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Assignment Number 2: Successful entrepreneur

-Elon Musk is a very famous south African entrepreneur and he is the founder and CEO of
Space-X and Tesla for electric automobiles.
Elon Musk got to where he is using a sett of entrepreneurial skills that every successful
entrepreneur should posses in order to achieve greatness, such as an entrepreneurial spirit, he was
determined from the beginning to make a great vision for his goals and took calculating risks for
making a successful business, Elon Musk is also known for his positive energy, in that he always
encourages his co-workers, employees, investors and everyone who has a relation with his
company to always push for more and do more hard work and spread positive energy.
The south African billionaire is a great example of what leadership actually means, he was able
to overcome so many obstacles such as: rejection from Netscape, Tesla was failing hard before it
became profitable, expected failure of Space-x and his complicated personal life and financial
problems, in a 2015 interview Elon Musk was asked after his failure in the rockets launch to
space ‘’ how does it feel like to be thrown under the buss and criticized by some of your heroes
( Neil Armstrong, Gene Cernan…) about your rocket launching system?’’ to which Elon Musk
answered ‘’ I feel really heartbroken… but I’m never going to give up, never’’. He was so
determined to stay focused on his goals and what he was trying to achieve during the worst
circumstances and in the age of social media where you get criticized everywhere, it only shows
that it requires a lot of dedication and mental stability to overcome all these horrible obstacles
and do something that has never been done before despite all odds.
Elon Musk’s mindset towards the challenges that he had to overcome requires so much maturity
and dedication, he always encouraged innovation and creativity despite the risks involved with
making that decision, he was never afraid to use or lose any amount of money as long as he is
using it to test his projects and try if they are actually working, it is estimated that he has lost
around 10 million dollars in one year in just testing prototypes ( launching rockets, new
automobile models…).
He is using right now a very different form of hiring people into his companies, in that no
college diploma or academy certificate is needed to apply for those jobs, when asked why? Elon
Musk replied ‘’ some of our great geniuses never had any of those, and if you had a chance to
hire them, of course you would’’, that just goes to show how much he is running his business
differently than what most other businesses do.
Today Elon Musk is considered by his many people including his fans to be the real-life version
of “Iron Man’’ which is a superhero from the franchise of marvel, meaning that his success,
journey and contributions to the improvement of humanity made him a superhero to many
including me.

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