2011 Innovative Educators Competition

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2011 Innovative Educators Competition

Entry Information

The 2011 Innovative Educators Competition (IEC) recognizes innovative educators and innovative schools
implementing 21-century skills in the classroom and the school community with the goal of improving teaching
and learning. The IEC seeks to showcase creative and inspiring examples of how educators and schools are
using technology.

Educators are encouraged to submit class projects as individuals or in collaboration with another teacher.
Schools are encouraged to submit projects that highlight how technology is being used in innovative ways
throughout the school community.

Who should apply?

 Individual Educators OR
 Teams of two educators OR
 Individuals on behalf of their school, representing a school-wide program or initiative.

Educators and schools will be selected via an application process. The deadline to apply or to submit
application form is 23 May 2011.

Prize winners from the IEC will be invited to represent Brunei Darussalam at the 2012 Regional Innovative
Educators Forum in March 2012. Registration fee, stay and travel expenses are supported by Microsoft

How to Apply?

 Complete the application form within this document by using the template that follows.

 Completed application form must be submitted by 4:00 PM on 23rd May 2011.

 Completed application form must be submitted to:

The Science Technology and Environment Partnership (STEP) Centre,
Ministry of Education,
C7, C8 & C9, Simpang 125,
Jalan Muara, BB 2313,
Brunei Darussalam.


Email to: step@moe.edu.bn

 All projects must include the use of one or more Microsoft technologies.

 Projects should demonstrate the innovative use of technology in ways that are charaterised by the
three (3) judging categories: (i) Innovation in Challenging Contexts; (ii) Collaboration and (iii)
Knowledge Building & Critical Thinking.

Definition of Judging Categories

Category 1: Innovation in Challenging Contexts

 Some teaching and learning environments are particular challenging in order to work innovatively for teachers. This can be:
o environments with very limited resources – where innovative teaching and by use of the smallest amount of ICT
resources prove to change the way of learning
o environments where technology is not considered and/or expected and believed to be part of the learning process –
and where innovative teaching introduces new ways of learning by introducing ICT
o environments where stand-and-deliver is the traditional way to teach and the stakes are so high that any innovation
is seen as risking kids’ futures – where teachers are able to introduce innovation in ways that are accepted and that
change the learning process and student outcome.
 Examples are:
o the project must prove that the teachers use limited ICT resources innovatively or
o the project shows innovative pedagogy in an environments that has conditions such as “high stakes” exam oriented
o the project must show an innovative approach to learning with ICT under challenging conditions that would
normally not allow or make room for innovation.
 The project must focus on teaching outside the box of what can be expected within an environment that would normally not
make room for innovative teaching practices.

Category 2: Collaboration
 The most common type of collaboration is students’ working together in pairs or teams. Collaboration can also include students
working with people outside the classroom: either students in other classes or schools, or adults such as community members
or experts. For this work to be considered collaboration, the students and adults must be working together toward a common
goal or product.
 Collaboration needs to be a defined objective of the project
 Collaboration in the project can also be between teachers, co-teaching in new and innovative ways
 Each person in the collaboration ought to have a differentiated role that contributes to the overall project.
 In this category the project needs to focus on innovative collaboration – by the use of ICT - preferable accomplished with
collaborative learning models.
 The project must focus on the role of collaboration to solve the problem or create the project.
 Focus in this category is showcasing innovative collaboration.

Category 3: Knowledge Building & Critical Thinking

 The project must stimulate students to build knowledge and think critically as well as having an innovative approach and using
 Traditional knowledge building is about interpretation, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation – but knowledge building is just one
of the products of good thinking and the challenge for the teacher is to innovatively and effectively stimulate thought.
 In critical thinking the ideal critical thinker has the ability to clarify, to seek and judge well the basis for a view, to infer wisely
from the basis, to imaginatively suppose and integrate, and to do these things with dispatch, sensitivity, and rhetorical skill.
These are the kind of skills that need to be shown in the project.
 The project must show that students move beyond the reproduction of information to construct knowledge that is new to
 Knowledge building and critical thinking happens when students combine new information with what they already know to
generate ideas and understandings that are new to them.
 The project ought to be interdisciplinary.
 The project must focus on the thinking that stimulates knowledge building and critical thought.

2011 Innovative Educators Competition
Application Form

(To be submitted before or on 23 May 2011.
Please complete all the fields below:
Entry Type: Individual or Team of two
Personal Information
Teacher 1
Email (preferably your Live@Edu mail):
School Details
School Name:
School Address:
School Phone:
School Fax:

(If you are entering as a team, please enter the additional personal information below)
2 Team Member Name:
2nd Team Member Email (preferably
Live@Edu mail):
2 Team Member Position:
2nd Team Member Phone:

Please fill out your submission description below:

Submission Title:

Innovation in Challenging Contexts

Submission Category (choose one


Knowledge Building and Critical Thinking

(eg English, Geography, Science

(eg Year 4, Year 7 etc)

How to Submit Project?

1. Prepare your Supporting Documents;

Your submission should contain a collection of materials illustrating the outstanding work you have
done using technology to transform teaching and learning in your classroom. The judging panel will
evaluate the following elements of your portfolio.

Please provide up to four (4) supporting documents used in the project. These might include: Project
Assessment Rubrics; Pictures and/or Videos; Student work samples that was an outcome of the
integration of technology into a lesson or one of your lesson plans showing the innovative integration
of technology, among other items, that would provide additional insight on the project and its results.

Accepted file formats for submission: Animation file (.avi), Bitmap image (.bmp), GIF image (.gif),
JPEG image (.jpg), Microsoft Excel file (.xls), Microsoft PowerPoint file (.ppt), Microsoft Project file
(.mpp), Microsoft Word Document (.doc/.docx), Portable Document (.pdf), Quicktime file (.mov),
Shockwave Flash (.swf) Text file (.txt), Wave file (.wav), and Windows Media File (.wmv).

2. Prepare your Project Report using the template provided in Word document format (doc or docx)
3. Completed Project Report and Supporting Document must be submitted by 4:00 PM on 8 October

4. Completed Project Report and Supporting Document must be submitted to:

The Science Technology and Environment Partnership (STEP) Centre,

Ministry of Education,
C7, C8 & C9, Simpang 125,
Jalan Muara, BB 2313,
Brunei Darussalam.

The competition closes on the 8th October 2011.

Project Report
To be submitted on 8 October 2011.

The further assists the panel of judges in the evaluation of the project, please respond to these questions.

Project Overview
Click here to enter text.
Objective / Description
Click here to enter text.
Duration (Number of class sessions required to complete project)
Click here to enter text.
Microsoft technologies used
Click here to enter text.
Non-Microsoft technologies used
Click here to enter text.

Project Implementation
Implementation Outline (List the basic steps required to implement the project)
Click here to enter text.
Implementation tips (Offer suggestions that may help others who want to do this type of project)
Click here to enter text.
Technologies used (Projectors, Mobile Phones, Cameras, Videos, etc)
Click here to enter text.
Lesson Learned (Share any best practices or reflections)
Click here to enter text.

Project Results
Assessment Strategies (Briefly list the strategies used to assess student learning)
Click here to enter text.
Student Products (Describe the products and/or performances created by students for the project)
Click here to enter text.
Significant Learning (Summarise your students’ most significant learning that resulted from this project)
Click here to enter text.
Student Achievement (Share evidence of increased student achievement and/or understanding that resulted
from this project)
Click here to enter text.
Personal Achievement (Summarise how the project have affected your peers or the school community)
Click here to enter text.

2011 Innovative Educators Competition - Terms & Conditions

1. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by the terms and conditions.

2. Entry is open to all primary and secondary school teachers from both government and private schools
throughout Brunei.
3. The competition commences on 23rd May 2011 and entries close at 4:00 PM on 8th October 2011. The
prize winners will be announced on the 5 November 2011 (tentative date).
4. Entrants may enter individually, as a team with up to two members or representing the school. If an
entrant submits an individual submission, that entrant may also submit an entry as part of a team.
Entrants may submit more than one entry.
5. Each entry will be judged based on the merit of their submissions.
6. The prize winners will be invited to represent Brunei in the Microsoft Partners in Learning Regional
Innovative Educators Forum 2012 (RIEF 2012) sponsored by Microsoft (Brunei). The venue for the
RIEF 2012 will be announced at a later date.
7. The prize winners may be required to participate in the following activities without further
compensation to them:

a. work with Microsoft and Microsoft agencies on providing mini-cases of their submission;
b. present and participate their work for Microsoft events from time to time;
c. work with Microsoft and Microsoft agencies to submit additional resources and lesson plans to
the Microsoft website or the Microsoft Innovative Teachers Portal and Microsoft printed
marketing materials from time to time (permission to use actual content would be cleared by the
teacher before publication);
d. agree to take part in other promotional activities which may include press interviews.

8. All entries are deemed to be received at the time of receipt by the STEP Centre. No responsibility is
accepted for entries not received by the STEP Centre.

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