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Da' Best Orko'Nomucon!

A homebrew by Da’BludMastah


Alternative title: Ork Character Creation


Alternative title: The Ork Race’s

-Fuck man just ignore maximum agility half the systems don’t even fucking use it

All Orks begin play with the following skills, talents, traits, and abilities, no matter

-All Ork characters gain Common Lore (Orks) (Int), Intimidate (S), and Speak
Language (Ork) (Int) as Trained (+10) Basic Skills, remember that if they gain it
again during character generation, they increase the rank by 1 to a maximum of 4.

-Orks gain Brutal Charge (Half size trait, rounded up) the Unnatural Toughness
(+4), Unnatural Strength (+2), and Sturdy Traits, and the Iron Jaw, Jaded, Furious
Assault, Xenos Weapon Training (Ork), and True Grit Talents. Additionally, all
Medicae tests to treat the injuries of an Ork gain a +20 bonus, due to the Ork’s
robust physiology.

-Any weapon with the Unreliable quality is not considered to be Unreliable when
wielded by an Ork. In addition any pistol, basic, or heavy weapon with the
inaccurate quality is not considered to be inaccurate when in Ork Hands
-All Orks ignore the penalty for primitive on armor.

-All Ork weapons and armor are one step easier to acquire.

-When dealing with other Greenskins (Gretchin, Snotlings, other Orks), an Ork may
use the Intimidate skill to perform all the normal functions of the Command Skill,
affecting a number of subordinate Greenskins equal to his Strength Bonus (or if
dealing with a horde, a magnitude equal to his strength characteristic). When
dealing with non-Greenskins, the Ork does not get this bonus.

-For every additional Ork within 10m, the Ork’s Willpower is increased by +10 to
resist the effects of Fear and Pinning. Note that since this is a situational
characteristic increase and not a +10 to resist fear & pinning that it may bypass
the normal +60 positive modifier and instead caps off at +99 (With GM fiat it may
get higher)

-Characters suffer a –10 penalty on all Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, and
Scholastic Lore Tests relating to the Imperium of Man. This penalty is waived if
you are a Blood Axes.

-Orks suffer a –20 penalty on all Fellowship-based Tests when dealing with
creatures of a species other than its own. Equally, those of other species suffer
the same –20 penalty to their Fellowship-based Tests when dealing with him. These
penalties do not apply when dealing with individuals who have come to trust him, for
whatever reason. Finally, the presence of any xenos aboard a human vessel is
unsettling for the crew and, as rumours spread, discontent about the alien becomes
noticeable. The continued presence of one or more xenos player characters aboard
a ship reduces its Morale by 2.

-Orks are impossible to seduce, this is relevant to chaos players more than

-Orks cannot gain corruption points, however in auspicious circumstances they may
fall to chaos, at which point they are treated just like 100 insanity Orks

-Orks CAN be infected by genestealers and when they are turned they are treated
as 100 insanity orks. Orks can still be cured of genestealer infection as normal,
when they are cured they lose the effect of as if they were 100 insanity Orks.
-Orks CAN gain insanity points, but they are completely unaffected until they
reach 100 insanity points. However, at 100 insanity points they gain Enemy (Orks)
but are allowed to continue playing, they are generally supposed to be held in
serious mistrust.

-ALL Orks begin play with 15 + 1d5 wounds. THIS OVERRIDES DH2E’s normal rules

-Orks Generate (or allocate) for the following characteristics, +/- for homeworlds
function as normal, for allocation use the + X part for the base for allocating
(remember that no more than 20 may be allocated into any one characteristic). At
the GM’s discretion, he may add +10 to all of these, to represent nobs. Warbosses
are represented as adding +20:

WS: 2d10 + 30

BS: 2d10 + 15

S: 2d10 + 30

T: 2d10 + 30

Agility: 2d10 + 20

INT: 2d10 + 15

PER: 2d10 + 20

WP: 2d10 + 20

FEL: 2d10 + 15

INF: 2d10 + 20


Alternative title: Ork Homeworld
Ork homeworlds are generated as is in Dark Heresy Second Edition, but with the
following modifications to each homeworld:

Feral World:

-The Old Ways applies to ALL Ork melee weapons that do not have the power field
quality in addition to its normal effects.

Forge World:

-No changes


-Replace +Fellowship with +strength, keep +influence

-Replace -Toughness with -fellowship, fellowship is for pussies.

-Replace Breeding Counts with the following: All Command and intimidate checks
are one step easier.

-Replace Fellowship aptitude with a Strength aptitude

Hive World:

-No changes

Shrine World:

-Replace +Fellowship with +Strength

-Replace -perception with -intelligence


-Replace -Strength with -Influence

Death World:

-No changes

Garden World:

-Replace +fellowship with +Strength

-Replace -toughness with -Willpower

-Replace Serenity of The Green with the following: The character gains Trade
(Cook) at a +30, and in addition gains Peer (Orks)

-Replace Social Aptitude with Intelligence

Research Station:

-No changes

Agri World:

-Replace +fellowship with +strength

-Replace the second +strength with +toughness

Feudal World:

-In addition to the normal effects of At Home in Armor, ignore ALL generic
penalties to rolls caused by wearing armor (such as stealth), however not the
unique penalties for wearing specific suits of armor (such as mega armor, engine
plate, power armor, etc). In addition, all suits of armor gain +1 AP.

Frontier World:

-No changes, but if you take this YER’A FUCKIN GIT YA HEAR ME?!?!?!?!!?
Daemon World:

-Since Orks cannot get corruption points, they instead gain 1d10 + 5 insanity points,

Penal Colony:

-Common Lore and Peer (Criminals) is replaced with (Freebootas) in all relevant

Quarantine World:

-In addition to the normal function of Secretive by nature, gain Deceive at Trained


No alternative title needed.

Orks all have a unique clan that is selected in addition to their background, more on
that later.

Bad Moons:

These are the richest of the Orks, and tend to be the most inclined to flaunt their
wealth and status. Their great fang-like teeth and tusks—collectively known as
“Teef” and used as currency by the Orks—grow faster than those of the Orks of
any other Klan, which means Bad Moons have greater wealth and a greater
inclination to trade and barter than most. Bad Moons gain a +20 bonus on all
Commerce tests when dealing with other Orks (beware that Bad Moons also gain
this bonus for opposing commerce), and grant a +10 bonus to any Acquisition Test
made to deal with Ork traders or obtain items of Ork equipment.

Blood Axes:
Largely distrusted by other Orks, Blood Axes have adopted many human ideas and
tactics in their way of war, such as camouflage, and are notable for having traded
with humans at various points in history. Blood Axes gain Common Lore (Imperium)
(Int), Linguistics (Low Gothic), and Concealment (Ag) as a Trained Skill, and +5
Perception and Agility

Death Skulls:

Justifiably considered to be thieves and looters by most other Orks, Death Skulls
are superstitious plunderers, who gleefully strip the fallen (and anyone else not
paying attention) of their possessions. They’re notable for wearing copious amounts
of blue warpaint, as blue is considered a lucky colour amongst Orks in general and
Death Skulls in particular. Death Skulls gain Tech-Use (Int), Trade (Armourer)
and Sleight of Hand (Ag) as Trained Skills, and the Runtz Talent. Their blue
warpaint and various talismans and lucky charms collectively count as a Charm.

Evil Suns:

Addicted to speed almost as much as they are violence, Evil Suns love loud,
fast-moving vehicles, often saving their Teef for a bike or another ramshackle
vehicle so as to get to grips with the enemy even faster. Evil Suns gain Drive (All)
(Ag) and Tech-Use (Int) as Trained Skills.


Typically the largest, most aggressive and most violent of a species renowned for
its size, aggression and propensity for violence, Goffs are intolerant of the other
Klans, whose methods they consider to be entirely Un-Orky. Goffs increase their
Strength by +5, and gain unnatural strength (+2), Size (+1), and Frenzy.


Tending to be primitive in outlook, Snakebites disdain the use of technology in

favour of what they see as traditional methods. Their name comes from their
initiation rites, in which a venomous snake is goaded into biting a young Ork (known
as a “Yoof ”). Given the Orks’ natural resilience, this rarely has a significant effect
other than making the Ork more tolerant of poisons. Snakebites gain the
Resistance (Poison) Talent, and gain Survival, Awareness, and Navigate (Surface) as
a Trained Skill

“WOT YU MEAN DEY’ AIN’T ORKS?!?!” is a common response to the questioning of

the legitimacy of a Digga. They favor many of the tactics the Orks utilize and are
uniquely only populated by humans. ONLY HUMANS MAY CHOOSE THIS ONE.
They immediately gain the Ork trait and all of the benefits associated with this. In
addition, they waive ALL of the social penalties that Orks face with the imperium,
but they may not choose a clan.



Alternative title: Picking your Background

To some degree, all Orks possess useful genetic knowledge. In some, this
knowledge becomes a driving force in their lives, resulting in Orks known as
“Oddboyz” whose obsessive focus makes them valuable specialists within Ork
society (though they may be regarded as somewhat crazy by other Orks). In
others, this is simply a specific knack they might have for certain tasks. Select a
single one of the options below, and gain the accompanying benefits. The options
that will classify an Ork as an Oddboy are indicated as such, although this does
nothing except indicate the Ork may be a bit manic and obsessive. Oddboys are
also treated as nobs, so restrict/buff accordingly.


Some Orks possess a natural affinity for vehicles, learning quickly how to get them
to go as fast as possible.

Starting Skills: Operate (All) (+10), Navigate (All) (+10)

Starting Talents: Push The Limit, Hull Down

Starting Traits: (If nob, Unnatural Strength +2, Size (5), Unnatural Toughness (+1)

Starting Equipment:Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare,

One Slugga, one Shoota, one Choppa, one Ork vehicle of an availability of Very Rare
or Less

Background Bonus: Drivas add one extra DOS to all operate (all) checks they are
expected to make.

Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft


Essential for survival in the early years of an Ork settlement, Huntas are skilled at
tracking down prey for his tribe, a skill that remains useful when they start
hunting enemies instead of food.

Starting Skills: Survival (+10), Security (ag and INT) (+20), Stealth,

Starting Talents: Keen Intuition, Constant Vigilance

Starting Traits: (If nob, Unnatural Strength +2, Unnatural Toughness (+1) Size (5)

Starting Equipment: Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare,

10 Stikkbombs, Choppa, Shoota, Slugga, camouflaging and trapping equipment for
said Stikkbombs, as well as a multitude of basic traps (bear traps, bamboo traps,
saws and rope for making swinging log traps)

Background Bonus: Traps are one step harder to see, and successful tests to see
them must be rerolled.

Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft

Mekboy (Oddboy):

A common innate skill, some Orks possess a natural knack for making machines

Starting Skills: Tech-use (+20), Trade (Armourer) (+10), Security, Medicae,

Starting Talents: Technical Knock, Weapon Tech (Remember, Ork weapons are
exotic), Master Enginseer (functions as Superior Churgion but for tech use)

Starting Traits: Unnatural Strength (+2), Unnatural Intelligence (+2), Size (5)

Starting Equipment:Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare,

Mekboy tools (combi-tool), Kustom Force Field (PR 45 with an overload of 1-5 and a
2 meter range, shots within the field negate the field save), One Shoota, One
Slugga, One Choppa, Grot Assistance (Carries +3 additional mags, and counts as an
assistant for Tech-use, Trade (Armourer), and Medicae)

Background Bonus: All cybernetics are two steps easier to build or acquire, and
holds an innate knowledge of how to build and modify ALL Ork technology, Finally,
any Ork weapon may be fully unjammed as a full action. Finally, they count as having
the mechanicus implants trait.

Background Aptitude: Tech or Knowledge

Painboy (Oddboy):

Invaluable to other Orks, Painboys are Orks with an understanding of medicine

Starting Skills: Medicae (+20), Trade (Chymist), Scholastic Lore (Chymistry),


Starting Talents: Peer (Orks), Superior Churgion,

Starting Traits; Unnatural Strength (+2), Unnatural Intelligence (+2), Size (5)

Starting Equipment: Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare,

Doktor tools (Advanced Medkit), Grot assistant (Counts as an assistant for
medicae, tech-use, trade (chymist), and scholastic lore (chymistry), they also grant
a +5 to all medicae checks), one Shoota, One Slugga, One Choppa,

Background Bonus: All medicae checks are one step easier, and all penalties for
external conditions are completely ignored. Finally, recovery times are 25% their
normal duration when performed by a Mad Dok, rounded down, to a minimum of 0.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Knowledge

Boy/Nob (Oddboy):

Orks that are wonderfully plain, if incredibly useful.

Starting Skills: Athletics, Command (+10), Parry, Dodge,

Starting Talents: Bulging Biceps, Lightning Reflexes,

Starting Traits: (If nob, Size (5), Unnatural Strength +2, Unnatural Toughness (+1)

Starting Equipment:

If boy: Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare, one Shoota,
One Slugga, One Choppa, 3 Stikk Grenades

If Nob: Hard Armor, (Mega-armor with GM fiat), Power Klaw, Twin-Linked Big
Shoota, 6 Stikk Grenades

Background Bonus: Boys & nobs may one hand two-handed, basic, pistol, and heavy

Background Aptitude: Leadership or Offense

Kommando (Oddboy):

Many Kommandos are Blood Axes in origin, having learnt from and adopted a range
of human battlefield tactics, such as the use of camouflage, stealth and surprise.

Starting Skills: Stealth (+20), Survival, Security,

Starting Talents: Inescapable attack (Both), Precision Killer

Starting Traits: Size (5), Unnatural Strength +2, Unnatural Agility (+2) Unnatural
Toughness (+1)
Starting Equipment:Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare
one Shoota, One Slugga, One Choppa, Chameleonic clothing (Literally just paint), 5
Super Stikkbombs, 10 Stikkbombs, 3 Tankbusta Bombs

Background Bonus: All successful tests to spot a kommando must be re-rolled, in

addition, surprised targets count as helpless when attacked by a stealthed
Kommando. Targets unaffected or immune to surprise are not considered helpless
as they are not surprised.

Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft

Burna Boyz (Oddboy?):

Burna Boyz are Orks who cannot stop setting things on fire. These lunatics will set
light to anything and anyone for the simple joy of watching them "do da burny

Starting Skills: Athletics, Command (+10), Parry, Dodge,

Starting Talents: Hip Shooting, Divine Protection, Rapid Reload,

Starting Traits: Unnatural Strength +2, Size (5), Unnatural Toughness (+1)

Starting Equipment: Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare

one Burna, One Slugga, One Choppa, 10 Firebombs

Background Bonus: In Ork Burna hands ALL WEAPONS with the flame special rule
gain vengeful (8) and Maximal, when fired in maximal mode it gains overheat, spray
weapons overload on a 9 or 10 damage roll on a damage dice.

Background Aptitude: Offense

Flash Gitz (Oddboy):

Whereas the typical Ork Boy prefers to smash things up with his choppa, some
orks get more satisfaction out of riddling an enemy fulla holes with their shoota.
These are the Flash Gitz, orks who fixate upon having the biggest, fanciest, most
dead-killy guns they can get ahold of.
Starting Skills: Athletics, Tech-use, Trade (Armourer),

Starting Talents: Weapon-Tech, Technical Knock, MOAR DAKKA,

Starting Traits: Auto-stabilized, Unnatural Strength +2, Size (5), Unnatural

Toughness (+1)

Starting Equipment: Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare,

Snazzgun, One Slugga, One Choppa,

Background Bonus: A Flash Git may treat all ballistic skill tests with snazzguns as
one step easier. In addition, they treat all tests to acquire Ork weapons and Ork
weapon upgrades as one step easier, this stacks with the aforementioned bonus to
acquiring ork weapons.

Background Aptitude: Ballistic Skill

Lootas (Oddboy):

Lootas define their roles in Ork society. In war they are the heavy weapons
specialists, wielding the horrifying Deffgunz, the ultimate Ork-portable testament
to the philosophy of MOAR DAKKA. Deffgunz are cobbled together by lootas and
Meks with the goal of creating more noise and delivering more firepower in a
vaguely downrange direction. Often this just means they weld or ducttape
'recovered' weapons from the battlefield onto a frame and slave the triggers

Starting Skills: Trade (Armourer) (+20), Tech-use (+10), Forbidden Lore (Tech)

Starting Talents: Weapon-Tech, Technical Knock, MOAR DAKKA,

Starting Traits: Auto-stabilized, Unnatural Strength +2, Size (5), Unnatural

Toughness (+1)

Starting Equipment: Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare,

One Slugga, One Choppa, ANY weapon of the heavy subtype with an availability of
under Extremely Rare, 3 Stikk grenades
Background Bonus: Lootas treat all weapons they handle as being Ork weapons,
including exotic weaponry. In addition they may put on twice as many modifications
to a weapon as normal.

Background Aptitude: Tech


The Orks answer to Assault Marines, Stormboyz is atypical greenskins with even
less instinct for self-preservation, strapped into a highly unstable and barely
functioning missile that we like to pretend is a Jump pack.

Starting Skills: Operate (Aeronautica & Personal), Dodge, Parry,

Starting Talents: Frenzy, Catfall, Battle Rage,

Starting Traits: (If nob, Unnatural Strength +2, Size (5), Unnatural Toughness

Starting Equipment: Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare,

One Slugga, One Choppa, 3 Stikk grenades, Rokkit Pakk

Background Bonus: Stormboys deal an additional 1d10 damage with a SINGLE HIT
if they make a melee attack immediately following a movement action (such as a
half action move or charge).

Background Aptitude: Finesse


The ultimate in Anti-tank services, these anti-tank crewmen are NOT to be fucked

Starting Skills: Stealth, Security (+20), Tech-use,

Starting Talents: Grenadier, Hatred (Vehicles), Rapid Reload,

Starting Traits: (If nob, Unnatural Strength +2, Size (5), Unnatural Toughness
Starting Equipment: Their choice of Basic Armor of an availability of under Rare,
One Slugga, One Choppa, 3 Stikk grenades, 5 Tankbusta Bombs, Rokkit Launcha,
Tankbusta Hamma

Background Bonus: All attacks against vehicles are one step easier, gain Vengeful
(9), and may reroll all failed awareness and scrutiny tests involving vehicles. Rokkit
Launchas, Tankbusta Hammas, and all explosives are one step easier to acquire for

Weirdboys (Oddboy):

Neither Orks nor psykers are known for their predictability, and Ork Weirdboyz
combine the most volatile traits of both Greenskins and those gifted with the
power of the Warp. The Waaagh! energy that flows through all Orks makes itself
manifest through Weirdboyz, granting them powers that stand in stark contrast to
the rigid discipline of the techniques employed by Imperial Astropaths and other
Sanctioned Psykers. Instead of focusing on total mastery over certain aspects of
their power, Weirdboyz often simply allow their abilities to manifest, guided only
by the strength of their will and the fortune they are granted by Gork (or possibly

Starting Skills: Psyniscience (+20), Awareness, Survival

Starting Talents: Peer (Clan), Psy Rating (2), The Power of The WAAAAGH

Starting Traits: Unnatural Strength +2, Size (5), Unnatural Toughness (+1),

Starting Equipment: Force Staff with psy-focus, their choice of Basic Armor of an
availability of under Rare, One Slugga, One Choppa,

Background Bonus: Weirdboys do not gain one, they already gain a psy rating as
their background bonus. This will be elaborated further in the homebrew but for
now, they manifest as unbound. They gain psy rating as normal in DH2E.

Background Aptitude: Psyker, Willpower,


Alternative title: Selecting your ROle

Roles in the Orkonomicon follows the same rules as Dark Heresy Second Edition,
however with the following changes:


-Replace role talent Jaded with Catfall


-No changes


-No changes


-No changes


-Stare Into The Warp can only be taken if you already have a psy rating, and
grants +1 psy rating instead of the normal effects of Stare into The Warp


-No changes but whyyyy-

-No changes


-Replace Iron Jaw with Frenzy


-Replace Jaded with Frenzy


-No changes but whyyyyy


-No changes


-No changes



Alternative title: Choosing your divination

Orks are allowed to choose the divination they recieve.


Alternative title: Elite advances

Orks have access to a multitude of elite advances that simply nobody else has. But

-Orks cannot take any human advances,

-Orks cannot take the psychic elite advance, Weirdboys however count as already
having it, and as such may increase their psy rating as normal with it.

-Orks cannot take the untouchable elite advance

New Elite advance: Cybork

Experience cost: 1000 XP



Immediate Changes:

-Gain Machine (5),

-Gain +5 wounds

-Gain +5 Strength

-Gain +5 Toughness

-You are now vulnerable to haywire weapons as if you were carrying vital

-This advance may be taken to spare an Ork from death, if they burn their last
fate or infamy point.

New Elite Advance: Warboss

Experience Cost: 4000 XP (or GM fiat)


-Ork, nobody else is warboss (OR there is someone higher ranking such as a
Warlord in the party)

-50 Influence (unless GM Fiat)

Immediate Changes:

-Add +20 to all characteristics (or +10 if nob), Brutal Charge (+1), Unnatural
Strength/Toughness (+1), and become Size (5) if you were not already, and gain
fear (+1).

-Gain a Power Klaw, a suit of Hard Armor, a Twin Linked Big Shoota, and a boss

-Gain Peer (Clan) (+1), and Intimidate & command (+30) if you do not already have
+30, if you do, instead gain Mastery for the respective skills.

New Elite advance: Warlord/WAAAAGHlord

Experience Cost: 5000 XP (or GM fiat)


-Ork, nobody else is Warlord (OR there is someone higher ranking such as a
Beast/Primeork in the party)

-75 Influence

-Is an Ork Warboss already

Immediate Changes:

-Add +10 to all characteristics, Brutal Charge (+1), Unnatural Strength/Toughness

(+1), and become Size (6) if you were not already, and gain fear (+1).
-Gain a Master Crafted Power Klaw, a suit of Master Crafted Mega Armor, a Twin
Linked Master Crafted Kustom Mega Blasta, and a boss pole.

-Gain Peer (Clan) (+1), and Mastery (Intimidate and Command), if you already have
Mastery of intimidate or command, they gain an ADDITIONAL +10 to that skill.

New Elite advance: Primeork:

Experience Cost: 6000 XP (or GM fiat)



-100 Influence

-Is an Ork Warlord already

Immediate Changes:

-Add another +20 to all characteristics, Brutal Charge (+2), Unnatural

Strength/Toughness (+2), and become Size (8) if you were not already, and gain
fear (5) (Paralyzing)

-Gain a Master Crafted Power Klaw, a suit of Master Crafted Mega Armor, a Twin
Linked Master Crafted Kustom Mega Blasta, and a boss pole. Additional equipment
may be granted at GM fiat.

-Gain Peer (Clan) (+1), and Auto-pass all intimidation and command tests with DOS
equal to your strength bonus.


Alternative title: Talents & Traits.

The following talents are exclusive to Orks.

Da Nekst Best Fing

Prerequisites: Ork,
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Leadership, Willpower
The Ork has become sufficiently familiar with and comfortable around non-Orks
that he draws a measure of confidence and resolve from their presence. When
determining the bonus to Willpower gained from the Mob Rule trait, the Ork
counts every two non-Orks (which may not have the Machine Trait, as they’re not
really people; wild animals, or any lesser Orkoid creatures like Gretchin, Squigs or
Snotlings don’t count either) within 10m as an Ork.

Ded ‘Ard
Prerequisites: Ork, Toughness 50
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defense
The Ork is extremely resilient, to the point where even normally fatal wounds are
survivable. When suffering from Blood Loss, the Ork needs only test to avoid
death every five rounds instead of every round. Additionally, the Ork may reroll
any failed Toughness Tests to avoid dying immediately due to a Critical Damage.

Give it Sum Dakka!

Prerequisites: Ork, Bulging Biceps, Strength 50
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offense
The Ork uses his Shoota with great enthusiasm, forcing the enemy to keep their
heads down as he approaches. The Ork may use Suppressive Fire as a Half Action
instead of a Full Action.

Lissen Ta Me, Cos I’z Da Biggest

Prerequisites: Ork,
Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Strength, Leadership
The Ork knows how to get his way and bully his way around, even amongst
non-Orks. The Ork may use his Intimidate-as-command special ability with any
allies, not just Greenskins. Additionally, he may affect a number of creatures with
this ability equal to ten times his Strength bonus.

More fer Me!

Prerequisites: Ork, Weapon Skill 40,
Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Strength
When confronted by numerous foes, the Ork is only encouraged by the prospect of
so many enemies. When outnumbered in melee, he gains the same bonus to hit as
his enemies would. This bonus applies even if he has the Combat Master Talent,
which would deny his enemies the outnumbering bonus.

Prerequisite: Ork
Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Leadership, Intelligence
The Ork is constantly followed by slaves and pets, some of which may even have
been spawned from the spores he sheds. The Ork has a number of Runts in his
impromptu entourage equal to the number of times he has taken this talent. These
may be Attack Squigs, Gretchin, or Snotlings, in any combination. Snotlings, due to
their lack of size and general uselessness, count as half a Runt for the purposes of
this talent. Should any of the Ork’s Runts die due to battle or simple mistreatment
(more than a few Gretchin have died due to being accidentally sat on by their
masters, or from injuries suffered when kicked a little too hard), a new one will
take its place, at the next opportunity the GM deems appropriate (such as the next
time you’re on a planet’s surface for more than a few hours). An Ork’s Runts will
follow its commands, often under the threat of being kicked by the Ork, and as
Greenskins are subject to the Intimidate-as-command rule.

Too ‘Ard Ta Care

Prerequisites: Ork, ‘Ard, Toughness 50
Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Toughness, Fieldcraft
The Ork is simply unconcerned with trivial matters like extreme temperatures,
hard vacuum, poison, disease or breathing. The character gains a +20 bonus on all
Toughness Tests to resist the effects of heat, cold, vacuum, suffocation, disease,
poison and any other adverse environmental conditions which require a Toughness
Test to resist.
Prerequisites: Ork, Thunder Charge, Furious Assault, Weapon Skill 40
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Strength, Weapon Skill
The Ork hurls itself into melee with reckless abandon, smashing through the enemy
lines like a wrecking ball. If he successfully hits his target using the Charge Action,
he may spend his Reaction to make an additional attack using the same bonuses or
penalties as the original attack.

Prerequisites: Ork, Ballistic Skill 30,
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
There is never enough firepower at an Ork’s disposal, and some Orks have
exploited this fact to ensure that they are much more likely to hit targets. All
attacks at the full auto setting are treated as a +10 ballistic skill test and not a -10
ballistic skill test, Semi-auto burst is treated as a +5 to hit and not a +0 to hit,
however, single shot is treated as a +0 to hit and not a +10 to hit.

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!, Da Nekst Best Fing
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Social, Willpower
The Weirdboy feels the aggression and violent desires of creatures other than
Orks. While not as potent as the Waaagh!, these energies are nonetheless a useful
source of power. When determining the bonus Psy Rating gained from the Power of
Da Waaagh!, the Weirdboy counts every two friendly non-Orks (who may not have
the Machine Trait, as they’re not really people, or be wild animals, or members of
any lesser Orkoid species like Gretchin, Squigs, or Snotlings, which are “too puny”)
within 5 metres as a single Ork. Additionally, his familiarity with non-Orkoid
species allows his to extend any of his beneficial powers that normally only affect
other Orks to any non-Orks who he considers “not too bad fer squishy gitz” (this
does not include Gretchin and other lesser Orkoid creatures).

Prerequisites: Ork, The Power of Da Waaagh!, Psy Rating 2, Willpower 35
Tier: 1
Aptitudes: Psyker, Willpower
The Weirdboy has found that he can project his voice out across the cold, dark
void for others like him to hear. The Weirdboy gains the Astrotelepathy Psychic
Technique, but when using it, he may send messages of no more than one word per
point of Willpower Bonus. When he makes his Focus Power Test, the Weirdboy
must also shout the message as loudly as possible (the player may choose whether
or not he wishes to do so as well).

Prerequisites: Ork,
Tier: N/A
Aptitudes: N/A
Psy Rating Orks use different rules for Psychic Techniques than Imperial Psykers
(mostly characterised by markedly less restraint, concern for collateral damage,
and subtlety). Weirdboyz may not use their Psychic Powers at the Fettered or
Push Strength, and count their Psy Rating as 1 higher for each Ork within 10
metres. Weirdboyz still incur Warp interference on any roll of doubles on a Focus
Power Test, but they use Table 3–2: Weird Fings (see page 58) instead of Table
6–2: Psychic Phenomena (see page 160 of the ROGUE TRADER Core Rulebook), and
roll on Table 3–3: ‘Eadbang (see page 59) instead of Table 6–3: Perils of the Warp
(see page 161 of the ROGUE TRADER Core Rulebook). A Weirdboy adds +5 per
point of his Psy Rating above 3 to the results of all of his rolls on these Tables.
Finally, Weirdboyz find it hard to suppress the Waaagh! energy for long periods
without unleashing a power (see Weirdboy Waaagh! Discipline) A Weirdboy may
never exceed twice his willpower bonus in psy rating for the purposes of DA

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Da Waaagh!, Willpower 40
Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Psyker, Defense
The Weirdboy is wreathed in an aura of flickering, pulsating green power that
seems to dampen the blows and shots of its enemies. This aura fades when away
from violence and the clamour of other Orks, but when battle is joined, this bubble
of energy bursts into life with no conscious effort on the Weirdboy’s part. This
field provides cover to the Weirdboy, though it does not obscure his appearance or
conceal his presence and actually hinders his ability to hide, imposing a –30 penalty
on all Concealment Tests. The field provides the Weirdboy (and anyone standing
behind him) with cover with a number of Armour Points equal to the Weirdboy’s Psy
Rating at the start of combat. This cover can be reduced by Damage as normal for
cover, but the Weirdboy may refresh them by making a Challenging (+0) Willpower
Test as a Half Action.

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!, WS 45, WP 45, Psy Rating (4)
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Psyker
The Weirdboy’s barely-constrained power seeps into the battered copper rod he
constantly clutches. The Weirdboy’s staff, or any other Melee weapon, he holds, so
long as it is in his hands, gains the Force Quality (see page 66). If the Weirdboy is
not carrying a weapon, his unarmed Melee Attacks gain the Force Quality

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!, Willpower 40
Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Leadership, Psyker
The Weirdboy has learned how to extend his reach and harness even greater
quantities of power. The Weirdboy may choose at the start of any combat, after
rolling for Initiative, to use this Talent to increase the radius of his Power of Da
Waaagh! Talent, allowing him to gain Psy Rating from Orks (or others with the
respective talents, such as Annuva Power) within a number of metres equal to 5
plus his Willpower Bonus.

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!
Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Psyker, Defense
The Weirdboy bellows in pain, confusion, and rage, and tries to silence the power
and noise in his head. As a Full Action, the Weirdboy clutches his head or curls into
a foetal ball. For that Round, and a number of Rounds afterwards equal to his
Willpower Bonus, the Weirdboy does not gain any Psy Rating from others nearby

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Leadership, Social
In many tribes and warbands, Weirdboyz are continually escorted by large, burly
Orks called Minderz. These Orks are charged with keeping the Weirdboy under
control, directing him to battle and keeping him there, sometimes even physically
pointing the errant psyker at the enemy like a particularly surly and unpredictable
artillery piece. Each time he takes this Talent, the Weirdboy gains a single Minder
(see page 57). Each Minder follows the Weirdboy and obeys his general directions
within reason—as a Greenskin, he is subject to the Might Makes Right Trait.
Should the Weirdboy fail a Fear or Pinning Test, the Minder attempts to grapple
the Weirdboy, holding him in place and preventing him from fleeing or hiding. When
a Minder perishes (and, indeed, given the unpredictable power of a Weirdboy, this
is far more a question of “when” than “if ”), the Weirdboy may replace him at no
cost with another, suspiciously similar Minder at an appropriate opportunity (as
determined by the GM)

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!, Runtz
Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Leadership, Psyker
The Weirdboy has mustered sufficient control over his powers to divert dangerous
surges and backlash into other, weaker Greenskins nearby. After making a roll on
Table 3–3: ‘Eadbang (see page 59), the Weirdboy may spend a Fate Point to
immediately kill a single Gretchin, Squig, or Snotling that he has gained through the
Runtz Talent. The creature shrieks and then explodes in a shower of green sparks
and a small cloud of acrid smoke, and the Weirdboy suffers none of the effects
from the result of that roll on Table 3–3: ‘Eadbang

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!, Runtz
Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Leadership, Fieldcraft
The Weirdboy is accompanied by a swarm of mutant Buzzer Squigs that spark and
glow with lurid green light. This swarm follows the Weirdboy everywhere, with
each one acting as a tiny reservoir of Waaagh! energy. As a Free Action, a
Weirdboy may absorb the energy of the swarm, killing the tiny creatures. This
adds a +20 bonus to the next Focus Power Test that he makes this Turn. A new
swarm of Sparky Squigs will spawn from the Weirdboy after 2d5 days. While the
Weirdboy is accompanied by the swarm, all of his unarmed melee attacks gain the
Shocking Quality.

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!, Psyniscience +10
The Weirdboy has learned how to stare into the depths of the Warp and guide
starships through its ephemeral and inconstant hazards. Lacking the ritual and
careful observances of a Navigator’s trade, a Weirdboy guides a vessel by instinct
rather than hard-won skill. The Weirdboy may attempt to guide a vessel through
the Warp using the normal rules for doing so found in the ROGUE TRADER Core
Rulebook, or those found on page 26 of this volume, with a number of changes. The
Weirdboy cannot make an estimate of the journey’s duration—he automatically
counts as failing any such attempt by 1 Degree of Failure. Furthermore, he cannot
and need not locate the Astronomican, and simply suffers a –20 Penalty on all Tests
to navigate the Warp. Finally, the Weirdboy does not use the Navigate (Warp) Skill
when navigating the Warp—he relies on alien instincts to guide him to a new world
upon which to wage war, and thus should make a Survival Test in lieu of any
Navigation (Warp) Tests he is called upon to make, modified in the same way and
with the same results.

Prerequisites: Ork, Da Power of Waaagh!, Psy Rating 4, 10+ Insanity Points
The Weirdboy’s fractured mind has grown addicted to the rush and clamour that
comes from unleashing his powers, but that same crazed psyche strangely gives him
a greater degree of control over those powers. Whenever rolling on Table 3–3:
Eadbang or Table 4–5: Power Burst Effects, the Weirdboy may modify the result
up or down by an amount up to his current Insanity Point Total. In addition, he
gains a +20 bonus on all Interaction Skill Tests when dealing with Ork Madboyz
(that is, any Ork with 10 or more Insanity Points or who has a Mental Disorder of
some sort). The Weirdboy also develops a Minor Compulsion focused around the use
of his powers at any and all potential opportunities


Alternative title: Ork Armoury

The ork arsenal is as varied as it is effective, we have a lot to get through so lets

Ranged Weapons:
Slugga: Pistol, 20m; S/3/-; 1d10+4 I; Pen 0; Clip 18; Reload Full; Inaccurate,
Unreliable, 2KG, Rare

Shoota: Basic, 60m; S/3/10; 1d10+4I; Pen 0; Clip 30; Reload Full; Inaccurate,
Unreliable, Rare,

Big Shoota: Heavy, 80m; S/3/10; 1d10+6 I; Pen 1; Clip 40; Reload Full; Inaccurate,
Unreliable, Rare,

Deffgun: Heavy 90m S/4/8 1d10+10 I Pen 2, Clip 50, Reload 2 Full, Inaccurate,
Unreliable, Unwieldy(?!?), Storm, 45KG Extremely Rare

Rokkit Launcha: Basic, 120m, S/-/- 3d10+5 X Pen 9 OR N/A if using special ammo,
Clip 1, Reload Half, Inaccurate, Unreliable, 15 KG, Very Rare

Snazzgun: Heavy, 100m, S/4/10, 2d10 + 4 I OR E, pen 5, Clip 20, Reload 2 Full
Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable, 7 KG, Very Rare

Shokk Attack Gun: Heavy, 200m, S/-/-, 3d10 + 5 X, Pen 5, Clip 8, Reload 2 Full,
Blast (3), Inaccurate, Overheat, Unreliable, 40 KG, Near Unique

Kustom Blasta: Basic; 100m; S/2/-; 2d10+5 E; Pen 6; Clip 10; Reload 1 Full;
Inaccurate, Scatter, Tearing, Near Unique

Kustom mega-blasta Basic; 100m; S/2/–; 4d10+7 E; Pen 9; Clip 10; Reload 3 Full;
Blast (2), Inaccurate, Overheats, Shocking, Unreliable, Unique

Kustom mega-Slugga: Pistol, 30m; S/2/–; 4d10+3 E; Pen 8; Clip 5; Reload 2 Full;
Inaccurate, Overheats, Shocking, Unreliable, Unique

Skorcha: Heavy: 30m; S/–/–; 1d10+7 E; Pen 3; Clip –; Reload –; Flame, Spray,
Unreliable, Extremely Rare

Burna (Ranged): Basic, 40m; S/–/–; 1d10+4 E; Pen 2; Flame, Spray, Unreliable). Both
Very Rare

Burna (Melee): 1d10+5 E Pen 5, Power Field, Unwieldy 8kg, Both Very Rare
Mek Special: Heavy, 100M, -/-/10, 2d10 + 6, pen 6, Clip 200, 3 Full reload, Tearing,
flame, 80 KG, Unique

Rivet Gun: Heavy, 150M, S/3/7, 3d10 + 6, pen 5, Clip 200, 3 Full reload, Flame, 75
KG, Unique

ShokkRifle: Heavy, 100M, S/3/-, 3d10 + 10, pen 9, 3 Full reload, Shocking,
Overheats, Maximal, 50 KG, Unique

Tellyporta: Heavy (back mounted, mega armor only), 30M, S/-/-, 3d10 + 10, Pen 0,
Blast (5), Warp Weapon, Special, 20 KG, Unique

Objects hit by the tellyporta ove size (5) or less are scattered 5 meters in a
random direction (use the scatter diagram). If this makes them appear inside of
solid matter, they are killed instantly UNLESS they are two sizes larger than the
teleported object or vise versa, at which point both are horrifically fused with the
object and both objects immediately suffer an automatic critical 6 energy hit to
the body if a character and to hull & motive systems if a vehicle. Both objects are
permanently fused until special repairs can be made to either, but otherwise are

Melee Weapons:

Power Klaw: 2d10 + 8E (add X2 SB), pen 10, Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy, 17 KG,
Near Unique,

Big Choppa: 2d10R Pen 2 Tearing, Unbalanced, BC models gain power field, 10KG,

Tankhammer: 3d10+5 X Pen 9, Unwieldy, Overheats, One use Only, 10 KG, Rare,

Choppa; 1d10+1 R Pen 2, Unbalanced, 1KG, Rare,

Dok’s Tools: 1d10 I; Pen 2; Tearing, 2 KG, Rare,

Urty Syringe: 1d10+4 R; Pen 3; Tearing, Toxic, 1 KG, Rare

The two above items function as medkits.

Buzz saw/Killsaw: 2d10+8 R; Pen 4; Tearing, Unwieldy, 20 KG, Very Rare,

Snagga-Claw: Range: 20 meters, 2d10 + 8E (add X2 SB), pen 10, Power Field,
Tearing, Unwieldy, 25 KG, Unique,

Whenever a snagga-claw scores a successful melee hit of ANY KIND (after dodges
or parries) against someone who is 1 meter away or more in melee combat (2
meters or farther), the wielder of the Snagga-claw may choose to have the target
instantly pulled within 1 meter of the Ork. Anyone who is in the way of this is
knocked back and must take a +0 Strength check or be knocked prone. If for
whatever reason they are unable to be pulled within 1 meter of you, they are pulled
as close as they can get. Keep in mind that with swift attack, whirlwind of death, or
furious assaults that this can pull multiple opponents towards you. The Ork may
only pull objects of a size equal to their size bonus (including vehicles)


Explosives hold a special place in any Ork’s heart, and as such they have unique

-All Ork explosives count as thrown & may be used as melee weapons. When used as
a melee weapon upon hitting they IMMEDIATELY detonate, and may only be swung
once (for obvious reasons). When used in this manner, the SB nor crushing blow is
not added to the damage (as the force of swinging it is negligible compared to the
explosion itself), the damage of the explosion can be increased with Mighty Shot

-All Explosives (With the exception of the Tankbusta Bomb, melta bombs, and
specific explosives at the GM’s say-so) may be fired out of the Rokkit Launcha,
this is resolved as ballistic skill however.

Tankbusta Bomb: Thrown (SB) or Melee: 3d10 + 10, pen 20, Proven (5), Unwieldy,
Very Rare

Stikkbomb: Thrown (SBX3) or Melee: 2d10 + 5, pen 2, Blast (2), unreliable, Rare

Super Stikkbomb: Thrown (SBX2) or Melee: 4d10 + 10, Pen 4, Blast (4), Unreliable,
Very Rare
Super Duper Stikkbomb:Thrown (SB) or Melee: 6d10 + 15, Pen 6, Blast (6),
Unreliable, Extremely Rare

Super Ultra Stikkbomb: Thrown (SB) or Melee: 8d10 + 20, Pen 8, Blast (8),
Unreliable, Unwieldy, Near Unique

Super Ultra Mega Stikkbomb: Thrown (SB) or Melee: 10d10 + 25, Pen 10, Blast (10),
Unreliable, Unwieldy, Unique

Buzz-bomb: Thrown (SBX3) or Melee: 2d10 + 5, pen 2, Blast (3), Crippling (2),
unreliable,Very Rare

Buzz-bombs AUTOMATICALLY trigger crippling.


Because most Orks use the DH2E basic armor (and are all the stronger for it),
there is only one suit of armor they need to worry about: Da’ Mega armor.

Mega Armor: Body 14, Arms and Legs 9, Head 5 Mega-armour increases its
wearer’s Strength Characteristic by +30, grants the auto-stabilized trait, allows an
Ork to one-hand two-handed weapons as well as one-hand basic, pistol, or heavy
weapons, and increases the user’s size by 1. However, it also imposes a –20 penalty
on all Agility Tests the wearer makes, and he cannot take the Run Action while
wearing it. Delicate tasks suffer a –10 penalty unless using equipment designed to
be used with power armour. The availability is NEAR UNIQUE on this armor.

Other than that, dere’s the Iron Gob! It adds +2 AP to the head, and and a +10
bonus to Intimidation Tests. The AP of an iron gob is cumulative with any other
armour protecting the Head Location. It is of Scarce Availability for Orks.


Orks have access to a multitude of unique gear that is vital to operations.

Gitfinda/Targeting Squig: These devices come in the form of specialized squigs or
as specialized targetting systems. They function as an auspex scanner does,
however they also make all ballistic skill tests one step easier: Very Rare

Ammo Runts: Squigs or Gretchins or even snotlings carrying spare ammo, and aid in
reloading. These runts reduce the reloading times for all weapons by half (to a
minimum of free action), and may carry 3 additional magazines/clips of ammo. You
may only have one Ammo Runt at a time: Very Rare

WAAAAGH BANNER!: These banners are the heart and soul of any good
WAAAAGH. All orks within 10 meters of a WAAAAGH banner gain an additional
degree of success on weapon skill tests, are fearless, gain frenzy, and may frenzy
as a free action. Extremely Rare

Boss Pole: Reserved to Orks in authority, it grants a multitude of benefits for

command. All allied Orks within sight of a Warboss wearing a boss pole gain a +10
bonus to Fear and Pinning Tests. Additionally, if a boss pole is adorned with
trophies taken from the greatest champions of a foe (the helmets of Space
Marines, the weaponry of an Incubus, etc.), increase the value of the Warboss’
Fear Trait against that foe by 1.

Rokkit Pakk: A user must have the Operate (Aeronautica) Skill to use a Rokkit
Pakk. The standard model allows a safe descent from any height along with an
unlimited series of short jumps of up to double his Base Movement, avoiding any
ground obstacles and landing at the end of each Round’s movement. Alternatively,
the pack can be used to duplicate the Flyer (12) trait. Additionally, an Ork with a
Rokkit pakk may choose to move quadruple their movement speed instead of double
with a +0 Operate (Aeronautica) test, failure causes the Ork to move their
maximum run distance rolling twice on ther scatter, once on the X axis, and once on
the Y axis. It is of Rare availability


The possible upgrades for Ork weapons are as numerous as they are effective, and
they are divided into 2 categories: Paints, Weapon Upgrades, each have a different
availability and have a different effect based on what you put it on. Only one color
can be applied to an object at a time (See: DO NOT MIX THE PAINTS). All paints
are of Scarce rarity.

Red Paint: Red paint is often associated with being the fastest. With that in mind,
it applies the following upgrades:

Ranged: Ranged weapons add +2 to their full auto rate of fire, if they do not have a
full auto rate of fire, they treat the weapon as having the quick draw talent, even
if it is normally ineligible to do so.

Melee: Melee weapons benefit from quick draw and dodges and parries against the
weapon are made at a -10.

Armor: Increase AB for the purposes of movement speed by 1.

Explosives: Increase the strength modifier for throwing by 1X,

Gear: The time to perform a skill or action is reduced by one step (to a minimum of
free action) in structured time or half narrative time. For example, A 2 day repair
job with a red combi-tool instead takes one day.

Vehicles: Vehicles go 25% faster in both structured and narrative time, rounded
up. If the vehicle has the immobile trait, nothing happens ya STUPED GIT!

Mounts: Mounts benefit from sprint, and if they already benefit from sprint may
move three times speed instead of two times.

Green Paint: Green paint is often associated with being the best color, Orks really
like it.

Ranged: This weapon negates any penalties to shooting into melee with Orks.

Melee: This weapon gains Toxic (0)

Armor: Gain +10 to all interaction tests (including requisitions) with Orks

Explosives: These explosives do not harm Orks or Ork vehicles.

Gear: Gain an additional +10 modifier for anything Ork related INVOLVING THIS
Vehicles: Green vehicles gain the Rugged Trait,

Mounts: These beasts gain the loyal trait, if they are already loyal they gain an
additional +10 to the loyal bonus,

Black Paint: Associated with hardiness, tougher the better.

Ranged: Ranged weapons with black paint ignore Jamming, and may not be broken
by natural means.

Melee: Melee weapons with black paint may not be broken by normal means,
including exploding.

Armor: Gain +1 AP

Explosives: These explosives cannot dud.

Gear: All failed tests involving the piece of gear breaking or malfunctioning must
be re-rolled,

Vehicles: Vehicles gain the Reinforced Armor trait.

Mounts: Mounts gain undying, if they already have undying they gain From Beyond,
if they somehow already have from beyond, they gain The Stuff of Nightmares

Yellow Paint: Yellow paint is representative of explosives, black stripes ARE allowed
but you better fucking watch it buddy.

Ranged: Gain the Overheat and Blast (+1) quality, if it already has overheat it
applies on an 81 instead, if it somehow gets overheat from TWO SOURCES it
overheats on 71 or any miss.

Melee: Gain the Devastating (1) quality.

Armor: Gains +2 AP against explosives.

Explosives: Add +1 to blast radius.

Gear: Yellow gear gains a +10 to all tests involving handling demolitions &

Vehicles: All weapons on the vehicle gain +1 to blast 0r Blast (1), but it gains the
ramshackle trait.

Mounts: Attacks from this mount gain devastating (+1), and always violently
explodes in a shower of gore when killed.

Blue Paint: Blue Paint represents luck, and good fortune. 100 does not count as
doubles for the purposes of this ability, even though it SHOULD.

Ranged: You may reroll any missed attack that lands on a doubles. Attacks that hit
that land on doubles gain +1 DOS.

Melee: You may reroll any missed attack that lands on a doubles. Attacks that hit
that land on doubles gain +1 DOS.

Gear: You may reroll any failed test that lands on a doubles. Tests that succeed
that land on doubles gain +1 DOS.

Armor: Roll a 1d10 every time you take a hit, on a 10 you take half damage before
accounting for soak.

Explosives: You may reroll any failed test that lands on a doubles. Tests that
succeed that land on doubles scatter CLOSER to a target 1 meter per DOS.

Vehicles & Mounts: You may reroll any failed test that lands on a doubles. Tests
that succeed that land on doubles gain +1 DOS.

White Paint: Associated with death itself, or killy-ness.

Ranged: This weapon deals +1 critical damage whenever it lands a critical hit,
including righteous fury
Melee: This weapon deals +1 critical damage whenever it lands a critical hit,
including righteous fury

Gear: This gains +10 to all tests involving dead people.

Armor: Gain Fear (1)

Explosives: This weapon deals +1 critical damage whenever it lands a critical hit,
including righteous fury

Vehicles: The vehicle gains Fear (2), in addition it may function with dead Orks
piloting it.

Mounts: The mount gains fear (+1)

Purple Paint: Associated with sneakiness, it has impressive hiding abilities.

Ranged Weapons: -20 awareness to hear shots from this weapon, and may only be
attempted at half distance. This stacks with a silencer.

Melee Weapons: This weapon gains flexible, since the blade is MUCH harder to see.
This effect can be negated for the rest of combat with an awareness test once
per attack.

Gear: Provides a +10 to tests relevant to stealth, traps, or sneaky activities.

Armor: Gain a +10 to stealth tests.

Explosives: When thrown, an awareness test must be taken, if passed they may
dodge as normal, if failed they cannot dodge.

Vehicles: Vehicles may never take a penalty to stealth higher than -30 (stealth is
done with Operate + maneuverability) and gain +10 to stealth tests.

Mounts: Mounts gain one rank in stealth, if they already have stealth at +30 they
automatically pass all stealth tests at a DoS equal to their agility bonus.
DO NOT MIX THE PAINTS: I better not catch any of you motherfuckers mixing
the paint schemes or else I’m going to Drop a foot of Gork/Mork On you once every
turn. I’m serious you can’t put more than one color on any one item.

Nonexistent Color: Yep, there is a color that does not exist.

Ranged Weapons: Your weapon does not exist.

Melee weapons: Your melee weapon ceases to exist.

Gear: Your gear ceases to exist.

Armor: Your armor stops existing.

Explosives: When thrown, your grenade stops existing.

Vehicles: Your vehicle stops existing upon painting it.

Weapon Upgrades:

Human upgrades CAN be used on Ork weapons, but human weapons cannot be given
Ork upgrades. Up to 4 upgrades can exist on a weapon at a time, and installation is
a +0 trade (armourer) check.

A longer barrel and crude rifling give this weapon additional range. Increase the
weapon’s range by 10 metres. Upgrades: Any ranged weapon. Common Availability

Somehow, room for additional ammunition has been added to the weapon, often in
the form of additional clips or dangling ammo belts, doubling the weapon’s Clip size.
Upgrades: Any Ranged weapon. Abundant Availability

This is not so much an upgrade as two weapons welded together. Unlike human
weapons, Twin-linked Ork weapons need not be identical. When a weapon receives
this upgrade, it may be combined with any other ranged weapon possessed by the
Ork. If the two combined weapons are the same, this weapon receives the
Twin-Linked Quality. If they are different, this follows the rules for making
Combi-weapons Upgrades: Any ranged weapon. Very Rare availability

KUSTOM JOB The weapon is retooled to the user’s specifications or broken in by

years of use. The weapon reduces all reload times by one step. Upgrades: Any
ranged weapon. Very Rare Availability

LOUDENER The weapon’s muzzle has been exaggerated to ludicrous proportions,

amplifying its shots. When used in a Suppressing Fire Action, this weapon inflicts a
-10 penalty on all Pinning Tests. Upgrades: All weapons capable of Suppressive Fire.
Average Availability.

MORE SHOOTY A slightly more complicated firing mechanism and a longer barrel
make this weapon’s shots “hit ‘arder.” Increase the weapon’s Damage and
Penetration by 1. Upgrades: Any Basic or Heavy ranged weapon. Common

RED LIGHT Though this Kustom Bit is little more than a small red light bulb, Orks
swear it improves a weapon’s accuracy. This upgrade functions as a Red-Dot Laser
Sight (ROGUE TRADER page 134). This weapon does not count as a sight and as
such may be stacked with other sights, including a red dot. Upgrades: Any ranged
weapon. Rare Availability.

SPARKY KNOBZ The weapon has been fitted with capacitors and a cluster of
prongs that release massive electrical discharges on contact. This weapon gains the
Shocking quality. Upgrades: Any melee weapon. Scarce Availability.

SPIKEY BITZ The weapon is covered in spikes, sharp protrusions, and additional
blades. A ranged weapon with this upgrade counts as an Unbalanced sword in close
combat. Melee weapons gain +1 Damage. Upgrades: Any weapon. Abundant

BlAstA The weapon no longer fires bullets, but rather blasts of incandescent
energy that sear through armour. The weapon’s Pen gains +1d10 per shot (rolled for
each attack, not each hit), and the damage type becomes Energy, but it gains the
Overheats Quality. Upgrades: Any ranged weapon that deals Impact damage. Very
Rare availability.
ekstrA bArrulZ An additional barrel or two allows the weapon to fire much faster,
to the joy of its owner. The weapon gains the Storm quality and the Innacurate
Quality. Upgrades: Any ranged weapon capable of full–auto fire. Very Rare

ekstrA rIppy Chains of razor-sharp teeth line the weapon, attached to a

smoke-belching motor. The weapon increases its damage by 1 and gains the Tearing
Quality. If it already has the Tearing Quality, increase the damage by 3 instead.
However, the weapon becomes Unwieldy. If it is already Unwieldy, it imposes a –5
penalty to all attack rolls made with the weapon. Upgrades: Any melee weapon. Very
Rare Availability.

ekstrA kAbooM Explosive ammunition makes for bigger wounds on the enemy and
louder noises when the gun fires. The weapon’s damage type becomes Explosive and
it gains the Tearing Quality. Upgrades: Any ranged weapon, Rare Availability.

More dAkkA A clanking assortment of chains, gears and pistons increase the
weapon’s rate of fire, granting an additional degree of success on all Ballistic Skill
Tests when the weapon is fired on semi-automatic or fully-automatic. However, the
weapon uses twice the usual amount of ammunition when firing. (So a weapon with a
Full Auto RoF of 6 would use 12 rounds of ammo, but could only score six hits.
Upgrades: Any ranged weapon capable of semi-automatic or fully-automatic fire.
Scarce Availability

skAttA kAnnon Rather than conventional bullets, the weapon fires piles of jagged
shrapnel that tear and lacerate. The weapon’s range is halved, and the damage type
becomes Rending. In addition, it gains the Scatter quality. Upgrades: Any ranged
weapon that deals Impact damage. Common Availability

ZAppy gubbInZ A strange contraption beyond the understanding of most Orks,

this weapon is fitted with whirling, sparking protrusions that crackle with green
lightning. These devices discharge as the wielder attacks, burning through armour
and scorching flesh. A melee weapon with this upgrade gains the Power Field quality
and increases its damage and Penetration by 2. A ranged weapon with this upgrade
adds 1d10 to its damage value and changes its damage type to Energy, but gains the
Overheats and Unstable Qualities. Upgrades: Any weapon. Very Rare Availability.

An so we’z reachin’ Duh best part! VEHUCLES! All imperial and Necron vehicles may
be “looted” as a +0 trade (armourer) test during downtime, They may also
requisition any of these vehicles as one step higher then their base rarity.

Big Gun:
Type: Wheeled Gun Platform
Tactical Speed: Half movement of the pusher.
Cruising Speed: Half narrative time movement speed of pushed
Maneuverability: N/A
Structual Integrity: 15
Size: Average
Armour: Front 14, Side 14, Rear 14,
Crew: 3 (Loader/Pusher, Spotter/Commander, & Shooter)
Carrying Capacity: None
Availability: Rare


Must choose one of the following:

-ZZap Gun: 150M, S/-/- 3d10, pen 10, Overheats, Innacurate, Unreliable

-Kannon: 200m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 6; Clip 1; Reload Full; Blast [4], Concussive [2],
Inaccurate, Unreliable

Lobba: 30-200m; S/–/–; 2d10 X; Pen 1; Clip 1; Reload Full; Blast [6], Concussive [4],
Inaccurate, Indirect [2], Unreliable

Options: The gun may be upgraded with an motorized control & seats, increasing its
availability by one step, and its size to Hulking. The vehicle is now treated as being
a Wheeled Vehicle, with a maneuverability of -10, a tactical speed of 10 meters,
and a cruising speed of 20 KPH.

Finally, the gun may instead be requisitioned as a Mek Gun, which increases his
availability to Extremely Rare. It gains +6 armor and +5 hull integrity, and must
pick either the aforementioned weapons, or ONE of the following weapons:

-Traktor Kannon/Smasha Gun: Range: 150 Meters, S/-/-, Damage Special/2d10 + 10

(against infantry), Pen 0 Special, Graviton, Overheats,
The Traktor Kannon does not deal damage in the conventional sense against
vehicles, (against infantry it uses the above profile), instead it is a Ballistic Skill
test opposed by the target’s operate. If the target succeeds nothing happens, if
the Traktor Kannon operator succeeds the vehicle is launched upwards and in a
random direction a number of meters equal to the DoS on the test times 1d10. If
the ballistic skill test rolls a 96 or higher the vehicle is thrown upwards and in a
random direction a number of meters equal to the degrees of failure times 10. A
vehicle launched in either manner automatically suffers Out of control and is
automatically flipped instead of testing to do so. This weapon may only target
vehicles of size (6) or less.

-Kustom Mega-Kannon (150M, S/-/-, 4d10 + 10, pen 12, Blast (5), Overheats)

-Bubble-chucka (150M, S/-/-, 2d10 + 5, Pen 9, Blast (10), Maximal)

Ork Warbike:

Type: Wheeled Vehicle.

Tactical Speed: 18m
Cruising Speed: 75kph
Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 15
Size: Hulking OR Enormous
Armour: Front 18, Side 18, Rear 14
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Open-Topped, Ramshackle, Wheeled.
Crew: 1 Rider.
Carry Capacity: None.
Availability: Rare
Weapons: Fixed dakkagun (Front Facing; 75m; –/3/5; 2d10+4 I; Pen 4; Clip 80;
Reload 2 Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable).
Special Rules: Ork Warbikes spew thick clouds of acrid black smoke which obscure
the bikers and choke those caught in the cloud. Melee and Ranged Attacks made
against an Ork Warbike or its rider are made at an additional -10 modifier.

Additionally, a more advanced model (Deffkilla Wartrike) may be requisitioned at

Extremely rare. Use the stats above but add +7 to the armor, remove Ramshackle,
gain rugged, and Enhanced Motive systems, and gain the ability to carry an
additional Ork. These also carry Two combat shotguns for the passenger or pilot to

For the low price of an increased step in availability (rare to Very Rare or
extremely rare to near Unique), this warbike may be upgraded into a Deffkopta,
when this is done, the vehicle retains all of its present stats but becomes a
Skimmer. A Deffkilla may also be upgraded into a Deffkopta in this manner, at
which point it becomes a Deffkilla-Kopta.

Ork Warbuggy:
Type: Tracked or Wheeled Vehicle.
Tactical Speed: 18m
Cruising Speed: 75kph
Manoeuvrability: +5
Structural Integrity: 25
Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 22, Side 20, Rear 18
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped, Ramshackle, Tracked or Wheeled.
Carry Capacity: None.
Crew: 1 Driver and 1 Gunner (Turret Weapon).
Availability: Rare
Weapons: Pintle-mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

•Bigga shootas (Front Facing; 120m; -/-/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full;
Inaccurate, Unreliable, Twin-Linked).

•Bigga Rokkit launcha (Front Facing; 150m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 9; Clip 1; Reload
Half; Inaccurate, Unreliable, TwinLinked).

•Skorcha (Front Facing; 30m; S/–/–; 1d10+7 E; Pen 3; Clip –; Reload –; Flame, Spray,

Special Rules: This vehicle comes in many variations, listed below with
modifications to its availability:

-Boomdakka Snazzwagon: Lose -2 armor, but gain +12 to tactical speed, +30 to
cruising Speed, Enhanced Motive systems, a Pintle Mounted Mek Speshul, A cache
of fire bombs, Availability Unique
-Shokkjump Dragsta: Gain +4 armor, Reinforced armor, and PHASE (triggered on a
+0 operate check once per round as a free action or reaction, rolling doubles causes
1d10 insanity points. Gain a pintle mounted Shokk rifle, Availability Unique

-Kustom Boosta-Blasta: Gain +6 armor, reinforced armor, and +1 to crew capacity.

Gain a pintle mounted Rivet gun. Availability Unique

-Megatrakk Scrapjet: Lose -4 armor, and becomes pilot only. Gain 2 more Rokkit
Launchas, and an additional Bigga-shoota. All of these weapons become twin-linked.
Gain Enhanced motive systems. Availability: Extremely Rare

Ork Trukk:

Type: Wheeled Vehicle.

Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 60kph
Manoeuvrability: +0
Structural Integrity: 35
Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 24, Side 22, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped or Enclosed, Ramshackle, Rugged, Wheeled.
Crew: 1 Driver and 1 Gunner (Turret Weapon).
Carry Capacity: 12 Orks plus gear and loot.
Availability: Very Rare
Weapons: Pintle-mounted weapon (choose one of the following):
•Bigga shoota (Front Facing; 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full;
Inaccurate, Unreliable)

•Bigga Rokkit launcha (Front Facing; 150m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 9; Clip 1; Reload
Half; Inaccurate, Unreliable)


-It may also take a Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball (Melee, 10 Meters, 5d10 + 10, pen 6, benefits from swift attack,
requires a dedicated wrecking ball operator)
Special Rules:

This Trukk may be instead requisitioned as a Trakk, it loses Wheeled and gains

This vehicle may also for the low price of an increased step in availability (Very
Rare to Extremely Rare) may gain the skimmer trait and be labeled as a Warkopta.
When upgraded in this manner the vehicle gains a pintle mounted twin-linked
deffgun, and an additional pintle mounted bigga shoota,

Ork Big Trukk:

Type: Wheeled Vehicle.

Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 60kph
Manoeuvrability: +0
Structural Integrity: 35
Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 30, Side 25, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped or enclosed, Rugged, Wheeled.
Crew: 1 Driver 1 Gunner (Turret Weapon), 2 gunners (Pintle weapons).
Carry Capacity: 12 Orks plus gear and loot.
Availability: Extremely Rare
Weapons: X2 Pintle-mounted weapon (choose one of the following:)
•X2 Bigga shoota (Front Facing; 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload
Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable)

•X2 Bigga Rokkit launcha (Front Facing; 150m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 9; Clip 1;
Reload Half; Inaccurate, Unreliable)

•X2 Skorchas (30m; S/–/–; 1d10+7 E; Pen 3; Clip –; Reload –; Flame, Spray,


-It may take two additional pintle mounted Bigga Shootas OR Bigga Rokkit
Launchas OR Skorchas
-It may take a Sponson Mounted Twin Linked Bigga Shoota on each side.

Finally, it may select one BIG GUN, this is a Hull Mounted weapon of one of the

-Kannon: 200m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 6; Clip 1; Reload Full; Blast [4], Concussive [2],
Inaccurate, Unreliable)

-Lobba: 30-200m; S/–/–; 2d10 X; Pen 1; Clip 1; Reload Full; Blast [6], Concussive [4],
Inaccurate, Indirect [2], Unreliable

-Kill-Kannon: 100m; S/–/–; 3d10+8 X; Pen 8; Clip 1; Reload Full; Blast [8], Concussive
[3], Inaccurate, Unreliable.

-Zzap Gun: 150M, S/-/- 3d10, pen 10, Overheats, Innacurate, Unreliable

-Big Lobba: 50-500m; S/–/–; 4d10 X; Pen 6; Clip 1; Reload Full; Blast [10],
Concussive [4], Inaccurate, Indirect [2], Unreliable

-Big Zzappa: 500M, S/3/- 3d10, pen 10, Overheats, Innacurate, Unreliable

-Flakka-gun: 500M, S/3/6, 3d10 + 8, pen 6, Clip 20, Reload Full, Gains a +20 to
hitting Skimmers & Flyers.

-Supa-Kannon: 1000M, S/-/-, 4d10 + 10, pen 8, Clip 1, Reload Full, Blast (10),
Concussive (3), Innacurate

-Supa-Skorcha: 30M, S/-/-, 3d10 + 6, pen 9, Clip 1, Reload Full, Flame, Spray,

He may also take ONE of the following upgrades:

-Deff Rolla (+5 armor, deal an additional 1d10 damage + 1d10 per 10 meters
traveled for rams.

Grabbin Klaw: This vehicle may make Klaw checks (+0 weapon skill) against objects
within 2 meters that is equal to or smaller than size (7), handled as a full action by
a dedicated Klaw driver. If the test is passed (and the vehicle does not
successfully dodge or jink) the vehicle is unable to move at all, and may only break
free on an opposed Operate Check against both pilots. Flyers may not be grabbed
in this manner.

-Wrecking Ball (Melee, 10 Meters, 5d10 + 10, pen 6, benefits from swift attack,
requires a dedicated wrecking ball operator)

Special Rules:

This Big Trukk may be instead requisitioned as a Big Trakk, it loses Wheeled and
gains Tracked.


Type: Tracked Vehicle.
Tactical Speed: 12m
Cruising Speed: 45kph
Manoeuvrability: –10
Structural Integrity: 60
Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 36, Side 28, Rear 24
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped, Ramshackle, Rugged, Tracked.
Crew: 1 Driver, 4 Gunners (Sponson Weapons), 2 additional gunner/loaders (1 Hull
Weapon, 1 Turret Weapon if taken).
Carry Capacity: 20 Orks plus gear and loot.
Availability: Extremely Rare
Weapons: (choose from one of the following)
•Pintle-mounted bigga shoota (Front Facing; 120m; –/– /10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip
120; Reload Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable)

•Pintle-mounted Bigga rokkit launcha (Front Facing; 150m; S/– /–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 9;
Clip 1; Reload Half; Inaccurate, Unreliable)

•Fixed kannon (Front-Facing; 200m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 6; Clip 1; Reload Full;
Blast [4], Concussive [2], Inaccurate, Unreliable)

•Fixed lobba (Front-Facing; 30-200m; S/–/–; 2d10 X; Pen 1; Clip 1; Reload Full; Blast
[6], Concussive [4], Inaccurate, Indirect [2], Unreliable)
Options: The Ork Battlewagon may take up to two sponson mounted Bigga Shootas
(Left Facing/Right Facing; 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full;
Inaccurate, Unreliable).

If the Battlewagon has the Enclosed vehicle trait, it may sacrifice half its Carrying
Capacity to take a turret mounted Kill Kannon (100m; S/–/–; 3d10+8 X; Pen 8; Clip 1;
Reload Full; Blast [8], Concussive [3], Inaccurate, Unreliable).

It may also choose to instead mount a Supa-Kannon: 1000M, S/-/-, 4d10 + 10, pen
8, Clip 1, Reload Full, Blast (10), Concussive (3), Innacurate

If the Battlewagon mounts a Kill Kannon or Supa-Kannon, it can mount a

pintle-mounted Bigga Shoota (120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full;
Inaccurate, Unreliable) on top of the Kill Kannon turret

It may also choose to mount one of the following weapons instead:

-Zzap Gun: 150M, S/-/- 3d10, pen 10, Overheats, Innacurate, Unreliable

-Lifta Droppa: Range: 500 Meters, S/-/-, Damage Special/5d10 + 10 (against

infantry), Pen 0 Special, Graviton

The Lifta Droppa does not deal damage in the conventional sense against vehicles,
(against infantry it uses the above profile), instead it is a Ballistic Skill test
opposed by the target’s operate. If the target succeeds nothing happens, if the
lifta operator succeeds the vehicle is launched upwards and in a random direction a
number of meters equal to the DoS on the test times 1d10. If the ballistic skill
test rolls a 96 or higher the vehicle is thrown upwards and in a random direction a
number of meters equal to the degrees of failure times 10. A vehicle launched in
this manner automatically suffers Out of control and is automatically flipped
instead of testing to do so. This weapon may only target vehicles of size (7) or less.

Additionally, it may take one or more of the following upgrades:

-Deff Rolla (+5 armor, deal an additional 1d10 damage + 1d10 per 10 meters
traveled for rams.
Grabbin Klaw: This vehicle may make Klaw checks (+0 weapon skill) against objects
within 2 meters that is equal to or smaller than size (7), handled as a full action by
a dedicated Klaw driver. If the test is passed (and the vehicle does not
successfully dodge or jink) the vehicle is unable to move at all, and may only break
free on an opposed Operate Check against both pilots. Flyers may not be grabbed
in this manner.

-Wrecking Ball (Melee, 10 Meters, 5d10 + 10, pen 6, benefits from swift attack,
requires a dedicated wrecking ball operator)

Ork Fighta:

Type: Flyer
Tactical Speed: 1500 (if flyer)/30 (if skimmer)
Cruising Speed: 3000 KPH/300 KPH
Maneuverability: +10
Structural integrity: 25
Size: Enormous
Armour: 25 all
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Ramshackle, Flyer, Skimmer
Crew: One Ork Pilot
Carrying Capacity: None
Availability: Very Rare
Weapons: Two Bigga Shootas (Front Facing; 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip
120; Reload Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable).

Special Rules: All weapons on the vehicle may be fired by the pilot as a half action.
In addition the vehicle always counts as being obscured by smoke, the pilot is
affected by this.

Ork Dakkajet:

Type: Flyer
Tactical Speed: 3000 (if flyer)/60 (if skimmer)
Cruising Speed: 10000 KPH/750 KPH
Maneuverability: +20
Structural integrity: 30
Size: Massive
Armour: 30 all
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Ramshackle, Flyer, Skimmer
Crew: One Ork Pilot
Carrying Capacity: None
Availability: Extremely Rare
Weapons: Four Twin Linked Bigga Shootas (Front Facing; 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I;
Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable).

Two Bigga Rokkit Launchas (Front Facing; 150m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 9; Clip 1;
Reload Half; Inaccurate, Unreliable).

2 Boom Bombs (Range Unlimited†; S/2/–; 3d10+5 X; Pen 3; Clip 2; Blast [8],
Concussive [2], Indirect)

2 Burna Bombs (Range Unlimited†; S/–/–; 2d10+7 X; Pen 6; Clip 2; Blast [6], Flame,

†Bomms have an unlimited range, but in only a single direction: down. As such they
always benefit from being in short range (+10)

Special Rules: All weapons on the vehicle may be fired by the pilot as a half action.
In addition the vehicle always counts as being obscured by smoke, the pilot is
affected by this. In addition, the bombs are dropped at any point during the flyer’s
movement as a free action.

Some Dakkajets may choose to instead take a fiery build, they may do so at the
cost of an additional step in availability, and instead become Burna-Bombas. When
they do this, they gain +1 gunner crew, typically crewed by a grot, an additional
pintle mounted bigga-shoota that is crewed by said gunner, and all of its shootas
and rokkits gain the flame weapon quality, and replaces its 2 boom bombs with 2
burna bombs (totaling out to 4 burna bombs).

Some Dakkajets may choose to instead take a more explosive build, they may do so
at the cost of an additional step in availability, and instead become Burna-Bombas.
When they do this, they gain +1 gunner crew, typically crewed by a grot, an
additional pintle mounted bigga-shoota that is crewed by said gunner, and replaces
its 2 burna bombs with 2 boom bombs (totaling out to 4 boom bombs). In addition,
they gain one Bigbomm (S/-/–; 6d10+5 X; Pen 6; Clip 1; Blast [16], Concussive [4],
Some Dakkajets may choose to instead take a more exotic build, they may do so at
the cost of being unique availability and instead become Wazbom Blastajets. When
they do this, they gain +1 gunner crew, typically crewed by a grot, an additional
pintle mounted bigga-shoota that is crewed by said gunner, loses its bombs but
gains a field with a protection rating of 55 that overloads on a 1-10, and one of the
following special weapons:

A Twin-linked Mega Kannon (150M, S/-/-, 4d10 + 10, pen 12, Blast (5), Overheats)

A Tellyporta Blasta: 90M, S/-/-, 6d10 + 10, Pen 0, Blast (10), Warp Weapon,)

Objects hit by the tellyporta Blasta ove size (7) or less are scattered 5 meters in
a random direction (use the scatter diagram). If this makes them appear inside of
solid matter, they are killed instantly. If this solid object was a vehicle or other
living person they are both destroyed instantly UNLESS they are two sizes larger
than the teleported object or vise versa, at which point both are horrifically fused
with the object and both objects immediately suffer an automatic critical 6 energy
hit to the body if a character and to hull & motive systems if a vehicle. Both
objects are permanently fused until special repairs can be made to either, but
otherwise are “unharmed”

A Traktor Kannon/Smasha Gun: Range: 150 Meters, S/-/-, Damage Special/2d10 +

10 (against infantry), Pen 0 Special, Graviton, Overheats,

The Traktor Kannon does not deal damage in the conventional sense against
vehicles, (against infantry it uses the above profile), instead it is a Ballistic Skill
test opposed by the target’s operate. If the target succeeds nothing happens, if
the Traktor Kannon operator succeeds the vehicle is launched upwards and in a
random direction a number of meters equal to the DoS on the test times 1d10. If
the ballistic skill test rolls a 96 or higher the vehicle is thrown upwards and in a
random direction a number of meters equal to the degrees of failure times 10. A
vehicle launched in either manner automatically suffers Out of control and is
automatically flipped instead of testing to do so. This weapon may only target
vehicles of size (6) or less.

Ork E’avy Bomba:

Type: Flyer
Tactical Speed: 500 (if flyer)/10 (if skimmer)
Cruising Speed: 1000 KPH/20 KPH
Maneuverability: +0
Structural integrity: 60
Size: Immense
Armour: 30 all
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Ramshackle, Flyer, Ponderous,
Crew: One Ork Pilot, One gretchin Gunner (Pintle turret), 10 Gretchin Loaders
Carrying Capacity: None
Availability: Near Unique
Weapons: Four Twin Linked Bigga Shootas (Front Facing; 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I;
Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable).

One Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bigga Shoota (120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip
120; Reload Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable))

4 Side mounted zzap guns (two on each side) (150M, S/-/- 3d10, pen 10, Overheats,
Innacurate, Unreliable)

Two Bigga Rokkit Launchas (Front Facing; 150m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 9; Clip 1;
Reload Half; Inaccurate, Unreliable).

4 Boom Bombs (Range Unlimited†; S/2/–; 3d10+5 X; Pen 3; Clip 2; Blast [8],
Concussive [2], Indirect)

4 Burna Bombs (Range Unlimited†; S/–/–; 2d10+7 X; Pen 6; Clip 2; Blast [6], Flame,

2 Bigbomms (S/-/–; 6d10+5 X; Pen 6; Clip 1; Blast [16], Concussive [4], Indirect)

†Bomms have an unlimited range, but in only a single direction: down. As such they
always benefit from being in short range (+10)

Special Rules: All weapons on the vehicle may be fired by the pilot as a half action.
In addition the vehicle always counts as being obscured by smoke, the pilot is
affected by this. In addition, the bombs are dropped at any point during the flyer’s
movement as a free action.


Type: Walker
Tactical Speed: 8 m
Cruising Speed: 25 kph
Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 25
Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 25
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Ponderous, Ramshackle, Walker.
Crew: One hard-wired Ork pilot.
Carrying Capacity: None
Availability: Very Rare (Or 5000 XP Elite advance upon death)

Weapons Deff Dreads are often armed with two heavy guns welded to their
chassis and two melee weapons, but as with any Ork creation, there is no standard.
A Deff Dread has four of the following:

•Bigga shoota (Front Facing; 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full;
Inaccurate, Unreliable).

•Bigga Rokkit launcha (Front Facing; 150m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 9; Clip 1; Reload
Half; Inaccurate, Unreliable).

•Kustom mega-blasta (Front Facing; 100m; S/2/–; 4d10+7 E; Pen 6; Clip 10; Reload 3
Full; Blast (2), Inaccurate, Overheats, Shocking, Unreliable).

•Skorcha (Front Facing; 30m; S/–/–; 1d10+7 E; Pen 3; Clip –; Reload –; Flame, Spray,

•Burna (Front Facing; 40m; S/–/–; 1d10+4 E; Pen 2; Clip –; Reload –; Flame, Spray,
•Power klaw (Melee; 2d10+16 R; Pen 7; Power Field, Unwieldy).

•Buzz saw (Melee; 2d10+12 R; Pen 3; Tearing, Unwieldy)

Special Rules:

When calculating movement, use the Deff Dread’s Tactical Speed as its Half
Action Move distance, not its Agility Bonus.

Deff Dreads (and their pilots) are Fearless

Any attacks that reduce a Characteristic automatically fail against the Deff Dread
or its pilot.

Dreadnoughts have the Auto-Stabilized Trait, and thus may fi re Heavy weapons
without bracing and fi re on Full Auto and Semi-Auto as a Half Action.

•The sophisticated sensor arrays built into a Dreadnought mean that the pilot
within always counts as benefiting from the Auto-senses of a Space Marine helmet,
an Auspex with a range of 500 metres, A targeting squig , and an inbuilt Vox Caster

Whenever an Ork is entombed within a Deff Dread, he automatically gains the

following traits:

•Deff Dreads & their crew are not affected by Blood Loss or Fatigue

•Deff Dreads have no fine manipulators (i.e., fingers) and cannot complete tasks
that require fine manual dexterity. Deff Dreads without a Power Klaw have no

•Deff Dreads can only be healed (repaired) per the vehicle repair rules in DH2E.

•Deff Dreads suffer a –30 penalty on all tests when attempting the following skills:
Climb, Concealment, Shadowing, Silent Move, Wrangling. Deff Dreads cannot use
the following Skills at all and automatically fail them should they try: Acrobatics,
Contortionist, Sleight of Hand, and Swim. Naturally, the GM is the final arbiter and
may decide that any number of other applicable skills are also not suited for a
Dreadnought and automatically fail.
•Obviously, the hard-wired Ork cannot leave the Deff Dread UNLESS they have
the Cybork upgrade.

•If a Non-cybork enters a Deff Dread, he suffers the following penalties:

•Wounds decrease to half their original value, Rounded up.

•Strength and Toughness are reduced to a value equal to 1d10+1. Roll separately for

•Agility is reduced to 0. This means the Ork, even if he was able to leave the
sarcophagus somehow, cannot move and would be completely helpless.

•The sarcophagus is extremely reinforced with multiple layers of armour, and

grants AP 30 to the Ork. The sarcophagus is self-powered, but alone is nothing
more than a complex, life-sustaining tomb. He is still capable of speaking, seeing,
and sensing his surroundings inside of the Sarcophagus.


Type: Walker
Tactical Speed: 8 m
Cruising Speed: 25 kph
Manoeuvrability: 0
Structural Integrity: 50
Size: Immense
Armour: Front 45, Side 40, Rear 35
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Ponderous, Rugged, Walker.
Crew: One Ork pilot. Many, many gunners & loaders
Carrying Capacity: 6 Orks + Loot
Availability: Near Unique


•X2 Bigga shoota ( 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full; Inaccurate,

•Skorcha (30m; S/–/–; 1d10+7 E; Pen 3; Clip –; Reload –; Flame, Spray, Unreliable).
•X2 Bigga Rokkit launcha (Front Facing; 150m; S/–/–; 3d10+6 X; Pen 9; Clip 1;
Reload Half; Inaccurate, Unreliable).

May take one weapon for each arm (2 arms)

•Klaw of Gork/Mork (6d10 + 30E, pen 20, Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy, 1700 KG

•Deffstorm Mega-Shoota: (150M, S/5/20, 3d10 + 8, pen 6, Storm, Tearing)

•Kustom Mega-Blasta (100m; S/2/–; 4d10+7 E; Pen 6; Clip 10; Reload 3 Full; Blast
(2), Inaccurate, Overheats, Shocking, Unreliable)

•Kustom Mega-Kannon (150M, S/-/-, 4d10 + 10, pen 12, Blast (5), Overheats)

Options: This Gora/Morkanaut may take a Kustom Force field.


Alternative title: Ork Psychic powers.

Weirdboys function like no other psykers, and have unique rules to reflect this.

-Power Scale: At Psy Rating 1–2, the air around the Weirdboy crackles occasionally
with an odd light and objects sometimes fly about randomly, depending on the
Weirdboy’s mood.

Psy Rating 3+: a Weirdboy using the Powa’ Burst Basic Technique may add or
subtract his Willpower Bonus from the final result of his roll on Table 4–5: Powa’
Burst Effects.
Psy Rating 6+: a Weirdboy must also make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test at the
beginning of each of his Turns while in combat; if he fails, he must use a Psychic
Technique this Turn to release the Waaagh! energy or suffer 1d5 Energy Damage
that is not reduced by Armour or Toughness Bonus.

At Psy Rating 9+, as above, but the Willpower Test to contain the surging might of
the Waaagh! becomes a Very Hard (–30) Willpower Test

Basic Power: Powa’ Burst (All weirdboys know this)

Torrents of unstable energy periodically erupt from a Weirdboy’s mind, surging

forth to smash nearby obstacles, reinvigorate the psyker, or allow him to achieve
feats that would otherwise be impossible for him. While veteran Weirdboyz who
have survived their own abilities for a time can choose the powers they use
(sometimes), newer Ork psykers simply unleash the Waaagh! and hope for the best.

Once per Round as a Full Action (in lieu of using a Psychic Technique that he has
mastered), the psyker may release the might of the Waaagh! Roll on Table 4–5:
Powa’ Burst Effects. If the result is a Psychic Technique, the Weirdboy
immediately makes a Focus Power Test to manifest that power, even if he has not
mastered it.

1–5 Anticlimactic Fizzle! The Waaagh manifests as a nothing!

6–20 Frazzle
21–30 Up an’ at ‘Em!
31–40 Warpath
41–50 Zzap
51–60 Dis Is Takin’ Too Long!
61–70 Smash da Gitz
71–75 ‘Ere We Go
76–80 We’z Gotta Be Lucky
81–85 DeffWave
86–90 Krump ‘Em All
91–95 ‘Ead to ‘Ead
96–99 I’z Gonna Squig Ya!
100 Waaagh Overload! Choose any other result from this table and roll once on
Table 3–3: ‘Eadbang (see page 59) after it resolves!

Value: 100 xp
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Time: Half Action
Focus Power: Willpower
Range: 10m x Psy Rating
Sustained: No
With a thunderous roar, the Weirdboy unleashes a blast of energy that courses
through his target and leaps to those unfortunate enough to be standing near it. If
he succeeds on his Focus Power Test, the psyker hits his target with a bolt of
crackling energy that deals 1d10 + Psy Rating Energy Damage with the Shocking
Quality. For each Degree of Success on the Focus Power Test, the attack may
affect another additional target within 3 metres of the original target for half of
the Damage of the original attack. The bolt can be Dodged like any other ranged

Up an’ at ‘Em!
Value: 100 xp
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Half Action
Range: 1m x Psy Rating
Sustained: Free Action
The Weirdboy leads by insane example, psychically (and psychotically) inspiring his
comrades to charge along with him even as he rushes towards a certain, grisly end.
As long as the Weirdboy sustains this power, all allied Orks within range ignore the
effects of Fatigue, gain a bonus equal to the Weirdboy’s Psy Rating times 5 (to a
maximum of +30) to all Tests to resist Pinning and Fear, and may re-roll any rolls
they must make on Table 10-4: The Shock Table (See ROGUE TRADER Core
Rulebook, page 294).

Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Full Action
Range: 1m x Psy Rating
Sustained: Free
Crackling green energy surges out from the Weirdboy, striking the nearby Orks
and stoking the fires of their battle frenzy to devastating new heights. As long as
the psyker sustains this power, allied Orks (including the psyker) within the radius
gain a bonus to the Damage of their melee attacks equal to half of the Weirdboy’s
Psy Rating (rounded up). Additionally, each allied Ork within the radius may re-roll
one failed Weapon Skill Test per Round.

Dis iz Takin’ Too Long!

Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Up an’ at ‘Em!
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Full
Action Range: Special
Sustained: No
The Weirdboy calls upon the Waaagh!, channelling his impatience to accelerate
whatever mode of transportation he happens to be using (be that his feet or a
mighty voidship) in a swell of brilliant, crackling energy. If the psyker succeeds on
his Focus Power Test, he immediately surges forward. If he is on foot, he may
immediately make a Run or Charge Action as a Free Action, increasing the maximum
range of this move by an extra two metres for every Degree of Success he scored
on the Focus Power Test. If he is on any sort of vehicle or voidship, he may instead
use this power to grant any Explorer on board a bonus equal to 5 x his Psy Rating
(to a maximum of +30) to the next Test that increases the transport’s speed.

Smash da Gitz
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Warpath
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Half Action
Range: 5m x Psy Rating
Sustained: Free Action
The Weirdboy energises his weapon (or just his fist) with a voracious green charge
that shreds through metal and flesh alike when he strikes. As long as the psyker
sustains this power, melee attacks that he makes lose the Primitive Quality if they
have it, gain the Tearing Quality, and gain a bonus to Penetration equal to his Psy
Rating. Additionally, he may extend this bonus to one additional allied Ork within
range, plus one additional allied Ork per Degree of Success he scores on the Focus
Power Test.

We’z Gotta Be Lucky

Value: 300 xp
Prerequisites: Smash da Gitz, Up an’ at Em!
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Full Action
Range: 5m x Psy Rating
Sustained: Free
The Weirdboy appeals to the primal force of the Waaagh! for good fortune, an
unearthly glow filling his eyes and those of his allies as they rush forward,
heedless of risk. As long as the psyker sustains this power, he may choose to
re-roll (or have any allied Orks in range re-roll) a number of Characteristic Tests
per Round equal to his Psy Rating. If, however, the psyker or one of his allies fails a
Test rerolled this way, the Weirdboy has aroused the ire of Gork (or possibly
Mork) for squandering an opportunity. The power ends, and the Weirdboy must
immediately roll once on Table 3-2: Weird Fings (see page 58) and loses any unused
re-rolls for that Round.

Value: 300 xp
Prerequisites: Frazzle
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Half Action
Range: 5m x Psy Rating
Sustained: No
The Weirdboy unleashes a burst of ravening green electricity that surges forward,
turning organic tissue to ash and the hardest alloys to molten slag. If the psyker
succeeds on his Focus Power Test, he strikes his target with a searing beam that
deals 1d5 + Psy Rating Energy Damage, with a Penetration of 4, plus an additional 2
Penetration per Degree of Success he scores on the Focus Power Test. If the
target is within half of the maximum range for the Technique, double its
Penetration value.

‘Ere We Go
Value: 400 xp
Prerequisites: Dis is Takin’ Too Long, Frazzle
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Full Action
Range: 10m x Psy Rating
Sustained: No
The Weirdboy opens a temporary rift through the Warp, helping his allies get to
battle more quickly in a flash of green luminescence and an instant of screaming
terror. The Weirdboy teleports himself and a number of Ork allies equal to his Psy
Rating to a location no more than 10 times his Psy Rating in metres away. Each
traveller must succeed at a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or be Stunned for the
next Round as he violently revisits his lunch. Anyone who fails this Test by three or
more Degrees of Failure gains 1d5 Insanity Points

Deff Wave
Value: 400 xp
Prerequisites: Zzap, Warpath
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Full Action
Range: 5m x Psy Rating
Sustained: No
The Ork philosophy of warfare typically ascribes to a simple maxim: more is better
and you can never have enough. A roiling shockwave of manifest emotion, the Deff
Wave churns through the Materium as a testament to this belief, scourging all
organic matter in its path. The Deff Wave fires in a cone in front of the Weirdboy,
like a weapon with the Flame Quality, and ignores cover and even solid objects such
as walls between the Weirdboy and his targets (but not Armour Points granted by
worn armour or Toughness Bonus). Each target caught in the Deff Wave must make
a Challenging (+0) Agility Test to evade or a Difficult (–10) Toughness Test to
endure or suffer 3d10 + Psy Rating X2 Rending Damage as its flesh is twisted and
crushed by the unleashed power of the Waaagh! Inanimate objects are unaffected
by this psychic assault and creatures with the Daemonic and Machine Traits suffer
only half Damage (rounded up) from Deff Wave.

Krump ‘Em All

Value: 400 xp
Prerequisites: Smash da Gitz, Zzap
Focus Power: Willpower
Focus Power Time: Full Action
Range: Blast (X2PR, Psychic Blast)
Sustained: No
The Weirdboy unleashes the fury of the Waaagh! upon his enemies (along with
anyone else with the poor luck to be standing nearby), calling upon the primordial
gods of the Orks to “Krump all ‘dese gitz good!” With a savage crash, everything
within range (including the Weirdboy) suffers 2d10 Impact Damage with a bonus to
Damage and Penetration equal to the Weirdboy’s Psy Rating and is knocked prone.
Anyone in the area (including the Weirdboy himself ) may make a Challenging (+0)
Agility Test with –5 Penalty for each Degree of Success that the Weirdboy scored
on his Focus Power Test to drop prone and thus avoid the Damage.

‘Ead To ‘Ead Value: 500 xp

Prerequisites: Dis is Takin’ Too Long, Smash da Gitz
Focus Power: Opposed Willpower
Focus Power Time: Half Action
Range: 2m x Psy Rating
Sustained: No
Orks resolve almost all problems and quandaries through violence, especially
questions of leadership and succession. As such, a display of brute savagery against
a notable foe can help to rally the entire mob, inspiring each Ork in the mob. The
Weirdboy pits the raw might of the Waaagh! against a single foe, attempting to
psychically bludgeon him into submission and thus instill new fervour in other
nearby Orks. The psyker makes an Opposed Willpower Test against a single foe
within range. If he wins the Opposed Test, the psyker stuns his opponent for one
Round, plus one additional Round per Degree of Success he achieves. If the target
also has a Psy Rating, it also suffers 1d5 Energy Damage for each Degree of
Success that the psyker scores, which ignores Armour (but not Toughness Bonus).
Additionally, if the Weirdboy achieves three or more Degrees of Success on the
Focus Power Test, each allied Ork within 10 metres who witnessed the attack is so
inspired by his display that he may make an immediate Charge Action. This effect
wears off at the start of the weirdboy’s next turn

I’z Gunna Squig Ya!

Value: 500 xp
Prerequisites: Zzap, Dis is Takin’ Too Long
Focus Power: Opposed Willpower
Power Time: Full Action
Range: 1m x Psy Rating
Sustained: No
Of all the many powers available to a Weirdboy, this is undoubtedly one of the
strangest. Called the “Zogwurt Speshul” by some Orks, the Weirdboy summons up
the bizarre and incomprehensible energies of the Waaagh! and attempts to
transform one of his enemies into a Squig. The psyker makes an Opposed Willpower
Test against a single target within range. If he succeeds, the target suffers 1d5
Rending Damage per Degree of Success that is not reduced by Armour or
Toughness Bonus as the target’s body is warped and wracked by baleful energies.
Further, if the target suffers Damage (after reduction for Armour and Toughness
Bonus) in excess of twice its Toughness Bonus from the attack and does not have
the Daemonic or Machine Trait, it is also transformed into a rampaging, hostile
Squig (see page 57 for profile). Characters with Fate Points may “burn” a Fate
Point to avoid ending up as a hyper-carnivorous ball of teeth for the rest of their
(presumably short) lives.

Expanded Rites and Rituals:

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