Science 3 Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 3

I. Lesson Objectives

At the end of the class/period, the pupils will be able to;

A. appreciate the significance of light to our daily living

B. identify and classify the materials as to opaque, translucent, and transparent

C. differentiate the difference between natural and artificial sources of light

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Light Energy

B. Reference: The Complete Book of Science

C. Materials: flash light, colored cellophane, clear cellophane, book, clear glass, frosted glass,wood,
clear plastic, cd’s kit, tissue paper, banana’sleaf,bag and etc.

III. Instructional Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

-Opening Prayer
-Checking of Attendance
-review of the past lesson

B. Motivation

*Sing a song
( the teacher will post the lyrics of the song)

- Class we will sing a song entitled “Energy”.

We will use the tune of a song called Mary
had a little lamb. I will sing first the song
then afterwards we’ll altogether sing it for
three times and follow my dance

- Are you all excited?

- Yes sir…..
- Ok.together….in 1, 2, 3 go….
- (Pupils are singing the song)
Energy has different forms, different forms,
different forms. Light, sound, heat, and electricity,
electricity, electricity. Energy has different forms
we use them everyday.

- Did you enjoyedthesong?

- Yes teacher, we enjoyed it so much.

(The teacher will ask the some questions regarding
to the song that had been sang.

- Are you ready for some questions?

- (Pupils will respond)

- What do you think the meaning of the

song? What can you say about it?
Anyone from the class.

- I think sir, the meaning of the song talks

about the importance of different forms of
energy to our daily living.

- Ok, verygood. Well-explained answer. All

of your answers are correct. Clap three
times for yourselves.
- Yeheey…

-this song definitely entails the different forms of

energy. These are the light, sound, heat, and
electricity. These are all essential to our daily living
in order for us to survive here in this planet earth.
Imagine class if we don’t have them? .our lives
would be miserable and we’ll live by traditional
C. Discussion

- Our main focus for this session would be

the light energy.

What do you think are the sources of light energy? - Sun, stars, and moon.

- that’s right

Pls. read the writings on the board - Light is a form of energy. It helps us see
the beauty of God’s creation.
- The sun is the main source of light.
Sunlight brightens the earth at daytime.

- There are two sources of light. The natural

and artificial.

Pls. read the writings on the board. - Natural light comes from the sun and
stars. Artificial light comes from man-
made sources.

- Ok, what are the examples of natural

light? These are the sun, stars, moon, even
animals like fireflies. These sources come
to earth through natural means which man
cannot control.

- The next one is artificial light. Examples

are flashlights, electric bulb, and kerosene
lamp when filed with fuel.

- So those are the explanations of two

sources of light.

- If there are two types of sources of lights,

there are also 3 types of materials. These
are the transparent, translucent, and
- Transparent materials are materials that
allow light to pass through. Ex. Clear

- Translucent materials are materials that

allow part of the light to pass through, but
they break up the rays and scatter them.
Ex. Frosted glass

- Opaque materials are materials that do

not allow light to pass through. Ex. Hollow

D. Activity

(classify the materials as to transparent,

translucent, and opaque)

-teacher’s instruction

I’ll group this class into threeand I’ll be giving each

group several materials to classify as to
transparent, translucent, and opaque. After
completing the task, each groupis required to
choose your representative to report the group
output. Ok. Are we all set? - Yes sir...

- Are u done? Last 30 sec.

- Yes sir...

- Time is up and now may we have the

group 1 to present their output?
- (group 1 presentation)

- Very good. So now, let’s proceed to group


- (group 2 presentation)
- What a presentation…good job guys.
Group 3 pls.
- (group 3 presentation)

- Let’sclap for a job well done!

IV. Evaluation

Test I. Modified true or false: Write UM if the statement is true and if it is not underline the word that
makes it false then write the correct answer on the space provided.

_________1.)flashlights is our main source of energy that is why it brightens the earth at daytime.

_________2.) Artificial light come to earth through natural means which man cannot control.

_________3.) Natural light comes from sources which man produce and control.

_________4.) Examples of transparent materials are wood, books, metals.

_________5.) Clear glass and clear cellophane are some examples of transparent materials.

Test II. Directions: list down or enumerate what are asked for each of the following.

 List 2 uses of light energy to our daily life

 Give 3 examples of natural and artificial light
 Give 2 examples for opaque, translucent, and transparent materials.

Test III. Essay: Compose a prayer expressing your thanksgiving towards God for the gift of light that he
gave unto us.(5pts)


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