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ตัวอย่างข้อสอบเข้ามหาวิทยาลัย เรื่ อง Gerund, infinitive and causative

1. "My watch is broken."

"Why don't you…………?”
1. have it repair
2, have it repairing
3. have it for repairing
4. have it repaired

2. Would you mind if I have you…………. Harry off at the airport

tomorrow ?
1. seen
2. seeing
3. see
4, to see

3. I still remember……………………………….when I was ten.

1, to go to Chiangmai
2. went to Chiangmai
3. that I go to Chiangmai
4. going to Chiangmai
4. The witness said that he saw the old man…………….towards the
1. goes
2, go
3. went
4. has gone
5. "Have you told your secretary to make a reservation to New York?
"'No, not yet. I want to get her…….this letter for me first."
1. type
2. to type
3. types
4. typing

6. Lots of things in this shop are worth…………….

1. of buying
2. buying
3. to buy
4. for buy
7. "I miss my brother very much."
“……………………………..him lately?"
1. Can't you see
2. do you see
3. Haven't you seen
4. Would you see

8. As a matter of fact, things came rather good than I

1. have planned
2. had planned
3. would have planned
4. would plan
9. I plan to tour Europe next year. By April 1978, I………….up
enough money for the trip.
1. save
2. have saved
3. will have saved
4. will be saving
10. I heard the news of his success from a friend…………
I. since last week
2, a week ago
3. for a week
4. a week from today

11. How……….since we………….school ?

1. are you ..... left
2. were you ..... left
3. have you been ......... have
4. have you been .... left

12. "It……that there………….. a shortage of energy soon."

"On, lei's be prepared for it , then."
1, is expected .... will be
2. is expected .... is
3. was expected ..... would be
4. has expected .... will be
13. A: "Have you pointed out to him why a boy at his age should not
B : "It's no use ......... with him. He never listens to me."
1. to reason
2. for reasoning
3. reasoning
4, to have reasoned

14. I can't stand……….. the same word many times.

1. repeat
2. repeats
3. repeating
4. repeated

15. "Have you finished……….that book?"

"No, I haven't and I don't feel like……….tonight either."
1. to read .... read
2. reading, to read
3. to read , reading
4. reading, reading

(p226) Successful English

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