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Reviewing Assurance Arguments – A Step-By-Step Approach

T. P. Kelly
Department of Computer Science
University of York

2. Role of Review in the Lifecycle
An assurance case based regime requires a strong
review element. Typically, one party is responsible for The most obvious position in the system lifecycle
preparing the assurance case. Another party (the for review of the assurance case position is “pre-
certification authority) is responsible for accepting the operational” – i.e. just prior to the system being
assurance case. Assurance cases are, by their nature, approved to enter service. However, staged safety case
often subjective. The objective of assurance case review (alongside staged production of the assurance
development, therefore, is to obtain mutual acceptance case, as advocated in [1] and [2]) is far less risky (in
of this subjective position. The move from less project risk terms). If there are problems with the
prescriptive standards to “goal-based” standards has arguments and evidence being offered up by the
both strengthened the need for assurance cases, and assurance case it is desirable to find this out as early as
increased the required review capability of the possible in the lifecycle.
acceptance authorities. This paper presents a The most compelling staged reviews of assurance
structured approach to assurance case review – cases will involve representatives from the acceptance
focusing primarily on helping to assess the level of authority. It is often not possible to get an acceptance
assurance offered by the assurance case argument. authority to “sign in blood” that an interim assurance
case is acceptable. Instead, the concern when
1. Introduction involving these stakeholders is to obtain the “non-
negative” response – i.e. to know that the assurance
An assurance case based regime requires a strong case, as it stands, doesn’t contain any serious flaws in
review element. Typically, one party is responsible for reasoning or weaknesses in evidence.
preparing the assurance case. Another party (the Even where it isn’t possible to involve the
certification authority) is responsible for accepting the acceptance authorities in interim review activities, self-
assurance case. Assurance cases are, by their nature, review (by the preparing organization) of an assurance
often subjective. The objective of assurance case case is still an extremely useful activity. (Often the
development, therefore, is to obtain mutual acceptance most difficult people to convince of the assurance of a
of this subjective position. The move from less system are those that know it best!). Self-review either
prescriptive standards to “goal-based” standards has requires the involvement of people within the
both strengthened the need for assurance cases, and organization who have maintained some independence
increased the required review capability of the from the assurance case development, or the
acceptance authorities. involvement of people capable of imaginative role-
In this paper we first discuss the role of review play. (“If I were the acceptance authority, what would
within the assurance case development lifecycle and I find unconvincing about this argument?”) .
the typical problems experienced in reviewing
assurance cases. Against this backdrop, we then 3. Problems Experienced in Assurance
present a staged argument review process that ranges Case Review
from identifying simple problems of argument
comprehension to the more difficult challenges of A key difficulty reported by those regularly
argument criticism and defeat. involved in the activity of reviewing and accepting
assurance cases lies in discerning the elements and proceeding to the next step. Argument review can
structure of the argument being presented. The first require considerable expertise and effort. It would
step in reviewing any argument is first to be able to therefore by sensible to “halt” the process if
clearly identify the argument being put forward. Too insufficient information at any one step was likely to
often, reviewers are required to perform “industrial create cascading problems for later steps. For
archaeology” to uncover the arguments and evidence. example, an argument may simply appear to be weak
This difficulty can often lead to rounds of review (Step 4) because it has not been adequately expressed
comments primarily concerned with the presentation (Step 3).
rather than the structure of the argument. The following sections expand upon the activities
Once the argument is uncovered there can be and concerns of each of the four steps.
further difficulties. For example, it can be extremely
easy for the author of the assurance case to assume too 4.1. Step 1 – Argument Comprehension
much knowledge of the reader. It will almost always
be the case that the persons responsible for reviewing In order to assess the argument it is first essential
the assurance case will have less knowledge of the that the reviewer can understand the argument being
system under scrutiny than the developers. It can be presented. This step involves attempting to identify
easy for the developers to make “leaps” of argument the key claims, strategies, assumptions, context and
that appear obvious from their perspective or to simply evidence of the assurance case. Where the assurance
refer to system concepts (or the dreaded TLAs1) that case has been presented textually, it can often be useful
are confusing for the reader. to markup the text with colored highlighters (using
different colors for evidence, assumption, claim etc.)
4. A Staged Argument Review Process when reviewing the document.
Having identified the essential elements of the
Figure 1 illustrates a staged approach to reviewing assurance case, it is then necessary to identify the links
assurance case arguments: of the argument. For example, this activity involves
determining the argument approaches (strategies) that
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 are being used to support the claims identified, and the
Expressive Argument
evidence items being used to support the arguments. If
Argument formedness
Comprehension (Syntax)
Sufficiency Criticism these links are not immediately obvious from the text
Checks & Defeat
Checks of the assurance case report, it will be necessary to
annotate the document further with cross-references.
Figure 1 - A Staged Argument Review Process
At this point, if the assurance argument isn’t already
captured in a structured form (such as the Goal
Reviewing assurance case arguments can be
Structuring Notation [3] – GSN – or Claims,
thought of as consisting of, at least, the following four
Argument, Evidence – CAE [4]) it can often be useful
to attempt to re-represent the argument using one of
these notations. Constructing such a representation of
• Step 1 - Argument comprehension
the argument structure can be the ‘acid test’ of whether
• Step 2 - Well-formedness checks the reader truly understands the nature of the argument
• Step 3 - Expressive sufficiency checks being presented.
• Step 4 - Argument criticism and defeat
4.2. Step 2 – Well-Formedness Checks
These steps are presented both in the order of
necessity (e.g. we cannot check if the argument is well- Even before looking at the detail of the argument, it
formed before we fully comprehend the structure of can be possible at this stage to identify structural errors
the argument) and the order of difficulty. The latter in the argument under review. For example, circular
stages require more intellectual effort and domain arguments (in which the premises of the argument
knowledge that the former. depend in some way on the conclusions of the
Given that the steps are presented in order of argument) are rarely considered acceptable. At this
necessity, where a step cannot be satisfactorily stage it may be possible to identify claims “without
completed – e.g. in Step 2 the argument appears to not support” – where no supporting argument or evidence
be “fully connected” – there may be little point in is offered up. Conversely, evidence may be present,
but its role in the argument unclear.
Three Letter Acronyms
It is often desirable that the argument is “fully For deductive arguments, it is possible to simply
connected” – i.e. that there are no disconnected question the validity of the inference of the arguments
fragments of argument with an unclear relationship to in terms of truth or falsity. For inductive arguments,
the overall argument being presented. the situation is more complicated. The question in this
Given that the above checks can be thought of as case is of the overall sufficiency of the argument – i.e.
simply relating to the syntax and structure of the are the premises of the argument “strong enough” to
assurance argument it is possible to provide tool support the conclusions being drawn. The sufficiency
support (e.g. see [4]) to perform some of these checks of the relationship between the premises and
automatically (provided that the argument is captured conclusion of the argument can depend on a number of
using a structured notation such as GSN or CAE). attributes:
• Coverage – To what extent does the
4.3. Step 3 – Expressive Sufficiency Checks argument / evidence presented ‘cover’ the
conclusion? For example, a conclusion
The purpose of this review is to assess whether the regarding all hazards that presents evidence
arguments have been sufficiently expressed in order for for only a subset has a potential problem of
the argument to be truly understood. Often elements coverage.
of an argument can be implicit. In GSN, the purpose • Dependency – The level of assurance
of a strategy node is to explain the relationship offered up by multiple forms of evidence or
between a parent goal and child goals in the argument. strands of argument may not be so
Explicit documentation of strategies is useful wherever convincing if they are not truly independent.
this relationship is unclear. At this stage in the review For example, on inspection two forms of
process it may be felt that that further explanation of evidence may both be found to use a
the inferences within the argument is required before common flawed model of the system as a
any further review. starting point.
Equally, in GSN it is possible to add references to • Definition – It could be considered
contextual information (using the Context symbol) undesirable to over-constrain or under-
wherever the meaning of a goal (claim) is unclear. For constrain the argument or evidence being
example if a goal states that, “The throttle will presented. For example, an argument of
continue to operate safely in the presence of faults”, safety that is assured only for a narrowly
unless the context of the ‘faults’ under discussion is defined operational context (“The system is
clear the claim is ambiguous. In this review step, it safe on Tuesdays”) may be considered
may be necessary to demand further context to be insufficient for the purposes of approving
defined before any further review should sensibly take safe operation of the system.
place. • Directness – To what extent does the
This step is concerned with elements that are argument or evidence directly address the
missing from the description of the argument that conclusion being sought? Against a specific
prevent gaining a full understanding of the argument. product claim, process evidence can be
regarded as ‘indirect’. Indirect arguments
4.4. Step 4 – Argument Criticism and Defeat are often considered unconvincing.
• Relevance – How relevant is a piece of
In this step it is first important to recognize the evidence or argument to the conclusion
distinction between inductive and deductive arguments being sought. An argument that the
(as this alters the nature of possible criticisms of the “System is safe” because the “Sky is Blue”
argument). A deductive argument is an argument that suffers from a problem of relevance.
proceeds without any room for probability [5]. An Although this is an extreme example, often
inductive argument is one that is based upon the more subtle problems of relevance can exist.
estimation of the probable truth of the premises [5]. In For example, the claim that a later version of
an inductive argument the probable truth of the a software item satisfies a requirement based
premises is passed through the argument to the upon test evidence relating to a previous
conclusion. Assurance case arguments are rarely version can present a problem of relevance.
provable deductive arguments. Instead they are more • Robustness - How fragile is the argument to
commonly inductive. possible changes in the evidence and
consequent claims? For example, consider
an argument where an objective is argued to (This concept is already embedded in the
be ‘just’ satisfied vs. an argument where requirements of DO178B [6] for
achievement exceeds the objectives by a independent review for software items
some margin. The latter would be developed to high Development Assurance
considered by many to offer greater Levels)
assurance. • In the case of hand-generated evidence the
experience and competency of personnel
When providing feedback from this step in the can be regarded as essential ‘backing’
review process it is best to be as specific as possible in evidence
identifying the problems present. Almost all of the • In the case of tool-derived evidence, tool
above criticisms could be labeled as presenting an qualification and assurance become
“insufficient” argument. However to say, for example, important issues. (Again, the tool
that the problem with the argument is a “lack of qualification guidelines for DO178B
coverage” is more useful to the assurance case recognize this issue. DO178B makes an
developer when attempting to rectify the problems. important distinction between tools where
It is worth recognizing that criticisms of the the output forms part of final delivered
argument at this stage – e.g. a concern of argument / product vs. tools with an ancillary role in the
evidence relevance – could simply relate to development process.)
weaknesses in expression (Step 3). For example, if (in
GSN) an argument strategy was disclosed the 4.4.2 Argument Defeat
relevance of the claims may be better understood (and
thus less likely criticized). A good assurance case cannot be selective in the
arguments and evidence it presents. Facts not included
4.4.1 Auditing the Evidence within the presentation of the assurance case may
challenge the argument. It is necessary to be prepared
There is a requirement with assurance case review to consider if such facts exist. This has been
to audit what is being presented. For example, do all recognized for safety cases by the most recent issue of
the items of evidence being referred to by the Defence Standard 00-56 (Issue 3) [1]:
assurance case argument actually exist? If they exist,
do they support the claims of the assurance case as “9.5.6 Throughout the life of the system, the
presented. For example, if a claim is made that “All evidence and arguments in the Safety Case should be
hazards have been closed out in the hazard log”, will challenged in an attempt to refute them. Evidence that
review of the hazard log show this to be true? is discovered with the potential to undermine a
In abstract, the evidence (as referenced) may previously accepted argument is referred to as
support the arguments as stated. However, if this counter-evidence. The process of searching for
evidence item isn’t considered sufficiently potential counter-evidence as well as the processes of
‘trustworthy’ the argument may be undermined. In recording, analysing and acting upon counter-
law the concept of “integrity” of evidence is used evidence are an important part of a robust Safety
(especially in the case of forensic evidence). For Management System and should be documented in the
example, if the evidence collection and analysis Safety Case.”
process cannot be assured, evidence can be ruled
inadmissible. This is one of the hardest aspects of the review
For assurance cases, there are a number of possible process owing to the open-ended nature of the
factors to consider when assessing the integrity of challenge. To know that there is something not
evidence: presented within the assurance case requires domain
• “Buggy-ness” – how many “faults” are knowledge.
there in the evidence presented? Upon Two forms of argument defeat can be considered in
review, the more mistakes that can be found this stage:
in the evidence, the less confidence is
gained. • Rebuttal
• Level of Review – has the evidence been • Undercutting
presented without thorough review by
suitably competent and experienced peers?
Rebuttal describes the situation where evidence exists 6. References
that allows you to reach a conclusion counter to one
presented in the assurance case. For example, if the [1] Ministry of Defence, Defence Standard 00-56 (Issue 3):
assurance case claims, “Failure Mode X has never Safety Management Requirements for Defence Systems,
occurred”, rebuttal would be to support the claim, U.K. Ministry of Defence, December 2004
“Failure Mode X has occurred” by reference to
supporting arguments and evidence (e.g. a previous [2] T. P. Kelly, I. J. Bate, J. McDermid, A. Burns, “Building
incident report). Rebuttal describes a “head to head” a Preliminary Safety Case: An Example from Aerospace” in
Proceedings of the 1997 Australian Workshop on Industrial
dispute between the claims of the assurance case and
Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software,
counter-claims that can be substantiated. Australian Computer Society, Sydney, Australia, October
Undercutting describes the situation where additional
arguments and evidence can be introduced that [3] T. P. Kelly, “Arguing Safety – A Systematic Approach to
challenge the reasoning (especially the inferences) Safety Case Management”, DPhil Thesis, YCST-99-05,
presented within the argument. For example, consider Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK,
the argument: Premise: “The vehicle is traveling at 80 1998
mph”, Conclusion: “The driver is breaking the speed
limit”. An additional fact may be introduced, namely [4] L. Emmet, G. Cleland, “Graphical Notations, Narratives
and Persuasion: a Pliant Systems Approach to Hypertext
that “The vehicle is traveling along a private road”,
Tool Design”, In Proceedings of ACM Hypertext 2002
that challenges the inference. In this stage of the (HT’02), June 11-15, 2002, College Park, Maryland, USA
review process it is necessary to consider whether
there are any circumstances where the premises of the [5] M. Cass, R. Le Poidevin, “A Logic Primer”, Vortext
argument are true, yet the conclusions false. Publishing, 1993

5. Summary [6] RTCA, DO178B: Software Considerations in Airborne

Systems and Equipment Certification, RTCA Inc., 1992.
With an increasing demand for, and production of,
assurance cases, there is an increasing requirement for
rigorous review of assurance arguments. The inherent
subjectivity of many assurance arguments further
strengthens this requirement. This paper has presented
a systematic review process comprising steps of
increasing difficulty, ranging from identifying
concerns of argument comprehension to identification
of possible causes of argument defeat. Adopting such
a process can significantly help in judging the
adequacy of assurance case arguments.

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