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The Politics of Aesthetics

Date May 24, 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Who Peter Alwast, Tom Melick & Dr Toni Ross
Location COFA, Cnr Oxford St & Greens Rd Paddington Lecture Theatre: EGO2

This forum addresses debates about the meaning Tom Melick has an interest in how art, community
of politics in contemporary art, and responds to and collaboration fit together. He is currently teaching
recent contributions to this topic by philosopher at COFA and is a member of Bababa International, an
of aesthetics Jacques Rancière. Rancière’s art collective based in Sydney.
account of political art rejects approaches solely
focused on the content of art works, or the Dr Toni Ross is a senior lecturer in the School of Art
cultural identity of artists. Without discounting History and Art Education at COFA. She teaches
political subject matter, he amplifies how politics and researches in the areas of aesthetics, theories
may be expressed through formal and aesthetic of photography, critical theory, contemporary art
means adopted by artists. Peter Alwast, Tom and politics, design, art and avant-garde cinema.
TAL ARTS Her recent research is focussed on political theory
Melick and Dr Toni Ross will discuss examples
of Australian and international contemporary art in contemporary art, with a particular emphasis on
that eschew overt political content and identity the currently influential thinking of aesthetics and
politics, while still engaging with The Politics of politics in the tradition of modern art developed
Aesthetics. by philosopher Jacques Rancière. Her current
research projects include a book on Rancière’s
Peter Alwast is a lecturer in the School of Art History refiguring of the politics of aesthetic modernity that
and Art Education at COFA. His conceptual practice includes cases studies of Australian and international
employs a range of media including video, computer contemporary art practices.
graphics, painting and drawing. Alwast’s video works
and drawings fold different modes and layers of
representation and invoke questions about institutions:
public space, private space, the spectator, new media
and painting. His varying approaches to media probe
the way space, both real and virtual, constructs ideas
Mauris sitsubjectivity and Cum
amet mi urna. memory.
sociis natoque penatibus
et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
Mauris sit amet mi urna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus
mus. Nulladis
et magnis vestibulum
montes,nisi, ut sollicitudin
nascetur ridiculus leo
mus. Nulla a. Aenean eget
vestibulum ipsum
lacinia nisi,idutjusto semperleo
sollicitudin molestie.
IMAGE P e t e r A l w a s t , S h wA A A ,(s t i l l ), 2 0 0 5 , d i g i t a l a n i m a t i o n , 12 m i n s .
Ut sollicitudin
adipiscing posuere
a. Aenean nisi
eget pulvinar
ipsum faucibus.
id justo semper In nec odio
Ut sollicitudin posuere nisi pulvinar faucibus. In nec odio
ipsum. Drinks Art Conversation
Etiam sit amet magna facilisis velit
Join rutrum tempus.
us for a drink Nunc
after work or study COFAspace Exhibition COFA Talks on Art, Design &
et ante sit
luctusfacilisis velit
suscipit. rutrum
Morbi ut tempus. Nunc
nibh vitae tellus Half Way House, BFA Honours Media weekly

et ante varius.
sed enim luctus suscipit. arcu
ut nibh vitae tellus

iaculis Nunc accumsan, congue vulputate,
erat varius.
ligula Nunc accumsan,
vestibulum arcu non
lectus, vitae congue
suscipit vulputate,
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erat ligulami.
vestibulum lectus, vitae semper
suscipit consectetur.
urna diam

imperdiet Curabitur porttitor
imperdiet mi. Curabitur porttitor semper consectetur.
Vestibulum volutpat, tortor at luctus gravida, diam nisl
Vestibulum volutpat, tortor at luctus gravida, diam nisl
risus, facilisis sagittis neque enim ut sem.
adipiscing risus, facilisis sagittis neque enim ut sem.
Pellentesque commodo turpis sit amet urna vestibulum
CONVERSATIONcommodo turpis sit amet urna vestibulum
mollis FROM
tortor PM
non mollis tortor semper.

IMAGE E x h i b i t o r f r o m H a l f w a y H o u s e 2 010 ,
H u g h M a r c h a n t , C o m i n g S o o n, H D V i d e o
(s t i l l ) 2 010 .

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