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No damage¹ /nodamage
Enable damage /damage
Airplanes becomes UFOs /ufo
Bridge very quickly¹ /bridge
Cars in traffic have no friction¹ /slide
Traffic will not crash /nocrash
Low gravity¹ /grav
Player's car has no friction¹ /puck
Sky spins /dizzy
Toggle police radar¹ /fuzz
Train becomes line of airplanes /swap
Use horn to shoot mailboxes¹ /postal
Fast commentary /talkfast
Slow commentary /talkslow
Large people /big
Small people /tiny
Disable smoking tires /nosmoke
Enable smoking tires /smoke

1. Scores will be disabled while this code is active.

Police cars in Multiplayer Mode

To have the police cars to appear as regular cars, enter mmloaf as your NetName and use one of the following
name and car combinations:

Name Car
clint or dave Mustang GT
DiegoAngel or eduardo Mustang
TaxiDriver or ryanc Cadillac

Effect Code

All cars available -allcars

All races available -allrace
Both all levels and all cars available -allcars -allrace
 Contributed By: TagDaze14.
 00
 Cheat List
To enter the following codes, you must press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F7 during a single-player game. An entry box will appear.
Enter any of the following codes for the desired effect.

Effect Code

Ambient Cars Have No Friction /slide

Big People /big
Bridge Very Quickly /bridge
Commentary Plays Fast /talkfast
Effect Code

Commentary Plays Slow /talkslow

Disables Damage /nodamage
Enables Damage /damage
Half Gravity /grav
Horn Fires Mailboxes /postal
Player experiences no friction /puck
Replace the Plane with a UFO /ufo
Spinning Sky /dizzy
Swap the El Train with a string of 737s /swap
Tiny People /tiny
Toggles Cop Radar /fuzz
Turn Wheel/Damage Smoke Off /nosmoke
Turn Wheel/Damage Smoke On /smoke
Contributed By: Jobu Dudley and computerboi99.

While playing the game in single player mode, hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [F7] until a prompt
appears. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function

Type in the name when you start a new game:

Warp Eleven AI Faster

Jet Planes All Airplane Traffic

Tiny Car All Compact Car Traffic

amizdA eoJ All traffic in reverse

Showme Cops Display Police

vaimpact VW Bug in Cruise Mode

vasedans Generic Car (choose Cadillac)

vavan Van (choose Ford F350)

vadiesels Diesel Truck (choose city bus)

vacompact Compact Car (choose VW Bug)

vapickup Pickup Truck (choose Ford F350)

vabus Alternate Bus (choose bus)

vadelivery Delivery Truck (choose Ford F350)

valimo Random Limo (choose Mustang GT)

valimoblack Black Limo (choose Mustang GT)

valimoangel White Limo (choose Mustang GT)

vataxi Yellow Cab (choose Cadillac)

vataxicheck Green Cab (choose Cadillac)


Open in the midtown madness directory. At the bottom of the file, you'll see things needed to get cars, such
as placment in racing. There are things too that you can see how many races you need to get cars. Here are the
cordinates for the vehicles:

placing to unlock next race - 012f7b36

how many races it unlocks at once - 012f7b4A

All of the following begin w/ 012f

VW new beetle - 7b5e

City bus - 7c30
Cadillac Eldorado - 7d02
Ford mustang Cruiser - 7dde
Ford F-350 - 7eb0
Ford mustand fastback - 782 (yes it's 1 short)
Ford Mustang GT- 805e
Panoz GTR-1 - 813a
Panoz roadster - 822a
freightliner century - 82fc

Jead from the ANSI part and edit what you want. If you want every vehicles set the unlock flags to 0. To get the
parnoz GTR-1 set the unlock score to 0000.

Make all traffic City Buses

Enter Big Bus Party as your player's name.

All Compact Car Traffic

Type in Tiny Car as your name to get ALl compact car traffic.

All Airplane Traffic

Type in Jet Planes as your name to get ALL airplane traffic.

Effect: drive a yellow taxi

When: enter this code and select the Cadillac in Cruise mode

How: vataxi

Submitted By: RM18

Effect: unlock all cars and tracks and every car that only you drive goes 1000000000000000 miles per hour.

When: main menu

How: type: wayne rooney

Submitted By: footy maniac

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