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TUCULLELLTLT PEEEEEREEEEE EES Test 1 Training Se eae Task information We. Corb’ tienen gp. + Thewora: the options wil ale the sme part ofrpeecn e.g nours, adjectives et + Part many tess vocabulary, and word whi oueter (allocations. may abo est ho as Useful language Verbs + prepositions complete he sentences wth You wl need to understand he txt a3 whole todo the task tidy the words on ether side of 1 He recovered is ines very ny Tonite base ase stwork 5 They adapted the weather con tons without too much 7 know can depend Fm en nae im, 8 rmaways competing myst, but we get on very wel 9 Thestudents all beneied ‘the intersting cures they 22 comoet tne sentences 07 changing he propostons hy doe you sly tothe ob? 2 Ion believe of teling ess aluays wrong. 3 Maen the verbs inthe Box wth the comes eetv language Verbs followed by either nouns or infnitives assist manage cept apprecote magne fagee protons sureor sre ative ver fllowed by nouns verbs followed by fine with eae and Use of Eageh Prt Copyaht Material - Review Only- Not for Recistbuton Scanned with CamScanner [Tor soneunes, avert “4 For sentences 3-8, doce hc: answer (AB, CoD) best seach Ea. Von krow how to get hereon time! pecied Bevigged Creed Danses ose 2 Thetonilovh as sean a oe ae oe bese Smpem Racepes —Bayeed —— Cadhined—_ Satited St 3 Altre cen nugred en Kn opeaton reo Rataed 'Bimuaies ”Coeleved Doretendes Seatie 4 Sayin eperened vat soba Netwamesot triton Rereoue —Bsuporn Content eo 5 tno rey st whee a tomyaea rot = Aopwores Beompuet,” Cobjcied Butes «6 Thecolege pot doe truder saving inthe codon Roopeane tages Capps Bacup 1 Ire pwr if, br! ik rg she cages Reco seaumpled managed Daoota Ss coleagus ep wen be srt wrtng wth en. sappretee Caepenied Opto Useful language Verb colocations 5 nen ee te ue od pres Se canbe = I [keep have] | mocart semen ponaiy nat sa yr SSomgee Surween pecan, tio toe Oemeant TSR Sioa Tencuning Sennen) Stone {Complete te santances wt he conte frm of one the phrase rom Eerie 5 Tsay managed der wate fortwo mites. 2 important ‘te partsipants pins of view before eating 3 ection 2 They ‘ry carefully through the dense june 4 dulian never seems 0 es always nughing 5 cant belive Iwas. ‘utd his fice for Ralf an Mout 6 cule! with you about the plans for next eek? 7 don't want to take the on, but my bos ime todose 8 Cauldyou ny litle othe fora inte plese? eating nd ae of Engin Prt ets tng | at ‘Cony Material - Review Only- Not for Redistrbuton Scanned with CamScanner: CET Useful language Adjectives + prepositions 17 For questions 1-10, rea stat below ana aecse which ann (A 2.6.01 D) bets cach om Inmany counties vy young ten ae give sot kar toys ac sents, Bears are party opus andcharncanaten become a) ner Ye bar remem ‘ny younger tar na tad bear ald Frac He wn 2 (2 soot ty bar hate coud’ ola being stn: extemal of anjone 9 edt as ny afew yar dean Wn 600 foo gute) ym ‘couse, Fed nec washing om io. My brother was 8 tte factnat ony my moter was. 10 do ths. As my tote rew up. heremaed ‘eyo of Fred, but me toy bea 980 anger tobe well Sang, 1A cas B nevorsbie ——C antous E paectie 3 A seit 8 ostee Csepwated ced ‘ 8 tense C cesateted —D sentive 5 8 unsmmpatntc —C sipatert tated 6% detnte 8 convnend © speate Devdent 1A shite 8 cusitas CC satstactoy capable 8 A ceil Boustanty ——Cearpusary —D rerarabe (ar Wn ne Useful language Words wiich are often confused {8 complete te sentence win the cotton ram each pir of wos nthe Box, sense asst’ soot ener tite / abaniy valued / vane 1 wen the ight was canceled the ating adit tha they were at ‘compensated al the pasienges 2 may dedicat the money ro et upa community theatre 3 Surv ofthe paintings in ths msgum are that they have Been 4 My oss {old me cou eve early morrow. 5 Few poco, ‘the praca to build a oad here, 6 The price of vegetables wil ents after hi bad weathes 7 The power supply was ct tin bythe eletcty com 8 Annalisa much member of stat 9 ant yu with your bags, madam? 10-1 hough tat as ‘illant 32 | tests toning ean and Use of Engoh Part + Copyright Material «Review Only. Not fr Redstbuion Scanned with CamScanner Useful language Phrasal verbs Mater te phrasal verbs wh the meanings. 110 complete the sentences wth he cnet form of phrasal ve om Exe ‘atch up with soning 2) manage not toe caught doing sive somethce away 1) find or merry nance faiths 0) save ome avn something or someone) be ook the an older family sorting out take after someone 1 falta happen 1 do what you did't have time to dearer 9) be 2 good as hopes Wy reveal a secret ‘get anay with something Nia ne father hes never on time muying to ‘slimy amas befor eave because of she 03d weather. Some ints ted to hack into my account, but cy they id "he concert was wonderful and aitmy Peas dort uring place! ver the fing company eating nde of Egon Prt Coprigh Maes - Review Oniy- Not for Redsrbuton ‘Scanned with CamScanner: eats Yainng | 33 _— — _— SER C a Reading and Use ot English + Part 1 ‘tion plan 2 wou ing in any gap rad te tot quily or ned rae tolget anid of hat obo 6 Check mat the completed sentence makes 3 Rese text again moeslowy and filleach He ‘pith one of four options 7 Check hat the mising word fs wth ny 4 Borttergttokepin mite meaning ot pets ere rat Fotow he eam inetucton ung ase lp ou For questions 1-8, rad the ox oelow and decide which answer (A,B, ¢ ¢B) ” best ts ech gap Tere fe sv exampla atthe bagonng [0 ak you snewers cn the separate answer shoe 0 A twered 8 become eveopsa changed eee ‘Street pianos lorcet yur, pubes anes have Incr poplar neti in mary courts Thera sat 0) ‘nian tons and arora asc mrt, ps and hereto a. any ange an pia thm bt ads tobe rho we ver apse and accustomed parteming pune wt tom 8 Tree ssn of th iano tang played wt ensemating beaut riranigin her day. quiet nt) ‘ay nay. apad at patent w 0 ) ome seating wth on har negroes pple who wou st panes canbe totter pose tam trent conmunt ar 41 tat exampntin eating a se of agian Par Scanned with CamScanner Seems pee CERI casing ana use or engisn Part 2A mwcey vroqurce © atten pace Task information a A neat «mins ° i + Far 2, you have" ead txt with ight gaps anise word onl ofl each gap. = ee eee + Part2 can est grammar for example antics, prepositions ella vrs and pronouns 4 A act 8 mat © ite leone + fean ate stinking wore, pasa verbs and ted phases + Insome cases, thee might be more than one ose snswer. You must only we one ane in ths ae cas ome om aa Useful language Articles, quantific:s and determiners, eo ae tat ee 1 Aclesne ——@ apgreciten © hapinets © aattacton Complete the sentences with wots rem ne bon where neces. = 1 yo brothers ae 0 ches players, and ees sn competion Tan week seawater 2 Stevens very happy Lease he found amazing job 2 language schoo in -2rnwe sa cnt e wOcpbe pra dagen. teacher. frend of his cous» 3 on fs mos pan 2 poco work with love going to seviteat. weekend ‘in wots 4 Look at ‘ae. would be rice press for Mum. Or da you thik she'd preter nyo pot 5 twertto .shopsyesterday and bought new phone When got. home 2s dco td phan ti ant box for hone was emory eee cence . each ‘icing boot 1? now theyve made fm of and tm realy ooking 2 © complete he text wth words tom te bon You may need 4S Some oe Words more than ene xptal ters may be needes Iwas my ster Loss's ity lst web, an she ta) ot peopl ter pay Lon new a @ ots nds, waaay) (orn wae ooking fowart0 ). an mien 6 use nad bean asked to ing adh nd knw oy tasting a5. 7 ‘ham as poss, the desserts otal ‘athe gues started ave, began tg 8) bit weno 2 ott soemad to have trove (4 ‘weet food ocak, Thee (11) of fod, but every sng dah was aman eonrie Therewere (12. ossens rent ofLousa's ends rca, area Showascansng 8. interesting ooking age white crdbeaa ox | was sue conned Luss thy ea. Arad forward to hap sie cay tint thekchervpped andbunped it hat (6). of urea et ve and Jl ‘opp the bo Ans point 67) otter gust arvad cry (18). lage boxtoo ‘Sowhatsin your box?" wu Lou's pretant saree, tco0k, bt emake a0. ening nd no Eng Pet thet am pacon 8 — 36 1 tests ing eaang an Uae of Engoh Part 2 Cony rl -Revow Only- Not for Redstation Scanned with CamScanner’ Scanned with CamScanner Useful language Relative pronouns 13 complete the sentences woh lave pronouns, Sometimes ters ror the woman showed me the way othe station wis wry byrmacrae we fren pace 4 The wea ve is very nya ight. 5 Mybow, has worked eve fr 202 ating next 7 riley and ind out ‘bg tr 40 canretur tt them. 8 Hanns tat neped hs move int, very smal | Some ofthe sentences blos ve mistakes in thom ad some donot Covet the sentences wth mtoen 1 Let me introduce yor Baars, her mother you know quite wel 2 The ain that nes hours late, rally ative at 5 destin vin. 3 Tis isthevestorat that wat recommended to me by my r= ghbou: {ty cousin a nes in Ameria, coming to wt me nxt month 5 Da yourenember Mary those at once stayed in? & went back othe cafe which hough lef rambo 7 ta was the colleague whic helped me the mes when started here, 1 Shave arent many people have worked he’ along a Ihave Useful language Prepositions at tre beginning of phrases, ch ax rcomp pees nt wt ne pectin taioree Gesamte Sew ot fests mone So SS Samet Sere oe en are ae =e Twin Ty eating te of Engh Past 2 ‘Cony Matsa - Review Only- Nat fr Redistribution ‘Scanned with CamScanner Complete he sentences with pases fom Esra 5. 1 Thank you for coming * te ob intervie wel contact you 2. Weneed to look tes te planet, very’ future 3 Areyou ‘any help wth this project? 4 Some people sr very good at reciting poetry 6 Doyen nave any questions. yous appication?| 7 Wa an amazing experience -|could hardly ble was. ' 1 Lavra eas asked to speak at the conference the whole team, Useful language Linking expressions 7 Motch te inking expesins with tel caning. linking expression how itis used 1 aslooges 2) to.gve a eaton for 39 con! decion 2 mo matter how what wn cre ) to empha the imortance ofthe final thing 3 rotonty 0 ta refer teething which seems unlikely if 4 waste £9 to sy ove thing can only happen if another thing appens too, 5 despite te tact mat 1) ro empasie that something cannot be changes 6 ontepot 1 to say there more than one probes 7 ovethles 9) to ay that more than one (god orb thing Snot to mention 1) to emphasise that something maybe spring 8 Use one wor otto complete on Eo. ©. theta ht classes Mark enjoyed most schoo Wem classe, hechose to ay pyc at ues 50) to have a carer in sours. 2) ony id dowelin i cues, he ao foundajobinareserch abo ty which hound meect fd a8tyng, Rina a8 Ha he ens had comet. Mark was nt completely napey. hc sl teamt of being an ast. Ard ° mater how hard he ted, be could get he wea out of Ns aad. Aer Work I woul go home and pit nde spent ost = woken paling 00, Dut he never el Ne hac Ugh ef ete sorathing he was ey pro oO 8) ott, be was ‘esuing exhausted because he worked nto ab fr so many hous every 2, tn te end. Man spoke o hs oss, ant thay aged he could take Sx months off work. as o ase promizod tun to work aera. Mark devotes hen tis ait for sc wonder morta, produnny a sens of beaut pictues. However Ms Logan to mas hi coleagues, ‘ean he intresting work Ne a eh, oe did't mind returig 10 work when etme came. Mark's paintings si nang On hs was at Poms, and he continne io comne hs wk and hia a beste can 38 | Tests Toning Reading an Ue of gh Pat 2 Copyright Matsa - Raviow Only- NotforRedistibuton ‘Scanned with CamScanner Pe sy Reading and Use of English + Part 2 Action plan 1 Rede and tet serene withthe Cnatate onte nking nant 0 that you 2 Without ling nay ga rea the ext quicy 6 Look atthe worn either ide ofeach ap oetaniaenor nat erabout {he ming word maybe part of ed phe 1 Read the tert agin more slow and fll any 7 Whenyou have fled in al he gop, red your Spat you know tert to check rakes ene 1 Dont forget to Kee in mind the mesring of te et a develops. Wats this ext sour Wee rrr me Uh ienplains at Mappers the chee TY programme re B it informs us about the che te te presents the cots ew On coking For questons 916 rea the txt Below and think ofthe werd which Dest ts teach gap. Le only one wordin each gap. Tere ean example atte Bosinning 0} ite your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe ceparate answer sheet. exenoe (0) (als. TTT 1 I The Master Chet my belaves sire, fami sto Malan ips, and) ontcde SUL Interest enood. He tan two cooker Books ac appeared 4 TUBE Ot 49 ne pana vr meaning Aviron ie faces) an imovave donmmtan-e cokmy cement ‘rogram = ai that he (10) Up wih anal Aa reer and taps aratr nthe proramans. he ssa wel-known TV y sony each weekin thelr £27h wryou nnd fd iets on how hese have changed ve te couse (1) tree 42068 o prea penin of his ecb ae 86 RoW they cape with pepang ft a Sener He say the programma has povided Sinahmen comand Ives. Than he intodes et (1 0 ‘it fascinating wags no how poopie eat 10 hs eons ean. nd how people se food (8) Geer Ws rowers Mf tre 09. eoinvewetesomntnems or exanpietymstngthen MAM ‘mar fami rend, wh sive that appeal to chien (8) mucn 287e nnegoune eating ne of Egan Past 2 watt Gramprevee | 2 ‘Cony Material «Review Only- Not fr Redistbuon Scanned with CamScanner: PE Reading and Use of Englich Part 3 - Task information + tnPart3, you have read tet with eight gaps, and make 2 rd rom a ‘word gen ncaa letter a he end ofthe line ofl ea a9, + Par 3 main ests vocabulary, but grammat and peling ae tested, 20. ‘You wil nse to Know what kind of ward aes nem gop (noun em, ajc et) and you need to know ow oie! the word comet, et tinor asutx,by making changes with the word o by forming, Useful language Word families 1 Witte prt of speech nest sch Word ke the example T imagine ven 2 imagination 3 maginatie 4 imaginatively 7 inimoginatnly 2 becsic whch pat speec is neded in each 20. Complete the sentences (Tp Rameber at fe My "aa athe was enthusianic about oun gt he Soman a 2 They were bythe quality of her work ae snd offered nar 3), ease wow 3 He always his frends when he does a otorebyu cee 4 es not a good idea ta yon fst a they can be wr, 5 You perform at ump very 1 1 Many rite shought the etre production wat sk gave it poor reves 20 | Towa ting Reading an Use o Engh Pat 3 (Cony Material - Review Only NotforRedstbuton Scanned with CamScanner en one ad res rm he Base word in th able wn Le uines n 3 Feet ot ee oo le [mer ewe [every 4 cate etre ng ete word atten tech sete, TER ae Tine masa ight inte sy MYSTERY aeeuans 2 Hen ha on iy again = wh he wa 0 cane 3 wen ning tov-he protien isa good eto ink cneare 4 ticon bee hat robe hedundertocs he scion ed 5 2 carectne sping matas in thos vertonces The sates performed beautiful on te ce, Dooutike wating adverts an 1? ‘There ace mary simriys betwen the two plains. Thats avery condcsing agent! My ster acdertalybreke my avout vase © complete tho senna: vith a word using the base Word IN CAPIN.S anda (TRO ot tran 1 The coc uments were hard find becuse the oe wa 0 2 She ied to hide her ‘bu she was annoyed that her cousin as 9 Inte PATENT 4 Winen the actor hd put on all his xe-up he was completely 5 The behawout meane that we can no longer trust ther Reading and eo rh Pat 3 test tang 12 Copyright Materia - Review Only. Not or Resarition ‘Scanned with CamScanner: SM Ly Reading and Use ot English + Part 3 ‘Action plan 1 Look tech vod CAPTALS andthe wordh 5 a rb, what form an tne it before at iter ach ge. 6 Does the word in CAPTALS need more than one 2 Decide wish part of pee the mining werdin—° ehange? 2 Witea rou, engsarrpva couale 7 Cheche ward youve ven oe 4 san ajc, it postive or negative® or questions 17-24, ad he tnt blow Use the word given in cape at [FB Ye toch th ed ef some of he ine ofr 8 won hate ne gap nthe same pein CTS, Tine, Threis an sxe a he ering We your ansiwor IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe separate answer shot cxamote (9) (wlateie[Toles- LILLE LT ‘The Amazone See = ‘ewe logy rom 2,000 years ago The Acer Sens bee had at ccansiee onetareeray tare all Seat ie crmmert nen aN Sarees an ose oon moet sonaocennn ae ave ciatepaieonan “Tne Amazons ved in an teniesocinty, According to which story aS tathrs Yom anata hs, erage gave ham away at 20). 8 There may be some (24). Ln the Arnazon rth, bo. aust ee eae oe pemetarnmerernen oe cane aril Tenement ie 1 Gem ee wang wegen: nm me 22 | etd compte asing a Une ot gan Part 3 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Roading and Uso of English Part 4 ‘Task information [followed bs ey word, anda second sentence wth some 9s msi. + Part tee grammy, vocabulary and collocation. 1 The key word must not be changed + Yousaut we between two and five words ‘ung the key word ecesny worst complete the second sentence Useful language Comparative forms Use comparative expressions tom the st complet he socond sentence (Fou barge the wort {itn sinlar meaning tote fs sentence. ese ~ Useful language Reported speech 4 Rand ne sangue ten connie 1 the reporting verbs 2 BO tne sentances blow sing te past tense David: sly need oo a bit more execs feling so unt! Marg (unk yout ight But dd you ever got herew swimming peo Daved, Noctua, didn, know I shoul Ive. Butt so far way sys Yourealy mat! You cou goon your ike, you know. David: Fm not sie want to. ear, sways aining atthe moment Marge ‘Tht doesnt matter = you" wet wet atthe simi pool 293) David: Yer thers But yor rave to gve me my bike helmet back ist ow /-r(.iten tert iithan as ott temo / Det ntomeng tne Mary Inver took eaconrt fi David: tie hve ook your hal copboard now 1 5s aber eile than Ben a aera Ben doesn't Olga does. David: That's OK, : ¢0.“t mind. And you should get yourself a heimet, too, 2 tating the bus een cheaper han aking he an thenyor cil come nthe ‘rg sea taking ean ary, Trap eo 3 anor ered yt ln han any other fim Fes ‘ha vee se 1 ony vith David tat he needed mor exerci. 4 Jane sake wih es confidence than she we 2 boa “hat he hut ben to then ming ook eowdidot ete had befor 3 iy nud thee shoul go he new swimming ool on Usetul language Vers followed by a gerund or an infinitive. & ary so uate bye inet oe eee aera 6 tr. to et David inher al copboud Or tne marning of te dnc comectton Marin wat inch uy when ne "sean re sis Seed (etme tata forgot ese tanger pre wth her Seadpisnnd es ey Givocsen etoing he bs the hate se fad 96 on oo. sored eee a Sere way mnd Blt welt wating ue war pet cure he nt oes ait, Useful language Conditional senten ia a crore it missing begin ofthe competion cites complete tne second eterno that thas aslarmnaingo he et (TBE Tore en Sines

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