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The movie centers around Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) an American Bio-technologist,

who arrives in Berlin with Elizabeth (his wife), to attend a biotechnology submit. Upon reaching
the hotel he finds some of his luggage is missing o he takes a cab back to the airport in order to
find the missing luggage, but he meets an accident and falls off a bridge into the river. The
driver of the cab rescues him and run off from the scene. Dr. Harris is then taken to a hospital
where he finally wakes up after being in a coma for a few days. After overcoming a short period
of temporary amnesia, he soon remembers his wife and the reason of their visit to Berlin. He is
suddenly overwhelmed by a desperate need to unite with his wife, and he leaves the hospital
immediately. Upon arriving at the hotel, he confronts the security to arrange for a meeting with
his wife but to his shock, he realizes that his identity has been taken by someone else as even
his wife Elizabeth refuses or fails to recognize him. As the movie progresses it is revealed that
Martin Harris doesn't really exist and that it was a false identity assumed by Martin (whose real
name is William). William is an assassin hired to kill Bressler one of the key researchers on the
biotech summit and to steal his research on a new strain of crop that is worth billions of dollars
and may put agri-business at stake. It is then revealed that Elizabeth was his partner, and the
fake Martin was a backup in case William failed to push through with the assassination.
As I finished watching the movie my first assumption is that when William had the
accident and woke up believing and assuming his fake identity that the most probable reason is
that he was having a psychiatric issue, including hallucinations and delusions, because they are
more common after traumatic brain injury but as try to dissect how William was acting and how
his memories were all messed up I thought that my initial assumption was wrong because he
wasn’t having a hallucination and such but having a confabulation, wherein he believes that the
false identity and memories are real. Confabulation after a brain injury causes a person to
create or believe in false memories, the patient also does not grasp or realize that their
memories are inaccurate, which can lead to confusion.

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