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Tall Buildings Design Guide

Leeds Local Development Framework

Supplementary Planning Document

Spring 2010
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Tall Buildings Design Guide Design Considerations

Setting the Scene 3 Strategic Issues 30
Constraints – Protecting Settings, Views and Vistas 30
Why has this guide been produced? 4 - Conservation Areas 46
Who is the guide for? 4 Locations for tall buildings 50
How to use the guide? 4 - General 50
Status of the guide 4 - Landmarks / Gateway Buildings 54
Clusters 56
Foreword 5 Movement and Connections 60
Sustainability and Climate Change 62
Skylines 66
Summary 6 Beyond the City centre 73

Introduction 8
4 Design Detail 74
Purpose 8
Design Aspirations 74
What is a Tall Building? 8
Context 74
Study Area 9
Architectural Quality 76
Tops 80
1 Existing Situation 11
Relationship to the Street 81
Leeds Topography / Character 11 Urban Blocks 83
Policy Context 13 Uses 83
- Vision for Leeds 2004–2020 15 Recladding and Demolition 84
- Renaissance Leeds 15
Existing Views and Settings 16

Bringing it all together
2 Existing Tall Building Usage 24
5 Design Process and Planning
- Offices 24
- New Apartments 25 Submission Requirements 88
- Student Housing 25
- Social Housing Towers 26 6 Conclusion 91
- Other Uses 26
- Recent Trends 27
- Future 27 Annexe 92
Leeds structures - existing and proposed 92
Design Workshop Findings 93
Bibliography 96
Contacts 98

Setting the Scene

Why has this guide been Who is the guide for? How to use the guide Status of the guide
It is expected that this guide will It is anticipated that the guide will The guide holds the status
The city centre of Leeds has seen be of value to a variety of groups:- be used to provide:- of a Supplementary Planning
a huge amount of private sector Key principles required for good Document (SPD), this means that
investment in new development Developers – to assist developers practice in the location and it both supports and reinforces
over the last decade. The to take on board sustainable design of tall buildings. the “saved” planning policies
economic growth and success of approaches to the planning and as set out in the Leeds Unitary
An appreciation of the context
the city has resulted in a greater design of tall buildings whilst Development Plan (Review 2006)
and local distinctiveness of
number of proposals for tall at the same time providing and it is also in accordance with
buildings in different parts of the more certainty about the policy SC8 – Design, Conservation
city. The aim of this document is to Examples of good and bad and Landscape of the emerging
appropriateness and location of tall
provide clear design guidance on practice. draft Leeds Local Development
the location, form and appearance Reference to national and local Framework (LDF) Core Strategy
of tall buildings so that they can Design teams – to provide a policy frameworks. ‘Preferred Approach’.
be successfully integrated into high standard of design of tall A background of the emerging
the environment and contribute buildings and their connection with physical framework for tall The emerging Core Strategy sets
to the changing skyline of the the ground so that they can be buildings and the skyline of out the vision for the future of
city. As a component of the Local successfully integrated within the Leeds which applicants and their Leeds over the next two decades
Development Framework this local and city context. agents can contribute to. and provides broad policies to
document provides supplementary shape development and support its
Clear checklist and submission
support to Development Plan Local amenity societies – to strategic vision.
requirements for planning
Documents and identifies areas provide a methodology to preserve applications.
where there may be opportunities the character and appearance of The SPD is a material
for tall buildings. It also develops Conservation Areas and protect consideration and will be used to
from the work contained in the important buildings, views and help decide planning applications
City Centre Urban Design Strategy settings. and defend decisions made at
and supports the Renaissance appeals.
Leeds study on the theme of a Planners – to establish clear
central Leeds skyline. principles and advice criteria
against which proposals for tall
buildings will be considered and
assessed in an objective and
consistent manner.

Setting the Scene

This tall building guide is < FIG.1 This delightful wood
also about the challenge of cut from Thomas Gent’s
History of Ripon shows
successfully introducing and Leeds from the south, its
controlling new development into major features being the
an existing urban form and grain towers of St John’s Church,
Holy Trinity, and the Parish
which in some parts is in need of Church. On the extreme left,
further urban ‘surgery, massage the manor house still stands
and sculpture’ to express and within its moated enclosure
on the site now occupied
reinforce its distinctiveness - by The Scarbrough public
particularly its skyline. house in Bishopgate Street

FIG.1 This document aims to assist

developers, architects and
FIG.2 Tall buildings of architectural the Leeds City Council City < FIG.2 This detail from
quality and located in the Development with comprehensive Samuel and Nathaniel
guidance for the location Buck’s South East
right places can enhance and Prospect of Leeds of
contribute to the attractiveness and design of tall buildings 1745 shows the town from
of our towns and cities. They can with respect to appearance, Cavalier Hill with Leeds
sustainability, micro-climate and Bridge to the left, and the
have a positive role by acting as parish church and Holy
catalysts for regeneration and quality of public realm around Trinity towards the right.
good development whilst at the tall buildings. Its outcome is a Note the orchards on Kirk
result of collaboration between Ing, between the Parish
same time celebrating growth and Church and the river and
economic prosperity. As the space officers of the council, the the haystacks and tenter-
available for development in Leeds Leeds Renaissance Study team, frames in the foreground
City Centre becomes scarcer and and with Civic Trust members,
more expensive, the pressure to Councillors, property developers
conceive high density schemes and and their consultants who all
taller buildings in the city centre attended a major workshop event
and its immediate vicinity, has held to develop the document.
Tall buildings, being prominent with the church spire and town become increasingly important It also takes on previous
and highly visible, can affect hall clock being focal points with with tall buildings featuring in guidance from the Commission
everyone. Apart from being places functions well understood by the many development applications. It for Architecture and the Built
to live or work in, their presence public. Unfortunately the latter is therefore essential that we have Environment (CABE) and English
can create a sense of place and has peppered tall buildings on a sensible but sensitive policy for Heritage in their joint consultation
give an impression, whether good the urban skyline, many creating short and long term development paper ‘Guidance on Tall Buildings’.
or bad. Tall buildings break into visual harm that reflects the worst of tall buildings to promote
the scale, rhythm and grain of of the 60’s and later. Rejected by solutions for the public good and
the urban form of our towns and the general public, many have the urban environment.
cities, with town halls, churches blighted their environments.
and cathedrals being notable Consequently it is important Claims that tall buildings are
earlier structures that have been that the lessons of history are an essential part of the urban
joined by other tall buildings built understood to enable the new renaissance are unfounded but
for commerce and housing during generation of tall buildings to be in recent years there has been a
the last 50 years. The former liked by all. resurgence and a desire to build
expressed the spiritual powers of them. Proposals for tall buildings
their owners and acted as a focus deserve the closest of scrutiny and
for the community and civic life policies to deal with them.

Setting the Scene - Summary

R Strategic US



Key Strategic Summary ES

Principles LIN M



Locate tall buildings NN ME


What is it about?

in the right place, to TI AN




integrate themThis isinto and
a label This is a The purpose of this Tall Building S

label This is a label This
make them is acompatible

label This is a label Guide for Leeds is to establish

with their surroundings.
This is a label This is a clear principles and advice

to steer them to appropriate
Enhance skylines, locations and ensure they are
views and settings. well designed. It will also be used
to assess emerging proposals.
Protect and preserve It embraces key urban design
areas of special issues for the city centre by Existing Situation Strategic Issues The Landmarks and Gateways
character and interest, addressing the importance of section shows how tall buildings
can assist in making the city
principal views across the Form (buildings and morphology), This section explains how A variety of strategic issues reveal
topography, urban morphology that the guide is not just about more legible, providing points for
city and historic skyline. Movement (transport, vehicles
reference and orientation as well
and pedestrians), Space (space/ and urban form influence the the form of tall buildings but is
Ensure that new tall landscape around and in front existing context and shape of the concerned with where they could as forming important markers at
entrances and exits to the city.
buildings have a good of buildings) and Uses (activity city. Distant panoramic and local go whilst protecting the best of
views of the city and its existing the existing city fabric. A section
relationship with the and regeneration). It builds on
The potential to reinforce an
Leeds’ inheritance of existing tall collection of tall buildings give - Protecting Settings, Views and
street, movement a flavour of the built form and Vistas - declares the intent to existing cluster of tall buildings
buildings and Council Policies
patterns and and initiatives affecting the city hint at the challenge ahead of prohibit tall buildings where they and create a new cluster on
transport facilities, centre. As a component of the developing tall buildings in Leeds. are likely to cause visual damage. the south side of the River Aire
creating high quality Local Development Framework Reference is made to existing is revealed. The way in which
the issues of movement and
public space at the this document provides Policies (both national and local), The existing legacy of tall
and the aspirational documents buildings provides the framework connections relate to tall buildings
same time. supplementary support to the
is important. Their relevance to
Development Plan documents. - The Vision for Leeds 2004- within which to recognise new
Ensure that tall buildings 2020 and Renaissance Leeds, the opportunities and the potential the location and sustainability
of tall buildings is described,
assist in the legibility of It is expected that the guide former strives to make Leeds an to reshape the city into a more
international competitive city, and coherent urban form without particularly the influence of the
the city and contribute will be used in a variety of
central railway station on the
ways ranging from strategic to the latter is about moving forward harming the quality of the existing
strongly to a sense of a diverse, dynamic and evolving environment, particularly that of acceptability of super-tall towers.
detailed guidance. Where relevant
place. the appropriate UDP Policy is city with a recognisable skyline, conservation areas.
Make tall buildings highlighted to reinforce the whilst preserving its character
particular point. areas and strong sense of place.
sustainable and
Promote the highest
design quality for
tall buildings and
their composition
resulting in a distinctive,
recognisable, “this could
only be Leeds” skyline.

Setting the Scene

<< Example of map indicating

protected views

< Image of Bridgewater Place,

Aedas Architects

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567 2009.
Design Detail

Key Design
Ensure tall buildings
are imaginative high
quality designs with
a cohesive quality for
all features so that the
design works as a whole.
Ensure tall buildings
respond appropriately
Sustainability and climate change Skyline enhancement is Design Detail Design Process and to the distinctive local
are critical issues in designing for considered with emphasis on Planning Submission
appropriate development. Ways of shaping the emerging skyline into Design Detail focuses in on the
character and ensure
Requirements there is no visual harm
implementing sustainable principles a meaningful composition giving various factors that make a tall
and practices through design, Leeds its own identity. building successful in design terms This section emphasises
to historic buildings and
such as multiple skins that create and compatible with its specific the design process based views.
high transparency with energy location. A key aim is to foster upon the importance of
conservation and renewable energy imaginative and high quality Minimise energy
good site analysis, concept
devices, are suggested. design. Architectural quality and detail. This engenders
use and waste (both
raises issues of height, scale, the right approach to an during construction and
style, form and relationships with understanding of context and throughout the life of
neighbouring buildings, as well as

the building) including


aids the production of the


the influence of cladding, materials


mandatory Design and Access using renewable energy



and patterns.

Statements. This section

production where


also identifies the required


The tops of tall buildings receive


standard of information and



special attention because of their presentation needed for Use sustainable


impact on the skyline, as does Planning Approval.

their relationship with the street, materials.
particularly the interface with the
Tops of tall buildings
ground and the public realm which
is very important. The merits of
should add
ASPIRATIONS CONTEXT urban blocks and the uses within, appropriate interest
are highlighted again to signify to the skyline.
how important that connection
with the ground is and their
Create active ground
contribution to good frontage. level frontages to the
The validity of re-cladding old Relevant UDP adjacent streets.
buildings is also covered. Policies Consider recladding


existing tall buildings to



SA1, SA9

provide a sustainable

BD2, BD4, BD5, BD5A, BD14



CC3, CC4, CC5, CC6, CC7, CC8, CC9,

high quality solution

CC11, CC12, CC13


N12, N13 before proposing

demolition and new
Design Detail

The ‘Blue’ development by >

Granary Wharf - a 16+ storey
block which rises up dramatically
next to the railway station, currently
delineates the canal basin

In the foreground the Leeds Purpose What is a tall building?


International Swimming Pool site

where there has been a proposal
for a tall building adjacent to the The purpose of this document is At the turn of the century tall
Inner Ring Road as part to establish clear principles and was defined as ‘out of reach of a
of the ‘string’
advice against which proposals for fireman’s ladder’ but the safest
tall buildings will be considered present day definition is one which
Tall urban blocks of Infirmary > and assessed. It will provide the Commission for Architecture and
Street with the 21 storey tower
of the Park Plaza Hotel guidance regarding where tall the Built Environment and English
terminating the view buildings should and should Heritage use in their guide:-
not be built and provide the
necessary degree of certainty for A tall building is one which
property developers. As well as
providing supplementary support
is substantially taller than its
to Development Plan Documents neighbours and/or which
as part of the Local Development significantly changes the
Framework the document aims skyline.
to demonstrate the importance
of design and urban design in
achieving distinctive quality It seeks also to reinforce the
buildings appropriate and existing but varied positive
compatible with their locations. qualities of Leeds by securing the
By setting out strategic principles, Windturbines
highest standard of design that
visual damage, for example to erected on the
itself will contribute to, rather than
the historic cores, can be avoided ground and on
damage, local distinctiveness,
and high quality development will top of existing
whether it be by integration into
be able to enhance Leeds for the structures will
the local context, or, on a wider
benefit of inhabitants, workers, be considered as
city scale, by fitting into and
visitors and businesses. if they were tall
enhancing the urban silhouette
and skyline.


<< Bridgewater Place, view

from Call Lane, is visible from
many places within the city
centre and beyond

< Whilst 10-12 storeys would

generally be regarded as
< tall, within the city centre there
are areas where they have
become the norm, as seen in
these views along Park Row
where they are regarded as
part of tall urban blocks

Office and residential

storey heights are
usually different.
Proposed heights
in metres (including
plant rooms) will be
more accurate and

When one considers that some Study Area

proposed large city centre blocks
are in the region of 10 to 14 This document is mainly concerned
storeys compared to existing with the city centre of Leeds as
towers which are only a few was defined by the City
storeys higher, it is clear that Centre UDP Boundary.
proposals for tall city centre The post war
blocks could unacceptably avoid building programme
the more intensive examination has resulted in over Leeds Metropolitan District
process which tall buildings have 120 tower blocks Boundary Map

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567 2009.
to undergo. It should however, constructed outside this
still be possible to identify tall Railway
boundary. Consequently the view
building applications because has been taken that strategic Motorway
the built form in the city centre principles and design details
is of a consistent height e.g. the ‘A’ Road
referred to in this document
general 4 to 6 storey shopping will be relevant to existing and Leeds Metropolitan
quarter and the 6 to 8 storeys proposed tall buildings within the
District Boundary
of the business quarter west of district of Leeds. Following the
the city centre. Consequently, visual deterioration of the Leeds Settlement pattern
applications for tall buildings which urban and suburban landscape
are substantially taller than the due to the ‘pepper-potting’ legacy
surrounding buildings can easily of post war construction, the
be categorised. The City Council Council wishes to discourage the
takes the view that any proposal construction of additional tall
which is more than 14 storeys (as blocks outside the city centre
a rule of thumb) could qualify as unless there are exceptional
a tall building, notwithstanding its circumstances. Such proposals will
immediate 10–12 storey context, be judged on their own merits in
on the basis that there would be a line with guidance.
change to the Leeds skyline.
Blocks in the
Leeds District
Existing Tall
Tall block
City Centre

This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of
Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
© Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and
may lead to civil proceedings. Leeds City Council. 1000 19567 2009.
1. Existing Situation


The city core, containing its retail < Leeds district topography
and commercial activities, has showing how it rises up to
Topography maintained a regular 4-7 storey
height to most of its buildings
create a rim around the
bowl of the city centre

/ Character mainly in the Conservation Area,

and where additional storeys Leeds Town Hall tower and

The existing scene reveals developed they flanked The the Civic Hall spires provide
the River Aire meandering through Headrow. Post War construction a distinctive silhouette within
the city centre
the city, having formed a broad has resulted in much taller
valley plain from Kirkstall to buildings and blocks mainly along This view northwards shows how

Stourton. The local topography Stourton the Parkinson Building tower at
the north south spine referred to
Leeds University dominates and
consists of ridges and spurs of previously, and taller residential together with the adjacent church
land, but in general it slopes to towers beyond the city core. spires creates a distinctive skyline
City Centre
the river plain with the city
centre being in the centre of a
segmented horseshoe of land
mass. Unless travel into the city Travelling towards the city centre the distinctive white tower of the
is along the river plain, the one can experience many of the University’s Parkinson Building
general impression for most 131 individual social housing make the skyline significant and
visitors is one of descending tall blocks, some of which contribute to time honoured vistas
into the city centre where the are distinctive e.g. Cottingley not only into but also out of the
concentration of tall buildings is Towers, and clusters at Seacroft, city. Previously within the city
as a north to south spine Burmantofts and Beeston. The the historic Leeds Town Hall, the
coinciding with Park Row and more attractive landmarks are Civic Hall spires, The Parish Church
Albion Street (as referred to and the existing churches at Armley, and Holy Trinity Church had a
illustrated in the City Centre Urban Headingley, Harehills and stronger impact than is now on the
Design Strategy (CCUDS)). Richmond Hill which together with city centre urban silhouette.

1. Existing Situation - Topography and Character

This 2008 view shows how the


Cottingley Towers punctuate the

landscape on the approach to
Leeds down the M621 from the west
The City Centre Urban >
Design Strategy
(CCUDS) provides
useful information on
the city centre
Various character areas >>
of Leeds City Centre.
Analysis by John Thorp
Civic Architect in the
Renaissance Leeds study

The City Centre Urban Design

Strategy (CCUDS) and
Renaissance Leeds (urban
renaissance visioning exercise and
study) both recognised that the
city core contains a rich variety
of places and neighbourhoods of
different character, urban grain
and scale. Past and present
social and economic forces have
moulded the city, its character
and its infrastructure into what it
is today – pieces of urban jigsaw

or mosaic joined together to make
a lively composition.

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567

This document recognises the
importance of the topography of
Leeds, its urban form and grain
in shaping its character, special
identity and sense of place, not
only within the regional scene but
nationally and internationally.

1. Existing Situation - Policy Context

All development will be

expected to create excellent
design that protects and
enhances those elements < The Leeds Unitary
Development Plan (Review
which contribute to the distinct 2006) (UDP) provides the
current policy framework for
identity of the City and places development in Leeds - work
within the District. is currently taking place on
its replacement - the Local
Development Framework (LDF)

Policy Context CABE and English Heritage.

Guidance on Tall Buildings.
Policies CC3: City centre
One of the UDP’s main strategic
aims for the city is embodied
CC4: City centre gateway in SA9: Aspirations for the
This guide should be read
City Council Policy and developments city centre – To promote the
in conjunction with National
Guidance:- CC5: City centre conservation development of a city centre which
The Leeds Unitary Development area supports the aspirations of Leeds
PPS1: Delivering Sustainable
Plan (Review 2006) includes CC6: High building development becoming one of the principal
Development – Describes
relevant policies to tall buildings CC7: Redevelopment of tower cities of Europe, maintaining and
Planning’s role in securing well
however these polices do not blocks enhancing the distinctive character
designed sustainable development
seek to make site allocations. The CC8: New development which the centre already possesses.
and its responsibility to reject poor
relevant policies are:- CC9: Existing public space Its other objectives are to secure a
UDP Policy SA1: Environment CC11: Street and pedestrian high quality city centre environment,
PPS3: Housing – Good design
– It is about safeguarding and corridors to secure a more vibrant city centre,
applied to sustainable residential
enhancing the unique qualities CC12: Public space and to provide a focus accessible to all
and ‘sense of place’ of the Leeds connectivity the community and to identify and
PPS6: Planning for Town Centres
district. CC13: Public space and design promote development opportunities.
PPS8: Open Space Sport and
Outdoor Recreation
UDP Policies regarding building Emerging Core Strategy –
PPS12: Local Spacial Planning –
design:- UDP Policies regarding urban Preferred Approach:-
Local development Frameworks
Policies BD2: Design and siting design:- SC8: Design, Conservation and
PPG8 – Affect on
of new buildings, BD4: Plant Policies N12: Priorities for urban Landscape – All development will
telecommunications and
equipment and service areas design and Policy N13: Design be expected to create excellent
telecommunication corridors.
BD5: Amenity and new buildings and new buildings: the design of design that protects and enhances
PPG13: Transport – Sustainable
BD5A: Alterations and all new buildings should be of those elements which contribrute to
and integrated transport systems
Extensions high quality and have regard the distinct identity of the city and
PPG15: Planning for the Historic
BD14: Floodlighting to the character and appearance of places within the district.
Environment – Planning guidance
their surroundings.
relative to historic environments,
UDP Policies regarding the city
conservation areas and listed
centre, the skyline, prestige Good contemporary design
buildings. < Sketch of view west down
development areas and street which is sympathetic or New York Road (drawn 2006)
scenes and spaces:– complementary to its
setting will be welcomed.

1. Existing Situation - Policy Context

The Ten Urban Design Principles > Transport Policy T2: New transport and taxi services and
provides principles for all development should normally i) should ensure that necessary
involved in the development
process in Leeds be served adequately by existing infrastructure for new services is Ten Urban Design These principles respond directly to
or programmed highways or by included in the development; and Vision 2, LCC mission statement,
improvements to the highways iii) make adequate provision for core values and the themes
network which are funded by the easy, safe and secure cycle use in the Council Plan (creating
For use by Leeds City Council in its
developer via planning conditions and parking; and iv) additionally better neighbourhoods and
day to day development activities.
on planning permissions or in the case of residential confident communities, making
planning obligations, and will development, be within convenient the most of people, competing
Renaissance Leeds 1. INVESTING Effectively –

provides a framework to not create or materially add to walking distance of local facilities in a global economy, integrated
Recognise that good design is
transform Leeds into a problems of safety, environment and not create problems of transport, and, looking after the
distinctive, diverse, dynamic good business
or efficiency on the highway personable accessibility. environment).
and evolving city for the 2. WORKING Together – Get the
future without destroying its network; and ii) be capable of
continuity with the past being adequately served by public Leeds City Centre Urban Design team right
All these principles should be used
Strategy (CCUDS) 3. INVOLVING The Community together to support and steer the
Leeds City Centre Urban Design – Make places for (and by) work of all LCC Departments and
Strategy explains and develops the people be part of our commissioning,
urban design approach of the City 4. REGENERATING Throughout design, procurement, negotiation
Council and celebrates the many Leeds – Close the gap and and other processes. These should
distinctive qualities of the city move forward also be advocated beyond the work
centre. It provides a working tool of the Council – for use by our
5. DELIVERING Sustainable
which can be used to encourage partners and all those influencing
Environmental Solutions –
good, distinctive design proposals urban design quality throughout
Provide for future generations
appropriate to Leeds City Centre. Leeds (including investors,
Using a cyclical process that 6. CREATING Excellent New
developers, designers etc.).
involves audit, analysis and Places – Talk a visionary
aspirations, it provides principles, approach
In order to avoid any
examines strategic issues and 7. IMPROVING Existing Identity misinterpretation regarding
explores character areas. – Analyse and enhance the applications for tall buildings, the
character City Council endorses the views
Neighbourhoods For Living – 8. CONNECTING Places – Create of CABE and English Heritage
Neighbourhoods for Living >
provides guidance for Residential Design Guide visual and physical links which emphasise that each case
residential development that is ‘Neighbourhoods for living’ must be judged on its merits,
appropriate for its context 9. MANAGING The Investment –
provides the Leeds dimension for even if a tall building already
Look after the place
national urban design guidance on exists nearby or on the site in
10. REVIEWING Our Work –
residential development. The guide question, and be assessed as if
Improve continuously
specifically provides further clarity no previous consent had been
for developers and designers given. Consequently, an existing
regarding themes and principles of tall building in an area or on the
residential design, the character “Good design provides the same site will not necessarily
and essence of Leeds and the background to everybody’s lives justify its replacement with a new
submission requirements and and can help bring communities tall building.
analysis based process. together. It develops a sense of
local pride and creates lasting
confidence.” (Vision 2 – high
quality design is a cross-cutting
issue, and thriving places is one of
the eight strategic themes.)

1. Existing Situation - Policy Context

Vision aim – Going up a cities with dramatic but unique < Susie Kim and John
league as a city – making skylines recognised worldwide. Thorp’s concept sketch of
a new central structure in
Leeds an internationally Leeds also has the opportunity Renaissance Leeds into
competitive city, the to develop a distinctive which other development
best place in the country identity reflecting its own will plug - Note the cluster
of towers south of the river
to live, work and learn particular circumstances –
with a high quality of a fundamental point missed
life for everyone – with a by many other town and city
reputation for environmental authorities which have allowed the
excellence. Developing Leeds’ ‘anywhere’ type of tall buildings
role as the regional capital. with poor quality street spaces to
creep into their environments with
Cities such as Edinburgh, London, devastating results. This guide < Vision for Leeds provides
a coherent way forward to
Renaissance Leeds New York, and San Francisco seeks to emphasise the importance
create an internationally
have evolved in response to of the need for tall buildings to competitive city that
The Renaissance Leeds Study their own particular factors and become synonymous with their people will want to live,
forces at work, developing into surroundings by bonding with and work and play in
(unpublished but due to be
adopted) is about continuity relating to the varied
and transformation in a diverse, character areas
dynamic and evolving city. It has of Leeds.
produced proposals for a well
connected city and principles
to guide the development of a
sustainable city. It has recognised
the increased demand for tall
buildings. Two of its themes have
particular relevance to, and have
influenced, this document.

Skyline Leeds – added together,

gateway ideas, the existing
distinctive ridge line definition
and other key locations e.g
large scale infrastructure, to
produce an illustrative idea for a
distinctively, recognisably, ‘this-
Vision for Leeds 2004 to could-be-Leeds’ skyline.
Mosaic Leeds – an analysis
Released in early 2004, the Vision of the inner city areas which
for Leeds 2004 to 2020 is the has recognised the numerous
second community strategy for various sized character areas
< Mosaic Leeds City Centre
Leeds. It is based on the principles all in close proximity which from Renaissance Leeds
of sustainable development and its presented on plan reveal a rich showing some distinct
character areas
purpose is to guide the work of all array of pattern – similar to a
partners to make sure that long mosaic.
term aims are achieved.

1. Existing Situation - Existing Views and Settings

Existing Views and Settings

Leeds City Centre view >

from Belle Isle on the
southern rim showing
the panoramic views over
the city centre in 2008

The Leeds city centre skyline and that meets the River Aire. Land amongst the 60’s to 80’s buildings,
its immediate areas offer up a spurs within this topography also many of which, in terms of quality,
number of panoramas some of obstruct long distance views of the look tired and struggle to create
which appear dramatic for those city but this helps to create visual the same impact as their historic
living near by and for many drama for travellers as the city neighbours e.g. The Town Hall,
visiting the city. This is due to the unfolds close to their city centre Civic Hall and the University’s
local topography which generally destinations. Unfortunately, for Parkinson Building Tower.
rises up in most directions those experiencing the dramatic
away from the city which itself distant panoramas, expectations
2006 view from west showing is situated on a gentle incline to many prove disappointing as

that the Parkinson Building, they approach the city centre

Civic Hall and Town Hall are
still recognisable despite all the
existing high rise development
that has already taken place

This is a label This is a
label This is a label This
is a label This is a label
< This is a label This is a

©GeoPerspectives 2006

Key Distant Panoramic 1a South West Approach 2d View from Armley 5a Views from North East 7b Views from South – Bottom
from M621 – Wetherby Road of Belle Isle (A6110)
Views of the City
3 North West approach
1b South West Approach from Kirkstall Valley 5b View from Roundhay Park 8a View from Belle Isle Estate
from Geldard Road (A62)

Key distant panoramic 4a View from North - the 6a Views from Eastern Approach 8b View from Beeston Hill
views of the city
2a View from Cabbage top of Scott Hall Road – Edge of Mabgate (A64)
Hill Upper Wortley / Buslingthorpe (A61)
9a Views of City Centre
2b View from Gotts 6b View from York Road from South
Park Armley 4b View from Buslingthorpe / Richmond Hill (A64)
/ Sheepscar
9b Views from South
2c View from Bramley 7a Views from South East
/ Town End / Stourton (A61)
10 View form Temple Newsam

1. Existing Situation - Existing Views and Settings

1a South West Approach >

from M621
Dramatic but distant panorama of
whole city. The University Parkinson
Building tower stands out as a
most prominent form – occupying
the highest position within the city

1b South West Approach >>

from Geldard Road (A62)
Distant panorama of the city
Parkinson Building still dominant

2a View from Cabbage Hill >

Upper Wortley
Dramatic and elevated 270
degrees view of the city and
its inner city areas

2b View from Gotts Park >>

Dramatic view framed by the
landscape of Gotts Park which
emphasises the slope within the
city centre

2c Views from Bramley >+

/Town End >>
Distant views of area to south of
the city centre with the Bridgewater
Tower structure prominent

1. Existing Situation - Existing Views and Settings

<< 2d View from Armley

View of city centre from
residential area of Armley
with Town Hall prominent
despite being surrounded
by other tall blocks

< 3 North West approach

from Kirkstall Valley
Only part of city
panorama revealed due
to topography. View may
benefit from visual stop/

<< 4a View from North

- the top of Scott Hall
Road /Buslingthorpe
Dramatic silhouette
with Parkinson Tower

< 4b View from

Dramatic view of North
Eastern part of the city
centre with grouping of
existing towers prominent
as a cluster

<< 5a Views from North

East – Wetherby Road
Well beyond the city
centre occasional views
arise. In this case the
Parkinson Tower

< 5b View from

Roundhay Park 2009
Showing recently
constructed student block

In considering planning
applications for tall
buildings, their effects on
views from a Registered
Park and Garden will be
a material consideration.
6a Views from Eastern >
Approach – Edge of
Mabgate (A64)
Dramatic views of the existing
and distinctive cluster of
towers that occupy high
ground to the North East side
of the city centre

6b View from York Road >>

/ Richmond Hill (A64)
First impression of the city for
travellers using the A64.

7a Views from South East / >

Stourton (A61)
Distant flat valley view
– not so dramatic but the
Parkinson building remains

7b Views from South >>

– bottom of Belle Isle (A6110)
Dramatic cityscape with most tall
buildings visible but the north south
spine not very apparent

8a View from >

Belle Isle Estate
Dramatic view of the city centre
for residents of Belle Isle

8b View from Holbeck/ >>

Beeston (2006)
Views of city with all tall buildings
prominent. A contrast with the
existing forms in Holbeck

9a & 9b Views of City Centre >

from South
Dramatic views of city
centre and its skyline from
Holbeck Moor 2005

10 View from Temple Newsam >>

Recent (2009) view of
new city skyline

This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of

Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.


© Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and

may lead to civil proceedings. Leeds City Council. 1000 19567 2009.
the City

Key Local

of the City

1a, 1b, 1c, 1d

From Holbeck Urban

M58 near Quarry Hill

7 From footbridge over
From Rail Routes into

5 From Inner Ring Road

4 From M621 Junction 3

6 From South East – East

& 2b From Sheepscar
and Buslingthorpe Lane
& 1e

1a >
View from south west
View of city centre from railway
bridge with the west Inner Ring
Road (A58(M)) evident
in the foreground

1b >
1c >>
Sequence of views from
The impact of new developments
evident from railway approach to
Leeds Station

1d >
1e >>
From Rail Routes into the City
Previously approved schemes
and those in construction may
obstruct future views
– particularly views of the
Town Hall and Civic Hall

2a & 2b >+
From Sheepscar and >>
Buslingthorpe lane
Dramatic views due to local
topography and landscape of
residential towers/cluster
of Little London

1. Existing Situation - Existing Views and Settings

<< 3 From Holbeck Urban

Occasional part views of
the city with view of Town
Hall at end of Marshall

<4 From M621

Junction 3
View of city and skyline
which reveals itself for
M621 travellers

<< 5 From West Inner

Ring Road (A58(M))
Elevated stretch of road
provides dramatic views
of city centre and Town

< 6 From South East –

East Street
Limited views of the
city due to existing and
proposed development

< 7 From footbridge over

A58(M) near Quarry Hill
View of existing cluster
of tall buildings located
near Merrion Centre

2. Existing
Tall Building

Many of the existing tall There are a variety of uses for tall refurbishment and change of use
buildings along the north/south buildings, the main ones of which has led to the retention of all but
ridge date from the late sixties/
early seventies and are are considered separately. one of those 60’s to 80’s towers.
very much of their time
as shown with: In general they are not
regarded as significant pieces of
West Riding House > Existing tall office towers have architecture, although Ventura
Albion Street mainly developed along the north could be regarded as an
(top right, bottom right)
/south ridge line topography as a interesting essay in design for its
Merrion House result of city centre policy of the time. Not many have contributed
Merrion Centre late 60’s, 70’s and 80’s with City to the street scene with, for
(middle centre)
House, West Riding House, Merrion example, West Riding House’s
House, Tower House and Ventura failure in closing the important
Ventura House
Clay Pit Lane (previously Hepworths) being vista down Albion Place. They
(middle right) notable examples. Their locations have, however, assisted in
have proved successful to some creating a visual definition to
Tower House
Merrion Way extent due to their proximity the city centre when seen from
(bottom centre) with other city centre usages and a distance as a north to south
transport facilities. Recladding, spine.

Aerial photograph of north/


south ridge of tall buildings

(from CCUDS analysis)

2. Existing Tall Building Usage

< The apartments of the

City Island development
at Gotts Island step up
as they curve round to
create an interesting
sculptural form

New Apartments < The apartment

development along
Certain inefficient patterns of Whitehall Road front the
river and railway station
development are not sustainable
and delineate the edge
in the city centre. The need to of the city centre
optimise the use of land and
reduce overall land take together
with efficient and sustainable
patterns of development has
resulted in the growth of
apartment blocks mainly on either
side of the River Aire, with large
developments at Aireside, Gotts
Island, Sweet Street and The Calls
being notable examples.
These have resulted in localised
built form of varied scales and << This student block on
heights, e.g. 6 to 8 storeys in Burley Road provides a
focal point on the journey
Sweet Street and 14 to 16 storeys
in Aireside.

Student Housing < Whilst opposite is OPAL, a

new urban block of student
Recent growth of student
accommodation has prompted
many applications for large blocks
of accommodation which have
generally been 8 to 12 storeys in
height and proposed mainly for the
Burley Road area to the west of
the city centre.

Student accommodation proposed

for the Clay Pit Lane, former
Little Londoner and BBC sites has
resulted in the construction of
three tall buildings in the highest
part of the city. Notwithstanding
any individual design quality
these may have additional merit
since they have been proposed
in a zone where tall buildings will
be acceptable and because they
can complement other adjacent
existing tall towers to form part of
a cluster formation.

2. Existing Tall Building Usage

Examples of social housing >

towers (formerly Council flat

blocks) are peppered around the

former Leeds County Borough
area beyond the city centre

Social Housing Towers

In December 2003 there were

131 post-war tower blocks
throughout the Leeds district.
Many ‘pepperpot’ the outer areas
of the city and some encroach into
the city centre with others clearly
affecting the skyline. Blocks tend
to be 15, 18 and 20 storeys high
with two at 25 storeys. They have
been constructed using various
system building techniques. The
The flats at Marlborough Towers >> resultant spaces around and
Burley Road provide an
end stop to the view down. The between tall residential towers
Headrow and Westgate have in many cases produced low
quality environments leading to
progressive neglect.
These blocks which are part of >
Leeds Metropolitan University Other uses
on Portland Way have now
been reclad and updated
Educational and hotel buildings
are the other main uses for tall
buildings in Leeds City Centre.
Leeds Metropolitan University and
Leeds College of Technology have
accommodation in the form of
tall towers which form part of the
north/south spine of tall buildings.
Similarly placed along the spine
and adjacent to City Square, Park
Plaza was an office building but
has been converted into a hotel
circa 2003.

2. Existing Tall Building Usage

The concrete tower block
on Albion Street that was
formerly Dudley House
offices has been reclad
and refurbished to form K2
with its apartments to bring
this outdated building back
into beneficial use

Park Plaza Hotel is a reclad
and refurbished office block
on the corner of City Square
and Boar Lane which sits
on a podium of restaurants
and bars. It illustrates
that tall buildings can be
adapted to have uses other
than residential or office,
and can be rejuvenated

Residential buildings have had a < Recent tall buildings and

major impact on the city centre blocks that form a ‘string’
alongside the River Aire
and its neighbourhoods and it is
important not only to accept their
key role but to acknowledge that
they can make a valid contribution
to a higher quality of life and


Tall buildings can:-

Offer viable solutions to city

centre living
Respond to the crisis of
affordable housing
Facilitate those who keep
services running
Alleviate strain on public
transport < Recently
Recent Trends West of the City / Burley
completely student
Road Reinforce existing business
accommodation OPAL
areas on Burley Road is a
Waterfront Cater for significant 9/10 storey urban block
There has been recent activity
population growth in a
with a 14/15 storey
of establishing tall buildings tower - a mixture of
Waterfront locations have in sustainable manner providing
containing student residences block and tower form
recent years offered opportunities, lessons have been learnt from
along Burley Road. This has
with development having occurred the mistakes of the past
probably been due to developers
along Brewery Wharf with more Meet the needs of young
taking advantage of cheaper
being planned and progressed professionals who wish
sites to the west of the City
for the Aireside Site. Sites to to enjoy the metropolitan
Centre and their proximity
the east of the city have the lifestyle
to the University. Recent
potential to offer new urban form Contribute towards the urban
applications have been of up to
and landmarks as did the former renaissance
a 12–15 storey scale which will
Hunslet Mill to this area. Could facilitate renewable
result in tall blocks positioned
close to each other rather than energy eg. wind turbines
Water can benefit from reflections
individual tall buildings.
of tall buildings by day and by
night e.g. The Clarence Dock
Basin, River Aire.

Design Considerations

3 Strategic Issues
4 Design Detail

“Can you justify a tall building for Leeds?”

3. Strategic Issues

Constraints – Protecting Settings, Views and Vistas

There is a need to preserve the Key Strategic Principles
prominence of the Town Hall, Civic
Hall, Leeds Parish Church, the Locate tall buildings in the
University’s Parkinson Tower and right place, to integrate
adjacent church spires as defining them into and make them
structures of Leeds. Public spaces compatible with their
and squares such as Park Square
and other important settings,
river frontages, key views and Enhance skylines, views
street scenes, particularly in and settings.
conservation areas, need guarding
and protecting from visually Protect and preserve areas
intrusive forms. A view protection of special character and
framework is referred to as interest, principal views
across the city and historic
It is unlikely that applicants will
receive support for tall buildings Ensure that new tall
which cause visual harm and
buildings have a good
impact on the following:-
relationship with the street,
Listed buildings and
movement patterns
Conservation Areas. and transport facilities,
Historic building area creating high quality public
roofscape and silhouette. space at the same time.
Town Hall, Civic Hall,
Corn Exchange and Leeds Ensure that tall buildings
University Parkinson Tower. assist in the legibility of
Leeds shopping arcades and the city and contribute
historic street scenes. strongly to a sense of
Important vistas e.g. The
Headrow viewed east and
west, vista up Park Row. Make tall buildings
Views from the main historic environmentally
spaces of Park Square,
Leeds Metropolitan University New tall buildings can intrude into London is establishing its London
sustainable and

Woodhouse Square, Hanover

forms poor backdrop to the view time honoured vistas and skylines, View Management Framework Square and urban parks.
of Leeds Civic Hall spires looking
along East Parade so it is important to ensure that Draft SPG (refers to the Historic riverside frontages Promote the highest
they do not have a negative management of 26 key views). Holbeck Urban Village.
UDP Policy SA1: impact on historic and significant
design quality for
To secure the highest possible quality of environments. Therefore existing tall buildings and their
environment throughout the District, by
protecting existing good environment, and views and settings of certain Any proposals need composition resulting in a
conserving and enhancing where there is buildings and landmarks need to be assessed distinctive, recognisable,
scope for improvement, including initiating
the renewal and restoration of areas of poor
protection. against their impact “this could only be Leeds”
environment - It is about safeguarding and on views of those skyline.
enhancing the unique qualities and ‘sense of
place’ of the Leeds district.
Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
3. Strategic Principles

© Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and

This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of

may lead to civil proceedings. Leeds City Council. 1000 19567 2009.
Constraint 1 – Zones of
Zone of sensitivity - where a
tall building is likely to have
a negative impact on the

Restricted tall building zone

where proposed heights will
be determined by the visual
impact of a tall building
proposal on the setting

Outer restricted zone where

higher tall buildings will be
acceptable subject to no
negative impact on the

This composite plan shows how

the zones of sensitivity overlap
and interact with each other. On
the following pages the individual
zones are considered separately
providing added clarity.

The following zones and sectors

have been identified for special
control in order to protect
important silhouettes, skylines,
buildings, street scenes, vistas
and public spaces from the visual
impact and physical proximity of
tall buildings:-

1 Leeds Town Hall and Victoria 5 Millennium Square Tall buildngs of architectural See page 34 for relatonship
Square including The Garden merit will not be accepted if their with tall buildings beyond zone.
6 Queens Square
of Rest relationship to the local context
7 Hanover Square
2 Leeds Parish Church of St. Peter, is regarded to have a negative
Corn Exchange and Leeds Market 8 Woodhouse Square impact on that context.
3 St. John’s Gardens and St. John’s 9 Leeds University Parkinson
Church Building 1936 (on page 38)
4 Park Square

3. Strategic Principles


© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567 2009.
(London Planning Advisory
Committee/ Strategic Metropolitan
and Local Views –size of impact
areas was taken as a 300 metres
radius from the centre of the square
or garden. The extent of Leeds
zones are as explained below)

1 Leeds Town Hall and

Victoria Square including
The Garden of Rest
2 Leeds Parish Church of St.
Peter, Corn Exchange and
Leeds Market
3 St. John’s Gardens and
St. John’s Church

Leeds Town Hall and
Victoria Square including
The Garden of Rest
Landmark Grade 1 structure
of importance and key public
space both exhibiting civic
pride and the determination to
improve the image of Leeds.
Completed in 1858 the Town
Hall consists of a colonnade of
Corinthian columns raised well
above ground level with
a wide flight of steps and
grandiose entrance.
Extent of zone assessed to
provide quality of viewing
place which any tall structure
would have an impact on.
Note also that an assessment
of the view from the top of the
entrance steps will be a point
for consideration for
any tall building proposal
beyond the zone

3. Strategic Issues - Protecting Views, Vistas and Settings

< Example of sketch study to

determine the zone of sensitivity
around Leeds Town Hall
Existing building K2 was assessed
to be a logical boundary since
its visual impact at a distance of
300m is considered to be minimal
and acceptable

2 Leeds Parish Church of

< St. Peter, Corn Exchange and
Leeds Market
A collection of distinctive buildings
and the streetscapes of Kirkgate
and Cloth Hall Street where their
settings and sky backgrounds
could be visually harmed by the
intrusion of new tall buildings

< 3 St. John’s Gardens and St.

John’s Church
Built in 1632 and restored by
Norman Shaw it is positioned with
its graveyard within surrounding

3. Strategic Issues - Protecting Views, Vistas and Settings

Section indicates the role of >

Leeds Town Hall in setting the
zone of sensitivity and the
importance of graduation Leeds Town Hall
which in principle accepts tall
buildings just beyond the zone.
By setting maximum heights,
which can increase further Park Square
away from Park Square, tall
buildings can be prevented
from having a negative impact No Tall Building Zone No Tall Building Zone
within the sky background

The zone of sensitivity will ensure >> Frontages dominate

that firstly, the setting and
frontages will dominate he view
and secondly, tall buildings Leeds Town Hall
beyond the zone of sensitivity will
be subserviant to the setting

Park Square looking South,

4 Park Square >
Extent of zone determined by
distance from Town Hall and
existing high buildings of the
commercial quarter. This was
considered to be reasonable
guidance for the proximity of
any tall building which is likely
to visually harm the established
character and setting of Park
Park Square looking South East

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567. 2009.
Built between 1788 and 1810 as a
new high class estate containing
merchants’ houses. It has retained
the character of the 18th Century
square with its mature parkland
setting. Well mannered frontages
of porticoes and pediments
with its general 2 to 3 storey scale
has created a strong character
and sense of place
Photograph taken before
recent restoration

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567. 2009. 3. Strategic Issues - Protecting Views, Vistas and Settings

< 5 Millennium Square

Recently created public realm
offering a fine setting for important
buildings of Leeds e.g. The Civic
Hall (1933) with its 170 foot high
twin spires and imposing frontage,
and the Mechanics Institute, the
Electric Press building. Extent of
zone determined by nearest tall
buildings of K2 and the
College of Technology

< 6 Queens Square

Built around 1806 as regularly
planned residences around a
leafy square

3. Strategic Issues - Protecting Views, Vistas and Settings

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567 2009.

7 Woodhouse Square
Former private gardens
known as Hanover
Square Park completed
in 1828 by Joshua
Major, surrounded
by late Georgian
residential terraces

8 Hanover Square +>

Square consisting of >>
landscaped gardens
with residential terrace
properties built
in the 1840’s

Tall buildings in close

vacinity of these two
squares would ruin
and over shadow
their settings

3. Strategic Issues - Protecting Views, Vistas and Settings

< 9 Leeds University

Parkinson Building
A landmark clock tower
faced in Portland stone with
low pitched pyramid roof

Opal Tower, Clay Pit Lane

Tower at former BBC Site < Any tall buildings of a
Parkinson Building height that exceeds the
white line shown on the
photograph (the angle
of which is regarded to
be a reasonable visual
guide) will be regarded
as competing with the
Parkinson Building skyline
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Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
© Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and
Constraint 2

This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of
– Key Views

may lead to civil proceedings. Leeds City Council. 1000 19567 2009.
Diagrammatic only
Within The City

Tall buildings
key view

Tall buildings
periphery view

1 The Headrow - View West

from Briggate
2 The Civic Hall – view from
Millennium Square
3 City Square – view North
4 Park Row – Looking
North towards St. Anne’s
5 Boar Lane – Looking West
from Holy Trinity Church
6 Boar Lane – Looking East
towards Corn Exchange
7 Kirkgate - Looking East
towards Leeds Parish
8 Albion Place / Commercial
Street – Looking East
towards Leeds Market
9 Lane Ends – Looking
South towards Holy Trinity
10 Merrion Street – Looking
towards St John’s Church
11 Briggate – Looking South
12 Westgate – Looking east
towards The Headrow
13 Park Cross Street
14 Leeds Station Concourse
- Looking towards Tower
15 Town Hall – Looking down
Portland Crescent
16 Eastgate – Looking West
17 Vicar Lane - Looking
towards Leeds Market
18 Crown Point Bridge – River
View West
19 View down Cloth Hall
20 Parkinson Tower
21 Woodhouse Lane - View of
22 Hyde Park Corner
23 Granary Wharf - View of
Tower Works

The following key views will be considered when < 1 The Headrow - View West
from Briggate
processing applications. The sky background View framed by imposing
will be critical to the visual quality of these views. existing scale of buildings
flanking The Headrow with Leeds
Consequentially the introduction of tall buildings Town Hall at the end of the vista
within the sky background is likely to have a
negative impact. Applicants with proposals for tall
buildings flanking these views will be required to
agree verified camera views with planning officers.
<< 2 The Civic Hall – view from
Millennium Square
Imposing front elevation of the
Civic Hall with its two spires
forming a distinct piece of
architecture and silhouette

< 3 City Square – view North

View of one of the main public
spaces in Leeds with imposing
background of the former Post
Office building

< 4 Park Row – Looking North

towards St. Anne’s Cathedral
View framed by larger frontage
blocks of Park Row with the
cathedral form at the end of
the vista

<< 5 Boar Lane – Looking West

from Holy Trinity Church
Distinctive streetscape and

< 6 Boar Lane – Looking East

towards Corn Exchange
Sequence of viewing points
which contain key corner and
frontage buildings and the Corn

3. Strategic Issues - Protecting Views, Vistas and Settings

7 Kirkgate >
- Looking East towards Leeds
Parish Church
View containing the distinctive
form of Leeds Parish Church

8 Albion Place/ >>

Commercial Street – Looking
East towards Leeds Market
Views containing important
street scenes and Leeds Market
building at end of vistas

9 Lane Ends – Looking South >>>

towards Holy Trinity Church
View containing distinctive church
spire of Holy Trinity Church

10 Merrion Street - >

Looking towards
St John’s Church
View of historic building where
a tall building within the sky
background is likely to create a
negative visual impact

11 Briggate – Looking South >

Distinctive street scale and view

<<< 12 Westgate – Looking
east towards The Headrow
View containing Leeds Town
Hall and public spaces

<< 13 Park Cross Street.

Dramatic narrows view of the
Town Hall Clock Tower

< 14 Leeds Station Main

Concourse - Looking West
Recent tall building approvals
within this view corridor may
influence future applications
in order to perserve the view
of distant greenery and

<< 15 Town Hall – Looking

down Portland Crescent
Civic Hall assists in framing
important gap view of the
Town Hall

< 16 Eastgate – Looking

View of main street formed
and flanked by attractive
and unique well proportioned
buildings of distinction with
Town Hall structure ending the
street vista

3. Strategic Issues - Protecting Views, Vistas and Settings

17 Vicar Lane – Looking >>

towards Leeds Market Buildings
View containing imposing frontage,
form and silhouette of Leeds Market

18 Crown Point Bridge


– River View West

View containing rich assortment of
riverside buildings

19 View down Cloth Hall Street >

View of distinct and attractive
structure of the White Cloth Hall

3. Strategic Principles

20 Parkinson Tower

Woodhouse Lane vista
dominated by the University
Parkinson Tower and existing
church spires

< 21 Woodhouse Lane

- View of spires
A new tall building is likely
to create a negative visual

< 22 Woodhouse
Lane / Hyde Park Corner -
View of Parkinson Building
The Parkinson Tower is
a distinctive landmark
which contributes to the
attractiveness of the vista. A
new tall building within the sky
background would destroy
the view

< 23 Granary Wharf -

View of Tower Works
View of Lockkeeper
Gatehouse, Canal Bridge
and Italianate towers of Tower

Key distant panoramic ©GeoPerspectives 2006
views of the city

Constraint 3 – Important Panoramic Views out of the City
The topography of Leeds together It is felt that these will need a 1 South West 4 North East
with the distribution of built measure of protection in order not – View towards Cottingley – Towards Harehills and Burmantofts
form has created opportunities to erode that distinction and sense
for good views out of the city of place that they provide beyond 2 & 3 West
5 East
– Views of Armley – Towards Swarcliffe and Seacroft
centre – particularly for occupiers the city centre.
of tall buildings. Some of these
views offer well established and
attractive settings with distinctive
landmarks and forms, some that
could be visually compromised
by the addition of new tall
buildings whether adjacent, in the
foreground or as a backcloth.

3. Strategic Issues - Protecting Views, Vistas and Settings

< 1 South West – View towards

View over relatively flat plain of
land and buildings, including
Holbeck Urban Village, towards
Cottingley where the main stand of
Leeds United A.F.C.’s Elland Road
Stadium and the twin 25 storey
social housing towers are distinct
landmarks and are part of the vista
which includes distant views of
Morley Town Hall on the horizon

< 2 West – Views of Armley

Rising urban form containing key
landmark of Armley Prison

< 3 West – Views of Armley

Key landmark of the church of St.
Bartholomew which dominates the

< 4 North East - Towards

Harehills and Burmantofts
Traditional terrace forms resulting
in a sea of roofs that slope with the
topography which also contains
a pepperpotting of many social
housing towers which obstruct the

< 5 East – Towards Swarcliffe

and Seacroft
Distinct cluster effect of existing
social housing towers on the

Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
3. Strategic Principles

© Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and

This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of

may lead to civil proceedings. Leeds City Council. 1000 19567 2009w.
Conservation Areas

Extent of Conservation Area

Existing Tall Building

Existing Green Space

Landmark buildings and

important settings

1 Town Hall
2 Parish Church
3 St John’s Gardens
4 Park Square
5 Millennium Square
6 Queen Square
7 Woodhouse Square
8 Hanover Square
9 Parkinson Tower
10 Holy Trinity Church
11 Civic Hall
12 Leeds Market
13 Corn Exchange

Constraint 4 – approach of refurbishing existing
Conservation Areas buildings and protecting the historic
grain. Tall buildings do not usually sit
Much of the City Centre of Leeds comfortably in areas with a fine urban
is designated as a Conservation grain and historic street pattern. As
Area which contains well over well as Leeds City Council, CABE
seven hundred Listed Buildings and English Heritage will demand
and merits preservation and the highest standards, considerations
protection. Tall buildings where and sensitivity to safeguarding these
designed inappropriately without areas and encourage effective
due regard to the surrounding heritage management.
scale make bad neighbours in the
historic and traditional townscape. Any new buildings in the
The acceptance of tall buildings in Conservation Area should be
< Emerging tower behind St
the City Centre would significantly within approximately a storey Anne’s Church, St Anne’s
increase land values and could height of their neighbours. Square, Manchester will
Proposals which are a storey form a modern intrusion into
increase the pressure to redevelop the historic view
sites as opposed to a sustainable height more than existing
buildings will be treated on
their merits providing that no < The tall blocks and tower
create an inappropriate
detrimental affect on street modern intrusion onto the
scene and roof line/silhouette historic setting of Boar Lane
will occur and where key views and Trinity Church
cannot be undermined (this is in
accordance with the 2006 UDP). UDP Policy CC5:
All developments within the Conservation
Area or immediate setting must be designed
Any new development should
so as to preserve or enhance the existing
respect the context in terms of character of the area. The heights of new
scale, massing and choice of buildings there should normally relate to
those of surrounding buildings by being within
one storey height of them.

Leeds City Council regards the

historic skyline as an important
visual asset exhibiting a special
character and distinctiveness.
Proposals for tall buildings
should respect this skyline.

Even when outside, but

particularly for those situated
on the edge of, a conservation
area tall towers can still have
a major impact. They will be
treated on their own merits.

Any such harm has to be

balanced against the quality of
the proposed building and any
benefit it could bring.

Existing Conservation
Area near Park Row
Existing Tall Building Square

Conservation Area

Recently Constructed
Tall Building

The legacy of tall building

development during the 60’s-

80’s has created a north/south

spine where individual tall
buildings are situated at the

edges of the conservation areas


View of City Centre from

Bridgewater Place 2007

3. Strategic Issues - Locations for Tall Buildings

Locations for the importance of localising an

iconic building or one that acts as
Tall buildings a catalyst for wider regeneration,
contributing positively to the
Guided by existing policies CC4, urban and spatial framework.
CC6 and CC7, the need to protect
views and settings, the desire for The Transport, Local
gateways and landmark buildings, Government and The Regions
and the aim to create distinctive Committee’s Sixteenth report
urban form, the importance of Session (2001-2) made a
of locating tall buildings is number of recommendations.
paramount in implementing the It recommended that Local
strategy. Authorities identify areas which
are not appropriate for tall
buildings in their development
Gateway Buildings
Recent Trends
No doubt market growth, land
Transport Routes and
values and available development
West Riding House > space will test and probably
visually in conflict with the Clusters
historic buildings in Albion compromise a well detailed
Place which is within the strategy, nevertheless, a strong
conservation area Location can be influenced There are 4 areas designated
policy regarding the location of
General tall buildings is paramount in
by topography, microclimate, Prestigious Development Areas
overshadowing, ground levels and where tall buildings will be
protecting existing settings, views
There is significant demand for gradients. On the other hand, tall encouraged. These areas are
and skylines.
tall buildings – both residential, buildings can create visual impact on the fringe of the City Centre
Mill Hill Chapel > hotel and office accommodation. e.g. on an undulating landscape. and adjacent to the main routes
in City Square is dwarfed Tall buildings can be beneficial into the city. This should also
by the nearby tall buildings in the right places provided they Normally near to city cores result in cluster developments
which show a complete
lack of respect for this listed are of a high design standard. tall office buildings should be which is arguably where tall
building They can also raise densities and located close to and relate buildings in general look best
intensify uses on sites. to other large business and offer a good alternative to
buildings particularly where ‘pepperpotting’. Such clusters
Tall buildings located in the wrong growth around transport can act as gateways into the
UDP Policy CC6:
Outside Conservation Areas and their places can harm the quality of interchanges can begin or City Centre, contribute to urban
immediate settings and outside Gateway our environments and make continue the process of form and new public realm.
Locations, proposals for high buildings different places the same and sustainable patterns of urban
will be considered on their merits, taking
account of:- indistinguishable from each other. development and transport. Elsewhere outside the 4
The location of tall buildings areas referred to above tall
• Quality of design
should not be at the expense If Leeds is to attract buildings will be considered
• Effect on skyline and impact on
views across the city of the historic areas and should investment particularly from on their own merits.
• Effect on neighbouring buildings and prevent additional pressures large companies who want to
general street scenes on already congested and locate corporate headquarters They should follow rules of
• Their micro-climate effect on the overcrowded transport services in in tall buildings to convey scale, massing and alignment
immediate pedestrian environment in order to integrate
an area. Pepperpotting the urban prestige, appropriate sites are
landscape with individual tall required and planning needed themselves into the local
buildings has visibly damaged and so those sites are not decided context and appropriate grain
blighted many towns and cities by pressure from developers in the area, particularly at their
yet it is important to recognise and agents. connection with the ground.

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567 2009. 3. Strategic Issues - Locations for Tall Buildings

Development Areas

Prestige Development Area

Proposal Areas as shown in
UDP Review 2006

Recent Tall Building

Proposals for Leeds
- Since 2003

Tall building constructed or in

construction (storey height in
Tall buildings ‘in planning’ at
present or previously on hold
(storey height in numbers)

A Broadcasting Place

B Plaza

C Little Londoner/Wade Lane

D Lumiere

E Canal Basin

Tall building proposals F Bridgewater Place

in these zones will not G BBC Site
be allowed to exceed the
surrounding scale unless H Clarence Dock
a proposal can make a I Bridgehouse
significant gateway or
landmark contribution. J Monkbridge Forge Towers

K Criterion Place
Tall blocks of student
accommodation are likely to L Providence Tower, Greenbank
be accepted in zones already M Sweet Street City One
allocated for tall buildings e.g.
descending N Former Centrica
north of the city and adjacent
to the Inner Ring Road subject block form rather O Brunswick
to developments meeting other than tower form to comply with
P Kite/Spiracle
planning criteria. Elsewhere, e.g. present aspirations for the future
Burley Road area, tall buildings design of the western urban edge
here are to be mainly in of the city.

3. Strategic Issues - Locations for Tall Buildings

2005 sketch studies >

of existing and proposed
tall buildings indicating
thoughts and ideas

Existing tall buildings

Proposed tall buildings
(up to 2006)
Mega tall buildings

City House > The existing North-South spine and

over Neville Street and the concentration of tall buildings to
mini interchange at the the north of the city, all constructed Notwithstanding the existing
railway station in this view
from City Square in the 1960’s and 1970’s, spine and the emerging themes
together with previously approved of ‘strings’ and ‘clusters’ it was
tall buildings at gateways has also felt that the existing ‘tired
provided a legacy of tall buildings looking’ skyline should be broken
that struggle to give the city a dramatically with a few super tall
The view north from the > positive shape. Leeds’ aspiration iconic towers to assist in creating a
exit from the railway
station up Park Row to become a European city with new recognizable skyline that would
showing the ends of the status, together with various reinforce Leeds’s identity and sense
tall urban blocks formed tall buildings in the pipeline, has of place – an urban silhouette not to
by No1 City Square and
No1 Park Row that help prompted a reappraisal in which be confused with any other.
delineate City Square new opportunities have arisen to
redefine the city and its skyline. Hopefully the previous trend
towards pepperpotting the city with
The opportunity has presented tall buildings can change course
itself to reinforce the existing so that the future location of new
cluster around the Merrion Centre tall buildings are sustainable and
at the northern end of the spine can contribute to a more positive
and to create a new cluster at the structure of tall urban forms that
southern end. There have been will successfully integrate with the
recent applications for tall buildings existing grain of the city, respecting
to flank the inner relief motorway the historic areas and important
creating the potential for these to settings, to shape the city to make
be developed as ‘strings’. it more legible and attractive.
3. Strategic Issues - Locations for Tall Buildings

String Theme
Student block on the former BBC Student block on Student block on the former
Site building Clay Pit Lane Little Londoner Site Recently constructed tall buildings
2006-9 flanking the Inner Ring Road
reinforcing the strings theme.

< View from Eastern

approach to the city

View from Sheepscar

Cluster Theme

Recently constructed tall

buildings 2006-9 reinforcing
the existing Merrion Centre

< View from north - top

of Scott Hall Road

3. Strategic Issues - Locations for Tall Buildings

Landmarks / Gateway In accordance with UDP Policy CC4

Buildings ‘the City Council will encourage
developments at city centre
Strategically positioned tall gateway locations to be of an
UDP Policy CC4: appropriate scale and design
The City Council will encourage buildings can become landmarks
developments at City Gateway Locations and gateways to assist in the quality to reflect the importance
to be of the appropriate scale and design legibility of the city and to of the location at the entrances to
quality to reflect the importance of these the city centre’. City Centre Urban
locations at the entrances to the city centre. create points for orientation and
reference. Design Strategy refers to and
locates 3 categories of gateways
Bridgewater Place > because too many could make
at the southern gateway them less meaningful.
approach into the city from the
motorways seen in this view
from the city (exit) side. A landmark or gateway building
Architects - Aedas should be prominent, unique
and distinctive, designed to
perform its fundamental task
Arche de La Defense, Paris > properly.
is a striking gateway for the
western approach to the city A landmark or gateway building
should signal the arrival to the
city – a main marker along
a sequence of visual events
coming into or exiting the city.

A Landmark or gateway building

should be able to perform as a
beacon and give identity to a
place in its own right.

Cottingley Towers
punctuate the journey down the
M621 from the west to provide a
gateway even if only by accident

5. Overall Programme

< Former BBC site -

Landmark tower forms
end vista looking up
Woodhouse Lane

< This existing western

gateway into the central
area. The Park Lane /
Westgate junction with the
Inner Ring Road acts as a
focal point for the Headrow
(see View 1 p39) and is
within the setting of the Town
Hall (see Zone 1 p32) and
consequently is not an
appropriate location for tall
buildings. The adjacent
gateway, to the south (right,
out of picture), based on
Wellington Street has been
identified as the western
gateway for tall buildings
(taken circa 2005)

3. Strategic Issues - Clusters

A cluster of tall buildings >

creates an interesting skyline at
Canary Wharf, London in this
view across the River Thames

The cluster of towers and blocks v

of La Defense, Paris contrast
with a more famous landmark

Groups of high buildings are less
obtrusive and are in principle to
be preferred to a few dispersed
A more dense grouping >
of tall buildings in or lonely solutions. Clusters are
Central Toronto create desirable in the right places attention as a business quarter or Cluster Blocks need to be Traffic which clusters generate
a different skyline – away from neighbourhoods technology park. Clusters create transport effective since they and attract can be taken off the
but linked to public transport an opportunity for businesses will generate travel journeys and network before it reaches the
interchanges. Revised PPG 12 to work together and share movement which also have an already congested city centre.
on Development Plans sets out resources as well as being a focus impact on peak commuting times.
the importance of promoting for regeneration. Tall buildings Linked with transport interchanges
the expansion of clusters as a group can handle the or systems they can enhance
which can be concentrated in a environmental impact better than or relieve the existing transport
particular location, and drawing individual ones. infrastructure.


< View north of existing tall

building cluster and potential
new cluster in Leeds City

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567 2009.

Diagrammatic only

Existing Tall

Proposed Super
Tower (over 45

Proposed Super
Tower (over
45 storeys) in

Proposed Tall

Tall Building
constructed or in


Potential for new


3. Strategic Issues - Clusters

The tall towers and blocks >

of Little London, Tower
House and Elmwood Road
create an existing cluster

Early studies

of proposed new > Potential locations for Examples of

cluster by Keotter Kim cluster blocks:- Opportunities
with John Thorp at
Crown Point area
1 New locations (ruined landscapes/ Crown Point Area/ Bridgewater
brownfield Place
South of the River Aire near Potential for new pedestrian link
Crown Point Retail Park
into the city.
2 Existing high rise areas:- Walking distance from city
Elmwood Road / Claypit Lane centre and railway station.
– just north of the City Centre
Potential to take traffic off the
3 Gateway Locations :- network (M1, M62 & A1) before
Fringes of the City centre it reaches the city centre.
and adjacent to main routes
into the city Sculptural composition in flat
Including 1) and 2) above urban landscape.
Bridgewater Place Visual potential of closing the
West end of Wellington Street
vista looking down from the
Kirkstall Valley
As well as basic design criteria
Potential growth area
already established for individual
Links with Public Transport
tall buildings, designers of
Visual triangulation link with
buildings forming part of a cluster
other tall buildings
need to consider the following
factors and their interplay:-
Clay Pit Lane / Elmwood Road
Contribution to grouping and
visual composition The opportunity for improving Attractive silhouette and Potential to reinforce and
Physical spatial and visual and sustaining good transport form to enhance skyline visually improve existing
relationships with each-other and pedestrian links Landmark status – will also
‘widespread’ cluster.
Impact at ground level – The townscape context assist people to orientate Gateway opportunities for north
architecture, quality of spaces The impression of tall themselves side of City Centre and Inner
and public realm, microclimate buildings on people who are Civilised, humane and
Ring Road
and effect of shadowing and within a short distance away attractive street level Walking distance from City
cumulative shadowing The balance between clusters environments Centre
The merits of establishing and open space Critical mass and Regeneration opportunity
buildings at different heights opportunities for good Outside areas of strong
The merits of a common Aim should be to create:- transport links and conservation and architectural
or contrasting theme for regeneration
Distinctiveness in character
materials, detailing and architecture and form Contextual development One of the highest and
building forms Sculptural composition compatible with the wider prominent sites in the city.
area, its edges and its grain.

3. Strategic Principles

This is a label This is a

label This is a label This
is a label This is a label
This is a label This is a

The existing cluster 2008

formed by the towers and
blocks of Elmwood Road,
LMU site Tower House and the
Merrion Centre
Londoner Ventura
site site < The existing cluster
at the Merrion Centre
viewed from New York
Road / Quarry Hill
* *

< Sketch of proposals to

reinforce this existing
cluster at the Merrion
Centre (cicra 2006)

< Opportunities to reinforce

the existing cluster shown
in this view of City Centre from
* south
* Existing cluster at Merrion

Tall buildings submitted for

planning approval or pre
application discussions

* In construction 2008

Opportunities to reinforce existing clusters

3. Strategic Issues
- Movement and

Map show walking times >

from City Square and the
relationship to the ‘rim’

Movement and
The occupation and activities
associated with tall buildings
– particularly office towers,
generate a number of trips in a
focused area which could create
new pressures on an already
congested and overcrowded road
and transport system and parking
facilities. Applicants will be expected Applicants and their Applicants will need to refer
to submit a travel plan Contractors will also be to Leeds City Council Public
Tall buildings can act as catalysts accompanied by a transport expected to submit their Transport Improvements and
for activity around them, generating assessment – particularly proposals regarding Developer Contributions SPD
new uses for adjacent spaces and travel behaviour to and from a construction traffic activity and Travel Plan SPD.
buildings. They are strong drivers building during peak hours. It and limiting its impact on the
of infrastructure capacity and is advised to refer also to the local infrastructure. The Council desires high
can also become part of the local UDP and liaise with the West density development near to
spatial framework and help identify, Yorkshire Passenger Transport Applicants/developers will major transport routes and
reinforce and enrich it. Authority. need to pay the full costs of interchanges. Developers
relocating bus stops during may be requested to fund
Applicants will need to investigate Applicants and designers construction and back to their new infrastructure and other
the likely travel behaviour of should ensure easy access original position. local transport and parking
users and assess whether their by non car modes of travel objectives (see Public Transport
application would result in the – walking, cycling, public Improvements and Developer
existing transport system being transport. Contributions - Supplementary
heavily loaded or overloaded. Planning Document August 2008).

Thoughts on movement around towers

3. Strategic Issues - Movement and Connections

<+ The Leeds Railway Station

<< and Princes Exchange
buildings point their entrances/
exits at each other emphasising
the important link between tall
buildings/blocks and transport

< Existing and proposed Leeds

towers (between 32 and 50
storeys) positioned within 6-10
minutes walk of Leeds Railway
Station (Criterion Place was
shelved July 2008)

Criterion Place Bridgewater Place

UDP Policy T2:

New development should normally
i) be served adequately by existing
or programmed highways or by
improvements to the highways network
which are funded by the developer
via planning conditions on planning
permissions or planning obligations,
and will not create or materially add
to problems of safety, environment or
efficiency on the highway network; and
ii) be capable of being adequately served
Railway Station Lumiere by public transport and taxi services
and should ensure that necessary
infrastructure for new services is
included in the development; and
iii) make adequate provision for easy,
safe and secure cycle use and parking;
and iv) additionally in the case of
residential development, be within
convenient walking distance of local
facilities and does not create problems
of personable accessibility.

UDP Policy CC11:

The city council will assess the role of
city centre streets and implement further
schemes to create more and enhance
existing pedestrianised corridors and
to upgrade the street environment
generally. These schemes will respect
the historic character of the city centre,
its traditional paving material and
historic street settings where dominant.

3. Strategic Issues - Sustainability and Climate Change

Sustainability and Climate Change

Tall Buildings should aim Energy conservation and Location
to be carbon neutral sensitivity to environmental issues
if not zero carbon
(without offsetting) are now primary concerns. Tall Available land in prestigious
buildings present opportunities locations and brownfield sites will
for implementing sustainable attract tall buildings and assist
principles and practices. Well in maintaining a compact city,
designed tall buildings can be efficient land take and sparing
more sustainable than other other sites from development.
buildings because more efficient It is also important that tall
use of limited land together buildings are located close to
with recent technological good public transport. Clusters
Cartwright & Pickard > advances can make tall buildings of tall buildings sited around
Architects project for the
environmentally sustainable and public transport nodes (known as
living in the city competition
design and orientation is operational. the plugs and sockets principle)
used to capture solar heat will improve the efficiency and
and light
sustainability of public transport
as well as reducing car journeys
and congestion.
UDP Policy BD5A:
The design of all development should
maximise opportunities to conserve Orientation on plan
energy and water resources and use
materials appropriate to these aims.
Individual tall buildings can be
ideally suited to capturing wind,
heat and light energy from the
Sustainable Design > sun and the aim should be to Building shape / wind wind mitigation is a specialist area
and Construction create low energy footprints. effect and advice should be sought from
Supplementary Planning experienced practitioners.
Document (revised version
to be published shortly) to Relationship with In principle buildings with sharp
be read in conjunction
other tall buildings corners are not as aerodynamically Construction and
with this guide
efficient as those with rounded materials
Second and third towers are corners or round footprints. Shallow
always in the shadow of the floor plans are easier to sustain. New high rise construction techniques
original towers and this could offer economies of scale and
have adverse affects if not Good design can avoid adverse efficient use of land thus presenting
considered at the outset. wind conditions for pedestrians opportunities for implementing
but it can also exploit vortex sustainable construction practices.
wind forces to facilitate the use The aim should be to make
of helical wind turbines which can maximum use of sunshine, daylight
generate electricity. Stack effects and natural forces to reduce the
can exhaust stale air. use of non-renewable energy and
conserve our natural resources.
Appropriate mitigation in the form
Relationship of all building > of wind diffusers, resilient trees, Façade engineering – use
plan forms with the
resistance to wind forces podium buildings, large canopies of photovoltaic panels can
and appropriate building massing generate electricity from
More Less should be considered to prevent solar power and influence
excessive wind speeds. Design for architectural design.
Number of Gales
by Season


























Existing and Future The risk of gales in Leeds is likely < Bioclimatic Tower with
to be accentuated by: residential apartments
Climate Risks supported by sky
decks - Cartwright
Turbulent flow caused by the Pickard Architects
A Local Climate Impacts Profile
Pennines in a generally westerly
(LCIP) has recent been conducted
for Leeds. This report has
Multiple skin facades provide buildings without resorting Funneling of West/West North
identified a significant weather
high transparency with energy to triple glazing systems. related hazards experienced in West winds blowing through the
conservation. They have Alternatives to glass can offer Leeds district between 2002-2008. Aire and Wharfe Valley
many benefits in reducing good thermal insulation and Severe turbulence caused by
direct solar radiation and a different aesthetic. These This seven year period has shown tall buildings within an urban
subsequent heat gain as well should be pursued with regard Leeds to be vulnerable to wind topography
as increasing thermal and to policies on sustainable damage. Since 1985 Leeds has
sound insulation. They increase development and local and recorded a general increase in
the practical possibilities for national legislation (Agenda frequency of gales (definition of a
natural ventilation and improve 21 and Local Government gale, is mean wind speed >39mph
daylight whilst reducing artificial Act 2000). Inefficient for 10 minutes, typical gusts
light requirements. Individual materials and those from an >60mph) The Graph indicates
occupant comfort and control unsustainable source should be the number of seasonal gales
become a reality. avoided notwithstanding their recorded by LCC Met Station
Some designers argue that in attractiveness. located in Central Leeds. Gales are
view of recent changes to the most frequent during the winter,
building regulations e.g. Part but can be experienced during all
L, there is no justification seasons.
for 100% glass skins to

3. Strategic Issues - Sustainability and Climate Change


Future form for tall > Heat

buildings to collect rainwater Exchanger
run-off based on an idea from Podium
Make Architects

Tall building pile > Thermal

foundations can facilitate Energy
geothermal pipework Design for flexible use

A demand on a building
changes throughout its life with
occupiers possibly changing 6 to
7 times over a 50 year period.
It is important that internal
New concepts
design does not compromise
future use and does not lead to
Tall buildings becoming more
an increase in energy use and
‘intelligent buildings’ with
consumption when changes in
increased use of integrated
occupancy occur.
energy management systems
Bioclimatic Tower > combined with ‘green’ renewable
- Cartwright Pickard energy devices and underground
Architects Conservation and thermal energy storage for
Waste heating and cooling. Building
facades becoming more seasonal
Water conservation and and directional responding to
waste management should be changing climate. Benefits from
employed. Chamfered tops and ‘sky gardens’ and public realm
creating widening ‘skirts’ to at high levels, ground floor
buildings could catch rainwater functions and uses contributing
for use. to city life.

Photovoltaic panels >

at Park Lane College, Leeds -
Allen Todd Architects

3. Strategic Issues - Sustainability and Climate Change

< Roof windmill, Manchester.

Terry Farrell Architects

Wind turbines will be

considered as tall
buildings even if erected
on low rise structures

Interference < Wind turbine, Haworth,

West Yorkshire
Tall buildings and wind turbines
can cause severe interference and
downgrade the quality of reception
to televisions, radios and mobiles.
Applicants will need to consult
with ‘Arqiva’ (delivering the
governments’s Digital Switch Over
project) for:
Wind turbines with blade tip
heights that exceed 15 metres
Where an Environmental
Statement is required for any
structure exceeding 15 metres
in height to ensure that scoping
of the EIA includes consideration
of any potential impact on the
broadcast networks.

< Roof turbines erected

on Civic Centre,

3. Strategic Issues - Skylines

CCUDS map indentifying >

the north/south spine
that provides much
of the Leeds skyline

The intention is to develop a Redirection and restraint is
UDP Policy SA1:
The design and siting of new buildings distinctive silhouette for Leeds. required with tall buildings
should complement and, where possible, It is felt that the present skyline so that the city can develop
enhance existing vistas, skylines and could be broken dramatically as part of a meaningful
with a restricted number of composition and skyline
taller iconic buildings which will especially when seen from
create a new positive image and a distance. Built form as
‘sculpture’ a new skyline. They will a manifestation of land
distract the viewer away from the values is not enough and
existing collection of tall buildings has potential dangers. This
which themselves will become document aims to provide
‘background’ buildings. that direction and control as
a coherent strategy.

Existing skyline from Woodhouse

Lane car park looking northwest
showing the prominence of the
Parkinson Tower

Existing skyline from top of

Leeds General Infirmary, Jubilee
Wing looking southwest showing
the current prominence of the
Town Hall tower

3. Strategic Issues - Skylines

< City skyline / silhouette

from Scott Hall Road
area to the north of the
city. Historic structures
appear more clear
than modern buildings
because of their more
elaborate form, 2004

< City skyline / silhouette

from York Road, East
of the city. Indicating
existing cluster of tall
buildings near the
Merrion Centre, 2004

< Photograph of city

skyline / silhouette
from York Road 2008

New tall buldings are

visually reinforcing the
existing Merrion cluster

Sketch of the existing skyline

(2006) from the south
focused on the north/south
spine in the city centre

3. Strategic Issues - Skylines

Current analysis >

- Skyline Leeds
Renaissance Study
by John Thorp,
Civic Architect

Example of quality design >>

which deserves to be part of
the Leeds skyline. Proposal for
Leeds International Pool site
by MAKE Architects
recently abandoned

Conceptional sections >

- Skyline Leeds by John
Thorp, Civic Architect.
Note influence of
topography in shaping
the city skyline

3. Strategic Issues - Skylines

< Image of Leeds City

Centre looking south
indicating the aspiration
of breaking the existing
skyline with iconic

Restricted height zone University Leeds Bridgewater Criterion

between gateway tall Parkinson Town Place (in Place
Super proposed buildings and city centre Park
Lumiere Tower Hall construction) Plaza K2 Tower
tall buildings super tall buildings House
Relative heights < Shaping the City
of existing tall Centre skyline
buildings Simplistic diagram
revealing principle to
contain tall buildings
within zones, with lower
block height areas
inbetween. This will
assist in preventing
pepperpotting of tall
buildings within the
City Centre
4 minutes walking distance 4 minutes walking distance

It is important that skylines

are not ruined with
unsightly roof plant

3. Strategic Issues - Skylines

The contribution of existing >

tall buildings that can be
reclad and remodelled to
create visual improvement by
the use of new form, colour
and pattern as already
demonstrated by K2

Present Leeds skyline >

- Tall buildings reclad
after 1995

Elmwood Little
University Road Site Londoner
Parkinson Leeds Town
Ventura Site Site Hall
Future Leeds skyline >
- View from West

Proposed tall

Existing tall

3. Strategic Issues - Skylines

Key Opportunities The potential of a new cluster of The potential of local gateway
tall buildings to the south of the sites e.g. Either side of Clay Pit
Proposals for tall buildings city which can provide a visual Lane at its junction with the
between 40 and 60 storeys, stop to the SE view down the Inner Ring Road A64(M).
within 6-10 minutes walking Kirkstall Valley or the NW from
Sites adjacent to the Inner
distance from the railway Stourton as well as creating a
Ring Road A64(M) where tall
station, embracing modern distinctive landmark or southern
buildings can reinforce and
architecture of the highest gateway into the city.
visually enhance a line up of
standard to give an instantly The potential for reinforcing proposed tall buildings already
recognisable skyline image an existing cluster block to the approved for such locations.
of Leeds both regionally and north of the city containing
internationally but also as seen the tall building forms of The
from long distance from e.g. Merrion Centre, Technology
M621 (SW), Scott Hall Road College, Tower House and the
(NE) and Belle Isle (S) and Little London locality.
the M1.

Criterion Place
West Riding
Clay Pit Lane, Opal

Tower forms a gateway

from the north of the city

3. Strategic Issues - Skylines

Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

© Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and
Diagrammatic only

This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of

may lead to civil proceedings. Leeds City Council. 1000 19567 2009.


Opportunity for Cluster 2

around Merrion Centre

Opportunity for Cluster South

of the River Aire - this zone is
diagrammatic and applicants
will need to understand that 3
any tall building proposals
will be carefully considered
against the context of custer
development. Consequently,
applications for tall buildings
within this zone need to be
handled in a comprehensive
manner: it is unlikely that
individual/remote buildings
will be accepted 6
Super Tower Zone
- subject to restrictions 4

Existing Tall Buildings

Proposed Super Tower (over

45 storeys)
Proposed Tall Buildings

Approved Tall Buildings

Important structures of Leeds:

1. Parkinson building
2. Civic Hall
3. Town Hall
4. Holy Trinity Church
5. Corn Exchange
6.Leeds Market
7. Parish Church
8.Tower Works

Important squares of Leeds:

Park Square, Millennium
Square, City Square, Queens
Square, Hanover Square,
Woodhouse Square,
St John’s Church Gardens
and Victoria Square

Conservation Area

3. Strategic Issues - Skylines

Beyond the City << A tower block in

Manchester before
Centre improvements

< The same tower

A legacy of the post war block in Manchester
rebuilding programme – the after improvements
poorly designed blocks of the by H P Living
1960’s and 70’s – have been

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567 2009.
associated with vandalism and
social problems – far from the
ideal homes in the sky. On the No tower block should be
other hand the social reality has demolished if the local
meant that many have preferred community is to be broken up.
to remain in their high rise flats. Special communities should
The tower block however, has be sustained with improved
experienced a renaissance and living conditions and better
new developments in Manchester, maintenance
Liverpool, London and Birmingham Existing towers should be
are forcing people to reconsider. considered for imaginative
High rise may not be appropriate schemes of technical
for many especially families but refurbishment such as
with adequate security it can be physical improvements,
ideal for certain groups such as re-enveloping and re-topping
single people, young and old. to create positive visual impact
and contribution to the local
It is acknowledged that there is landscape Location of housing towers
beyond Leeds City Centre

potential for all these blocks with Existing towers to be more
their contribution to the visual distinctive through their
environment as well as sparing external treatment to
other sites from the pressure of strengthen local identity and
new development. It follows that community development
it will be important to consider the Existing clusters of tall buildings
following:- to be re-styled to exhibit
To retain or sell off rather than membership of the same family
demolition or abandonment e.g. through use of external
Demolition if tower blocks are treatments, colours and
not cost effective, structurally distinctive forms
unsound, unfit, beyond To acknowledge the strategic
salvaging and if tenants are importance of the two
themselves not settled or Cottingley towers as gateways /
attached to their blocks landmarks. Marlboro Towers as
No tower blocks of satisfactory an end to the vista west from
construction to be demolished the Headrow
without a refurbishment option Any improvement scheme
and cost benefit analysis should not be divorced from
particularly if they can link in improvements to the space
with local regeneration projects around or between buildings.

4. Design Detail

Key Design
Ensure tall buildings
are imaginative high
quality designs with a
cohesive quality for all
features so that the design
works as a whole.
Ensure tall buildings
respond appropriately
to the distinctive local
character and ensure
there is no visual harm
to historic buildings and
Tall towers, blocks and sailing
Aspirations Iconic or ‘trophy’ buildings will help Tall building proposals will not be

boat masts combine in this view of to create that distinctiveness but allowed to block important views.
Minimise energy
Vancouver from the harbour
lesser designed tall buildings will It is interesting to note the varied use and waste (both
Leeds has developed its own
need to be inventive with the use urban morphology of Leeds. The during construction and
UDP Policy CC3: character, ambience and physical
The identity and distinctive character of of forms and materials to reinforce inner zone and its western extent throughout the life of
appearance mainly through the
the city centre will be maintained by :
uses and regeneration of its historic
that local distinctiveness. The image does however contain strong grid the building) including
Protecting the building fabric and style and identity of Leeds can only be patterns which should be respected
which make Leeds a unique and attractive and existing collection of buildings, using renewable energy
improved and maintained by good as in the USA examples where
city: Encourage good innovative designs
for new buildings and spaces; Upgrading
arcades and spaces. Attempting to
urban sculpture. tall buildings are positioned within
production where
the environment where necessary to mimic other cities would erode this
the block, or well set back, or as appropriate.
complement the needs of activities which unique quality.
are essential to the identity, vitality and Proposals should be compatible podium buildings rarely closing off Use sustainable
function of the city centre. with the existing Conservation street views. The periphery of the
Designers are encouraged to
Area Policies and Urban Design grid may however present other
create distinctive tall buildings that
UDP Policy CC8:
are not ‘anywhere’ buildings but
frameworks e.g. UDP, LDF and opportunities for tall buildings. Tops of tall buildings
Outside the prestige development
can contribute to the Leeds‘ family’
CCUDS. should add
areas new developments should The local topography is an
respect the spatial character and fine thus creating local distinctiveness. appropriate interest to
grain of the city centre’s traditional
building blocks and streets. Where
Context important consideration in
understanding the local context.
the skyline.
new street pattern is to be created, this
should generally reflect the traditional It is important to integrate any
Building high within the city’s Create active ground
topography may be valid and
street pattern of the city centre. tall building into its surroundings level frontages to the
offer opportunities to say build
particularly where the nearby up a ridge or high point e.g.
adjacent streets.
Different character areas > streetscape is tightly knit
of Leeds should prompt
and distinctive. Tall buildings
Elmwood Road/ Tower House Consider recladding
different tall buildings - area. Alternatively, it may be
particularly their connection can reinforce any local existing tall buildings to
that it is important to not make
with the ground distinctiveness but a an impact e.g. in the vicinity of
provide a sustainable
given context could The University of Leeds Parkinson high quality solution
determine height and Tower which deserves its own before proposing
form. Previously modernist setting without competing against demolition and new
architects did not show much
respect for context with
another high building. build.
devastating results – eroding
distinctive urban character
and quality of space.

4. Design Detail
- Context

Designers should consequently

aim to make tall buildings
compatible with the local
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Leeds City Council. 100019567 2009.

context by analysing the

topography, local urban design
framework and character in
order to avoid repeating the
unsuccessful approach of
piecemeal ad hoc tall building
design of former years. This < Urban morphology map of
Leeds, taken from CCUDS
type of analysis will be an
essential part of any future Large dark form of the new building

submission for planning is inappropriate and out of scale
with its context in the historic fabric
permission. of Rochdale town centre

<< West Riding House, Albion

Place, Leeds. Ignores local
context so appears completely
alien to its historic surroundings
< This southwards view down Scott
Hall Road over to the Elmwood
Road / Tower House area of Leeds
shows how the various individual
towers combine to create a greater
mass - a cluster

< Elmwood Road / Tower House

area, the highest point in Leeds City
Centre could reinforce its existing
context of tall buildings

4. Design Detail - Architectural Quality

The University

Height >
Proposed bulidings
which rise taller than the
University Parkinson Building Architectural
Natwest Tower, London,
towers over the historic
building but is in Hopefully designers will design tall
scale with the more
recent adjacent tall buildings with integrity without
developments blindly following architectural
fashions. The appropriate use
Massing > of form, materials and available
Interesting massing and technology should produce good
relationship between solutions which will work well and
the building forms of
student housing and on look good day and night.
Marlborough Street, Ibis
hotel, Leeds A successful impact on the urban
silhouette and street level will be
UDP Policy N13: devalued if the architectural design
The design of all new buildings should
be of high quality and have regard to fails to impress. It is important
the character and appearance of their that developers and designers
surroundings. Good contemporary design take into consideration the
which is sympathetic or complementary to
its setting will be welcomed. following factors that determine
architectural design in order to
UDP Policy BD4: achieve a successful outcome and Plain / simple / articulated Reflections - light catching facets Applied technology e.g. photo-
All mechanical plant and associated prevent a negative effect on the forms at different angles and times of voltaic panels
pipework, lifts and other mechanical
urban environment:- Visual lightness / heaviness the day Lighting at night
equipment and fire escape stairs should
be normally be contained within the Image / Iconic? Materials Applied technology e.g. wind
envelope of the building. All service and Height
Relationship with other Cladding and varied façade energy
delivery areas should be screened from
view as far as possible. Scale neighbouring buildings treatments Features within structures e.g.
Massing Expression or concealment of Patterns – striking or subdued / apertures
Form/ shape structure vertical or horizontal emphasis Distinctiveness
Style/ fashion? Innovation in structural design Glass / relationship with solid Successful interface at street
areas level
The Shard

Tower 1, Canary Wharf
Height >
A comparison of heights 250m
between existing and
proposed tall buildings of Swiss Axe K2 Leeds Town
Lumiere Bridge House Hall
Leeds and London
St Paul’s Cathedral Criterion Place Bridgewater Assael Park Plaza Hotel
Place Development
West Riding Tower House


London Leeds
4. Design Detail - Architectural Quality

< Visual Lightness

The interesing splayed forms
of the buildings and choice of
materials for Criterion Place
create a visual lightness (Ian
Simpson Architects)


Some tall buildings are
very image conscious and
if built may well become

<< Style / Fashion

All sorts of forms can be
used for tall buildings -
prosoal by Brewster Bye

<<< Simple Form

Tower House Leeds

<< Visual Heaviness

White concrete elevation
to Premier Travel Inn
Manchester creates visual

< Relationship with other

neighbouring buildings
needs to be born in mind
regardless of their size as
this view of Canary Wharf
London shows unrelated
scale and relationship
within adjacent buildings

Beware of
architecture’ as it
can quickly date

4. Design Detail - Architectural Quality

Expression or Concealment
of Structure >
This view of the Swiss Re Tower
during construction illustrates an
interesting contrast between the
completed curved glass covered
building with the uncompleted part
with the structure more
clearly expressed

Innovation in Structural Design >>

Expressing the structure can
be a way of creating interest
in a building as done on the
- John Hancock Building, Chicago

Reflections >
The Bourse on Boar Lane
illustrates an interesting effect
created with multifaceted
reflections especially when there
is something worth reflecting

Materials / Claddings >>

Use of different coloured panels
can create unusual effects as
shown by these two examples:
Music College, Quarry Hill >>
Student flats at Marsh Lane >>>


Façades studies for Lumiere

create interesting patterns

> Different façade

treatment, East Street,

>> ??

>> Premier Travel Inn,


Distictiveness >
Proposed Lumiere Leeds,
Ian Simpson Architects
4. Design Detail - Architectural Quality

<< Glass Treatment

The finished Swiss Re Tower,
commonly known as the
gherkin, illustrates the different
treatments beneath the glass
surface to good effect

< Applied Technology

Park Lane College has
used photo-voltaic panels to
interesting effect

UDP Policy BD14:

Carefully designed floodlighting schemes
will be encouraged, particularly for
distinctive or important buildings.

<<< Lighting at Night

It is also important to consider
what the building will look like
night and take the opportunities
presented by appropriate lighting
as seen in these illustrations
of the ‘Kissing Towers’ (left) on
Criterion Place and the Spiracle
Tower (right)

< Applied Technology

Wind energy is to be utilised in
the proposed Spiracle Tower,

Form / Shape / Distinctiveness

Two contrasting buildings:

<< Proposed Spiracle Tower, Leeds

by MAKE / Carey Jones

< New York Skyscraper

4. Design Detail - Tops

The distinctive top of the >

Chrysler Building in New York has
become an instantly recognisable
form - in effect an icon

The form of the top of the >>

NLA Tower in East Croydon
is lost at night but the lighting
scheme creates an interesting
coloured pattern which in itself
creates the interest
Photo courtesy of Simon Stacey

UDP Policy BD13:

Telecommunications development
Tops The following indicate a wide
will be permitted when all practical range of innovative forms that
steps have been taken to locate and Tall buildings can enhance contribute to their local skylines.
design such equipment that: skylines and panoramas if their
i) sensitive locations are avoided,
ii) visual intrusion is minimised, tops are well designed and There are many ways to create
iii) mast sharing or existing tall structures visually striking. distinctive tops for tall buildings
are utilised wherever possible. Tall buildings have a major which include :-
impact on the city skyline. It Sloping roofs
Wind turbines and solar panels >
on top of a housing block in is important that this impact Curved roofs
Bradford create an interesting and is positive with distinctive Stepped forms
distinctive top which is emphasised designed tops or roofs. Top storey setbacks
at night by a carefully designed
lighting scheme Conical shapes
Tops of buildings can provide: Communication masts
Distinctive tops of housing blocks, >> Observation galleries
a different approach to existing Identity and image
plant rooms.Motherwell, Scotland Reference and orientation Open balconies
Visual incident Flagpoles
Example of roof top clutter > Urban sculpture
Special lighting
– which should be recovered Landmark status
Selective lighting
Laser beams
Bulbous form
Panoramic restaurants

Worldwide examples of
interesting tops for tall buildings

4. Design Detail - Relationship to the Street

< Desolate junction with ground,

negative, inactive space around
tower level with solid wall around
at Tower House

<< Winter garden / Atrium transition

from outside to inside for the
proposed Lumiere development
on Wellington Street by Ian

< Wasted opportunity of providing

a good interface with the street in
Stockport - the whole of the ground
floor comprising of car parking
between the V shaped columns,
the main entrance is in the
insignificant extension on the right

UDP Policy BD5:

All new buildings should be designed
with consideration given to both
their own amenity and that of their
surroundings. This should include
usable space, privacy and satisfactory
penetration of daylight and sunlight.

UDP Policy CC12:

In new development, new public open
spaces and pedestrian ways must be
related to and connect with the existing
pattern of streets, routes and spaces,
Developers and designers should Developers and designers need to including the river and canal walkways.
aim to PROVIDE:- AVOID:-
UDP Policy CC13:
High quality public realm and Dead space New public spaces must be
imaginatively designed to complement
human scale Urban barrenness their location and to ensure that they are
Good street level architecture Windswept environments attractive, comfortable, safe to use and
accessible for all.
and manners Permanent shadow areas
Good active frontages Erosion of the distinctiveness < West Riding House entrance which
User friendly and legible of nearby buildings of visual is lost between well used shops.
entrances and approaches prominence
Sunshine zones
Relationship to Good sized open space in front
Visually damaging an existing
place/ strong sense of place < People enjoying proximity with main
the Street
of tall buildings
Legible and good links with
Negative space – a feeling of
entrance at the Louvre, Paris

Tall buildings rarely possess a transport and pedestrian routes Damaging existing important
successful join at street level. Settings for existing nearby and strategic views within the
There are many examples of buildings of visual prominence streetscene
blighted areas such as those A good affect on a place by Negative impact on local flora
in London and New York when enhancing and regenerating it and fauna especially if adjacent
tall buildings fail to create a Good microclimate and comfort to a wildlife corridor
positive junction with the street. zone
It is interesting to note that Spatial interaction with
many books on the design of surrounding area
tall buildings and skyscrapers Positive space and urban vitality
contain very few examples of Counteraction to downdraughts
good interface at street level. Good landscaping and amenity
space which should link, if
possible, to the local green
infrastructure network
4. Design Detail
- Relationship to
the Street

Unfriendly main entrance >

in back street for Park Plaza
off Boar Lane

Activity and good public realm >>

at La Defense, Paris

Whilst the Lloyds Building >

in London has interest it is inactive
at street level resulting in a poor
relationship with the public realm

Good interface with street >>

and provision of public realm at the
Swiss Re, London

Good public realm and activity >>

for the tall building in St Helen’s
Square, London

Use of public art and

good interface with street at
Lloyds TSB Bank on Park Row

A grand entrance approach with >>

public realm leads one into the
heart of the complex at Bridgewater
Place on Victoria Road
4. Design Detail - Urban Blocks - Uses

< Mixed uses have

created different forms
for each of the blocks
that form Bridgewater
Place, Victoria Road
Aedas Architects

< The podium of K2

includes different
uses which have
created an active
frontage at
street level

<< The atrium runs

Uses Recent trends and different
life expectancies of uses
through Bridgewater
Place off which there
reveal that the tower block are mixed uses to
Tall buildings should have active create an active
dedicated to a single use
ground floors. Public access is street within the
is becoming rarer. The building away from
particularly important and useful
introduction of mixed uses is the traffic
for introducing new uses at Adeas Architects
recognised as a key to the
ground floor levels and selected
sustainability of tall buildings
higher levels e.g. shops, bars,
with recent applications
restaurants etc. Many American
containing residential, hotel,
examples rely on a café/
offices, service levels to those
restaurant at the top to create a
uses, leisure and retail in the < Offices, apartments,
public vantage point and viewing health facilities
same tower. It is anticipated
area. Space underground tall and hotel at the
that surgeries, crèches and proposed Lumiere
buildings can be used for car
other communal activities on Wellington Street
parking, facilities for residents or Ian Simpson Architects
will be included in future
connections to transport.
– a move towards mixed use

Urban Blocks vertical communities.

Apart from assisting in the
<< Mixed uses in the
podium of Park
Plaza on the corner
creation of good frontage of City Square and
High rise point blocks can and interface with the Boar Lane create an
also rise out of urban blocks. street, mixed uses give the active ground floor
The use of a well designed opportunity for varied façade
podium of a number of storeys treatment and articulation of
can reduce the scale of the form.
high buildings as experienced
at ground level as well as
reducing the adverse effect
that a tall building can have on
street-scene and microclimate.

4. Design Detail - Recladding and Demolition

Examples of existing buildings >

along north/south spine of
central Leeds which have mostly
been reclad to create a modern
up-to-date image from the
tired old towers

Former Ventura Building Tower House K2 Albion Street

UDP Policy CC7:
Redevelopment of the city centre tower
blocks will be encouraged where their
appearance is unattractive and
buildings are functionally obsolete.

Recladding and 1) Re-enveloping?

Demolition Colours
There is the opportunity > When buildings come to the end Pattern of cladding
to refurbish and reclad of their lives it is important to A new coat! A high tech look? The
the two towers on the
left (Merrion House and consider the following:- Leeds Look?!
Technology College)
as has been done with Should they be retained and 2) Re-silhouetting?
K2 (right) which has
been transformed from given a facelift in view of their Distinctive form to top of
a dated concrete office contribution to the skyline? building
block into a modern Should they be used as a New identity and ‘personality’
apartment tower
precedent to introduce more
tall buildings e.g. north/ south 3) How to do it well
spine? Example – K2; Distinctive,
Should they make way to allow sculptural, visually neat and
the joining up of the historic modern image
zones that interface on either COMMENT -
side of the north / south spine? 4) Opportunities Developers and their architects It is true that such examples
have recently used hi tech grey will be seen as the new face of
Due to the limited available Commercial - Merrion House cladding panels and terracotta Leeds but there is a danger that
development space, developers coloured large tiled panels which this will be interpreted as the
need to consider if the Social Housing Blocks - have contributed to developing a latest fashion which could become
refurbishment and re-cladding of Marlborough Flats and Lovell new Leeds image. outdated.
an existing tall building could be Court Blocks

4. Design Detail - Recladding and Demolition

< The recladding of

Marlborough Towers
offers the opportunity to
provide a new positive
end of view along the
Headrow, Leeds

Park Plaza Former Post office Building

There is an opportunity

to reclad Lovell Towers to
improve the view along
Vicar Lane

< A different approach where

photo-voltaic panels have been
applied to an office building.
CIS Building, Manchester

Bringing it all together

5 Design Process and Planning Submission Requirements

6 Conclusion

5. Design Process
and Planning Submission

Beetham Tower >

Manchester in

Tall building proposals will not building application must be Wind Studies
be supported unless it can be supported by an Environmetal
demonstrated through a fully Statement this should preferably Unavoidable climate change is
justified and worked up proposal be from an independent source, likely to increase the risk and
that they are of excellent not edited or censored. Guidance severity of gales. It is essential
architectural quality and in the is provided in Government Circular that those involved with proposed
appropriate location. 02/99 and ODPM Guidance 2000 tall buildings should conduct
on EIA’s. Applicants should enter appropriate risk assessment
Analysis/ Urban Design early pre-application consultation and Wind quantitative analysis
with the Council and seek to (appropriate wind tunnel and/
agree specific technical and or CFD modelling) – especially
visual studies before the material the effects of downdraughts
Designers will need to carry out
is submitted. The following is and wind at the base of a
an investigation and analysis of
a minimum requirement to tall building or group of tall
Applicants will need to explain the site, topography, locality,
demonstrate best practice:- buildings. Assessments will also
design process – analysis – area context and character, urban
be required for areas beyond red
concept – scheme – detail form, local street pattern and
Affect of shadowing / shadow line boundaries so that developers
grain, key views – long and short,
paths and designers can demonstrate
Applicants will need to make public realm and space, transport
Overlooking that their designs and measures
reference to:- National and facilities, pedestrian footfall,
will not produce harmful affects
Regional Policy Guidance social/ economic profile, densities, Existing built form – visual
on pedestrians, vehicles and
sustainability issues, exploring quality, key views, vistas etc.
cyclists next to and away from the
Yorkshire & Humber Plan materials, and construction Character appraisal of locality
proposed tall building. In addition
May 2008 – Regional Spatial techniques, relationship with
Affect on neighbouring to standard assessments of likely
Strategy to 2026 historic environments, trends and
buildings, streets and open comfort levels for persons sitting
PPS1 Describes Planning’s role in spaces or walking in the vicinity of new
securing well designed sustainable Existing transport, traffic and tall buildings, it is important that
Transport Assessment extreme turbulence or high wind
Development and its responsibility pedestrian flows
to reject poor design.
Study events can be modelled to assess
Impact on conservation areas,
the likely impacts on users at
PPS3 Good design applied greenspaces and agreed key
In accordance with best practice. ground level, including high sided
to sustainable residential views
DFT Guidance ‘Transport vehicles. These measures will
development. Assessments: A Good Practice Guide’ Evacuation and safety
need to preempt wind problems
PPS6 Planning for Town Centres. during the life of the building
Environmental Impact Visual impact during which are likely to increase
PPG8 Affect on
Assessment construction stages due to climate change. The
telecommunications and
Night-time appearance Lawson critiria for comfort and
telecommunication corridors.
Prior to a town planning Reflections / obtrusive safety should be applied, without
PPG12 Local Spacial Planning. submission, applicants and relaxation, to determine the
daytime glare
their design teams may submit environmental impact of strong
PPG13 Sustainable and Construction Activities and
a request for a formal scoping winds and any significant impacts
integrated transport systems. Noise
opinion to establish if an on the site and its surroundings
PPG15 Planning guidance Environmental Impact assessment should be highlighted as part of
relative to historic is required. Where Leeds City the EIA. Safety considerations
environments, Conservation Council has indicated that a tall should include the effects on frail
Areas and listed buildings. people and cyclists. The required

5. Design Process and Planning Submission Requirements

< Use of models (both physical

and computer) can indicate

<< <
the relationship with context,
investigate the impact of scale
and offer skyline studies

conditions are dependent on The Council needs to be Presentation of

activity, with entrances and seating assured that manageable risk
areas requiring greater shelter and planning and assessment has
roads and car parks. The study been carried out to influence
Applicants will be required to
also needs to demonstrate the the exact location and design
submit accurate and contextual
appropriate mitigation measures of tall buildings on particular
illustrations, and quote proposed
have been applied to improve sites.
and neighbouring building heights
conditions in areas where the in metres in addition to the number
comfort and/or safety criteria have
not been met. Further detailed
Planning of storeys proposed so that City
Development can determine if the
guidance is available via the UK
Wind Engineering Society.
Submission proposal is a tall building.

Requirements Applicants and designers will

Anti-terrorism be expected to present their
Full Planning proposals with clear detailed
In recent years events indicate Application drawings consisting of site plans,
that terrorists target buildings plans, elevations and sections
to create maximum damage to Outline planning applications together with photomontages
organisations and people. 9/11 will be discouraged to enable and possibly virtual models, 360o
was a result of aeroplane attack design issues to be considered views, significant views, height
on tall buildings but terrorist early. Applicants should retain studies and options, urban design
attack at ground level is more their architects through the assessment, visual impact on
likely. Developers and their design process. Outline planning urban silhouette, city skyline, < Before and
design teams – particularly those applications for tall buildings will streetscenes and 3D modelling. < after photomontage
involved with vehicular access and be accepted in only exceptional These should provide a clear
the design of the external spaces case where the applicant picture of the visual impact of
around tall buildings will be is seeking to establish the the building and its relationship
required to consult the Council’s principle of a tall building as an to pedestrian routes, transport
Police/Architectural Liaison Officer important element of a robust infrastructure, neighbouring
who will also arrange contact with and creditable masterplan for buildings and the public realm,
the North East Counter Terrorist an area to be developed over a as well as far and near vistas.
Unit. Shatterproof glass and long period of time. Even then, This may involve participation in
advanced bomb-resistant glazing CABE and English Heritage must workshops and design reviews,
systems have recently entered be satisfied that the parameters presentations to planning staff and
the market. The Council expects for a tall building will result Council Members.
the use of such products on tall in excellent urban design and
buildings in the future. architecture.

Public exhibition
of Lumiere Tower
proposals held
in the Victoria
Arcade, Leeds

Photos taken at
Tall Building Workshop +>
held in March 2005

The concept for their design, built Design Review Consultations

form, materials and public realm
– supported by environmental Tall building proposals will Applicants and their designers are
appraisals and other influences. initially be assessed by the recommended to engage in:-
How do they relate to other Council’s Design Review Panel
tall buildings both concurrent who may seek assistance As part of pre-application
proposals and those approved in from representatives of CABE, discussions (including Planning
order to assess the cumulative environmental and climatic Services, SDU Urban Design and
impact which the structure experts. the Civic Architect) it is likely
will have on the city? How and that applicants will be expected
where tall buildings will have to enter a Planning Performance
Risk Assessment
an effect on the wider historic Agreement with Leeds City
environment as well as the local Council’s City Development
To consider collapse, future
context particularly where they Consultation with English
Design and Access demolition, fire and smoke
are likely to have an impact on Heritage
Pollution (downward toxic smoke)
Statement the historical assets of the city Consultation with the local
to guide the location of a tall
of Leeds? Designers will need community and interested parties
building within a site.
This should be a pictorial to demonstrate the results of Civil Aviation Authority
presentation covering analysis- their analysis with an urban (Leeds city centre is below the
concept-scheme-detail not just design study, character appraisal main flight path approach to
A4 sheets of words. and a clear concept for the Leeds Bradford Airport)*
design of their tall building and Consultation with C.A.B.E.
Applications are required to have a surrounding space accompanied Cabe and the English Heritage
design statement. For tall buildings by high quality visualisations. Guidance on Tall Buildings July
this should include an analysis of 2007 sets out how they evaluate
the urban design context including proposals and offer advice on good
an appraisal of: practice in relation to tall buildings
the history of the site and its in the planning process. The
area govenment endorses the guidance
urban silhouette which is capable of being a material
character and grain of the area consideration in the determination
transport and movements of planning applications
* Leeds Bradford Airport is
existing public realm Consultation with Leeds City
the highest in the U.K. and
is also subject to low cloud connections and linkages Council Cleansing Services
conditions. The CAA have regarding waste management
set a limit of 1000 ft for opportunities in urban form
buildings in Central London public realm arrangements.

6. Conclusion 6. Conclusion

The fundamental aim of this It is expected that this guide will This all can be devalued if the High quality tall buildings in the
guide is to provide clear advice provide clarity for developers. architectural quality fails to deliver. right place should benefit the city.
for the design of tall buildings, designers and the public. The Consequently, the guide also This guide enables designers,
encouraging the highest quality cyclical approach to the design focuses in on a range of different developers and planners in Leeds
design so that tall buildings will process of analysis – concept – factors that inspire quality in to consider them in a holistic way
successfully integrate into the scheme – detail should prompt design. At a detailed level, – both strategically and in detail
local environment and positively appropriate solutions that respond making tall buildings fit into the so that when history looks back
contribute to the Leeds skyline. to the local context. different character zones produces at the recent rapid growth of tall
an interesting challenge. The buildings it is hoped that this guide
In response to the broad ranging At the strategic level, the need for a tall building to have will have enabled tall buildings to
issues and aspirations a wide set combination of protected zones, a successful interface with the make a positive contribution to the
of topics have been examined protected views and conservation ground cannot be understated. existing urban form and created a
with principles established. This areas will certainly limit where tall The merits of re-cladding buildings ‘Leeds only’ skyline appropriate for
guide is not just about the design buildings can be put. On the other has been highlighted, showing a prosperous major European City.
of tall buildings but is also about hand, the guide has recognised recent successful examples. The
protecting the city - particularly opportunities for reinforcing an issues of sustainability and climate
its historic settings from the existing cluster and the creation change are revealed and indicate a
impact of tall buildings. Chapters of a new one. Similarly the variety of influences ranging from
on existing and protected views question of the right location is the importance of location and
and settings together with addressed with new opportunities orientation to façade engineering
references to the existing urban for landmark/gateway sites and and energy conservation.
morphology, emphasise the value for new relationships between tall
of the existing scene and the need buildings and transport facilities.
to make tall buildings compatible
with their locality.

Former BBC Site

Opal tower, Clay Pit Lane
Granary Wharf
Lumiere, Wellington Street Former Little Londoner Site Former Centrica Site

Sovereign Street

<< 2008 model indicating

proposed tall buildings
(blue buildings in
construction 2008)


Leeds Structures - Existing and Proposed

Number of sites 250

Cities Compared Chart 2006 compiled by Keith Williams Civic Architects, Leeds City Council.

Height in m Leeds London Birmingham Manchester Liverpool Glasgow

31-40 56 88 88 3 18
41-50 71 132 80 92 64 18
51-60 9 211 62 28 5 5
61-70 6 193 26 30 10 19
71-80 6 82 9 13 4 2
81-90 3 34 6 5 5 3
91-100 1 34 4 5 3 3
101-110 2 18 3 3
111-120 2 17 2 2 2
121-130 2 11 2 2 2
131-140 10 4 1 2
141-150 2 3
151-160 1 10 1 1
161-170 9 1 1
171-180 6 2
181-190 5 1 2
191-200 6
201-210 2
211-220 7
221-230 1
231-240 2
above 250 9 1 1

Totals 159 801 282 278 107 70 1697

populn 1,698,841 11,850,000 1,998,337 1,906,995 1,362,034 1,052,784

pop/twr 10,685 14,794 7,086 6,860 12,729 15,040
Manchester 50

Linear (Leeds)
Linear (London)
Linear (Birmingham)
Linear (Manchester)
Linear (Liverpool)
Linear (Glasglow) 0

























above 250


Design Workshop Findings

Notes of the one–day Workshop The groups considered:– In this discussion it was felt GROUP 1A – Strategic
exploring the issues for Leeds Strategic Principles (2 groups) that:– Principles
City Council’s Design Guide Why high? quality control is vital Group composed of architects, Councillors,
for Tall Buildings held at the Footprints clusters may not be planning consultant, planner and quantity
School of the Built Environment, Style, language and form achievable surveyor.
The Brunswick Building Leeds Tall-Sustainable the importance of
Metropolitan University on Referred to the Leeds topography and
Leeds Academy for Sustainable environmental impact was
the key interventions of the River Aire,
Tuesday 1 March 2005. Communities. recognised canal, railway, road system, ring road,
Following which each gave a short tall buildings should create conservation area, proposed 45/29 tower
Workshop Approach presentation on their deliberations a sense of place and good proposal, cluster in west, built form
pushing out towards Kirkstall Valley,
are summarised in the text boxes. public realm
Headrow / Eastgate Redevelopment. The
Following the main introductory night-time views are
understanding of these will lead to ability
presentations those attending There was also a general important. to identify features, existing patterns and
were invited to form 7 workshop discussion which touched on the During the day everyone was future trends.
groups each asked to deal with definition of ‘tall’ and the scope of asked for their ‘DO’s and
a particular tall buildings theme. Locations where tall buildings
the guide, and the importance of DON’Ts’. acceptable:-
Participants were allocated ‘mega tall’ i.e. 30 plus storeys – In concentrations e.g. grouping in south.
groups to ensure a suitable mix super towers in the city core? Gateways
and balance of disciplines and Also opportunity locations.
interests. The range of disciplines Must conform to strategy accounting for
included – historic context, views of key buildings
and existing amenity of occupants.
- architects, Civic Trust DO’s & DON’Ts Corridor route – not a line but a cluster
representatives, Councillors, – not a ‘picket fence’!
conservation planner, developers, What To Do What Not To Do Headrow – to provide containment at
either end e.g. DHSS /Quarry Hill
fire consultant, landscape
A ‘good haircut on top. (Don’t) Forget the and at moments along its length to
architects, lighting designer,
Visual interest in the middle. public at ground level. create nodes along the Headrow.
planners and planning consultants,
Light display – night time Don’t restrict tall
public art designer, quantity Tall buildings could mark western entrance
interest! buildings to gateways.
surveyors, structural engineer, to the city by extending height of built
Build tall where revenues No cut and paste form down Kirkstall / River Aire valley.
transportation engineer, urban
justify additional build cost materials – be brave
designers, and students.
Provide large public spaces and bold! Take advantage of the Yorks Chemicals Site
Thro space at ground level closure – a Hunslet cluster at a gateway.

More public spaces inside the

buildings. Failure to complete the strategy.
Mixed uses. 70’s lessons.
Do not miss the boat! Take advantage
of demand (present), the economic
climate (funding) and of available large
It was important to have quality and not
tall for ‘tall’s sake’.

The group stated that LCC must still

exercise a flexible approach to strategy.
Tall buildings should be considered if they
‘are good enough’ and can be justified.


GROUP 1B – Strategic GROUP 2 Why high? GROUP 3 – Footprints GROUP 4 – Style, language
Principles Group composed of cost consultant, fire Group composed of architect, planner, and form
Group composed of architects, planning consultant, conservation planner, Civic landscape architect, structural engineer, Group composed of architects, developer,
consultant, Civic Trust representative, Trust representative and planner. and urban design student. engineer, planner and Civic Trust
consultant, Councillor, planner, student, representative.
transportation engineer. Illustrated a car (faster), a muscle Contribution was based on the assumption
man (stronger) and a skyscraper that tall buildings are going to happen in Commented on present Leeds with its
Commented on the need to have quality at street (bigger) – God like! cities that are young and evolving. They forms that were a result of bulk massing
level, recognising that there were world-wide Technology now offers innovation, will provide more of what could be an compared to slender and elegant
structures that are good, bad and ugly in cities sustainability and quality…..and also interconnected resource with far more expectations for tall buildings. There was
that are emerging and changing. They all have constraint – can only go so high. connections and ‘arteries’ being in the a need to -
compact city cores or historic cores which help to Big can be beautiful but can also offer right place. Proposed an idea of a green have an icon,
identify a city. Usually they go tallest towards its small footprint and efficient use of mezzanine approx. 5 metres above ground be a landmark,
core (with visual impact?). land. and approx 3 hectares – to create the have a hierarchy of form,
Big can be elegant – infinite, sublime and environment and microclimate using urban provide good vistas,
Location good silhouette. greenery to create social interaction e.g. produce urban density - marketing
Within 15 minutes walk of the city centre Tall can offer variety of form. could attract school groups. Leeds,
(Leeds city centre considered to be City Square Tall is sustainable – small footprint, high have courage in design,
and Railway Station). Location influenced by density and community. The group presented under the following be in context,
available circulation – pedestrian, railway, bus, Tall is efficient. key headings.. provide mixed uses.
supertram, cyclists, cars, and continuity of Tall is good business – re land costs have quality – Canary Wharf?
circulation and connectivity. , demand, competition and political Living in the City:- have style – Centre Pompidou?
pressure. Tall buildings have an impact on cities due
Cluster / Skyline:- to increase in density and infrastructure. Bottoms:-
Tallest should mark city centre e.g. Made comparisons between Leeds and They affect the existing urban grain and Good pedestrian environment
Criterion Place /River Aire – note flood Manchester – recognising the different integration with the historic environment. Permeability and interaction between
plain. scales – both adverts to commercialism. They can encourage social interaction blocks – if not physical then visual.
Position influenced by investment values. (who is the community? there is a wide Footprint related to sun energy
Mixed uses desirable. Potential problems – limited knowledge, range)They also can dehumanise society patterns/ paths.
Offices less than 15/20 storeys with hotel/ skills and technology can restrict height, and environments. Reference made to St Johns Shopping
residential higher. cost constraints, fear of terrorism – can
Centre versus Victorian Quarter.
Deliver identity to areas of change. tall buildings be safe?, Use and location? Best Practice:- No 1 City Square – allows people to get
Should not be afraid to break skyline – Social disruption, poor design, and
Mixed uses desirable – they create through!
sculptural forms possible but aim should prejudice. Clusters not intermingling –
be to create exciting skyline- already have should be balanced by open space.
Good micro climate is critical. Middle - Core use:-
Victorian towers/ market roofscape. However high can – Scale should be in context. hotel,
Space between to have live and mix of uses. improve image and city status – Human interaction is about experience. leisure,
regional and international Cumulative effect! office
Need to do:- provide landmark buildings e.g. Public space – internal / external/ residential,
3D/ Virtual reality model of the city. international design competitions green space?
create second tier of also ran buildings Also could include –
Agree strategic views and opportunities. Community response to create facilities
(by local architects!) cinema,
Protect existing views and create better views for social interaction.
provide a catalyst for regeneration theatre,
for future generations. Provide good life cycle.
Physical model of the city. Better interface and attitudes between
Permanent public display. inter-disciplinary groups.,
Involve! Need to resolve the lack of ‘release
Public consultation at each stage – space’.
including developers! Tops:-
Future workshops. Bad Practice:- Should provide a feature – observation
Explore guidance. Tower block developments deck, viewing, eating, exercise, public and
have a lack of interaction, relaxation space.
Design:- create isolation,
CABE Design Guide. spaces between become havens for The group requested developers to be
How tall buildings should relate to the crime, socially responsible. 24 hour / 7 day use
ground. lack of dialogue with site/ context. of space desirable with good connectivity –
Importance of environmental impact for transport and pedestrians. Good public
assessments from the outset. space should also be available at different
Public enjoyment / access to tallest. levels.


GROUP 6 – Leeds
Academy for Sustainable Site:-

Communities Should be adjacent to railway – say

Composed of 2 architects, developer, entry car park – linked with Dark
planner, landscape and public art Arches
designer. Must be viable – sustainable academy
only post
This facility should be easily accessible for Sustainable – offer sun energy – solar
communities, therefore good transport panels, pvs- wind turbines, water
links essential. There should also be turbines, green space and water.
good access between communities and Flexible – as policy grows so does
support organisations. It should offer accommodation, as technology changes
employment, teaching and education- a Provide aTest Bed – offering research into
research centre – an exemplar – where sustainable issues, recycled energy, waste
people could learn good practice- a place grey water.
to visit and stay. All engaging e.g. communities- people-
health- police.
Focus on the brief emphasised the need
for viability with residential and health Reference made to the government
GROUP 5 – Tall-Sustainable The City Centre:-
uses playing a key part. Additional uses definition – sustainable communities are
Composed of 2 architects, 2 planners, Not enough green spaces, tall buildings considered were hotel, conference, active, inclusive, safe, well designed, well
developer, planning consultant, Councillor, and space around them. exhibition space, educational,small run, fair to everyone, well connected,
Civic Trust representative, lighting Need to achieve balance between scale office space, crèche, pool, police environmentally sensitive, thriving and well
designer. amenity space and uses – (reduction in crime), support uses served.
commercial, residential and green space. and drink, together with a
Global Perception:- Clearer definition e.g. vertical public transport link. The following key points General tall building comments:-
Sustainability – lacks credibility – space. were displayed -
North of River Aire – high density
needs’ teeth’ and a push. Leeds City centre infrastructure at
Education - universities - regeneration development with one-off special
Iconography - imagery, Bilbao! capacity
professional buildings
Sustainable economy Heritage management – heritage should
Health - investment by Health South of River Aire – high rise.
Cultural perceptions – how to get be respected.
Authority Tall buildings to be located within
families in. Site specific design for city centre –
Social – inclusive – positive east–west zone coinciding with railway
Infrastructure. cultural management.
engagement station – not north-south axis.
Economics – diversity – self- Some aspirations – iconic, landmark,
The Big City:- The Site:-
sustainability – viable memorable, quality design and space,
Make sustainability credible - needs Site suitability – location – needs Physical – connective good vistas, colour, public spaces and
background ‘mesh’ to support e.g. infrastructure and responsible disposal. Environmental –long term investment permeability, mixed uses, mall and plaza,
families Exceptional architecture required.
good footfall.
Sustainable city Good microclimate (buffer for wind and Flexibility and Expansion:-
Achieve balance of uses – community acoustics)
Do planners have any influence? – only
space, schools etc Vertical space usage – response to city
if viable – can say yes or no – they can
offer encouragement but it all goes down
Infrastructure at its capacity (Leeds):- Design flexibility (Residential to Offices?)
to money : probably will result in a mixed
future life?
PPS22 – with respect to tall buildings – use development.
Footprint related to sun energy path
Net impact of building needs to be
Big! needs to plug in?
defined (output based)-
Cultural perception
Carbon footprint – no of windmills,
Clustering or dispersed ?
ecological footprint, solar footprint, code
IT infrastructure – helps people work
for sustainable design, g.l.a.
from home
Shallow floor plan – easier to be
Exceptional building design (tourism)
Leeds is a carbon neutral city – tall
Consider whole life design – raw
buildings not for families
materials- recycling not ‘downcycling’.
IT / communications
Where is Leeds going?
Sustainable by date 2100 - need path to
get there.


Bibliography House of Commons Transport,

Local Government and the Region
Committee – Tall Buildings –
Government Bodies January 2002

Commission for Architecture and Office of the Deputy Prime

the Built Environment (CABE) / Minister – PPS1: Delivering
English Heritage (EH) – Guidance Sustainable Development - 2005
on Tall Buildings – Consultation
Paper – June 2001 Office of the Deputy Prime
Minister, Department for
CABE/EH Guidance on Tall Transport & National Assembly
Buildings – July 2007 for Wales – Circular 01/03:
Safeguarding Aerodromes, Other Local Authority General
Department of Communities Technical Sites and Military
& Local Government – PPS3: Explosive Storage Areas – 2003 Birmingham City Council Chris Abel – Sky High: Vertical
Housing – November 2006
Development Planning Division – Architecture – Royal Academy of
High Places: A planning policy Arts, London 2003 (ISBN 1 903973 33 3)
Department of the Environment &
Leeds City Council framework for tall buildings –
Department of National Heritage
– PPG15: Planning and the
(LCC) March 2003 Eric Howeler – Skyscraper
– Thames & Hudson, London 2003
Historic Environment – 1994 as
LCC – Leeds Unitary Brighton & Hove City Council (ISBN 0 500 28446 6)
updated by Department of the
Development Plan Review (UDP) Environment Department – Tall
Environment, Transport and the
– 2006 Buildings SPG Note 15 Ziona Strelitz (editor) – Tall
Regions (DETR)/Department for
Buildings: A strategic design
Culture, Media and Sport Circular
LCC – SPG13: Neighbourhoods Bristol City Council Strategic & guide – British Council for Offices
for Living – December 2003 Citywide Policy Team – Policy & RIBA Publishing, London 2005
Advice Note 22 (ISBN 1 85946 168 9)
LCC – SPG14: Leeds – City
Telecommunications – August
Centre Urban Design Strategy – Greater London Authority Mayor Will Pank Maunsell Ltd, Herbert
September 2000 of London – London View Girardet, Urban Futures, Greg Cox,
Management Framework Draft Oscar Faber Ltd – Tall Buildings
DETR – PPG13: Transport – March
LCC / Yorkshire Forward – SPG – April 2005 and Sustainability Report – Faber
Renaissance Leeds – 2004 Maunsell
Medway Council Development and
Deputy Prime Minister – The
Leeds Initiative – SPG21: Leeds Transport Division – A Building
Government’s response to the
Waterfront Strategy – 2002 Height Policy for Medway.
Transport, Local Government
Consultation Draft Document –
and Regional Affairs Select
Leeds Initiative – Leeds February 2006
Committee’s Report on Tall
Waterfront Strategy Interim
Buildings – presented to
Review – March 2006 Newcastle City Council – A
Parliament in November 2002
Discussion Paper on Tall
Leeds Initiative – Vision for Buildings – March 2002
Leeds 2004 to 2020 – 2002
Newcastle City council –
Draft Tall Building Guidance
Supplementary Planning
Document – 28 September 2006
(contact Richard Charge, Urban Design officer)


Articles Penthouse/ Pavement / Civic Focus Sustain’ Built Environment Matters Conferences
– Autumn 2004 – From penthouse – Vol 1 Issue 4 – ‘Streets in the
Architects Journal – 2 March 2000 to pavement – article by Architect sky’ – article by Chris Church Constructing Excellence in
Leadership changes aim high David Prichard Yorkshire & Humberside – 6th
– article by Brian Waters Sustain’ Built Environment Matters September 2005 Leeds Town Hall,
Planning – 22 March 2002 – Tall – Vol 3 Issue 5 – Sky-high Leeds - Taking sustainability to
Architects Journal –14 October buildings – urban renaissance solutions – article by Greg Cox new heights – Talks – ‘Sky High’
2004 Article – Leeds must look dreams…or delusions? – article by Dr Ken Shuttleworth, Partner
to America for urban inspiration, by Kevin Murray Town & Country Planning – Make Architects, ‘Earth Centric
says Koetter – October 2001 – ‘Off The Fence’: Genie’ by Chris Wise, Director
Planning – 26 April 2002 – Big buildings for the boys – Expedition Engineering
Building Design – 11 November Skyscrapers are ‘model of – article by David Lock
2005 – Frontier Land London sustainable’ housing – article by
– article by Ellis Woodman Marino Donati Town & Country Planning – May
1994 – Is there a future for high
Civic Trust News Release/ Position Planning – 7 March 2003 – A rise housing? –
Statement December 2001 – Tall modern approach to building article by Richard Turkington
Buildings tall structures – article by Peter
Stewart (former director of the Urban Design Quarterly – Spring
Civic Trust News Release – 4 design review programme at 2004 Issue 90 – Tall Buildings:
September 2002 – Civic Trust CABE) A New Era – articles by Tim
Welcomes Report on Tall Catchpole, Bruno Flierl, Geoff
Buildings Planning – 29 April 2005 – Guide Marsh, Rosemary MacQueen,
starts capital debate – article by Roger Simon, Lora Nicolaou and
Context 77 – November 2002 Susanna Gillman Paul Velluet
– Tall storeys and urban myths
– article by Philip Davies Planning in London – April 2002 Urban Environment Today – 21
– Livable places – facing the June 2001 – Tall buildings can
Independent Review – 11 February paradox of diversification and work - with careful planning and
2004 – The sky’s the limit intensification – article by John design – article by Peter Stewart
– article by Jay Merrick Worthington
Yorkshire Post – Monday 22
Observer – 31 July 2005 – Dizzy – United September 2003 – Wanted: A star
Heights – article by Deyan Sudjic kingdom Yorkshire and Humber – on the skyline – article by Rod
copyright J. Newman 2000/ 2005 McPhee


Contacts Department of Communties

and Local Govenment (DCLG)
Resource for Urban Design
Information (RUDI)
Secured by Design (SBD)
ACPO Crime Prevention
Eland House Quadrant house Inititatives Ltd
Main Contributors Bressenden Place 250 Kennington Lane 7th Floor
LONDON SW1E 5DU LONDON SE11 5RD 25 Victoria Street
Development Department tel - 020 7944 4400 tel - 020 7091 7863 LONDON SW1H 0EX
Henry Skrzypecki fax - 020 7944 4101 fax - 020 7091 7960 tel - 020 7227 3423
Peter Vaughan fax - 020 7227 3400
Mark Burgess
Chris Bateman Institution of Civil Engineers Royal Institution of Chartered
(Urban Design & Project (ICE) Surveyors (RICS) Urban Design Alliance (UDAL)
Management) 1 Great George Street 12 Great George Street 70 Cowcross Street,
John Thorp LONDON SW1P 3AA Parliament Square LONDON EC1M 6EJ
Keith Wiliams tel - 020 7222 7722 LONDON SW1P 3AD tel - 020 7251 5529
(Civic Architects) tel - 020 7222 7000 fax - 020 7250 0872
Paul Bingham (Planner) fax - 020 7222 9430
Graham Fotherby (Photographer) Institution of Highways &
Lindy Dark (Graphics) Transportation (IHT) Urban Design Group (UDG)
6 Endsleigh Street Royal Town Planning Institute 70 Cowcross Street
The Leonardo Building LONDON WC1H 0DZ (RTPI) LONDON EC1M 6EJ
2 Rossington Street tel - 020 7387 2525 41 Botolph Lane, tel - 020 7250 0892
Leeds LS2 8HD fax - 020 7387 2808 LONDON EC3R 8DL fax - 020 7250 8872
tel -0113 247 8000 tel - 020 7929 9494 fax - 020 7929 9490
Landscape Institute (LI) Yorkshire Forward (YF)
Useful Contacts 33 Great Portland Street Yorkshire Regional Office Victoria House
LONDON W1W 8QG The Green Sand Foundry 2 Victoria Place
Commission for Architecture tel - 020 7299 4500 99 Water Lane LEEDS LS11 5AE
and the Built Environment fax - 020 7299 4501 Holbeck tel - 0113 394 9600
(CABE) email - LEEDS LS11 5QN fax - 0113 243 1088
1 Kemble Street tel - 0113 237 8487
LONDON WC2B 4AN Yorkshire Region fax - 0113 237 8488
tel - 020 7070 6700 The Green Sand Foundry
fax - 020 7070 6777 99 Water Lane, Holbeck Royal Institute of British Woodhouse Square Architects (RIBA)
LEEDS LS11 5QN 66 Portland Place
Concourse tel - 0113 237 8400 LONDON W1B 1AD
The Green Sand Foundry fax - 0113 237 8488 tel - 020 7580 5533
99 Water Lane fax - 020 7255 1541
LEEDS LS11 5QN Leeds Architecture & Design RIBA Yorkshire
tel - 0113 237 8400 Initiative (LADI) The Green Sand Foundry
fax - 0113 237 8488 The Leeds Initiative 99 Water Lane
40 Great George Street Holbeck
tel - 0113 247 8140 tel - 0113 237 8480 fax - 0113 237 8488

Printed on paper made from 80% post consumer waste and 20% recycled industrial fibres
Tall Buildings
Leeds Local Development Framework

Supplementary Planning Document

Spring 2010

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