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Unit 6 – Vocabulary

1. apron - a piece of clothing that you wear over the front of other clothes to keep the clothes clean while
you are doing something dirty, such as cooking or cleaning - önlük
2. armchair - a comfortable chair, typically upholstered, with side supports for a person's arms - Kreslo
3. basin - hövzə, ləyən, hovuz, cam
4. butcher - Qəssab
5. chest of drawers - a piece of furniture with drawers in which you keep things such as clothes - komod
6. coffin - a long box in which the body of a dead person is buried or burned - tabut
7. cooker - a large box-shaped device that is used to cook and heat food, either by putting the food inside or
by putting it on the top - soba
8. court case - məhkəmə işi
9. cupboard - şkaf
10. curtain - a piece of material, especially cloth, that hangs across a window or opening to make a room or
part of a room dark or private - pərdə
11. drainpipe - a pipe that carries waste water or sewage away from buildings - drenaj borusu
12. fireplace - a space in the wall of a room for a fire to burn in, or the decorated part that surrounds this
space - şömine

13. flower bed - a part of a garden where flowers are planted

14. hedge - a line of bushes or small trees planted very close together, especially along the edge of a garden,
field, or road
15. jury - the twelve people in court who decide if a person is guilty or not - münsiflər heyəti
16. ladle [leɪ.dəl] {leydo} - çömçə
17. lawn - an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park, that is cut regularly to keep it short
18. mantelpiece - a shelf above a fireplace, usually part of a frame that surrounds the fireplace

19. path - a route or track between one place and another, or the direction in which something is moving \ a
route or track between one place and another, or the direction in which something is moving - cığır, yol
20. the prosecution - the act of officially accusing someone of committing an illegal act, esp. by bringing a
case against that person in a court of law - kiminsə qanunsuz əməl törətməkdə rəsmi ittiham edilməsi aktı,
xüsusən. həmin şəxsə qarşı məhkəməyə müraciət etməklə
21. rug - a piece of thick heavy cloth smaller than a carpet, used for covering the floor or for decoration -
22. saucepan - a deep, round pan with straight sides, usually with a handle and a lid, used for cooking things
over heat - qazan

23. shears - very large scissors (gardening/dressmaking shears)

24. sighting - an occasion when you see something or someone, especially something that is rare or trying to
hide: This is the first sighting of this particularly rare bird in this country
25. stepladder - a piece of equipment with steps for climbing up and down that can stand on its own or be
folded for carrying: I can't reach the top shelf unless I use a stepladder
26. stool - a seat without any support for the back or arms

27. stove - a piece of kitchen equipment having a top for cooking food in containers placed over gas flames
or circles of metal heated by electricity, and that usually has an oven below

28. the accused - the person who is on trial in a law court - təqsirləndirilən şəxs
29. trial - məhkəmə, sinaq
30. vase - vaza
31. webcam - a camera that records moving pictures and sound and allows these to be broadcast on the
internet as they happen
32. witness - şahid

33. acquit - to decide officially in a law court that someone is not guilty of a particular crime - bəraət vermek
34. allege - to say that somebody has done something wrong but without having any proof - iddia
35. bear - to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant \ to hold or support
something - dözmək, daşımaq
36. claim - to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not
believe it
37. confess - to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about -
etiraf etmək
38. convince - to succeed in making somebody believe something
38. corroborate - to support a statement by providing new evidence - təsdiq etmək
39. drown - to die in water because it is not possible to breathe - boğulmaq
40. enquire - ask for information from someone \ investigate; look into - soruşmaq, təhqiq eləmək
41. hire - işə götürmək
42. represent - təmsil etmək
43. mutter - to speak quietly and in a low voice that is not easy to hear, often when you are worried or
complaining about something - mırıldanmaq
44. whisper - to speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice, so that only the person close to you
can hear you - pıçıldamaq
45. groan - a deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness - inildəmək
46. scream - to cry or say something loudly and usually on a high note, especially because of strong
emotions such as fear, excitement, or anger - qışqırmaq
47. yell - to shout something or make a loud noise, usually when you are angry, in pain, or excited -
48. sentence - a punishment given by a judge in court to a person or organization after they have been found
guilty of doing something wrong - məhkəmə hökmü, qərar
49. sink - to go down under the surface of the water – batmaq

50. disagreeable - unpleasant - xoşagəlməz
51. dishonest - vicdansız
52. disorganized - badly planned and without order - nizamsız
53. dissatisfied - narazı - not pleased with something; feeling that something is not as good as it should be
54. homesick - unhappy because of being away from home for a long period
55. housebound - unable to leave your home, especially because you are ill
56. house-proud - very worried about your house being completely clean and tidy, and spending a lot of time
making it so \ attentive to, or preoccupied with, the care and appearance of one's home
57. illegible - impossible or almost impossible to read because of being very untidy or not clear - impossible
or almost impossible to read because of being very untidy or not clear:
58. illiterate - unable to read and write - savadsız
59. illogical - məntiqsiz
60. indecisive - qərarsız
61. insensitive - not feeling or showing sympathy for other people's feelings, or refusing to give importance
to something - duyğusuz, hissiz
62. sensitive - həssas
63. irrational - not using reason or clear thinking
64. irrelevant - not related to what is being discussed or considered and therefore not important -
65. mature - mature people behave like adults in a way that shows they are well developed emotionally -
66. overjoyed - extremely happy
67. payable - ödənilməli
68. precious - loved very much \ of great value because of being rare, expensive, or important
69. presumed - təxmin edilən- to believe something to be true because it is very likely, although you are not
certain - bir şeyin doğru olduğuna inanmaq, çünki bunun çox ehtimalı var, baxmayaraq ki, əmin deyilsiniz
70. unstable - qeyri-sabit

71. homeward - towards home - evə doğru


72. appear in court - to go to a court of law as a participant - məhkəməyə gəlmək
73. charge someone with a crime - are formally accusing them of being a criminal - kimisə cinayətdə ittiham
74. find sb guilty
75. give evidence - give information and answer questions formally and in person in a law court or at an
inquiry - ifadə vermək
76. hear evidence
77. here and now - the present time
78. make a reservation
79. plead (not) guilty - means that you say you didn't do the crime, or that you had a reasonable excuse for
doing so - günahı boynuna almaq
80. reach a verdict - hökm çıxarmaq
81. send sb to prison
82. spend the night
83. there and then - immediately
84. would you mind \ if you don't mind - zehmet olmasa

85. in spite of

86. believe in sth
87. deceased - dead - mərhum
88. footprint - the mark made by a person's or animal's foot - ayaq izi
89. heir - a person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person, especially an
older member of the same family, when that other person dies - varis
90. hound - a type of hunting dog used by hunters to track or chase prey - tazı

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