidity [%] x p, LFL
An output file with temperature data of the surrounding air (Tm ) as a DSFLFL _MEP =
x m, LFL (3)
function of the downwind distance was obtained from DEGADIS si-
mulations and these data were used to set XVIS according to the con- Recent works of dispersion models validation already incorporate
dition: Tm = Tdewpoint . DEGADIS simulations gave also an output file of DSFLFL _MEP values. For example, Witlox et al. (2013) report values for
the gas concentration as a function of the downwind distance, so these PHAST model, and US DOT (2011) include values for FLACS model.
data were used to establish XLFL . Values reported by US DOT (2011) indicate that FLACS shows good
Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014) considered only two wind speed values agreement for DSFLFL _MEP with the exception of obstructed field tests
in their experimental design (2 and 10 m/s; see Table 1). They pre- from the Falcon trials (see Brown et al. (1990) to get a comprehensive
sented two expressions for each fuel and pointed out that one of them description of the tests).
was specific for low wind velocities (uw ≤ 2 m/s). The other model was Although several studies suggest that FLACS can be considered a
identified as the most conservative one because data used to obtain the suitable model to accurately simulate the dispersion of gases, to the best
regression equation were filtered by considering the highest values of of the authors’ knowledge, there is no information available in the lit-
DSF data due to the scattering in the low RH range. erature on quantitative values of statistical performance measures for
Although it is interesting to easily model the DSF, the selection the visible cloud length. Therefore, since this is a key parameter for the
criterion used to establish significant data for each set was somehow calculation of the Dispersion Safety Factor as defined in Eq. (1), first of
arbitrary, and the statistical analysis performed by these authors was all we have used several field-scale experiments to validate the use of
also limited. For example, they could not study in detail the influence of FLACS to determine the visible cloud length. Afterwards an analysis of
wind velocity because only two values were taken into consideration. significance has been performed to check which of the input variables
This paper provides new DSF expressions for vapor cloud disper- used to define the release scenario (i.e. pool leakage rate, ambient
sions of LNG (i.e. 95% methane and 5% ethane) and refrigerated pro- temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity) are significant for
pane in the context of a hazardous scenario where there is a spreading the DSF value. Finally, two DSF values per fuel have been modeled
and evaporating pool. Furthermore, two DSF values are presented per (DSF, DSF50) considering, according to the previous results, only sig-
fuel: (1) DSF, based on LFL concentrations; (2) DSF50, based on 50% nificant and easily measurable variables (i.e. relative humidity and
LFL concentrations. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool has wind velocity). A comparison of our results against those from other
been used to estimate downwind distances included in DSF definition. authors has been included too.
This paper aims to contribute to improving emergency response and
1.3. Ability of FLACS to simulate gases dispersion safety analysis at liquefied flammable gas facilities when NG or re-
frigerated propane are released and originate a pool. Decision-makers
We have used a CFD code, the Flame Acceleration Simulator have a more accurate tool to establish a LOC area based on the visible
(FLACS) (v.10.4), to gather information about XLFL and XVIS needed to extent of the vapor cloud and the value of the DSF, which is dependent
compute Dispersion Safety Factors according to Eq. 1. Several authors on two atmospheric variables.
have already studied the ability of FLACS to simulate the transport and
the turbulent dispersion of gases or aerosols after they are released into 2. Methodology
the atmosphere. For instance, Hanna et al. (2004) evaluated the FLACS
model performance for different obstructed field experiments (Kit Fox, 2.1. FLACS evaluation
MUST, and Prairie Grass) and wind tunnel data from an L-shaped
building involving tracer gas releases (see Hanna et al. (2004) for de- The FLACS dispersion model is a commercial CFD product limited to
tails about these tests). Hansen et al. (2010) studied LNG leaks com- modeling single-phase (gaseous) flow. Therefore, the FLACS software
paring the data obtained in several large-scale field tests and wind- package contains a pool spread sub-model that predicts the spread of,
tunnel tests with their simulations. More specifically, they analyzed the and evaporation from, a flammable liquid (US DOT, 2011). In this
entire set of 33 experiments included in the “Validation database for paper this sub-model has been used to simulate target scenarios.
evaluating vapor dispersion models for safety analysis of LNG facilities” Specific experiments have been selected from the literature ac-
(Coldrick et al, 2009). Middha et al. (2009, 2010) studied the dispersion cording to the availability of visible cloud length values or the possi-
and explosion of hydrogen jet releases and Ichard et al. (2018) reported bility to estimate this metric based on photographs. One test (Burro 8)

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

Table 2
Input data used in FLACS validation tests.
Test Burro 8 Maplin 27 Maplin 29 Maplin 39 Maplin 43 Maplin 56


Ambient temperature [K] 306.1 287.58 289.8 289.85 290 284.59
Wind velocity [m/s] 1.8 5.5 7.4 4.1 5.5 5.1
Relative humidity [%] 4.7 57 52 63 70 83
Pasquill atmospheric stability class D D D D D D
Pool ground Water Water Water Water Water Water
Pool leakage rate [kg/s] 113.3 22.6 29 33.2 19.2 17.7
Duration [s] 107 160 225 60 330 80

of the Burro trials performed by Lawrence Livermore National Table 4

Laboratory in 1980 and 1981 (Morgan et al., 1984), and 5 tests (Maplin Input variables used in all the simulations.
27, 29, 39, 56, 43) of the Maplin Sands trials performed by Shell Re- Variable Unit Value
search in 1980 (Puttock et al., 1982; Colenbrander and Puttock, 1983)
have been used. In the simulations we have used the input data pre- Pasquill atmospheric stability class – D
Radius of leakage area m 5
sented in Table 2. The sea temperature was assumed to be 283 K, lower
Type of soil – Rural*
than the ambient temperature in all tests. Solar radiation W·m−2 250
The simulation volume domain extended 10 m in the z-direction Ground temperature K 283
(from the ground level) for all field tests. In the x- and y-directions, the Surface roughness over the pool m 0.005
distances varied depending on the field test to be simulated; they ex-
tended between 80 and 400 m in the x-direction, and between 500 and * At present it is the only option available in FLACS.
1050 m in the y-direction.
Ideally, FLACS evaluation experiments should cover a wide range of Stokes (RANS) turbulence model (Gexcon, 2018).
conditions: different release sizes, wind speeds, humidity, atmospheric A radius of 5 m for the leakage area was set following best practice
stability, solar insolation, ground surface conditions etc. However, as guidelines included in the FLACS User’s Manual (Gexcon, 2018) to get a
shown in Table 2, all the selected experiments were conducted over circular shape for the spill. The type of soil was fixed as rural (the only
water in Pasquill class D conditions. This implies that there is some option available in FLACS at present). A moderate value for solar ra-
uncertainty as a result, but this is the best we could do given the limited diation (250 W·m−2) was set, the ground temperature was set at 283 K
data (photographs plus measured concentrations) available on large- and the surface roughness over the pool was set at 0.005 m (default
scale LNG releases. value in FLACS).

2.2. Dispersion Safety Factor: Experimental framework 2.2.2. Simulations configuration

A constant release period starting 5 s after the beginning of the si-
2.2.1. Experimental design mulation was defined with a duration of 30 s. This starting time was
We used the FLACS simulator to study LNG and refrigerated pro- chosen so that a well-established wind field could be reached, according
pane vapor clouds dispersions of evaporated fuel from pools in the open to the FLACS User’s Manual (Gexcon, 2018). After the constant release
atmosphere. We established a general full factorial design and 4 factors period, a linear decrease in the release rate during the next 1 s was
(pool leakage rate, ambient temperature, wind velocity and relative defined, simulating an almost instantaneous closure of the fuel supply
humidity) were considered. The different levels assigned to each factor (Fig. 1). Two levels of constant pool leakage rate were selected: 15 and
are specified in Table 3. 120 kg/s, similar to the minimum and maximum values of the simu-
The dispersion runs simulated included all combinations of the lated field tests used to validate FLACS (see Table 2).
different factor levels from Table 3 except for the relative humidity, i.e.
we simulated with FLACS 2·2·6 = 24 dispersion scenarios per fuel.
Relative humidity levels were employed afterwards for dewpoint tem-
perature calculations. Therefore, a total of 336 (=14·24) results of DSF
could be calculated a priori per fuel.
Other main variables set in the simulations are presented in Table 4.
A neutral atmospheric stability (Pasquill class D) was considered.
Vílchez et al. (2013) had previously observed that the atmospheric
stability was not a significant factor affecting the DSF value. Once the
Pasquill class is chosen, FLACS automatically creates profiles for velo-
cities and turbulence parameters at the boundaries where there is an
external wind field. FLACS considers the Reynolds Averaged Navier-

Table 3
Factors and levels considered in the experimental design.
Factor Unit Levels

Pool leakage rate kg·s 15, 120
Ambient temperature ˚C 5, 40
Wind velocity m·s−1 2, 4.5, 7, 10, 15, 25
Relative humidity % 4.9 (LNG)/3.5 (propane), 5, 5.5, 10, 20, 30, 40,
50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 99, 100
Fig. 1. Simulated time-dependent pool leakage rates.

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

The simulation domain was discretized using a Cartesian grid with equal to 50%.
an orthogonal base x, y and z; where the x-direction was parallel to the To establish XLFL we used the same procedure as with XVIS , i.e. we
wind direction, y-direction was horizontal and z-direction was vertical. determined the maximum downwind length at the lowest possible
The simulation volume domain extended 910 m in the x-direction height (0.06 m) that 35 s after the beginning of the simulation had an
(10 m before the release point (x = 0 m) and 900 m after the release ERLFL equal to 100% or 50%, depending on the DSF value of interest
point), 160 m in the y-direction (centered at the release point) and 10 m (see Fig. 3 for an example).
in the z-direction (from the ground level). The simulation domain was
set using a grid with a core region and a refined region near the release 2.3. Statistical analyses
point. Grid cells of 1 m × 0.5 m × 0.13 m were used near the release
point. Then the grid resolution was smoothly increased to a coarse grid FLACS model performance to estimate visible cloud length was
resolution of 66.7 m × 6.14 m × 1.54 m (LNG) and evaluated using the FAC2 indicator, which shows whether the simu-
51.94 m × 6.14 m × 1.53 m (propane) in order to save computational lated values are within a factor of 2 of the experimental data. For ex-
time. We followed guidelines provided in the FLACS User Guide to ample, if we consider the XVIS variable we are evaluating if the ratio
minimize grid-dependence. shown in Eq. 2 falls within these two limits:
A wind boundary condition for the outer boundaries of the simu-
lation domain was defined at the upper and lower boundaries of the y- 1
≤ XVISexperimental/XVISFLACS ≤ 2
direction (parallel boundaries). For the x-direction, a wind boundary 2 (2)
condition was set at the lower boundary (inflow) and a nozzle condition This factor is commonly used for CFD validation purposes (e.g.
was set at the upper boundary (outflow). For the z-direction, a wind Hanna et al., 2004; Ivings et al., 2007; Coldrick et al., 2009, Ivings
boundary condition was set at the upper boundary (parallel boundary) et al., 2013; Schleder et al., 2015).
and a nozzle condition was set at the lower boundary together with a Other statistical analyses were performed using the Minitab® soft-
wall (ground). All these conditions were set according to the best ware. We generated main effects plots and matrices of interaction plots
practice guidelines included in the User’s Manual of the FLACS software to check which factors, among those included in the experimental de-
(Gexcon, 2018). sign, were significant in the DSF model.
DSF data were fitted with a quadratic model to allow for the de-
2.2.3. Criteria used to set XVIS and XLFL tection of curvature in the response surface. To better understand the
The two terms included in the definition of DSF, XVIS and XLFL , were effect of the significant factors, contour plots of modelled DSF versus
determined following similar procedures. the significant factors were plotted.
To obtain XVIS we used Eq. 2 to calculate the dew point temperature
given the ambient temperature and the relative humidity. Once the dew 3. Results and discussion
point temperature was set, XVIS was defined as the maximum downwind
length that had a temperature equal to the calculated dew point tem- 3.1. FLACS validation
perature at the lowest available height (0.06 m; half the height of the
cells on the ground) and 35 s after the beginning of the simulation Pool tests simulated to validate FLACS model were from Maplin
period (see Fig. 2 for an example). A characteristic time of 35 s was set Sands (Maplin 27, 29, 39, 56, 43) (Blackmore et al., 1982) and Burro
because we considered it would be operational and representative of series (Burro 8) (Koopman et al., 1982).
the instant when the leakage would stop. Fig. 4 shows the relation between XVIS data measured in the ex-
We used the output variable ERLFL of FLACS to establish XLFL . This periments or estimated according to photographs (Vílchez et al., 2013),
output variable denotes a fuel concentration measure, but it gives this and data obtained in the simulations. All available data fits in a factor of
measure compared to the LFL concentration. Thus, when calculating 2, indicating a relatively good agreement between simulations and
DSF values we were interested in ERLFL values equal to 100%. experiments. Thus, we can conclude that the use of FLACS to determine
However, when calculating DSF50 we were interested in ERLFL values visible downwind lengths is suitable for pool vaporization and cloud

Fig. 2. Example of temperature contour plot obtained with FLACS to extract XVIS (242 K was calculated to be the dewpoint temperature corresponding to the ambient
conditions of the test). XVIS = 52.18 m.

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

Fig. 3. Example of contour plot obtained with FLACS to retrieve XLFL . XLFL = 55.47 m.

dispersion scenarios. XVIS = 793.9 m). This is probably due to the difference in the boiling
temperature of both fuels (111.7 K for methane and 231 K for propane
3.2. Variability of the visible and LFL distances, and the dispersion Safety at normal conditions). The fuel increases its temperature after being
factor vaporized at the expense, to a certain level, of the condensation of
water from the environment. So, since the difference between boiling
Boxplots are presented in Fig. 5 to show the variability of the values temperature and ambient temperature is larger in LNG than in propane,
obtained for the different distances required to compute the two DSF LNG visible clouds extend longer than propane clouds.
values included in this paper (i.e. DSF and DSF50). The medians for the The boxplots from Fig. 6 show the variability of the DSF values
two LFL distances (50%, 100%) show a reasonable tendency, i.e. lower obtained for both fuels and Table 5 shows mean and median values. The
XLFL values were observed over a higher LOC concentration value. The distribution of this metric is clearly skewed to the right (see in Table 5
variability of the visible distance is quite similar for both fuels, showing that all median values are lower than mean values); so, DSF values
in both cases a skewed distribution. Similar median XVIS values (59.4 m lower than median values are closer together than DSF values higher
and 58.11 m for LNG and propane, respectively) were observed al- than median values. Median values were close to 1 in all cases (range of
though larger XVIS values were obtained for LNG (maximum median values: 1.02–1.32) and, as expected according to the definition

Fig. 4. Comparison between the downwind length of visible vapor cloud experimentally obtained and that established performing FLACS simulations. Six field
experiments were tested (Maplin 27, 29, 39, 56, 43, Burro 8). FAC2 confidence limits are indicated as red dashed lines.

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

Fig. 5. Boxplots of visible length and maximum downwind lengths to the 100% and 50% LFL concentration estimated after FLACS simulations for: a) LNG; b)

of the DSF shown in Eq. 1, DSF median (and mean) values increase as Table 5
the LOC concentration decreases. Larger DSF and DSF50 values were Median (mean) values of DSF, DSF50 [-] according to the type of fuel.
computed for propane than for LNG probably due to the differences in DSF value Fuel
the visible distance. LNG Propane

DSF 1.02 (1.41) 1.14 (1.85)

DSF50 1.18 (2.22) 1.32 (2.83)
3.3. Effect of the different factors for DSF

A sensitivity analysis was done to determine the factors that sig- 3.3.2. Propane
nificantly affect the value of DSF. The results are presented in the form According to the main effects plot shown in Fig. 9, relative humidity
of main and interaction effects plots. and wind velocity are also the most significant factors for propane DSF
values under the conditions tested in this paper.
In the case of propane the interaction between wind velocity and
3.3.1. Lng relative humidity is more difficult to observe. We have to consider that
As it is shown in Fig. 7, for LNG the most significant factors in the values obtained for the DSF cover a wide interval (see the lower most
value of DSF are the relative humidity and the wind velocity. Note that subplot in Fig. 10; y-axis range: 0–16) and that the visible length could
the main effects subplots for pool leakage rate and ambient temperature not be calculated in 56 instances (17% of the total scenarios considered
factors show almost horizontal lines, thus both levels of the factors for this fuel) because dew point temperatures calculated to determine
affect the DSF in the same way. Nevertheless, main effects are present XVIS were lower than those obtained in the simulation. This situation
for wind velocity and relative humidity, because both lines are not was observed mainly for the combinations that included a high leakage
horizontal. The magnitude of the RH effect is greater than the wind rate (120 kg·s−1; 77% of the affected cases), medium-to-high wind
effect since the slope of the line is steeper. velocities (> 7 m/s; 80% of the affected cases) and low relative hu-
Fig. 8 indicates an interaction between wind velocity and relative midity (< 20%; 82% of the affected cases). The reason why we ob-
humidity, because wind velocity lines in the lower most subplot are not tained these results could be because a visible cloud would not be ob-
parallel to each other. However, this interaction is only present for RH served under these conditions or because the grid was too coarse to
values that are within the range 10–50%. Out of this range wind ve- observe the closest points to the release point, where the temperature
locity lines are quite parallel. Then, within the 10–50% RH range, wind would be the lowest one. Because of this fact, in the low RH interval
velocities ≥ 7 m/s give the highest DSF values and depend on the RH (< 20%) data means plotted in Fig. 10 may include only 1 out of 4
value, whereas wind velocities < 7 m/s give similar DSF values over possible DSF values, so the behavior of the data shown in this interval
the complete RH range of analysis.

Fig. 6. Boxplots of DSF and DSF50 for: a) LNG; b) Propane. DSF = DSF50 = 1 is indicated as a vertical dashed red line.

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

Fig. 7. Main effects plot of different factors (leakage rate, ambient temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity (RH)) for DSF in LNG pool dispersions. The
reference line represents the overall mean.

will not be discussed due to the small amount of data. A mesh refine- by several authors (e.g. Liu et al., 2019) and ambient humidity has been
ment study would be valuable to determine if this problem could be found to enhance cloud buoyancy due to heat release by the con-
solved. densation and solidification of water.
We do therefore base our plot analysis only on the RH interval be- In the present work ambient humidity was not modelled in the
tween 20 and 100%. Within this range, wind velocity lines are not dispersion simulations and the predicted temperature field was used to
parallel up to an RH value of 70%. So, within the 20–70% RH range assess condensation through an empirical formula (Eq. 2). However, to
wind velocities ≥ 7 m/s give the highest DSF values and a high take into account phase transition of water vapour, relative humidity in
variability, whereas wind velocities < 7 m/s give similar DSF values air can be specified in fact in the pool model implemented in FLACS
over the complete RH range of analysis. through a string line in the scenario file (Gexcon, 2018). We have
performed a sensitivity analysis to quantify the relative importance of
3.4. Sensitivity analysis of ambient relative humidity input for DSF values the inclusion of this string on the final results for DSF.
According to the results presented in Table 6, there are little dif-
The effect of humidity on vapor clouds dispersion has been studied ferences in DSF values. Moreover, differences could be assumed as part

Fig. 8. Interaction plots of different factors (leakage rate, ambient temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity (RH)) for DSF in LNG pool dispersions.

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

Fig. 9. Main effects plot of different factors for DSF in propane pool dispersions. The reference line represents the overall mean.

of the uncertainty associated with the predictions and the estimation of shown in section 3.3, DSF is essentially dependent on the relative hu-
distances. midity (RH ) and the wind velocity (u w ), so depending on the type of
The simplification considered in this work is qualitatively in fuel (LNG or propane), the expressions presented in Tables 7 and 8 were
agreement with the results from Liu et al. (2019). They observed, at low determined to calculate DSF factors.
wind velocities, that the downwind distance of a flammable hydrogen We used contour plots to provide a two-dimensional view of DSF
cloud did not change with increasing relative humidity (values tested: data. DSF values were displayed as a function of relative humidity and
50%, 75%, 100%) although the visible cloud did. This implies that DSF wind velocity, and similar DSF values were represented on the x-y plane
values would decrease with increasing relative humidity, in accordance by contour lines.
with our results. It is worth considering a limiting value of 1 regarding DSF values.
The scenarios where DSF is > 1 are critical in the event of an emer-
3.5. DSF and DSF50 models for LNG and propane gency because this implies that XLFL > XVIS . Under these conditions, the
use of the DSF makes sense in order to establish safety areas. On the
A multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to obtain ex- other hand, when DSF < 1 it implies that the flammable region falls
pressions that can easily be used to determine DSF and DSF50. As within the visible cloud and a safety area could be easily established by

Fig. 10. Interaction plots of different factors for DSF in propane pool dispersions.

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

Table 6
Sensitivity analysis of ambient relative humidity consideration on DSF values.
Leakage rate [m/s] Tamb [˚C] Wind velocity [m/s] Relative humidity [%] Air humidity consideration* XLFL (m) XVIS (m) DSF DSF relative difference

120 5 15 10 A posteriori 68.45 24.54 2.79 1%

A priori 67.90 24.00 2.82
120 5 2 60 A posteriori 58.40 58.54 0.99 2%
A priori 40.90 40.30 1.01

* A posteriori: Air humidity was not modelled in the dispersion simulations and the predicted temperature field was used to assess condensation through an
empirical formula dependent on relative humidity. A priori: Relative humidity in air is set in FLACS to take into account phase transition of the water vapour.

Table 7 considering only the visible cloud.

DSF regression for LNG pools’ vaporization. General expression: Fig. 11 shows the relationship between DSF, relative humidity and
DSF (or DSF 50) = a + b·u w + c·RH + d·u w 2 + e·RH 2 + f ·u w·RH (Units: RH wind velocity for both fuels. It can be seen that DSF values less than 1
[%]; u w [m·s−1]). Overall applicability range: u w 2–25 m/s; RH 4.9–100%. are present in a wider area for LNG vapor clouds than for propane. This
Coefficients DSF DSF50 indicates that special caution has to be paid with vapor clouds of pro-
pane because ambient conditions under which the flammable cloud will
a 1.7102 1.662 expand beyond the visible cloud are more abundant. However, ac-
b 0.1847 0.4779
c −0.04135 −0.06737
cording to our results, it seems that under ambient conditions typically
d −0.003436 −0.009565 observed in temperate regions (60–70% RH, and 2 m/s wind velocity)
e 0.000304 0.000532 both fuels will present DSF values lower than 1. Blackmore et al. (1982)
f −0.001460 −0.002919 qualitatively observed similar results for LNG and propane; they stated
Std. Dev. ± 0.46 ± 0.91
that the downwind visible edge of LNG clouds extended beyond the
R-sq (adj.) 83.47% 81.41%
position where the gas had diluted below the flammable concentration,
and the opposite was found for propane plume.
Table 8 Fig. 12 shows the relation of DSF50 with RH and wind velocity for
DSF regression for propane pools’ vaporization. General expression: LNG and propane. In the calculation of DSF50 only XLFL varied ac-
DSF (or DSF 50) = a + b·u w + c·RH + d·u w 2 + e·RH 2 + f ·u w·RH (Units: RH cording to the corresponding flammability level used, and XVIS took the
[%]; u w [m·s−1]). Overall applicability range: u w 2–25 m/s; RH 20–100%. same values used for DSF calculation. Thus, by definition, greater DSF
values have to be achieved as the flammability level decreases. This is
Coefficients DSF* DSF50
shown in both figures; note that, in comparison with the results ob-
a 3.237 3.746 tained for DSF, DSF50 values less than 1 cover a smaller area of the
b 0.3451 0.8616 plots and the area associated with high DSF50 values (e.g. > 6) in-
c −0.0742 −0.1162
creases as the flammability level decreases. This is because DSF50 is a
d −0.004176 −0.01396
e 0.000469 0.000747 more conservative option than DSF.
f −0.002750 −0.005359
Std. Dev. ± 0.75 ± 1.85
R-sq (adj.) 75.04% 64.27% 3.6. Comparison of DSF models
* To improve regression results 5 data points (7 m/s; 30–70% RH) were
excluded; they had very large residuals.
In this section we compare the results obtained in this work for DSF
against those obtained by Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014). As it was pre-
viously mentioned, the experimental design performed by the former
authors included only two levels for the wind velocity factor (2 and
10 m/s). This limited their analysis because the behavior of the DSF

Fig. 11. Contour plots of DSF against relative humidity and wind velocity for pool vapor clouds of: a) LNG; b) Propane. The RH interval in b) begins at 20% RH due to
missing data in the low range (RH < 20%). The model predicts values < 0 in the white region (not applicable).

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

Fig. 12. Contour plots of DSF50 against relative humidity and wind velocity for pool vapor clouds of: a) LNG; b) Propane. The RH interval in b) begins at 20% RH due
to missing data in the low range (RH < 20%). The model predicts values < 0 in the white region (not applicable).

between these two levels and beyond 10 m/s could not be studied. be used to compare it with our calculated value.
According to our results, obtained including 6 levels for the wind ve- If we use wind velocity and relative humidity data from Table 2
locity factor, the DSF factor depends both on the RH and the wind (4.1 m/s and 63%, respectively), we can apply the coefficients from
velocity, particularly in the interval 2–10 m/s, where steeper slopes of Table 7 to the expression included in the caption of the same table to
the contours are observed (see Fig. 11). compute DSF for LNG (DSF = 0.63). Now, by multiplying the estimated
Considering only the results associated to a wind velocity of 10 m/s visible distance of the cloud (200 m; see Fig. 4) by 0.63, we get
for comparison reasons, according to Fig. 13 Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014) XLFL = 127 m. This value is in accordance with the one presented by
determined that it was possible to obtain DSF values < 1 for LNG Blackmore et al. (1982), i.e. 130 ± 20 m.
vapor clouds if the relative humidity was greater than ~ 53%, and for
propane the RH had to be greater than ~ 86%. These results are similar
4. Conclusions
to those obtained in the present work for propane, but the number is
somewhat different for LNG (~57.5%). However, differences observed
The dispersion safety factor (DSF) is a useful tool to determine
between fuels are similar, i.e. propane vapor clouds behave more cri-
safety areas in emergency situations where leaks of LNG or refrigerated
tically because under a wider range of RH values the flammable length
propane occur, and a flammable cloud is originated by the evaporation
can be beyond the visible length.
and dispersion of the fuel in a pool. DSF values less than 1 indicate that
the flammable region is located within the visible boundary of the
3.7. Exemplifying case vapor cloud. From an operational point of view, these situation would
be desirable since it would mean that the hazard is limited to the
In this subsection we will show how the Dispersion Safety Factor opaque condensed vapor cloud and does not extend longer invisibly.
would be used. We base our exemplifying case in the Maplin 39 test In this work a CFD tool (FLACS software) has been used to de-
because we have all the information needed available. For Maplin 39 termine DSF factors. A simplification has been assumed, i.e. ambient
test we could estimate XVIS and in the literature there is the corre- humidity has not been modelled in the dispersion simulations and the
sponding experimental XLFL value (Blackmore et al., 1982), which will predicted temperature field has been used to assess condensation

Fig. 13. DSF against relative humidity at wind velocity according to the expressions obtained in this work at a wind velocity of 10 m/s and using the most
conservative models from Vílchez et al. (2013, 2014): a) LNG; b) Propane. Dashed red lines indicate the RH level associated with a DSF = 1.

A. Àgueda, et al. Safety Science 128 (2020) 104748

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