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I. Objectives:
1. Tell time to an our
2. show mastery in telling time
3. Observe time in going to school
II. Content
Subject Matter: Telling Time
Reference: Math World I
Author: Elena A. Mendoza
Pages: 290-301
Materials: video's flash card, Marker and printed clock

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
Everybody stand up for a prayer Pupils will stand up for a prayer.

Let us sing the song “What time is It”

‘when the long hand point to the top, Pupils will sing the song together.
The short hand points to the hour
this is how we read the clock’….
Checking Attendance, Say present if your is called. Yes ma’am
Aye C. Coludo Present ma’am

B. Motivation
I will show you a printed clock then, raised your hand if you know the answer and I gave 5 star if
your answer’s are correct.
- okay teacher
B. Statement of the objectives
Today class, we have to learn the time to an our, you must mastery in telling time, and observe
time in going to school.

C. Presentation of the lesson

Teacher has to present different illustrations showing a specific situation through power point
presentation and discuss ,what is clock and how used it that the student learn how to read the
time an our.
Aye.., what is the use of clock? - The used of clock is to measure, keep, and indicate
time teacher
Yes Exactly! Very good Aye - yes….
Ajay, How many hands in the clock? - 2 hands teacher
Yes, you are correct ..

D. Enrichment Activities
Class I will group you by 5. Then draw a clock , I give you 20 minutes to finish your works.
- Yes ma’am

1. Generalization
1. Why do we need to learn how to tell the time an hour?
2. Did you understand what is the used of long hand and short hand in the clock?
IV. Evaluation
Write the time shown on each clock.
V. Assignment
Draw the long hand and short hand to show the time.

A. No. of learner who can satisfy my work: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the student understand my lesson? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who satisfy my works? ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. Did my lesson work are success? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other

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