Ls1 Engine Installation Guide: Design and Notes

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LS1 Design and Development Installation Notes

Engine Controls Technical Information Specifications

Introduction. ................................. 2
Design Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Fuel System. ................................. 7
Lubrication System ........... ..............8
Accessories ............... ..............9
Exhaust System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Engine Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Troubleshooting ............................... 17
Specifications ................................ 19
Diagnostic Trouble Codes. .......................... 20
PCM Pin-Outs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Engine Contral Schematics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
(QGeneral Motors Corp. Agewed. PN 88959384 Revised 91Y01
TIIFS ~ ) i ~ h l l ~ aI?t rI~ICII~IP~
~n 10 provlrlr:
~ ~ f o r r n ; l r ~al7ot1t
c ~ r l t t LS1 ~ t t ~ i . Ytt
- ~ a5.
seml~lv , ~ n d reldtrrl con.ootv<nls. Thrs
manual ,~lsn rlescrlt~rqprocerl~rrr><2nd
rnodlficnr~or~~. that may t~r~ ~ s r l riurlnq
t t l t . lnstallalloti of an LS I rwelve as.;rbrn-
t~ly.11 1s nor 1ntr.rltled to rtapl;lrp cornpn\-
hen?lvcx scwlcr manual5 and pnrls
catalors Illat covCr englnrs and corn
emrlents. I?,~lher. r: 15 d c s ~ ~ n ctodp r o v ~ d ~
s'roplornc~~t;ll1nform;hlo~3tv nrraq of
Intrmst to hrin\rrlcdgenh'r ~ I o - I ~ - ) o I I ~ s P ' ~
erle 111 ~vrrstsarlrl r?iecb~ar~lcs.
Tilt< [)uI)l~cat,nnprrta~ti': to Prgirirb
r ~ n dvch~clrsr ~ h ~ ,lrr3 c l i used of! !he publlr.
IlrCllr,ny.; [ w e p t wkic9rrspcc~flcnllvnoteti
o f ' i r v t s e . rr?cteral lay: rcs1rIcts I h r re-
r7)ov;11or nlo~l~lrcatkon of anv pan nf n frd-
cr;lllv rrlltIIrf!rl c~rnrnsS~Or1 COrilrol systrrn
or1 rrirltr7r v ~ h l c l r s .Further, many statrs
tlavc r r ~dr led laws r~tirc!iproh11111 tarnyer
I ~ I C?!l*ti or I T ~ odny c I~~ E ~ ~L ~ I Iems-
I P~~ T , ~
c,lnn or norsr contrnl qvsteri. V r t l ~ c l ~ s
it.ti~ctiarc not operalrtl on 'l!>frc Iligh-
LS1 INSTALLAmONAND LS1 Fti!:ine Kit lluvcrs 5hi~1icIo?~tatr:, I i " i d i 5 r l r gerler,
~ lllv C X C P I ~'rom~ most rrq-
Iso8 C a ~ i ~ ~ r o : r ~ r r lS> Pr r~ r fI C TL'l,l~x~al
F: 'Gh*tP u1a21r11~~. JS arc 7nmr spcclnl ~rileres!, j r i c l
SERVICE INFORMATION ss r-3) CI ~:W ~ F S ! ~ I I I I ~t{ ~h F~ .IT~I~~('. ~ h t ~pre-(!r?1iL,<.ronV P ~ ~ C I P S . ' I l r rwder 1 5
T!ilh ~~utlllcatlnn prov~dcr-. ~ ' r ' r l ~ m~nforlrla-
l C,~n~iiro/F~reI,lrd S~mbcrMtanl~alcorirnlns Inl- ~trorl:<Iv \ l r p r l ID cttr-clc all app11c;jblelo-
tlon 011 corrlcmnents :)vd proct-d~rrrqThdl mar, portnr~tsafel) prrrnutlans, cwqnc COr'lrol (f (:,>I an(l S'.IIP I s i ~ s .
hr trsclul ~ d i l r ni n ~ t n l l ~ nory semclny! IS1 i t ) apno\lrc.;, nicclinri~cal rrp;llr procrr lrr?,
plnr KI! PN 75534322. Top~cs~riclrrllr~ n s t ~ l l -!v r'nq scllr9rnarjcs. ;)rid other lrrlpnflanl 1rlfr)r- ri3,qny ol ttw pans dc.;cnbcd or It~tpfl
I >!Ion notr?. S!IPPT]~!~ v ~ t e t 7 : ~rlr!ctrOn!C . In t t i ~ st i ~ a n u ~;?rc i l rnerchn~~rlls~d 'or oSI-
I i ! ~ t ? ~ v~i ~ u n sac re tap,P.vcl
n ,rd; ! i c ; r f ~onlv.
enqltip controls, r rc:omrnrtlrlrrf acccssorles,
Tlie toll-frrr telephonr nt r n l ~ c r ? fnr nrdw w8ttit ' i r Spcc~dlPart? '.ot~ct? rrprod~cec!
parts I*.;'?. anti cnriyJ17especll~c;rt~ovs.
Inp?Grr~erakh l o t o r ~sew CP I T ? ~ ) ~ umt': ~I~s tl~le:
Tbr LS1 Eng~lnpl t r l pnglnc I S tr,~sedor] r t l r
pmrl~~ctlur r n ' f LS1 cxrl?rnF:
1 C ~ ~ ~ a lrr!l~rcI
h1. 5. 1-800-551-4123
Canada 1-800-668-5539
5c1rlihly. Tht7 Ibt may rnrlllrle ex[%lr~-.tmank , Thr? pzfl t ~ ~ vt ~ ; c e l~~o < ~ ~ ~ ' ~(IFc a l l y
lol!.<. nri automdtlc Iran?rn.%lon fl~y!>l,lTe.a Plensr rr,id 1111srrltrri. pt~hlicntrnt~ hr*fnr--. sl:r7c3rf for Olf-tl~?~.:av~lpplrcal~on
L : ~ I ~ I ~'~nrneqq
~~: ;tnd a? ECM ltiat ,vl'I nprrate st;lrtlrlqrvorh tr,
t7orll K I i ( > pnqlre <)rid an elrrtrnii~c;tlly conl- Irl!lnn ~ i r ~ c e c l ~ r rThe
famlltnrl;~ yo~lrscll
r s . ~nfornmrnnr;.I nrga-
!:*tf~ lrlstcll
n:it::. 51r1cethe ~ri.;:;jl!i~t~unnf thrg part
rmy vitt t ~ !twmlr r \,<!(IF ~ ~ e ! ~sl cr!?irs-
trolled clL(iDE autor~lntrc tmr~5nussron. Tllr 51url conl'r>l p c r f ~ f r ~ ~ or d nt~,~. cIIIICCF-
LS1 enq'rlra a~srrnl)l\~ I:PIZ~S ,q~pr~%~m;l'C'b< t ~ f l r c l unrlrr curvnt hlator Vrlllrle
390 ~ n i l n d s . IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE SJ'O:V Sti~r~ili~r(Es. I: shmtE(1 not t)r : r l -

Thl\ p~rhl!cattnn15ltltenclpcl to h~ 11sct1

l>v ~,xl)erl~r~cr~cI ancl l ~ t i ~ ~ ~ iiie- ~ ' ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ l ( ~
chat~lcs.It dor? r o t cnwv basrr id:",rc;e
prrhl>nratlorianti assemhly sltice 1: r < <ls-
suriic~lthat ;tip rr,tdcr IS r~lrra,jci;f~n~~lb,in
wltfl t ~ l r ~uCorP~i~~rt*s.
Ot)~~n>.'c'all saIr,'.v 3reca!rtI O ~ I ~an(! Tllr. lrifosrnatlori con!alrlrcl In thls pub-
~,nmlrlz?rn t h apnl~c;il>lr.~ senolcf>r,lnvlkl- Iicatgur: IS sub~ccl to cQanp,~.General
015 wtivn I I ~ I ~ I Ior ~ ~ ~ ori :I[I LS 1
! I~?orI<rr~. '.:otors illso rcscntcs the t~:,l<l to rnakc
Eril~)nc~ KI; rn ,iny v ~ l ~ l c l\?,,;lr
r. c y r prrl c.ti:rn@?s[I; ;lr7V lrlnn. !vrt!io~r: nnllcc. 111
tecllnn and apprnl~r~rrtf. ~>rt,tr.r:l
lve clor!- r t ] o l l ~ r i c w . t ~ ? a r ~ t ~ f ~ c I ~sp~cllica-
rn:. S!1;1{1nrl 1 t v \J~,~II~:IC ?r~(:~rr~tv v. 1:tl ?lor\%.;lrirl nialrna!s. or to discotitlrliri:
t;lrksl,lr\cl\ \~:llr7'~?vorl<r?r,unclr3nDr ;lrourld 'TPl'l%.
L S I Encine Kit 'PN. 25534.5~~
I ~ C I
exhaust rnan~folds.flcxplate, wlrlng narncss. 11. Use orllv !'I++ oroprr !or>l~. E<P~(.ISP PY- Ttir: ,~~fnrrnatlnn 111 t h r ~~)~lt,llr:at~on I(,
and ECM. The assenlbly IS shown here wlth trc,me CatlTtOl i w t l ~ ~i:r!rklnq n i~11lI1 krrn
recommended accessortes descr~hedIn tllts
17rhwr1:~f! i::ht.hat!t ;I-I?. 5?:drmrk!y. ~llblbe
publrcat~on. n~.aI)?p. corro\l!/(x, arc1 !1,~,>,1r(i!n1;s I~C:I~I[I<, r:r~I,, 'or 1:s IlL,#:15 p ! (r(.!,*, ~ AS~IIIC-(I ! r; l l ~ c
; ~ r ~ ~rlntcnals
(l l!<fmr. Speclflc- c o ~ : r ~ f l ! l c ! (ir.\!rf~.
~t nic-
Due to t h r :*:rde vnrlc71yof vehtclrq In wf~lch Somr. prnc~clrrrr< rcr.1r l r f x \ p c . c ~ ~ ~ l nm::+.rl\trps, and I!le rl~~nllflcir-
LS1 Pnpjnes c;lr) he ~nstnllctl.Somr 1,rwe- r r l ~ ~ q ~i l ~ t l c il w
~ t If \or1 rjo rln1 1 ~ a . r ~ ~ILIIK o' ~~?cilvlil~~:~l rradcrs ;lrr hcyond Ihc:
(1111~s nrld reconlmrncia:ln~~~, I nay not :t:>:llb: lo t l l r l ~1ppropti.11rtrarnrr~r,, cxl~crl~qc,. 'ind coti:rnl r l i !lip ~ ~ ~ . r h lanrl r ~ ltht3rcfcrre
~~r. t ? ? ~
.,nerillr ~ p p l ~ c a t a r Tills
\. p~lhlicnltorI[, not rnnl5 to prrlnrn. anv r);irt of t51s ~ t ~ ~ . T ~ ~ l l n ;:I :h1~sFmcr cll<clarns nll I~ah~lity w c u r r ~ drr~
, ~ 7 ~to ~replace ~ ~ drn~nprel ~ ~ i i~' : i %
I ~ v~~I:V I C P tlon liilfrly. !ti15 rdnrlj stlnlrrrl tv rlorlc7IN n c:oniicclloii s r ? h I h C LIT;^ of ~ r i f ~ r r ~ i i l t l o ! l
nlanirals and pans cn?,hln:fc ~ * V ~ I I C ~r:nver GP~I prolras<~nn,+l. c:orll,&necl 111 Itlls pul~l~cnl!nrr.
cr,ll blotor< r>+iF(!iies anrl c;omg?onclnl<
nzerl h y nldrol cornpcnclt gmctps, sucli as T)w crns<-l~nlrrtlm a n caps m ~ ndnrp d CONNECTING RODS
Foollny, Sb5tern nncl C n ~ ~ n cConTrols. SI<IT~E'I~ ~l;lnk(:as? r111n11111:r hIo(:h 111~tort10n
Plann~nqalirnd rvtll rrakc ~t casrrr te COT- m d b ~ n d r ? qr~nderhi.?t>lonrlq. TI,? nr:c:w-.l
D P ~ CRrl LS1 CflCI l I C x lr7<!,?ll;lllfjr'l SI I(;L'~ss~II~~!'. I~lockdlffnrqc, lcornl),~r~a 1 0 a convcnt~o~l;ll
sntall '>rock! r ~ r l i l c r - nnrss
, and vbhr;llion
GM Powrr rrain ~rltrcducrrlthe L S 1 enyjrle.
the 5rrcccssor to t t ~ eh~r-twfaw C'ieb r n l ~ t
srnall l ~ l o c kV8. In thp l W 7 Corveltc. Tt-e
El rrtalrl? the or~mnalsfinall-l~lnrtr'scorn-
~ a c wre.
r <~rnnltcrt\,, ~ n dtlr:l+i spec"~co l ~ l o l ~ t ,
Put IT is an rntrrely riew c.rlgrne that sh:lr~s
wn,f ~ components
w v;~tll ltlc f 1 ~ivnPrrlt~c11
1 T h r LSI's cnnnertlrlg rorls nrF for~pclpnw.
I1(\recl n ~ r l a l .;I rn~rn~f
3ct1fi~ r l r : !,nlcrss t ' r 11
The 1997 C o w ~ t t eLS1 Pnglmrl was i;rt~d r ~ r m icfl<
? ! rod< l17aTorp \;+174 c o r i ~ t < t , ~;~ncj
r~t~ \ r -
v r 5.600 ,750
a: 3fr5 h o r ~ r r ) o i ~ 131 TI,? LS1'% clrf (.vl~nc!crlirlers arc c;r:,l In t~lnllv ~dant~cal. T i w ~~otvclrlr~d mr>lal nxls'
19s.-ft, t0rq.r (at 4.400 rpnl). TLlc LSZ was p l a c ~ R11x
. nn I'>eI~rlcrs'orller rl~nn:ctclr an- '"iear nrt" S ~ J I I F ! n-.lnrn??p~ iFIrldt*flnS tn
subwq~renllv off~rrr' In 1998 Cf~r3.vmlot c i o r t ! , ~ si? st:r:r~rely In thr I~lock;inc i v ~ ~ g an3 h t I>.~l,~nce. I h c rod t;oltq screiv clt-
Carn,-lrn Z?H 2nd Por-:~ac f ~ r c h ~ rrnodrls
il In Pkpe(lltc he;M 1ranslr:r tu [!IF: >i~rrt)t~rlTI~np,
illu- r r c l l y bnrn t h ~rnrl
. fnrlcs.
305 and 320-tiorsc(1~wer vt:rsron?. The 2'001 Irirntlli? ;ltld ct>oat-11DilS5;l?jL?,. CYPlNDER HEADS
Cowrlte ZOh ~ntro(lt~c~c! il hrgh-or~:nut3 P 3 -
The L S l !;ns iol.~rt!quallv sl~clcctlticiarl tlolts
i-orirpor~~er vcrslon rlcslRn;lt~dLSt'i. Thr L S 1
arounrl Earl) rvllnr11.r. TI115 four Iwl! 11:-7!tr*m
and 115 derv,~I~ves are mt-r-nhcrsof ii
tiwnln~i.fPsborc drs:ortrun .?rr,l ~ P ~ Tr t ~l r TI : WS
'arnrly that 1s noib: n . 1 ~Yablc I r a i * < l c t r rarlc-n of
ng lnw-t e n m n [ ) ~ s ticrlr'~t!'.;.
of fr~ctran-rccl!.~~
GGMvrhrcle? and ItrJit t n ~ c k sworlrlw~de.
T l ? r LS1 tllsnIacP. 5.7 Ilferh (346cu!xc
nchrs) anrl rptalns tflc or~~:!nal<ri~,til.l)locl<s
4.40" cvl~ndc'r burp sllaclri:!. Thr LS1 c l ~ f f ~ r s
'rom rts DrrClcCessor In srrrltftcar?! ways, n -
~ l i ~ d1 1 1~0 ~ 1r~ ima;erl;rl
~ IcaC3l~ r o nvs. cd5t cllzl-
r?i~nilrnl.cylinder I w e di,jrnet~r (4.00' :1~.
3 . 9 0 1 . and crank<h;cct strokc (3.48 E..
3.62' 1.

Thr, LS1 cr;lnksli;~ft IS P o r l ~ ~ lc:ln

a r rron. Its
jotrrr,il 'lllets ,Ice rolled tc Inlprnvr* d~~rallrllh~.
Hollnw riTalrl :>earlny>In1~rrials r r r l i l r r ftlc
mass nf t h e rranksliatt a q ~ r n ~ b l y .

TIlp LS1.5 czs! ? l t . m l n ~ ~c:!r l ~rlr,r:r f'r,lrls

haVP P E T I l V SpJCUd. 5)'11llllf'lit~rllr r 1:ahF: and
FXI~~IIST DOTIS. The ~ntakPports nrj I h r arr rail1
ancl ri;lrr3':;, wli~c t'trv ekL-~nl.q'
ektts a r c nvni.
Cylrvder h ~ a d rockrr
T 1 ' ~ '~ cover r;)ll extrnd?
thr too o f The vNvr s p r ~ w slo preient o I

1hr: LSL alurrll~lurnn1ot.K rentures :I rlccp-

sk~rtdesign, w ~ t h011 pan rn~lsthat extCnrl I n
For:. lhe crlnksl-af! r:entrrllne !c Ili~provcsliff
ness and r ~ ~ ~ c Each . ttle fivr? r~ia111
l ~ t y 01 ht!nrlnq
ca35 I S S C C ~ I ~ C Ct?v
I SIX taslcners Intir vprtr-
cal Imlts tllnt scrr-n rnto thc m a n h r ; i r l n ~
bull<t~eads and tm:, acldit~nnalcrn.;s-bolls :hat
ariclx>r !'lc caps to Ihe qrdras o' !t,e blor.A.

p&9 ? $-
":A I::, I' ;
3' /

I 1 I
Valve Lift Duration at Centerline Lobe
Year/Model Pa* No'
(Int./Ex.) .050"Lift (Int.lEx.) Separation
1997 Corvette 1 12554710 ( ,4721.479" 1 202/210 117

The L S 1 hydraul~c roller camshaft has


1 1






lafge bear~ngjourr~alsand lobes to rnlnln74ze 2uuu corvette I 12560968 .500/.500" 20Lf212 119'112 115.5
iors~onaltv:!stlng and stress. The camshaft IS
hollow to reduce mass, and does not have an
011 pump dr~veEear or fuel pumu lobe. A
notched nnc a t the rear of tlic caiiishaft trv:
2ers tflc ca~nshaftposltlon sensor. -Same as 1997 Corvette 1 ~ 1 td~ffcrent
h cam trigger wheel
The L S l ' s valves. pustlrods and rocker
arms are pos~t~onecl In I ~ n eto o(,tlmlze the
valve! r a n geo1nc:ly and reduce Inctron. Cast-
steel roller rocker arms aclcl s t f f n e ~ sto the
L S l ' s valvctra~n and enable h~p,ll engrrle

The LSl's producrlon cast-alum~nuniv ~ c t -

sump 011pan IS cles~gw?dto prov~dean unln-
terrupted supply of 011.Baffles and a wlndage The LS1 Incorporates a h~gh-~ffictency
tray ensure that tRe o ~ pump
l p~ckup1s cov- gerotor o ~punip
l mountcd at the front of the
ered under high cornering toads. A moldetl 0- crankshaft. The crankshaft sprocl~etfor the
Hyrlraul~croller i~ftersfurttlr fr~c
nng gasket p r ~ ~ r ~ c lae sleai<-les~stant seal s~ngie-rn4lertlmlng chaln 15 ~ncorporaredIn
tlon and w a r compared :u co, , v L , , , I flat
the o ~plrrnp
l clnve.
agalnst the bbclt's cxtcnded 011pan rails.
tappets. Cornpos~!e l ~ f t e rgu~desallen the
roller l~fterson the camshaft lohes. The LS1 IGNITION
val~,e;ra~nfcatures I~gtitwerqhtvalve snmng re-
talners and heeli~ve-shapedspr~ngstllat err-
hancc h~gli-rpm perforqiance.


The cast-aluminum all pan has a low oil level

sensor; this sensor is not u s e d with the L S 1
Englne Klt wirlnF: Iiarness. E C~LIOI culls arc. rnolrr-iltu LIII ule
L S I s alum~riu~n rocher covers to supply spark
for each cylinder. Efec:roonc spark I1r1711iq S I ~
The L S 1 irses a conpo51telntak? rnan~fold nals for the COIIS are tr~ggeredby crankshaft
that 15 I~ptitcrthan a cotnpar'al~iealulninum and carnshaft p o s ~ t ~ o vsensors that prov~de
casting. The man~folrl'ssmooth lntenor Ilas- t i ~ $ I vacccrraIe ~ f f n ~ t ~rlnilng
o r i and ~nlsf~re de-
sages enhance a~rflowand insirlate ttie Intake tect~nn.
charge from engrne heat. The tuned lntalw
runners and sequen:~al fuel lnjecrlon system The LS1 uses a rev~sedf~nng order that drf-
proclucc a w~de,flat power culve. A mass arr- fers from the or~g~nal Chevrolet small- block.
Vow sensor motlnted a1 the front of the rnanl- Tlic L S I f ~ r ~ nSeqUEnCE
g 1s 1-8-7-2-6-5-4-3.
lold provldcs accurate ~ n f o r ~ n a t ~on
o n !Ilu Tlils rev~sedf~rlnlr,orcler rrnprovcs Idle quallt!,
amount of a]?enterlng the englne. wkrch the and redtlces engine v~hrat~on.
Powcnra~nConrrol Module uses to cIeterrn!ne
the optlmum fcicl dcl~very.
Note: All fasteners used on L S 1 engines
are metric. Metric bolts must he uscd to crankshaft
attach all components (bellhousing, mo- f?;~n~:c
tor mounts, headers, etc.) to thc cr~gine. spnccr and
;I5 ~ILI!?~ P;~rltr,~-,t 1 ~ # - i:v
1tfh .*l;~f-~> il!!'!>r- I ~ n l f 5w ~ l h
e:lCps t>p7~,:;?v1l llr->l~ r ~ v l ~! )~' Ii ) l!!
* l . ~ > ~ ~ %>':7;jl! fl.11
,?rlEIl>?S L31\ti t I 7 P LS I !Y, C O ~ ?b~:-~l ! > ~ - l ' . , ilvxpl.7tc.
c o n i p u n ~ ~ ? r ?!I[-!>
i'? ~5 :?>@'ort ) , ~ ! ; i : ) ' ~ , , ,!!.,
> ~ T (!rJ ,.:P?, i ; X 1 ~ i l L i , ; : r T j ~ ' ~ ' 1 f ~ 3,:, : [.J;r+q
! < ~ !l :!'I:?' ,,

c ,! ~are
, ,: , h ~ ~ ! 5
-7, . fy~! ~ ~ - , ~ ? r ~ ~ ~ L",''~~~TI ~ ~ ? r , ~ - ~ , ~ ! ~ l i ~ ,
1 ~ 5 ? a : +311
!1~ CS3 ~ : * F I Wil'sr'!?'!' '. 8" I: i,~''i1.1'~
pnt or':?,na1ly~n:r,l, i4;:il> ar; LS3 r l r ~ : :I : # > , I'
y.!I! i?: F-OI:F~,:~-L - 0 ;j(!,?!): <:I! ' , l ! > ~ , r . ; l,:,lrlol
r I<*
c,>~i'[:o!~crfsi@r:l*e c~nlir!!~, I . I I > I . ~ ~ l c r * r ~ r . ~ l .

a:,{! e.t:ni is! s:5:prn5.

I IO!V '30
Recommended Oil Type: l i J o l ~1 FLEXPLATE

Recommended Fuel: l!nlc;~dcd prr.ukr:lnr

:-;I o{:tnrie
!F? Mi31
Maximum Engine Speed: G20r3 111111 PClLl
"Drshcd" flc? 125Tr313G
K- 4L60F t r a n \ ~ ! ~ r ~ . - ..1~1rl
~ o ~ uf l r ~ t '1 <:YlJl,l!4. r > v
12551367 ~rlr:tltlw k l l ~7 9 H r ~ i mI r r ~ f tI n l t r r n for
rarly 63LfiD. 71xOR4. THhl . I ( ) [ , nnri T+I'<l ? ,(I

PN 12561680 - !. .:. 4 . ! ,r>!.ryh ' .)..t*i>c.~


The L S 1 I>iock has multiple bosses t h a ' I .3n

I,c used lor custom enjilne mounts.

Thc rccornmendrd 4L60E automat~c
liwe ~ ) ~ O V I S I O I I $to mount a
torqilc' arm.


I -.
' I ?

. . r

1 .I -- -'
, , .:
T h r wlrfnl: Ii.~rnr.;< ~ l l ( ~ p l ~~ *~- 1t lt1h1r LSZ
Enync Kit I< r l r h ~ r i , n r r l'for ;I 4 l G O C f o u r - ~ p r p t l
,it~lon~atl<: ov6*riIr1"1P ~r:h~~-,lli~~~~o~i.
D~rnensiansfor motor mount boss locntrons
T l l r f o l l o v i ~ n41
~ fiOL nlltol?idl:,c: trar-smls arp rn111[>;1!1t)Ip
PI^-r I1~3cts Q?;I!.~-I thr- 13Ckl #.)I 11-
$10'15 i l r r reconln~rrjr tr\d lor ilsc r : l T t l LS 1 r r l - 1 ~ 1 7SI~J!~:I!r~nclcar) 1-JV ~ : , ~ l ~ ! ~ alor
€ e[l~ffPro~?i
plr-PS' rj11 105 ar?rl 1 1 rc ~

PN 24210673 1998 C n r n ~ r n ! T ~ r ~ t ~ ~ r c l STARTER

PN 24212632 t'399 Corl~~lrn'F~rcb~rd U S P 1 ' ~ t r l : ) ~ :S~t d~l ltPr
l ~ ,ll>r! f a 5 ~ ~ , l vf i0 <
ntk LSl crt? * i t > h~~.;t,~lt;lr~r~n?,:
PN 24216077 7000 Csrnnro'f~rct~rrrl
PN 10465385 Rt,rrtfir
L;sr :he fhllne~t~*:fxtencr.: i.,A~tn ~n<tnlliri[:
a 4 L f i O t transrnlv~on. PN 22561848 13r 1 . 7 . rr:qr:f

PN 11515767 Br*l'i~n~tq~riy
t ~ o l IX
t ~ rtbcl.l PN 12561387 t?att, rvltrr
PN 1261968 Cnnvfrtrr hnlls ( 3 req.) AIR FILTER AND INTAKE

The 4L60E transrniss~onhas a full

bellhouslnR. Access thc torque converter
fasteners through t h r removable plug.

h15t;lll PN % t i 2 7 7 i 2 ! cnllvert t n

l, rtr l b r:nnler Idnr:.,.
~ ~ ~ v e r tf e
I.PN ? ' #l7(3,.,,,
;IS rcq~k!r1:11
u,08 : :
[ f % v <~ ~I O L V I I.?

- trtm t r r f ~ t

I - 1 , ! -:!O
- - -
tl~rnadinserts In manifold to
fi tmnsralls';lnrl flirlrt coolvr rn~.<thc usec.1
W I I ~the 4LGOt ta>r<smtsson.T l ~ t *Iq~perf ~ t
t " r y routes flrrlci nut to I t ~ con!rr:
e !tlr lnwrr f~!-
!!I<;; 1(~1tW15 T o l!Se
f11tic! 10 T t F !?Jnsf)3155lCbli.
~nvrbrtrrl llsrr cooler I ; r ! c ~ , rcnlnve ttrf: (11 fir!<-
connect f~l!lnp>5sl:~lnlrd'rlwith tbr: tr.ln..n~ls-
slon ;mcl 11751.1'1 PN Sl(i37742 f~:t:nr,s.
Ske .1C6OlI transniss>ar)ri Il\rs arl rlrr:
lrorilt: spcutlonirlrr: : h v r nrr rlo l)rni~lslon<
for a rnecl~;~n!c~~l Tl>e~rlof-~rta~r
PCM speeclonirtrr 01jlp1I: [E,OOO 111ll..-s p+r
~ l r ~ v cTl;c

ni~loj;.I cornn3lllllr v~bfv G V or1!71tl;llrxollln-

-. 1 - >s-
- "~
e r s . c.prr~d- 1. I'P. .' I 1 7 9 7 1 1 AII 1111.11
lnerkt r.t~ctrorrc s f ~ c , r ~ r f r ~ m ~ tiIv .
2. PY 1;'16024A Intnham A r r Td~nipewturr(IATI
ornrl(>rc,h~hratlon15 lrlr n , r x t r scnsnr
raIro anti 8 13 trrr! rcvoli~l~nrr< pcr mlbt3. 3. PY 2 5 1 4 7 2 1 0 Duct Ic~rrved]- includes IAT
Vehrclnt, w ~ t hclaff~rrr-t; r ~ l ( ~ ' t ~
rt~ 4. Plug EGR port.
t~nlisrequlrc ;1 cor)rl~t~on~rg tl(>v~cr hefor? t1.r
s~pnalIS sen! to Thrl \peedomrbtr.r t ~ r ~!hcsc rl
rlr v ~ r c sare avallnblr! from n f l r r i v ~ ~ rsupl>ll
PIS .;~rch a5 JCL. Arrtnmrtcr c'r'c'rlr' =.~~t*r9(lum-
EXHAUST GAS REClRCULATlON (EGR) L:t1r7rvc! ,I ' ' I h x P 1r1 1'\13 rral l l * or 4 rn11c1
40 r ~ i , ~ ~ ~ *b w:
~ ~~\ <
; td~*t?roi1 ~ 1 1tip
a I I retl~rnE~o%r> 10 ttvL lrr~nl rarlla[or.
UstT rrl,ry PN 14089936 In cuntrol thr

"1 c ~ C- r i:tl
PIC ~TP,:,J:.



COOLINE SYSTEM 1.Upper radiator hose: 11-1"I8

C ; : ~ r l ~ - i ~ ~ ) ' FI rLS
r~~1 .l ~F-?
~ r ~L{:>,' ;I

Note: Failure to connect the cylinder 2. Lower radtator outlet: Gnrr5 27?76
head arr bleeds properly c a n rcsult in an 3. Water pump inlet: : ; n v r 57 l r W T
internal air tack and cause englne dam-
4. Fill tank to water pump: LIT['< 70233
S ~ ~ ~~I I O I i t ! tx? ~ , ~ t ~ r l c d ftr P3m
A T - J I ~ 111t)c rl
a l t l n ~ ~rrn In ~ d , j n :the 1
r l ~'~rbrl~+: r.~d.;tnr
oullci In t l i r 1 w . ~ t c r[limmll ~ntrb.

Tllc LS3 f~1r.l ~ y ~ , opt-alrr, t ~ c ~ ;ll t~l,~)ier
prv?s,lrf3t!! ! ;I c c ~ ~ i : p n l ~~. ~
7 ~ ? ~l I V \ #-.,,s-
J T~! a ?O~
ton). I::( c.l;lt~nn
? i-;t)eri r l s < C n ~ l > f ~IF-re ! l ~ f11eA
(:lli1cL, :I!'
S w l P r ? ,-i?if! , y .a x j i,t r3sr f * ~ ) ~
IarIy fnr lerllrs. lJsc rc1r.v I-'N l~10Y-J~l3FE tn
ConTrol lhc 4-lct:lrlr: 7 1 tel 1>~1ni;3.

LUERiCAflON S Y S T E M Tllc CS1 Enpme Klt a5semllly usrs a
Carnarolftreb~rclor1 pan. Other p r o d ~ c t ~ n n
A 10'rv-30 svnlhetfC 011ls s"'lahlc for pans are ava~lablefor custom ~nstall~llons.
opemtlngcondrt1Qn5.Operatlun In Tt~esepans have vnrlnus depths arwl conl~y,u-
Or cold lnay rcqulrc O'l wltrl hlEher Or
ratlons as si-~clwrrIn lhr: nccomp,lnyrrlf< ptlo-
lower YISCC ctlvely. tos. Notr that cach 011 pan LISPS ;I sprclf~c
wlndajic tray and QIIpimp plchup. CallnclTlcz
shown are w ~ t hand w~ttioulor1 IEltrr rr5pnc
6 Iwely.
NOTE: All dlmens~onsappronlmatc: for refer.
cnce irsc otlly.

1, PN 125t,,,, Y,, vette
2. PN 12558762 Carnnre/Firebird
3. PN 12560393 C!K Truck

i: t . ~ c : , m ~ s I ,,,,I-~ I 1 > , 1 l ~ : ~ i ''. t , 1111 1, ,,I


for ctlzf33~sa~ :,LI~IIP~~<I~~I rtmtB1.1cr GI?

s h ~ : . i nIn 1.71sLS L ~n.;tnli~t~ori In A 1CI55 Ct~c.v-
rolcr. The par1 sl trnil, rvas r ~ u ~ ? rYor f clrt,ar thf,
Steer~ncI~nhaf,e and ~ l ~ o r t r r ~for t v l Eroirnd
clearance U O I ~ tti;lK ttlr IrarlSllllSSlnn
k:Ihouslng 1s ilt!;lchrCI tn ttlr ?truc!irrnl rill
I pa? casllrln, nla" one Ct)oI! =Icr wlr.
Corvette o il pan with ail pump pickup PN
12558750. OIL FILTER


I* ' -
Drill t a l l I ~ o s sfor amermarket 011p r e s w r r
gauge sender rf required.

L I ACDelco oil frltcr PN PF44 1s recorn-

Corvette oil pan with windage tray PN mended for L S 1 engincs. If space pcrnTtt5, PFS
PF59 may be ilsed ro Increase filter ca~ac11y.
PN 12560393 C'K Tr~rchr;T;:6.5 rlts.1
l-lolctrn 011 pan PN 1256151.1 (nut rliown) -
1s a t h ~ t(:;In IT ~lscrIIn
f r o l ~ t - s ~ ~rle?~E~i
nppt~cab~nn? with rc,lrVvartl InGiltPtf Pngifll:

L S 1 Fnpjnc Iq~tsarr ~ l ~ p l l with c d t n (111-

frrrnt tvl)r\ of 011 prr\surra \rncl~n,qun :q -
C M truck olr pan mtn wlnaage may r n tall a r ~ d~ h n r tI!. kour r r r q I i P r~ P ( I I I I ~ ~ C C ~~w~rl:'?
12558268 and oil pump prckup PN stinn srndrr. ~t shoirld tlr c h a n g ~ rto t tnP tall
L2563961. qtry{i(, ~ I Tvf5r<~or~.
I T*?t\ S P ~ ~ PI<, I rnnipat~btr
w11l1;i ~ ) r t x l ~ ~ c G11t ~ n rr:aupc
~ (80 p s ~m;1*1-
~ n ~ l n Ti )l i.r srrnnl IIOIH 1t h t ~oil l)rr3v.urCsencl~r
15 not r l s ~ r t7b l the PCk4
Part No. Application Description

D~l,sIlci\ b1. t,t~

12551577 F~reIj~rd
125515&1 c"t"a'0'



12558762 F~reb~rd r;
The following componerit..can be used to
12558253 Cilniarol
WInda qr7 t rav t S 1 accessory drivc ,.r ,.tern. mount an air contl~t~onur cornpresson nn an
F1reh.m L S I engllir?:

12558251 FrzrT 041 prrrnp

The LS3 E n ~ ~ nKIT e does nnl ~ncluclr~ c - 1. PN 11515771 Bolt (4 req.)
crs?nrlc$ w c l , #75an nltrrna!or, pnwer vrrm 2 . PM 1 1 5 1 5 7 7 1 But1 ( 2 req.)
con7prcssor. 3.
Ing Ixllnr,, aoct nrr corlrl~tlnn~ny, PN 12556677 Bracket
4. PN 1137028 Cornpr~ssor
Prodl ~ cIon
t acctssorleq i111(1 driiv COI~ICJ. 5 . PN 11098331 Rolt 42 rerl.)
12563918 C/K Trt~ck D~psticktub?


C/K T r w k

C,K Truck

041 pan
n m ' s can t ~ ~
r ~ s e111
r lInrlnv LS.1 ~nslall;~tlr)ns.

12558268 C'K Tnlck Ifv'lrldagr tray

011 (,umo
12563961 CtK Tnlck

12556405 Colvt?~c D~nstrcht ~ ~ h f :

2256246' l-lol[leai

12561828 Corvette 011pan

LYll7dage tray
12558189 Holden
L PN 10464402 Alternator BOWER STEEFJING PUMP
011pir7in 2 . PN 11515767 Bolt
12558750 Corve:tc plckLja
3. PN 12556915 Hrace
4. PN 11509666 (3olt
k2561544 Mo!dcti ~ ~ p s u cr uhb r

12561541 Il o l r l ~ n 011

011 p u m ~
12572654 Holdcv

I --. - 2 L
The fallowlr~: c(~rrir~trr~r*r~!> to
calrr h ~ r~sr,rl
mount a p o v . r r stl.j.r~ri!: punrp o11an L S 1
1.PN 26040467 Cap
2. PN 26068934 Reservofir
2. PN 1 1 ? 16366 H r ~ l t
3. PN 12569527 Belt
3. PN 1153 6366 Bolt 4. PN 12559885 Pulley
4. PN 125h3327 Bmcket 5 . PN 1407KH96 Bolt ( 2 req,)
5. PN 1151fi360 Bolt 6. PN 12555Ci93 Brncc
7 . PN 1 1 5 1 5 7 5 7 Rolt ( 2 req.)
8. PN 26068r)3C Pump
9. PN 1255733 1 Bracket
10. PN lt5157G7 Rolt (3 req.)
Tllr, L S 1 Engine K I rs
~ sul~pl~cri
!:.TI1 [Ira-

L S 1 P~!I;IIIS~
can 111. ,~~1;111tcd
r?lanif~ldsfur oltipr
to c ~ ~ ~ instal-
1:1!10115. N O ~ P~ I I I )IIII!I-.I(~IICPS 111 P ~ S L OI.I\~C,
I o c . ~ - mawl
s l ( ~ f ~ l > IS. J t P3r? r i 1~ r ~ i l ~l~\tccl
' -
~ t r ~ t ! ~
~ I I ~ ~
~ r 7 arc?
for ca5t-irorl 111~if-11fnlds i a l t i ~ r: t . , ~ r ~ tPf3 fat)r~-
4 catrd rnarl~'fir(ls sI-IQ'c!~.I r l ttwr,r rnsrances, .&-

the rj!wr;~Il (!rb~-,~g!-ts of T t l t ! I I I ~ I ~ I I ~are O I rL?f*

' 5 sarnc. -.-
1.PN 12560345 l . ~ ! ~ i . > ~ r ~ ~ i c r LS 1 EXHAU?j T MANIFOLDS
2 . PN 11516356 Aort r 2 req.1


PN 12567706 CdrnnrolTrrr.!>~rd PH rvl I)

ELR Iln~,.;I
PN 12554507 C;in.;lrcr 'Trr~b~rcl

The LS2 torsrotlal dawlirt n l ~ asrwps a'
the cnnks!lnft p ~ ~ l l efor
y t h r ~ l r c r s s o yd r ~ v t .
Clankshalt p ~ ~ l l c varc
s nv;~~l,?l>lp rn drffcrvrlt
confip,urat~orlsto fit varlokrh ~nst~llatrons. Tlv
d~mcrrslons shoivn R ~ C :It)(? i ~ p o r ~ ~ ~ r n1115
naticrr from the rear of t h a~u l l ~ yto Ihc n)l~llcl
l)oqscs on YtFe froril cxnyulecovpr. lleadpr f!,3nf?!-.: for L S 1 crl[31tir>T.;!r? A~.;
lfi as PY i :,J.:80I30 lor [:I ~b~!(:~nj-tj~j!i: 1
llarrsl 5v';tPrrls. Prnd~lct~nrl1.51 evr1;31.1?1
nlar~~folrl 1:;1slrrJts :P\ 17!i59573 - 7 rPrl.1
a r ~ t lrrivrrlc fas!enerc, fl"c 12551187 12
wrr. ! ir? r ~ c o i ~ ~ n i ~ T!V'SP
t i d ~ tEaSb,PtS
~. Can
11- rr.11wrl , I In fioorl cnr1ri3t~on.


D1merl51ons shown arc ;~pprox~rnate d~stances
from round bosses on front cover t o rrar of
torqlonal damper pulley.

2.PN 12553118 Carnarn Ftrc~t~~i(l


Thp LS1 crrrnli~5;lfl damper retalnlnl: t)dI

15a "torq~reto vleld" f x t c n r r . If ~t15 e v r r nf*c L S 1 exhaust man~fold
gaskets and header
csury to r ~ p l a c rt h r t~olt,a new holl ~110111d flanges
tw ~ristallcd; do rrol rrl!rse a flrrv~ntrslyIn-
stalled lmolt. Trp,t~tcnthc n r w bol: tn I 10 ft.-
Ihs.. then back off the Imlt one Irrm. A r t l g h t ~ n
the hoEt to 3 5 It.-H)s.and t h ~ ttirrrl
i 1 1 1 ~ bol!
" an
additional 140 .

I h
L 5 1 wir~ngharness. right s l r l ~
1,Injectors 2,4, 6, 8
2. IC control hank 2 (RH) L 5 1 Encine K I wirrnf:
~ harness
3. Crank wlre to starter 1. Data Link Connector (DLC) and MnIfunct~on 5. LH bank
4. 12 volts to starter lug Indicator Lamp (MIL) 6.AH hank
2 . Fuel pllmp relay 7. Fan rclny
3. A;C comprrssor relay R . Fan connect~on
4. Fllse block

L!5 1 wiring harness. 1left side
.- --
1. lnjccrors 1.3. 5 , i
2. IC control bank 1(LHI

1r1. ~:ol~iprpl~pt
,SIV~: 111forf11~1T
,nQOTI t IF ~r I~T,IT~P
cuillrn! v;?:efn. 11ic111drr-2 ~ : ~ ~ t c ?FXL>~;II>J-
C n d w ( DTC ' nrvl
~ , o q ~(I'~ :Dla?nostmr:rr0~1!1!~1
dra:,rlrm-,Tlr proc?r!\~rl-!<.refer 10 7 1 1 ~ 1998
Serw:r-. FA;lr7rr;i!.
Ca,i~~rr,:Tlr~<l)~rr[ Toll-frt.~
t~fel)tio~ir: ~rnhefifot -,mplCmnrl~
r t , l l orrler-

'U.S. 1-800-551-4123
Canada 1-800-668-5539
P S I Eng~neKit wtrmF: harness
1.Data Link Connector [DLCI and Malfi~nct~on Dk Grn = Coolnnt temperature
ltrdrcator Camp (MIL) Tan = 011pressure (for GM cluster only)
2. Furl pump GtirMrht = k C requpst
Blvc = Fuel pump cauge Whrtr : Tachomrt+*r
Gray = Fuel pump power Pink Purplc = Torrluc converter clutch
Black = Fuel punip !:round (TCC1: open with h r ~ k cpcdal deprcsscd

3. Gilugr?wnrrng
Grn~TVht Electric spepdometer (optional)
Prnk = Voltmeter
4. lgnttlon switch
2 Rwd = Eattrry powcr (both to E+ Input
vrlo o f ignltlon swztch: alw,lvs hot)
Pink = 1 2 V to 4'C sw~tch Pl~rple= Cr,frlk tn starter
Blue = Fuel f:nuge P ~ n k- Sw~tcllcd1 2 V t o fuse hlock

Note colors of connectors (red and blue)

whcn connecting Lrarnsss to PCM.
sllum~natcwhen co~lncctedto the crrCii~t.II? COMPONENT OVERVIEW MASS A1R FLOW (WAF) SENSOR
some cases, even an ortllnan, shop voltmeter AH of the sensors and he r n p ~ sw~tches
~t Tlie ??as?Arr flat?: [MAR smsor measurer,
iv[II not give an accurate readmy, Iecause ~ t s can t~ d!a:qnoscd throum rllc 1 1 sof
~ a Tech 2 the amormi of arr cntprtnl: Iiir enqlne. Tlic'
rmstance rs too loin;. A d g ~ t r lvoltmeter
l wrth scan tool. J h r tools
~ arc nva~lnhlefrom Mac PCM uscr !I115 ~nforrnatlnnl o ~Eet~rrnlnr rhr
at least 10 mep,anllrns anput ~rnpedance1s re Tools and other sources. Ttic scan tml c;lm operatrnf: cond~:ror?of tllt5 mglne rn nrrtrr I
qu~redto ensure accuratr! voltace readrnr,~. 3150 be ilsrrl In order to compare the valucs control thr f11pIdellvew h Inrce quantllv of n
The PCM controls ot~tputdevices S L I C ~as for a normal running PnyJne rw~ththe c'nglne lndlcatr? nccclcrat~on.A vnafl qr~~-inttlyof a
the f w l ~nlectors,Idle Arr ControF IIAC), cool- hemp. r11;lenosed. (Srf! nnte pace 18.1 rndlc:~!r~decet~mtirmnr 1(1Ic.
ing fan rplavs. elc.. hy controllinp, the ,?round Thr! f a l l o w ~ ~1g5;l short descr~ptluqof how The MAF has a t~:jttery feed. "rrlb~nc?,and
or t h pawcrfeed
~ clrcurl through tmnuqtorsor thr scnsors and srv~lchescan b r cl!agnosed slRnal c ~ r c u ~Tt P. r MAF used (111 !lw CS1 Cr.
a dpv~cecalled an O~ltputDriver Module. v111tia scar1 tool. plop K I 15~ a hot v:tre tyne. Tllr. MAr utrtnut frr
The PCM monltnrs the rnput compo~ients ENGlNE COOLANT TEMPERAWRE (ECT)
ciucncy 15a f1111c11on d !tip pnrwr r f x ~ ~ ~rr,~ r r r l
for c~rcultcont~nultyand out-of-rarlp>evalue?. keep t k a r floiv sensmq~lmlents(hol w ~ ~ r s )
The rnput conlponents ~ n c l u dttie
~ iollowlny, al a frlrrrl ternperat~lrc : ~ t > ~ vk cb ~ar?~lrrrn!
sensors: A r c flowny, throup,h I h r sensor
cools tlle sensrvg rleriwnts. The amorlrt of
m vr?h~cleSpeed Scnsor IVSS)
coolinp, IS proportlorla1 to !he ;lmoirrit of alr
r Mass Alr Flow (MAFI sensor flat*:. :.he MflT wnsor reolllrrs a greatcr
Intake Air Temperature ([AT) st?n5or nnloiltit of currrnt in ordcr t h r rrnlntaln 111~:
llot wlres at n constant temprrnlure as the nlr
Crankshaft Posllron (CKP) srnsor Row incr?nsrq. The MAF spnsor c a n p q s thr
Knock Sonsor IKS) cllanges In currenr dravbrtr, ;r f r r q u r n c ~slr~n.11
read hy thr PCM. Tf,p PCM then r a l c : ~ l , ~ c ~ s
Throttlc Pos~?!onmPI 5cnsor
the alr flow (granls prr wcoticl) bascld cn l l i ~ s
I Enyne Coolant Tcniperature ( K T ) W\tl .1 13111 r:c>olnnt -,c.rin,ttr PN 125517OH. Tttc slcnnt.
SCIISOr t h ~ r tpun l I S for the coolant tempereturt:
e i r r ~ f i r . . and rs only cnnipatible w ~ t t GM
l The PC91 monllors the MAT qrnsor Irc-
Camshaft Poslt~on(CMP) sensor pro~li~ctlon gauccs. quency. The PChl can dcternxnr: t f t f T r wnsur
Man~foldAhsolute Pressure (MAP) IS stuck low, s t ~ ~ c k or not ~)rov~dlnq
ti~yb. tb~r
Thp v a n tool reads ftlr fv1hFvrrl11~ and rlls-
The PCM contrnuously nionhtors the q s -
feed crrcwts.
tern voltrlf:r! through thr ~ct!n~t!on
tfoltape~t~clow8.0 volts nr above 17 , l volts
plavs 11 I r l grams pcr sccund (551.Tlir hlAr
serlsor rl~spkair;b r l w r r n 9 gts - 3 ;P I. nt cllc
of) d fttlly \varniecl u r ~rtlglne. T h r hlAT scnsor
causv Improper systrrn operilt~on andtor Thp engine cofllant ternoerafurr! serlsor ts value5 ~ h o t r l dc h ~ n r;rfbi~?r
n ~ TIIIICJ~Y 011 accel-
comnonent darnam?, a TbPrmrstor (a rtTS~Stor
i ~ h l c~tl.rlnEt?~
l~ VR[UF: pra:rOTl, hut tiir: MAI senqor v;lI.rfi.; shotllcl rtx-
P opentcs In a default rnocle ~fa based on ternpcrature) mountrd In the left t n a ~ fa~rlv
i st, any jilvc31r FPM.
PCM voltage PTC sets. Ifthe systmm volta2e IS cylinder head Low coolanl Icrnpcralwrc pro-
drlces a h~ryhresflstancr ( 100.000 ohrr-' t ~ t ~ r q s c when
The f o I I n ~ * ~DTCs ~ rllr PCM clc
!owathe PCM rases the Idle speed In ordcr lo tects a mallunct~on In t t ~ i ' MAF scnsor c~rr-ual:
Increase the generator o~~tpu!. The PCM rlrs- 39 F) wllrlr. h~p>htemprmf 11rrcauses In,v rc-
abres most r>utputsto p r o t ~ c the
r harclv~arc~f sksrancp 17(.) otlrns at >r,Ci F', a QTC PO101 klnsq h ~ flow r Systnn
the swtPm voltage 1s too lhaEh. T t i ~PCM suppl!cs a 5.0 volt s r ~ n r ~
10l the Pcrformancc

A scan tool rvnll not d~splaydata r f svstern englnc coolant tr?nlilP~i~lUl-? SenSDr tllrnr!gtl a DTC POI 02 MAT- Sensor C ~ r t t LOW
voltage IS oulslde t h ravge.
~ ~ rcs~starr11the PCM ;~ndmeasure? Ihca voltage. Frequencv
Thr voltage rv~llIF h ~ g hwhen thr cny,rne 1s
cold. Thc voltapc 1~111Oe low I ~ V ~ theP ~ IenpJnc
When repnlrlng or servlclny, t r [ ~engrne IS hot. The PCM c a 1 c ~ : a t ethr:
~ crlglne coolnnl
control w~rlnc harness, Lisp wlrlng that has ternpemttlrr: ljv mcasilrlnp, T I v voltacc. Thr INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE (IAT) SENSOR
hgh ternpcr,~!~lre ~ns~rlatlon,
Rcmember t h ; ~t englne cnolan?lernperaturi. affects most 5vs-
toe erlglnc control systern operates at rrla- terns t h r PCM controls.
Ilvely low voltage and amperage I~vplS,su Tho scan tool t31qpl;lys engine Coolant lem-
mabe the hest possrblc! bond at all splirrs us- peratirre In degrccs. TLleenclne ctlol,lnl tem-
nnp, rosrn-core solder. perature and ~ r ~ t a halr
r t e n ~ n e r , ~ t l ?lio~rlrl
Repalr~nga connector requlrPs complete II close to each othcr ~f thc ctv>lrie has not
rcalncemcnt of the connector. Spllte a ncw I~ccn nln lor srvcral hours.
connector Into the harness. The follow~nr?DTCs set ivtien the PCM rlc-
In order to prevent shonlnc between trrnrr- In lhc K T sensor c~rcult:
tects a n~allunc!~on
nals, usc care when proh~np,a connector mid 8 DTC W117 ECT Srnsor Clrcurt Low
when replac~nglerrnrni~l\to preven? tlilrn;lf!e Vnllage
to the components. Always use junlppr rtlre Ilrt,rhr! ~ l r r~ernpr.r,~t~~rt.
(I,AT) scnsor FP:
hctwrrn connectors for clrcurt lest lnp,. Vever DTC W118 ECT Scnsor Clrc~ritHlph 12160244
prol~r:through Wearh~r-Rackseals. Voltage
Ooen crrcrllts are often diff~cullto locate bv DTC PO175 Ercessrve T ~ m rto Closed Thc Intah(' htr Temwrat~lre(!AT) sensor 15

srg%! hecatrse oxrdat~onor ternl~nnlrnrsal~gn- Loop nteqrated w ~ t hthe MAT qrnror. The IAT iq n
menf arp t i l c l ( l ~l)y
~ ~the conneclofl. W I ~ ~ I I ~ ' I ~ ! DTC P I 1 1 4 ECT Srnsor Crrcurt themil~torwti~chchanrr? value haserl on the
a connector on a %?nsoror 111 !tie ivbrrnr: tinv- lnterrnlltcnt Loiv VoltaRe tcrnpcrrll~lrcof The alr r.rilc:rlrlgl h e erq:rlc. Low
ness niny tcrnporarllv cnncct an open r:rctrlt, temprrnture producr.; a hgh rthastancc
DTC P I 1 1 5 ECT Scnsor C~rcuil (100.OQO ohms at -3Q F)..A h~y,hrrrrlornture
bu: ou1d17ed or loosr connections niav cause
lntcrm~ttentHlfp Voltage c a ~ ~low
~ rseslstnncr
s 170 ohn% ill 7 t j G FJ.
Inrermlttcnt problems.
Tlie PCM supl,lras a 5.0 vol! s~~:oalto the
wiqor througl~a rcslslor 111 1 1 1 ~PC61 and
r~ie~si!rcs thc voltaf!r. TI lc voltage rv~llI)e I11gh
,:?n the pncornlnf: t'lrr 1s cold, and low v~hen
* ' P 31' 15hot. T l i r I
CCM c;rlci~latcstbe ~riconi-
)!I lrr hy !npasLjrlnp, t h e [AT volt
xr 7yrl!nfbr.
T t i ~!AT ~ri'5r3r ~ ~ ~ . r l c 7IS1 tised to a d ) i i ~ I
~ n , t r : ~I!mlnq L ~ c ~ ~ r ( 1to8 nIncmiln{:
g air d e n
slrv ThP sc,arl rnnl dlsnlavs tcm!,erntklrt of the
;11r t~nlrr~nl! thr enE1r.e. %,;htc11 s h o ~ ~ lrc;jrl d
n t ~ n l p ~ r a ~i-hm
{-II>SP 1 ~ 3a r t i ~ ~ alr ~ r r ct ! i ~
~ r ~ v ~15r colil.
l r ~ The Iemlleratrsrr sliot,lrl rlsr ns
~:r~~ir'rllnnrl tpniperature IncrPrlS+'S I' thi' v.1-
I r l r t~as 1101I ~ e u nrun for scvrr,ll hotrrs, tile
'(1 S ~ ~ ) S C Itemperature
T and t2rijrlnr cwlanf
'~.~'~:)rrnt~lre ~tioirldrend rlosp t t l I \ , I C ~ othrr.
Tr-r,> fnfln,wng DTCq srt tf thr PCM dctccts
i?-:,I (L nc'lor In T ~ IAT
C scnqnr c ~ r c t ~ i t :
1 DTC W112 IAT Srnqor C~rctrttLow
I DTC PO113 IAT Srnxor C~tcir~t
DTC Pllll IAT Scnsor CKT
DTC, P I 1 1 7 IAT Sensor C K r
lrit*,r~lilttr\tltLow Voltaq~!

Rear view of engine:

SENSOR 1. Manvfold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor 3. Oil Pressure Sensor
2 . Camshaft Posrt~on(CMP)Sensor 4. Connector to Knack Sensor (US)

When thr PCM d c t ~ c ! 5;l rnalfl~ncl~on In The PCM ?rt? n DTC tu.+n Vie PC\+ drltlct5
the MAP sensnr DTCs:
I! S r f s thr fot~a;*!~!lrlg an HOPS slPrinI clrcurl t r ~ r l l1s loo Iu1.v wr fw)
DTC PO107 MAP Sran<orC8rcutrLev: li~f:h, orkvttcri Zhc PCM detects nn !I025 ,jct~v
Voltap.c ~ty.Tlir PCM also has the a l ~ ~ ' , ltn \ : dr'rc'
H02S rr5wonse, swrtchrn,q. lr.~r~,,~!~oIl !Irnr.
DTC 1-'03 OR MAP Scnsor C~rcurrHigh and lncorrrct raho voltagr: ~?rol~lrni.;. C'l T,4
VOIT~I!(~ 5lnres 3 DTC that ~rlrl~ciltrs cl~fr,lrlt=rl I-I035
HEATED OXYGEN SENSORS (H.025) na? H02S rr:sy)orlo3r: s ~ ~ l c t ~ ~ u : , .
~ ~ r r l ~ r n r n n~i
trdvisrtion t?n?P.or rdll0 prnl~tem1 5clc~trcf~cl.
-r. 4 c w - I
1. C111 nressure sensor THROTTLE POSITION (TP) SENSOR
2. C amshatt PI~sitiori[CNI P ) sensor
3. C,round lug 1to svl~ndcrhead
3, hlanrfo!d Ahsorurc Pressure (MA1P) sensor
5. Knock s e n w r ( H S l

hl hrrtfrllrf :kt?wlc!te Pressure [MAP)

$1lt1<0~ ltl vin ~ ~ ) t t .a:( ! rI>e rear of the tntnkr
~i>,~n!tolrl. T l l r hl~7P scrsnr nieasl~rt?t l ~ c
~ l r v ~ r l r~:tinrl;:r<
rr ~nsbtle?he ,rtakc rn,~r~~folcl.
., I,tr.41 1s ,111 ~rlrl~car~oii of The enr1nP Ihc3rland
1. Oxygen sensor left bank (Batik 1)
Ti>[- IYIAP tins a 5.0 voll rcfrrranc:!?, 3 2. Heated Onyeen Sensor (H02S) PN
;.,: I! r ! , atl(l a s~er~al crrcult. 1t1r: MAP sensor 253 12184
' , r:!!rl.; a rlia!lt-~ragmb~fhrclichnnf,cs tllr: rp- ; I A C I valve
=;1,7re !)r7se~: or1 press!ITP. WI~CIII~IC n w 11-
T i e Hearrhd Oryn.r.r~Snrisors arc ~notrntetl A . brnurrr! lux: to powrr steering bracket
+rI ,,; i)rr.<~.!:re'5!m:'rh1?)1Y~CIIIII~?), th? S C ~ S O I
In 'the ~ x h ; t ~ r.;v'.rt,rn
\l r4;hrre they car1 monitor
,QI::>I!T >:o!taqc :s lam<-i. Wtlcn t l ~ cmanifold
the oxyr.rbn cnrl:rbnt o' the exhaust 1315 T t ~ Ttlrnnlc
r P o s ~ ~ mITPI
n svl7or lr, n po-
:Ir8fssuri: 15 , ' l p " 1 I1191 V ~ ~ C I IthC : I ~~~ C ~
S s2reanl.
O ~ E t i c x oxvr<rri prrSPrlt rn th? ~ h h n ~ ~tcntlornrtrr
\l T1le TP scnsor ls crrrlnrartc>t!10
~ l l l l l j ~!~nltAPf
rl 1 5t?rP'i gas rrnctq rv~tltrtw srr,sor To ~IIOFIIICSI <E ~01t t t l ( l lllronle shaft o? the lofl 51dvof ,t~r t"~ntt1~
Tlic VAP IS ~rl~rrsc-lv prn:,nn~or~alto what ace or ltpr ~ tTtrr . ouvRcn C C ~ ~ O\ail?<
S ~ t l w volv- t)odv. The TP sensor ha5 n 5.0volr r r f r ~ r . r c r .
nieasijrcrl 011 , I v . Irtrm
~ ynuqr.. The P A P a!:p o v ~ r,I rnnpp frorr~ay)~~mx~matrlr, Inn0 :! LT~ILITI~, a11rI8 sqrial CIICIII~.
sensor IS usrd fnr t t ~ clollov: 11: ITIV rvhcrr thr?rxtlntlst 1s rlcli dot-m tn at3n11l I 0
T t i r PCM c;~I(:LII;~!Ps 11 i r ~ l t l rf30$1t10ri
mV ivhcri Ihc exhailst I S leati.
mn'lllor n: thr voft;lr:r7 nn llir s~l'nnlIrnr. Th?
Tlic healccl oxyfien serisor volt,~r:r=~ ~ 1 hr 1 1 TP smsor s~pnnlC'L;IIISPS ,3c, I lip Illrotllc valvp
w I,~ri~t~oti
tlriur~y,control rllnn~rnrpclLVIIIIa scan fool. rnytdll r)rl17I Irl;~tr.rl an?'? 15cha~c:cdIacrr~lr~r.~tor prrlal rnnvecl).
OuvSrn Spr:wr (H02Si I r l C ~ I F I ~hr5;lrlr-rrollnr Tbc TP yenwr \1r'-:,i1vr~lt;ll!(~17tnrv at R closed
tnr nr .rx'lnl!?t prpe. Itlrolllr posrtlnrI ~,~l)fl!rt 0 t i volt at ~cllel.TIIF
Front View 01 Engine:
front opposite thilt of the nomal f!arne front VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR (VSS)
1. Idle Air Control (IAC) Motor
2. Throttle Pos~tlon(YP) Sensor prorllrced by tllr! spark pltig.. Thr r;
3. Gcncrntor sout~cinor rrlnlly ; ~ s s o ~ ~ c l v:lth
f e d dclonation I<.
4. Throttlc Body :he restl't nf two or more opposlriF! prrqsllrrs
~flarrbefrorlt?) rollld~ne,wrtli~nthe Cotnlxrstron
TP qrnqnr serial voltagr: Incrr,i';r? a? Ihr chanl!~rr.TL1o!lSh I~fihtclctonat~on1s 5orTie-
rlirnlllc valve o ~ e n ssu rhat a1 Wlde Open
t ~ m r sconvberr~dnormal, heavy clrtor>at~on
Tllro'CIlr3 (\WIT). \tic ok~tnthvolraFrr should be car) rrsult In r:r-wne damage.
ahove 4.0 volts. Wtwn t t h r PCM snnws a srg-
nnl voltage 111gRcr1Elnn thr norms1 opcmtwg Thr L S 1 Engine l i r f LIT? a Frlnch Sensor
range of the sensor, ~t ~ s t s;1 DTC. IliS) systern to control spark knnrk. Tli~ssys-
ton] 15 des~p~ied to r r l , ~ r ds1>,7rktlnrrnp, I I to
The PChl calrrll;ltc3? (ucl (letlvery basecl o~
20 lo rcd~lcespark knock 1.1 Idlecrlcyrlc. Th~r;
:tlrot!!e valve nngr Irlrtvcr clrrnancl). A bmltrn
,~llnin(stlic cnglnc to uqc nirlxlri)urli snarh
or I C ) O S ~ TP sc,rl\or 111ay cause internlrtivrlt artvancc to lrnprovr prrformance and f1.1oI 1.Vehicle Speed Sensor ('vasj
burs:s o! f11cl7ro.n ;In injt:clor. Th~smay csrl-ir
economy. 2 , Transmission connccror
! PCM dctrct\ t l l r
an ~ r n s t a l ~ l r I ~ c n u s rthc

Hiroltle rs rnov17ir,. Thc knock sr\nSnr =, ts 11seC1to drlm1

engrne clPtonnr.nn. T l a ~knock seri?or(r;) pro-
i ~ set when the PCM c l r -
Thr l o l l o ~ ' i rDTCs d t ~ c can I ~ im'~nflr~
C wt~~ct, IS sent to thf: PCM.
tects a 1~7aIfun~r10n \.:ith The TP srnsor crr- Thp PCM will rrt,jrrl 1l1c) spark tlmrne h;lmd (In
clllts: slgrial5 Iron1 thr KS wnwrs. T712anin! rot of AC
DTC PO121 TP Scnsor Clrctlnt voltnqc ~-rrodlrccrlb y ltlc sensors I< rlc~trn~rnrcl
I ~ l ~ u f f i c ~Accntt~ ty
v~ IIV t l i r ;InlDlfilt of Icrlocli. The PCM I1.r.r. n r l l ~ ~ s t s
m DTC P0122 TP Srnqor Clrctllt LOVJ r !on Control (IC) to r r r l ~ l c rIt,(, spnrlt
t r ~ Ir:n~t
\'ollaqc knml;.

DTC P91?3 TP Srnqor C~rcultH~gh

Vcdta~e : mecllanlcal v1llr;tl1oi7 rnolsci.
a n i ~ ~ l nof
Wtlrri Itre erlprle opcr,ltr'\, t l l r PCM learns
DTC P I 1 2 1 TP SPIISO~ CKT 111cnl,nlnlt:?lancl nraulnl!ltjl I r r c l ~ ~ a rof
i cthe
~ Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
IrltCrrrlnItrv>lW l ~ l rVoItaQe nnrse the enErnP prod~lwr,.When Ihc PCM
DTC P I 127 TP Sensor €KT dctormbncs th,~tZ1iisfrtbcliherlcvrs less than or Thp YSS sistcrlr IS 3 p~flsc*coirntcr :hat
Int~rrn~ItPrlt greater than t f w cx~~r.nlr:damount, ~t SPZS a ~nforrnsl h c PCTSrhovi f w t lllr vrhcle IS mav-
Irnock W ~ S O TDTC. r!lp. The VSS svslcr~~ for ! I ~ P L S 1 uscs an In-
KNOCK SENSORS (KS) CIIICII~F sensor ~ n m ~ n : r~n( l tPe transn7rsslon
The scan lnol has several iposlfro~sfor dl
til~lshaff.As the ~ r l i ~ csprerl
lr Increases, the
aqnoslnc ttlr KS clrcult:
VS5 produces an hC vr)lt.l~eslgra' that a l w
m "Knnr:k Rrtarcf" lr~tlrcateslhe arnmlnr Iocreases.
of sn;irk the PCM 1s rel?inv~r?y.
lrnm t l ~
The VSS srqnnls Phc PCM that Thr v r t ~ ~ r ' r
IS std r l ~ o v ~ f i ~t tic
v v ttiroltlc
l~~~~ I$ rln~1'11
under dccclrr,Xlon. The PCM LISPS t1115 rn'or-
II "Spark" lndrcates rhc amount of spark mallon l o I?rr?rP!?teflglrie str71111iy,nncl to
ndvaf~ceh e ~ n commnndrtl
g bv tl7c Instrrc proprr ourratlon of the Itftc Air Corltrol
PCM on the IC clrc11r2. tWC1 v;llvc* ancl r-li~tomnllctran?rn~sslnn.
DTC PO325 l~tdlciltrsa!, Inrernal PCM
malfunclron rrl;~tr*rllo the KS svsfern.
D-tnnatrnli. 5nrilrt1rt1qs callrrl '-.n,lr \ 1 DTCs PO327 ;lrlrl PO332 ~ndtcatethat
knoch.- r? r ; ~ u q ~ rt)vl an uncnntrollcr[ cxll,w. a Knoclc ?aiisor or Knock sensor c~rctlll
sron ('tlurnl rn thr corvhlrstron chnnil)rr. Th~s rs m ; l l f ~ ~ n c t ~ n r ~Ifrltiesc
r l ~ . DTC? arc
irncontmllrd ~xplosloncould n r o r l ~ ~nc r[lamp S P ~ , r r f r r ?nap(~I~caI)lt DTC fal>lc.
sor 117 orclrr to ClCtCrrn~ilC i v h r t h ~ ar cvll~iderIS
on TI f ~ r ~ norc rxhaust strolw. The rcluctor
wlwel 1ntc1rirpt5n rnng~:ne?lc 6dd produced by
n rnne1i~1 wltllln thc CLIP sensor as tl?@cam-
shall mt;ltns. The CMP sensor's antema1 clr-
C I I I ~ ~ Vclcm:lr:cls t t i ~ sancl 11rocl4rces a s~mal
wt~rchttir! PCM reads. The PCM irses t h ~ s1 X
5ryjinl r r l comh~nationw ~ t htlie Crankshaft Po-
srtrnn ?ensor 24X slpnal In order to detertn~ne
ttrr crankstiaft pontlon and stroke.
Thr PCRl checks for a b s s of Camshaft Po-
q~tlonsrnsnr sqnal. Ttie PC44 also rnonltors
3 . Hv.~tt*rl0xyf:crl Scnsor ( H O Z S ) riEht hank
(H<lllh2) th*' CMP scnsnr srgnal clrcult for malfunc.
2 . Ha>.~tc>tE
Oxygen Sensor (H02S) PN tlons. The f o l l o ~ ~ nDTCs
g 5et when t l ~ FCFA
25312184 rjptects a C R V scersr that r? 0111 of the nor-
3. Cri~nkshaftPosition (CKP) sensor mal aperatlng ranye:
strokcs 1s nomial. ff r l i r crC3nksh;ll?slmxl DTC PO34 1Calnshafr Pos~t~on
chances arP p.rrat~r flinn at1 r x p w t r c l (CMPI C ~ r c ~Performance
an'yrnt. Ihr PCF.4 IuJlrrprr1s 1h1s2% ;1 m15t1rr.
DTC PO342 Camshaft Posrtlon Sensor
A DTC PO300 sr'tq whrn thr PCM d r l r c l s 3
l C Z l P l Crrct~rtLOW' J ~ T a p r
DTC P0343 Camshaft Pos~lionSr:nsor
Thc PCM nlqo mnn~tnrst h r FKP senc.or
4ChlPI Clrcutt H:ch Vnttace
slgnnl r:lrcult Inr rr~,llfur~ctror!~.
Thf% PCM sets a
DlC PO335 or n DTC Pn33G i t h r n thr> CKP IDLE AIR CONTROL (IAC) VALVE
spnqnr 1 5nrrf of thc rmrmnl o11~ml11iy, ranpp,

Reluctor for
sensor ,

Thr CrankshaR hsrtlon Sensor 15

rrlounted In 7.he rlalht rrar of :hr rnplnr: t ~ l ~ l n -$ "
d s:arler. Thc CKP scusor e.url*s r r l
I b ~ l i ~ nthe
conji~rlct~or~ w12h a 2dX rcr~:c'or rg;t~rrl
q*iot:ntc~lon the rear or ;he cr; h r
CKP sensor has B- Ilo;:ler st~pprv.a yrotlnd.
and 3 s!gric71 CIrCult.
TnlcCnti~sl,att Poslt~onsensor 1s mourted
ryti thr top of t J ~ P erlqrne block at the rear
Itlro~ I
ldFe Alr Control (IbC) Vatve:
of Ill(.v i h l ~ vcover and works In con1urJctton 1. Idle Alr Control Valve
w ~ t l,iI l K rplrrctor wtipel or' ?becamshaft.. The 2 . Throttle Blade
e l inq~detb~eenqne rrrrnetll-
r ~ l u c l o rt ~ ~ t i e I? 3. InC Vatve PintEe
ntcelv In Iron! or the rear cam beanng. The
PCM prov~clrss 12 volt power s ~ p p r yro t h ~ The Irtk Air Control vntvr 1s n PGM.con-
CMP qrnsor 3s well as a p.round and a s~cnal Irolr~dslrppcr motor l n c a t ~ ro? l t h t~l l r o t t l ~
CllClllt. botlv. Ttlo s:rppcr mo!or clrlvrs ;I valw p ~ n i l ~
n.liich protr~~(!rac, In10 a 1);1$<r7~r' that t~vpassrs
the throttlr p l a t r ~ T11~ . I)C44 cornnlallrls the
IAC valve j>rntlr In cxt~rwfto rlrcrrnse t t l r ~cllc
speed. T t l r Ilvoaqr; nrr flow 1s rcrlwcrd and I~IP
r r l l ~ speed r i ? t . r r n v s as lt>r r)lnl:e ap-
l)roncf~csr t q sr,ll. :An nr~llri-locntrr! 1~clt:.pen1
lhc thmlllr v,~lvr~s fil-,n s ~ r p p l 1a~ 5cons!aril
arnolfnl of JIL>,I.=\, r ~ ~ r T. lJ w I7Cbdlrrfmct5 1'-+e
IAC vnlvr Ilfrlt ;?v:;l~ fro-11~ t seal s to Increase
tF1r rrllr spcrd. R11tr:lcttn:. 1h r v n l v ~~,~ntle al-
lows rliorr, a r 10 t)ypx'1 tliv throttEc plates.
Thr PCM WOVP5 1hc IAC valve rn swall
cnll~rfCount?, T h r v can he measured
4 r n ~ q f ~ cntlsw
rr 3 rh..tnSr, 117 crClnk?thaR I I :I~ Scan tool, which plugs Inlo
i ~ n rrlr5y>l,rv,r(?ll
s13rrrl. T ' j r PChl trmps ! t ~ II~!P~,I!r IJrtrwen tlir> Data I.~nlc Corlnrcror 113LC). The RCM cat-
paclj pi.117~,7iicl C o ~ ~ i p aP CI,I!r ~ ~ nw: !lr3iC cr~l,ilr-s t t i r proprr IIO~IIIOI~ 01 the IAC valve
1n:pn;nl iu~ltil!>ra prt>vvlrr? onP l o c!r!ern?cle rlrlnny. ~tllr> tx~srlclon I~atbrryvolts@, coorant
>:J~r:i1 ;lrl P X ~ P ~ ~ S I Vc( *l ~ ~ ! i ' : i:'I~ cmnkshatf tr.mpr:rtlti~rr, crjelrie fond, and rngl"le RPM. If
qpr'pr! hn.: n c r r ~ r r r d .11 cr5flntrl anlorlnt o' tile liPM droy)s t ~ l o w?prc~ficattonand the
: I p r ! 1 0 I1*lv!eP11 +!rln? tl~rottlrvnlvr IS closcc!. !lit PCM senses a
near stall cond~t~on and calculates a new Tlic Ipnltlon svstem consfsts of the follow- Thc! Ign~tionControl ut~ltzcsthr! follow~ngIn
valve posltlon ~norder to prment stalllnq. ~ n cornl3011en~slctrc!i~ts:
g control soar[<tlrnlng functions:
Engrn~:~dlcspeed 15a f~lnctionof total alr 24X signal - The 24X crankshaft
flow Into the engine. Idle spcecl 1s I ~ a s r ron l posltlon scnsor scnds a s~gnalto the
IAC valve p~ntlr:poslliori t crankcnsc vent~ia. PCM. Thr- PCM ~ l s e stlils slf.:nal to
tlon valw flow -I- t h r o t t i ~ilalvc openlng I by- determr~iecranl:sliall p0~111or7. Tlie
pass c~r111cealr flow I- cal~t~ratecl vacuum loss s signal to
PChl dlsu r ~ t l l ~ r ethis
ttiror~marcessorles. the fk~el1n(ec2or?.
Controlled Idle speed IS programmed Into Ignlt~onControF (IC) clrcuots - The
the PCM. w h ~ c hdeterm~nestlie correct IAC PCM uscs Ihese c~rcurtsto trlfscr the
valve prntle posltlon to n~alrlta~n
the dcs~rcd IpnlLlon co~l'm~odules. Tlie PC44 uses
~d[cspeed for a?1cnglne operntlng cond~tbuiis the cran[cstialf reference acvaF :o
and loads. calculate the amouct ot spark advance
The mlnlmum ~ d l calr rate rs 5et at the fac-
tory with a stop screw. Thls scltlng a l l o ~ l 5 Ign~trorico~ls!r-notlules There are Important consjclerat~nns to
enough alr flow by the throttle valves lo carrsc Eght I g n ~ t ~ oControl
n rlC) clrcutts porn1 out w h e r senflclna 1he lffnrtlon syslern.
the 1AC valve pfntle to be posltroned a call- Tile followtng lnfornwt~oniv11I hell, the technl-
Carnshafl P o s ~ l ~ o(CMP)
n sensor clan In servlclng Ithe Ignltlon system:
brated ntr~nhcrof steps (counlql, from the
seat, dur~np,controlled idle operation. If the W W Carnslmfl reluctor ivlieel Thc lgnltlon coils sccoridaryvoltagr! outp~lt
IAC valve 15 discnnnccted and reconnected CranksPat Pasltlon (CKP) sensor capab~llt~es are very f71gti mure than
mIfi the engfne runnlnp,. the Idle speed ma!, 40.000 volts. Avo~rlbody contact wrtt~Igrltrlori
I)e wronp,. If t hfsoccurs, reset the IAC valve 1)v 24X CranhsiiaTt rel~rclarvtlleel
h l ~ voltap,e
h secondarv components wherr t l ~ e
dcpresyrng t hc accelerator pedal s l ~ ~ h t lstart
y, 1 R ~ l a t e dconncctrng wlres enslne 1s runnlnq, or personal Inluq may
and run thc cng~rlefor five seconds, then turn r~s~ht.
Powertra~nControl Module (PCM)
the tgn~tionOFT for ten seconds.
The 24X crankshaft posltiori sensnr ~s the
Note: Do not attelnpt to adjust cllglne ~(lle most crrtlcal part of tqe ip,nlTlon sy~lern.If tlie
S ~ P P C E by turnrnp, the screw on t l ? ~rlcht (pas- sensor 1s clamaq~rlso that p ~ ~ l s are
e s not pen-
senger) srde of thc throtlle body. Turn~ng1111s erated, the eny:rne v21llriot stan.
screw can permanently darnace the IAC.
Crankshaft pos~ t lor1 serisor cte;lrance IS
ELECTRONlC IGNlTlON SYSTEM v ~ r ylrnportant. The scnsor rn41sr not contact
., Intcrruptcr rlnc a l a n v tlmc, or
t t i ~rutiltlrir!
sensor damage !ew!ll result. if the rnterrrrptcr
ring 1s hent, the lnterrilpter r~rlgI~tatler;w~llde-
strov the sensor.
Tliere are
Ip.n~tlontrmrng 1s not ad~i~stable.
no tamin? marks on Ihr: cranlrshafl balancer or
brn~ng clia~ticover.
Re careft11not to danrage t h e secofldary
Ignrtlon wlres or boots wfien servrcing the Ip,nl-
tron svstcrn. Rotarc each hoot to cl~slody,~ ~t
Tlie Ignltlon feed clrcurts are fusccl sepa- from the plug or c o ~ ltower hefore p1~lI1n6 ~t
fromi e~thera spark plug or It3e 1c.nIllo11cod
rately for each bank of thc cnglne. The two
fi~sesalso supply t l Inlcctors
~ for that bank of
Never plerce a sccondrry Ijinltlori wre or boot
T ~ LPS 1 E~igtneKit has ir~dw~dual
the englrie. Each co~l/rnodureIS semc~clWII- for any testbnp, purposes. Future problems arc
cally contm{lrd coil modules for each
cylinder. amtely. :,uarar?teed ~f pfr7polnts 01 test lights dre
t-lushetl through thc ~ ~ ~ s u l nfor
To propcrly control lgnlt~ontlm!ng, the PCM
The hS1 Eng~neK ~ t ' selectrorl~c ~gnlt~on r ~ l ~ on
c sr t ~ efollowing ~nforrnatlon: The PCM 1s respons~hlefor nna~nta~ri~ny.
system controls combust~ont ~ yprov~cl~ng a proper spark and fliel Inject~nntlmlng for all
spark lo lgn~tet h e compressed afrlfuel mix- Ene,lne load (man~folclI?ressurr:or operating cond~tions.Thc PCM rnonltors Input
ture at the correct Ilrne. The PCM controls thtz vacuum) srgnnals from the ~OIIOWIIIP, colnpone!its 111cal-
spark advancc of the ~gnltronsvstem to pro- AZrnosphcr~c(baromctr~clpressure cr~latlngIEn~t!onContrnl fIC) spark tlrnrnp,:
v~deoptlmurn englne performance and fuel Eng~neCoolant Te~rlpernture(ECTI
economy. EnE~neten?pemture
Tlie LS1 Englne K I electrontc
~ ignrrlon sys- Intake arr temperatrlrp
Intake Air Temperature (IATI sensor
ten1 does no1 usc a conventlnnal d~strll~utor Crarilcshaft posltlon
, Ignition sysZcn~has an In-
and 6011: r a t h ~ rthe Mass A!r Row WAF) sensor
Eng~riespeetl IRPRZl
clrv~dualco~l/motl~fte for each cvl~ncler.T l i ~ r e Throttle Poat~on(TP) serlsor
are efght Ignltton Control (ICI crrcufts, onc pcf Thc Ignrl~onControl (IC) system con5lsts of
rhc fottow~ngcorn[?or?ent%: Vehlcte Speed Sensor (VSS)
cylrnclcr, that connect the PCM and ttie IEnl
t ~ o ncort'rnoclules. Each lgnltlon co~I!mocl~~le I c n ~ t ~ oco~ll~nodulcs
n An Ignntlon control crrctlbt t l ~ a tIS open or
has a power feed, a chassfs ground clrclrl!, r l set an Ign~troncontrol clrcurt
g r o t ~ n d ~\.v~ll
24X cranlcshaft posttlon sensor DTC. If a fault occtirs In tE1e IC ot~tptrtclrcutt
and a reference low clrcc~lt.The PCM causes a
spark ro occur by p,rot~nd!ngIhc IC c1rcu12. Powertra~r~ Cclntrnl Mnrlvrle IPCM) when the englne IS runnlng, t h c cnglnc wrll r x -
whrch s~gnalsthe l g n ~ t ~ ornocfule
n to trt@er All conncct~ngwrrm perlence a m ~ d ~ r DTCs
e. P O 3 5 1 PO358 WIN
the Ignrlron cod and flrc the spark plug. Sc- set when a matfunctlon IS dctected wltfi an I?,-
qucncjng and tlmlng are controlled ly t h e nltron Control clrcult. When an lgnit~oncontrol
PCM. The PCM sets a DTC when the IC clrcult DTC sets, the PCM w ~ ldisabfr?
l t h e Injector for
IS out of range. the appropr~rttccylinder.
Tlr. PChI Irses ~nformatlonfrom the enTnr AIR CONDlTlONlNG COMPRESSOR TROLmLESHoo7-lNG
1 7 General:
1. Furl pressirrc sho~rl(lIN? h e b ~ e e n53
,?rlr!Ti3 11s1at ~dle.
I i ~ g hRPM - more advancr
l r l on (arnher
2. C h r r k - ~ r . g ! nI~I ~ ~? hI o ~ ~I)r
w Cold enqlnc - more advance
color) wtltan Irf71flnn1s turntxcl or) and s h o ~ ~ l d
be off iv'~rr7!*\Pcnqne 15 runrlrny,.
Engine mll not crank:
CI-eclc for [~nltcryvoltage (12 mils rmnl-
nwm) at the fc>llowlnt: Ioc;~?lotis:
1 I
1.#C pressure sensor (conncct to PN 1. Starter swltch
2. Startcr tcm71r1;ll
2. A C r.l\~tchconnection
If Itic r r l o 8 r l rCranks but will nnt rkln nr lrn- Englne cranks but will not start:
r-icrl1a~e4~ \!,jII$. 1l.c "Engrnc Crankr R,JI ~VI!' I.No lor low\ fuel prcssurra.C l i ~ c hthe for-
Fd(l' RLEI~'' t ~ ~I)(- I . S ~ T to
( I : t ~ c ~t r l b~l ~~[nust ~ IowrnP,:

(YrrPrmrne I ( t t m c b f i ~ l ~15
fir IPP ~ H C I qyqtrni.
~ IIr rt t 7 ~!PI)I~IOO\ ,;vq-
Thcrt, may he alr In t h f~~ r r Irrlcj
1311~ ~ h w~!l~ creoulrc
R mlfi~ltr!In
or file1
FUEL PUMP CONTROL CIRCUIT (3~1rp.e. COI~~I~IIC 10 crank t l ~ f rnrlnr!
: or
Wlirn the ~gnlt~ori n:.ifc" 1 5 tirmed lo thr open thr f t r r a l lrnc a1 tlie fuel rd'11Id i d
ON Iltlslllon. !Qc PCF.1 nc1,lvntrs the rn.tanlc c h ~ c kfor fr1c4110~.
f.1~1Ililinl? Tlie fuel p1lrn;r rornillns on ar; Innq
FIS t l i r . PCkI rece:ves rcfrrt:rlcra pulses fronr
t tip elcctrn!v.c ~qnltlonsystcm. If I ~ ~arc PK nuP The fclel plrrnp rrlnv w ~ lnot l stav
~! I 1nlrs5 G ~ IrCn q n e :s
:c4crc.'rt~ 1)rll?17s,the PChl ttlrrX=. Ihr) fuel
crlr'in o+f aftor Irlss than one SPC()I~(! rrankrng or rtlnnllic. Tn t w t the fuel
pcrr~~y), [lie relay c;lr? l ~ l)ve?assed
r as
The PChil rnritmls the 'uel numl, r ~ l n yh y fr,llocv5: Rer?io\c t h c cnri n ~ cort fro~n
ayipiyhng R -I to !hr control clrccrlt v1;l nrl ~ n t r r ~ wumo relac. C o r ~ r ~ (a~l~lrnper
r h fuc.1 tt
1 7 ~s~%lltcCI
1 c i l l l ~ dn c!rrvrbr. The pnrnaw I,ilr[,o';r ! v w from ihp orr7rgl) 70 Illr TC'CI
of t h dr~ver
~ rS 10 s r ~ l ~ p; llyvoltaq~In tilt 711rl Tluq 1~111 pvi4:Pr l t ~ e
AfC Compressor Clutch Control
[ 7 ( ,17313 rP"3k'.
2. Chrck-(,r~flrr~~I~y,tlt5110111d IF on rvhcrl
Tljc rfrrwr has a fa~llt~II* i - ~ t ~ lt7c
~ c hPCM ~~nn~ onn W~IPII rl-lclne 's not runnrw:. If
r? o
vnclnr!urs. When t h c PCbZ ctvrltnands thc frrel nnt, check the folkobv~nr,:
ntrrnp ON, flip voltaqe of the rnntrol crrcult
sh3?1lrlIF h ~ q (nearl~ ballcr) vnltaqc). Whcn Grounrl wlrrs on I ~ P hack of !tie r~j{h!
[ r e PCM conirnsnflq rhc control rlrrult tn t h e sldtt cvllnd~rh ~ c ra?tfst
f he ~ ~ q t l t .
fuel pllnrlm OFT, the vo!T,3qc st10~1lc1Ilr: low on both
C h ~ c kfor baF!?rv irolti)~~!
(near ~ p r n 14c)4?5). Tl)e PCM scts DTC wfwn ~t ~ t ~ of tqr
l m tron s ~ ~ i ~ t c h .

rb~fpctst",e 'rlrl mlmp control clrcI!rt IS
Thc Tecli 2 scan 1001 s l i ~ i ~ shoiv
!d an
<h~?.?c!!O S r ~ t ~ n l d .
ionlt~onvoltaqe IS suppl~crlcl~rcct[yto thr
j ~n~glm.h~m a ww u
%i.r~rqPull T O SC4l ( A L M l
1o;irrrun voltaye of a l Ip;lst 12 vo!'s.
Both PCM harness connectors must
~IP tttht a n d In coed condl!lori.
coo~lrlp,fan relav coil Tlir: PChl cor:trofs thr-
Clicck rl ~ i i nallsrnc~~on
v c r 3 l l r ~i l r r sct
rel;!v IJVp>ro~rndrngth~ control crrcu~tviaan In-
In t h r PCkl.
t ~ ! n oLl . M ~ I ~called
C~ a drlvcr. Thc prrmay func.
tmnnr l l l h r rlrri~prIS to suy~plyt l i ~glound for I
. Btlrned oirt r h r c h engtne l~ght,(Ths 1s
f h r Cor~'r~llrt! clrculr. The cnclnr coo:~zlg!an 2.'. n, I, P"" I Ul"
an LEU and 1s not r a r ~ l vreplacccl, hut
s ' r , r n ~ r l nri when coolaril trrv~lera!trre - - LCDs do not frill SI, r , ~ v l vas lj:~II)s(101.
~ P F I C i~l p S ~~r~~~(~tnat~lv
*,n r
AIC Refrigerant Pressure Sensor 3 . Check for spark at tht. spark r,lugs
4. Ck~ccklryectors for a y n a l
Eacn dmPr h,l< a fault hnc \*il~!cht l r ~PCM ALTERNATOR
I. Rmmw earl tnlpctor connrctor and uut
ri\onltnrs. n't~l:Itir: PCX4 commands ;r corn-
pnnrnt ON, thc oot!;lfip or the c o r l l r ~ Ctrc~lr! l n 6 to 17 volf tcst I ~ ~ rlcrnqy
lit the
stlntlld he lor%!4nrx ; r w volts). When the corinrr-rrjr (4 6-volt rest l~glltw~rlslioir
~ la c o u ~
PCP,? c o r i ~ ~ i a r dt lsl r ~r:rlntrnl c ~ r c utn up hr1lpr Irb tile clayl~eht).
pnnrnr OFF. The voltar~cof Tile clrculf should m Crank n h r t:rll:lne. Tlle hp,bt sl>ould
l - ~ r r t i near ballcry. !~olt;trlv).If Ihe f ~ t l ' dc-
t ktlnk.
' P C T I ~clrcljlt~ ~ sense5 ;I ~8r)1!.7qr o:lier than
Engine starts but runs rough:
?:h,.tt I h r PCM expects, a DTC 1.1 5et.
L. If check-enqnt. r l f ' i t r5 on, cl~cclrlllr
midf~~rict~ o n t3.1th< I TccIi 2 scan tool.
3. Furl pressure nulst l)r nt Icast 53 PSI.
3 . Rnc! scncor. Not? that some sensor
1. Engine Coolant Tcm1)erature (ECT) v n s o r pr~l~lem.,fill! not necP?qanli* Ilrrn on the
2 . Alternator (flat 4-plrll
3. Alternator l~lF: c!7eck-rrlP)nP I I F . [ ~ ~ .



Man fvld One-prece cornposltc

~hco%? 9 o~!~ 35.0 mm hare d12.

Crankshaft Damper Bolt

5. itnrl thc-n :urr, thr:



POI01 I.lass 4rr Tlovc ,%+t"l) SysZerrr krformancc

PO102 Mass R ' r Flow (MAF1 S e n ~ n Circuit
r Lo\-! Frecrr.rl-ncl:

PO103 P.+.lnss 41rFlow (hfAFl S ~ n s c l C~rct~ht

r H!$ Frrrru~ncv

Absolutr Pressure (MAPI Ssnmr C ~ r c uCog


t4nnrfold Ahsolcr!e P r ~ q s u r c:YAP) Srnsor C~rcu~t


PO117 Enmne Coolant Temp~rn!ure IECT] Scnsor Cow Volta~c

PO118 ~ ~ r ~S Q ~ I SHI*
E q n e Coolant T w i f ~ c r a t IECTI O ~ Voltaj:~
PO121 TP Sensor Circuit Insufbc~entAct~v~tv

PO123 TP Senwr Clrcu~tHI+ Vo'tafir


PO341 CA"D C rcu t Perforrna~ce

- -
P I 1 2 1 TP Sensor CKT Inrrrr-~rrrrnrHlqti Voltaqe

PI122 1 TP S ~ n s o CKT
r Fr:crnl~ttr~ritLr~v!VO)~;~P,C
PO342 CU.:p Spnsor Clrcult t o w Voltapc
I-lr;trrrq O % v g ~Sn~ n q o (H02SI
r I r i ~ i ~ l f ~S!vltch~ng
PO343 C:iP l t Voltace
Sensor C ~ r c i ~High ~ , 3 , 7 1 <I S~n.;nr J

PO351 lqn~tlonControl + i Z C ~ r c u ~ t I-l~ri!rrlO ~ v c c nSensor IHOPS) TFIl'~lt'0rlT nit= Ratio

R?nlr 1 S r n w r 1 I
1 ~ 0 3 5 2 Iyn~t~on
Control 793 F~rc!~sl I
Heated Oxyprr~Stnsnr rH02SI frsuYlclrnt S , ~ / ~ t ~ h l n ~
PO353 IQnl!~onControl # 3 Cnrc.r~t Ban12 2 Srhnd,or 1

PO354 Inn :on Co-'rol * 4 Clrcc111 Heated O Y : . ~ S~nqor

P~ tH02SI Translt~onT I ~ Rat
P ~n
Bank 2 Srhr ;ov l
PO355 1.1 I! r ~ r .Cqrtrol #5 Clrcult
$1258 Enpne Cooliirlt O ~ c Tcrnprrnture
r Fuel D~?al,ied
PO356 Irr tor: Control # 6 Clrcult
Pi336 CKP Sk~tem\larlat~onYat Lrarned
PI380 E B f F C M DTC Detected -
- R u ~ ~R
r lni - 4 Data U v u u l ~ l e
PI626 Thr't Drtcrrenr S\lstev Fuel CriaiW CI~CIII:
PO480 Far1 Control Rr-lay 1Coqtrof C~rcult
PI635 5 Volt Rrfrrcnce + 1 C r c ~ i t I
PO500 VSS C rclrit (hl TI
PI639 5 Volt R r f r r r n r r 3 2 C'rcu~t
PO506 Idle Su~ec:Lo?:.

58 Lt Blue 18 Senal Data (Class 21

59 BrnWht 18 2130 Bank 2 ICM 59

60 Brown 18 2129 Bank 1 ICM 60 Black 16 451G PCM Ground

61 Red 1226 PCM Batteiy feed
62 -
Crank Sensor
NC Refngerant
63 Black 20 407 Pressure Sensor 63

64 64 Gray 20 416 MAP

65 65

A;C Refngerant
66 66 Gray 20 474 Pressure Sensor

67 67

68 LI Blue 20 1876
Knock Sensor (KS)
68 Rear

I Knock Sensor (KS)

69 69 Dk Blue 20 496 Front

70 70 P~nkiBlk20 632 Carn Sensor

71 Green 401 VSS S~gnalLow 71
PCM Ground


- 78

79 --

IS" 1
;5 >


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d il3 :I I
I 1: :I I
I 1: A A rI I

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