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Cetis 148

English IV. Unit I.

February 2022

1 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

Unit I
Objective: Communicate with others using certain expressions and adverbs of manner to
describe actions are in a particular context or situation.
I. Adverbs of manner

1.1. What are the adverbs of manner?1

An adverb of manner is an adverb that describes how and in what way the action of a verb is carried
out. Most adverbs of manner end in –ly such as badly, happily, sadly, slowly, quickly, and others
that include well, hard and fast.
Adverbs of manner most often appear after a verb or at the end of a verb phrase.

1.1.1 Forming Adverbs of Manner from Adjectives | Rules

Here are some guidelines on forming adverbs from adjectives:
Adverbs of Manner Rule #1

In a large number of the cases, the adverb can be formed by simply adding ‘- ly’ to the adjective.


Cheap Cheaply

Quick Quickly

Strong Strongly

Sudden Suddenly

Special Specially

2 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez
Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

• They found a way to make clothes more cheaply.
• Many locals are strongly opposed to the development.
• I suddenly realized what I’d said, but it was too late.
• This is a specially good wine.

Adverbs of Manner Rule #2

If the adjective ends in with ‘y’, replace the ‘y’ with an ‘i’ and add ‘-ly’.


Ready Readily

Merry Merrily

Easy Easily

Crazy Crazily

Happy Happily

Lazy Lazily

Hungry Hungrily

• He readily agreed to help.
• Her eyes sparkled merrily.
• I can easily be home early tonight if you want.
• She munched happily on her chocolate bar.
• Palm trees swayed lazily in the soft breeze.
• They sat down and ate hungrily.

Adverbs of Manner Rule #3

If the adjective ends with ‘-le’, replace the ‘e’ at the end with ‘y’.

3 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

Understandable Understandably

Forcible Forcibly

Possible Possibly

Terrible Terribly

Comfortable Comfortably

• He is understandably reluctant to talk about his medical history.
• Several rioters were forcibly removed from the town square.
• He may possibly decide not to come, in which case there’s no problem.
• I slept terribly last night.
• Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.

Adverbs of Manner Rule #4

If the adjective ends with ‘-ic’, add ‘-ally’.


Idiotic Idiotically

Tragic Tragically

Basic Basically

Ironic Ironically

Realistic Realistically

Enthusiastic Enthusiastically

An exception to this rule is ‘public’, whose adverbial form is ‘publicly’.

• Tragically, the side effects of the drug were not discovered until many people had
been seriously hurt by it.
4 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez
Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
• The two cars are basically the same.
• Realistically speaking, he hadn’t a hope, but that didn’t stop him trying.
• She was welcomed enthusiastically by the crowd.

Adverbs of Manner Rule #5

Some adjectives do not change form at all.


Fast Fast

Straight Straight

Hard Hard

High High

Late Late

Wrong Wrong


• You’ll have to act fast.

• I got home and went straight to bed.
• I’m not surprised he failed his exam – he didn’t exactly try very hard!
• You’ll have to hit the ball quite high to get it over that net.
• Kathryn’s just phoned to say she’s working late this evening.
• You’ve spelled my name wrong.

In the case of the adjective ‘good’, the corresponding adverb is ‘well’.

5 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

6 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
1.1.2 Where does an adverb of manner go in a sentence?2

In most cases, adverbs of manner come after a verb. For example,

• We dress casually on Fridays.

• Athletes run very fast.
• The students are listening attentively.

Sometimes however, the adverb is put before the verb to add emphasis to the meaning. For

• She hurriedly opened the present.

• They sadly left before we arrived.
• I quickly ran to the shops.

If there are two verbs in the sentence, the position of the adverb can change the meaning. For

• They accepted the offer immediately and moved out.

• They accepted the offer and moved out immediately.

In the first sentence ‘immediately’ relates only to the first verb, while in the second sentence
‘immediately’ refers to both actions.

Exercise 1:
Name_________________________________________________ group _____

Complete the sentences by changing the adjectives (in brackets) into adverbs.

1. We lost the football match 4–2 yesterday. I don't think we played _______(bad) …
2. … but the other side played really _________(good).
3. You drive quite ____________(dangerous). I won't be surprised if you have an accident one day!
4. 'You're late!' said Olga _______ (angry). 'Where have you been?'
5. The teacher spoke so _______ (quiet) that the class couldn't hear her.
6. This is a very important question. Please think _______ (careful) before you answer.
7. In 1483, King Richard III of England _______ (secret) killed his two young nephews.
8. The hungry cat looked _______ (greedy) at the chicken on the dinner table.
9. When I broke my leg, my friend Pam _______ (kind) offered to do the shopping for me.


7 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
10. Paulo Coelho is one of my favorite novelists. I think he writes _______ (beautiful).

1.2 Dodo birds -Ice age3

Exercise 2:
Name___________________________________________________ group _____
A. watch the video and answer
the following questions.
1. The dodo bird ................ took the watermelon and ran away.
a. nicely
b. slowly
c. quickly
2. Put the words in order: /are //birds happily. /jumping /The /dodo/
3. complete with the correct adverb. It is running ..........
a. happily
b. excitedly
c. frightfully
4. Why is Many asking for the watermelon?
a. because Sid is hungry.
b. because the baby is hungry.
5. The dodo birds are moving .............. towards Many.
a. fast

8 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
b. slowly
c. quietly
6. They are looking .............. at the last watermelon.
a. quickly.
b. anxiously
c. openly
7. Sid fights ................. to get the watermelon to the hungry baby.
a. frightfully
b. slowly
c. bravely
8. Sid is dancing .............. that he got the watermelon.
a. sadly
b. excitedly
c. carefully

1.3 Platform 9¾ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone4

Adjective or adverb

We use an adjective to describe a noun, and an adverb to describe a verb.

The only we usually use with an adjective is the verb ‘to be’. For example,

He’s a fast runner.

She’s a careful driver.

9 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

And if we change these two sentences to use a verb instead of a noun, they become:

He runs fast.
She drives carefully.

The only other verbs that can be used with adjectives instead of adverbs are look, sound, smell,
and seem. We use these verbs to describe what we see, smell, or hear. For example,

You look tired. – From what I can see you’re tired.

It sounds interesting. – From what I hear you’re tired.
It smells delicious. – From the smell I can understand it’s very good.
They seem bored. – From their appearance I think they’re bored.

Adverbs of manner help us give a lot of detail to actions and can make us much more expressive.

Exercise 3:
Name___________________________________________________ group _____
B. watch the video: and answer
the following questions.

1) They are walking...

a. slow
b. slowly
2) Put the words in order: / carefully. / He / Harry/ warns /_____________________________
3) Did Harry listen ....?
a. good
b. well
4) Hagrid, the man, disappeared...
a. fast
b. fastly
5) Harry hopes not to arrive...
a. lately
b. late
6) The policeman is...
a. annoying
b. annoyed
c. annoyingly

10 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
7) Harry could hear the woman's voice. It's too
a. loud
b. loudly
8)Put the words in order: / afar/ cautiously. / Harry / observed / from/
9) The twins disappeared...
a. quick
b. quickly
10) Harry asked the woman...
a. politely
b. polite
11) Ron is nodding...
a. happy
b. happily
12) The instructions were...
a. clear
b. clearly
13) Harry went through the wall...
a. successfully
b. successful
14) He looked at the train...
a. cheerful
b. cheerfully

Exercise 5:
Name___________________________________________________ group _____

1. This year has ended ___ for the company.

a. Good
b. Well
c. goodly
2. All the staff will be rewarded ___ for their hard work.
a. Generosity
b. Generously
c. generous
3. The sales meeting finished ___
a. Late
b. Later

11 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
c. lately
4. So they had to run ___ to the station.
a. Quickly
b. Fastly
c. quick
5. The colleagues talked ___ about their holiday plans.
a. Enthusiastic
b. Enthusiastically
c. enthusiasm

1.4 Message
My message as the Principal of this College is that, “I want you to stay happy in this School”. This
the best institute in the City but it doesn’t mean you can behave in any way you want to. In this
school, we all have some rules to follow carefully; for example, the school bell rings at 8:00 am and
you need to get fast to your classrooms, where you will wait until your class starts. You need to
talk to the teachers politely and also you have to respect your classmates and behave kindly.
When break time is scheduled, it is very important that all students walk silently through the halls
and if you are in a hurry, cautiously walk quickly and silently through the halls or classrooms
because running is not allowed.
By the way, I need to mention that students can not interrupt classes rudely.
I hope we all enjoy the beginning of this semester. Welcome back to the best Institute in the City.

Exercise 6:
Name___________________________________________________ group _____

A. Read the text above and answer the following questions.

1. What’s the way students need to follow the rules in the school?
a) careful b) carefully c) carefulls d) care fully
2. According to the passage; what is the best way to interrupt classes
a) quickly b) rudely c) easily d) silently
3. When you are late you are allowed to walk:
a) fast b) silently c) quickly d) all are correct
4. Students have to behave:
a) easily b) politely c) foolishly d) badly.

12 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

13 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
1.5 What are the correlative Conjunctions?5
Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words, phrases, or clauses.

The correlative conjunctions are either...or, neither...nor, both...and, not only...but also,

1.5.1 Correlative Conjunctions Examples7

BOTH…AND… it is used in expressing addition
Both the shoes and the dress were completely overpriced.
• This is an example of using the correlative conjunctions ‘both/and’ in a sentence.
As you can see in this sentence, the ‘shoes’ and the ‘dress’ were equally important
elements that needed to be given the same importance.
We’ll have both the cheesecake and the chocolate cake.

This house is both large and cozy.

Both my sister and I are bookworms.

EITHER…OR… it is used to talk about a choice between two options or possibilities and to
connect two same ideas or alternatives.


14 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
They should either change their strategy or just forfeit the game.
• The ‘either/or’ conjunctions are used to suggest a choice between two options.
Here the choice being suggested is between – ‘change their strategy’ or ‘forfeit
the game’.
• Either John or David must have done this mischief.
• Either you will eat your dinner or you will go to bed.
Just as she loves hiking so she enjoys travelling as well.
• The correlative conjunctions ‘just as/so’ are used to link two phrases that have a
similar theme or are referring to a similar thing together. This conjunction is used
to show the correspondence between two phrases or words.
• Just as I love films, so does my brother love sports.
• Just as French is spoken in France, so is English spoken in England.
NEITHER…NOR… it is used to talk negative choice or possibilities. To make it simple, it means
not one or the other.
He neither helps around the house nor does he look for a job.
• ‘Neither/nor’ are conjunctions that are used to deny or negate words and
phrases. In the case of ‘neither’, it gives two options that are both negated. ‘Nor’
is the negative form of ‘or’.
• He is neither employed nor looking for a job.
• Neither Tom nor Anna has passed the test.
NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO… it is used in expressing addition with emphasis
Not only does he play the lead guitar but he is also the band’s songwriter.
• The correlative conjunctions ‘not only/but also’ are used to show an additional
and important element in the sentence that is used to indicate excess when
combined with the first element. For instance, in this sentence the fact that he is a
guitarist and a song writer are equally important but when shown together, they
indicate an excess of talent in the person.
• Not only do I love this band, but I have also seen them in concert twice.
• Not only will I see your $20, but also raise you $30.
• She not only wrote the screenplay for the movie but also acted a role in it.

15 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
WHETHER…OR… it is used to present two possibilities.
It doesn’t matter whether the roses are fresh or if they are drooping, just buy them.
• ‘Whether/or’ is used as a conjunction to show two different options in the
sentence. The conjunction can be used both in a manner of negation and
• I do not know whether my father is arriving by the 8o’clock flight or 9o’clock
• You have to take this class, whether or not you want to.
• I’m going to help you whether you like it or not.
The phrase “no sooner…than” is used to indicate that two events happened simultaneously or in
quick succession.
• No sooner had I left the house than it started to thunder.
• I’d no sooner lie to you than strangle a puppy.
• Hardly had the party started when drinks started spilling on the floor.
• I had hardly sat down for dinner, when the phone rang.
• If that is the case, then I’m not surprised about what’s happening.
• She’d rather play the drums than sing

16 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

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English IV. Unit I.

17 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

18 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

Exercise 78:
Name___________________________________________________ group _____
A. Circle the correlative conjunctions that complete each sentence
1. __________ Alex ______________ Carlos tried out for the school play.
a. Whether … or
b. Both … and
2. __________ you clean your room _________ you will stay home this weekend.
a. Either … or
b. Neither …nor
3. ___________ we go home___________ stay the park doesn’t matter to me.
a. Whether … or
b. Not only … but also
4. __________ _____________ did she do well on her math test, ________she ______ got an A on
her social studies report.
a. Both … and
b. Not only … but also
5. __________ I can go to the movies on Saturday, _____________ I can go to the mall.
a. Not only … but also
b. Either … or
6. I found ________________ my homework _________ my textbook on the kitchen counter.
a. Both … and
b. Either …or
7. Paula found ____________ __________ the shoes she had lost _________ _______ her favorite
a. Neither … nor
b. Not only … but also
8. I have __________ the time _________ the motivation to play basketball right now.
a. Neither… nor
b. Either … or
9. ________ my stereo __________ my television stopped working last night.
a. Both … and
b. Whether… or
10. I can’t decide _____________ to play soccer this year ___________ to take dance lessons.
a. Neither … nor
b. Whether …or


19 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.

Exercise 8:9
Name___________________________________________________ group ___
A. Choose the most meaningful option
1. Who wrote you this love letter? - I'm not sure. I think it was ___ Michael ___ Paul.
a. both … and
b. either … or
c. neither …nor
d. not only … but also
2. ___ Linda ___ Helen called to say sorry. I'm very sad and frustrated.

a. both … and
b. either … or
c. neither …nor
d. not only … but also
3. ___ Ryan ___ Susie have disappointed me. They didn't come to my birthday party.

a. both … and
b. either … or
c. neither …nor
d. not only … but also
4. Paul has been neglecting us. He ___ calls ___ hangs out with us anymore.

a. both … and
b. either … or
c. neither …nor
d. not only … but also
5. He hurt ___ her feelings ___ her dignity. This is unforgivable.

a. both … and
b. either … or
c. neither …nor
d. not only … but also
6. ___ loyalty ___ honesty are essential in a friendship.

a. both … and
b. either … or
c. neither …nor
d. not only … but also
7. You should ___ disrespect ___ deceive your friends.

a. both … and
b. either … or
c. neither …nor
d. not only … but also
8. I will take you ___ to the cinema ___ to the theatre. That's a promise.

a. both … and

20 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez
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English IV. Unit I.
b. either … or
c. neither …nor
d. not only … but also

Exercise 9:
Name___________________________________________________ group _____
A. Rewrite the sentences using the paired conjunctions given in brackets.

Tom doesn't lie to his friends. Paul doesn't either. (neither...nor)
Neither Tom nor Paul lie to their friends.

1. Fred likes helping his friends. So does Linda. (both...and)

2. Harry used to date Ann. Or was it Helen? (either...or)
3. We should learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths. (not only...but also)
4. He never listens to or advises his friends when they have a problem. (neither...nor)
5. I've betrayed your trust. I've betrayed your love for me. (not only...but also)
6. He felt disappointed. He felt misunderstood. (both...and)
7. Brian isn't very considerate. Neither is Tom. (neither...nor)
8. A true friend is someone who is caring and loving. (both...and)
9. Rachel should apologize or leave. (either...or)
10. Richard and John didn't keep her secret. (neither...nor)

Exercise 1010:
Name___________________________________________________ group _____
A. Which sentence gives the same information as the original and is grammatically

1. She doesn’t swim and doesn’t sunbathe.

a. She doesn’t not only swim but doesn’t sunbathe also.

b. Not only doesn’t she swim but also sunbathes.

21 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
c. She neither swims nor sunbathes.

2. He doesn’t know where he left his umbrella.

a. It’s neither in the closet or in the second bathroom.

b. It’s in either the closet or in the second bathroom.
c. It’s either in the closet or in the second bathroom.

3. My sister lives in Los Angeles and so does my college roommate.

a. My sister and both my college roommate live in Los Angeles.

b. Both my sister and my college roommate live in Los Angeles.
c. My sister and my college roommate live both in Los Angeles.

4. I drink water at home, and I drink water at work.

a. I drink water both at home and work.

B. I drink water either at home or at work.
c. I drink water not only at home but at work also.

5. I don’t know if she’s good at cards or just lucky.

a. She’s neither good nor lucky at cards.

b. She’s not only good but lucky at cards too.
c. She’s either good or lucky at cards.

6. You play the guitar well and also compose music well.

a. You either play the guitar well or compose music well.

b. You both play the guitar and compose music well.
c. You play the guitar and compose music both well.

7. He owns a boat and an airplane.

a. He owns either a boat or an airplane.

b. He owns both a boat and owns an airplane.
c. Not only does he own a boat but he also owns an airplane.

8. My friend doesn’t like spicy food; he also doesn’t like salty food.

a. My friend likes neither spicy food nor salty food.

b. My friend neither likes spicy nor salty food.
c. My friend doesn’t like spicy and salty food.

9. Sometimes my grandfather takes a nap in the afternoon, and sometimes he goes to bed early at night.

a. My grandfather either takes a nap in the afternoon or goes to bed early at night.
b. My grandfather both takes a nap in the afternoon or goes to bed early at night.
c. Either my grandfather takes a nap in the afternoon or goes to bed early at night.

10. She plays the piano and the flute.

22 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez
Cetis 148
English IV. Unit I.
a. She not only plays the piano but also the flute.
b. Not only does she play the piano but also the flute.
c. She not only plays the piano but also plays the flute.

23 Yesenia Delgado Vázquez

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