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Topic 8.
Lecturer: Inna Alexeeva A.
8.1. Types of Final Reports

Technical Informative
Familiar with market research. Less technical.
Methodology, justifications, sample, Clear language.
questionnaire, field work,
Simple, non ambiguous.
The goal is to INFORM.
E.g.: Government or specialized

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results
8.1. Types of Final Reports

For competent scientists of the area Mixed
included in the study.
For an organization.
The language is strict, no limits in
For a broad population.
the use of technical vocabulary.
Included in the category of
“scientific memories”.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.2. Structure of the Final Report

Basic structure:

A cover, good binding.

The title: should be autonomous and communicate the

importance of the idea.

Date, the name of the people or entities who have

commissioned and carried out the research.

Index: thematic, paginated, graphs and tables included, offering a global

vision of the contents and making the comprehension of the report

Summary/Abstract: to provide in a concise manner the sufficient

information to understand the objectives and the results of the study .

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.2. Structure of the Final Report

Additional information to include:

Explanation on: the method, participants, tools, data analysis,

results (findings) and discussion.

References: a list of all the sources consulted during the study.

Appendixes (annex): the information which is not essential to

understand the contents of the report.

Author’s notes: any supporting material, important to understand the


Tables, figures, graphs.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.2. Structure of the Final Report

Introduction: What to include?

• Basic information to understand the report


• The state-of-the-art of the topic


• Reasons of carrying out the study


• Objectives and Methodology


• Problems and justification


Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.2. Structure of the Final Report


Secondary and primary sources, interviews to experts,

sample size, questionnaires, field work, type of the
analysis, techniques, limitations.

Should be read by experts.

Should be trustful.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.2. Structure of the Final Report


The main body of the report.

Organized according to the objectives and needs of the study.

Logical temporal sequence, coherent for the readers.

Additional data may be added in appendix.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.2. Structure of the Final Report

Conclusions and Recommendations

The most consulted chapter.

Be careful with the presentation, writing, stress the

most important parts.

Important to show the reached objectives of the


Include, when necessary, recommendations.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.2. Structure of the Final Report

Annex or Appendix
It includes the tools or materials used in the process of data collection.

A presentation letter,
A copy of the Other useful data, but
contact data of the
questionnaire without comments
authors (research team)

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.2. Structure of the Final Report


Generally presented at the end f the study.

If it is short, it can be cited as footnote.

Check and write the consulted sources.

The bibliography measures the effort and upgrade level

of the researcher.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

Written + Oral Reports

A common practice of the majority of research organizations is to deliver a writing report
and do an oral presentation of the results.

The oral presentation includes the main results of the study to facilitate the reading and
comprehension of the report.

Generally visual aids are used to enhance oral presentations to achieve the best impact
(Power Point or other presentation soft, video, flip chart, interactive whiteboards, etc.)

Audiovisuals may be used to improve the presentation

Adapted from A. Fernández Nogales “Investigación y técnicas de mercado”

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation


Clear words, short phrases, avoid epithets and “flourishes”.

Austere and of fast comprehension.

Clear scheme of de sections and subsections.

Avoid personal pronouns such as “I”, “You”, “We” and so on.

Write in the impersonal way (passive, 3d persona singular): “It is recommended

that…”, “it is considered as…”

Wide space.

Comprehensive, concise and objective.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

DATA / TABLES to include

 The data that are really important and interesting together with a
short explanation of the result and a table with a summary.
 The detailed data presented in tables. Recommendable to
include tables with absolute and relative frequencies and some
other descriptive tables (media, moda, median, variance, and so
 The tables should always include a title and show measurement
units. Include a temporal reference (the period) of the data and
the consulted source.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

TABLES to include

Absolute frequencies Relative frequencies

From 0 to 15 years old 6 30%
From 16 to 64 years old 12 60%
From 65 onwards 2 10%
Total 20 100%

 Anything strange about the headings? Are they easy to


Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

TABLES to include

Nº of people Percentage regarding total

From 0 to 15 years old 6 30%
From 16 to 64 years old 12 60%
From 65 onwards 2 10%
Total 20 100%

 The headings should be easy to understand. It is better to avoid

 The percentages are better to understand.
 Heading + measurable units.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
GRAPHS to include

 A graph is a VISUAL PRESENTATION of statistics.

 It is a very efficient tool: it shows the data fast and easy facilitating its
comparability, what allows to find trends and relationship among the
different data.
 The independent variable is presented as abscissa (horizontal axis)
and the dependent variable as ordenate (vertical axis).
 Graphs are used to show:
• Comparison (larger and smaller elements),
• Changes over time (evolution of one variable),
• Distribution of frequencies, etc.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

GRAPHS to include

 It it’s recommendable to include bar charts, pie charts, etc. that illustrate
better the tables and comments.
 Graphs facilitate understanding of the contents in general.
 As for tables, a graph should include the title that explains what it
shows, the units and the consulted source.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
GRAPHS to include

 A chart, or a diagram is not always the most appropriate way to present

statistics. Sometimes a table may be much more useful, allowing to
save time and efforts.
 Some charts are more recommendable than others, it depends on the
nature of the data: of one variable, absolute, multivariable, temporal.
 The use of graphs (charts and diagrams) should be RE-CONSIDERED
when the data:
 are very scattered,
 are very few,
 present too many values,
 present little or no variation.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

GRAPHS to include – PIE charts

 PIE charts for data of ONE VARIABLE are used to represent the
proportion for each category of data.
 A pie chart is fragmented in divisions (independent segments), each of
which represents one category of data.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

GRAPHS to include – PIE charts

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
GRAPHS to include – BAR CHARTS

 Useful for TWO or MORE

 The bars may be vertical or
 In HORIZONTAL bars the text
is easier to read, it’s
recommendable when there are
many categories or the
categories’ text is large.
 Allows to compare easier the
different values when the bars
are ordered.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
GRAPHS to include – BAR CHARTS

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
GRAPHS to include – BAR CHARTS

 The vertical orientation of the bars is useful for temporal data series,
where the orientation from left to right looks similar to time line.
 Bar charts draws the reader’s attention to magnitudes in different

Bad example Good example

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
GRAPHS to include – BAR CHARTS

 STACKED bar graphs: to show and compare segments within totals.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
STACKED bar graphs

Major R&D investments by sectors, 2012. Source: OECD (2015), STI Micro-data Lab: Intellectual
Property Database.
Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results
8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
STACKED bar graphs

Standard mobile Dedicated mobile data Breakdown not available All technologies, 2010

Per 100 inhabitants








Subscriptions to mobile broadband per 100 habitants, penetration per type of technology, December 2014. Source: OECD (2015), Broadband
Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results
8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

Similar to bar graphs (used with two or more variables), when the level
of independent variables are quantitative, for example, the age.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation


 It’s a combination of two graphs with horizontal bars,

representing the structure of the population of a country or
region by gender and age.
 Traditionally men are shown on the left and women to the
 When different pyramids are needed to be compared, a
percentage of each gender group by age over the total
population instead of absolute figures should be shown.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

GRAPHS to include – LINE DIAGRAM (Data Series)

 Composed by data series

represented by points united
by line segments.
 It allows to see the change of
trend of temporal data.
 Usually used with
quantitative variables, for
example, in monthly, annual,
quarterly data series, etc.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
GRAPHS to include – LINE DIAGRAM (Data Series)

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation

GRAPHS to include – LINE DIAGRAM (Data Series)

 On the horizontal
axis (abscise) time
periods are shown
(months, years,
 On the vertical
axis (coordinates)
absolute or relative
frequencies are shown.
 The points identify a time
period according to its
frequency value.

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
GRAPHS to include – combination of TIME SERIES+BARS

Employement evolution in the informative industries in OECD countries, 1995-2013. Annual changes in percentage and in thousands of people.
Source: OECD, 2015.
Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results
8.3. Norms of the Final Report’s Presentation
The most common ERRORS

 Include percentages with few data.

 Represent scales in bar diagrams.
 Exaggerated confidence level: 0,001 or 0,20.
 Address to a wrong population (language use,
technicalities, presentation of the results in absolute terms
or in rounded figures, etc.)

Market Research. Topic 8: Final Report and Presentation of Results

This topic closes the subject of Market
Research. I expect the knowledge you
acquired during this course will be
serve you in the future.

Thank you for your attention and effort!


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