ĐỀ - HSG tinh Hung Yen - 2018 - ANH

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HƯNG YÊN NĂM HỌC 2017 - 2018

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(Đề thi gồm 07 trang)


Bài nghe gồm 2 phần, mỗi phần thí sinh được nghe 2 lần. Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng
Anh) có trong bài nghe.

Part 1: You will hear a man talking to the customer service manager at the bank and complete the
table below. Write no more than three words and/or a number for each answer on your answer
sheet. You will hear twice. First you will have some time to look at the questions from 1 to 10.
(2.0 points) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO5ASNHBaLY


Application for a: Current bank account

Type of current account: The (1) “___________” account

Full name of applicant: Pieter Henes
Date of birth: (2) ___________
Joint account holder(s): No
Current address: (3) ___________Exeter
Time at current address (4) ____________
Previous address: Rielsdorf 2, Utrecht, Holland
Telephone: work (5) ___________
home 796431
Occupation: (6) ___________
Identify (security): Name of his (7) ___________: Siti
Opening sum: (8) € ___________
to be transferred from Fransen Bank, Utrecht
Statements: Every (9) ___________
Requests: Supply information about the bank’s
(10) ___________ service

Part 2: You will hear Sarah Brown talking about her work as a television weather forecaster. Listen to
her talk and do exercise. (2.0 points) http://www.englishexam24.ru/en/pet-listening-part-2-exam-4-
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. How long has Sarah worked as a weather forecaster?
A. two years B. thirty years C. thirteen years D. seven years
2. What does Sarah say about her job?
A. She sometimes has to work at night. B. She enjoys getting up early.
C. She works ten or twelve hours a day. D. She normally stays up late to manage the department.
3. When Sarah does a weather forecast, ____________.
A. She prepares it in advance B. She sometimes forgets her words
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C. She worries about making a mistake D. There is much time for her to prepare
4. Sarah’s husband ____________.
A. works on the same days each week B. wants to move nearer his work
C. spends a lot of time travelling D. is often on short-distance flights
5. Sarah is pleased because she ____________.
A. has got her pilot’s licence B. took part in a long race
C. taught her husband to play tennis D. skis all the time

Part 1: Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D on
your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
1. I'm sure it's not my fault that Peter found out what we were planning. I don't remember ________
anyone about it.
A. to tell B. being told C. having told D. to be told
2. ________appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead is merely an optical illusion.
A. What the Moon B. The Moon which C. When the Moon D. That the Moon
3. Tim looks so frightened and upset. He ________ something terrible.
A. must experience B. can have experienced
C. should have experienced D. must have experienced
4. My friend has just bought ________ from a shop on Tran Phu street.
A. a digital useful alarm clock B. an alarm useful digital clock
C. a useful alarm digital clock D. a useful digital alarm clock
5. ________ we invested in telecommunication industry, we would be rich now.
A. Should B. Were C. Would D. Had
6. ________ we have finished the course, we should start doing more revision work.
A. For now B. Now that C. Ever since D. By now
7. There are two small rooms in the beach house, ________ served as a kitchen
A. the smaller of which B. the smallest of which
C. the smaller of them D. smallest of that
8. People who are unemployed can receive the ________.
A. pension B. dole C. scholarship D. allowance
9. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have ________ any solutions.
A. looked into B. thought over C. got round to D. come up
10. The car burst into ________ but the driver managed to escape.
A. fire B. burning C. heat D. flames
11. The little boy pleaded ________ his mother not to leave him alone in the dark.
A. on B. in C. with D. at
12. It is the recommendation of many psychologists ________ to associate words and remember names.
A. that a learner uses mental images B. that a learner use mental images
C. that a learner must use mental images D. mental images are used
13. Sarah delivered a/an ________ appeal to the court and asked for mercy.
A. sensational B. sentimental C. emotional D. affectionate
14. Of course I’ll play the piano at the party but I’m a little ________.
A. out of use B. out of reach C. out of turn D. out of practice
15. She ________ modern art. She visits all the local exhibitions.
A. looks down on B. goes in for C. fixes up with D. catches up with
16. Unfortunately, I might have to leave for Boston ________.
A. for short notice B. under short notice C. at short notice D. to short notice
17.Many habitats change ________ the types of plants and animals that live there.
A. with respect to B. in respect for C. as for D. as against
18. My old riding boots served me well for eleven years before they finally ________.
A. wore off B. broke down C. wore out D. broke up
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19. ________, the catfish is prized for its state.
A. With ugly look B. As looking ugly C. As it is looking ugly D. Ugly looking as it is
20. He has been unable to find a job ________ with his ability as an accountant.
A. appropriate B. suitable C. requisite D. commensurate
Part 2: Supply the appropriate form of the words in CAPITAL to complete the sentences. Write
them on your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
1. After hours of going from one hotel to another, we ____eventually____ found (EVENT)
one which was not fully booked.
2. Librarians spend a lot of their time ____classifying_____ books. (CLASS)
3. Ants and bees are described as ____industrious_____ insects. (INDUSTRY)
4. The lovers stood, hand in hand, gazing at the ____starlit____sky. (STAR)
5. The soil has been _____impoverished____ by erosion. (POVERTY)
6. The bookcase was placed ____strategically_____ near the door to hide a huge (STRATEGY)
crack in the wall.
7. I don’t like to be visited or phoned too much at home. I like my ___privacy____. (PRIVATE)
8. Nobody wanted to ___befriend____ the obnoxious boy, so he was always alone. (FRIEND)
9. I think it’s sheer ___hypocrisy____ to get married in church if you don’t believe (HYPOCRITE)
in God.
10. The English term café, borrowed from French, is ultimately a (DERIVE)
_____derivation____ of the Turkish kahve, meaning coffee.
Part 3: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to show the underlined part that needs correction. Write them on
your answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. Families who are enough fortunate to own a historic home may be able to get restoration funds from the
2. The most Americans were killed in World War II than in any other war since the birth of the nation.
3. Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years old.
4. Many people are afraid that in the future there will be no space leaving for human beings and they
express the idea of robots replacing human beings.
5. Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families have been
forced to alter their eating habits.
6. A turtle differs from other reptiles in that its body is encased in a protective shell of their own.
7. It is important that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful
8. The Vermont Elementary Science Project, according to its founders, are designed to challenge
some of the most widely held beliefs about teaching.
9. All of the students in this course will be assessed according to their attendance, performance, and
they work hard.
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10. All the candidates for the scholarship will be equally heated regarding of their age, sex or nationality.
Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write them on
your answer sheet. (1.0 point)
Save money on the book that aims to save animals
Have you ever raised such a question “Do you want to take part in the battle to save the world’s
wildlife?” Animal Watch is a book which will (1) _______ you in the fight for survival that faces many of
our endangered animals and show how they struggle on the (2) _______ of extinction.
As you enjoy the book’s 250 pages and over 150 color photographs, you will have the (3) _______
of knowing that part of your purchase money is being used to help animals (4) _______. From the comfort
of your armchair, you will be able to observe the world’s animals close-up and explore their habitats. You
will also discover the terrible results of human (5) _______ for land, flesh and skins.
Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover their black
noses with their (6) _______ so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being seen, for example? Or
that (7) _______ each orange-utan which is captured, one has to die?
This superb publication has (8) _______ impressed Britain’s leading wildlife charity that it has
been chosen as Book of the Year, a title awarded to books which are considered to have made a major
contribution to wildlife conservation. You will find Animal Watch at a special low (9)_______ price at all
good bookshops, but hurry while (10) _______ last.
1. A. combine B. involve C. bring D. lead
2. A. edge B. start C. limit D. end
3. A. value B. enjoyment C. virtue D. satisfaction
4. A. survive B. raise C. observe D. explore
5. A. interest B. greed C. care D. concern
6. A. feet B. claws C. paws D. toes
7. A. for B. by C. with D. from
8. A. too B. enough C. so D. such
9. A. beginning B. preparatory C. original D. introductory
10. A. stores B. stocks C. goods D. fund
Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write them on
your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
What I love about my job is the variety. I get enquiries from people all over the world asking me
how they should go about setting up their own website. I’ve been asked about so many subjects - anything
from someone wanting to teach people how to throw boomerangs to another people selling paper flowers
which they make at home in their spare time.
Obviously with all the thousands of websites available at the click of a button, you want to create
an impression with your website so that it becomes a must-see destination. Not everyone is prepared,
however, for the way in which a website can become so popular that it actually has to be closed down.
When people first set up their websites they probably pay their web advertiser a monthly fee based
on the number of hits or page impressions their site receives. If they can pay their monthly fee without it
costing them too much, that is the best that most people hope for. One guy, Pete Bennett, whom I helped,
wanted to set up a one-stop shop to provide decent images of the world’s flags. He’d been fascinated by
flags since his boyhood and had no idea that thousands of other people share his passion. Anyway, in one
month his web page had over 1.5 million hits. As a result his internet provider trebled the fee that he was
being charged. He wasn’t a rich person and he couldn’t afford to spend that amount of money on a hobby
without any benefit to him, so he decided to carry advertising on his site. He found a company which
specializes in smaller sites and adverts were added to the pages on his website. So, although he doesn’t
make a huge profit, at least his hobby provides him with a small income.
If you have specialist skills or expertise, it can pay you to sell the products that people want. I
helped one woman design a page to advertise the fact that she tells fortunes, based on the information that
her clients supply her with. If you want her to tell your fortune, you fill in a questionnaire online - your
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age, date of birth, hobbies, interests and so on and for a small fee she e-mails you back your fortune. You
can print it out and it looks really good, decorated with moons and stars, your zodiac sign and your
birthstone. I tried it myself and although I’m not sure I believe it, my future according to her is positive
and exciting. I also found out that for someone born in August, like me, the birthstone is a period, a pale
green stone which I’d never even heard of!
I also get a fair number of complaints from people e-mailing me to say that they can’t access the
website. When they click on the site a message appears on their screen saying ‘An error has occurred in
the script on this page’. This usually happens when someone has tried to achieve fancy effects on their
website by using programming techniques based on a scripting language. This means that unless they
really know what they are doing, whoever designed the site has probably made a mistake in their
programming. This is where people like me come in. Most computer instruction guides make things
appear quite straightforward, but unless you’re very skilled, you’re likely to run into problems. It’s
generally worth getting a professional to help you set up your site in the first place - otherwise people like
me would be out of work. And let’s face it, this is big business.
1. What does Paul Howells enjoy most about his job?
A. Dealing with different people. C. His worldwide contacts.
B. The range of topics. D. Teaching design skills.
2. What does Paul mean by ‘a must-see destination’ in paragraph 2?
A. A website that can no longer be seen. C. A website that everyone wants to visit.
B. A website that does not make a charge. D. A website that has been well prepared.
3. Why did Pete Bennett set up a website on flags?
A. He knew lots of people shared his interest. C. He hoped to make a lot of money.
B. A web advertiser wanted to sell flags. D. He’d been interested in flags for years.
4. What word can best replace the word “hits” in paragraph 3?
A. bad effects B. beats C. attacks D. visits
5. Why did Pete Bennett accept advertising on his website?
A. To attract more hits. B. To add more interest.
C. To repay the huge fee. D. To help him earn some money.
6. Who are the “clients” in paragraph 4 referred to?
      A.  Interested people B.  Web page designers C.  Internet providers D.  Product advertisers
7. Why do error messages sometimes appear?
A. People make a mistake in their e-mail address. B. People try to put too much on the web page.
C. People have used a program incorrectly. D. People have clicked on the wrong button.
8. What comment does Paul make about setting up a website?
A. It is usually fairly easy to do. B. You must use a good instruction guide.
C. It can be quite complicated. D. You should rely on your own skills.
9. What word can best replace the word “script” in paragraph 5?
A. instruction B. picture C. handwriting D. play
10. What does Paul’s final sentence suggest about his work?
A. There’s a lot of money to be made in designing websites.
B. There are far too many websites on the internet.
C. There’s a big chance of becoming unemployed.
D. There are more web page designers than necessary.
Part 3: The following passage includes six paragraphs (A-F) and there are five pieces of information.
Read and find the information from 1 to 5 in the suitable paragraph. Write the answers on your answer
sheet; example: 0 - G (1.0 point)

1. Two "jobs" that women essentially do 

2. Question about dating 
3. The first year, when women are more likely to have bachelor's a degree 
4. The source of conformation to domestic lifestyle
5. Pros of extended paternity 
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(A) There’s no denying that women around the world have made great strides toward equality in the past
century. One hundred years ago, women in the United States still didn’t have the right to vote, and very
few were allowed to pursue higher education or a meaningful career outside of their household duties.
Fast forward to today, and more than 70 percent of women between the ages of 20 and 54 are active
members of the national workforce. On top of this, 2015 marked the first year when women were, on
average, more likely to have a bachelor’s degree than men, and this trend is on the rise.

(B) But despite all this newfound opportunity, the prevailing societal attitudes about what women are
historically supposed to value still have a long way to go. That’s why we’ve partnered with SK-II to learn
more about all of the ways women are still pressured to stick to outdated gender norms. “Women have
won unprecedented rights thanks to the feminist movement, but as a society, we still expect women to
prioritize family over career, or even over their own needs,” says Silvia Dutchevici, president and founder
of the Critical Therapy Center in New York City. Dutchevici says many women feel pressure to “have it
all,” meaning both a thriving career and the perfect family, but that can be very difficult to achieve.

(C) “Most women try to balance work and family,” Dutchevici says, “but that balance is seldom equal.”
In fact, she says working mothers ― even those with partners ― often find themselves essentially
working two full-time jobs: keeping their career together while doing the brunt of housework, cooking
and child-rearing. This happens for a variety of reasons, but societal expectations about the roles of
women and men at home are still very much to blame, says Tamra Lashchyk, a Wall Street executive,
business coach and author of the book “Lose the Gum: A Survival Guide to Women on Wall Street.”

(D) “No matter how successful she is, the burden of running a household still falls on the woman’s
shoulders,” Lashchyk says. “Men get more of a pass when it comes to these duties, especially those that
involve children.” Lashchyk says much of this pressure on women to conform to a more domestic lifestyle
comes from friends and family.

(E) “In many people’s minds, a woman’s career success pales in comparison to having a family,” she
says. “Especially if the woman is single, no matter how great her professional achievements, almost every
single one of her conversations with her family will include questions about her romantic life or lack
thereof. I could literally tell my family I’d cured cancer and the conversation would still end with, ‘But
are you dating anyone?’” While covert societal expectations might contribute to some of this inequality,
workplace policies on maternity and paternity leave can hold a lot of the blame.

(F) “Unfortunately, many workplace policies regarding taking time off to care for family do not the
changing times,” Dutchevici says. “Both men and women suffer in their careers when they prioritize
family, but women carry far harsher punishments. Their choice to take time off and start a family can
result in lower pay, and fewer promotions in the future. The right to family leave is not a woman’s issue,
it is a society’s issue, a family’s issue.” Lashchyk agrees with this sentiment. “There should be more
flexibility and benefits [in the workplace], like longer periods of time for paternity leave……If paternity
leave was extended, men could share a greater responsibility in child care, and they could
Part 4: Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage below. Write
it on your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
When an animal species is (1) ___marked____ endangered, it means that the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has evaluated it as nearly (2) ___extinct____, which means that a
significant portion of its range has already died (3) ____out___ and the rate of birth is lower than the
species' death rate.
Today, more and more animal and plant species are on the verge of extinction because of a (4)
___variety____ of major factors that cause a species to become endangered, and as you might expect,
humans play a role in quite a few of them - in fact, the biggest threat to endangered animals is human
encroachment on their habitats. By analyzing and grouping many individual cases, (5)
____consequently___, we find the same broad causes appearing again and again. They are habitat
destruction, exotic species, and overexploitation. Among other (6) _______ threatening particular species
are limited: distribution, disease, and pollution. Limited distributions are often a (7) ___result____ of
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other threats: populations confined to one or a few small areas because of habitat loss, for example, may
be disastrously affected by random factors.
Diseases can have severe (8) ____impact___ on species lacking natural genetic protections against
particular pathogens, like the rabies and canine distemper viruses that are currently devastating carnivore
populations in East Africa. Domestic (9) ____solutions___ are usually the reservoirs of these and other
diseases affecting wild populations, showing once again that human activities lie at the root of most
causes of endangerment. Pollution has seriously done harm (10) _______ number of terrestrial species,
although species living in freshwater and marine ecosystems are also suffering.
SECTION IV. WRITING (5.0 points)
Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (1.5 point)
1. She can’t have any more children because of her age.
 She is too old to have any more children.
2. I will marry her and I do not care how old she is.
 No matter how old she is, I will marry her.
3. The storm completely wiped out all my crops.
 I had all my crops wiped out completely by the storm.
4. "I am sorry I was rude to you yesterday" said the boss to me.
 The boss apologized for being rude to me the day before.
5. He said he had won as a result of good luck.
 He attributed his winning to good luck.
6. The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
 Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.
7. Their chances of success are small.
 It is not at all likely that they will be successful.
8. I rarely sleep in the afternoon.
 I’m not in the habit of sleeping in the afternoon.
9. There is nobody in this office that will offer a different opinion to the one I gave you.
 Whoever in this office will offer the same opinion to the one I gave you.
10. That the press heaped scorn on the handling of the crisis is immaterial to us.
 Of no consequence to us is the fact that the press heaped scorn on the handling of the crisis.
Part 2: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change
the form of the given word. Write the answers on your answer sheet (1.0 point)
1. They continued to suggest that I was lying. (PERSISTED)
 They persisted in suggesting that I was lying.

2. This is the first time I have seen her in my life. (SET)

 I have never set my eye on her before.
3. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career as a doctor. (JEOPARDY)
 His irresponsible attitude put his career as a doctor in jeopardy.
4. The police arrived as the thieves were committing the crime. (RED-HANDED)
 The police caught the thieves red-handed.
5. Some people say that Tsiolkovsky invented the space rocket. (CREDITED)
 Some people say that the space rocket is credited to Tsiolkovsky.
Part 3: Some parents think that they can take advantage of modern technology to educate their
children at home. Others argue that the learning process can only be facilitated with the appearance of
teachers. Which opinion are you in favor of? Why? You should write at least 250 words. (2.5 points)

____________THE END____________
Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu kể cả từ điển. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.
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Họ và tên thí sinh: ……………………………… Số báo danh: ……………………………………..

Chữ ký cán bộ coi thi 1:………………………. Chữ ký cán bộ coi thi 2:…………………………..

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