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Jobs that sound interesting, intriguing, or even just plain weird

Pull up your YouScience results and let’s explore!

You’ll find dozens of careers that are fits for you – so start out by choosing 10 career titles
that fit the description above – exactly 10, no more and no less . Save them as Favorites
by marking them in YouScience … and list them below:











Now choose 4 favorites – mark them with asterisks above, and sort them in YouScience.
Let’s look more closely at these four.
For each Career you’ve chosen, spend some time with it. Let’s start with Career #1. Read
the Summary, “A Day in the Life,” and see what you’d be doing in this job. Then look at the
day-to-day tasks of this job. Be specific – what sounds great? What doesn’t?

1. Career:______________________________________________________________

Core Tasks (What might you do if you had this job? List 4 of the tasks given and write
“sounds good” or “sounds bad” after each of your choices.

Now let’s look at fit – both fit for your Aptitudes and fit for your Interests. See how your
Gold circles overlap the Career’s circles. If the Career was chosen by YouScience, you
should see that the circles are fairly well aligned. Is there an area that doesn’t seem to
align? If it’s a career you chose to explore yourself, are there any circles that seem “out of
alignment”? What are they?

Comments on Fit – do the circles align? Yes or no?

Best Majors and Educational Path? Look at how most people enter this career. What are
the typical majors? How much education is needed?

Educational Investment (in years)?

Best Majors?

How Much Would You Earn? Click on the “Wages” tab and check out the average salary this
job pays in Tennessee. If you’d like to live in another state someday, list the average salary

Tennessee Average Yearly Salary:

Starting Salary?
Top Salary?

Notes & Comments:

Repeat for the remaining 3 careers on your Top Four list.

2. Career: _________________________________________________________________

Core Tasks:

Comments on Fit – do the circles align? Yes or no?

Best Majors and Educational Path:

Educational Investment (in years)?

Best Majors?

How Much Would You Earn? Click on the “Wages” tab and check out the average salary this
job pays in Tennessee. If you’d like to live in another state someday, list the average salary

Tennessee (or ________________) Average Yearly Salary:

Starting Salary?
Top Salary?

Notes & Comments:

3. Career: _________________________________________________________________

Core Tasks:

Comments on Fit – do the circles align? Yes or no?

Best Majors and Educational Path:

Educational Investment (in years)?

Best Majors?

How Much Would You Earn? Click on the “Wages” tab and check out the average salary this
job pays in Tennessee. If you’d like to live in another state someday, list the average salary

Tennessee (or ______________) Average Yearly Salary:

Starting Salary?
Top Salary?

Notes & Comments:

4. Career: _________________________________________________________________

Core Tasks:

Comments on Fit – do the circles align? Yes or no?

Best Majors and Educational Path:

Educational Investment (in years)?

Best Majors?

How Much Would You Earn? Click on the “Wages” tab and check out the average salary this
job pays in Tennessee. If you’d like to live in another state someday, list the average salary

Tennessee (or ________________) Average Yearly Salary:

Starting Salary?
Top Salary?

Notes & Comments:

Now that you’ve explored 4 Careers, feel free to keep exploring!
There are 6 more on your list already, and your search may lead you to some overlapping
careers you hadn’t even considered. Play with YouScience in your spare time, imagine the
possibilities. And above all, do NOT feel pressured to find the perfect career for the rest of
your life right here, right now. That’s not the goal. The goal is to start down a path of self-
discovery … a path that will lead you, with probably a few surprising twists and turns, to a
rewarding and enjoyable life. The goal is to enter college with an initial plan, but to stay
flexible and open to evolving interests.

YouScience is yours for the next 10 years, so feel free to check back, and research new
ideas as they present themselves.

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