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Short Report Ann Clin Biochem 1997; 34: 106-108

Six alternative methods to the lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio

in amniotic fluid for assessing fetal lung maturity
B A Dilena ', F Ku 2, I Doyle- and M J Whiting!
From the Departments of I Biochemistry & Chemical Pathology and 3Human Physiology, Flinders
Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia 5042, and 2Department of Chemical Pathology,
Women's and Children's Hospital, North Adelaide, South Australia 5006, Australia

Additional key phrases: fluorescence polarization; amniocentesis. Gestational ages, which were
lamellar bodies; lung surfactant apoproteins estimated by obstetric clinical parameters,
ranged from 28 to 38 weeks. Four specimens
During the last trimester of human fetal which contained blood or meconium were
gestation, lung surfactant is synthesized and discarded. The remaining 40 specimens were
secreted into the alveolar space, and becomes analysed by a panel of tests, with the exception
detectable in amniotic fluid. Pulmonary surfact- of the L/S ratio, which was determined in only
ant is composed of phospholipids, neutral lipids 31 specimens due to limited specimen volume.
including cholesterol, and specific apoproteins, The performance details of the tests are as
and functions to lower surface tension and follows.
facilitate gas exchange in the lung. A deficiency Lecithin to sphingomyelin (L/S) ratios were
of surfactant is associated with respiratory determined using the Fetal-Tek 200 kit (Helena
distress syndrome, which can be life-threatening Laboratories, Beaumont, Texas, USA), based
in premature infants. on the technique of Gluck et al,' The inter-assay
As a test for fetal lung maturity, the most coefficient of variation was 8·3% at a L/S ratio
widely accepted method remains the analysis of of 1·8, and 8·6% at a L/S ratio of 2·9.
amniotic fluid for surfactant-derived lecithin Fluorescence polarization measurements were
expressed as a ratio to sphingomyelin. 1 This tes~ done on an Abbott TDx FLX instrument
has a high sensitivity and specificity, but (Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, USA), using
employs thin-layer chromatography which is the unit dose technique." The assay measures the
laborious and time-consuming. The potential surfactant/albumin ratio after the partitioning of
exists to estimate other components of lung a fluorescent dye between these two components
surfactant in amniotic fluid, such as the in amniotic fluid. The coefficients of variation at
apoprotein, fatty acid or phospholipid compon- ratios of 30,50 and 100mg/g were 6,7%,5·0%
ents, or to measure physical properties of and 2'5%, respectively. Lamellar body counts
surfactant-containing lamellar bodies, such as were assessed on uncentrifuged fluid using the
their number or size. The aim of this study was platelet channel of a Coulter Counter Model JS,
to examine six methods as more practical as described by Fakhoury et al.' The coefficient
alternatives to the lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) of variation at a count of 100000 particles/ul,
ratio for the estimation of fetal lung maturity was 4·0%. Differential light scattering measure-
from the analysis of amniotic fluid. In keeping ments were done by the technique of Dubin,"
with current trends in clinical laboratory using a Shimadzu UV-160 double beam spectro-
practice, of particular interest were methods photometer (Shimadzu Corporation, Tokyo,
that could be automated and/or took less than Japan). At an absorbance reading of 0'056, the
1 h to produce a result. coefficient of variations was < 4·0%. Surfactant
Forty-four amniotic fluid specimens received apoproteins A and B were assayed on uncen-
by two Adelaide hospitals (Queen Victoria trifuged amniotic fluid by an ELISA method
Maternity Hospital and the Flinders Medical using microtitre plates and specific polyclonal
Centre) over a I year period were entered into rabbit antibodies directed against purified
the study. Each of the samples was obtained human lung surfactant apoproteins A and B.5
from an individual patient by transabdominal The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of varia-
tion were 6·6% and 9·9% for apo-A and 6·0%
Correspondence Dr MJ Whiting. and 8·6% for apo-B, respectively. Samples for

Fetal lung maturity 107

palmitic acid measurement were centrifuged at immature samples, as defined by a L/S ratio
1500 x g for 10 min, before analysis by the :S::;2·0, with sensitivities between 90% to 100%.
method of Warren et al" using gas-liquid The specificity or ability to reliably detect a
chromatography. The coefficient of variation at mature sample was much less, and varied
a palmitate concentration of 0·07 mrnol/L was between 50% and 81%. The TDx assay showed
14%. Whenever possible fresh specimens were the best discrimination, with a sensitivity of
used, but some specimens were stored at - 20°C 100% and a specificity of 81%. Using this assay,
for batch analysis. Statistical comparison of all samples of less than 34 weeks' gestation were
means was by an unpaired t-test, while regres- immature. Specimens judged mature by the L/S
sion equations and correlation coefficients were ratio often gave low results with many of the
calculated by the method of least squares with a other tests. This resulted in all tests having
Statview version 4·5 statistics package. higher predictive values for lung maturity than
All methods were significantly correlated for immaturity.
(P < 0·00 I) with the L/S ratio, and correlation Of the six methods investigated, the closest
coefficients, as determined by linear regression agreement to the L/S ratio was obtained with the
analysis, ranged from 0·93 for TDx to 0·65 for fluorescence polarization assay, which is avail-
palmitate. Due to time differences between the able commercially. This automated assay has
performance of the test and delivery, and the low undergone a multicentre evaluation and was
incidence of respiratory distress syndrome, it found to have a high sensitivity and specificity
was not possible to analyse the data in terms of similar to the L/S ratio, using a cut-off for
clinical outcome. Therefore, fetal lung maturity maturity set at a surfactant/albumin ratio of
was assigned on the basis of the L/S ratio, with a 50 mg/g.? Another recent report on the clinical
L/S ratio> 2·0 indicating maturity and :s::; 2·0 utility of the TDx assay concluded that
indicating immaturity. Mean (SO) values were compared to the L/S ratio, a foam stability
determined for each of the six tests for mature index, and the presence of phosphatidylglycerol
and immature groups, and the tests were ranked in over 100 amniotic fluid samples, the TDx
in order of the statistical significance of the assay had superior predictive values for im-
difference between the group means, as shown in maturity and maturity." The findings of the
Table I. The TDx fluorescence polarization present study are consistent with these reports.v?
assay showed the greatest difference between The TDx assay is easily done in 30 min,
immature and mature groups. Highly significant although some difficulty was experienced with
differences were also observed for lamellar body sampling of reagent from the unit dose cartridge
counts, light scatter and surfactant apoprotein supplied as part of the TDx FLM kit. When
B, but the difference between mean palmitate insufficient reagent was sampled by the instru-
concentrations of amniotic fluid in the two ment, the specimen was lost and another
groups was of borderline statistical significance. cartridge was required, leading to increased cost
Using the cut-off values shown in Table I, which of the test. This problem has now been
were selected to maximize the discrimination addressed by the manufacturer with the intro-
between mature and immature groups, the duction of batch reagents (FLM II).8
sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative Two simple and rapid methods for the
predictive values of each test were determined. evaluation of fetal lung maturity relate to
All tests were highly sensitive in detecting quantifying the lamellar bodies which contain

TABLE 1. Comparison of the mean (SD) for six fetal lung maturity tests in immature (L/S ratio ~2'O; n = 15) and
mature (L/S ratio> 2·(); n = 16) groups, ranked in order ofstatistical significance of the difference between the means.
A cut-off value selected to discriminate between mature and immature groups is also shown

Biochemical test Units Immature Mature P-Value Cut-ofT

Fluorescence polarization (mg/g) 26 (14) 93 (51) <0.0001 60

Lamellar body count (no/nl.) 16·6 (18'0) 74·8 (49'8) 0.0029 30
Light scatter (Abs) 0·011 (0'016) 0·14 (0'15) 0.0038 0.035
Surfactant apoprotein B (mgjL) \7·7 (8'7) 62·6 (56'5) 0.0068 35
Surfactant apoprotien A (rng/L) 1·1 (0'4) 3·1 (3'1) 0.0256 1.5
Palmitate (mmo1jL) 0·04 (0'02) 0·12 (0'16) 0.0523 0.07

Ann Clin Biochem 1997: 34

108 Dilena et al.

surfactant. In laboratories with access to of fetal lung maturity, alternative methods

haematology equipment, passage of amniotic which are highly correlated to the LIS ratio,
fluid through a Coulter counter set for platelet are now available. These newer methods include
size gives an estimate of lamellar body number fluorescence polarization or a test of lamellar
per microlitre of fluid. In the present study, good body concentration and have the distinct
agreement was found between lamellar body advantage of reduced labour and short turn-
concentration determined by counting and the around time of less than one hour. Studies with
LIS ratio. The cut-ofT value for deciding on lung large numbers of patients are required to assess
maturity depends on whether amniotic fluid is whether these tests are better predictors of
centrifuged prior to counting. Another rapid respiratory distress syndrome.
method which measures lamellar body concen-
tration is differential light scattering. The
difference in optical absorbance at 650 nm REFERENCES
between amniotic fluid diluted with distilled
Gluck L, Kulovich MV, Borer RC, Brenner PH,
water or glycerol is measured, thus removing Anderson GG, Spellacy WN. Diagnosis of the
interference from absorbing chrornogens." Both respiratory distress syndrome by amniocentesis.
lamellar body counting and light scattering were Am J Obstet Gynecol 1971; 109: 440--5
highly correlated with the LIS ratio, and with 2 Russell lC, Cooper CM, Ketchum CH, Torday IS,
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evaluation of TDx test for assessing fetal lung
speed of their determination make these attrac-
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tive tests for the routine laboratory. 3 Fakhoury G, Daikoku NH, Benser 1, Dubin NH.
Although much attention has centred on the Lamellar body concentrations and the prediction of
phospholipid components of pulmonary sur- fetal pulmonary maturity. Am J Obstet Gynecol
factant, the protein and lipid components of 1994; 170: 72-6
surfactant may not develop in synchrony, and 4 Dubin SB. Determination of lamellar body size,
number density and concentration by dilTerential
measurement of surfactant apoproteins could
light scattering from amniotic fluid: physical sig-
prove valuable. In contrast to the belief that nificance of A650. C/in Chem 1988; 34: 938-43
apoprotein A is the major surfactant-associated 5 Yogalingam G, Doyle IR, Power IHT. Expression
protein, our data suggest that surfactant and distribution of surfactant proteins and lysozyme
apoprotein B concentrations in amniotic fluids after prolonged hyperpnea. Am J Physiol 1996; 270:
are much higher than previously realized. The L32D-301
6 Warren C, Holton IB, Allen IT. A method of
fact that our apoprotein B assay used EDTA
assessing amniotic fluid lecithin concentrations and
and detergents to dissociate and solubilize predicting foetal lung maturing by estimating total
proteins from surfactant components' could palmitic acid concentrations using GLC. Ann Clin
explain the increased concentrations obtained Biochem 1974; 11: 31-5
when compared to a previous study.? A practical 7 Herbert WNP, Chapman IF, Schnoor MM. Role of
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surfactant apoprotein B observed in mature 8 Moxness M, Lawson G, O'Brien 1, Burritt M.
amniotic fluids is that it may be possible to Assessment of fetal lung maturity by the Abbott
develop a rapid automated nephelometric assay FLM II assay and three other methods. Clin Chem
for its determination. Our results suggest that 1995; 41: S95
surfactant apoprotein B deserves further exam- 9 Pryhuber GS, Hull WM, Fink I, McMahan Ml,
ination as an easily measured marker for fetal Whitsett lA. Ontogeny of surfactant proteins A and
B in human amniotic fluid as indices of fetal lung
lung maturity. maturity. Ped Res 1991; 30: 597--605
In conclusion, although the LIS ratio in
amniotic fluid remains as the most widely
accepted biochemical method for the assessment Acceptedfor publication 15 April 1996

Ann Clin Biochem 1997: 34

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