Potentiam Gigantio: Volume 1: Imperial Heavy and Superheavy Vehicles 4 Edition

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Volume 1: Imperial Heavy and Superheavy Vehicles

4th Edition
By Konigstein (with contributions by Hawkeye), 2021

Stormblade ..................................................... 47
Contents Stormhammer ............................................... 49
............................................ 3
Gorgon Chassis ..................................................52
Patron Roll of Honour ................................. 3
Gorgon Assault Transport ........................52
Vehicle Traits ...................................................... 4
Stheno Mobile Blockhouse .......................54
Weapon Qualities ................................................ 5
Euryale Swarm Platform ............................ 56
Titanic-Scale Vehicles .......................................7
Crassus Chassis ................................................... 59
Capitol Imperialis ..........................................7
Crassus Assault Transport ......................... 59
Leviathan Command Vehicle ...................10
Praetor Assault Launcher........................... 61
Baneblade Chassis ............................................. 13
Dominus Armoured Siege Bombard ...... 63
Banehammer .................................................. 13
Crassus Rex Shock Tank............................ 65
Banelord .......................................................... 15
Macharius Chassis ............................................ 67
Banesword....................................................... 17
Macharius Heavy Tank.............................. 67
Doomblade ..................................................... 19
Macharius Vanquisher ................................ 69
Doomhammer ............................................... 22
Macharius Vulcan .........................................71
Doomlord ...................................................... 24
Macharius Omega.........................................73
Doomsword ................................................... 26
Malcador Chassis ...............................................75
Hellblade .........................................................28
Malcador Heavy Tank ................................75
Hellhammer ...................................................30
Malcador Annihilator ................................. 77
Helllord Alpha .............................................. 32
Malcador Defender..................................... 79
Helllord Beta ................................................. 35
Malcador Infernus........................................ 81
Hellsword........................................................ 37
Valdor Tank Hunter ................................... 84
Shadowblade .................................................. 39
Dracosan Armoured Transport................ 86
Shadowhammer .............................................41
................................ 87
Shadowlord .....................................................43
Stormsword ....................................................45

What’s In this Book
Patron Roll of Honour
Extraordinarily special thanks to Patrick
cannot hear me, is reversing. And as I look over M., Princess Moonbeam, exball, Travis
the top of the turret and see twelve enemy Kill LaFave, Robert Mayotte and Miss Mae for
Krushas fifty yards away, someone hands me a their support.
corpse starc patron, click the link above!
-Lt. Ken Gileus, on commanding a Baneblade
This book contains tanks and tracked
vehicles, in descending order of HUGE.
Some are canon, some are not. The non-
canon vehicles are in large part based off
, with some creative extrapolation on
our part. Volume 1 here contains everything

guard arsenal, from the Capitol Imperialis

down to the many variants on the Malcador.
Lighter vehicles will be covered in a
subsequent volume.

You may notice some vehicles, like the

Minotaur and Stormsword, are missing-
this is because they have been covered in
previous fanmade and official OW books.

Almost all of the Skitarii weaponry located

herein is based off rules created by Shas for
his Only War splatbook Mars Needs Women!
Rampage of the Nerds! Thanks for making
cool stuff Shas.
Special thanks to Akklonia for the awesome
cover art.

If you have questions, comments or

concerns, please drop me a line at
like to support my work, or just see other
Patreon or
my Paypal.

Vehicle Traits or hearing, unless it is of Size 9 or higher.
Vehicles of Size 9 gain Fear (4), while Size
Hexagrammatic Plating:
-Astropathic Transmission intercepted in the is composed of layers of armour plating and
vicinity of the Spinward Front null-psy circuitry, making it highly
Heavy: Though by no means the largest or resistant to psychic attack. Anyone within
weightiest vehicles fielded by the
Imperium, heavy vehicles are still a step up to resist direct psychic attack or
from their ordinary counterparts, and manipulation. The vehicle treats its AP on
capable of powering through most minor all facings at 10 higher when attacked with
obstructions. A vehicle with the Heavy trait Psychic Powers, and its armour still counts
halves penalties for moving through when attacked by enemies with the Warp
difficult terrain, as well as penalties from Weapons Trait.
obstacles like unstable ground, tank traps,
or ruins. Walkers with the Heavy vehicle
trait can walk over obstacles 3 meters high,
or push though thin walls, thick ground
vegetation, or small buildings without
suffering negative effect. Vehicles with the
Heavy Trait suffer from a -10 penalty to
Floor It! tests unless they also have the
Enhanced Motive Systems trait.

Large Superstructure: This vehicle is

unusually tall for its size, making it an easy
target to locate or hit. Perception-based
tests to locate it visually gain a +10 bonus,
while its To Hit Modifier from its Size trait
is increased by +5.

Rolling Thunder: This vehicle is so big it

makes the ground shake and heave, and the
sheer noise it produces in motion can
deafen lesser men. It gains the Fear (2) Trait
against any eligible enemies in line of sight

Weapon Qualities reserved for the Taghmata of Mars, Cognis
weapons feature activated machine spirits
-Archmagos Davion Bowes that actively seek out targets. The upshot of
this is that they will continue to fire
Deflagrate: Ancient Martian Volkite accurately even if their user is distracted. A
weapons fire beams of concentrated heat, weapon with this Quality never suffers a
and can cause a target to spontaneously penalty to Ballistic Skill tests worse than -
combust, crumble to ashes or simply 20.
violently explode. For every hit that
inflicted at least one Wound on an Grav-Weapon: This weapon's gravitational
opponent, resolve an additional automatic field emitter can be switched from a wide-
hit, rolling for damage as normal. These field setting to a more concentrated beam
additional hits do not inflict further hits that is significantly more destructive than
themselves. that of a traditional Graviton weapon.

Graviton Wave: These ancient weapons are When firing on a wide field, any character
repurposed gravity-manipulation tools. caught in its blast area is subject to extreme
Though not particularly deadly, their gravitational forces and must make a Very
ability to immobilize and disable the Hard (-30) Strength Test or be knocked
toughest foes make them a valuable tactical Prone. Failing the test and being thrown
onto a solid surface inflicts 1d10 points of
area is violently pressed to the floor and Impact Damage, ignoring Armour but not
must take a Very Hard ( 30) Strength Test toughness. Vehicles affected by the weapon
or be knocked Prone. Any character in this setting take 1d5-2 Critical Damage
attempting to move in the blast radius for to their Motive Systems.
the next 2d5 Rounds must first pass an
Opposed Strength Test versus Strength 60 When firing in a concentrated beam, the
each Round. Any vehicle attempting to weapon halves its Blast quality. Any target
move in the blast radius treats it as Difficult in the blast must make an Arduous (-40)
Terrain and reduces its Manoeuvrability by Strength Test, or be knocked down, taking
-10. 1d10 points of Impact damage ignoring
At the GM s discretion, the flux may armour but not Toughness. Once pinned
shatter brittle objects, collapse loose the target takes 1d10 further Impact
flooring, rupture containment vessels, damage ignoring armour every round until
damage vehicles and machinery, plus wreak the pinning ends. When used in this mode,
any other chaos deemed appropriate. the grav-weapon can sustain the attack for
2d10 Rounds, whereupon it runs out of
Cognis: A peculiar modification on energy and must be reloaded.
standard Imperial weapon patterns that is

A character knocked down by a Grav- weapon- the cone cannot point towards the
weapon attack must pass an Opposed firer.
Strength Test versus Strength 50 if the
weapon is in wide-field mode, or versus Flash (X): Whether through atomic
Strength 70 if the weapon is in discharge, focussed laser beams or
concentrated mode, to move or attempt any electromagnetic disruption, this weapon
physical action. Vehicles affected by the emits an intense burst of light when it fires
weapon in this mode automatically take or detonates. Any living thing with eyes
1d5-1 Critical Damage to their Motive
Systems. impact point must make a Routine (+20)
Toughness Test with a penalty equal to 5 x
Fleshbane: This weapon is designed
specifically to attack biological targets Blinded damage condition for the next 1d10
through the use of noxious chemicals, hours. Any creature that is explicitly light-
radiation, biological agents or other nasty sensitive reduces the base difficulty to
methods. Damage from this attack ignores Challenging (+0)
the target's Toughness Bonus, if it has one.
The target's Armour values function as

Rad-Phage: This weapon causes

debilitating radiation poisoning, leaving
those who survive its attack wracked with
sickness. If an enemy receives a wounding
hit from this weapon, they must make a
Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or suffer
2d10 Toughness Damage. If they fail the
test by more than 4 degrees, the damage is

Torrent: This weapon fires a massive

stream of fluid, hitting an enemy with a
veritable river of explosive or burning or
corrosive matter. Instead of using the firing
weapon as a point of origin, select a point

The cone must extent further than the

point of origin away from the original

Titanic-Scale Vehicles more than eight dozen twin-linked Heavy
Bolter turrets do even more damage, and
Capitol Imperialis
should they come close enough to the hull,
-Commander Ullicus Fead, moments after running
over a Khornate Tower of Skulls in his Capitol worth of power dumped into it,
Magna Mater incinerating any target that comes close.
Some time in the distant past of the
Imperium, some gloriously stupid idiot Whole ecosystems can form inside the
decided he wanted a vehicle that could monumental hull of a Capitol, and they are
crush a Warlord Titan, and so he created used so infrequently that many mistake
the Capitol Imperialis. Over 100 meters those currently in active service for pieces
long, and armed with literally hundreds of of stationary fortification. Fighting a
weapon systems, the Capitol is quite simply Capitol is not unlike having a famous
the largest multipurpose land vehicle in the landmark dust itself off, walk very slowly
Imperial arsenal. The Ordinatii of Mars are over to you and then punch you in the face.
larger, of course, but they are mono-task
vehicles. A Capitol is a planetary command Type: Tracked Vehicle
center, troop transport, and assault vehicle Tactical Speed: 1m
all in one, though its pathetic speed makes Cruising Speed: 5kph
it all but useless in anything other than Manoeuvrability: Hellish (-60)
defensive combat. Structural Integrity: 250
Size: Titanic (10)
Though it is armed with a Behemoth-class Armour: Front 80, Side 80, Rear 70
compact Macro Cannon, and no less than 6 Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Anti-Air
rapid-firing triple-barrel Executioner (Advanced), Damage Control, Enclosed,
Environmentally Sealed, Improved
is in acting as a mobile fortress. Dozens of Command and Control, Large
internal void shield generators allow it to Superstructure, Ponderous, Reinforced
produce a sextuple-layer defensive energy Armour, Rolling Thunder, Super-Heavy,
barrier, and its pure Adamantium hull puts Tracked Vehicle
the armour complement of any other Crew: At the very least 1 Commander, Driver
Imperial titan to shame. A wide upper deck and Copilot, 72 Techpriests, 57 Gunners
combined with cavernous internal troop (Behemoth Cannon, 6 Executioners, 50
bays means that significant numbers of Heavy Bolters), 5 Loaders (Behemoth
troops can set up their weapons across its Cannon)
exterior hull- anything that can escape the Carrying Capacity: 250 Guardsmen plus
Behemoth Cannon and punch through the light gear
voidshields runs into accurate fire from Weapons:
hundreds of defenders. If they get closer,

Turret-Mounted Behemoth Macro Difficult ( 10) Tech-Use Test. Success
Cannon (1.5km | S/-/- | 10d10 + 20 X | Pen 24 | means one shield is restored in 1d5+5
Clip 1 | Reload Special | Blast (50), Concussive Rounds. This time is reduced by one
(8), Proven (5)) Round for every degree of success, to a
minimum of one Round.
6 x Sponson-mounted Triple Plasma
Executioners (3 Left Facing/ 3 Right Landing Deck: The rear hull of a Capitol is
Facing) (180m | S/3/6 | 2d10+12 E | Pen 9 | dedicated to a simple launchpad suitable for
Clip 50 | Blast (2), Maximal) use by an Aquila or Arvus lighter. However,
the deck is unprotected and the Capitol
Special Rules: lacks the internal space for a hangar- when
its void shields are down, any landed
Behemoth Cannon: The Behemoth is a small vehicles can be targeted directly.
naval-calibre Macro Cannon, capable of
Apocalyptic Blast: There is a reason why
Harris blush. Reloading one requires two
atmosphere, and the sheer force of their
crew. muzzle blast alone is enough to reduce a
human being to mush. Anything within
Void Shield: Reactors the size of largeish 200m of the front a Capitol when its
Behemoth Cannon fires must pass an
Void Shields, a barrier proof against all but Arduous (-40) Toughness Test or suffer
the most absurdly overpowered weapons or 2d10+10 Impact Damage and be knocked
sustained fire. Each count as barriers with 25 Prone. Regardless of whether or not they
AP that surround the Capitol in all pass the Test, they are Stunned for 1d5-1
directions at a 5-metre distance. To disable Rounds.
a void shield, attacks must deal 20 damage
past the 25 AP. This damage is cumulative Unnecessary Firepower:
to represent the void shield slowly when firing the Behemoth Cannon against a
group of non-superheavy enemies in the
has no effect on a void shield. Attacks from open or without massive amounts of heavy
within the 5-metre projection distance cover, roll 1d5-1. That percentage of the
ignore the void shields and directly affect group are left alive- the rest are killed
the vehicle. The Capitol has 6 void shields, instantly.
which must be brought down before any
ranged attacks outside the void shield Defensive Weapons:
radius can affect it. Once a shield is brought armament normally consists of so many
down, the Tech-priests onboard can pairs of twin-linked heavy bolters no one
attempt to restore them by making a has yet bothered to count them. Anything

that gets within range is going to end up smaller than a Capitol is instantly killed if it
looking like salsa after a few seconds (or is rammed.

With this much dakka going downrange, BOOOOOM!!: Every system on a Capitol
missing is a foreign concept to the crew of a Imperialis has triple redundancies at the
Capitol, and a top-of-the-line rangefinder very least, and literally dozens of
array with cogitator-assist targeting helps techpriests doing their utmost to keep it
too. Any vehicle, creature or enemy-shaped going. When those last safeties fall apart,
piece of debris that comes within 500m of a
Capitol suffers 1d10 Twin-Linked Heavy Vehicle Critical Effects that might cause its
Bolter hits every single round. Dodging can destruction, though when it reaches zero
reduce the number of individual hits, but Structural Integrity its internal reactors
they never stop coming- by the time one explode. Everything within 10km dies
turret has run out of ammo, another is permanently. Simple, right? No burning
guaranteed to be reloaded. Any aircraft that Fate Points to survive this one, you cheeky
approaches within a 1km radius also suffers devil.
this effect.
Firedeck: The dorsal platform of a Capitol
TOO MANY BOLTER TURRETS (All has enough space for 50 passengers to
Mountings) ( -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 |
Tearing, Twin-Linked) forget that said platform is 50 meters off
the ground. Passengers on the platform
Electrified Hull: Touching the outer hull of a gain 30 AP of cover to their Body and Legs.
Capitol Imperialis in combat is almost
exactly the same experience as sticking your
hand into a bucket full of the sun. Any
vehicle or creature that attempts to touch
or climb on the outer hull of a Capitol
Imperialis takes 1d10 + 5 Energy damage
with the Shocking, Concussive (2) and
Flame qualities for every Round they
remain in contact. This damage does not
apply to a target that has been Rammed by
a Capitol.

SPLAT!: A Capitol takes no damage from

Ram attacks against targets smaller than it.
Any target which is more than 2 sizes

Leviathan Command Vehicle fun and never get invited to all the cool
cally useless, and such a large parties, so they can be safely disregarded.

painted on the sides. Ah well, at least the seats Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 2m
-General Bedfordium Harris, commanding the Cruising Speed: 10kph
Valkeian Potentos Manoeuvrability: Hellish (-60)
A mind-bogglingly large vehicle developed Structural Integrity: 200
from designs loaned by (or some would say Size: Titanic (10)
stolen from) the long-lost Squats, the Armour: Front 60, Side 60, Rear 50
Leviathan is the second largest command Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Anti-Air
vehicle in the arsenal of the Imperium of (Rudimentary), Damage Control, Enclosed,
Man. A fully-functional planetary Environmentally Sealed, Improved
command center on tracks, it can Command and Control, Ponderous,
coordinate troops across an entire world, Reinforced Armour, Rolling Thunder,
and is often used for managing assaults that Super-Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
include dozens of Titans or whole army Crew: At the very least 1 Commander, Driver
groups. and Copilot, 12 Techpriests, 21 Gunners
(Doomsday Cannon, Battlecannons, Heavy
Though the Leviathan is obviously an Bolters), 18 Loaders (Doomsday Cannon,
extremely valuable target, it is more than Battlecannons)
capable of defending itself, boasting Carrying Capacity: 200 Guardsmen plus
internal void shield generators of a strength light gear
comparable to that of a small voidship and a Weapons:
full-blown Doomsday Cannon macro-
weapon that can cripple Titans in a single Hull-Mounted Doomsday Cannon (Front
shot. Should enemies get too close, they Facing) (1km | S/-/- | 8d10 + 20 X | Pen 24 |
must confront a hull that is meters thick at Clip 1 | Reload Special | Blast (25), Concussive
its thinnest point, and internal troop bays (8), Proven (5))
for several companies of Imperial
infantrymen. It can even act as a mobile Special Rules:
airfield in a pinch, with just enough room
on its rear hull for a Vulture or Valkyrie to Doomsday Cannon: The Doomsday is a small
land and rearm. naval-calibre Macrocannon, capable of
obliteration on a literally Titanic scale.
Many in the Munitorum and the Astra Reloading one requires an hour of work on
Militarum wonder why the Imperium
would ever need a literal cathedral on treads
covered with guns, but those people are no

Apocalyptic Blast: There is a reason why Individual hits can be dodged by the target,
but the Commander is free to direct
atmosphere, and the sheer force of their multiple attacks against the same target if
muzzle blast alone is enough to reduce a they so desire.
human being to mush. Anything within
200m of the front a Leviathan when its Void Shield: Though not nearly to the scale
Doomsday Cannon fires must pass an of a Capitol, a Leviathan still has a reactor
Arduous (-40) Toughness Test or suffer capable of maintaining a Void Shield. It
2d10+10 Impact Damage and be knocked counts as a barrier with 25 AP that
Prone. Regardless of whether or not they surrounds the Capitol in all directions at a 5
pass the Test, they are Stunned for 1d5-1 metre distance. To disable a void shield,
Rounds. attacks must deal 20 damage past the 25 AP.
This damage is cumulative (to represent the
Unnecessary Firepower: void shield) slowly overloading, but a
when firing the Doomsday Cannon against
a group of non-superheavy enemies in the void shield. Attacks from within the 5-
open or without massive amounts of heavy metre projection distance ignore the void
cover, roll 1d10-1. That percentage of the shields and directly affect the vehicle. The
group are left alive- the rest are killed Leviathan has a single void shield, which
instantly. must be brought down before any ranged
attacks outside the void shield radius can
Defensive Weapons: affect it. Once a shield is brought down, the
armament normally consists of 12 pairs of Tech-priests onboard can attempt to
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters and no fewer restore it by making a Difficult ( 10) Tech-
than 8 Battlecannons, making it a fearsome Use Test. Success means the shield is
foe to approach. Their overlapping fields restored in 1d5+5 Rounds. This time is
of fire and advanced control systems ensure reduced by one Round for every degree of
it is almost impossible for their gunners to success, to a minimum of one Round.
miss- a target simply drowns under the
weight of the firepower coming their way. Landing Deck: The rear hull of a Leviathan is
dedicated to a simple launchpad suitable for
may make a Difficult (-10) Command Test use by an Aquila, Valkyrie or Arvus Lighter.
to order his gunners to focus fire. For each However, the deck is unprotected and the
Degree of Success on the Test, one target Leviathan lacks the internal space for a
hangar- when its void shields are down, any
the vehicle takes an attack with the landed vehicles can be targeted directly.
following profile:
3d10 + 10 X | Pen 8 | Blast (10), Concussive
(3), Tearing.

Splat!: A Leviathan takes no damage from everything. No exceptions. If it can power a
Ram attacks against targets smaller than it.
Any target which is more than 3 sizes crater when it goes. People hundreds of
smaller than a Leviathan is instantly killed kilometers away will be able to hear the
if it is rammed. blast, and it may cause minor earthquakes.
The pilot of any air vehicles within 4km of
Boom!: A Leviathan is so massive and so full the blast must make a Very Hard (-30)
of redundant systems that it is almost Operate (Aeronautica) Test or have their
impossible to destroy one without literally aircraft simply be knocked out of the sky.
tearing it to shreds or killing all of its crew.
A Leviathan ignores any Vehicle Critical it to kill the party rules lawyer, or
Effects that might cause its destruction, something.
though when it reaches zero Structural
Integrity its internal reactor destabilizes,
instantly killing anything and everything
within a 2 km radius. Yes, anything and

Baneblade Chassis Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Damage Control, Enclosed, Ponderous,
Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
Tracked Vehicle
of Macragge Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 4
One of numerous short- Gunners (Tremor Cannon/ Hull-Mounted
Bolters/Both sponsons), 2 Loaders (Tremor
Baneham Cannon). Banehammers often have a comms
but its usefulness against subterranean foes operator and Enginseer as part of their crew.
and as an area-denial weapon made it Carrying Capacity: None
extremely popular during the Tyrannic
Wars. Its primary armament is the Tremor Weapons:
Cannon, a heavy howitzer which fires self-
guided tunneling munitions into the Fixed Tremor Cannon (300m | S/-/- | 4d10
ground beneath a target. When detonated, +10 X | Pen 0 | Clip 1 | Reload 6 Full | Blast
Tremor Shells cause intense seismic (20), Concussive (4) Snare (3)
oscillations, turning even solid ground into
a semi-liquid morass and causing localized Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
earthquakes that swallow up infantry and (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 |
can immobilize even heavy vehicles. Targets Reload Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
underground are often literally pureed by
the concussive force of the blast. 2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy
Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m |
Unfortunately, as with many of the other -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
Baneblade specialty variants, the Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
Banehammer is not a flexible combatant,
having no rearward weapons save a pair of 2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m; S/-/-
Lascannons, and requires constant escort to | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
protect it against fast-moving or skimmer Full | Proven (3))
Type: Tracked Vehicle The Banehammer may take one of the
Tactical Speed: 8m following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
Cruising Speed: 25kph casemate.
Manoeuvrability: -30
Structural Integrity: 120 Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Size: Monumental (9) Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen foe are almost comedic. A low-yield shell
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) does no damage, but effects a blast radius
of 40 meters- any target in or moving into
Special Rules: this radius must test Agility at the start of
Baneblade Chassis: The Banehammer has the each round or be knocked Prone. Passing
same basic Special Rules as a Baneblade. one such test by more than four Degrees of
Success keeps the character upright for the
Tremors: Earthquakes are serious business.
Any terrain hit by a Tremor Cannon shot non-Skimmer vehicle in this area halves its
becomes Dangerous Terrain. Any building Tactical Speed and reduces its
whose foundation is even partially within a Maneuvrability by -10.
destroyed. Any Walker-type vehicle inside Ground-Hugger: It would be patently
nonsensical for a vehicle specializing in
to resist falling over in addition to any ground-disrupting weaponry to not be able
other effects. A Tremor Cannon gains to operate in its own area of effect, and to
Felling (4) and Proven (8) when attacking this end Banehammers, especially older
targets that are digging, tunneling or ones, are fitted with a servitor-control
burrowing. suspension management system that
actively manages each suspension element,
Aftershock Shell: A Tremor Cannon shell can tuning them to eke out every last foot-
be dialed down to a low-yield setting, pound of ground pressure. A Banehammer
turning it from a devastating offensive may reduce its Tactical Speed to 3m, and in
weapon to a disruptive defensive one. doing so ignore all negative terrain effects
Constantly churning, vibrating soil can or uneven ground that would otherwise
knock even stable targets off their feet, and slow it down.
the effects one such shell has on a charging

Banelord regiments that can afford to keep them
-Motto of the 137th
The Imperium has a long history of Various wags among the Munitorum and
advanced anti-tank gunnery, using long- the Mechanicus have pointed out that the
ranged platforms like the Leman Russ name of the Banelord, by random
Vanquisher to devastating effect. The coincidence, is the same as the general
Banelord represents the pinnacle of the designation for a class of heavy Titan used
high-mobility anti- by the Traitor Legions- whether this was
being a stripped-down Baneblade chassis deliberate on the part of the Munitorum or
with its turret crammed full of an extremely
long smoothbore Reaction Cannon. This Banelords are justifiably proud of their
weapon fires long flechette rounds
composed of depleted posturanium which
are capable of piercing through Type: Tracked Vehicle
unbelievably thick armour plates and then Tactical Speed: 12m
scouring the interior of a target clean with Cruising Speed: 50kph
heat and radiation. Unfortunately, the Manoeuvrability: -25
complicated loading systems needed to feed Structural Integrity: 100
the lengthy projectiles in the gun, Size: Monumental (9)
combined with the heavy shielding that Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 28
protects the crew from their radioactivity, Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
means that interior space in a Banelord is at Damage Control, Enclosed, Reinforced
a premium. Armour, Super-Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 2
The end result is a superior and Gunners (Reaction Cannon/ Hull-
surprisingly agile tank hunter with little to Mounted Bolters), 3 Loaders (Reaction
no anti-infantry weaponry, making their Cannon). Banelords often have a comms operator
use very situational. Often complained and Enginseer as part of their crew.
about is the grossly oversized barrel of the Carrying Capacity: None
reaction cannon- while it ensures excellent
accuracy, it is so large the turret cannot be Weapons:
reasonably traversed in any kind of close
quarters, and actually makes it impossible Turret-mounted Reaction Cannon (2000m
for a Banelord to fire against vehicles that | S/-/- | 6d10 +10 I | Pen 10 | Clip 1 | Reload 3
get too close. Still, their flexibility as the Full | Lance, Accurate)
only truly turreted tank-hunting Baneblade
variant have gained them a devoted Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
following among the few Astra Militarum (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen

5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin- Oversized Barrel
Linked) barrel is almost as long again as the body of
the tank, and it makes manoeuvring the
Options: vehicle in tight spaces well-nigh impossible.
When operating in enclosed environments,
The Banelord may take one of the such as a cityscape, a Banelord takes a -10
following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its penalty to all Maneuverability Tests. In
casemate. such environments, its cannon is treated as
being Hull-Mounted on the front facing
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | instead of being in a turret.
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Overpenetration: The armour-piercing power
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen of a Posturanic shell means that softer
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) targets are often holed completely as the
shell continues on its merry way. If a
Special Rules: Reaction C
by 30 or more, the
Baneblade Chassis: The Banelord has the same shot does damage as normal, then continues
basic Special Rules as the Baneblade. on its flight, hitting any additional targets
behind the first target. A shell will pass
Posturanic Shells: These truly unpleasant through any number of targets in this way,
rounds are dense, oily, highly radioactive though it will hit the ground and dig in
and violently flammable under the right after travelling over 6000 meters or hitting
conditions, and even seasoned Banelord a target whose Armour it does not
crews treat them with a wary respect. The overcome by 30 or more. Any hit after the
effect such a solid kinetic impactor has on first does not inflict Righteous Fury. Two
an enemy target is nightmarish to behold. parts of the same vehicle (such as the two
legs of a Titan) count as separate hits.
and all Critical damage it might inflict upon
an enemy vehicle. Whenever it might inflict
crew damage to an enemy vehicle upon a
critical, the damage increases by 1d10 and
gains the Flame quality. Whenever a

weapons, the damage from the critical

effect is increased by 1d10 and gains the
Flame quality.

Banesword Structural Integrity: 120
Size: Monumental (9)
-Dedicational plaque of Town Burner, Banesword of Armour: Front 48, Side 40, Rear 30
the 901st Koraxian Destructor Legion Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Legend claims that the Quake shells fired Damage Control, Enclosed, Ponderous,
by the Banesword contain fragments of Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
planets subject to Exterminatus, which Tracked Vehicle
unleash the fury of a planetary apocalypse Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 4
upon their targets. This is untrue, of course, Gunners (Quake Cannon/ Hull-Mounted
but it is undeniable that the Banesword is a Bolters/Both sponsons), 2 Loaders (Quake
much-beloved part of the Imperial siege Cannon), Vox Operator
arsenal. Carrying Capacity: None
Visually and structurally similar to the
Shadowsword, its primary Quake Cannon is Fixed Quake Cannon (500 m | s/-/- | 4d10 +
a dedicated bunker-busting howitzer firing 20 | Pen 12 | Clip 1 | Reload 5 Full |
elongated Rochling-type shells at low Inaccurate, Indirect (8), Blast (1d10 + 5))
velocity. These projectiles hit masonry with
great force, crashing through under their Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
own momentum and then detonating a (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen
powerful Melta charge once inside. Though 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin-
the effect of an individual Quake shell is Linked)
not particularly dramatic, over time they
can cause massive structural instabilities as 2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy
they fatigue the load-bearing members of a Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m |
target. While the slow velocity of the -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
warheads makes them functionally useless Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
for hitting moving targets, they can be
lobbed at high angles to bypass defenses, 2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m; S/-/-
and their launch vehicle is heavily armoured | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
enough to sit comfortably on the front Full | Proven (3))
lines, picking apart enemy fortifications
piece by piece while shrugging off the Options:
harshest incoming fire.
The Banesword may take one of the
Type: Tracked Vehicle following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
Tactical Speed: 8m casemate.
Cruising Speed: 25kph
Manoeuvrability: -30

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Siege Celebrity: Baneswords are an extremely
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) popular vehicle among siege troops, and are
renowned for their capacity to break
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen stalemates. Any soldiers from a Siege
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) Infantry or Artillery regiment within line of
sight of an allied Banesword with more than
Special Rules: half of its Structural Integrity remaining
gains a +10 to all Willpower-based Tests,
Baneblade Chassis: The Banesword has the and can choose to reroll failed Command
same basic Special Rules as the Baneblade. Tests, but only when Commanding other
Siege or Artillery troops.
Tear it Down: Quake Cannon shells are
heavy and powerful enough to cause cracks,
shifting and general instability in even the
heaviest of buildings, and they can even
knock down whole hive stacks if given
enough time. A Quake Cannon counts as
having the Proven (5) and Corrosive
Qualities when firing against buildings or
large emplaced targets such as heavy
artillery or bunkers.

Doomblade rumor or confabulation. Those who have
seen one in action, however, tell otherwise.
Though short-ranged and mostly
-Graffiti found in barracks of the 7-80 immobile, a functional Doomblade is a
Cybernetician Iron Column Skitarii Legion whirling storm of electromagnetic energies,
The Skitarii of the Adeptus Mechanicus melting, searing and crushing the enemies
generally prefer to use their own vehicle of the Mechanicus with unerring precision.
designs rather than those issued to the Oddly enough, however, the hull of a
Militarum, seeing the latter designs as too Doomblade seldom undergoes any kind of
primitive for proper use. There are modification, and thus these triumphs of
exceptions, however, and the Doomblade is advanced technology are no tougher than
a prominent one. The name refers to a their conventional counterparts.
broad category of Mechanicus Baneblade
vehicles, replacing the conventional Type: Tracked Vehicle
armament of the original with the Tactical Speed: 8m
specialized energy and physics- Cruising Speed: 25kph
manipulation weapons favored by the Manoeuvrability: -30
Taghmata. Structural Integrity: 120
Size: Monumental (9)
There are dozens of sub-variants of the Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30
Doomblade, but common to all of them is Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
the ferocious Rotor Conversion Beamer, an Damage Control, Enclosed, Ponderous,
archeotech weapon using the same Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
antimatter-conversion technology favored Tracked Vehicle
by the Space Marines. Though difficult to Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 5
use against moving targets, the ability of a Integrated Cognis-Gunners (Gatling
Conversion Beamer to atomically annihilate Conversion Beamer/Hull-Mounted
literally all kinds of matter makes it a Culverin/Twin Calivers/Sponsons), 3
devastating weapon when fired against... Techpriests
anything, really. As the Beamer needs to be Carrying Capacity: None
stationary to launch dozens of searing Weapons:
antimatter beams, the Doomblade is
primarily a defensive weapon, parked on Turret Rotor Conversion Beamer (Range
the Taghmata frontlines as a mobile 100m | -/-/5 | Range-Dependent (See
strongpoint. Special Rules)| Clip 50 | Reload 2 Full)

Many outside the Mechanicus are unaware Hull-mounted Volkite Culverin (Front
that the variant exists, simply convinced Facing) (Range 280m | S/2/4 | 2d10 + 9 E |
that the is a Pen 4 | Clip 40 | Reload 5 Full | Deflagrate)

Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Volkite Twin-linked Graviton Guns (30m | s/-/- |
Caliver (Front Facing) (Range 165m | S/2/3 | Clip 6 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (5), Concussive
2d10 + 6 E | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Reload 4 Full | (0), Graviton Wave, Haywire (1), Twin-
Deflagrate, Twin-Linked) Linked)

2 Sponson-mounted Twin-Linked Volkite Grav-Weapons:

Calivers (Left Facing/Right Facing) (Range Replace the hull-mounted Culverin with a
165m | S/2/3 | 2d10 + 6 E | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Heavy Grav-Cannon:
Reload 4 Full | Deflagrate, Twin-Linked
Heavy Grav-Cannon (150m | S/3/6 | 1d10 +
2 Turret-mounted Cognis Lascannons 12 I | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 6 Full |
(300m | S/ / | 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Concussive (4), Blast (8), Grav-Weapon)
Reload 2 Full | Proven (3), Cognis)
Replace the hull and/or sponson Calivers
Options: with Grav-Cannons:

A Doomblade can equip two variant Grav-Cannon (100m | S/2/3 | 1d10 + 6 | Pen 8
weapon loadouts- older versions tend to | Clip 30 | Reload 3 Full | Concussive (2),
use graviton weapons, while newer ones use Blast(4), Grav-Weapon)
more aggressive and powerful grav-
weapons. A Doomblade can choose to equip The Doomblade may take a Pintle-
any of the options from one of the mounted weapon atop its casemate.
following alternate loadouts, though it can
only pick weapons from one loadout at a Pintle-mounted Cognis Heavy Stubber
time- a Doomblade cannot mount both (120m | -/-/10 | 1d10 + 5 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200|
Graviton and Grav-weapons Reload 2 Full | Cognis)
Special Rules:
Graviton Weapons:
Replace the hull-mounted Culverin with a Cognis Gunners: The inegrated gunnery
Graviton Cannon: control logis engines onboard a
Doomblade are assumed to have Ballistic
Graviton Cannon (100m | S/-/- | Clip 1 | Skill 45, Agility 30 and Perception 45, as
Reload 4 Full | Blast (10), Concussive (1), well as Awareness (Per) +10. They are
Graviton Wave, Haywire (2)) programed to prioritize incoming targets
rather than actively hunt enemies. This
Replace the hull and/or sponson Calivers makes them ferocious on the defensive, but
with Graviton Guns: rather more hesitant on the offensive. All
the weapons of a Doomblade gain a +15 to

hit with Overwatch fire, but a -10 to hit At distances of 51m+, this weapon does 6d10
with non-Overwatch attacks. + 12 Damage with Penetration 14, Felling (3)
and Blast (2).
Baneblade Chassis: The Doomblade has the
same basic Special Rules as the Baneblade. The Rotor Conversion Beamer cannot be
fired on any turn in which the Doomblade
has already moved.
Rotor Conversion Beamer: Conversion beamers
are, paradoxically, more effective at long

At distances of up to 15 m, this weapon does

1d10 + 6 Damage with Penetration 2.

At distances of 16-50m, this weapon does

3d10 + 9 Damage with Penetration 8 and
Felling (3).

Doomhammer Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 4
Gunners (Tremor Cannon/ Hull-Mounted
-Gunnery Sergeant Mel Korb, 101st Ashorean Bolters/Both sponsons). Banehammers often
have a comms operator and Enginseer as part of
Originally a field expedient built on their crew.
Ordona during its millennia-long defense Carrying Capacity: 25 Guardsmen with
against a nearby rogue Forge World, the light gear
Doomhammer is actually a modified Weapons:
Banehammer, replacing the Tremor
Cannon with a devastating Magma Cannon. Fixed Magma Cannon (Front Facing) (100m
Though the short range of this weapon | S/-/- | 4d10 +20 E | Pen 15 | Clip 12 |
forces the Doomhammer to engage at Reload 4 Full | Blast (10), Melta, Scatter)
ranges not normal for a superheavy assault
gun, the absence of a loading system for the Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
Tremor Cannon means the vehicle has (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen
enough internal space in its casemate to 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin-
hold a small platoon of troops. The Linked)
addition of an armoured fire deck along the
back of said casemate allows passengers to 2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy
defend it while it gets close enough to a Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m |
target to deliver a devastating spread-blast -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
of Melta fire. While less of an effective Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
assault transport than the Doomsword, it is
still more than capable of delivering troops 2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m | S/-
to a target, often by dint of reducing that /- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
target to a smouldering crater. Full | Proven (3))

Type: Tracked Vehicle Options:

Tactical Speed: 8m The Doomhammer may take one of the
Cruising Speed: 25kph following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
Manoeuvrability: -30 casemate.
Structural Integrity: 120
Size: Monumental (9) Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Armour: Front 47, Side 40, Rear 32 Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Damage Control, Enclosed, Ponderous, Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy, 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Tracked Vehicle

Special Rules: with the original traction control system
still in place. At the GM's discretion, a
Heatsinks: The firing of a Magma Cannon Doomhammer can benefit from the effects
causes a tremendous amount of heat in the of the Banehammer's Ground-Hugger
outer hull of a Doomhammer, and in the Special Rule.
interest of not incinerating its crew or
passengers, it incorporates a complex
network of active and passive cooling
systems that disperse heat into the ground
beneath the vehicle. A Doomhammer
always has the Superior Plating upgrade
(factored into stats above), and takes half
damage from weapons with the Melta,
Flame or Deflagrate Qualities.

Fire Deck: A Doomhammer's fire deck is

located directly above its troop bay, and
allows for up to 15 individuals to effectively
fire without obstruction. Soldiers on the
fire deck benefit from 25 AP of cover on the
Body and Leg locations.

Ground-Hugger...?: Many Doomhammers are

still based off original Banehammer chassis,

Doomlord weapons afforded a Baneblade, most
-two, and a one-two-three- Doomlords are stripped-down, removing
-Lord-General Raychil Cobb, shortly before the some of the armour of the vehicle in
Sack of the Balbyon Hives. exchange for somewhat higher mobility and
Probably the single least common capacity for acceleration.
Baneblade variants, and certainly one of the
strangest, the Doomlord is a mobile Type: Tracked Vehicle
artillery platform which can best be Tactical Speed: 8m
described as the nightmare child of three Cruising Speed: 25kph
Basilisk artillery vehicles and a half-dozen Manoeuvrability: -30
industrial gyroscopes. Consisting of a Structural Integrity: 120
sponson-less Baneblade chassis with a Size: Monumental (9)
triple-Earthshaker turret mounted atop it, Armour: Front 35, Side 30, Rear 25
the silhouette of a Doomlord is Vehicle Traits: Improved Command and
unmistakable on the battlefield. Control, Damage Control, Enclosed,
Large Superstructure, Reinforced Armour,
Many wonder why anyone would employ a Super-Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
single gigantic triple-Earthshaker instead Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 5
of three much smaller, subtler and less Gunners (Triple Earthshakers/Demolisher
expensive Basilisks, and the answer lies in Cannon/Heavy Bolters), 7 Loaders (Triple
the Doomlord's turret. This miracle of Earthshakers/Demolisher Cannon), 2
mechanical stabilization keeps the vehicle's Comms Operators
fire platform rock-steady in even the most Carrying Capacity: None
catastrophic conditions- the gun mantlet Weapons:
can take direct hits from Battle Cannon
shells and momentum compensation Triple Earthshakers (Range 3.5km | S/3/- |
systems will keep it solidly on target. The 4d10 + 10 X | Pen 8 | Clip 3 | Reload 3 Full |
Doomlord's advantage is its mobility- it can Blast (10 + 1d10), Concussive (5), Indirect (2))
maintain a constant and hyper-precise
stream of indirect fire while maneuvering to Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
avoid counter-battery fire or interception (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen
from the air. For all that, however, it is not 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin-
a direct combat weapon, and the limitations Linked)
of its stabilizers keep the three
Earthshakers from being effective in Hull-Mounted Demolisher Cannon (Front
anything other than extreme-range fire. Facing) (50m | S/ / | 4d10+20 X | Pen 10 |
Clip 2 | Reload Full | Blast (10), Concussive
Though they are quite capable of operating (3))
with the full complement of secondary

Options: Earthshakers suffer no penalties to aim
The Doomlord may take a Pintle-mounted from vehicular movement, and halve
weapon atop its turret: penalties to operate them from Critical
Damage or the Targeting Systems
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Destroyed condition. However, they
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) cannot be used in direct fire against any
target within 100 meters of the Doomlord.
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) Extra Powder: The triple-
cavernous breeches can be packed full of
The Doomlord may take conventional extra explosive charges, significantly
Baneblade heavy bolter/lascannon increasing its range at the cost of severe
sponsons, though doing so adds 2 gunners An
to the crew and causes it to gain the overloaded Earthshaker increases its range
Ponderous vehicle trait. by 1000m, and gains the Inaccurate and
Unreliable Qualities. The weapon will be
Special Rules: permanently destroyed if it fires more than
1d10 + 11 of these shots without
Stable Platform: The turret ring and maintenance or overhaul.
elevation equipment of a Doomlord
consists of a set of massively powerful Specialized Shells: The Triple Earthshaker
stabilizing gyroscopes which can keep the can load any of the specialized rounds
main guns trained on target in almost any found on page 194 of the Only War Core
conditions. A Doomlord's triple Rulebook.

Doomsword very easy target, damaging one too heavily
can render an entire battlefield
organic imaginings. You will then proceed to permanently uninhabitable.
reduce those terrible things to oxidized slag and
Type: Tracked Vehicle
-Excerpt from basic training briefing, Agarin Lords Tactical Speed: 4m
Superheavy Skitarii Maniple Cruising Speed: 10kph
A close cousin to the Doomblade, the Manoeuvrability: -30
Doomsword is a far more sinister vehicle. Structural Integrity: 140
Used by the Taghmata in situations where Size: Monumental (9)
an organic infestation must absolutely, Armour: Front 50, Side 50, Rear 40
positively be permanently expunged from Vehicle Traits: Damage Control, Enclosed,
an area, the Doomsword is best described at Extremely Volatile, Environmentally
a nuclear area-denial vehicle. Its plasma Sealed, Ponderous, Reinforced Armour,
reactor replaced with a closed cell atomic Super-Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
pile and its hull thickened by layer upon Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 5
layer of supplementary rad-wards, its Integrated Cognis-Gunners (Irrad
massive bulk trundles slowly and mercilessly Carronade/Irradiation Engine/Twin Irrad-
across the battlefield, leaving behind Cleansers/Sponsons), 2 Reactor Control
nothing but desolation in its wake. Its Servitors, Techpriest
primary Irradiation Carronade is a short- Carrying Capacity: None
ranged shotgun-liked device that fires a Weapons:
cloud of extraordinarily radioactive
transuranic metal powder, creating a Turret Irradiation Carronade (Range 80m |
boiling sea of subatomic instability that S/-/- | 2d10 + 12 E| Pen 10 | Clip 50 | Reload
cooks the crews of tanks, scrambles sensors, 4 Full | Spray, Flash (1), Fleshbane, Rad-
and reduces the hardiest of infantry to ash. Phage, Torrent)

Doomswords are obviously an extremely Hull-mounted Irradiation Engine (Front

situational weapon, and one which is heavily Facing) (Range 50m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 12 E |
controlled by the Mechanicus. Their ability Pen 8 | Clip 30 | Reload 4 Full | Spray,
to produce radioactive contamination on a Fleshbane, Rad-Phage, Torrent)
level capable of harming even combat
automata, combined with the disastrous Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Irad Cleanser
possibility of their reactor going critical, (Front Facing) (Range 30m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 3
makes fielding one an exercise in calculated E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 4 Full |
risk. Any wary enemy of the Doomsword Fleshbane, Rad-Phage)
also must tread carefully when attacking
them- while a Doomsword is a slow and

2 Sponson-mounted Twin-Linked Irad to Critical Damage, the explosion gains the
Cleansers (Left Facing/Right Facing) Rad-Phage Quality. If the Doomsword is
(Range 30m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 3 E | Pen 4 | Clip reduced to Critical Damage by a weapon
20 | Reload 4 Full | Fleshbane, Rad-Phage) with the Blast Quality or Explosive
Damage Type, it instantly explodes. When
2 Turret-mounted Cognis Lascannons this vehicle explodes, multiply the
(300m | S/ / | 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | randomly-determined blast radius by 1km.
Reload 2 Full | Proven (3), Cognis)
Rad Vents: As an emergency expedient to
Options: prevent enemies from getting too close, the
Doomsword's reactor may be vented to
A Doomsword can take a remote- surround it with clouds of burning-hot
controlled weapon on its casemate. radioactive dust. The Doomsword's
Commander or the onboard Techpriest
Pintle-mounted Cognis Heavy Stubber may make a Difficult (-10) Tech-Use Test
(120m | -/-/10 | 1d10 + 5 I | Pen 3 | Clip 200| to open the reactor vents. Every enemy
Reload 2 Full | Cognis) within 5 meters of the vehicle's hull must
pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or
Special Rules: take 1d5+1 points of Energy damage with
the Rad-Phage and Flame qualities. This
Cognis Gunners: The integrated gunnery damage is increased by +2 for each Degree
control logis engines onboard a of Success the Commander or Techpriest
Doomsword are assumed to have Ballistic scored on their initial test.
Skill 45, Agility 30 and Perception 45, as
well as Awareness (Per) +10. They are Baneblade Chassis: The Doomsword has the
programed for terror-weapon use and for same basic Special Rules as the Baneblade.
maximum thoroughness, prioritizing
annihilation of dug-in and resistant targets
rather than maintaining even fields of fire.
Any cognis-gunner-controlled weapon on
a Doomsword gains a non-cumulative +10
to hit any target which has already been hit
on this turn by another of the vehicle's

Atomic Pile: This vehicle never needs to be

refuelled, and its stores of weapon 'ammo',
if depleted, will return to full after 12 hours
of recharging. If the vehicle explodes due

Hellblade and their somewhat top-heavy bulk is a
u look out the left- comforting presence for any Imperial
infantryman. That they carry an onboard
medical bay helps too, of course.
-Vox chatter, Drumheads of Bellicos Armoured
Group, Felshan Salient Type: Tracked Vehicle
Sometimes called the "Guard Raider", for Tactical Speed: 10m
its vague similarities to the Land Raider Cruising Speed: 25kph
assault transport, the Hellblade is an Manoeuvrability: -30
unusual variant of the Baneblade used as a Structural Integrity: 120
heavy line-breaking troop-carrier. Its Size: Monumental
chassis is reversed, with the engine in the Armour: Front 48, Side 45, Rear 40
front, to provide extra protection to the Vehicle Traits: Anti-Air (Rudimentary),
operators and crew. Instead of cannons, its Command and Control, Damage Control,
humpbacked hull bristles with fireports and Enclosed, Ponderous, Reinforced Armour,
a small Heavy Bolter turret rigged for anti- Super-Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
aircraft use. Crew: 1 Commander (Hull), 1 Driver, 5
Gunners (Sponsons/Turret Bolters),
Though its armour has been massively Techpriest, Medical Officer, Comms
increased compared to a 'stock' Baneblade, Operator
the absence of heavy weapons or shells Carrying Capacity: 40 Guardsmen and gear
makes its mobility largely unaffected, and
properly-managed Hellblades can manage Weapons:
surprising turns of speed. What makes it
truly unique is the huge 'Hellroller' anti- Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter Turret (150m |
mine drum on its frontal hull- this massive -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
cylinder of thrice-hardened ceramite Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
detonates anti-vehicle mines ahead of the
vehicle, and is more than capable of 4 Sponson-Mounted twin-linked Heavy
crushing infantry, foxholes and light field Bolters (2 Left Facing/2 Right Facing)
defences flat as the Hellblade rolls towards (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 |
its destination. Reload Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)

This means that it is not only capable of 4 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m; S/-/-
transporting significant numbers of soldiers | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
in safety, but also that it can open a path for Full | Proven (3))
other soldiers. Significant numbers of
Hellblades see use in Militarum trench
regiments, especially among the Kriegers, Options:

forwards over them. Any explosives or anti-
The Hellblade may take a Pintle-mounted infantry barriers or traps in the area a
weapon atop its frontal hull: Hellblade moves over are automatically
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) Superheavy Ambulance: An oft under-
appreciated feature, the Hellblade's small
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen internal medical bay is compact, but
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) thoroughly-outfitted, and has saved the life
of many an unwary Guardsman. A medic
Special Rules: working in or near an intact or undamaged
Hellblade ignores any penalties to Medicae
Baneblade Chassis: The Hellblade has the tests due to insufficient sanitation, lack of
same basic Special Rules as the Baneblade. medical gear, etc.

Trench-Fighter's Friend: Hellblades are an Fireports:

extremely popular vehicle among line fewer than 20 fireports which its passengers
infantry, seen as a solid wall against enemy can fire through; 6 on the Front and each
attacks, as well as a mobile resupply point. Side facing, and 2 on the Rear.
Any soldiers from a Line Infantry, Light
Infantry or Mechanized Infantry regiment
within line of sight of an operational allied
Hellblade that still has more than half of its
Structural Integrity gain a +10 to all
Willpower-based Tests, and can choose to
reroll failed Command Tests, but only
when Commanding other Mechanized,
Line or Light troops.

Hellroller: the Hellblade's roller is a weapon

in its own right, powerful internal motors
allowing it to chew through even heavy
fortifications while simultaneously bearing
the brunt of impacts with enemy targets. A
Hellblade's Ram attacks have a Penetration
value of 10, and halve incoming damage as a
result of a Ram attack. Additionally, the
Hellblade is immune to ground-based
explosives such as mines, provided it moves

Hellhammer Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
Tracked Vehicle
Reinforcements dead. Situation excellent. Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 5
Gunners (Turret/Demolisher cannon/Hull
-Commander Ferdus de Fosh, shortly before heavy bolter turret/both sponsons),2
winning the Crux Imperialis. Loaders (Turret/Demolisher cannon).
As the Leman Russ Demolisher is to the Hellhammers usually have a dedicated comms-
conventional Leman Russ, the Hellhammer operator and sometimes an Enginseer as part of
is to the Baneblade. A simple and their crew.
consequently quite common variant, it is Carrying Capacity: None
identical to the original Baneblade in every
way save for an extremely short-barreled Weapons:
Hellhammer howitzer replacing both
weapons in its main turret. Armed with Turret-Mounted Hellhammer Cannon
subatomic charge shells functionally (100m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 30 X | Pen 10 | Reload
identical to those of an Eradicator Cannon, 4 Full | Blast (15), Concussive (4), Fleshbane,
though greater in size, it can easily level Flash (6), Proven (4), Rad-Phage)
even heavily entrenched foes, but its fully-
rotating turret makes it much more flexible Hull-Mounted Demolisher Cannon (Front
in close quarters than other assault gun- Facing) (50m | S/ / | 4d10+20 X | Pen 10 |
style superheavy Imperial tanks. To further Clip 2 | Reload Full | Blast (10), Concussive
enhance its abilities at short ranges, (3))
Hellhammers, especially those engaged in
prolonged short-range engagements, are Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
equipped with flame or melta weapons in (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen
their sponsons to give them an even 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin-
stronger punch. Though slow and often too Linked )
heavy to be of much use in open terrain, the
Hellhammer is a superb city-fighter. 2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy
Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m |
Type: Tracked Vehicle -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
Tactical Speed: 6 m Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
Cruising Speed: 20 kph
Manoeuvrability: 30 2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m | S/-
Structural Integrity: 120 /- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
Size: Monumental (9) Full | Proven (3))
Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30
Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Damage Control, Enclosed, Ponderous,

Options: Special Rules:

The Hellhammer may take a Pintle- Baneblade Chassis: A Hellhammer benefits

mounted weapon atop its casemate. from the same Special Rules as the
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) Veteran Brawler: Many Hellhammers have
seen centuries of service in point-blank
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen engagements, and have acquired numerous
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) upgrades over the years as a result. A
Hellhammer may have a Dozer Blade,
It may also replace its sponson Lascannons Track Guards or Anti-Grenade Mesh
with one of the following: mounted by default, at the GM's discretion.

2 Turret Heavy Flamers (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 Unstable Cores

E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, cannon is an exercise in steady hands and
Spray) strong sphincters, as the slightest slipup can
cause immediate death. Reloading an
2 Turret Plasma Cannons (120m | S/ / | Eradicator Cannon requires an Easy (+30)
2d10+10 E | Pen 8 | Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Agility Test on the part of the vehicle's
Blast (1), Maximal, Overheat) Loader in addition to the listed time.
Failure causes the shell to explode, dealing
2 Turret Multi-meltas (60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 the weapon's normal damage to the vehicle
E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Reload Full | Blast (1), and its crew.

Helllord Alpha operators frequently cycle their weapons,
activating only two parts of the Hellfire
Array at once to preserve fuel and improve
the vehicle's cooling rate. The Helllord
-Archmagos Davion Bowes Alpha is also gigantic even by the standards
The single most exotic variant on the of Imperial superheavies, its triple
Baneblade in regular Militarum service, the overlapping turrets giving it a very high
Alpha variant of the Helllord truly deserves profile.
the title 'landship'. Though the exact
location of its construction is lost to time, it Type: Tracked Vehicle
is generally accepted that it began as a sort Tactical Speed: 8 m
of 'universal superheavy' design, a tank Cruising Speed: 25 kph
armed with a large enough variety of Manoeuvrability: 30
armament that it could engage any Structural Integrity: 120
assortment of targets with reasonable hopes Size: Monumental (9)
of winning. This leads to it being one of the Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30
single least 'heavily'-armed of the Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Baneblade family- it has no one single main Damage Control, Enclosed, Extremely
weapon, but a trio of multi-purpose energy Volatile, Large Superstructure, Ponderous,
weapons effective in any situation. Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
Tracked Vehicle
This primary weapons system, the Hellfire Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 7
Array, encompasses an Executioner-class Gunners (Executioner Turret/Melta
plasma cannon, a Melta Cannon, and an Turret/Inferno Turret/Demolisher
Inferno Cannon flamethrower, as well as a cannon/Hull heavy bolter turret/both
complicated multifunction fuel/power sponsons), 1 Loader (Demolisher cannon),
management system that manages and Comms-Operator, 2 Enginseers
recycles the vast amounts of waste heat Carrying Capacity: None
produced by each of these weapons.
Though bristling with armaments, the
Helllord Alpha's great vulnerability is its Turret Mounted Executioner Cannon
heavy fuel use and substantial size. All three (180m | S/3/ | 2d10+12 E | Pen 9 | Clip 50 |
of its primary weapons require gigantic Blast (2), Maximal, Overheat)
quantities of hydrogen plasma and
promethium to function, and though its Turret Mounted Melta Cannon (100m | S/-
internal fuel tanks are substantial, they tend /- | 2d10 +18 E | Pen 12 | Clip 20 | Blast (6),
to run dry in all but the most low-intensity Melta)
conflicts. For this reason, Helllord Alpha

Turret Mounted Inferno Cannon (50m | S/- Special Rules:
/- | 2d10 + 15 E | Pen 8 | Clip 80 | Flame,
Spray) Triple Turrets: The unusual hull and weapon
configuration of a Helllord make it
Hull-Mounted Demolisher Cannon (Front function somewhat differently than a
Facing) (50m | S/ / | 4d10+20 X | Pen 10 | Baneblade.
Clip 2 | Reload Full | Blast (10), Concussive
(3)) Its Executioner turret is mounted high on
the rear of the hull and offers a 360-degree
Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters field of fire over the entire tank. Its Melta
(Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen turret is mounted on the right front of the
5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin- hull, and has a 225-degree field of fire -it
Linked)) can cover the entirely of the right front
quarter of the vehicle, but cannot fire
2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy directly backwards or across the left-hand
Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m | turret. The Inferno turret is on the left
-/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload front of the hull, covering 225 degrees over
Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked) the left front quarter of the vehicle. Like
the melta turret it cannot fire straight
2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m | S/- backwards or directly across the hull.
/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
Full | Proven (3)) The two sponson lascannon turrets are
mounted lower and further back than on a
Options: conventional Baneblade, and both have an
approximately 180-degree field of fire-
The Helllord may take one of the they are unable to fire across the hull.
following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
casemate. Power Management: Deactivating one of a
Helllord's three main weapons to adjust for
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | the current tactical situation is normal, and
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) provides cooling and efficiency benefits to
the other two active weapons. If only a
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen single weapon is active, it gains significant
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) bonuses as all the vehicle's control systems
can be dedicated to keeping it functioning

If another weapon is inactive, the Inferno

Cannon gains the Torrent quality and

increases its range by 20 meters. If it is the Internal Fuel Reserves: The three Hellfire
only one active, it also gains Felling (3) and Array weapons have limited fuel supplies
increases its range by another 30 meters in and cannot be easily reloaded in the field.
addition to the previous bonus. When a Helllord has exhausted the Clips of
these weapons, they can only be
If another weapon is inactive, the replenished off the battlefield, though the
Executioner increases its Rate of Fire to tank's other weapons can be used as normal.
S/4/5. If it is the only weapon active, it also If any one of the vehicle's primary weapons
gains Reliable and Flash (2) in addition to is out of ammo, it loses the Extremely
the previous bonus. Volatile Trait. If it does explode due to
Extremely Volatile, the blast radius of the
If another weapon is inactive, the Melta explosion is increased to 5d10.
Cannon increases its Range by 10 and gains 5
extra Penetration. If it is the only weapon
active, it gains Flame and increases its Rate
of Fire to S/2/- in addition to the previous


Helllord Beta Cruising Speed: 20 kph
Manoeuvrability: 30
Structural Integrity: 120
-Archmagos Iapetha Makh, not long after the Size: Monumental (9)
discovery of the Beta Archive. Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30
All of Mars was abuzz when the ancient Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
technology cache now known as the Beta Damage Control, Enclosed, Ponderous,
Archive was discovered in the highlands of Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
Tharsis in M.38, and even more so when it Tracked Vehicle
was discovered to contain only examples of Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 5
a single vehicle; a semi-finished Baneblade Gunners (Ironbreaker cannons and missile
variant designated the Helllord. launchers/Hull heavy bolter turret/both
Confusingly enough, the exotic triple- sponsons), 2 Loaders (Turret). Helllord Betas
turret Helllord model was already well- usually have a dedicated comms-operator and
known, and nearly a century of politicking sometimes have an Enginseer as part of their crew.
followed before the 'new' Helllord was Carrying Capacity: None
eventually designated the Helllord Beta.
Comparable in overall design to a standard Weapons:
Baneblade, its one key difference was its
massive low-slung turret, with room for Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked
significantly larger weapons than the Ironbreaker Cannon (3000m | S/-/- | 5d10 +8
original model. X | Pen 10 | Clip 2 | Reload 5 Full | Blast
(10), Inaccurate, Indirect (4), Twin-Linked)
With demand for superheavy tanks high as
always, the Mechanicum made do with what Coaxial Multi-Barrel Missile Launcher
they had lying around, fitting the vehicle (500m | S/3/5 | 2d10 + 2 X | Pen 2 | Clip 5 |
with a pair of outdated Ironbreaker Reload 3 | Blast (3))
howitzers and a missile launcher design
adapted from the Taurox. The end result Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
was a relatively inexpensive multipurpose (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen
superheavy tank, capable of acting in both 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin-
the artillery and direct-fire role. That said, Linked )
the lack of sophistication in the vehicle's
systems and its great weight have made it 2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy
less popular than other more Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m |
unconventional Baneblade variants. -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 6 m

2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m | S/- Ironbreaker Cannons and Missile
/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Launchers by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Full | Proven (3))
High Ground Pressure: Though not actually
Options: top-heavy, the huge weight of extra armour
The Helllord may take a Pintle-mounted on the upper half of a Helllord Beta's hull
weapon atop its casemate. gives them a nasty tendency to sink into
soft ground. When moving on soft terrain,
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | a Helllord decreases its Tactical Speed by 1
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) and its Manoeuvrability by -10. At the
GM's discretion, it will tend to frequently
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen get bogged down in mud, sand or snow.
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

It may also replace its sponson Heavy

Bolters with the following:

2 Sponson Heavy Flamers (Left

Facing/Right Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E
| Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,

Special Rules:

Heavy Turret: The

Helllord Beta's huge
turret provides a great
deal of extra armour
protection for its
main weapons and
loading systems,
burying them beneath
layer after layer of
adamantium and
plasteel. A Helllord
Beta reduces any
incoming Critical
damage to its

Hellsword Hellsword made its way back to Mars,
where production removed on the series-
NOT BURN A TITAN DOWN. WE that said, however, there are still relatively
HAVE PROVED THEM WRONG few Hellswords available in the Imperium.
-Abbess Pyrophorea Grang, Order of Our Thermite Few Sororitas minor orders have the
Shroud resources to maintain and field one, and
Initial attempts by the Adepta Sororitas to new construction is slow due to the
request an 'Ecclesiarchical Baneblade' were necessity of individually blessing each part.
met with some derision by the forge-
masters of Mars, but direct intervention by Type: Tracked Vehicle
the Ecclesiarch led to the production of a Tactical Speed: 8 m
half-dozen prototypes. The Sororitas Cruising Speed: 25 kph
specifically requested an emphasis on flame Manoeuvrability: 30
weaponry, which was easily accomplished, Structural Integrity: 120
but also a hull integrating a vast quantity of Size: Monumental (9)
holy symbols and sacred Imperial Cult Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30
anointing, much to the irritation of the Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Magii charged with construction. Every Damage Control, Enclosed, Extremely
single component of the Hellsword, down Volatile, Ponderous, Reinforced Armour,
to each individual bolt and rivet, is Super-Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
consecrated by an Ecclesiarchal Cardinal, Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 5
and their hulls are filled with dozens of Gunners (Inferno Gun Turret/Demolisher
small devotional shrines and sacred icons. cannon/Hull heavy bolter turret/both
sponsons), 1 Loader (Demolisher cannon),
The first six Hellswords were deployed to Comms-Operator, 1 Enginseers, Priest
the various Orders stationed around the Carrying Capacity: None
Eye of Terror, and almost immediately Weapons:
became the stuff of legend. Frequently
painted with devotional images by local Turret Inferno Gun (50m | S/-/- | 2d10 + 15
artists, their ornately decorated hulls were E | Pen 8 | Clip 200 | Flame, Spray, Reliable,
symbols of Imperial might, so holy that Sanctified, Torrent)
their mere presence on a battlefield was
enough to banish lesser daemons. Hull-Mounted Inferno Cannon (Front
Facing) (50m | S/-/- | 2d10 + 15 E | Pen 8 |
The titanic flames of their Inferno guns, Clip 80 | Flame, Spray, Sanctified)
passing through barrels deeply carved with
hexagrammatic patterns, became instantly Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
recognizable wherever the Sororitas (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen
deployed. The unquestioned success of the

5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin- all faithful around. In addition to the
Linked, Sanctified) devotional imagery present all over its hull,
a system of integrated Laud Hailers play a
2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy constant refrain of sacred hymns and
Flamers (Left Facing/Right Facing) (30m | inspirational chants. Any allied Imperial
S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 character within line of sight of a
Full | Flame, Spray, Twin-Linked, Hellsword temporarily gains the Hatred
Sanctified) (Heretics and Daemons) and Unshakable
Faith Talents.
2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m | S/-
/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD YE
Full | Proven (3), Sanctified) GUILTY: Any character or enemy with the
Daemonic Trait which comes within a 10-
Options: meter radius of a Hellsword must make an
Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test or be
The Hellsword may take one of the banished back to the Warp. If they make
following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its physical contact with the Hellsword's hull,
turret. they must Test again, with the test
difficulty increased to Difficult (-10). Any
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | heretical or unsanctioned Psykers that
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full | Sanctified) attempt to manifest psychic powers within
the same radius receive a -10 to any
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen manifestation tests.
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing,

Flamer (20m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 4 E | Pen 2 |

Clip 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray,

Special Rules:

Baneblade Chassis: The Hellsword has the

same basic Special Rules as the

In Glory Clad: A Hellsword seems to

emanate a subtle aura of sanctity, Model by Shandara
protection and glorious anger, inspiring

Shadowblade slowly progress to acute psychosis and
insanity, and of course the occasional total
-Final words of Lord of Change Ykherekhek loss of a vehicle. However, the immense
Only a handful of Shadowblade super- tactical value of a truly invisible superheavy
heavy tanks remain in operation, with the tank means that even though Shadowblade
vast majority consigned to stasis chambers crews have very high turnover rates and the
on the largest Forgeworlds, where the tank itself is not particularly well armed or
Mechanicus labour ceaselessly to attempt to armored, they continue to serve.
understand the arcane technologies that the
Shadowblade uniquely employs. It is this Type: Tracked Vehicle
very technology that forces the Magii who Tactical Speed: 12 m
study these ancient machines to keep them Cruising Speed: 25 kph
in stasis, for otherwise, the Shadowblades in Manoeuvrability: 30
their keeping would doubtless suffer the Structural Integrity: 90
same fate that most have following the Size: Monumental (9)
Great Crusade. Armour: Front 35, Side 28, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
The main component of the Shadowblade Damage Control, Enclosed,
that sets it apart from all other vehicles in Hexagrammatic Plating, Super-Heavy,
the Imperium is the so-called Darklight Tracked Vehicle
Engine, which, when activated, cloaks the Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 3
tank in an inverted light field which renders Gunners (Accelerator Turret/Autocannon
it entirely invisible to the naked eye, but Turret/Hull heavy bolters), Comms-
even more crucially, causes all known forms Operator, 2 Enginseers.
of targeting and detection systems to fail. Carrying Capacity: None
Unfortunately for the crews of these
unstable vehicles, the Darklight Engine Weapons:
functions by partially submerging the tank
into the Immaterium, effectively removing Turret Twin-Linked Accelerator Cannons
it from real-space. As these engines age and (800m | S/3/- | 3d10 + 15 X | Pen 9 | Clip 12 |
become more unstable, however, Warp Reload 3 Full | Blast (5), Concussive (3),
energy begins to penetrate the hull, and Reliable, Proven (4), Twin-Linked)
there is no guarantee that, once a
Shadowblade is in the Warp, it can ever Turret Twin-Linked Lascannons (300m|
return. S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload
2 Full | Proven (3), Twin-Linked)
Crews serving on the few operational Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
Shadowblades report disturbing images and Bolters (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
sounds during Darklight operation, which

X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, This effect can be maintained for up to 10
Twin-Linked) minutes at a time, though for each minute
spent invisible the vehicle's crew must pass a
Options: Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or gain
1d5 points each of Corruption and
The Shadowblade may take one of the Willpower, with the test difficulty
following remote-controlled Pintle- increasing by one step for every two
mounted weapons atop its turret. minutes after the first two.

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Deactivating the Darklight Engine requires
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) a Half Action and a Simple (+40) Tech-Use
Test, with the Difficulty increasing by 1
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen step for every 2 minutes spent invisible. If
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) at any point during activation or
deactivation of the vehicle the crew rolls a
Special Rules: 100 on any Tests involving the functioning
of the Engine, the vehicle is sucked into the
Darklight Engine: This uncanny piece of Warp, never to return.
Warp technology can render the entirety of
a Shadowblade totally invisible, though the Stealth Systems: In addition to its primary
vehicle's weapons cannot be fired while it is cloak, the Shadowblade maintains a
active. As a Full Action, the vehicle's secondary suite of significantly safer stealth
Commander (or one of its Tech-Priests) systems to support its sneaky shenanigans.
may attempt a Hard (-20) Tech-Use Test A Shadowblade always counts as having a
to activate the Darklight Engine. Stummer field emanating from its hull, with
the field extending over a 10-meter radius
If the test succeeds, the vehicle becomes about the vehicle. The vehicle can also seal
invisible, inflicting a -30 penalty on any up its engine exhaust ports and ventilation
vision or auspex-based Tests to detect it, system to prevent waste products from
plus another -10 for each Degree of Success being detected- it gains the
after the first. If the Test fails, the Engine Environmentally Sealed trait, and any Tests
requires 1d5+1 rounds to recharge. If to locate smoke from its engine or the smell
doubles or a 91-99 are rolled on the initial of it being operated take a -20 penalty.
Tech-Use Test, the vehicle also generates This secondary ability can only be activated
Psychic Phenomena, rolling at a -10. for up to 3 hours before the vehicle's hull
Effects that would normally manifest on a overheats.
Psyker instead manifest on the crew
member who activated the Engine.

Shadowhammer this role- their targeting systems are simply
ll make it rain Fighta- not adequately designed for anti-armour
use, and they struggle to attack close-in
-Colonel Eored Faldemann, Hadesian Armoured targets.

A somewhat overspecialized Baneblade Some Shadowhammers have found their

hailing from the vaults of Zhao-Arkkad way into the Sororitas arsenal, no surprise
(Best known for producing the Praetor given their technical similarities to the
missile launcher), the Shadowhammer can Exorcist rocket tank, and their ornately
only be described as an anti-aircraft missile decorated hulls compete with those of the
vehicle. Hellswords in opulence.

It trades off its turret and hull-mounted Type: Tracked Vehicle

Demolisher for an Exorcist-Ultra vertical- Tactical Speed: 8 m
launch missile launcher and a substantial Cruising Speed: 25 kph
internal loading bay. Though it cannot Manoeuvrability: 30
launch more than a few rockets Structural Integrity: 120
simultaneously, its capacity to rapidly Size: Monumental (9)
reload allows it to maintain a constant Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30
stream of ordnance against enemy aircraft- Vehicle Traits: Anti-Air (Advanced),
at least until it runs out of expensive-to- Command and Control, Damage Control,
produce Praetor-type ammo. An Enclosed, Ponderous, Reinforced Armour,
externally-mounted auspex-designator Super-Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
system allows it to guide in allied fire Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 4
against airborne targets, and it is not Gunners (Exorcist-Ultra/Hull heavy bolter
uncommon to see Shadowhammers turret/both sponsons), 2 Loaders (Exorcist-
accompanied by Hydra flak tanks or anti- Ultra), Comms-Operator, 1 Enginseers,
air Manticores, where the vast quantity of Priest (if Sororitas-operated)
munitions they fire off can be used as Carrying Capacity: None
accurately as possible.
Unfortunately for the Shadowhammer,
many Imperial commanders do not see the Turret Exorcist-Ultra (Pilum Missiles) (5km
value of a superheavy anti-air vehicle, | S/4/- | 3d10 + 12 X | Pen 14 | Clip 4 |
preferring to distribute their AA on Reload Half | Indirect (2), Proven (5),
smaller, more mobile vehicles. To this end, Accurate)
Shadowhammers are frequently loaded with
the anti-tank and anti-infantry munitions Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
used by the Praetor, though they suffer in Bolters (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8

X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, cannot be fired at any target within 50m of
Twin-Linked) the Shadowhammer, and when fired at any
range shorter than 500m gain Inaccurate.
2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy
Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m | Foehammer Missile
-/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload 3d10 + 12 X | Pen 14 | Blast (10 + 1d5),
Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked) Concussive (2), Accurate

2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m | S/- Firestorm Missile

/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 3d10 + 15 E | Pen 4 | Blast (15 + 1d5),
Full | Proven (3)) Concussive (2), Flame

Options: Baneblade Chassis: The Shadowhammer has

the same basic Special Rules as the
The Shadowhammer may take one of the Baneblade.
following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
hull. Sororitas Variants: These elaborately-
ornamented Shadowhammer variants are
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | rarer, but much more holy. At the GM's
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) discretion, a Shadowhammer's weapons
gain Sanctified, and it benefits from the In
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen Glory Clad rule of the Hellsword.
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Sky-Sweeper: Any allied vehicle units within
The Shadowhammer may replace its vox range of a Shadowhammer gain a +10 to
sponson-mounted Lascannons with a pair hit any airborne target which has already
of Target Resolution Enhancers, increasing been fired upon by the Shadowhammer this
the bonus from its Sky-Sweeper rule (see round.
below) by +10

Special Rules:

Missile Bay: A Shadowhammer has an

internal magazine of 80 missiles. These can
be any mix of Pilum anti-air, Foehammer
anti-tank and Firestorm anti-infantry
rounds, and can be loaded in any order. The
profile for the Foehammer and Firestorm
rounds can be found below. Any missile

Shadowlord Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 8 m
back. Strike his eyes and ears, and then drop a rock Cruising Speed: 25 kph
Manoeuvrability: 30
-Colonel-Patrician Dumontrier, Denebian Heavy Structural Integrity: 120
Battalion Size: Monumental (9)
Though every Baneblade variant is large Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30
and well-equipped enough to function as a Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Improved
command vehicle with few difficulties, a Command and Control, Damage Control,
large formation of such superheavy vehicles Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed,
demands a specialized tactical coordination Ponderous, Reinforced Armour, Super-
unit, and the Shadowlord fills this niche. It Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
replaces a conventional Baneblade's turret Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 4 Gunners
with a surprisingly spacious command unit, (Demolisher Cannon/Hull heavy bolter
incorporating massive comms uplink units turret/both sponsons) 5 Comms-Operators,
and even a compact barracks with all the 2 Enginseers
conveniences a small group of officers Carrying Capacity: 10 soldiers plus light
would need to live on the front lines. gear

Fitted with air recyclers, a sealed hull and Weapons:

internal refrigeration systems useful for
preserving food, it can keep its crew fed Hull-Mounted Demolisher Cannon (Front
and watered for months at a time without Facing) (50m | S/ / | 4d10+20 X | Pen 10 |
outside support. Though it is just as heavily Clip 2 | Reload Full | Blast (10), Concussive
armoured as a regular Baneblade, and it (3))
maintains the Baneblade's Demolisher so it
is not wholly defenseless, its true value lies Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
in regulating the chaotic comms traffic that Bolters (Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
always arises when a large armoured force is X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing,
in action. Twin-Linked)

Naturally, the complex cogitator and data- 2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy

processing systems of a Shadowlord make Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m |
them a valuable target, in addition to being -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
a command vehicle, and so these vehicles Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
often maintain continuous contact with
Imperial Guard artillery or orbital assets, 2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m | S/-
allowing them to call in support strikes to /- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2
devastating effect. Full | Proven (3))

Options: difficulty increases by -10 for each time he
The Shadowlord may take one of the
following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its If the test succeeds, 1d5 + 2 Rounds later,
hull. the attack strikes with apocalyptic results. It
affects an area with a blast radius of 1000m,
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | and utterly pulverizes anything within. Roll
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full | Sanctified) 1d10- that percentage of the infantry or
unprotected light and medium vehicles
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen within the area survive the blasts. Any heavy
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) or superheavy vehicles, monsters or
fortifications within the area take 7d10 + 20
A Shadowlord may replace its sponson points of Impact damage with pen 12, Flash
Heavy Bolters with a pair of twin-linked (8) and Felling (4).
Heavy Flamers:
Who's In Charge Here?: Any allied vehicle
2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy within a 1km radius of a Shadowhammer
Flamers (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip gains the Command and Control trait if it
20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray, Twin- did not already have it. Any vehicles that
Linked) already have this Trait ignore the effects of
any vox jamming or comms-disrupting
Special Rules: effects. Additionally, a Shadowlord carries
within its hull a Best-Quality Signal
Baneblade Chassis: A Shadowlord benefits Jammer, which can be activated or
from the same basic Special Rules as the

Long-Range Fire Support: Once per session, a

Shadowlord's commander can pull a few
strings and call in heavy supporting fire
from Militarum air, space and artillery
assets. The Commander must make a Hard
(-20) Command Test as a Full Action to
make the attack, designating an area of
ground within 10km of the Shadowlord.
The attack may be called in on the
Shadowlord's position, if necessary. If the
test fails, the Commander may attempt
another test the next round, though the

Stormsword Manoeuvrability: 30
Structural Integrity: 120
Size: Monumental
-Vox chatter, Tchankiboian Megassault Company Armour: Front 48, Side 40, Rear 30
An increasingly-common Baneblade assault Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
gun variant, the oft-controversial Damage Control, Enclosed, Ponderous,
Stormsword close-quarters assault gun may Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
have been in service since the Great Tracked Vehicle
Crusade. A debatably heretical modification Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 3
of the Shadowsword, it replaces the massive gunners (Hellhammer cannon/Both
Volcano Cannon with the rocket-launching sponsons), 2 Loaders (Hellhammer
Hellhammer Cannon common to the tank Cannon). Stormswords usually have a dedicated
of the same name. Many in the Mechanics comms-operator and almost always have an
hold that the Stormsword is the product of Enginseer as part of their crew.
desperation and foolishness, and should be Carrying Capacity: None
condemned as a result, but small numbers
of Forge Worlds have begun to build them Weapons:
from scratch, as if to further the furious
debate. Fixed Hellhammer Cannon (100m | S/-/- |
5d10 + 30 X | Pen 10 | Reload 2 Full | Blast
All in all, a Stormsword functions not (1d5 + 10), Concussive (3), Felling (2))
dissimilarly to a Hellhammer- it is a short-
ranged dedicated city fighter, excellent at Coaxial Heavy Bolter (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
crushing fortifications and dug-in X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
opponents while also more than capable of
defeating armour over short ranges. 2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy
Though its Hellhammer lacks room to fully Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m |
elevate within the vehicle's casemate, the -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
extra armour protecting that casemate Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
makes the Stormsword significantly more
survivable than some of the Imperium's 2 Turret-mounted Heavy Flamers (30m | S/
other short-ranged superheavies, and / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full
replacing the Lascannons with a pair of | Flame, Spray)
Heavy Flamers ensures its status as the king
of the knife-fight.

Type: Tracked Vehicle

Tactical Speed: 8 m
Cruising Speed: 25 kph

Options: Special Rules:

The Stormsword may take one of the Modified Shadowsword: a Stormsword

following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its benefits from the same Special Rules as a
hull. Shadowsword.

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |

Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen

4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

Stormblade Forge Worlds lack. Some have accused
Ryza of attempting to monopolize the
-Last words of Big Mek Gantmayka Titan-hunter arms market with the
The great limitation of the Shadowsword Stormblade, the beginnings of yet another
Titan-hunter superheavy is the significant internal feud within the Mechanicus'
cost in materials and time that its notoriously argument-prone ranks.
complicated Volcano Cannon represents,
and many Forge Worlds seek cheaper Type: Tracked Vehicle
alternatives to fill the same role. The Tactical Speed: 8 m
Stormblade is Forgeworld Ryza's Cruising Speed: 25 kph
contribution, the pinnacle of their plasma- Manoeuvrability: 30
weaponry expertise. Structural Integrity: 120
Size: Monumental
It keeps the same hull design as the Armour: Front 48, Side 40, Rear 30
Shadowsword, but mounts a gigantic Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Plasma Blastgun and an extensive suite of Damage Control, Enclosed, Ponderous,
cooling systems, heat shielding, and Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
emergency pressure vents that makes the Tracked Vehicle
Blastgun quite stable and reliable by plasma Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 3
weapon standards. gunners (Blastgun/Both sponsons).
Stormblades usually have a dedicated comms-
Though short-ranged, it can discharge operator and two Enginseerss as part of their crew.
relatively quickly, although it suffers from Carrying Capacity: None
poor ammunition capacity- the vast
quantities of energy stored in its photonic Weapons:
fuel cells are only enough for 16 shots
between recharges. This often leaves Fixed Plasma Blastgun (Front Facing)
Stormblades dependent on their (200m | S/3/- | 4d10 + 12 E | Pen 12 | Clip 16 |
Lascannons for the majority of combat, as Blast (10), Flash (4), Shocking, Maximal)
photonic cells are nothing if not slow to
recharge. Another hidden advantage is the Coaxial Heavy Bolter (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
Stormblade's relatively small crew, as the X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Blastgun does not require a loader.
2 Sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy
Though it works quite well, and is indeed Bolters (Left Facing/Right Facing) (150m |
cheaper than the original Shadowsword, the -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
great obstacle to the Stormblade's success is Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
that it relies on a strong grounding in
plasma technology, something which most

2 Turret-mounted Lascannons (300m | S/- play, though not very safe. As a Full Action
/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 , the vehicle's Commander or one of its
Full | Proven (3)) Tech-Priests may attempt a Challenging
(+0) Tech-Use Test to shunt power from
Options: the engines to the Blastgun, or vice versa. If
the test Fails, the vehicle becomes wholly
The Stormblade may take one of the non-functional (with the exception of its
following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its Heavy Bolters, because they don't need
hull. power) for 1d5 rounds as its breakers need
to be reset. This doesn't require a Test to
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | do, but is guaranteed to really piss off any
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) Techpriests onboard.

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen • Directing power to Engines: For
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) every round removed from the
Blastgun's Clip, the Stormblade's
Special Rules: Tactical Movement Speed increases
by 2 for the next 1d5 rounds. While
Modified Shadowsword: a Stormblade this movement bonus is in effect,
benefits from the same Special Rules as a the Stormblade loses Ponderous.
Shadowsword. • Directing power to Weapons: The
Stormblade reduces its Tactical
Photon Flux: Some enterprising Stormblade Speed to 0 and gains Immobile. For
crewmen have learned to overcharge their every 2 Rounds this ability is in
Blastguns even further beyond the effect, it regains 1 round of Blastgun
weapon's Maximal setting, a testament to ammo.
the skills of the Ryzan techpriests and
the massive brass balls of Imperial
tankers. The Stormblade's weapon
doubles its Penetration, and gains the
Haywire (3), Recharge and Shocking
Qualities. Each shot consumes 8
rounds from the weapon's Clip.

Reroute Power!: A Stormblade's engine

and weapons systems are one and the
same, for both require plasma to
function properly, and redirecting
power from one to the other is child's

Stormhammer Size: Monumental
Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30
-Anonymous tanker of the Bulgian Ravagers, when Vehicle Traits: Improved Command and
Control, Damage Control, Enclosed,
The oldest known version of the Environmentally Sealed, Large
Baneblade, the Stormhammer is a Great Superstructure, Ponderous, Reinforced
Crusade-era vehicle that could truly be Armour, Super-Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
called a proto-Baneblade. Though its Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 9
massively armoured bulk fared well on the Gunners (Stormhammer
well-stocked battlefields of the Crusade, Cannon/Battlecannons/Lascannon/Sponso
ns), 3 Loaders (Stormhammer, 2
led it to become less and less effective. Battlecannons), Vox Operator, Techpriest
Carrying Capacity: None
An utterly monstrous superheavy vehicle,
the Stormhammer mounts the famous Weapons:

Baneblade, but in a far more varied Turret-Mounted Stormhammer Cannon

assortment. Its primary armament is a (800m | S/ / | 4d10+10 X | Pen 10 | Clip 8 |
Stormhammer-variant Battlecannon, a Reload 3 Full | Blast (10), Concussive
slightly longer version of the old Imperial (3), Reliable)
mainstay, but it also boasts two
conventional Battlecannons, a Lascannon, Coaxial Hull-Mounted Multilaser (Range
and up to 7 Multilasers by default. Though 150m | -/-/5 | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 100 |
superb when engaging multiple targets, the Reload Full | Reliable)
Stormhammer suffers compared to the
Baneblade in frontal attacks, for its weapon Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked
systems are spread across its hull and it is Battlecannons (750m | S/ / | 3d10+10 X |
incapable of bringing all of them to bear Pen 8 | Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full | Blast (10),
against a single target. Conditions within a Concussive (3), Reliable, Twin-Linked)

cramped, and it is often ergonomic rather Hull-Mounted Lascannon (Front Facing)

than tactical concerns which are cited when (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 |
they are replaced in Munitorum depots. Reload 2 Full | Proven (3))

Type: Tracked Vehicle 6x Hull-Mounted Sponson Multilasers (3

Tactical Speed: 6m Left Facing/3 Right Facing) (Range 150m |
Cruising Speed: 24kph -/-/5 | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 100 | Reload
Manoeuvrability: -30 Full | Reliable)
Structural Integrity: 120

Options: A Stormhammer with this option gains 2
more Gunners on its crew, but reduces its
Some newer Stormhammers replace the Tactical Speed to 3m. The turrets cannot
main turret with a dual Battle Cannon fire through each other, and cannot fire
mount not unlike the one found on the across the body of the tank.
Macharius. A Stormhammer with this
option loses its Stormhammer Cannon and A Stormhammer may take one of the
coaxial Multilaser, replacing them with following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
another pair of Turret-Mounted Twin- primary turret.
Linked Battlecannons. It also gains one
extra Loader on its crew. Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

designed to be easily customizeable to fit Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
any combat scenario. Any or all of the 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

be replaced with any combination of the Special Rules:

Distributed Weapons:
Heavy Bolter (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 massively overburdened hull is similar to
| Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
on its weapons are significantly different.
Lascannon (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen Its primary turret has a full 360-degree field
10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Proven (3)) of fire, while the twin Battlecannon turret
can only fire over a 180-degree arc centered
Heavy Flamer (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 on the front of the vehicle. The frontmost
| Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray) side sponson on each side can fire in a 45-
degree arc towards the front of the vehicle,
Certain extremely rare variants, thought to while the middle sponson fires in an arc
be the oldest of the bunch, lacked the away from the body of the vehicle and the
Multilasers entirely, instead bristling with 4 rear one fires in an arc towards the rear of
twin-linked Heavy Bolter turrets on each the vehicle. This may mean that two
side: sponsons are unable to hit the same target,

Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy philosophy is MORE SPONSONS.

Bolters (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin-Linked)
within a Stormhammer are, needless to say,
more than a little cramped. Any crew
damage caused by a Critical Hit to a
Stormhammer increases by 3, and any any Techpriest lucky enough to be assigned
crewmember trying to exit the to one knows that they have to step up their
Stormhammer under any form of duress
(personal injury, vehicle damaged/under Vehicle Trait counts against Righteous
fire, bad weather outside, etc) must first Fury rolls and all Tests to put out fires
pass a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or be onboard gain a +20 bonus. If the
Techpriest assigned to a Stormhammer is a
winding internal passages for one Full Player Character, they count as having the
Action. Obsession Mental Disorder, with the
subject of their Obsession being the
Truly Ancient: There is no such thing as a
Stormhammer itself.

back to the 31st millennium. A

(Imperial Guard, Space Marines,

Ecclesiarchy, Adeptus Mechanicus) Talent
so long as they are operating in or on their
vehicle. A Stormhammer always has the
Artificier Hull upgrade.

Superior Technoarcana: The internal self-

repair systems of a Stormhammer are a
miracle of long-forgotten technology, and

Gorgon Chassis 2 Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
Stubbers (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10
Gorgon Assault Transport
+ 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Reload 2 Full |
-Common Cadian saying
Seldom seen anywhere but the final 4 Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
moments of Imperial sieges or trench Stubbers (Left Facing/Right Facing) (100m
assaults, the Gorgon is a dedicated assault | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Reload
vehicle designed to transport a large body 2 Full | Twin-Linked)
of soldiers to a target, and very little else.
One of the largest amphibious vehicles Options:
available to the Imperium, and quite speedy A Gorgon may replace its sponson weapons
given their size, they possess tremendous with any of the following:
terrain crossing capability, a thick frontal
hull, and an open-topped troop bay with 4 Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (150m |
enough space for 50 people. Though they -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload
do well in the task of sprinting across Full | Tearing)
hostile terrain towards an attack target,
their unsealed hull and relatively poor 4 Sponson-Mounted Heavy Flamers (30m |
armament make them somewhat S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2
overspecialized. Full | Flame, Spray)

Type: Tracked Vehicle 2 Fixed Twin-Linked Mortars (50-300m |

Tactical Speed: 10m S/-/- | Clip 2 | Reload Full | Indirect (2),
Cruising Speed: 29kph Inaccurate, Twin-Linked)
Manoeuvrability: -20
Structural Integrity: 100 The Mortars may be loaded with any
Size: Monumental (9) combination of standard Mortar Rounds
Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear from p. 183 of the Only War Core
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enhanced Rulebook.
Motive Systems, Open-Topped,
Ponderous, Superheavy, Tracked Vehicle Special Rules:
Crew: 1 Driver, 2 Gunners (Stubbers,
Sponsons) Taller than Most: While the Gorgon has the
Carrying Capacity: 50 Guardsmen plus Open-Topped trait, the vehicle is so tall
light gear, or 4 Cyclops and operators that only Indirect or Thrown weapons can
Weapons: target its occupants normally. Weapons that
do not have Indirect and are not Thrown,
such as lasguns, autoguns and other

weapons, require that the attacker be on Twin-Linked Stubber Gunners can choose
Higher Ground (see p.253 of the Only War s sponson guns
Core Rulebook). on their turn instead of their Stubber,
regardless of which of the two Stubber
Assault Ramp: The huge frontal plate of the mounts they are currently using.

dropped in seconds to disgorge the troops

within. It also has the added bonus of
ensuring that troops leaving its hull have a
step on any wayward land mines or hungry
burrowing Tyranids. The first turn after an
allied character disembarks off the front of
a Gorgon, they cannot take damage from
landmines or floor-based traps. On any
turn where troops have left a Gorgon, its
front Armour is reduced to 10.

Remote Sponsons: The side sponsons on a

Gorgon are remote-controlled by the

Stheno Mobile Blockhouse as a sort of heavy Leman Russ Demolisher,
much better able to smash their way
through obstructions than their smaller kin.
-Lady Sun Nishizumi, Ruminations on
Panzerfahren Type: Tracked Vehicle
It is unsurprising that someone would try Tactical Speed: 10m
and find another use for the Gorgon- Cruising Speed: 29kph
Manoeuvrability: -20
waste, after all. The Techpriests of Stheno Structural Integrity: 100
looked at the Gorgon, looked at the Size: Monumental (9)
frequent naval raids that Ork Freebootas Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear
launched on their watery homeworld, and Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed,
decided to turn the Gorgon into a Enhanced Motive Systems, Ponderous,
beachhead machine. They achieved this by Superheavy, Tracked Vehicle
the simple expedient of enclosing a Carrying Capacity: 0
Crew: 1 x Commander, 1 x Driver, 4 x
combination Demolisher Cannon, Gunners (Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers,
Autocannon and heavy bolter mount on a Demolisher Cannon, Autocannon Turret),
deployable turret just inside the original 2 x Loaders (Demolisher Cannon,

The newly- Weapons:

could close rapidly with an enemy on land
or sea, use hydraulic rams to firmly anchor 2 Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
itself to the shore, and then begin pouring Stubbers (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10
accurate short-ranged covering fire into an + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Reload 2 Full |
enemy as proper Gorgons deploy troops. In Twin-Linked)
order to account for the huge weight of
such weapons, the Stheno deletes the side Options:
sponsons of the original vehicle, and thus Some Sthenos optimized for longer-range
most of its weapons cannot be used until it engagements trade off their Demolisher
is immobile and deployed. Unfortunately, Cannon (see below) for a pair of lighter,
turning an already-overspecialized vehicle low-recoil Conqueror Cannons mounted
into an even more purpose-built variant side-by side. This option adds one extra
was, to put it simply, a terrible idea, and
active Sthenos are few and far between.
Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Conqueror
Still, some see use in their original role as Cannons (Range 500m | S/2/- | 3d10 + 8 X |
assault vehicles, while others are preferred

Pen 7 | Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full | Blast (5), Repacking a Stheno requires another Full
Concussive (1), Reliable, Twin-Linked) Action- at any time while it is being
deployed or packed, none of its weapons
Special Rules: save its Heavy Stubbers can be used.

Deployable Turret: The Stheno is effectively Ground-Lock:

the transport platform for an immobile dual elements are designed to be collapsible,
turret mounting a Demolisher Cannon, a
coaxial Heavy Bolter, and a pair of with the ground, and the addition of
Autocannons in an anti-air/anti-ground hydraulic rams along the outside of the
mount. This versatile weapon combination tracks let it partially dig in and brace itself
can be quickly deployed from an immobile against whatever is beneath it. When it is
Stheno, turning it into a powerful deployed and gains Immobile, a Stheno
stationary defensive strongpoint. crushes any uneven or Difficult Terrain
beneath it, making that
As a Full Action, a Stheno can deploy its standard. Furthermore, it halves incoming
weapon systems and anchor itself to the damage from enemy Ram attacks while
ground. It gains the Immobile, Reinforced immobile.
Armour and Anti-Air (Rudimentary)
Vehicle traits, and deploys a frontal turret.
The Demolisher cannon has a 225-degree
field of fire centered on the front of the
vehicle, while the Autocannons can fire in a
full circle, though they cannot fire back on
the body of the tank itself.

Turret-Mounted Demolisher Cannon (50m

| S/ / | 4d10+20 X | Pen 10 | Clip 2 | Reload
Full | Blast (10), Concussive (3))

Coaxial Heavy Bolter (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8

X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)

Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked
Autocannon (300m | S/3/- | 3d10 + 8 I | Pen 6
| Clip 100 | Reload 4 Full | Reliable, Twin-

Euryale Swarm Platform Though their networked intelligence is not
strong enough to allow them to hunt down
enemy units on the move, they can be set to
which can deposit a hand grenade in patrol or guard key battlefield locations,
bed while they sleep- acting as effecting and inexpensive anti-
-Architectus Magnus Eleamon Euryale personnel turrets. What a Euryale's inbuilt
The Euryale is one of the pinnacles of sponson weapons or Barrage Drones won't
Imperial combat robotics, a drone control cut down, its Interdiction Drones
platform which, though it cannot match the frequently will.
elegance of Tau designs, is a capable
combatant and super terror weapon. The An ancient variant on the Gorgon, the
vehicle's primary armament is a launch Euryale was mostly forgotten until the mad
platform for small 'Barrage Drones', scrum that was the Damocles Gulf Crusade
stripped-down servo skulls designed to reminded the wider Imperium of the power
deliver small explosive payloads (usually of unmanned combat platforms. Dozens of
hand grenades) to a target with extreme mouldering Euryales were pulled out of
accuracy. storage across Munitorum depot worlds,
and restored to working order posthaste. It
Barrage Drones can slip through doors, was then, unfortunately, that the vehicle's
hover down the length of trenches, and intended operators encountered another
generally insinuate themselves in places issue- no one outside the Mechanicus
where no enemy would ever want to find a actually knew how to use a Euryale, and the
live hand grenade, and it is this furtiveness Martian Techpriests were reluctant to issue
that makes them so frightening. The semi-independent robotics weapons to the
battlefield around a Euryale, to the untrained novices of the Militarum.
unobservant foes, seems to explode on its
own, and the blasts of the vehicle's weapons Centuries of heel-dragging have ensured
have a knack for appearing from surprising that, even though the Imperium is
angles and totally bypassing cover. The reasonably well-supplies with functional
Euryale's cavernous hull not only Euryales, there are very few in actual active
incorporates charging and maintenance service.
facilities for these machines, but also a
cogitator-controlled technomatic forge Type: Tracked Vehicle
that can slowly but steadily produce more Tactical Speed: 10m
in combat to deal with losses. Cruising Speed: 29kph
Manoeuvrability: -20
A smaller secondary bay contains a set of Structural Integrity: 100
Interdiction Drones, military-grade servo- Size: Monumental (9)
skulls armed with compact Lascarbines. Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear

Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enhanced Barrage Drones to drop small explosives
Motive Systems, Enclosed, Ponderous, with pinpoint accuracy. The vehicle's
Superheavy, Tracked Vehicle Commander may select up to 10 targets
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander, 4 Gunners within 20m of the vehicle and roll a Hard (-
(Sponsons), 3 Techpriests 20) Tech-Use or Difficult (-10) Ballistic
Carrying Capacity: 0 Skill Test. A Barrage Drone will then drop
an explosive (a Frag Grenade, Krak
Weapons: Grenade or Fire Bomb) at the indicated
point, with the explosive scattering 1m (with
4 Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy the direction individually determined for
Stubbers (2 Left Facing/ 2 Right Facing) each explosive) for every 2 Degrees of
(100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Failure on the original Test.
Reload 2 Full | Twin-Linked)
Any character within 5m of the impact point
Options: of a Saturation Bombing attack may make a
A Gorgon may replace its sponson weapons Very Hard (-30) Ballistic Skill Test as a
with any of the following: Reaction to shoot a drone out of the air.
The explosive scatters with a distance equal
4 Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (150m | to twice the character's Degrees of Success
-/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload on their Test. A Euryale Swarm Platform
Full | Tearing) maintains an active stock of 100 drones,
which can be replenished at a rate of 1/hour
4 Sponson-Mounted Heavy Flamers (30m | in the field, provided sufficient raw
S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 materials are available.
Full | Flame, Spray)
A Saturation Bombing attack can be
2 Fixed Twin-Linked Mortars (50-300m | launched over ranges greater than 20m- in
S/-/- | Clip 2 | Reload Full | Indirect (2), theory, the Barrage Drones have an
Inaccurate, Twin-Linked) independent payload/return range of up to
1km. For every increment of 20m greater
The Mortars may be loaded with any than the first that a Barrage Drone flies, it
combination of standard Mortar Rounds takes an extra Round to reach its
from p. 183 of the Only War Core destination. (Aim for a target 60m away?
Rulebook. Drone takes 3 rounds to get there). While in
flight, a drone can be recalled, in which case
Special Rules it will take an equal number of Rounds to
return as it took to reach its current
Saturation Bombing: Once per Round, this location. Up to 50 drones can be active at a
vehicle may launch a group of up to 10 time, and once a Drone has returned to the

vehicle it takes 2 Rounds for it to recharge When their grav engines are overloaded,
and rearm with a new grenade. the drones can move at great speed and hit
quite accurately as they can correct their
Interdiction Drones: A Euryale also includes a trajectory in flight. Unfortunately, doing
distributed cogitator targeting network so entails the loss of the drones themselves,
slaved to a series of 25 larger servo-drones, and it takes time to rebuild.
which can be deployed as stationary sentries When used in this mode, a Euryale gains
to keep targets pinned. Instead of passing a the following 'weapon':
Hard (-20) Tech-Use or Ballistic Skill test
to launch Saturation Bombing, the vehicle's Turret-Mounted Drone Launcher (40m | -
commander may make the same Test to /-/10 | 1d10 + 6 I | Pen 2 | Blast (1),
launch up to five Interdiction Drones to Concussion (0)).
any point within 20m of the vehicle's hull.
These drones follow the same range rules as Every time a Sacrificial Barrage is used, it
Saturation Bombing. consumes 10 of the Euryale's Barrage
The drones have a base Ballistic Skill of 35,
an Agility of 30, a Toughness of 20, 5 Drone Airlift: As a Full Action, the vehicle's
Wounds, and the Machine (2) and Size (2) Commander may make a Challenging (+0)
(Puny) Traits. They are armed with a Tech-Use Test to order the vehicle's
Lascarbine and increase their Ballistic Skill Barrage Drones to lift and carry small
by 2 for every Degree of Success the objects. Any number of drones may be
vehicle's Commander got on the initial test. deployed in each way, and each can carry up
The drones spend each Round entering to 3kg of weight at a time. Any Servo-drone
Overwatch over a 90-degree field of fire carrying a weight in this manner cannot be
determined by the vehicle's commander, used to make Saturation Bombing or
and will always fire Semi-Auto Bursts. They Sacrificial Barrage attacks. The drones
will remain in place until destroyed, cannot travel further than 500m from the
recalled, or until they run out of ammo- Euryale, and they cannot do any form of
whichever happens first. Up to 25 fine or gross manipulation of objects, other
Interdiction Drones can be deployed than carrying them. Drones can work
simultaneously, but they cannot be together to carry larger objects.
constructed in the field.

Sacrificial Barrage: An emergency expedient

often frowned upon by trained Euryale
operators, this technique involves simply
hurling dozens of Barrage Drones at a
target until it is battered into submission.

Crassus Chassis Crew: 1 Driver, 4 Gunners (Sponsons)
Carrying Capacity: 35 Guardsmen plus
Crassus Assault Transport
light gear, or 2 Cyclopes plus operators

-Vox chatter, Cadian forces on Betalis III
A powerful, safe and reliable 'battle taxi',
the Crassus is a true up-and-comer in the 4 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (2 Front
Imperial armour. Though often mocked for Facing, 2 Left/Right Facing in Sponsons)
its high profile and lumpy forward hull, its (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 |
somewhat unusual front-mounted engine, Reload Full | Tearing)
and the size of that engine, makes it a
surprisingly fast and manoeuvrable vehicle Options:
for its size. Though less effective in open
assaults than vehicles like the Gorgon, its A Crassus may replace its sponson Bolters
rear exit and heavy frontal armament allow or hull Bolters (or both) with the following:
it to be used in a role not dissimilar to that
of a larger, heavier Chimera. 2 Hull-Mounted Autocannons (Front
Facing or Side Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8
Many have noted that a great deal of the I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
common vehicular designs from the
notorious 'reclaimed' Forge World Zhao- 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Front
Arkkad are based on elements of the Facing or Side Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5
Crassus, and rumours of tech-heresy or E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
traitorous origins have surrounded it since Spray)
its adoption into the wider Imperium. Still,
the Guardsmen who drive and ride in them 2 Hull-Mounted Lascannons (Front Facing
like them well, and they have acquired a or Side Facing) (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E |
good reputation amongst the common Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Proven (3))
soldiery as a result.
The Crassus may take one of the following
Type: Tracked Vehicle Pintle-mounted weapons atop its hull.
Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 40kph Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Manoeuvrability: -10 Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Structural Integrity: 80
Size: Immense (8) Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Armour: Front 40, Side 38, Rear 30 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Enclosed, Heavy, Tracked Vehicle

Special Rules: line of sight of an operational or largely
undamaged allied Crassus can reroll failed
The primary embarkation/disembarkation Fear Tests.
point on a Crassus is a large hatch on the
rear of its hull, though troops can climb
through the commander's cupola in a pinch.
Doing so does leave them exposed,

Defender of the Trenchman: The Crassus is a

well-known symbol of Imperial might to
many trench regiments, especially those of
the Segmentum Pacificus, and few can deny
the comfort that the sight of its boxy hull
coming over the horizon brings. Whether
it's carrying reinforcements or getting
guardsmen off the battlefield, a Crassus is
always welcome. Any soldiers from a Siege
Infantry or Mechanized regiment within

Praetor Assault Launcher Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 40kph
-Motto of the Fonbron Rocket Artillery Corps Manoeuvrability: -10
Last used in M35 during the Tellarite Wars, Structural Integrity: 80
the Praetor's semi-heretekal origins (it was Size: Immense (8)
famously 'recovered' from the formerly- Armour: Front 40, Side 38, Rear 30
secessionist Forge World Zhao-Arkkad) Vehicle Traits: Anti-Air (Rudimentary),
have not stopped it from being adopted as Enhanced Motive Systems, Enclosed,
the Imperium's premiere heavy missile Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
launcher. Used all across the Segmentum Crew: 1 Driver, 2 Gunners (Sponsons)
Pacificus, the Praetor is a versatile missile Carrying Capacity: 0
platform capable of accurate long-range
fire against vehicles, infantry, Weapons:
emplacements and aircraft.
2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (2 Front
Significantly tougher and faster than the Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
much smaller Manticore, the Praetor's 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
enclosed 'pop-up' missile launcher keeps its
payload protected until the moment of Fixed Praetor Heavy Assault Launcher
firing. The vehicle's only real limiting (Front Facting) (5km| S/2/4 | Clip 13 |
factor is the relatively small size of the Reload - | Indirect (2))
Praetor-class missiles. Though they hit
more consistently than Manticore missiles, A Praetor Launcher may be loaded with
they simply do not carry the same one of the following:
destructive firepower.
Foehammer Missile (3d10 + 12 X | Pen 14 |
The Praetor has not totally eclipsed the Blast (10 + 1d5), Concussive (2), Accurate)
Manticore for the simple reason that it is
significantly more difficult to produce- the Firestorm Missile (3d10 + 15 E | Pen 4 | Blast
data-loom and cogitation systems needed (15 + 1d5), Concussive (2), Flame)
to manage the firing and aiming of 13 large
missiles are necessarily complicated and Pilum Missile (3d10 + 12 X | 14 | Proven (5),
difficult to operate. For this reason, Praetor Accurate) When firing Pilums, the Praetor
crews are often significantly better- gains the Anti-Air (Advanced) Vehicle Trait
educated by the Mechanicus than the crews
of other Imperial artillery vehicles.

Options: Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
A Praetor may replace its hull Bolters with
the following: Special Rules:

2 Hull-Mounted Autocannons (300m | S/3/ Popup Launcher: The Praetor is generally

| 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | well protected, but its exposed missiles are
Reliable) vulnerable at the moment of firing. A
Praetor gains the Extremely Volatile
2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (30m | S/ / Vehicle Trait on any Round in which it has
| 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | already fired at least one of its missiles.
Flame, Spray) Reloading a Praetor requires several hours'
work and a variety of heavy-lifting
2 Hull-Mounted Lascannons (300m | S/-/- | equipment, and is generally done off the
5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full battlefield in protected supply depots. In
| Proven (3)) in-game time, loading a single missile into a
Praetor requires 12 Full Actions.
The Praetor may take one of the following
Pintle-mounted weapons atop its hull. Skykiller Network: Praetor systems can
effectively network with each other,
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | sharing basic firing solutions and targeting
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) data. At the GM's discretion, a Praetor can
gain the Command and Control Vehicle

Dominus Armoured Siege Bombard Weapons:
re just an iron tomb/and
when I think of you/my heart goes BOOM BOOM Fixed Triple Bombard (Front Facing) (1km |
S/2/3 | 4d10 + 10 X | Pen 4 | Clip 15 | Full |
-Popular song amongst Pintaxian armoured troops Blast (5 + 1d10), Concussive (3), Indirect (4)
A specialized assault artillery vehicle, the
Dominus is designed to accompany mobile 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (2 Front
armoured formations while simultaneously Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
providing accurate artillery suppression on 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
the move. Unfortunately, the Imperium
being what it is, they gave the Dominus an Options:
absurdly oversized Triple Bombard weapon
that taxes its suspension and balance to the A Dominus may replace its hull Bolters with
limits. the following:

automated 2 Hull-Mounted Autocannons (300m | S/3/

loading system gives it a truly frightening | 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full |
rate of fire, and it is accurate enough to Reliable)
engage targets while the Dominus is
moving. In practice, it is a top-heavy 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (30m | S/ /
magnet for incoming fire, and | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
unsurprisingly unpopular with its crews. It Flame, Spray)
is not without justification that some call
2 Hull-Mounted Lascannons (300m | S/-/- |
on one is often considered a one-way ticket 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full
to an early grave. | Proven (3))

Type: Tracked Vehicle The Dominus may take one of the

Tactical Speed: 12m following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
Cruising Speed: 38kph hull.
Manoeuvrability: -10
Structural Integrity: 80 Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Size: Immense (8) Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Armour: Front 40, Side 38, Rear 30
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Large Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Superstructure, Heavy, Tracked Vehicle 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Crew: 1 Driver, 3 Gunners (Sponsons,
Triple Bombard)
Carrying Capacity: None

Special Rules: job, but some whisper that the entire
platform is somehow cursed. The kind of
Triple Bombard:
people who willingly crew a Dominus are a
weapon is a miracle of autoloading systems,
devout, intense bunch, who lead very short
and would be much more respected if it
lives. The crew of a Dominus can reroll
failed Fear tests, but are unable to burn
enemy fire. Reloading the Triple Bombard
Fate to avoid dying while they are inside
takes several hours of work and cannot be
their vehicle.
accomplished reasonably in combat
conditions. Overstressed Suspension: The vast weight of
the Triple Bombard means most of the
Gun Stabilization: The Dominus suffers no
structural elements of its suspension are just
accuracy penalties due to movement.
-breadth away from failing at any
Iron Tomb: An aura of doom seems to time. Whenever a Dominus would suffer
pervade the Dominus and its crew. Critical Damage to its suspension, increase
Logically, it might simply be because the value of the damage by +1.

Crassus Rex Shock Tank manufacture Rexes, but they do not appear
to be destined for glory.
-Marshal Karis Venner, upon being presented with a
battlion of Crassus Rexes for field testing Type: Tracked Vehicle
Thrown together in desperation by the Tactical Speed: 15m
Magii of Kruzibel in the Ultima Cruising Speed: 40kph
Segmentum, the Crassus Rex was a Manoeuvrability: -10
desperate attempt to stem the endless tide Structural Integrity: 80
of Tyranid attacks on that world near the Size: Immense (8)
height of the Second Tyrannic War. Armour: Front 40, Side 38, Rear 30
Kruzibel was primarily a producer of Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Imperial Knights, and had the misfortune Enclosed, Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
to find themselves attacked by Hive Fleet Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander, 1
Kraken immediately after moving most of Techpriest, 5 Gunners (Lightning Cannon,
their stock of materiel offworld for use Sponsons)
elsewhere. Carrying Capacity: None

Cobbled together from partially-finished Weapons:

Crassus transports and spare parts from
Hull-Mounted Lightning Cannon (Rear
power generator connected directly to a Facing) (750m | S/-/- | 6d10 + 20 E | Pen 5 |
Lightning Cannon and a low-intensity Ion Clip 1 | Reload 3 Full | Flash (1), Haywire
Field generator in its rear hull. With its (2), Shocking)
gearbox reversed, it could move backwards
into combat at high speeds, dispatching 4 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (2 Front
foes with the Lightning cannon and Facing, 2 Left/Right Facing in
receiving protection from the Ion Field, Sponsons)(150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 |
but still have adequate side and rear Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
weaponry to keep Tyranids off it.
Though the Rex was a great success on
Kruzibel, and indeed many Rexes were A Rex may replace its sponson Bolters or
taken offworld when the Kruzibellans hull Bolters (or both) with the following:
evacuated their home planet, the design was
unpopular elsewhere, with many 2 Hull-Mounted Autocannons (Front
Techpriests seeing it as a borderline- Facing or Side Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8
blasphemous corruption of the form of the I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
Knight Titan. A few Forge Worlds
populated by expatriate Kruzibellans still

2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Front energy fire, though it needs to be
Facing or Side Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5
E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Spray) attempt a Hard (-20) Tech-Use Test to
activate the Ionic Field Generator. If they
2 Hull-Mounted Lascannons (Front Facing succeed, the vehicle ignores a number of
or Side Facing) (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | enemy attacks against its rear Facing equal
Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Proven (3)) to the number of Degrees of Success on the
initial test. This effect lasts until the start of
The Rex may take one of the following
Pintle-mounted weapons atop its hull. make a Reaction or are injured during that
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | time the field shuts off.
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
If the Techpriest fails the Test, the shield
does not cycle properly and they are free to
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
attempt again the next Round. If they fail
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
by more than 3 Degrees of Failure, the field
cannot be used for 1d5 rounds.
Special Rules:

Ionic Field: This narrowly-focused energy

field generator can intercept even high-

Macharius Chassis Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 3
Gunners (Turret weapon, 2 Sponsons), 2
Macharius Heavy Tank
Loaders (Turret weapon), Comms
Operator/Gunner (Hull Stubber)
Carrying Capacity: 0
-Magos Nalax of Lucius, rediscoverer of the
Macharius blueprint
The classic 'second-generation' Imperial Weapons:
superheavy tank, the vehicle which came to
be known as the Macharius was developed Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked
by Nalax of Lucius sometime before M39. Battlecannon (750m | S/ / | 3d10+10 X | Pen
He sought to resurrect an ancient STC 8 | Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full | Blast (10),
fragment as an inexpensive, easy-to- Concussive (3), Reliable, Twin-Linked)
manufacture superheavy substitute for the
Baneblade, which could be quickly Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
produced by those Forgeworlds too Stubber (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
underdeveloped to be capable of 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Reload 2 Full | Twin-
manufacturing Baneblades. Linked)

Though he died before the Macharius was Sponson-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Left
officially adopted, Nalax's legacy was a Facing/Right Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
tremendous success; produced on hundreds 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)
of worlds across the Imperium, his vehicle
is, as advertised, a perfectly effective Options:
'budget' superheavy tank. Reasonably fast,
decently armoured and quite well-armed, it The sponson Stubbers on a Macharius can
is more than capable of supplementing or be swapped out for one of the following:
outright replacing the Baneblade, and it is
an increasingly common sight on the Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Left
battlefields of the Militarum. Facing/Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 10m Sponson-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Left
Cruising Speed: 26kph Facing/Right Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E
Manoeuvrability: -20 | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Structural Integrity: 90 Spray)
Size: Immense (8)
Armour: Front 43, Side 35, Rear 32 A Macharius may take one of the following
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Damage Control, Pintle-mounted weapons atop its hull.
Heavy, Tracked Vehicle

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

Special Rules:

The Legacy of Nalax: Many of the standard

components of a Macharius are lifted
wholesale from other vehicles, and even a
remotely skilled repair crew will take
advantage of this cross-compatibility. All
Repair Tests on a Macharius, and all
Logistics Tests to acquire spare or upgrade
parts, gain a +10 bonus.

Macharius Vanquisher
ithout Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
Stubber (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
-Knight Commander Pask, on his brief stint in 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Reload 2 Full | Twin-
command of a Macharius Vanquisher Linked)
Widely considered to be the finest of the
Macharius variants, the Vanquisher is also, Sponson-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Left
much like its Leman Russ-based namesake, Facing/Right Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
the rarest. Functionally identical to a classic 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)
Macharius save a pair of Vanquisher
cannons in the turret, it is a superb tank Options:
hunter that also boasts enough armour to
slug it out with its targets. Its large internal The sponson Stubbers on a Macharius
ammo bays give it a great deal of room for Vanquisher can be swapped out for one of
anti-armour shells, but also enough space the following:
for a significant quantity of high-explosive
munitions, making it much more flexible Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Left
than a Leman Russ Vanquisher. Facing/Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
Type: Tracked Vehicle X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Tactical Speed: 10m
Cruising Speed: 26kph Sponson-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Left
Manoeuvrability: -20 Facing/Right Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E
Structural Integrity: 90 | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Size: Immense (8) Spray)
Armour: Front 43, Side 35, Rear 32
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Damage Control, A Macharius Vanquisher may take one of
Heavy, Tracked Vehicle the following Pintle-mounted weapons
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 3 atop its hull.
Gunners (Turret weapon, 2 Sponsons), 2
Loaders (Turret weapon), Comms Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Operator/Gunner (Hull Stubber) Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Carrying Capacity: 0
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Weapons: 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Vanquisher

Cannon(900m | S/-/- | 3d10 + 10 X | Pen 16 |
Clip 12 | Reload 2 Full | Accurate, Twin-

Special Rules: Macharius Vanquisher crews, knowing that
their vehicles have the space to carry that
The Legacy of Nalax: Many of the standard much ammo, take great advantage of this
components of a Macharius Vanquisher are fact. The crew of a Macharius Vanquisher
lifted wholesale from other vehicles, and gain a +10 bonus to any Logistics Tests to
even a remotely skilled repair crew will take acquire special-purpose shells for their
advantage of this cross-compatibility. All vehicle, as listed on p. 194 of the Only War
Repair Tests on a Macharius Vanquisher, Core Rulebook.
and all Logistics Tests to acquire spare or
upgrade parts, gain a +10 bonus.

Precision Instruments: The Vanquisher

Cannons on this vehicle gain the bonus
damage from the Accurate quality.

Versatile Loadout: Very few crews manning

Vanquisher cannons of any description
make much use of the high-ex or
specialized rounds for their weapons.

Macharius Vulcan Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 3
Gunners (Turret weapon, 2 Sponsons),
Comms Operator/Gunner (Hull Stubber)
-Final transmission of the Zikran 39th Carrying Capacity: 0
The logical extension of the grand Imperial
tradition of hopelessly overgunned anti- Weapons:
infantry vehicles, the Vulcan fits the Mega-
Bolter common to Warhound Titans and Turret-Mounted Vulcan Mega-Bolter
the Stormlord, mounting it in a turret for (500m | -/-/20 | 3d10 + 5 X | Pen 6 | Clip 160 |
maximum fire flexibility. Reload 4 Full | Storm, Tearing)

Capable of unleashing a hurricane of Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy

explosive firepower, the Vulcan can easily Stubber (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
tear its way across a battlefield, suppressing 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 400 | Reload 2 Full | Twin-
anything it doesn't turn into pulp. Until it Linked)
runs out of ammo, anyways. Space inside a
Macharius hull is plentiful, but not infinite, Sponson-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Left
and Heavy Bolter rounds are, for lack of a Facing/Right Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
better word, pretty hefty. A fully-equipped 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)
Vulcan, then, only holds enough rounds for
about 20 seconds of sustained fire before it Options:
runs empty. Though they can be relatively
easily reloaded from within the hull, the The sponson Stubbers on a Macharius
lack of space for a dedicated loader on the Vulcan can be swapped out for one of the
crew (that spot is occupied by the feed following:
systems for the Mega-Bolter) makes it a
tedious process. Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Left
Facing/Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
Type: Tracked Vehicle X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Tactical Speed: 10m
Cruising Speed: 26kph Sponson-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Left
Manoeuvrability: -20 Facing/Right Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E
Structural Integrity: 90 | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Size: Immense (8) Spray)
Armour: Front 43, Side 35, Rear 32
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Damage Control, A Macharius Vulcan may take one of the
Heavy, Tracked Vehicle following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) More Bullets!: The great limiter in any
Vulcan is its high rate of fire and poor
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen ammo capacity. By packing in as much
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) ammo as possible into nonessential spaces,
Vulcan crews can eke a little bit more
Special Rules: sustained fire. However, most vehicles do
not respond well to having every bit of
The Legacy of Nalax: Many of the standard superfluous space with ammo, and the
components of a Macharius Vulcan are Vulcan becomes that much more unstable as
lifted wholesale from other vehicles, and a result. The crew of a Vulcan can choose to
even a remotely skilled repair crew will take increase the Clip Size of the Mega-Bolter
advantage of this cross-compatibility. All to 240, but doing so gives the vehicle the
Repair Tests on a Macharius Vulcan, and all Extremely Volatile Vehicle Trait.
Logistics Tests to acquire spare or upgrade
parts, gain a +10 bonus.

Macharius Omega Manoeuvrability: -20
Structural Integrity: 90
-Anonymous Omega crewman Size: Immense (8)
Stuck in development hell for centuries, the Armour: Front 38, Side 35, Rear 32
Omega self-propelled plasma cannon is still Vehicle Traits: Damage Control,
the subject of great Mechanicus Extremely Volatile, Open-Topped, Heavy,
controversy. When Magos Explorator Tracked Vehicle
Hum'nal discovered the STC for the Crew: 1 Driver, 3 Gunners (Blastgun, 2
Omega-Pattern Plasma Blastgun in late Sponsons), Comms Operator, Techpriest
M39, he sparked a protracted schism over Carrying Capacity: 0
the validity of the design.
While the Omega was quite light and
compact for a large-scale plasma weapon, it Hull-Mounted Omega Plasma Blastgun
was also dangerously unsafe even by the (Front Facing) (200m | S/2/- | 4d10 + 12 E |
standards of Imperial plasma technology, Pen 12 | Clip 16 | Blast (8), Flash (3),
and many still argue that the construction Shocking, Maximal, Unreliable)
of Macharius Omegas is little more than a
waste of a good tank chassis. Indeed, many Sponson-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Left
Omegas are lost to internal explosions, Facing/Right Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
overheating, or simple crew abandonment, 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)
and they are rare on Imperial battlefields
despite the vast amount of resources the Options:
Munitorum has invested in their
production. The sponson Stubbers on a Macharius
Omega can be swapped out for one of the
An unfortunate side-effect of the bulky following:
power cells needed for the Blastgun is that
the Omega lacks hull-mounted Heavy Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Left
Stubbers, making it a much less defensible Facing/Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
vehicle than the other Macharius variants. X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
As an advantage, however, there is enough
free space for it to mount slightly heavier Sponson-Mounted Autocannons (Left
sponson guns; small comfort when one is Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8
always on the verge of blowing up. I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)

Type: Tracked Vehicle A Macharius Omega may take one of the

Tactical Speed: 10m following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
Cruising Speed: 26kph hull.

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | ignoring Armour but not Toughness. This
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) damage has the Flame quality.

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen If they fail the test by more than 4 Degrees,
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) the vehicle takes 2d5 damage, catches fire,
and the Blastgun gains the Weapon
Special Rules: Disabled repair condition. Every member
of the crew takes 1d5+1 points of Energy
The Legacy of Nalax: Many of the standard Damage to the Body, ignoring Armour but
components of a Macharius Omega are not Toughness. This damage has the Flame
lifted wholesale from other vehicles, and and Flash (1) quality.
even a remotely skilled repair crew will take
advantage of this cross-compatibility. All Run away!: The crew of an Omega that
Repair Tests on a Macharius Omega, and hasn't extensively practiced on how to get
all Logistics Tests to acquire spare or the hell out of their vehicle at a moment's
upgrade parts, gain a +10 bonus. notice won't survive very long. An Omega's
crew gains a +10 bonus to any Test to
Sunburst: The Omega Blastgun is evacuate their vehicle or put distance
notoriously unstable, and when it melts between themselves and it.
down it melts down hard. Whenever the
Plasma Blastgun Jams, the vehicle's
Techpriest must attempt a Hard (-20)
Tech-Use Test to properly vent excess
heat. If they pass, the vehicle takes 1
damage, ignoring armour, but the gun is
otherwise undamaged.

If they fail the test, the

Omega takes 1d5
damage, ignoring
armour. If they fail the
test by more than 2
Degrees, the Omega
takes 1d5+1 damage, and
both the Techpriest and
the Gunner operating
the Blastgun take 1d5+1
points of Energy
Damage to the Body,

Malcador Chassis Structural Integrity: 85
Size: Immense (8)
Malcador Heavy Tank
Armour: Front 42, Side 40, Rear 35
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Heavy,
not mean it literally. There is only so much metal
Ponderous, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: Commander, Driver, 4 x Gunners
-Lady Sun Nishizumi, Ruminations on Panzerfahren
The origins of the Malcador are lost to (Battlecannon, Heavy Bolter, Heavy
time- some believe it was built during the Stubbers), Loader (Battlecannon)
Great Crusade as a trench-assault or Carrying Capacity: 0
second-line support vehicle, while others
hold that it was produced during the Weapons:
Scouring as a cheap and sturdy combat
vehicle. Regardless, it is an ancient model, Turret-Mounted Battlecannon (750m | S/ /
which unfortunately has aged like milk. | 3d10+10 X | Pen 8 | Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full |
Blast (10), Concussive (3), Reliable)
The Malcador generally is a shoddily-
constructed vehicle, with numerous 'design Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolter (Front
features' which reek of amateurish or hasty Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
construction. Poorly designed weapon 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
mountings greatly limit its field of fire, and
a while its advanced engine is supposed to Hull-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Left
be quite fast, it does not hold up well with Facing/Right Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
age, making it remarkably sluggish and 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)
prone to breakdowns. Though it carries the
armour plating of a superheavy, the Options:
Malcador lacks the firepower or mobility to
be truly effective. A Malcador may replace its Sponsons with
one of the following:
Thousands of Malcadors lie mouldering
away in Munitorum supply depots across 2 Hull-Mounted Autocannons (Left
the Imperium, awaiting the day when they Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8
are finally consigned to oblivion or I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
reactivated for one terrible, apocalyptic
End of Days. 2 Hull-Mounted Lascannons (Left
Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 +
Type: Tracked Vehicle 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Tactical Speed: 20kph Proven (3))
Cruising Speed: 8
Manoeuvrability: -25

2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Left Questionable Engines:
Facing/Right Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E powerplant is a brilliant piece of
| Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, technology that has not aged well,
Spray) becoming increasingly cantankerous and
unstable with time. A Malcador increases all
2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Left Critical Damage to its Motive Systems by 1.
Facing/Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing) Despite their unreliability, on

A Malcador may take one of the following engine functions properly it is easy to see
Pintle-mounted weapons atop its turret.
th millennium. Once per
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | combat, the Driver of a Malcador may
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) spend a Fate Point to cause their vehicle to
lose Ponderous, gain Enhanced Motive
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen Systems, double its Tactical Speed, and
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) increase its Maneuvrability to +10. This
ability lasts for as many Turns as the
Special Rules:
choose to end it at any time. For each turn
Questionable Armament: Just about this ability is active, the vehicle loses 1d10
everything about the layout of the guns on Structural Integrity, not reduced by
a Malcador (save its hull weapon) is Armour. When this effect ends, the
Malcador gains the Immobile Vehicle Trait
only traverse over a 90-degree angle for a number of Turns equal to the number
centered on the Front Facing of the of Turns the ability was active.
vehicle, while its two
sponson weapons are
limited to the standard
45-degree cone on
either side of the
vehicle. This means that
only two of a

can be brought to bear

on a single target at a

Malcador Annihilator Weapons:

Turret-Mounted Twin-linked Lascannons

-Assayer Tigyus, (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 60 |
#46 Reload 2 Full | Proven (3), Twin-Linked)
On paper, the Annihilator is a reasonable
attempt to polish the turd that is the Fixed Demolisher Cannon (Front Facing)
standard Malcador. A simple field (50m | S/ / | 4d10+20 X | Pen 10 | Clip 1 |
expedient that has become not uncommon Reload 3 Full | Blast (10), Concussive (3))
amongst the few regiments that still use
Malcadors, it uses a double lascannon in its Hull-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Left
main turret and crams an entire Demolisher Facing/Right Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
siege howitzer into its frontal hull. 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)

Heavy weaponry goes a long way towards Options:

justifying th
maneuverability, and few heavy weapons A Malcador may replace its Sponsons with
can rival the consistency and reliability of one of the following:
twin-linked Lascannons and a Demolisher.
The problem is, of course, that while Hull-Mounted Autocannons (Left
Lascannons and a Demolisher work well Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8
individually, they do not work well together. I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
The optimum ranges at which a Demolisher
functions are, of course, much too close for 2 Hull-Mounted Lascannons (Left
Lascannons, and vice versa. Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 +
10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Type: Tracked Vehicle Proven (3))
Tactical Speed: 20kph
Cruising Speed: 8 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Left
Manoeuvrability: -25 Facing/Right Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E
Structural Integrity: 85 | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Size: Immense (8) Spray)
Armour: Front 42, Side 40, Rear 35
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Heavy, 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Left
Ponderous, Tracked Vehicle Facing/Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
Crew: Commander, Driver, 4 x Gunners X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
(Lascannons, Demolisher, Heavy Stubbers),
Loader (Demolisher)
Carrying Capacity: 0

A Malcador may take one of the following engine functions properly it is easy to see
Pintle-mounted weapons atop its turret. why they were classif
th millennium. Once per

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | combat, the Driver of a Malcador

Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) Annihilator may spend a Fate Point to
cause their vehicle to lose Ponderous, gain
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen Enhanced Motive Systems, double its
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) Tactical Speed, and increase its
Maneuvrability to +10. This ability lasts for
Special Rules:
Bonus, but they can choose to end it at any
Questionable Armament: Just about time. For each turn this ability is active, the
everything about the layout of the guns on vehicle loses 1d10 Structural Integrity, not
a Malcador Annihilator is questionable. Its reduced by Armour. When this effect ends,
Turret has can only traverse over a 90- the Malcador Annihilator gains the
degree cone centered on the Front Facing Immobile Vehicle Trait for a number of
of the vehicle, while its two sponson Turns equal to the number of Turns the
weapons are limited to the standard 45- ability was active.
degree cone on either side of the vehicle.
This means that only two of an Cramped: The hull of an Annihilator is a
terrible place to work- all the space freed
bear on a single target at a time. up by removing the shells and stabilization
systems for the Battlecannon are instead
Questionable Engines: A Malcador replaced with a noisy, stripped-down
Demolisher cannon mount and dozens of
of technology that has not aged well, heavy shells. The guns crews are
becoming increasingly cantankerous and particularly vulnerable to injury as a result.
unstable with time. A Malcador Annihilator Any time an Annihilator suffers Critical
increases all Critical Damage to its Motive Damage to its Demolisher Cannon, both
Systems by 1. the Gunner
and Loader
assigned to
Despite their the
unreliability, Demolisher
on the few must test
occasions Toughness
where a or gain 1 level
Malcador of Fatigue.

Malcador Defender Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen
- if you can 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
find a sound tactical reason for lugging a wall
around a ba Fixed Demolisher Cannon (Front Facing)
(50m | S/ / | 4d10+20 X | Pen 10 | Clip 1 |
- Lady Sun Nishizumi, Ruminations on Panzerfahren Reload 3 Full | Blast (10), Concussive (3))
The least worst of the Malcador variants,
the Defender is a limited, but quite Hull-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Left
effective heavy breakthrough vehicle. With Facing/Right Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
its turret replaced by a casemate packing 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)
not one, not two but five Heavy Bolters, it
can lay down effective fields of suppressing Options:
fire long enough to bring its hull-mounted
Demolisher to bear. Though operating one A Malcador Defender may replace its
is an overheated nightmare of noise, fumes Sponsons with one of the following:
and cramped spaces, Defenders are by
definition vehicles that cannot function Hull-Mounted Autocannons (Left
effectively without support, so battles in Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8
them are often blessedly short. I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)

Type: Tracked Vehicle 2 Hull-Mounted Lascannons (Left

Tactical Speed: 20kph Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 +
Cruising Speed: 8 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Manoeuvrability: -25 Proven (3))
Structural Integrity: 85
Size: Immense (8) 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Left
Armour: Front 42, Side 40, Rear 35 Facing/Right Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Heavy, | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Ponderous, Tracked Vehicle Spray)
Crew: Commander (Operates one Heavy
Bolter), Driver (Operates Demolisher), 6 x 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Left
Gunners (Heavy Stubbers, Heavy Bolters) Facing/Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
Carrying Capacity: 0 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)

Weapons: A Malcador Defender may take one of the

following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
5 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (2 Front casemate.
Facing, 1 Left Facing, 1 Rear Facing, 1

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | engine functions properly it is easy to see
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
th millennium. Once per
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen combat, the Driver of a Malcador Defender
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) may spend a Fate Point to cause their
vehicle to lose Ponderous, gain Enhanced
Special Rules: Motive Systems, double its Tactical Speed,
and increase its Manoeuvrability to +10.
Fields of Fire: The Defender is designed to This ability lasts for as many Turns as the
engage the maximum number of targets
simultaneously, but suffers in its ability to choose to end it at any time. For each turn
this ability is active, the vehicle loses 1d10
front Heavy Bolters each cover a 95-dgree Structural Integrity, not reduced by
field of fire, allowing them to shoot Armour. When this effect ends, the
sideways, but not backwards, or both fire Defender gains the Immobile Vehicle Trait
on a single target in front of the Defender. for a number of Turns equal to the number
The side Bolters and sponson weapons are of Turns the ability was active.
limited to the standard 45-degree cone on
either side of the vehicle. The rear Bolter Box on Tracks: The hull of an Defender is a
can manage a 90-degree cone of fire, pretty rough place, especially when all
though it is positioned far back enough that eight of its weapons are opening up. For
this will seldom overlap with the fields of every half-hour the crew of a Defender
the side Bolters. Oof. I need a diagram. spends in sustained combat, each crew
member must make a Toughness Test or
Questionable Engines: gain a level of Fatigue.
powerplant is a brilliant
piece of technology that
has not aged well,
becoming increasingly
cantankerous and unstable
with time. A Malcador
Defender increases all
Critical Damage to its
Motive Systems by 1.

Despite their
unreliability, on the few
occasions where a

Malcador Infernus Weapons:

Fixed Inferno Gun (Front Facing) (50m |

-Captain Ash Sanser, Sujaillan Stokers Armoured S/-/- | 2d10 + 15 E | Pen 8 | Clip 40 | Flame,
Regiment Spray, Reliable, Torrent)
In the triumphant and glorious history of
bad decisions by the Techpriests of Mars, a Hull-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Left
few truly spectacular ones stand out. Facing/Right Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 +
4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)

giant metal dragon we found in the ancient Options:

Gun on the hull of one of our slowest and A Malcador may replace its Sponsons with
most cantankerous assault vehicles, then one of the following:

2 Hull-Mounted Autocannons (Left

Needless to say, every Infernus crewman in Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8
the Imperium breathed a sigh of relief I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
when the Hellhound was introduced, and
most sensible regiments that still own 2 Hull-Mounted Lascannons (Left
Infernii keep them very, very far from any Facing/Right Facing) (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 +
serious combat. 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Proven (3))
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 20kph 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Left
Cruising Speed: 8 Facing/Right Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E
Manoeuvrability: -25 | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Structural Integrity: 85 Spray)
Size: Immense (8)
Armour: Front 42, Side 40, Rear 35 2 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Left
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Facing/Right Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8
Sealed, Extremely Volatile, Heavy, X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Ponderous, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: Commander, Driver, 3 x Gunners An Infernus may take one of the following
(Inferno Gun, Heavy Stubbers) Pintle-mounted weapons atop its hull.
Carrying Capacity: 0
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen External Tanks:
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
wheeled trailer that trundles along behind
Special Rules: the main vehicle. This trailer (and the
Inferno Gun) cannot be reloaded in
Questionable Engines: combat. Needless to say, if this vehicle is hit
powerplant is a brilliant piece of with something that might cause a spark,
technology that has not aged well, Very Bad Things can happen. The trailer is
becoming increasingly cantankerous and assumed to have an Armour Value of 40. If
unstable with time. A Malcador Infernus hit with a Called Shot that would overcome
increases all Critical Damage to its Motive this Armour Value, or caught in an attack
Systems by 1. with the Blast Quality that would overcome
this Armour Value, one of two things can
Despite their unreliability, on happen:
the few occasions where a Malcador
If the attack had the Impact or Rending Type:
easy to see why they were classified as a Halve the current amount of ammo for the
th millennium. Inferno Gun as fuel leaks out before the
Once per combat, the Driver of a Malcador fuel-tank can self-seal.
Infernus may spend a Fate Point to cause
their vehicle to lose Ponderous, gain If the attack had the Energy or Blast Type:
Enhanced Motive Systems, double its KABOOOOM! The Infernus, and
Tactical Speed, and increase its everything within 4d10 Meters of its Rear
Maneuvrability to +10. This ability lasts for Facing, takes 1 point of Energy damage for
every shot that was left in the Inferno
Bonus, but they can choose to end it at any
time. For each turn this ability is active, the cumulatively into a single hit with the
vehicle loses 1d10 Structural Integrity, not Flame and Concussive (1) Qualities. The
reduced by Armour. When this effect ends, Inferno Cannon gains the Weapon
the Malcador Infernus gains the Immobile Destroyed Condition.
Vehicle Trait for a number of Turns equal
to the number of Turns the ability was Mine Clearer: One of the less dangerous uses
active. for an Infernus is its strength as an
engineering vehicle, literally cooking away
If at any point while this ability is active the mines or anti-infantry traps. Any traps,
Driver fails an Operate Test by more than 3 mines, tripwires, poisonous plants, etc.
degrees, the fuel feed from the external caught in the area of effect of an Inferno
tank is cut, and the Inferno Gun gains the Gun are immediately destroyed.
Weapon Disabled condition.

Chem Payload: It says a lot about the If its fuel tank is damaged by Energy or
Infernus that loading its Inferno Gun with Blast Damage due to the External Tanks
compressed poison actually makes it special rule, the damage dealt is 1 point of
substantially less dangerous. With this Impact damage per shot left in the clip,
modification in place, change the Inferno cumulatively added, with the Toxic (2) and
Crippling (1) Qualities.

Fixed Inferno Gun (Front Facing) (20m |

S/-/- | 3d10 + 5 I | Pen 2 | Clip 40 | Toxic (2), does not apply while this modification is
Crippling (1), Spray, Reliable, Torrent) active.

If this modification is installed and the

Infernus explodes, replace the Test to catch
fire with a single hit that has the Toxic (2)
Special Quality. The gas cloud lingers for
1d5+2 rounds, and anyone who stays within
the cloud suffers another hit each Round
and gains the Suffocation Special
Damage Condition until they leave the
cloud or the cloud dissipates.

Valdor Tank Hunter Weapons:

Fixed Neutron Laser Projector (Front

-Eyescorcher Townes of the Steel Brethren, Valdor Facing) (500 | S/-/- | 4d10 + 8 E | Pen 6 | Clip
commander during the Siege of Vraks 10 | Reload 2 Full | Flash (2), Lance,
One of the most exotic tank killers in the Recharge, Haywire (3))
Imperial arsenal, the Valdor dates back to
the Scouring, and is still used in limited Hull-Mounted Heavy Stubber (Right
numbers by the Adeptus Mechanicus and Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 |
Astra Militarum. It trades off most of the Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)
internal space and armament of a Malcador
to mount a single gigantic Neutron Laser Options:
Projector, a powerful directed-radiation
cannon that can melt though armour while A Valdor may replace its Sponson with one
simultaneously causing electromagnetic of the following:
bursts that disable vehicular systems.
Though it is an absolute terror against large Hull-Mounted Autocannons (Right
and hardened targets at long range, the Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 | Clip
Valdor must be closely protected in 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
combat, as its complement of defensive
weapons is mediocre. Hull-Mounted Lascannons (Right Facing)
(300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 |
Type: Tracked Vehicle Reload 2 Full | Proven (3))
Tactical Speed: 20kph
Cruising Speed: 8 Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamers (Right
Manoeuvrability: -25 Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip
Structural Integrity: 85 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Size: Immense (8)
Armour: Front 42, Side 40, Rear 35 Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Right
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Extremely Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
Volatile, Heavy, Ponderous, Tracked 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Crew: Commander, Driver, 2 x Gunners A Valdor may take one of the following
(Neutron Laser, Heavy Stubber), Pintle-mounted weapons atop its hull.
Carrying Capacity: 0 Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen unstable with time. A Valdor increases all
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) Critical Damage to its Motive Systems by 1.

Special Rules: n the few occasions where a

Neutron Blast: Through poorly understood

Neutron Laser can induce catastrophic Once per combat, the Driver of a Valdor
radiation effects in soft targets. If it misses, may spend a Fate Point to cause their
however, its internal systems can cause vehicle to lose Ponderous, gain Enhanced
catastrophic feedback. When firing at non- Motive Systems, double its Tactical Speed,
and increase its Maneuvrability to +10. This
loses Lance and gains Rad-Phage. ability lasts for as many Turns as the

choose to end it at any time. For each turn

than 3 Degrees of Failure on a Ballistics this ability is active, the vehicle loses 1d10
Test to hit a target, the vehicle takes 1d5+1 Structural Integrity, not reduced by
points of damage, ignoring Armour, and its Armour. When this effect ends, the Valdor
Neutron Laser cannot be fired for 3 gains the Immobile Vehicle Trait for a
Rounds. number of Turns equal to the number of
Turns the ability was active.
Inadequate Shielding: Though a Neutron
Laser is relatively compact given its massive Truly Ancient: There is no such thing as a
output, fitting it on a Malcador chassis
requires sacrificing a great deal of reactor Guard regiments maintain them in service.
shielding, with unfortunate long-term
results for the crew. Any time a Valdor Guard, Adeptus Mechanicus) Talent so
crewman spends more than 8 hours long as they are operating in or on their
continuously in the hull of their vehicle vehicle. A Valdor always has the Artificier
while it is active, they must test Toughness Hull upgrade.
or permanently reduce their Toughness
by 1d5. All Valdor crewmen receive a -10
penalty to any tests to resist Mutation

Questionable Engines:
powerplant is a brilliant piece of
technology that has not aged well,
becoming increasingly cantankerous and

Dracosan Armoured Transport

what you can count on A Dracosan may replace its Lascannons

-Archmagos Durendelle, during the Great Crusade with a Demolisher Cannon, though doing
One of the primary transports of the so reduces its Transport Capacity by 5 and
Imperial Army used during the Great adds a Loader to the Crew.
Crusade and the Horus Heresy, the
Dracosan was a simple, sturdy and generally Fixed Demolisher Cannon (Front Facing)
high-quality assault vehicle. Sharing many (50m | S/ / | 4d10+20 X | Pen 10 | Clip 1 |
components with the later Malcador, Reload 3 Full | Blast (10), Concussive (3))
especially suspension and frontal hull
elements, it is nonetheless an almost A Dracosan may also take a Pintle-mounted
entirely different machine, and lacks the Multilaser, adding one extra Gunner to its
severe engine issues of the newer Malcador. crew.
Obviously rare amongst the Imperial
Guard, the few remaining Dracosans are Pintle-Mounted Multilaser (Range 150m | -
only used in dire emergencies, treated as /-/5 | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 100 | Reload
museum pieces or sacred relics when they Full | Reliable)
are not in action.

Special Rules:
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 8m Truly Ancient: There is no such thing as a
Cruising Speed: 20kph
Manoeuvrability: -20 venerable Guard regiments maintain them
Structural Integrity: 85
Size: Immense (8) (Imperial Guard, Ecclesiarchy Adeptus
Armour: Front 42, Side 40, Rear 35 Mechanicus) Talent so long as they are
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Heavy, Tracked operating in or on their vehicle. A Dracosan
Vehicle always has the Artificier Hull upgrade.
Crew: Driver, 1 x Gunner (Lascannons)
Carrying Capacity: 20 Guardsmen with
light gear

Hull-Mounted Twin-linked Lascannons (

Front Facing) (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E |
Pen 10 | Clip 60 | Reload 2 Full | Proven (3),

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