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Proposal Budget Form for(Project Number), Year 1

Budget Category (add categories if needed)

Labor (# hrs/hourly rate required) by job category # hrs $ / hr
PI (Name; INCLUDE CV FOR EACH degreed person 96.5 50.00
Name 45 25.00
Post Doc 40 21.00
Grad Student (2) 15 13.00
Undergrad 250 12.00
Other Professional 64 41.00
Fringe Benefit Cost and %
PI/Faculty, 38.5%
Post Docs, 26.5%
Graduate Students, 27.5%
Undergraduate Students, 3.5%
Other Professional, 38.5%

Travel (designate if travel to INL)

Travel to INL Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
one trip, one individual $ 600 $ 450 $ 250

ASME SG-Graphite Core Components (SC III) Meetings Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
two trips,two individuals $2,600 $3,000 $660

ASME National Conference Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem

ont trip, one individual $625 $819 $350

Equipment (if IDC applied)

NOTE: Under the DOE system there is no $ threshold on equipment
(Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page, vendor quote,
Computer (Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page,
vendor quote, etc.)
Software License ( Must include documentation of cost)

Other Direct Costs (ODC)

Materials and Supplies (Provide a list of materials and supplies and costs, basis for cost)
Publications (Must include details)
Computer use (Must include fee schedule)
Laboratory (Must incluce published fee schedule / basis for cost) 50 40.00
Accelerator (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost if applicable)
Reactor (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)
Fabrication (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)
Machine Shop (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)

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Technical Support (Must inc. details: A resume and a letter stating this is the company standard rate)
Consultant (Must inc. details: A resume and a letter stating this is the company standard rate)
Subtier Subcontracts (Must include as much detail in separate sheet as lead university)
XX University
XX National Laboratory `



Equipment (if IDC not applied)

NOTE: Under the DOE system there is no $ threshold on equipment

(Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page, vendor quote,

Grand Total

Budget explanations, Year 1:

Labor costs have been included for 1 month each for the PI, Dr. XXXX, Dr. XXXs,
and instrument specialist XXXXX, and 0.875 month for post doc XXXXX. The budget
also includes support for two graduate research assistants at 50% for 12 months and
an undergraduate student. Numbers of hours and hourly rates have been estimated
from person months of effort, as described above.

Equipment (w/IDC)- $19,000 has been allocated for equipment throughout the project.
These funds will be used to fabricate the micro-channel heat exchangers for Task 2
and for the construction of the seal testing facilities that will be attached to the SCCO2
loop. See attached vendor quote

Computer(s): A total of $9,487 is requested for a computer and software package

each year. A quote is attached for 3 PC's, totaling $4,497. Software will include one
license for XXX. See attached price list from vendor ($4,990.65)

Travel -$9,354 /year has been allocated for travel expenses. See details above.

Other Direct Costs - detail of these costs is required. Documentation of hourly rates
for computer and laboratory time is required in the form of published rate
structures or published price lists.

Page 2 of 21
Materials and Supplies: The budgeted costs will be used for valves, thermocouples,
and compression fittings, along with the high purity CO2 gas for materials testing and
the CO2 for the loop structure. These funds will also be used to maintain calibration on
thermocouples, pressure transducers, and other instrumentation used in the project.
(See attached list of materials and supplies, and vendor price sheets)

Publication: A total of $300 for the 3 year project is requested for preparing and
publishing the results of the work conducted under this project. Requesting $100 in
year 1 and in each subsequent year.

Laboratory Costs: Funds are requested for the use of SEM and TEM equipment. 50
Hours are allocated at $40/hr based on the Universities fee schedule. See attached
fee schedule.
Subtier Subcontracts: This project will involve collaboration with XX University and
XX National Laboratory. See attached budget sheet for each subtier subcontractor
Tuition Remission: Tuition remission costs have been included for each year for the
graduate research assistants. Tuition remission is $8,000 per student in Year 1.

Equipment (wo/IDC)- $19,000 has been allocated for equipment throughout the
project. These funds will be used to fabricate the micro-channel heat exchangers for
Task 2 and for the construction of the seal testing facilities that will be attached to the
SCCO2 loop. See attached vendor quote

Page 3 of 21
(May 01) (May 01) (May 01)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total Total Total
# hrs $ / hr # hrs $ / hr
$4,825 96.5 50.00 $4,825 96.5 50.00 $4,825
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$1,125 45 25.00 $1,125 45 25.00 $1,125
$840 40 21.00 $840 40 21.00 $840
$195 15 13.00 $195 15 13.00 $195
$3,000 250 12.00 $3,000 250 12.00 $3,000
$2,624 64 41.00 $2,624 64 41.00 $2,624

$2,291 $2,291 $2,291

$223 $223 $223
$54 $54 $54
$105 $105 $105
$1,010 $1,010 $1,010

Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
$1,300 $ 600 $ 450 $ 250 $1,300 $ 600 $ 450 $ 250 $1,300

Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
$6,260 $2,600 $3,000 $660 $6,260 $2,600 $3,000 $660 $6,260

Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
$1,794 $625 $819 $350 $1,794 $625 $819 $350 $1,794

$19,000 $19,000 $19,000

$9,487 $9,487 $9,487

$7,600 $7,600 $7,600

$300 $300 $300
$9,487 $9,487 $9,487
$2,000 50 40.00 $2,000 50 40.00 $2,000

Page 4 of 21
$59,194 $59,194 $59,194
$144,177 ` $144,177 ` $144,177
$276,891 $276,891 $276,891

$134,292 $134,292 $134,292

$16,000 $16,000 $16,000

$19,000 $19,000 $19,000

$446,183 $446,183 $446,183

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Page 7 of 21
Proposal Budget Form for(Project Number), Year 1

Budget Category (add categories if needed)

Labor (# hrs/hourly rate required) by job category # hrs $ / hr
PI (Name; INCLUDE CV FOR EACH degreed person 96.5 50.00
Name 45 25.00
Post Doc 40 21.00
Grad Student (2) 15 13.00
Undergrad 250 12.00
Other Professional 64 41.00
Fringe Benefit Cost and %
PI/Faculty, 38.5%
Post Docs, 26.5%
Graduate Students, 27.5%
Undergraduate Students, 3.5%
Other Professional, 38.5%

Travel (designate if travel to INL)

Travel to INL
one trip, one individual

ASME SG-Graphite Core Components (SC III) Meetings

two trips,two individuals

ASME National Conference

ont trip, one individual

Equipment (if IDC applied)

NOTE: Under the DOE system there is no $ threshold on equipment
(Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page, vendor quote,
Computer (Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page,
vendor quote, etc.)
Software License ( Must include documentation of cost)

Other Direct Costs (ODC)

Materials and Supplies (Provide a list of materials and supplies and costs, basis for cost)
Publications (Must include details)
Computer use (Must include fee schedule)
Laboratory (Must incluce published fee schedule / basis for cost)
Accelerator (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost if applicable)
Reactor (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)
Fabrication (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)
Machine Shop (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)

Page 8 of 21
Technical Support (Must inc. details: A resume and a letter stating this is the company standard rate)
Consultant (Must inc. details: A resume and a letter stating this is the company standard rate)
Subtier Subcontracts (Must include as much detail in separate sheet as lead university)
XX University
XX National Laboratory



Equipment (if IDC not applied)

NOTE: Under the DOE system there is no $ threshold on equipment

(Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page, vendor quote,

Grand Total

Budget explanations, Year 1:

Labor costs have been included for 1 month each for the PI, Dr. XXXX, Dr. XXXs,
and instrument specialist XXXXX, and 0.875 month for post doc XXXXX. The budget
also includes support for two graduate research assistants at 50% for 12 months and
an undergraduate student. Numbers of hours and hourly rates have been estimated
from person months of effort, as described above.

Equipment (w/IDC)- $19,000 has been allocated for equipment throughout the project.
These funds will be used to fabricate the micro-channel heat exchangers for Task 2
and for the construction of the seal testing facilities that will be attached to the SCCO2
loop. See attached vendor quote

Computer(s): A total of $9,487 is requested for a computer and software package

each year. A quote is attached for 3 PC's, totaling $4,497. Software will include one
license for XXX. See attached price list from vendor ($4,990.65)

Travel -$9,354 /year has been allocated for travel expenses. See details above.

Other Direct Costs - detail of these costs is required. Documentation of hourly rates
for computer and laboratory time is required in the form of published rate
structures or published price lists.

Page 9 of 21
Materials and Supplies: The budgeted costs will be used for valves, thermocouples,
and compression fittings, along with the high purity CO2 gas for materials testing and
the CO2 for the loop structure. These funds will also be used to maintain calibration on
thermocouples, pressure transducers, and other instrumentation used in the project.
(See attached list of materials and supplies, and vendor price sheets)

Publication: A total of $300 for the 3 year project is requested for preparing and
publishing the results of the work conducted under this project. Requesting $100 in
year 1 and in each subsequent year.

Laboratory Costs: Funds are requested for the use of SEM and TEM equipment. 50
Hours are allocated at $40/hr based on the Universities fee schedule. See attached
fee schedule.
Subtier Subcontracts: This project will involve collaboration with XX University and
XX National Laboratory. See attached budget sheet for each subtier subcontractor
Tuition Remission: Tuition remission costs have been included for each year for the
graduate research assistants. Tuition remission is $8,000 per student in Year 1.

Equipment (wo/IDC)- $19,000 has been allocated for equipment throughout the
project. These funds will be used to fabricate the micro-channel heat exchangers for
Task 2 and for the construction of the seal testing facilities that will be attached to the
SCCO2 loop. See attached vendor quote

Page 10 of 21
(May 01) (May 01) (May 01)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total Total Total
# hrs $ / hr # hrs $ / hr
$4,825 96.5 50.00 $4,825 96.5 50.00 $4,825
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$1,125 45 25.00 $1,125 45 25.00 $1,125
$840 40 21.00 $840 40 21.00 $840
$195 15 13.00 $195 15 13.00 $195
$3,000 250 12.00 $3,000 250 12.00 $3,000
$2,624 64 41.00 $2,624 64 41.00 $2,624

$2,291 $2,291 $2,291

$223 $223 $223
$54 $54 $54
$105 $105 $105
$1,010 $1,010 $1,010

Page 11 of 21
$16,292 $16,292 $16,292

$7,902 $7,902 $7,902

$16,000 $16,000 $16,000

$19,000 $19,000 $19,000

$59,194 $59,194 $59,194

Page 12 of 21


Page 13 of 21





Page 14 of 21
Proposal Budget Form for(Project Number), Year 1

Budget Category (add categories if needed)

Labor (# hrs/hourly rate required) by job category # hrs $ / hr
PI (Name; INCLUDE CV FOR EACH degreed person 96.5 50.00
Name 45 25.00
Post Doc 40 21.00
Grad Student (2) 15 13.00
Undergrad 250 12.00
Other Professional 64 41.00
Fringe Benefit Cost and %
PI/Faculty, 38.5%
Post Docs, 26.5%
Graduate Students, 27.5%
Undergraduate Students, 3.5%
Other Professional, 38.5%

Travel (designate if travel to INL)

Travel to INL Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
one trip, one individual $ 600 $ 450 $ 250

ASME SG-Graphite Core Components (SC III) Meetings Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
two trips,two individuals $2,600 $3,000 $660

ASME National Conference Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem

ont trip, one individual $625 $819 $350

Equipment (if IDC applied)

NOTE: Under the DOE system there is no $ threshold on equipment
(Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page, vendor quote,
Computer (Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page,
vendor quote, etc.)
Software License ( Must include documentation of cost)

Other Direct Costs (ODC)

Materials and Supplies (Provide a list of materials and supplies and costs, basis for cost)
Publications (Must include details)
Computer use (Must include fee schedule)
Laboratory (Must incluce published fee schedule / basis for cost) 50 40.00
Accelerator (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost if applicable)
Reactor (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)
Fabrication (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)
Machine Shop (Must include published fee schedule/basis for cost)

Page 15 of 21
Technical Support (Must inc. details: A resume and a letter stating this is the company standard rate)
Consultant (Must inc. details: A resume and a letter stating this is the company standard rate)
Subtier Subcontracts (Must include as much detail in separate sheet as lead university)
XX University
XX National Laboratory `



Equipment (if IDC not applied)

NOTE: Under the DOE system there is no $ threshold on equipment

(Must include documentation of cost in the form of published price list, catalog page, vendor quote,

Grand Total

Budget explanations, Year 1:

Labor costs have been included for 1 month each for the PI, Dr. XXXX, Dr. XXXs,
and instrument specialist XXXXX, and 0.875 month for post doc XXXXX. The budget
also includes support for two graduate research assistants at 50% for 12 months and
an undergraduate student. Numbers of hours and hourly rates have been estimated
from person months of effort, as described above.

Equipment (w/IDC)- $19,000 has been allocated for equipment throughout the project.
These funds will be used to fabricate the micro-channel heat exchangers for Task 2
and for the construction of the seal testing facilities that will be attached to the SCCO2
loop. See attached vendor quote

Computer(s): A total of $9,487 is requested for a computer and software package

each year. A quote is attached for 3 PC's, totaling $4,497. Software will include one
license for XXX. See attached price list from vendor ($4,990.65)

Travel -$9,354 /year has been allocated for travel expenses. See details above.

Other Direct Costs - detail of these costs is required. Documentation of hourly rates
for computer and laboratory time is required in the form of published rate
structures or published price lists.

Page 16 of 21
Materials and Supplies: The budgeted costs will be used for valves, thermocouples,
and compression fittings, along with the high purity CO2 gas for materials testing and
the CO2 for the loop structure. These funds will also be used to maintain calibration on
thermocouples, pressure transducers, and other instrumentation used in the project.
(See attached list of materials and supplies, and vendor price sheets)

Publication: A total of $300 for the 3 year project is requested for preparing and
publishing the results of the work conducted under this project. Requesting $100 in
year 1 and in each subsequent year.

Laboratory Costs: Funds are requested for the use of SEM and TEM equipment. 50
Hours are allocated at $40/hr based on the Universities fee schedule. See attached
fee schedule.
Subtier Subcontracts: This project will involve collaboration with XX University and
XX National Laboratory. See attached budget sheet for each subtier subcontractor
Tuition Remission: Tuition remission costs have been included for each year for the
graduate research assistants. Tuition remission is $8,000 per student in Year 1.

Equipment (wo/IDC)- $19,000 has been allocated for equipment throughout the
project. These funds will be used to fabricate the micro-channel heat exchangers for
Task 2 and for the construction of the seal testing facilities that will be attached to the
SCCO2 loop. See attached vendor quote

Page 17 of 21
(May 01) (May 01) (May 01)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total Total Total
# hrs $ / hr # hrs $ / hr
$4,825 96.5 50.00 $4,825 96.5 50.00 $4,825
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$1,125 45 25.00 $1,125 45 25.00 $1,125
$840 40 21.00 $840 40 21.00 $840
$195 15 13.00 $195 15 13.00 $195
$3,000 250 12.00 $3,000 250 12.00 $3,000
$2,624 64 41.00 $2,624 64 41.00 $2,624

$2,291 $2,291 $2,291

$223 $223 $223
$54 $54 $54
$105 $105 $105
$1,010 $1,010 $1,010

Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
$1,300 $ 600 $ 450 $ 250 $1,300 $ 600 $ 450 $ 250 $1,300

Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
$6,260 $2,600 $3,000 $660 $6,260 $2,600 $3,000 $660 $6,260

Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem Flight Hotel Car & Per Diem
$1,794 $625 $819 $350 $1,794 $625 $819 $350 $1,794

$19,000 $19,000 $19,000

$9,487 $9,487 $9,487

$7,600 $7,600 $7,600

$300 $300 $300
$9,487 $9,487 $9,487
$2,000 50 40.00 $2,000 50 40.00 $2,000

Page 18 of 21
$73,520 $73,520 $73,520

$35,657 $35,657 $35,657

$16,000 $16,000 $16,000

$19,000 $19,000 $19,000

$144,177 $144,177 $144,177

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