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Significant contribution of physical education

Physical Education (PE)
 Develops students' competence
 Develops confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central
part of their lives, both in and out of school.
 A high-quality PE curriculum enables all students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds
of physical activity.
What are the 4 main objectives of physical education?
Four objectives of physical education are:
 improved physical fitness,
 appreciation of physical activity,
 sportsmanship development and
 Improved social skills.

Four Objectives of Physical Education

Four objectives of physical education are improved physical fitness, appreciation of physical

activity, sportsmanship development and improved social skills. More objectives of physical

education include body awareness, skill development and personality development.

Improved Physical Fitness

While there are many goals of physical education, improving one’s fitness is often at the top of

the list. Physical activity can help prevent an early death and reduce the risk of health issues like

heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, falls and certain types of cancer. Children

who are exposed to physical education tend to be more active, which helps set them up for a

lifetime of good physical health. 

Appreciation of Physical Activity

Studies have shown that children tend to be more active if they are boys, if their parents are

supportive and if they have confidence in their abilities. Physical education encourages an

appreciation of physical activity in all children, even those who don’t fit into those categories.

Quality education teaches young minds that physical activity is beneficial in many ways.  

Sportsmanship Development 

Physical education can help teach sportsmanship, teamwork and cooperation with other people.

Those who participate in physical education learn to respect personal space as well as other

people’s abilities. They also learn to work together to reach a common goal and how to follow

rules for fair play with other people. 

Improved Social Skills

Not only does physical education teach students how to be good sports, but it can also lead to

improved social skills. Interpersonal skills learned in a gym or on a field often translate into

other aspects of life, improving social skills in the classroom, at work, within families, within

communities and in other recreational settings. Students may learn how to negotiate better, they

may communicate better, they may take leadership roles and they’ll have the ability to resolve

conflicts in a fair manner. 

Body Awareness 

Physical education helps individuals become more aware of their own bodies, including their

abilities and limitations. Students learn how certain activities impact others, such as stretching

before running to prevent injury. They also learn that everybody is different. Some people may

be extremely flexible, while others simply run faster. Spatial awareness, body control and the

ability to name certain body parts are also objectives of physical education. 

Skill Development 

Skill development is a major part of physical education, especially with younger students. This

includes developing locomotors skills, like running, jumping, walking, skipping and leaping, as

well as non-locomotors skills, like balancing, pushing, pulling, bending, stretching, twisting and

turning. Other skills developed may include handling a ball or other physical objects and

positioning and moving the body during particular activities, such as how to move the arms and

legs while swimming certain strokes.

Personality Development 

Physical education can help improve a student’s personality as well as their physical fitness.

Participating in sports and physical activities can help improve traits like motivation and

enthusiasm. It can improve confidence and self-esteem and even create higher levels of self-

discipline. These personality changes typically improve performance in school, work and social


Functions of teaching physical education

 Teaching Essential Body Management Skills

 Promoting Physical Fitness as Fun
 Developing Teamwork, Sportsmanship, and Cooperation.

Wellness in physical education

Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get the most
out of our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress.
Adopting healthful habits (i.e. a balanced diet, regular movement or physical activity, adequate
sleep, routine health checks etc.)

Dimensions of Wellness.
There are eight dimensions of wellness:
 occupational,
 emotional
 spiritual
 Environmental
 Financial
 physical,
 social,
 and intellectual.
One can reach an optimal level of wellness by understanding how to maintain and optimize
each of the dimensions of wellness.

What is physical wellness dimension?

The physical dimension of wellness involves encouraging regular activities that produce

endurance, flexibility and strength along with encouraging knowledge about food and nutrition
and discourages the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption.

What are examples of physical wellness?

Physical wellness involves making good choices when it comes to:
 Alcohol.
 Flu and Colds Prevention.
 Illness Prevention.
 Nutrition.
 Physical Activity and Body Movement.
 Sexual Health.
 Sleep.
 Stress.

Physical education and public health

Both deal with habits of exercise, sleep, rest, and recreation. Since physical well-being is only
one aspect of a person's overall health, physical education is often thought of as a part of
health education. Health education is an activity aimed at the improvement of health-related
knowledge, attitudes, and behavior.

The importance of Physical Education

 Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle throughout the school body.

 Nurture sportsmanship in all aspects of competition.
 Widen each student's sporting experience and enjoyment.
 Create a passion for active recreation and sport.
 Assist students in reaching their physical potential in a variety of sporting environments.

What are the Characteristics of Physical Education Curriculum?

 It Makes Complete Environment for Learning:
 It Directs the Students:
 It is Adoptable:
 It is Flexible:
 It must Encourage Learning:
 It must have a Developmental Approach:
 It provides for all:
 It is dynamic and wider than a Syllabus

Components of physical education?

 Speed. Moving body parts quickly.

 Strength. Ability to push, pull, lift, and jump.
 Agility. Quickness.
 Coordination. Ability to move body parts together fluently.
 Balance. Being steady.
 Flexibility. Making muscles longer.
 Endurance. Long steady activity.

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