Machine Learning: Assignment No 1

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Department of Computing

Faculty of computing and information Technology (FCIT)

Indus University, Karachi

Machine Learning


Students I.D: 546-2019
Date of submission: 19thNOV 2021
Teachers Sig:
Machine Learning
Assignment # 1

Deadline: 19-11-2021
Marks 5

1. This is an Individual Assignment
2. Submit both Printed and soft copy
3. Write full Name and Registration/Enrollment number on the tittle
4. No Copied will be accepted

Assignment Tasks:
Q:1 What is Regression in Supervised Learning? Define with Diagram.
Q:2 How Logistic Regression works? Describe with Examples.
Q1. What is regression in supervised learning? Define with diagram.

Regression is a supervised learning technique that aids in the discovery of

variable correlations and allows us to forecast a continuous output variable
using one or more predictor variables. Prediction, forecasting, time series
modelling, and identifying the causal-effect link between variables are all
common applications.

We construct a graph connecting the variables that best fits the given
datapoints in regression, and the machine learning model may make
predictions about the data using this plot. To put it another way, "Regression
shows a line or curve that passes through all the datapoints on target-
predictor graph in such a way that the vertical distance between the
datapoints and the regression line is minimum." The distance between
datapoints and line tells whether a model has captured a strong relationship
or not.
Q2. How Logistic Regression works? Describe with Examples.

Logistic Regression is one of the most commonly used Machine Learning

algorithms that is used to model a binary variable that takes only 2 values –
0 and 1. The objective of Logistic Regression is to develop a mathematical
equation that can give us a score in the range of 0 to 1. This score gives us
the probability of the variable taking the value 1.

Logistic Regression was used in the biological sciences in early twentieth

century. It was then used in many social science applications. Logistic
Regression is used when the dependent variable(target) is categorical.

Logistic Regression Example: Credit Card Fraud

The Credit Card Fraud Detection problem is of significant importance to the

banking industry because banks each year spend hundreds of millions of
dollars due to fraud. When a credit card transaction happens, the bank
makes a note of several factors. For instance, the date of the transaction,
amount, place, type of purchase, etc. Based on these factors, they develop
a Logistic Regression model of whether or not the transaction is a fraud.

For instance, if the amount is too high and the bank knows that the
concerned person never makes purchases that high, they may label it as a

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