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Top Ten Instrumentation Headaches

How ‘visual engineering’ is solving designers’ and engineers’ issues – across the industry

Product Strategy
AVEVA Solutions Limited

Published August 2010

Top Ten Instrumentation Headaches – an AVEVA White Paper


Control systems play a vital role in all aspects of modern living, from
helping us drive our cars, to safely running large petrochemical
complexes and power stations. According to recent industry
research, instrumentation is the biggest spend item in any plant.
Capital expenditure on buying new instruments in 2010 was
estimated at $5bn, with maintenance and operation costs projected
to reach $4.9bn.

But much of this cost is unnecessary. It arises because the

‘AVEVA spoke to technology used to plan and design instrumentation and control
systems has often been developed with little regard for engineers’
instrumentation and control and designers’ natural working methods. Procedures that can be

experts across the industry and perfectly straightforward if represented graphically – rerouting a
wire, for example, or segregating cables – are all too often
identified no less than ten key dependent on manual, tabular data input, which is time-consuming,
expensive, and prone to error.
areas where other vendors’ AVEVA spoke to instrumentation and control experts across the
instrumentation design industry and identified no less than ten key areas where other
vendors’ instrumentation design technologies fail to meet
technologies fail to meet engineers’ and designers’ requirements. These are the top ten
headaches that the engineers and designers face on a daily basis.
engineers’ and designers’ The good news is that companies can avoid these headaches entirely
by deploying the ‘visual engineering’ approach at the heart of
requirements...’ AVEVA’s field-proven instrumentation solution.

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Top Ten Instrumentation Headaches – an AVEVA White Paper

Headache #1 – Wasted time and lost productivity

Engineers and designers are highly skilled individuals. Forcing them AVEVA Instrumentation delivers simplicity, to fit closely with the
to enter design changes using tables, forms and spreadsheets is way that engineers and designers naturally work. As an example,
unproductive, uneconomical and increases the likelihood of human the illustration below shows how a simple graphical user interface
error, yet this is the way that most instrumentation software in the Wiring Manager module enables the user to route and re-
systems currently work. Software vendors have for too long denied route wiring – and manage all associated changes – in a few clicks
engineers and designers the simple practicality of a graphical visual of the mouse. Straightforward customisation enables configuration
engineering interface with ‘drag and drop’ capability and inbuilt by users without any need for programming skills. In short, this is a
intelligence, ensuring changes are automatically replicated into all complete change to the way in which instrumentation and control
the associated data and databases. data is created and edited and it has led to design savings of 30%
and more among current users.
All too often, the time taken to learn the currently available
systems is prohibitive. Configuring them is a major, specialist Simplicity of use equates to less need for configuration and
undertaking, and their operation constrains engineers to work in training, reduced administration and support overheads, and a
ways that are counter-intuitive and labour-intensive. Wasted time design and engineering team whose time to productivity is greatly
and money, and lost productivity, are the results. reduced. The graphical views are role-based, so each user sees and
interacts with those elements that are of most use to them.

delivers simplicity,
to fit closely with
the way that
engineers and
designers naturally

Above: A straightforward, graphical approach, combined with drag and drop

functionality, enables wiring projects to be designed and change-managed in the
simplest way possible.

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Top Ten Instrumentation Headaches – an AVEVA White Paper

Headache #2 – Lack of change management

While the creation of data is absolutely key to the early momentum

of a project, the ongoing challenge is in managing changes to the
design and ensuring that the changes are properly reflected
throughout the dataset.

Often, more cables and connections are added to the plan than were
originally envisaged, swelling the data considerably and producing
a significantly altered design. This complicates the relationships
between existing and new information, forcing a time-consuming
and costly estimate revision process.

AVEVA Instrumentation comprises three integrated modules which

share a common, multi-user database for both design and as-built
data. This integrated data environment enables extensive validation
processes, automatic cross-referencing and linking of associated
information, and rigorous change control. Change of all kinds can
be easily tracked, highlighted and reported on, and its impact
automatically flagged.

Above: Information within AVEVA Instrumentation is fully

auditable and reportable, enabling change to be effectively and
safely managed.

Headache #3 – Wiring limitations

Wiring design is a multi-phase process, involving loop diagrams,
‘AVEVA Instrumentation schedules and terminations, yet many technologies currently
requires only one click to available on the market are unable to integrate these procedures
into one application. The wiring designer has to coordinate design
enable the user to see a data manually between several different applications – an open
invitation to error, as well as a seriously inefficient use of a
current graphical technically skilled individual’s time.

representation... Within a To make things worse, input of data into the wiring design is usually
via table and spreadsheet – there is no means of visualising the
single application, loop relationships and using those visualisations as the logical starting
point for the creation and editing of the wiring design.
diagrams, schedules and
AVEVA Instrumentation, by contrast, requires only one click to
terminations can all be created enable the user to see a current graphical representation. There is
no need to request an output plot from a designer, which can take
and edited from the same many hours of unnecessary work. Within a single application, loop
diagrams, schedules and terminations can all be created and edited
graphical environment...’ from the same visual engineering environment.

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Top Ten Instrumentation Headaches – an AVEVA White Paper

Headache #4 – The catalogue of errors!

Catalogue changes are one of the biggest causes of design data If a pressure gauge supplied by vendor X is changed in the catalogue
mismatches in the instrumentation and control universe. Yet they to a similar product from vendor Y, identified by a different part or
are often an essential way of managing and reducing procurement tag number, AVEVA Instrumentation will update these changes (or
costs, and so can heavily influence the economic viability of a simply show where updates need to be made). This happens
project. automatically across all mentions and instances of the original
gauge – in cable block diagrams, loop diagrams, instrument index,
For example, the purchasing department might decide on a datasheets, hookup diagrams, termination diagrams, cable
different supplier for a particular component, causing a change in schedules, Bill of Materials, etc.
the nomenclature of that component and the associated vendor
details. The problem comes when these changes are not accurately Mismatches between catalogue data and project execution data, as
reflected across the whole project – which they rarely are. This can well as the many expensive hours needed to rectify them, are a
necessitate massive rework later in the process. thing of the past.

AVEVA Instrumentation provides dynamic catalogue management as

standard. Vendor details and component references can be changed
‘Mismatches between catalogue
any time throughout the project with no need for manual rework.
data and project execution data
are a thing of the past...’

Headache #5 – Lack of visualisation and

reporting clarity

The ability to report on a design at will is fundamental both to

progress management and design quality control. Yet with many
software packages reports can only be generated by the use of
programming scripts, which have to be specially requested and
produced – an unnecessary time and labour overhead.

There is no easy way, in most of the instrumentation software

currently available on the market, to quickly build up a picture of
the interrelationships in the project dataset. Likewise, no other
vendor currently enables instant reporting on the database
revisions, to give an understanding of change history.

AVEVA Instrumentation is built around user-defined reporting –

across Schedule, List, Bill of Materials, and others. The simple
AVEVA interface puts the reporting process back into the engineer’s
hands and enables all items, data and documents that share the
same tag to be instantly listed. This graphically shows how changes
to one item might have impacts elsewhere in the design. A full audit Above: The reporting capability within AVEVA Instrumentation is
log of database changes can also be instantly generated – vital for powerful and flexible, producing instant results on screen, as
root cause analysis and risk management. well as in print-friendly format.

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Top Ten Instrumentation Headaches – an AVEVA White Paper

Headache #6 – The price of scalability

Database technology is key to effective instrumentation design – AVEVA Instrumentation works with industry-standard Microsoft
the application’s scalability is directly related to the efficiency of databases such as SQL Server and (for smaller projects) MS Access.
the database. Unfortunately, some vendors have taken excessive Updates to both the application and the databases are received as a
advantage of this dependency. While their application upgrades are normal part of the licensing process. There is no additional cost.
usually delivered at no further cost, the upgrades to the database The emphasis is on protecting a customer’s investment in data,
that underpins them are often an expensive service. This means rather than exploiting it. AVEVA has never charged for updates and
that ongoing support and scalability can only be achieved at a very upgrades with customers on an active maintenance contract and it
high cost – the exact opposite of what flexible scalability should has also made massive investments to ensure that AVEVA technology
deliver. works in mixed IT environments with customers’ existing third-party
applications and data types.

Headache #7 – Vendor data breakdown

Like all engineering processes, instrumentation and control are AVEVA Instrumentation does not force users to work with multiple
dependent on components provided by a range of suppliers. applications that are not integrated. Instead, it enables the
Approaching vendors for datasheets on the components they creation of datasheet templates within the application itself, in a
provide is often a hit and miss process – the information returned way that is totally integrated with the rest of the project workflow.
can be incomplete and is typically supplied in a number of disparate These templates can be partially populated by the engineer or
formats / file types. Designing a prescribed template for the designer with information that is already known. This gives vendors
datasheets is not nearly as effective as it might be, as it usually has a much clearer indication of what information is needed, making
to be carried out in an unintegrated, third-party application. their task easier and increasing the likelihood that the datasheet
will be completed to the required standard.
This, in turn, means that the responses have to be manually
received and administrated, manually followed up when necessary, The content of the datasheet is easily searchable and reportable.
and manually linked to the data in the main design system. Any two It can be extracted and viewed in seconds, rather than valuable
or more individuals, equally skilled and experienced, will inevitably minutes and hours being wasted in attempts to search for it.
perform this task very differently, leading to mismatches and
inconsistencies. Needless to say, these manual processes are also ‘The content of the datasheet
time-consuming and expensive – not what a project manager wants
to hear. is easily searchable...’

Headache #8 – Inability to view instrumentation data in 3D context

In many instrumentation and control technologies, there is no AVEVA Instrumentation integrates fully with 3D models from AVEVA
integration of the data with the 3D model of the plant. This makes it or other providers to enable instrumentation data to be viewed in
difficult for engineers and designers to make judgements on full 3D context. This means that cable data can be integrated into
spacing, tolerances, buffer zones, clashes, and so forth, but also on the 3D model straight from AVEVA Instrumentation, and automated
quantities and dimensions. cable measurement, routing and segregation can then be generated
instantaneously. Greater control, less rework, enhanced safety and
For example, cables come in many different types and need to be compliance, without risky and time-consuming guesswork, can save
routed in a way that effectively segregates them by voltage, millions of dollars in design time and material procurement.
function, flux, heat dissipation, etc., while economising on the
cable length. This combined requirement is virtually impossible to
meet if the user cannot visually model the deployment.

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Top Ten Instrumentation Headaches – an AVEVA White Paper

Headache #9 – Incomplete associations Headache #10 – Fragmented bulk data upload

Instruments and wiring activities generate a huge amount of related The ability to bulk-upload data at the beginning of a project is key
information including data sheets, documents, etc. Many isolated to achieving initial traction. However, the data typically comes
systems completely fail to link this information together, as it from many different sources and in many different formats, and
typically comes from both internal and external sources. Engineers this fragmentation often necessitates the use of several different
and designers therefore have to ‘second guess’ both the nature of applications.
the information and its location. Apart from being terrifically time-
consuming, this also perpetuates the problem of ‘unknown P&IDs, for example, are an absolutely integral part of the
unknowns’ and this is clearly an unsatisfactory basis for making instrumentation and control design process, but they are often
informed design and engineering decisions. not an integral part of the data upload, having to be sourced and
integrated independently.
The problem is often at its most acute with external documents such
as vendor datasheets. With internal documents, the designer or This reliance on a multi-application approach consumes time,
engineer can bring pressure to bear on the situation; he is effort, and money and increases the likelihood that critical data will
organisationally connected to the document producers and is be missed or incompletely captured.
regarded internally as a key customer. With external documents,
this dynamic is less relational – and so the designer or engineer AVEVA Instrumentation enables complete integration of all data
needs a different way of bringing authority to his request for types, including P&IDs. An initial bulk upload creates links and
information. associations between these different types of information. The
project benefits from much more rapid traction and the engineers
AVEVA Instrumentation provides object-based navigation through and designers have all the information at their fingertips in a way
hyperlinks. Related items of data are linked together automatically, that is dynamically managed and updated across the life of the
no matter what format they are in or where they are physically project.
located. In a single click, an engineer or designer can view the
object and see exactly where all the information that relates to a
specific component or design element resides. This reduces not only
the direct costs of manually searching for information (estimated in
recent studies to take up as much as 60% of an engineer’s time), but
also the less obvious expense, such as when the designer or
engineer approaches a colleague to help him find information, thus
wasting two people’s time instead of one! The majority of safety-
related incidents have also ultimately been related to poor
information accessibility, so the ability to diminish this risk
substantially is a big part of the benefit that AVEVA Instrumentation

‘The majority of safety-related

incidents have also ultimately
been related to poor
information accessibility, so
the ability to diminish this risk
substantially is a big part of
the benefit that AVEVA
Instrumentation brings...’
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Top Ten Instrumentation Headaches – an AVEVA White Paper

More about AVEVA Instrumentation Customers using AVEVA Instrumentation

AVEVA Instrumentation is a proven, feature-rich software suite for There are scores of customers who have recognised these benefits
Instrumentation and Control engineering. Stand-alone or fully and are now using AVEVA Instrumentation all over the world. Just
integrated, AVEVA Instrumentation is the preferred choice for some of these include:
projects of all sizes for Owner Operator and EPC organisations
around the world. T A leading global provider of engineering and construction
services, in industries including oil & gas, refining & chemicals,
No other solution on the market provides such a complete and fully mining & metals and power generation
integrated solution. The level of value it delivers to users is T A supplier of high-value consultancy, engineering, and project
completely unique: management services to the world's natural resources, nuclear,
clean energy, water and environmental sectors
T Simplicity of use T A refinery business based across 60 countries and territories in
T Reduced time to productivity the Asia-Pacific region, Africa and the Middle East
T Openness to other systems T A US polymer specialist supplying synthetic rubber, thermoplastic
T Integration with the 3D model elastomers and impact modifiers to rubber, plastics, adhesive and
T Greater overall project control asphalt markets around the world
T A US and international provider of advanced technology
AVEVA Instrumentation has been designed to respond to engineers’ equipment and services for all segments of the oil & gas industry,
and designers’ needs and to resolve the many issues that these including pipeline integrity solutions
skilled individuals typically have to deal with when using other T One of the world's leading manufacturers of tissue, pulp, paper,
instrumentation technologies currently on the market. AVEVA packaging, building products and related chemicals
Instrumentation is an effective antidote to the headaches that
frustrate engineers’ and designers’ efforts, delivering: TECHNOEDIF Engenharia SA, a leading European engineering
solutions provider, was one of the first customers to adopt AVEVA
T Efficiency and enhanced output, rather than wasted time and Instrumentation. According to a testimonial published on AVEVA’s
degraded productivity website, the solution has enabled the business to save time, reduce
T Rigorous, automated change management, rather than costly cost, integrate with other critical operational information and
remedial rework develop effective change management (see
T Simple, graphical, powerful wiring design and management, instrumentation - follow the Customer Testimonial link).
rather than unfriendly tables and forms
T Coordinated, catalogue-driven procurement across the whole Many other prominent industry players worldwide are also using
dataset, rather than disconnected attempts at vendor AVEVA Instrumentation, and although one of the solution’s strong
optimisation points is its ability to integrate with customers’ existing IT
T Clarity of visualisation, clarity of reporting, clarity of ‘the big environments, businesses have also fully migrated their
picture’, all in the engineers’ and designers’ hands – rather than instrumentation systems to AVEVA. This is a clear demonstration of
those of a busy colleague the value that they believe AVEVA Instrumentation can add to their
T Systems that evolve to meet users’ needs at no additional cost, business.
rather than wiping out the benefits of scalability by making it
prohibitively expensive For more information about
T A closer and more fruitful relationship with vendors, rather than
systematic disregard for their needs AVEVA Instrumentation
T Productive convergence of all different types of data, including
the 3D model, rather than the perpetuation of damaging Email us on or contact us through
information ‘silos’ our website at:
T A comprehensive universe of information presented around every
single item, component and object, rather than manual and AVEVA Instrumentation brochures are available to download from
expensive search processes our website at:
T A head start in data upload and management right at the
beginning of a project, rather than an unpredictable wait for You can also read the piece on AVEVA Instrumentation on pages 4–6
traction of our customer magazine, PIPELINE, (2010, Issue 2) at:

Page 8
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Fax +1 713 977 1231 Fax +60 (0)3 2176 1334 Fax +49 (0)6196 5052 22

AVEVA believes the information in this publication is correct as of its publication date. As part of continued product development, such information is subject to change without prior notice and is
related to the current software release. AVEVA is not responsible for any inadvertent errors. All product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders.

© Copyright 2010 AVEVA Solutions Limited. All rights reserved. WP/INST/10

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