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Cabigting, Jhay Lina S.



Globalization is crucial from a different perspective but for me it's important when it
comes to sharing. Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs
across national borders and cultures. It also helps different countries to attract jobs and to
promote their products. Socially, it leads to greater interaction among various populations.
Culturally, globalization represents the exchange of ideas, values, and artistic expression among
cultures. The term “globalization” is believed to have been published in its current meaning for
the first time in 1983 by an economist, in an article entitled “The Globalization of Markets” that
appeared in Harvard Business Review (Levitt 1983). Because it's about exchanging products
over different countries or trading goods over goods.

Globalization makes the world even more better, due to it helps different nations to be more
connected and more accessible to each other. It also helps economic growth and helps the
development of every nation. In the Philippines globalization helps the country by bringing jobs
to many filipino people and helping them to improve their daily lives. Due to globalization
different investors invest their money in different places especially to developing countries and
make new jobs for people. According to Frankel, Romer, 1999 these effects of globalization have
resulted in increased economic growth, higher incomes and improved living standards for large
segments of the population. When it comes to technology, globalization makes the world more
easy to communicate with. Globalization allows for quicker information transactions, quicker
transportation, and a wider selection of mobility from country to country in order to find the
most efficient and cost effective location. According to Aqib Aslam, Johannes Eugster, Giang
Ho, Florence Jaumotte, Carolina Osorio-Buitron, and Roberto Piazza the increasing intensity of
global knowledge flows points to important benefits of globalization. While globalization has
been much criticized for its possible negative side effects, our study shows that globalization has
amplified the spread of technology across borders in two ways. First, globalization allows
countries to gain easier access to foreign knowledge. Second, it enhances international
competition including as a result of the rise of emerging market firms and this strengthens firms’
incentives to innovate and adopt foreign technologies. In cultural aspects globalization helps us
to understand our differences and exchange our values, ideas and learning to others. It also points
out how we develop our international communication to other countries. According to Paul
2006, the cultural dimension of globalization, or “cultural globalization” refers to the circulation
and sharing of ideas and of meanings and values across countries; hence across cultures, with the
effect of increasing social contacts.

In conclusion, globalization is crucial not just for social and economic growth. It's also
important on how people in one nation or country live a standard way of living. Because
globalization is about building a foundation on how to make people's lives better and more easy.
Cabigting, Jhay Lina S. GE-4


It's about making the world better and more comfortable for everyone. Helping each other to
grow in spite of differences. Globalization also promotes acceptance, giving and respect.

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