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All Countries
An asterisk indicates former countries, previously recognized by the United States, that have been dissolved or
superseded by other states.

 Afghanistan
 Albania
 Algeria
 Andorra
 Angola
 Antigua and Barbuda
 Argentina
 Armenia
 Australia
 Austria
 Austrian Empire*
 Azerbaijan

 Baden*
 Bahamas, The
 Bahrain
 Bangladesh
 Barbados
 Bavaria*
 Belarus
 Belgium
 Belize
 Benin (Dahomey)
 Bolivia
 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Botswana
 Brazil
 Brunei
 Brunswick and Lüneburg
 Bulgaria
 Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)
 Burma
 Burundi

 Cabo Verde
 Cambodia
 Cameroon
 Canada
 Cayman Islands, The
 Central African Republic
 Central American Federation*
 Chad
 Chile
 China
 Colombia
 Comoros
 Congo Free State, The
 Costa Rica
 Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
 Croatia
 Cuba
 Cyprus
 Czechia
 Czechoslovakia

 Democratic Republic of the Congo

 Denmark
 Djibouti
 Dominica
 Dominican Republic
 Duchy of Parma, The*

 East Germany (German Democratic Republic)*

 Ecuador
 Egypt
 El Salvador
 Equatorial Guinea
 Eritrea
 Estonia
 Eswatini
 Ethiopia

 Federal Government of Germany (1848-49)*

 Fiji
 Finland
 France

 Gabon
 Gambia, The
 Georgia
 Germany
 Ghana
 Grand Duchy of Tuscany, The*
 Greece
 Grenada
 Guatemala
 Guinea
 Guinea-Bissau
 Guyana

 Haiti
 Hanover*
 Hanseatic Republics*
 Hawaii*
 Hesse*
 Holy See
 Honduras
 Hungary

 Iceland
 India
 Indonesia
 Iran
 Iraq
 Ireland
 Israel
 Italy

 Jamaica
 Japan
 Jordan

 Kazakhstan
 Kenya
 Kingdom of Serbia/Yugoslavia*
 Kiribati
 Korea
 Kosovo
 Kuwait
 Kyrgyzstan

 Laos
 Latvia
 Lebanon
 Lesotho
 Lew Chew (Loochoo)*
 Liberia
 Libya
 Liechtenstein
 Lithuania
 Luxembourg

 Madagascar
 Malawi
 Malaysia
 Maldives
 Mali
 Malta
 Marshall Islands
 Mauritania
 Mauritius
 Mecklenburg-Schwerin*
 Mecklenburg-Strelitz*
 Mexico
 Micronesia
 Moldova
 Monaco
 Mongolia
 Montenegro
 Morocco
 Mozambique

 Namibia
 Nassau*
 Nauru
 Nepal
 Netherlands, The
 New Zealand
 Nicaragua
 Niger
 Nigeria
 North German Confederation*
 North German Union*
 North Macedonia
 Norway

 Oldenburg*
 Oman
 Orange Free State*

 Pakistan
 Palau
 Panama
 Papal States*
 Papua New Guinea
 Paraguay
 Peru
 Philippines
 Piedmont-Sardinia*
 Poland
 Portugal

 Qatar

 Republic of Genoa*
 Republic of Korea (South Korea)
 Republic of the Congo
 Romania
 Russia
 Rwanda

 Saint Kitts and Nevis

 Saint Lucia
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
 Samoa
 San Marino
 Sao Tome and Principe
 Saudi Arabia
 Schaumburg-Lippe*
 Senegal
 Serbia
 Seychelles
 Sierra Leone
 Singapore
 Slovakia
 Slovenia
 Solomon Islands, The
 Somalia
 South Africa
 South Sudan
 Spain
 Sri Lanka
 Sudan
 Suriname
 Sweden
 Switzerland
 Syria

 Tajikistan
 Tanzania
 Texas*
 Thailand
 Timor-Leste
 Togo
 Tonga
 Trinidad and Tobago
 Tunisia
 Turkey
 Turkmenistan
 Tuvalu
 Two Sicilies*

 Uganda
 Ukraine
 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics*
 United Arab Emirates, The
 United Kingdom, The
 Uruguay
 Uzbekistan

 Vanuatu
 Venezuela
 Vietnam

 Württemberg*

 Yemen

 Zambia
 Zimbabwe


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