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AUIAK WAILA AHMAD NOH mn rot (60 words) 4u.torong Oraid 4 3400 Sepang —s Ent ____ Selangor. - i February 202% Dear _megon, ___How ate you? I om in the pink of htolth: Cam wnting this letter ro suggest _vhot Kitten should you choose. In mj apinion, you should sheets a wife in o pet sjore. This 1s _BECOUSE -enimmals—ie pet store is g place that given full sypport ang Core to the anienols Besides that cais in pet stor? ae healthy ond act more behave so it’s easitt for you fe 10h core of the Kit1€N- In the other hand, Ht anima in gnimal sheiier ore soy cols gad-mtten which probably have been infected by corong virus. Next, anima in shellee ave wild becouse of not rective enough 10ve from huingn. the conclusidn i think its more wecth it fue you to get okitien in pet_siore although is a bif_ pricey thon onimo! sherier- Pen’s off -T hope 10 hear from you soon: eye. Your fugnd. Nglo bate (ast Saturday i porticipoted in Comperition. 1+ was Science [Competition to fest ovr knowledge about stars ond space - 3 wos very int erested to toke part in thir competition hoping that _The competitors ate _omong students of different elite school and mon of them are top srudents. However, im not nervous enough to battle agains! them because i wos born fo be oO chompioN- This competition _ started ond the portiapants become more less since only the winner sf fst stage will go 1 the fino! stage. At expected i am one of the par ticipants: thot left. _____In the fina! stage, wt hod to present topic about © Com humon surviv@ on ondther planet’ - After getting reody fot the plesen tation i fook the mi¢ ond spit oul all abou? my opinions thot _is_very Lretevand fo be accept by the judges. Costly , she comperiton hod finally come tm gn end and announced the chomp of the doy. the most waiting port, the MC announced my tame _name and 1 was hoppitr thon e@r- In the end, everything wos worth if. To Sum up, contr dent d'olwoys the key ond never doubt youself. I have to stop now- See you soon. Bye.

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