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Reproductive Health Bill and Population development Cat of 2008 known as

reproductive health bill is the timepiece issue this days here in the Philippines. Philippines as
we all know is a Christian country composed of different sects of Christian religion. Through
the reproductive health bill, the state upholds and promotes responsible parenthood, informed
choice, birth spacing and respect for life in conformity with internationally recognized human
rights standards. There are many guiding principles under this bill but that constitutes some
possibilities that can greatly affect the morality of Filipinos. But it was also stated that nothing
in that act changes the law of abortion, as abortion remains a crime and is punishable, the
government shall ensure that women seeking care for post-abortion complications shall be
treated and counselled in human , non-judgemental and compassionate manner. It sounds
like it will likely legalize abortion someday, right? That’s why the church has also underlying
reason of being against the implementation of RH bill.

The reasons why the church is against with RH bill, first and foremost it disrepute the
natural law which could be primarily based in the bible and secondly it will promote
worsening of immorality here in the Philippines which is the denial for the Philippines as a
Christian country.

The natural law of Concepcion states that any married man and woman are capable
of giving birth from the time the egg cell and sperm cell meets. It will then develop to a life
called zygote. So if the RH bill is implemented, it will impede many innocent lives. Next is
the worsening of immorality here in the Philippines. RH bill will permit the use of condoms,
contraceptive pills not just for married couple but it will made accessible to those young
people who will then think of having sex before marriage or so called fornication as
acceptable to the community and wouldn’t result to anything wrong. And that’s the most
awful result of RH bill. Sex is a gift from God for the married couple. It will most likely be
then misinterpreted with the young people that sex will then be a form of mutual affection
with their boyfriend and girlfriend at a very young age. That’s totally immoral and can’t be
accepted in the eyes of God. And also it will then authorize abortion from the moment of
using condoms and pills during the time of fertilization. Married couple maybe are aware of
using calendar method so why not use them and just discipline their selves.

Well for me, the church has actually reasons which are vital not just for our temporary
life but most importantly for our eternal life. Personally, I believe that what’s happening here
on earth were all live dramas. Poverty, sickness, pain, shame, and name all those stupid
things and all of them are dramas. What matters most is to where we will spend our eternity
because all things here on earth are just vanity. All countries are competing for pride and
money, for development and fame as well as fighting against poverty and the instability of
economy. I’m not against with the goal to fight against economy and no one is against with
it. My point is that, population would never be a reason for poverty. Well in fact, people are
live treasures. We’ll just have to take a look with other resources and use it properly. Then
there are no grounds to have the issue regarding RH bill. The question of poverty for me is
isn’t actually about population it’s about the Filipino’s who assumed to be of trustworthy with
their power but they are actually doing the opposite.

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